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by: sissystevie
Julian begins his new Lake Orenda regime as he is quite uniquely prepared for a day in the village. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention very dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking.
It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R.
Revised: 24 July 2007
Chapter IV, A New Morning
"Bon matin, ma cherie," sang out the comely soubrette Giselle as she swept open the curtains in Julian's super sissy-sumptuous bedroom.
"S'éveiller! Get up! Today veel be a busy one pour ma petite sissie."
Julian stirred, still very much unaccustomed to his new surroundings. The fine bed linens and silk nightgown were simple divine. The tight curlers in his hair were entirely another matter.
"Vite, vite! Into the loo and prepare yourself!" the menacing maid demanded.
Julian managed to tend to his regular morning ablutions, thankful once again for the fancy bidet, and soon found himself seated at 'his' frilly makeup vanity with his tittie suction tubes attached. Giselle did one side of his face and made Julian do the other. After several attempts the two sides mostly matched. She then showed him how to remove his curlers and brush out his hair into a pretty short sissy bob.
Thusly prepared, the exceptionally effeminate Julian Beauchaps Saint Ambrose was first led to a chest of drawers for frilly topped white sissy socks and lingerie - such as it was, which was not very much as each private part that proper lingerie covered, his lingerie exposed. Then it was on to the wardrobe for his clothes and baby blue patent leather mary jane styled pumps with both amazing four inch heels and large matching bows on their toes. Finally they returned to the vanity for accessories that consisted of tiny heart-shaped dangly earrings, one large garish and strangely loosely fitting pale aquamarine ring for each hand and a pearl strand bracelet and anklet, each with a little blue charm attached.
It was all just too much of a whirlwind for the befuddled boichick to absorb just what he was being put into. The naughty feeling of his scandalous frilly silk panties and a matching training bra was just too delicious. The panties had ruffled openings for both his teapot and his sweet sissy bum-cheeks. The bra was open at its cup-tips.
It all really was so very decadent - and divine - to the boy.
Plus, he really, really adored his short wavy blonde hairdo, especially how it hung down from a broad baby blue bow to partially cover his heavily made-up left eye. The thick liner, heavy mascara and frosted blue shadow gave both of his bright blue eyes a beguiling, wide-eyed look.
Once again he had round, clown-like rouge circles on his cheeks. His lipstick and nail polish were a white frost with pale blue and pink highlights.
Then, when completely dressed, he took in the end result of the morning's dressing creation in the long dressing mirror whilst Giselle hit him with an excessive dose of the most obscene flowery perfume scent imaginable.
"Whoa!" the muddled milksop exclaimed in such a high voice that it even shocked him as his delicate, enameled finger tips came up to cover his gaping glossed mouth.
The fact that, completely without guile or forethought, his hips were tilted at an opposing angle to his shoulders, knees placed together, feet pigeon-toed and head slightly dipped in a 'come hither' look entirely escaped him.
Looking back through the glass was the pluperfect pouf.
Taken alone, the longish, full blond hair, doe-like eyes, rosy cupid lips and spot-rouged cheeks were things sissy dreams were made of. However, when combined with the very unique outfit, it was devastating. His body literally shimmered in delight.
Julian did not even notice the camera flashes as he became absorbed in what was now his favorite topic - himself! Giselle had a difficult time holding the camera steady as she giggled.
"Quelle poule mouillée!"
If yesterday's sailor's outfit was on the sissy side, today's was a semi-butch Shirley Temple on steroids. Yesterday's navy blue became today's soft baby blue. Likewise, if yesterday's perky outfit and merely suggested sissy, then today's simply shrieked sissy.
Julian redefined the phrase 'simpering prissy pantywaist.' And little did the quivering cumquat have any idea of how much devilish planning went into it.
Key to the outfit's fiendish design was his shorts. In fact they were the keystone that controlled all the other carefully orchestrated elements. They were made from a shiny baby blue stretch silk fabric and were fastened tightly at his left side with many tiny cloth covered baby blue buttons. The waist was high and legs were short to the point of resembling tulip panties.
His teapot protruded through the front opening and there simply was no seat. The rear of the shorts firmly circled his twin fanny orbs, making them look even more pleasingly plump. From the front of the wide waistband, broad straps with sharply ruffled sides extended over his shoulders and crossed in back before attaching to his rear waistband.
Cute sissy bows abounded, with the most prominent being a broad baby blue silk waist sash with equally huge bow in back. Other bows appeared at the sides of the leg openings. The long bow ends dangled across the tight, but very open, seat of the shorts and continued down past his thighs.
The ends of Julian's silk panties extended in broad rings of white frills, tulle and lace beneath the short's tight leg and derriá¨re openings, which, along with the short's shoulder straps, tugged on his panties as he moved.
Today the infamous peenie petal had been replaced with a simple baby blue satin ribbon that tightly circled his tiny teapot with one loop and the base of his popsie with a second tight loop before being tied off into a broad bow at its top. The ever caring and nurturing Giselle had even tied another matching satin ribbon about Julian's popsie stick just under its tiny, but quite swollen, head. A humiliating small silver bell hung down from the insulting 'head tie.'
His baby blue, be-ribboned, and belled peenie and plums were exposed through the tightly elasticized, white ruffled holes in both his panties and short-shorts. It was maddeningly erect and bobbed back and forth as he moved, the tiny bell ringing out as a clarion call to all who might be in earshot. If he moved his shoulders, the short's straps made his teapot move, and when he took a step, the tight leg holes made it move. Julian, looking forward into the mirror, failed to appreciate the parallel jiggles the tight shorts and panties caused across his denuded derriá¨re.
The combination of movement, silk and lace confinement, and horrendous humiliation ensured that his popsie would stand at attention for a very long time. Not only was the poor dear dressed in an outfit suitable for Missy Sissy of the Universe, but he was displayed in a manner to clearly show that his (very) 'little man' loved it!
However, the outfit's fun did not stop there. Julian's tiny titties had received much the same treatment to ensure his nipples remained standing at equal attention to his well-pronged popsie. His training bra matched his panties with its white silk and frilly trim. Its straps were fat with ruffles and lace, and its open tips allowed for full exposure of his dreadfully distended nipples.
His blouse was almost literally the icing on the proverbial cupcake. It was made from shimmering silk organza with lace trim and tightly buttoned up the back with tiny like-cloth covered buttons up to its very high, ruffle topped neck. Its very short sleeves were tiny little puffs ending in tight hems trimmed with a delicate blue bows.
The sheer organza allowed full view of Julian's frilly training bra except over his tingling titties, where it was, like his bra, quite open. Round, lace edged holes exposed each of his puffy nipples. The shorts' shoulder straps embraced the outside of each cup, only emphasizing the proffered mounds as it caused them to jiggle with every movement the milksop made.
Not only were his nibbly nipples fully exposed, but Giselle had tied tiny little baby blue satin ribbons at the base of each nipple, finishing it in a cute little bow on top. A little silver bell dangled from the bottom of each nipple binding.
Capping the blouse off, as it were, was a huge, forward facing preconstructed bow that matched his sash that snapped closed with a distinct click about the back of his blouse's long, slender neck. Its stiff bow reached out past Julian's narrow shoulders and the long ends hung down to the outside of each tantalizing tittie, both framing and teasing it.
Julian's outfitting was completed with the addition of short white lace gloves with tulle and lace halos about his wrists and a tiny heart shaped baby blue handbag. His formerly loosely fitted rings now snugly fit on the outside of the gloves as did his charm bracelet that snugly fit between his lace cover palm and the tulle trim.
"Et, enfin, Monsieur le Vigglie," Giselle announced as she approached the befuddled Julian with the devilishly designed dildo.
As she lubricated the long undulating prod, Julian noticed that the base of Mr. Wigglie was covered with a frilly tulle and lace knob-like, sheath. Attached to the sheath by a ten inch satin baby blue satin ribbon was yet another silver bell.
"Oooh, ma cher kumquat, prépare-toi!" Giselle said as she slowly rammed the devastating dildo deeply into the proffered pansy's posterior.
Julian shrieked out, attaining a new 'personal best' in the high octave category.
Without further ado, a most disconcerted and quite wobbly in his new high heels Julian was led down to a screened in porch for inspection and a light breakfast. His descent down the stairs produced its own sonata of squeals and shrieks as Mr. Wigglie worked his magic deep within the hapless sissy's love chamber. The din from the bells could have setoff a four alarm fire department response.
Finally arriving at the porch, Julian encountered and elegantly done pink and green print chintz covered breakfast table with an even more elegant Jane Elizabeth Bichier seated and awaiting him.
Instinctively and entirely without thinking, Julian went into an awkward half bow-half curtsey, with full Mr. Wigglie squeal, whilst worshiping the elegant woman before him.
Actually, 'elegant' understated Auntie Jane is so many ways. Not to compare a northeastern á¼ber-wasp to a southern steel magnolia, but suffice it to say that a Bessemer furnace had never even contemplated, let only produced, the amount of steel in Jane Elizabeth Bichier.
Once again she was in the post Victorian, Edwardian style of dress. Her Gibson Girl styled hair flowed about her head in that perfect 'causal' upward bun that was the product of careful, skillful attention. Her dress followed her hair: a high necked, pure Egyptian cotton, finely laced, perfectly pressed pink blouse and matching chintzed, shiny lime green mid calf skirt. The bold coral pink crepe de chine cummerbund about her slim waist matched her high, French heels, long nails and glossed lips.
Despite Jane Elizabeth Bichier's middle age, with her tight alabaster skin, flowing platinum blond-silver hair and long willowy figure, she could have posed for the cover page of "Ladies Home Journal" circa 1912. Adorning her middle finger was the curious signet ring that had so terrified the Canon the day before.
"Well, now what do we have here?" the imperially imposing Auntie Jane queried. "A deaf man could have heard you approaching.
"What are you really, Julian? Just another little simpering swishy sissy, or a beautiful butterfly awaiting to burst forth for her cocoon?"
Julian just shook in abject humiliation. In truth, his outfit was the most exciting thing he had even worn, let alone dreamed of. Far too much was going on in his self besotted mind to comprehend.
Without either expecting or awaiting an answer, she continued, "Come over and stand before me with your hands behind your back, please.
"Julian, do you know why you are dressed this way today?"
"No, Auntie Jane, I do not. I thought yesterday's outfit was sufficiently sissy," stammered out a clearly distraught young man.
As slight smile came to Auntie Jane's face as she looked deeply into Julian's deer-in-the-headlamp eyes. "Actually it has everything to do with yesterday, my little hussy. You behavior with the twins was utterly disgusting and you total disrespect for your pretty little sailor's suit despicable.
"You ruined the one peenie petal I had in your size. You know they just don't make standard ones so small. However, Giselle tells me that Mrs. Bestlace in the Orenda Lake Village will make up some for you. We will be stopping in to see her later this morning. She wants to call your special size a 'Dolly Dress.' Isn't that so special? Barely a day here and you have your very own sissy accoutrement design.
"Now won't that be just so much fun?"
Her hands traced the outlines of Julian's budding breasts, lightly tweaking his engorged nipples as her eyes inspected first his face and then his pointy little mounds.
Julian was too much in shock about another foray into public, especially in his current state of bizarre dress, to pay any attention until Auntie Jane touched his throbbing nipple.
Regaining his attention, Auntie Jane continued, "You know, Julian, you actually are more naturally feminine than my own daughter. She will be delighted with you when she arrives later this week. And by summer's end you will have perfectly formed little girlie breasts to add to your femininity. Does that excite my little dress-up doll?"
Again, not waiting for any response from the befuddled sissy who was contemplating how a 'Miss' Bichier had a daughter, she allowed her hand to move down and lightly touch Julian's be-ribboned boyhood.
"And this," she teased looking at Julian tiny twinkette. "Whatever shall become of this? Julian, dear, you know it is far too tiny to interest any woman - well, other than for amusement. Trouble is that it won't interest any gay man either. They're called gay men because they like 'men,' and that, my little cupcake, you clearly are not. Alas, nor shall you ever be.
"However, there are certain men who prefer cunning little creatures such as you. I was going to discuss this further, but your little clitty seems far too distressed and you really do need some sustenance. So please do sit down and eat. I think you will find your new repast interesting. It's a very special blend developed by sisters of mine.
Giselle placed a fine bone china bowl containing a white creamy custard-like substance on the elegant table and then placed two small pills next to the sissy's water goblet.
As Julian contemplated the all too obvious looking food, Auntie Jane said, "Doesn't it look just yummy? Some of my more creative sisters developed a few years ago. It's called sissy goo and is a scientifically balance diet with everything nutritionally required, but it does not fill up a certain body cavity area may from time to time come into use. As you can see, it has the gooey consistency, and also as you will shortly discover, a certain salty taste that you will no doubt recall from yesterday."
Julian tasted the strange mixture and indeed confirmed that it not only had all of the described elements, but also the aroma. Despite pretending not to, the horrible truth was that he liked it.
A fact that certainly did not go unnoticed by either of the women keenly observing him.
"Julian, stop pretending that you don't like the goo and take your girlie pills like a good sissy," Auntie Jane snapped as she picked up a toast point with her long, perfectly manicured fingers. "And mind that you do not soil your pretty gloves."
After Julian finished his unique meal, Auntie Jane said, "Julian, tend to your face. I'm sure Giselle packed the necessary items in your cute little girlie handbag."
Then turning to her maid, "We must be on our way. Monday's are always such busy days in the village. Giselle, dear, please prepare Julian for going out," Auntie Jane said as she looked into own her compact's mirror to see if any hair or makeup had the temerity to go astray.
Looking over her compact at Julian, Auntie rhetorically asked, "You really did not think I would permit my sissy to be presented in public with all your tiny tender parts exposed, did you my sweet? Well, of course not. At least as long as you are properly behaved at least. So, my fair fairy, mind your mince and demoiselle deportment."
Giselle approached Julian with four white, frilly handkerchief-like patches of varying sizes and shapes.
"En premier le peenie pouch, et puis la tittie toppers," a devilishly delighted Giselle sang out as she placed a little white lace pouch over Julian's stubbornly stiff stickette and ribboned plums. After allowing the silver bell to hang out of its bottom, she drew a long satin ribbon at its base tight and tied a pretty bow at its top. If it were possible, the petite peenie pouch actually caused Julian diminutive dickette to swell as yet another humiliation piled upon the scores of prior humiliations.
Next she snapped two small, doily-like patches over his bared nipples, again allowing their silver bells to dangle down under the patches.
"Finalement, le derriá¨re!" she sang out as she showed Julian the frilly covering. "Regardes-toi."
Julian looked in horror at the "SISSY BOY" that was boldly embroidered in baby blue script across the garment.
C'est la vérité, n'est pas?" she giggled, obviously taking great glee in Julian's shameful humiliation as she snapped the patch over Julian's bum, again allowing the silver bell to dangle below on its satin ribbon.
The 'modesty' coverings were almost as obscene as nothing at all because they drew attention to precisely what was transpiring under their sheer, almost translucent surfaces. And if they failed to draw the proper attention for some reason, the wake-the-dead, four alarm tingle of his bells surely would. Poor Julian's understandably shameful glow now almost matched the cherry red rouge on his cheeks.
Julian had just attained mega-milksop status. Only his pulsing pathetic little peenie belied his deep, scarlet cheeked embarrassment. Each step that he took was an adventure; each new movement a new symphony of sensation.
Mr. Wigglie provided the bass section, his clicking high heels that caused him to twist in strange new positions provided the timpani, the ribbons about his sensitive parts were the reeds, sissy squeals were the strings, the bells were the tutti, and the tight shorts that made it all move were the conductor.
Miss Jane Elizabeth Bichier was, of course, the much amused music director. Julian's walk to the golf cart was amusing; the ride in the cart to the boathouse was divine; however, the day ahead would be priceless!
To be continued...
Your thoughts and feed-back are important. I would love to hear from you. In addition to posting comments, you may reach me at [email protected] should you so desire.
© 2007 by sissystevie. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be downloaded and printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be distributed electronically or otherwise made available without the written consent of the author.
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I'm laughing
I read it this a.m. but didn't have time to comment, but I am still chuckling.I love light hearted over the top story telling especially in this genre. You may become the Garrison Keillor of the sissy genre? Ya got a lake already and it's not Wobegon, or however you spell it. :)
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
oh poo
Ya caught me. I was just going to have a quick's all just a little bit OTT isn't it, I mean, how many frills and silks and sheers and ribbons and things can one person wear? It is sort of smile while your eyebrows are raised in bemusement territory. With bells on.
Little Lord Fauntleroy meets Bo Peep after tumbling through the looking glass to find Alice sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah with a dreamy smile on her face. What? No I've never touched LSD that was Carrol. She's wicked. And I think so is Stevie, but in a nice way. It was probably hash anyway.
ps I heard on the radio the other day they found that mushroom in Guatemala. Of course someone cut it down and took it home, weighed 20 kilos apparently. Sorry that has nothing to do with anything really. Maybe they wuz smokin too. I don't I'm crazy enough already.
pps I think you meant decadent.
Kristina, thank you so much for leaving a comment. I know my stuff is not exactly your cup of tea, so it means a lot for you to make the effort. Maybe someday I'll write grown-up stories like Gwen, but not until we do a few more fracture fairy tales to elevate the literary standing of TG fiction.
And thanks for the typo catch. Apparently neither Bill Gates nor I was able to distinguish a dead person from a simple perve...
xxx stevie