The Angry Mermaid 27 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 27

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The three companions have Landed in Alexandria, (Egypt) and after meeting with the authorities, they start to make preparations for Drustina to visit the Queen of Nobatia and learn of statesmanship, female style.

Ancient city of Alexandria

Ancient city of Alexandria


Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun. Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin. Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab The moor who taught numbers.
Eric Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton. Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia Arton’s wife.
Isobel. Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus King of the Capetani.
Shaleen Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan. The scullery maid.
Isaar. Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega. Tyrant King to the west.
Portua. Portega’s grandson.
Jubail. Old Fisherman.
Mutas Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia King of Malta.
Alviar Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.

The guard escorted them through the maze of streets to emerge onto a large square with a canal running down one side. On the other side of the canal stood what was obviously the palace connected to the town by an ornate bridge. The escorting guard introduced the trio to the bridge sentries and the written pass, endorsed by the deputy Chamberlin, enabled them to enter. The same man who had met them in the harbour appeared and led them through the maze of passages. Soon the three companions were standing in the king’s antechamber while the Chamberlin departed to declare their arrival. The three of them were admiring the pictures on the walls when a tall slender woman with delicate, fine features appeared from a large imposing side door. She spoke Latin as did all the seemingly educated Egyptians.

“You’ll be the Celtic visitors from beyond the Pillars of Hercules.”

The three nodded and introduced themselves before the woman advised them she was the King’s sister. Drustina and Arina were impressed that a woman of such high position should meet them without recourse to guards or escorts attending upon her.

“Dinner is about to be served, I’ll introduce you to my brother.”

They entered a highly decorated dining hall and noticed that it was not full of tables — just a small setting at the other end of the hall. A group of people were standing in a huddle around the tables and they turned to meet the visitors. A youngish effeminate man emerged from the group and addressed them.

“So you are the visitors my Chamberlin talked of. I am King Astos. I see you’ve met my sister Queen Amitor. You will have realised we are twins.”

“Yes Your Majesty.”

“Oh there’s no need to address us as your majesty. I am but little more than a governor serving the Byzantine emperor. Egypt has long been subjugated by the Romans. When the old Roman Empire decayed we ended up being ruled by the Byzantine emperors. I do little but serve our masters in Constantinople. They only call us king and queen because our people are loath to let go of our Pharoic history. Come let us eat. I am interested in your story.”

The trio sat at the places indicated and soon the ‘king’ and his sister ‘queen’ were pumping them for information. Both Torvel and Drustina noted it was mostly asking for news of the Roman Empire and they learned that there was now some enmity between the old Romans and the Byzantines.

“How did you manage to travel without let or hindrance?”

Drustina exchanged significant looks with Torvel and Arina. It seemed it would be better if they did not tell the whole story. So far they had not lied but they had not revealed much of themselves and nothing about the Angry Mermaid’s secrets. Drustina revealed a little more about their journeyings but left by far the greater part unsaid.

“Uuuhmm, I have to say now your majesties that we did not travel without hindrance. We have been through some interesting times.”

“Go on,” the queen pressed, “there has been no news of late from the western end of the middle sea and precious little even from Constantinople. Communications have only resumed normality since the Barbary pirates were brought to heel by the Iberian King Appotel and even those communications have been little more than traders tales and messages. We have received no official communiqués for nearly two years. You must be able to tell of the pirate clearance for you would otherwise have not passed through the Straits of Gibral. You are the first traders to have reached us since those seas were cleared of the pirates.”

“But the Straits were cleared nearly two years ago my lady.” Torvel observed. “What has delayed the resumption of communications?”

“I’m afraid the breakdown between Constantinople and Rome has deterred traders from travelling freely. Only a few very bold adventurers have visited us. Such ships usually receive a less than friendly welcome if they have sailed from one or the other empires. There is not much traffic even between the two imperial seats of Constantinople and Rome. You seem to have bypassed all the issues.”

Torvel tactfully redirected the conversation away from their adventures.

“You say trading has much reduced but this church thing, this one god faith from Jerusalem seems to have spread without hindrance.”
Queen Amitor let out a snort of ironic laughter.

“Ha. It’s one god but the teachers are sorely divided. We are Copts, the Constantines are Orthodox and the Romans are Catholic. Half the trouble in the whole sea is caused by these religious schisms. Which faith are you?”

The trio fell silent. All three were wary of the treatment meted out by the catholic bishops of Rome to pagan people. King Astos glanced at his sister and nodded before turning to Drustina.

“I sense your reservation so I presume you are Pagan Celts. Don’t worry about it; we Copts are still in touch with our Pharoic roots. We are much more tolerant of other beliefs. We have Nubian traders coming down the Nile all the time ... some from the three kingdoms and some from even further south. The Nile is a very long river. Many of these traders who come from beyond Alwa, the Southern Nubian Kingdom, are animists and tree worshippers. We do not persecute them. This gentleman is the Nubian Ambassador for Nobatia the Northern Nubian Kingdom.”

The trio relaxed as a Nubian noble nodded affirmation. His skin was as black as the rich Delta Earth and Drustina made it her business to pump him for information about the famed Nubian queens. The conversation around the table proved stimulating and the trio were invited to stay at the palace for the duration of their visit. As guests they were once again accorded privileges while formalities for ascending the Nile were completed. Both the King and the Nubian ambassador explained that until the seasonal winds changed and the yearly flood had abated there was little chance of making headway up the river unless they employed sweepsmen. That was prohibitively expensive and the Mermaid had no provisions for oars.

They had been guests for about a moon when the first official ‘mail’ ship from Constantinople arrived with the favourable northern winds. It was the first government mail ship for the two years so much hustle and bustle accompanied its arrival. Piracy had been endemic on a large scale around the ‘choke points’ between the islands at either end of Kriti thus preventing safe access and egress to and from the Aegean Sea. This piracy was a clear pointer to the weakness of the imperial writ in Constantinople. The ‘Mermaid’s actions had done much to address the problem, simply by defying and capturing one pirate ship. The pirates now went in fear of the sudden appearance of this unknown vessel full of retribution.

The captain presented letters and news from the imperial city and those letters contained news of the events that had occurred in the Western sea in the past two years. The letters also mentioned a boat with three Celts who had done much to reopen the trade routes. They had disappeared after departing Kriti but the emperor was seeking them to thank them for their many services. For in re-opening the Western Middle Sea to the Western ocean and freeing the narrow straits of pirates, they had also eased the piracy problems in the Eastern Sea.

This was doubly true after their very first appearance in the Eastern Mediterranean had resulted in the defeat of a pair of pirate ships off Kriti and thus re-opened the Aegean Sea to the main body of the Eastern Middle Sea.

King Astos read the letters and smiled as he passed them to his sister.

“It seems our guests have been hiding their light under a bushel.”

Queen Amitor nodded. “I think a further interview with our friends is in order. It seems they are a bit more than just traders, more adventurers and explorers methinks.”

“I always thought that ship of theirs was a bit undersized for common trading.” Astos grinned.”I think we’ll invite them to dine with us.”

The summons arrived as the companions were preparing for lunch in their own apartment.

“Wonder what those two want now.” Arina mused.

“We’ll find out soon enough. Come on, let’s not keep them waiting.” Torvel finished as he cinched his belt and stood poised behind Drustina’s back.

“D’you want me to lace up your dress?”

“No. I prefer Arina, you cinch it too tight.”

Torvel slid his hand around her waist and stole a kiss on her neck as Arina watched somewhat enviously. Then Arina took Torvel’s place, laced the dress and they deemed themselves ready.

When they entered the office adjoining the throne room both brother and sister were seated at the partner table.

“Your majesties,” Drustina offered.

“Sit down please there is something we would like answered.”

The three companions tensed slightly and Torvel noticed the Imperial seal on the letters lying open on the table.

“Of what d’you wish to know sir?”

“These letters; they’re from the emperor, they tell of much that happened when the pirates were finally routed. They tell of three Celts and two Saxons. I am right I think in presuming that you are those Celts.”

Drustina lowered her eyes then peeped coquettishly from under her downturned lids.

“Uuuhmm, yes your majesty.”

Queen Amitor wagged her head and smiled.

“So why did you not tell of all this when you reported your voyage to us?”

“We were uncertain of our reception. Our experiences have taught us to be circumspect when declaring ourselves.”

King Astos nodded sagaciously.

“So you decided not to tell us that you are our cousin by marriage, not to mention all the good you have brought the middle sea.”

“How so my lord?” Drustina asked as her brow furrowed. “The improvements in the middle sea I can vouch for and give my account but how are we related?”

“My lady, I will call you my lady for you are, I have learned, ennobled.”

Amitor tapped the letter as Astos explained.

“These letters from the Emperor. They tell it all. Two years of clogged communications accumulated here. Two years of ships afraid to sail because of the piracy. Now all cleared because of you and that amazing ship ... and that sword ... and your uuhhm other, somewhat more delicate secret. It’s all here, in the letters ... so you are the strange Celt, the boy become girl, the man become woman, the brother sister to Queen Aiofe who is married to my second cousin Magab. The cousin I have not seen for years because of those dammned Barbary Pirates spreading like vermin across the whole middle sea ... the vermin you eradicated. You even indirectly eradicated the last lair when you saved that ship off Kriti. From the information my fellow governor of Kriti extracted from the vermin crew, they located the pirate’s nest and destroyed it. It’s all here in the emperor’s letters.”

“Then you know as much as we do sire,” Arina interjected. “Why d’you have to ask us?”

“Because. Because my young lady, third party reports are always full of speculation and rumour. I can get the truth straight from the horse’s mouth as it where. You will tell me the truth won’t you?”

“There’s nothing to hide sire,” Drustina replied. “We just don’t blow our own trumpets because it seems to invite unwanted attention.”

“That is laudable my lady. Firstly, I will follow the advice in the emperor’s letter and determine you are who this letter describes. Might I see your scar?”

Drustina scowled and refuse point blank to expose her body.

“No sire. When I was a lad it was cause for much amusement though also much certainty. My scar truly identified me and Kings first laughed then congratulated me, but I was a lad then and baring one’s arse was what boys were want to do. I am a woman now and modesty prevails.”

Astos grinned and nodded.

“Very well then, perhaps not to the king but certainly to the queen, my sister. It may seem a tiresome ritual to you but there’s no more certain way of proving your credentials. These letters tell of a remarkable warrior who bears many scars; now that seems hardly credible when I cast eyes upon the beautiful ladies before me. My sister can establish the facts every bit as thoroughly as I.”

Drustina admired the king’s tact when he had said ‘ladies’ and thereby including Arina. Arina was now growing into a beautiful girl with her stunning red hair and green eyes and she had every right to be included in any communion where beauty was being debated.

“So,” Queen Amitor inquired, “shall we retire to my private chambers and remove all doubt of your identity?”

Drustina shrugged and followed the queen into her rooms. After closing the door to her private bed chamber, Amitor turned rather nervously.

“Is it true, you were once a boy?”

“You’ll see now when I raise my dress.”

“Am I safe here alone?” Amitor grinned.

“It’s your call; it’s your bed chamber.”

“Very well then young lady let’s see what all this business is about. And I would like the full story.”

Drustina sighed somewhat wearily for she thought she had put all that behind her. The whole idea of coming to Egypt and the Nubian kingdoms was to escape all the hype and hysteria. She hoped to escape her past and start anew posing as a Celtic venturer looking for new trade. Now yet another audience wanted to hear of all the sagas. She frowned at Amitor and sucked her cheeks.

“You want the full story! How long have you got?”

“I’ve read the letters. They give a pretty exhaustive account, I’m just curious about your life and your versions of the events reported to my brother and I in the Emperor’s letters. We simply want to establish who you are. The letters tell of many scars but especially the long scar on your bottom.”

“You’ll have to unlace my bodice if you are to see all the scars.”

Amitor grinned and held out her hands motioning Drustina to present her back. As Drustina did so Amitor chuckled.

“If you turned your back on me publically, I could have you put to death for insulting the queen.”

“Then needs must I would resume carrying my sword. Taking me a prisoner would then cost your palace guard dear.”

“It tells of that in the letters as well; your swordsmanship and your skills with Ta Seti.”

“Ta Seti; what’s that?”

"Well orignally, Ta seti was a province of Nobatia where the people were famous for their bowmanship. Indeed the province is still there and the people are still excellent archers. There name has extended to the secrets of archery and now we call bomanship, Ta Seti."

“Bowmanship; Arina repeated," I see.

“Oh, that!" drustina added. "My sister Aiofe is better, she has a better bow and she’s more accurate.”

“Oh, humble as well as dangerous. I'll have to watch you. Always be wary of those who understate their abilities There, that’s the laces loosed.”

Drustina reached under her bust-line and freed the little buttons to release the bodice. Finally the bodice came off and
Amitor’s eyes widened with surprise as Drustina’s breasts bounced free. She noticed the large nipples that revealed Drustina to have once breast fed a child. Amitor searched into Drustina’s eyes.

“You have had a child!”

A cloud crossed Drustina’s face and Amitor recognised the hurt.

“And you lost it!” She finished sympathetically.

“No! I didn’t! I didn’t ‘LOSE’ it! I was forced to abandon them; driven from them by those of your faith, the three-godders.”

“Them? How many have you had? And don’t blame our faith, we are Copts, the Bishop who tried to kill you was of the Roman persuasion. So go on; how many children have you had?

“Two. Twins! Torvel’s children.”

“My God, TWO! And you not yet seventeen. Oh I’m so sorry. Where are they now?”

“Aiofe has them. So at least they are well cared for. Anyway, I would have thought all that would have been in the letters. Drustina the freak, Drustina the monster, Drustina the blasphemy, Drustina the sorceress. Drustina; whatever else.”

“It mentions all of that but nothing of children.”

“Then there’s some plot afoot. Some plot to deprive me of my children forever.”

“Yes it would seem so.” Amitor agreed.

With these words, Drustina finally stripped to her skin and Amitor’s eyes widened, partly with surprise, partly with sympathy and partly from lust when she set eyes on Drustina’s masculinity. She stepped forward and gently ran her fingers over the myriad minor scars before slowly exploring the two larger ones; the long slash down her inner forearm and the mighty gash that almost cleaved her buttock. Drustina bent over and Amitor’s fingers delicately traced the scar down under Drustina’s buttock where it finished at the very portal of Drustina’s modesty. She gave an oath as she realised that the reports of Drustina’s duality were true.

Finally she stepped back and stared into Drustina’s eyes.

“My God girl! You really have seen some action and you’ve born two children as well. Are the others marked like you?”

“No. Arina was a girl from birth so she was never required to fight and never did so except to fire arrows from a distance. She has been in action though, the wars against the Barbary Pirates. She saw plenty of death and danger. We have been together for several years now.

Torvel has several scars but he’s a man. Apart from the honourable scars of battle he also sports the shameful scars of slavery, the cuts of the galley-slave lash across his back. For all that shame implies, I love him, I truly love him! I know him to be brave and steadfast.”

“Yes, it tells of those slavery scars in the letters.”

“Then we have no more secrets. May I dress now, you’ve seen everything.”

“Indeed I have, including ... that!”

Drustina followed Amitor’s stare down to her masculinity and shrugged.

“It won’t harm you. My girl parts assure any other women of my understanding of the horror of rape for I am a woman also.”

“Yes. I am shocked and envious, I saw your femininity when I investigated Blueface’s scar. It must be amazing to share both delights.”

“I prefer the female delights, except the pain of birth. That’s a bloody nightmare. The motherhood that follows is a wonderful fulfilment but even that was eventually denied me by those bloody holy men. Those inhumane monsters!”

As Drustina re-dressed Amitor asked her shyly.

“What does a male pleasure feel like?”

“It’s very short and very powerful. Like a bow being released slowly.”

“Which do you prefer, the boy pleasure or the girl one?”

“They come at one and the same time. My boy part is also my girl part insofar as girls only have a little bud. My masculinity is an overgrown bud. I don’t have a separate bud as it were.”

“So what happens, you know ... when you and Torvel join?”

“We enjoy it like any other pair except he has to take me from behind, my male parts get crushed if he tries it from the front.”

“Have you ever... you know; used your male parts ... like a man?”


“What about Arina? She’s an attractive girl.”

“We will do it one day, when Arina is good and ready. We’ve always known we were destined for each other.”

“So what does Torvel think?”

“Torvel is like most men, he thinks only with his dick! He sees it as ‘having’ two women.”

“And will he ... you know? Is Arina attracted to him? He’s quite a handsome fellow.”

“If Arina wants him she’ll make it known.”

“What like some cat on heat?”

Drustina was shocked by the queen's remark.

“That’s a horrible thing to say! She’s not like that at all. For a girl so young, Arina’s seen as much as me, possibly even worse. She actually saw her father and her brothers being slaughtered! I was at least spared that. I only came back to find my village being attacked. I never actually saw my family being put to the sword. Arina saw her mother and older sisters being raped. It was only her age that saved her from such a terrible fate. I had the privilege of saving my older sister and my twin sister Mabina was with me when we arrived to find our village in flames. The only difference being is that I don’t know what happened to my middle sister Tara.

We have both suffered but hers was the greater loss. Arina’s a wonderful girl, she’s not some sort of animal. Is that how you three-godders see us? How can you dare say that! Take it back!”

Amitor’s smile faded into an apology as she realised she had overstepped the mark. Her own suppressed sexuality had led her to think that pagans were equally licentious and liberal with their favours. Obviously it was not so and she realised that the stories the priests told of pagan hedonism were not true. She teared up as she realised her presumptive mistake and apologised profusely.

“I’m so sorry Drustina. The reports dwell so much upon your deeds and victories that they forget what other horrors you must have endured. To lose your whole family and not know what their ultimate fates might be must be horrible. I have lived such a sheltered life here in the palace. My brother and I have never known hardship. I’m so sorry!”

Drustina smiled and nodded knowingly. She held out her arms and Amitor fell into them.

“All my life the priests have told us that Pagans are cruel, wild creatures, who will be cast into hell for not knowing g of our lord Jesus. You have shown them to be liars.”

“We are human Amitor, just like everybody else. Cut me and I bleed, truly I do.”

“And none would know that better than you. I would like you to tell me of your life.”

“There’s not much more to tell. It must be mostly in those reports, those letters; and I’ll bet there were salacious references to my duality. Saying that I’m a monster!”

Amitor confessed there were but promised to let it be known that she did not consider Drustina to be a monster. She then invited Drustina to bring Arina to her chambers that evening and they could have a good long girly chat, mainly about the Celtic girl’s pasts. Drustina sensed there might be another agenda so she offered to bring Torvel as well. Amitor felt a little wounded and wondered if she had sent out the wrong ‘vibes’.

“Why bring your companion?”

Drustina had already prepared an answer.

“Torvel also has a story to tell. He has been in the Middle Sea for more years than me what with trading on ships and then taken captive. If it is to be a night of sagas, then his is equally entertaining.”

“Entertaining!” Amitor queried. “If it’s as brutal as yours and Arina’s, I see little entertainment.”

“All right then, interesting.

“D’you really want him along? I find men to be somewhat boastful when it comes to talking about themselves. Girls tend to be more apologetic and empathetic. I was hoping to mix the stories with a clothes display and other girl stuff. I can bring a chaperone if that’s what’s bothering you ... a couple of my ladies in waiting.”

Drustina’s gaze fell floorwards. Obviously Amitor had sensed Drustina’s fears.

“I’m sorry. I was just, you know, unsure of what your true intentions were. I tend to still be protective of Arina. Despite her bravery in battle she’s still young and a bit naive when it comes to ... you know — sex and stuff. She hasn’t had much opportunity to mix with others outside of our own group. She isn’t very aware of all the dangers. Well, she is but she’s not alert to the stratagems and subtle deceits men use to gain our favours.”

Amitor nodded and sighed.

“Just because I am in my twenties and not yet wed does not mean I am not attracted to men. My brother and I are constantly looking for a suitable partner. I think you will have realised that my twin brother is of the ‘other persuasion’. Is that what made you think I was similarly orientated?”

Drustina hung her head shamefully and nodded.

“Yes. I’m sorry!”

Amitor smiled.

“Well we have both made blunders today and cleared them up. Shall we call it quits?”

Grateful for the release she grinned and the pair returned to Astos in the throne room.

“You two were a long time.”

“There was lots to discuss brother.”

“And is she scarred?”

“Very much so and more than just her derriere.”

Astos produced a half opened parchment with a sketch and showed it to Amitor; Drustina gasped with disbelief as she peered over Amitor’s shoulder.

“That’s my arse! That’s the scar! Who drew that!!?”

“Your sister Aiofe; from memory.”

“The bitch! If I ever see her again she’ll have to explain!”

“Are the rest of the scars like that?” Astos persisted as he unfolded the rest of the parchment.

“Why yes brother, exactly like this.” Amitor replied as she turned to Drustina.

“Your sister is a bloody good artist, it’s as though you are stepping out of the page!”
Drustina cursed again.

“She’s too bloody good. She shows everything I’ve got! And those other pictures, that’s my face side and front! I’ll bloody skewer her if I ever see her again.”

Then Drustina’s face greyed with fear.

“By the Goddess! She ... she’s captured me; she’s captured my image on the parchment. She hasn’t stolen my spirit has she?”

“No don’t be frightened girl;” Astos reassured her, “it’s only a drawing.”

“But my image! That’s my face; every evil spirit will recognise it.”

“Stuff and nonsense girl! It’s merely some clever pen marks on a piece of parchment.”
Drustina swallowed and spoke softly.

“My sister drew this? The lines, the shapes, I mean it looks real. That is clever.”

“It is.” Astos agreed as Amitor continued studying it.

She looked at Drustina and frowned. “I can understand why you’re nervous. That is you! Did this come with the letters brother?”

Astos nodded.

“So the emperor in Constantinople might have a copy.” Amitor concluded. “He will know what you look like even though he has never met you.”

“He’ll have to catch me first. I’m heading south, up the Nile south to the three kingdoms. I want to meet the Nubian queen. Is my permission sorted yet? I want to meet her.”

“It will be ready tomorrow morning.” Astor replied. “I spoke with the Nubian ambassador only this morning about it. He will add his letters of introduction to my carnet allowing you to travel the whole river to the 6th cataract. That is the northern border of Meronee’s realm, the ambassador’s letters will progress you from there.” Anyhow, how will you progress up the river in the floods and why are you so keen to meet the Kandake? Queen Meronee is a formidable ruler.”

“What’s the Kandake?” Drustina asked.

“That’s her title. She is not a queen consort, she is the sovereign in her own right; the Kandake.”

“That’s what I’d hoped. I want to see how a queen rules as a sovereign, for one day I will fight to win back my people’s lands from the Vikings. If I succeed and I am to rule then I must learn from one who already knows.”
Amitor frowned.

“You hurt me a bit Drustina, I rule jointly with my brother.”

“I have learned that and you do it well as you share your responsibilities. But that is the crux. You share your responsibilities; you can consult with your brother and share decisions. Queen Meronee is alone on her throne. If I ever win back my homeland, I could end up as she is. I would meet and consult with her for I intend to win back my heritage.”

“Do you really intend to take on the might of the Vikings? All the stories I hear of them, tell of a ferocious and powerful race of warriors.”

Drustina fell silent. It seemed that Amitor knew nothing of her battle with Blueface. It seemed that those particular stories had not followed her this far for they had been a long time ago and they mattered little to any but her own peoples, her own tribes in the North West corner of Europa. Amitor realised Drustina’s silence presaged her secret ambition and the warrior princess did not yet feel empowered enough to declare her ambitions publically.

“How do you plan to win back a kingdom when you have no army and you are not even rightfully its queen?”

For long moments Drustina was loath to concede her weakness and impotence then she confessed.

“Truly Amitor, I don’t know. Some might call it a pipe dream and they wouldn’t be deemed wrong. Right now, I have no idea and little hope.”

Amitor felt sorry for the warrior princess. To have lost everything, to have fought and won great battles for others and to yet still have little to call her own seemed a particularly cruel road to have travelled. Even her children were lost to her. Drustina seemed to sense Amitor’s thoughts.

“I have my ship and two utterly loyal companions. That means I can travel where the winds allow and share my problems to reduce them by three. Is that not the first small step?”

Amitor nodded. Obviously the girl was obsessed with her ambition. It could do no harm to allow the girl, her companions and their ship free let to travel up the great river as far as the kingdom of Nobatia. If lessons in Queenship could be learned from Meronee there could be little harm done. Amitor smiled indulgently and nodded.

“Very well Drustina. I will join my brother in permitting your passage to the sixth cataract now shall we repair to my chambers and savour that girl’s evening we planned?”

Assured of her now certain freedom to travel the great river, Drustina had achieved her ends and nodded happily. She could shed the burdens of her ambition and savour the companionship of Amitor’s court. They made their excuses to Astor and retired to Amitor’s private quarters.

The evening extended into the night as the three companions entertained the queen and her courtiers with more elaborate and more accurate accounts of the reports in the imperial letters.

As the party progressed Drustina sensed that Amitor was becoming attracted to Torvel. It was hard not to. Torvel was a tall handsome fair-haired warrior who bore plenty of scars to prove his bravery. There was also the further benefit that he had a proven compassion and tolerance. Amitor had well noted his deep and affectionate relationship with Drustina and her unusual duality. That relationship alone demonstrated that the tall Celt was a compassionate, kindly, loyal and brave man who would make excellent fathering material for her own child. In accordance with their ancient Pharoic customs, Amitor was entitled to find a father for her child if her brother king failed to ensure the succession.

Astor had long proven to have no interest in women so it fell to Amitor to fulfil their royal obligations. When the festivities ended, Amitor quietly approached Drustina and the warrior princess smiled knowingly.

“You fancy him do you not?”

Amitor’s eyes widened with uncertainty.

“Was it that obvious?”

“He’s not a bad looking lad and his other qualities are well proven. I have been speaking with your courtiers at length so I know your ways and your customs now. You are married to your brother as King and Queen but he will not serve your purposes, your royal obligations to ensure the line.”

“You’ve listened well Drustina. May I borrow him?”

“Does not your heir have to be legitimate?”

“He will be, nobody will be able to deny his mother ... me, the queen.”

“But do you not have to be married to the father?”

“By Christian mores, yes, but it’s a wise child that knows its own father. This has always been acknowledged by Pharoic law thus the Queen determines the legitimacy of the succession when the king is incapable or unwilling to make child.. Usually this is no problem but if her husband is incapable then she must take the steps to resolve the issues. It’s been this way for thousands of years. When our parents realised that my brother was onanistic and disinterested in women they ruled that we should be joint consorts and I would ensure the succession. We were married when I was only fourteen summers.”

Drustina shrugged, who was she to be judgemental ... she of both sexes and unique duality. It seemed she would be a hypocrite if she objected to Amitor’s request. She replied to Amitor softly.

“If Torvel is willing, and most men would rip your arm off for the chance to impregnate one as beautiful as you, then be my guest.”
Amitor’s posture slumped with relief.

“Seriously Drustina, you have no objections?”

“None that would be justifiably enough to deny you and your kingdom tranquillity of succession. Speak to Torvel, see what he says ... and more importantly, does.”

“Thank you Drustina, you have brought me some salvation. In truth our royal blood-line was becoming weak. Torvel is from far off climes and his seed will bring fresh blood into our dynasty.”

“By the gods Amitor,” Drustina chuckled, “you speak like a horse breeder. Your mooring master in the harbour spoke exactly thus when he asked to breed out of my beloved mare Seripatese.”

Amitor frowned.

“Do not laugh so Drustina. As the queen, it is my royal duty to bring forth a healthy child to ensure a good succession. Torvel seems to fulfil all the conditions. This is not some envious attempt to steal your handsome and kindly mate. Just remember, and I am sure Queen Meronee will confirm this to you; If you ever win back your homeland and become a ruler back in your own lands, you will worry for what you leave to posterity. Women leave their children to posterity when they die but you already know of the hurt that surrounds leaving them too early. I will speak with Torvel and I must speak with my onanistic brother. This is not some idle romantic tryst, this is governance and you must learn of such sacrifice and responsibility if you are ever to become a good ruler. ”

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