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My head leaned back in the seat as I tried to catch a few hours of sleep. The flight from Thailand was a long and uncomfortable one. I was sitting on a Donut pillow as my nether regions were still tender from the SRS I had three weeks earlier. I thought about the long journey that brought me here and the bitter words that were said by my father the day I left home.
"Get out of my house unless you can come back as my son! You are dead to me! I didn't raise my son to be a faggot and a freak"! I turned around and watched as my mother and sister pleaded with him to see sense, but my dad was the "Man" of the house and his word was law! I left my home that day with those words echoing in my ears and haven't been back in four years. My mother and sister Sarah still keep in contact with me and even visit me at my apartment. I have been doing okay the last four years balancing Nursing School and my transition. My Paternal grandmother set up a sizable trust fund for when I turned 18, which happened to be the same day my father threw me out. Grandma was absolutely beside herself as I related the story to her. She has given him the cold shoulder since then. My grandfather was never like that, so the only explanation she has is that he picked up his hatemongering from the gang of thugs he ran with in High School.
I started my transition that day at my grandmother's house and later moved to an off campus apartment for Nursing School. I changed my name to April Elizabeth Johnson (Grandma's maiden name) and lived fulltime all the way through school. I maintained top grades and graduated at the top of my class. I was hired onto the Oncology Floor at the local Medical center. I took the time off between graduation and starting my new job to make the trip to Thailand and complete my transition. The Thai people were some of the friendliest I have ever met and the doctor and nurses made me feel at ease. My operation was a huge success, my Breast Augmentation was healing well and the doctor even performed some Facial feminisation. I no longer looked like the boy who left home four years earlier. There was still a bit of swelling , but it was healing nicely. The pilot came over the PA and told the Flight attendants to prepare the cabin for landing. I woke up and moved my seat into the upright position. As we descended, I thought about what Sarah would think about her new and improved sister. The plane landed and taxied to the gate. I waited nervously to debark from the plane and came up the ramp and proceeded to baggage claim. There at the bottom of the stairs was Sarah.
"Sis, You look beautiful! I knew you were always supposed to be my sister! Daddy has been so blind! Sarah exclaimed excitedly.
"Thanks Sarah! I am finally complete at last! I agree, Daddy has been a fool for a long time!
"How was your flight? She asked
"It was long and I am still a bit sore down there, so I'm glad it's over! I replied.
"Let's get back to your apartment and get you settled back in"
" I know, I need to go take care of a couple things and then we will go grab something to eat. I made sure I didn't leave anything to to spoil, so there isn't much food in the house"
"We can stop at the grocery on the way back from the restaurant" Sarah added
" That sounds like a plan" I want to get some ingredients to make some of the dishes I had in Thailand"
"That sounds good! Mom and I could come over for dinner one night next week. I'm sure she wants to see her daughter"
" I would love to have you both over for dinner" I will check my work schedule and then we can make plans from there"
" Sounds good! I am already looking forward to it"
We arrived at my apartment thirty minutes later and she helped put my clothes away.
" Can I see the results? I know you are proud of your body now"
"Sure Sis, I just need to take a bathroom break and I will be right out"
"Okay, I'll be waiting" She giggled
I went in and sat down on the toilet. I noticed my aim was getting better as my muscles were finally retraining themselves. I didn't spray myself this time so that was a small victory. I made sure I was dry and finally got up to wash my hands. I went back out and strolled into my bedroom, performing a strip tease as I went. I was finally naked and let Sarah see me in all my glory. She started stripping herself and we stood there comparing our bodies.
"Wow Sis! You look amazing! Aside from some bruising, you look just like me now" Sarah declared
"You look wonderful yourself! I guess we both got the good genes from Mom and Grandma" I know mine is enhanced by Medical science, but the bone structure was always there" I pointed out.
"I agree! I saw the truth of who you were a long time before Daddy ever realized it. "I'm just glad you were determined to be who you are. I read a lot of stories about kids who decided to end it when their parents could accept them. I'm proud of you April and I love you so much! Sarah sniffled.
I burst into tears and hug her tightly. "I love you too Sis! You have been wonderful to me throughout my life and I am so blessed!
"I know Mom loves you too and she is very proud of you for being who you are.
"I love her too and I know she is proud to have another daughter. I look forward to showing her how pretty I am now.
"Here is something you might not know? Mom has contacted an attorney to begin divorce proceedings. She is giving him one more chance to accept you or she is gone" Sarah added.
" I hate to break up this wonderful moment, but I need to do my dilation. We can head out to get something to eat right afterward. Why don't you call Mom and ask her if she wants to join us at Olive Garden at say sixish?
" Okay April, I'll call her. See you in a bit"
After Sarah left, I got down to the business at hand and finished forty-five minutes later. I changed into a nice red dress, redid my makeup and walked out to the living room.
"Hey Sis! Are you ready to go?
"I called Mom and she is meeting us there. Daddy is gone camping with his buddies this weekend, so she was happy to get out of the house!
"Great! She can stay out for a while without having Daddy calling her every fifteen minutes. I know they don't have any Cell phone reception up there in the mountains, so she will have some peace for a change"
"Let's head on over then and we can get a table. I think we can beat the crowd and not have to wait very long"
We rode over in Sarah's car and got there fifteen minutes before Mom got there. She saw us at the table and gave me the biggest hug!
" You look so beautiful April! Your father doesn't know what he is missing out on.. I am so proud of the young woman you have become" Mom gushed.
" Thanks Mom! I am so glad to finally be complete. I'm still sore, but I would do it all over again. You have been there for me and I love you so much! I tearfully said
"I know that Sarah mentioned to you that I am giving your father one more chance to accept you and if he doesn't , It's over. I don't know why I stayed with him after what he did to you. I'm sorry" Mom stated.
" I know Mom. I understood why you couldn't leave at the time. Daddy has had control of the checkbook with an iron grip and you weren't able to afford to live by yourself"
"Your father's own mother started a separate account for me with her bank and put a sizable sum in it after he kicked you out. She told me that your father has now been disinherited unless he straightens his act up in a sincere way. She is behind me all the way in my divorce if he doesn't accept you"
"Grandma is one tough lady. That's why I consider her one of my role models. Grandpa even supports me and he made sure that I had no problems taking care of the legal details for my transition. I am inviting you all to dinner at my apartment next week. If Daddy behaves himself I might even invite him, but we shall see"
" I want you and Sarah to come over for dinner on Sunday. I want your father to see his daughter. If he refuses to treat you with respect. I will have my bags packed and ready to go to your grandparents house. I will have our next door neighbor, Officer Goodwin, on standby to place him into custody if he gets violent" Mom stated.
" I hope it doesn't come to that, but I am going to be there for my sister, no matter what! If Daddy insists on acting like a jerk after four years, I will cut all ties with him if he doesn't get with the program" Sarah insisted.
The server came with our orders and we dug into the meal. I had the soup, salad and breadsticks, Mom had the same and Sarah had the Tour Of Italy. We washed it down with Bellini Iced tea. We made small talk the rest of the meal and Mom talked both of us into staying the night with her. Sarah's roommate was gone to visit her boyfriend who finally came home from Afganistan. We decided to make it a slumber party.
Sarah and I left the restaurant to go get our clothes and things we needed for the night at Mom's and we told her we would be there soon. Sarah had her stuff at my place, because she was going to stay with me anyway.
We got over there about nine thirty and it was so strange walking into the house again. Nothing much had changed at least in the living room.
" Hi sweetheart, I am so happy to have you here again. I want to show you something. Your room has had a makeover in the last four years"
I followed her down the hall to my old room and opened the door. I was blown away! The room was decorated in white lace and pink. Cream colored curtains with light pink walls and a matching bedspread trimmed in a cream color. The rest of the furniture matched the French Provincial color of the bed. It was the room I should have had growing up.
"How did you talk dad into letting you do my room up like this? I asked.
"I just told him that we needed a guest bedroom in the house. He didn't say how I had to decorate it, so I did it up like you would have wanted growing up. I just didn't tell him that was the reason. He grumbled, but he couldn't say much because the money was already spent" Mom giggled.
"When I saw it for the first time, I laughed because Mom had put one over on Dad and he had to live with it. I knew it would be a perfect room for my sister" Sarah laughed.
"I love it Mom! I hope to have my room just like it when I build my new home. I bought a tract of land out next to Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa tried to buy it for me, but I insisted I wanted to use a part of my Trust fund. I'm going to build a log home on it. It is the farm owned by the MacPherson's. It is one hundred fifty acres. I love the peace and quiet there and can't wait for it to be done"
"That's fabulous Sis! Grandma and Grandpa gave me a sizable amount too and I hope to find a quiet place to settle after I get out of school"
"Why don't you buy the tract for sale next to mine? That way, we can be neighbors! It is part of the same original farm, with the same amount of acreage. It was split up before the estate sale and it is listed for the same price mine was. I wanted to buy it too, but I didn't want to spend that much of my fund" I stated
"Why don't we all take a ride out there in the morning. It sounds like something I would be very interested in"
"Sounds like a plan to me. I was planning to go visit Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow anyway, so that would work out perfectly. I'll call the agent tomorrow when we get up"
"I guess we should call your grandparents and let them know we will be out there tomorrow" Mom picked up the phone and started dialing.
"Hi Liz, It's so nice to hear from you! I have been wondering how April is doing?
"She's fine Mary. Sarah just picked her up from the airport this afternoon. We went out to dinner and they are both staying here for the weekend. Charles went with Bill and Doug for their annual trip. I'm glad he's out of my hair for a few days!The girls and I are coming out there for a visit tomorrow. We should be there by noon. Sarah is going to look at the other MacPherson tract next to April's"
"That's wonderful! I hope she buys it. I would love to have both of my granddaughters living close by. If Charles continues to be an ass about April, you would be out here living with us too. You areas much my daughter just as if you were my own flesh and blood. It is such a shame your parent's died on that plane on 9-11. They would love April as much as we do!
"I can't believe they have been gone for almost ten years. replied Liz tearfully They loved both their grandchildren unconditionally and they knew very early on that April was their granddaughter. Charles just couldn't get the fact he never really had a son named Adam. April is even more beautiful if that's possible. I can't wait for you to see her. She looks just like you when you were younger"
" I am looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow! Have a good night with your girls. Love Ya!
"Love you and Stan too! See you in the morning"
"Goodnight Hon" Mary replied.
Mom hung up the phone and came back in the living room where Sarah and I were about to put "Steel Magnolias" in the DVD player. We each grabbed a wad of tissues and settled down to watch the movie. Two hours later, after crying an ocean of tears, we got ready for bed by taking off what was left of our makeup and changing into nightgowns. I did another dilation and then turned off the light. My old bed felt comfy and I drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I woke up in my old bed and it too me a moment to remember where I was. I remembered to call the Real Estate agent, so I opened my Cell phone to my phonebook and scrolled down until I found her number. She answered and I made the appointment for ten . I got up and went to the bathroom. Sis was coming out just as I got there. She had her hair in a towel, but other than that, she was naked.
" Good morning Sis! I'm glad it's just us girls this weekend. Daddy would have a Heart Attack if he saw you prancing around like this" I giggled.
" Mom and I did this all the time when Dad dragged you off on those Cub Scout trips. We figured that there was no danger of anyone seeing us with the blinds drawn and being just us girls here. I agree he would definitely have a coronary" She laughed
" He will probably have a coronary when he sees me now" I added
"I will be right there with you the whole time . Daddy won't be able to drive my sister April away again. I won't have it and neither will Mom. She already has things set in place in case he doesn't come around to accepting you. He will be the fool if he loses all of us"
"I will see you downstairs for breakfast. I'm going to take a shower now" I guess we have to leave by nine thirty to get to the property viewing. I told Michelle we would be there by ten"
Thanks Sis. I'll tell Mom what time we need to leave and have her hold off on starting your eggs until you get down there" Sarah assured me.
I showered , did my morning ritual, put on a Red t-shirt bra, matching panties, Red scoop neck top, Blue jeans and a pair of boots. I knew I needed them for the walking we would be doing over the property. This time of year, the chiggers and ticks would be out in force. I did my makeup lightly and then headed down to the kitchen. The smell of sausage brought me back to all my years growing up in this house.
" Good morning Honey. How did you sleep? Mom asked.
"I slept great Mom. Sarah was coming out of the bathroom when I came out of my room"
"I know she shocked you by being naked, but that's what we girls always did when you and your father were gone on those Cub Scout weekends"
" I wasn't bothered by it. Sis showed me her's when I agreed to show her mine after I got home yesterday. It's nice to be included in the sisterhood at last. I don't have any shame in seeing my body anymore"
"Sis, You have a beautiful body too and you are right to be proud of it" added Sarah
"Thanks Sis! I am so happy that we're sisters. I love you"
" I guess we need to get the show on the road if we are going to make the appointment to see the property" Mom reminded.
We cleaned up the dishes and freshened up our makeup. We took my car because it had four wheel drive and could get around the property better. We drove about thirty minutes and arrived at the gate just at the right time. Michelle had it unlocked and she was waiting.
" Hi April. How are you?"
" Just fine Michelle, This is my mother Liz and my sister Sarah. Sarah is the one interested in looking at the property"
"Okay Sarah, As April probably told you, my name is Michelle Rogers. The property is one hundred fifty acres and has city water and electric service run to it. It is listed for one hundred eighty thousand. As you know, the MacPherson heirs live out of State and are trying to settle their parents estate, so they thought splitting the property in two would get them more money"
" I like what I see so far. I would love to see more of it"
"We will jump back in my truck and follow you in Michelle" I said.
We got in and started driving in on the gravel road that wound through almost the length of the property. The mountains came into view as we rounded a corner into a beautiful valley.
"Stop April! This is it! This is where I want to build my house! I'm thinking about a log home too, but it will be a little different than yours" She was as excited as anytime I could remember. I picked a similar spot myself and I knew she and I had the same tastes.
" If I may ask, How much did you pay for your tract?
"I paid one sixty- nine five and they took it. They are eager to settle and get their money, so I think I would offer around the same.
" Okay Sis, I think I will! I would like to see the plan book that you are using to pick out your log home too. Sarah stated.
We got back to the gate and got out of the truck and went over to talk to Michelle.
"Well? What do you think? asked Michelle.
"I want to make an offer on it. Sarah excitedly declared.
"Good news! How much would you like to offer?
"I'm thinking one hundred seventy"
"Okay, I will call them and tell them there is an offer"
She left us and went back to her car and was gone for about ten minutes. She came back a few minutes later with a contract in her hand and a big smile. Sarah had a deal! She wrote a check for the earnest money and they agreed to have closing in fourteen days.
We were absolutely giddy as we drove to our grandparents house next door. Grandma saw us come up the driveway and smothered me in a huge hug!
"You are absolutely gorgeous April! You were already beautiful, but the surgery has improved it even more!
"Hey, How are my two stunning granddaughters? Grandpa exclaimed!
"We are doing very well Grandpa! Sarah just bought the tract next to mine, so you will be seeing us around all the time very soon! I giggled.
"There goes the neighborhood" he teased
We both laughed and gave him a hug.
We went inside and I noticed the smell of one of Grandma's apple pies drifting out the window as we approached the house. Grandma had outdone herself as usual and there was a huge table of food. You would have thought Queen Elizabeth was coming! We had herb roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob. Great Northern beans and cornbread and sweet tea. Any thoughts of a diet went out the window!
After dinner, I took my laptop out and showed everyone the website for the log home company. I showed Sarah the one I picked out and she picked one she liked. She also set an appointment for a design consultation. I already had my blueprints back at the apartment and excavation for the basement was scheduled for the next week.
"I'm looking forward to having you two around a lot more. I can teach you how to Can vegetables and Grandpa can plow a garden spot for both of you when you're ready"
"I'm gonna love having you both around to spoil" I am also declaring that I will pay for half of the construction cost on both your homes" stated Grandpa.
"Grandpa! You have both given us a hefty Trust fund already" We want to pay for this on our own" Sarah protested.
" That is just a fraction of your inheritance anyway, so I might as well be around to watch you spend more of it. I would much rather spend it now than pay more taxes on it when I die"
Okay Grandpa, but we insist on paying for half of what the construction costs and there won't be an argument about it. I told him.
"I agree with Sis. I will agree to it only if we do pay half" Sarah declared.
"Okay ,Okay! I agree to your terms"laughed Grandpa.
"We spent the rest of the afternoon just visiting and enjoying each other's company. We left before it got too late and drove back to Mom's house . We weren't looking forward to the next day when Daddy was coming home from his trip. We didn't talk much as we got in the house, but got ready for bed.
"Goodnight Mom! I love you!
"Goodnight sweetie. Don't worry about tomorrow. I'm prepared for whatever happens and we will deal with it" Assured Mom
"Goodnight Sis! I'm right here with you"
Goodnight Sarah! Thank you for being so wonderful!
"It's so wonderful to have you here Sis! I love you!
We all turned in for the night. I did my nightly routine and drifted off knowing that tomorrow may be a long day.
The next morning I woke up and did my usual routine including my dilation. I dressed in my prettiest outfit and did my makeup. Daddy dearest would see just how much of a woman his "boy" had become. I think I will play myself off to be one of Sarah's friends and see how long it takes the bastard to figure it out. I went down to the kitchen where Mom had pancakes cooking.
"Good morning Mom! I am feeling a sense of peace about this for some reason"
"Don't worry Honey. Everything will work out one way or another. I'm all prepared to leave if things turn bad" Your father has pushed his luck too far and I'm now in a position to do something about it"
"I thought of something I might like to try. I want to play myself of as one of Sarah's friends and see how long it takes him to catch on.
"I think that's a great idea Sis! I bet he wouldn't know you until we told him. Like Mom says, we have some safeguards in place, so don't worry if he turns into a jerk about it again"
"I know, but I'm still nervous. I have made a good life for myself since he kicked me out and that is something he won't be able to take away from me" I said
We sat around the house until around one when Grandma and Grandpa got there. They were more than prepared to lay down the law to their oldest son. They were fed up completely with his attitude.
He came strolling in around two and saw all of us sitting around chatting away and then he recognized my sister.
"Hey Sarah! How have you been doing?
"I'm fine daddy. How was your weekend with the guys?
"It was fine. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?
" Daddy this is my friend April"
"You sure find some of the prettiest friends" Daddy stated.
My mind was whirling! Daddy was flirting with his own daughter and didn't realize it. I felt sick to my stomach and relieved that I passed very well at the same time.
"I'm pleased to meet you Mr. Grant. Sarah and Liz have told me that you went camping this weekend" I nervously said.
"I did and we had a good time" I used to take my son Adam on camping trips, but he left home at 18"
I noticed Sarah out of the corner of my eye. She was seething with a hot rage and I could tell she was about to let him have it.
"Don't remember what happened that day Daddy Dearest? How about I jog your memory a bit shall we?
"Sarah, I'm sure your friend wouldn't want to hear the details about that. It was rather unpleasant"
"Why not? She's entitled to know what kind of man you really are?
"Please tell me! I insist. "Let's see if your account jives with the facts"
"Wh-att? How do you know anything about it?
"Oh I know plenty about it. I remember every word that you said as you drove your child out the door"
"In the flesh Daddy dearest, but now my name is April Elizabeth. I have been gone from this place for four years and I swore I wouldn't come back, but Mom and Sarah have a few things they have been dying to tell you!
"That right Daddy! I am finally going to tell you exactly how I feel about you! You drove my sister away and turned your back on her four years ago, but you won't do it again! We have made arrangements to cut all ties with you once and for all if you continue to turn your back on your daughter"
"That right Charles. You have a choice to make. If you choose wisely, your family will stay a part of your life. Choose wrong and we will have nothing more to do with you. I have papers all ready to divorce you if you can't let go of you bigoted ways" Mom declared.
"You can't do that to me. I have control of all the finances"
"That's where your wrong Son! We are in control of any inheritance you will get and as of this moment you are disinherited! You disowned your own child four years ago and we disowned you. We don't know how you became a bigoted bastard, but you didn't learn it from us! We suspect that you got it from that bunch of skinheads you ran with in High School. We are here to tell you that we will not and do not tolerate that behavior in our family" Grandma hotly stated.
" You should be ashamed Son. You are a very lucky man, but you don't see it. You have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. And before you open that trap of yours about having a son, Know this! Everyone of us on both sides of this family knew April was your daughter from the time she was a little girl. Everyone but you! Doctor Jacobs told Liz and you both that there were issues with April from the time she was four years old, but you refused to believe it. Now you lose everything! Liz is our daughter in every way that counts. She has the heart of a daughter we are proud to call our own! She is moving in with us until the divorce is settled. Judge Reinhart issued a restraining order for you to stay far away from our property and the property owned by you daughters adjacent to it" Grandpa declared
Daddy got up and stomped out of the house. We heard him laying rubber as he left the driveway. We gathered all of Mom's stuff and loaded it up in the rental truck Grandpa parked around the corner. We were pulled up to Grandma and Grandpa's house two hours later. We just sat down for dinner later when the Sheriff came to the door. It seems that Daddy got drunk and came back to the house. He went into April's bedroom. Finding it empty. He grabbed a can of gas from the garage and set fire to the bedroom. The security alarm was triggered and police and firefighters responded. They found him lying in his bed decked out in a dress, heels, wig and makeup. He never left a note.
Daddy was buried in a beautiful pink dress and fully made up. Of course we had a closed casket funeral. Surprisingly there was only his family to attend his Wake and funeral. His camping buddies never showed their face at all. It was later determined that the three of them had been crossdressing the previous weekend. I thought it was rather ironic that he was a crossdresser, but couldn't deal with having a transsexual daughter.
Life goes on for us I guess. The construction crew is more than halfway done on both of our homes. Sarah and I are both excited at getting to move in someday soon. Mom is doing okay, but she still feels the guilt about not knowing the secret my father kept hidden all those years. He could have had a completely different life if a bunch of skinheads hadn't scared him into hiding himself and trying to prove his manhood. It is really sad! He fooled himself into believing he was something he wasn't and I could no longer fool the world that I was anyone other than a girl named April.
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I'm not sure how to feel
I'm not sure how to feel about this. I've read it and I've thought about it. Still confused emotionally.
I would suggest in your future efforts that you not have every character repeating the same information you just gave us from another character. Redundancy like that gets tedious very quickly.
Keep writing.

Give it a break!
Let's be fair and positive towards our Authors please.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
another case of self hate turned outward
Sadly, I suspect many of the people who hate us the most are members of our little club in secret.
The club
I suspect that those people who hate us the most aren't secret members of our club but they're deadly afraid that they might be.
A nice little story,
'with a delightful twist at the end.Thank you.
Sure Wasn't Expecting That...
Very interesting finish. (Still trying to sort everything out, with his friends and all, and just what he did at the end: was he expecting the house to burn down around him before he was discovered?)
April Fool Daddy
What to say? Mixed emotions after reading this story. I enjoyed it, the twist in the tail was unexpected and sad. I totally agree with the comment that too often bigotry is perpertrated by those who carry with them a burden of shame and hidden needs. Sad but true, and regrettably not a good reflection on society.
I Was Just Showng How Hypocritical People Can Be
This story was written to point out how hypocritical some people can be. They hide behind hatemongering groups to try to prove how much of a "Man" they are. ( In this case Skinheads) Charles chose to worry about how the rest of the world saw him rather than his own family. Skinheads have been known to beat up on LGBT people as well as Jewish people. Anyone who doesn't fit in with their idea of purity. Charles saw that first hand, so in his own mind, he was weird just like the people he persecuted. He thought the only chance he had was to keep his own desires to himself. April coming out as TS was even more extreme and in a way, I think he blamed his gene pool for causing another generation to come into the world more of a freak than he was(At least in his mind). He felt he had to continue to overdo it on the macho bulls**t just in case someone suspected him of being different. Father's in particular think that it is a bad reflection in them somehow if their child turns out to be Gay or Trans. They make it about them when it really isn't. After the ultimatum, he realized that his tactics backfired, but he still couldn't admit his own weakness, because the world outside his family saw him as this Man's Man. He was not even close to being as strong as April. He was a coward when it comes down to it, but he still had to find a way to release his desires, hence finding two like minded friends to hang out with to satisfy his feminine side on those camping trips.
The States of Denial, and Dilation
Nice authentic feeling description of the dilation process after surgery. I went to Kamol, in Bangkok. There were lots of complications for me; an ecoli infection that nearly killed me, and dilation that was and has remained painful, even 5 1/2 years later. Though in the last few months sensation is returning in a most pleasant way.
I often wonder if my stepfather was a gay in deep denial. He reacted to me in unimaginably violent ways, so it makes me curious.
Nice story.
To quote Monty Python ...
..."this is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who!" *grin*
I'm trying to wrap my head around why this story makes me feel uneasy. And judging from other comments, I'm not alone. Clearly, Daddy is supposed to be a villain, so monstrously evil that we should rejoice in his death and dance in the street like it's Carnival in Rio. But I can't see it. He should have been made out to be far worse as a person for the ending to feel complete and somehow ... right, for lack of a better word.
Daddy kicks Adam/April out at 18 for being transgendered. He doesn't beat him up. He's not violent or abusive in any other way as far as we can tell. He doesn't beat up on Mom or sis either. He's controlling and dictatorial, but hardly an ogre (with apologies to Shrek). Adam (soon to be April) is immediately accepted and loved by everyone else in her family –- Mom, sister, and her grandparents (the Dad's parents). For four years, as far as we know, neither of the grandparents tries to reach out to Dad and make him understand. They just give him the cold shoulder.
Fast forward to today. Everyone in the man's family get together and set up a closed ultimatum with an immediate deadline, then ambush him when he comes home from a weekend away and take him totally by surprise. In less than five minutes, he is disinherited and on his way to a divorce because he couldn't change years of programming in an instant. I wonder if any of us could reinvent ourselves so quickly, faced with such a decision. However, as I look back on the story, he isn't really given a chance to make a decision about the ultimatum. Instead, he's TOLD in no uncertain terms seconds after they give him the ultimatum, that the divorce is going to happen and he can't even go anywhere near his parents home without getting arrested -- so clearly, reconsidering and apologizing in person is out of the question.
He comes home drunk, lights April's pretty room on fire, then puts on his best dress and accessories and dies. Presumably, it's a suicide, and after the set-up he'd just been through. it's almost understandable. I'm amazed the family went to the funeral, since they all seemed to dislike him so much. At least they got the last laugh by burying him in pink.
I guess what I'm saying is that, if you wanted the audience to applaud your antagonist's comeuppance without reservation, he should have been portrayed as far worse than he was shown in the story. I don't consider having someone betrayed and abandoned by his whole family commit suicide as some kind of poetic justice. After all, Adam/April was never abandoned when she came out. Instead, she was always loved and supported by everyone except Dad. An intervention was certainly called for. Maybe Dad needed to be spanked and shown he was wrong. But spanking a baby hard enough to kill it serves no one, least of all the baby.
Like much of real life, things aren't clear cut.
While I am happy for the rest of the family -- mostly, anyhow -- I am also sad for them. Dad didn't get what he had coming to him. Instead, he was the real victim in the story. Everyone lost something when they lost him, but he lost the most. Most of us know of the torturous life that a closeted and guilty-feeling cross-dresser feels. Still, it was his own stupidity and self-centeredness that caused that much pain for the whole family.
It's a sad story, and a good warning.
By the way, I don't see the family as getting the last laugh by burying him in pink. Rather, they were honoring the girl that had hidden herself for all those years.
But he was stupid to the end. He could, at any point, have come out and mended his bridges. I'm sure that the divorce proceedings would have come to a screeching halt if he had only let them know who he (she) really was.
I Agree With Randalynn
Your story is well told. That's how things happen in RL. As the comments suggest, RL has its problems. Sometimes righteous indignation leads to hateful actions -- like killing abortion doctors.
However, to sum up Randalynn's spot-on observations -- Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right.
Just one more point . . . how did they conclude "Dad" was a crossdresser and not a transsexual? I guess I had more trouble with this aspect of the story than any other. It seemed to suggest that crossdressers are "flaming" hypocrites.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It just doesn't feel real...
... and I don't think you meant it as a fantasy.
The elements all seem to be in place, but they seem kind of hollow and don't seem to fit together all that well.
I am pretty big on background, making sure that elements set in reality are accurate. I have been on numerous double-digit hour airplane flights. I have picked up friends at the airport, returning home from Thailand. The last thing you want to do is go out somewhere. When you've been sitting on a donut for that long, the last thing you want to do is do more sitting. All you want to do is crash.
The ' you mine -- show me yours...' thing is kind of squicky; especially as soon as they get home. The way that dilation was included seemed odd, too. I mean, yeah, sure, you have to do it, but just to put it out there... It's almost like it is written from a guy's point of view.
The elements about having so much money available seem a bit odd, too. There seems to be a bit of 'well, if you don't like what I'm doing, I'll just go off and do it myself... I really don't need you other than as a romantic image of a father, anyway.'
The end was surreal. There was no real foundation for it. A good surprise ending has clues throughout the story. This just happened.
I have an idea, though. The more I think about it, it seems that what is lacking is emotion. Yes, the characters have emotions and express them, but somehow that emotion is not coming out through the words. This story has places where we should have laughed and more than one place where we should have cried.
Use the emotions that I know you have, all that held back passion, and let it out onto the page. It's not always easy, but I think that it's the answer to a lot of things.
I look forward to your next story.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
April's Fools Daddy
The irony is that the joke is on everybody.
"Love you and Stan too! See you in the morning" Glad to see my name in a story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
There are differences in opinions between gays, lesbians,
bi-sexuals, crossdressers and transsexuals. There are those on the other side of the coin that will argue that even after surgery, you still have a male body, without the male sex organs. Now while that is true, nobody cares what the body is inside, as long as the person inside fits the physical body on the outside. The homophobic, hypocritical, bigots want everything their way or no way, while they do exactly the same thing they are preaching against.
This story had the father being a closet crossdresser, but hating his transsexual "daughter". Then when he couldn't get his way, he burned himself in house fire he set. That is tragic in itself, but for the bigoted father it is poetic justice.
But I don't understand how come he left though. He hadn't been disinherited yet, but only if he couldn't accept April as his daughter. Well, most men do have a problem understanding ifs and mights, so maybe being burned alive was his only way out.
This was a good story Jen, where the bigot actually gets his just desserts. Also this story was very well written and the characters were true to life. I felt I was right there watching it all happen. Thank you for sharing.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Sorry, Barbara ...
...but he was disinherited almost the instant he was presented with the ultimatum.
I read it aloud and clocked it at a little over fifteen seconds from "You have a choice to make" to "as of this moment, you are disinherited." About twenty seconds later, they let him know they already have a restraining order on him, so effectively, at that point, he's lost everything -- Mom, Dad, wife and children and whatever inheritance he was going to get from parents so rich, they threw thousands around without batting an eye. Heck, according to the story, he had already been disinherited the day before, while he was out of town.
So he never really got the chance to make a choice that night at all. Fifteen seconds to destroy him so thoroughly that he comes home and commits suicide.
As for just desserts? As far as the story tells us, he NEVER hurt Adam/April physically or emotionally before he threw her out when she turned 18. I don't think the death penalty is warranted for being bigoted, stupid or foolish -- especially since Adam/April didn't suffer a single day after she was exiled from the house. Her mother, sister, and Grandpa and Grandma were firmly behind her all the way, with all the love she could ever need.
So the ending was too cruel. We needed to see him as more evil than misguided to deserve that. We needed to feel that someone was seriously hurt by him in some way before what happened to him could feel like justice. Since Adam/April never lacked for love, he didn't deserve to die that way, alone and friendless.
I see, but he had a choice to make, didn't he.
He didn't make that choice, but decided to let the family have at it. All he had to say was I will do my best. That is all it would have taken. Having been the victim of such bigots in my life I know what kind of thinking goes on in a victim's mind as punishment for the bigot's actions or inactions, if you will. Even though this story is fiction, it hit home for me with a grand slam. This story triggered so many bad memories of abuse of every kind imaginable for me. So, IMHO, the bastard got what he deserved, and Jen wrote this as realitically as she could and still be able to call it fiction. The abused can identify totally with this story.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Twenty seconds to change years of hate?
He NEVER had a choice. That night, he had NO time to make any sort of decision, and if you're attacked by everyone in your family (as he was being attacked when he came home) your first impulse ISN'T to surrender -- particularly if you spent four years being obstinately wrong and stupid. If you've ever been part of an intervention, you'd know that. ANYONE in his situation would need time to think about it, Barbara. He needed more time and got none. That's all.
And for the record, one more time, as far as we know, Adam/April was NOT abused. We've got nothing in the story to tell us the father ever hit anyone, or emotionally hurt anybody until he kicked Adam/April out when he turned 18 and came out as TG. Adam lost his Dad that day, but EVERYONE ELSE in the family was 100% behind his desire to become April. So Adam/April was surrounded by love and lost nothing, and in the end, Dad lost everything thanks to a sneak attack that was only a token attempt at reconciliation.
I know you have awful memories, Barbara. I have them, too. But when we let the past color everything in our present, we keep the hurt alive into the future. And when does that ever do us any favors?
Friends, Romans, BCers. . .
The main problem with this story is not the way it was written, but what it was lacking.
There was no real conflict.
Everything went perfectly for April/Adam. Perfect school, perfect transition, perfect life. She had more money than she knew what to do with, and was still working, because you know, what woman is complete without a career.
On the other hand, the only sympathetic character was actually the father. I found his story to be more interesting actually. This is not to say I liked him, but there was a lot more story there. He was painted as a bigot by the rest of his family, but from the ending we know this wasn't the case.
He was embarrassed for his son. His crossdressing embarrassed HIM and he didn't know how to handle it. He was trying to change how his son reacted, because on an emotional level it was controlling what he felt was a disease. Then, his family gangs up on his and suddenly he realizes that the disease is going to win.
How would YOU feel in that situation?
I'm sorry, but from reading this all I get is that April is a cold-hearted bitch, and I'd personally hate for her to be my nurse.
He entered the hall to get warm. She left it two hundred years later.
He entered the hall to get warm. She left it two hundred years later.
Nice story Jengrl
Ending touchy?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
My father beat me and my sibs regularly
...and he molested me and my sis. As much as I came to hate him in so many ways, something inside me learned to forgive him and let the past go; not to give him a pass on his cruelty, but to give me a pass from bitterness and rage. He died of an aortic aneurysm years later after every single child had made peace with him. I hate to think of him dying all alone, afraid and rejected at his own hand like the father here. In their passive rejoicing over his death, the family has become just as hypocritical as he was believed to be. No one 'deserves' that kind of end from where I sit.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
The Father Had Four Years To Think About What He Did
and he still wasn't willing to change. April lived in the same town and his wife and other daughter kept in touch with her the whole time. His parents were right there too At any time over those four years, he could have reached out and apologized , but he just couldn't admit he was wrong. As you can see, the ultimatum was made after four years of waiting for him to get with the program. He chose his own path. Suicide is a choice in many cases(except maybe in extreme mental illness).He could have had his family accept him, but he couldn't deal with the social stigma, if anyone outside his family and friends knew he liked to crossdress. There are a lot of people out there who dress up and then feel guilty about it afterward. They might will themselves not to dress for months or years until the pressure builds and they just do it again. In no way did I mean to imply that all crossdressers are unstable. There are just a few out there that live in parts of the country where small minded communities believe everything in the Bible is the literal word of God. I have been to such a town in Eastern Kentucky. You would think that the world ended at the city limits or the county line of that place. We all know there is that element of fear no matter where we fall on the TG spectrum. Some of us are trapped in Real Life with family obligations and employers that are not open minded at all. That's sad, but it is reality.
What a burn, Daddy-o!
I had to read this after all the comments pro and con. I liked most of it, a lot of lovely wish fulfillment stuff of finally fitting in as a sister, daughter and granddaughter like she'd always imagined. The dad's place in this story was a tragic one, and while maybe there weren't enough specific examples given to paint him as 100%-pure Kayzer Soze evil, he seems to have done a good job of driving everyone away; and I don't think their "We're so done with him!" attitude sprang up out of nowhere, just because they were some kind of spiteful man haters. Now since this is a story I've read casually and not some trial that I'm a member of the jury for---determining an actual person's fate---I'm not going to go back over it, breaking it down line by line to try to get to the bedrock truth about him; But the impression I get from it is that there were plenty more instances of him being horrible that wouldn't fit into a story of this length ........ The tragedy of it is how was he was driven to his bastard behavior by his own inner conflicts- like that freaky uptight homophobic Kevin-Spacey-murdering/suicide-commiting neighbor man in AMERICAN BEAUTY; And yes you should ultimately feel compassion for someone like that, or at least you'd LIKE to be a big enough person to feel that way, since ulitmately they're a victim of homo/transphobia too. But what you feel at any given moment is what you feel, and sometimes it takes a LOT of working through your anger to get to a place of forgiveness, you can't just wave a magic wand at it, and expressing honest anger or even gruesome schadenfreude is more productive than spouting platitudes you can't yet feel, out of a sense of what you should feel. And moreover- STORIES are STORIES (No Humans Involved, so to speak), and not every story has to come from a place of perfect enlightenment. As much as I love stories that ennoble us, literature would be a boring fucking place if it was ALWAYS a demonstration in finding our best possible nature. There's a place for angry stories, vindictive stories even, as a catharsis for the less laudable parts of our nature. That's my opinion at this hour anyway, and if I change it I can simply delete this. As I've been known to do :)
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Having trouble getting my head around this one.
I mean if he went away at weekends, then regularly crossdressed with friends,he must have found it acceptable and pleasurable.
It takes some kind of mental contortion to then condemn somebody else for being transexual. That's taking hypocracy to an unsual degree.
I'm wondering if jengirl is a transexual who might herself have had issues with crosdressers in the past ... or might still yet even have isses with transvestism as I write. I sincerely hope not cos her stories are good and I like them.
As I write this one of my Transvestite friends Zola, has just received a disgraceful amount of abuse on facebook from sombody who states she is a transexual. Being as Zola was helping to run a support group supporting transgendered people of all hues, it's left her distraught and distressed.
She was in tears when we skyped the other day. On the outside as her public personna works hard to run the support group, she comes accross as a tough 'no nonsense' cookie. In truth though she is inside a very sensitive and vulnerable girl despite being 6'6" without her heels and 7' in her six inchers.
It appears to me that some transexuals, (A small minority,), once they have transitioned and been 'cured' tend to become critical and sensorious of transvestites whom they perceive to be ridiculing women and therefore making it harder for transexuals to live as women if they don't 'pass' well.
Well I have news for them. Many transvestites don't pass (myself included,) but they still have to cross dress because their genes make them do so. It makes it doubly hard to be censured not only by the heterosexist majority but also by their transexual sisters.
Being partially transexual, I have a proverbial 'foot' in both camps and find myself constantly crossing betwixt and between, TV and TS. Sometimes (Fortunately rarely,)acting as a bloody conduit to try and convey the hurt that each side feels about the other and promote understanding thereby.
I hope this comment doesn't cause offence but I've seen the hurt on both sides. A bizarre side effect of my childhood abuse is that my locking it up (and continueing to lock it up,) has left me pretty much unfeeling and seemingly un-emotional or insensitive. Thus it took me many years to realise just how sensitive some of my sisters are.
It's been a long road for me to get to at least being reactive to other's hurt and even then I know it's more a self-trained response rather than a genuine empathy stemming from a natural sympathy. One thing I have learned is that many of us try to close it down all our lives and sometimes the most painfull self-confession is when we realise we can't. I have to explain to them that 'coming out' is not a confession of failure or weakness but a celebration of bravery and victory.
Obviously April's dad never savoured that victory or success. What a tormented man he must have been and yet perhaps not able to understand his torment nor articulate it except by the final word, suicide.
It's not irony, it's total bloody tragedy. I'm more sorry for him/her than happy for April.
Growing old disgracefully.
April's dad
Consider the smokers, drug addicts, and alcoholics. They may know that they have an addiction, but they can't help themselves.
Similarly, April's dad considered himself to be addicted to cross-dressing. He was probably consumed with guilt over it and, like many smoking parents, told his child to 'do as I say, not as I do.'
If he could have gotten his head around the fact that his own crossdressing was not evil, he would have been better able accept his daughter.
As I pointed out in a PM, this story reminds me a lot of the Greek tragedy, 'Oedipus Rex.' Oedipus was tormented by a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother. He want to considerable trouble to avoid fulfilling the prophecy. Eventually, his very efforts caused what he dreaded the most to come about. He was stubborn, bull-headed, and prideful throughout the entire saga. In the end, after the worst had happened, he made it even worse by putting his own eyes out. Talk about compounding stupidity with more stupidity. Pride cometh before the fall, and all that.
So anyhow, April and her family told him to shape up or ship out. He chose to really ship out. dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb... but I do pity him. I also can't help but think that, if his family had tried, they could have rehabilitated him. Was it their responsibility to do so? "Am I my brother's keeper?" asked Cain. That is up to much debate. Do you push away the person who hurt you, or do you recognize that he hurt you because he was hurting, and try to stop the vicious cycle?
Of course, they had no idea what his real problem was until it was too late.
Like I said, irony and tragedy. The ancient Greeks would love this story.
I Am A Transssexual Beverly
I am a transsexual Beverly and I don't have anything at all against crossdressers. The main point I was making in this story is how hypocritical some people can be. I have known of people who were so bigoted towards our community, that it left you wondering how insecure they were in their masculinity and how many were going way overboard in their attitudes toward us? They make you wonder if they were secretly indulging behind closed doors. I have seen holier than thou types stand up and preach about the evils of drinking, adultery, homosexuality and embezzlement. They would be caught engaging in the very things they were condemning others for.
Secretly indulging
Some are secretly indulging and feeling guilty about it. Others are, though great effort, not indulging -- and resent the fact that others are doing the very thing that they do. There is nothing harder than watching someone else enjoy what you desperately want, and there is a lot of righteous indignation when someone ignores the rules that bind you so tightly.
The above is about any proscribed activity -- whether it be drugs, drinking, casual sex, or whatever.
Envy and resentment go together. If it's religious rules rather than civil laws that are restricting you, it's very easy to cop a 'THEY ARE HEATHENS' attitude.
Differentists All
We are not all racists, but we are all differentists. Humans are biological animals: We're born, we live, we die. All living organisms are born preprogramed with the primary goal of survival (at least long enough to reproduce (our only physical immortality). As such the guiding principal is "Anything Different is a Threat" because if you treat it as anything else and you're wrong, you're dead. The physical manifestation of that is "Fight or Flee": If it's smaller and weaker than you are kill it before it can become bigger and stronger. If its bigger and stronger, get the hell outta Dodge. The psychological term for this is "Lizard Brain" because the physical part of the brain where this preprograming resides is the same (except for size) for organisms from Lizards on up the evolutionary ladder. That's all the brain a lizard has; for humans there are numberless variations of "Fight or Flee" and what constitutes "different" because our brains are so much more complex. Our gut reaction to different will be the same as a lizard's but we don't have to act on it. You don't have to teach hate; you do have to teach love.
BE a lady!