Nu Beta Nu

The sisters of Nu Beta Nu humbly request your presence at their chapter house for the weekend.

I sat in my room and looked out the window. So many choices lay before me, and I didn't know which one to take.

The past couple of weeks had opened up so many possibilities to my mind, and now, things that I took for granted were no longer the stable and permanent things I thought them to be. It was as if I'd sunk my foundation into bedrock only to find that it was clay instead.

I guess I should start at the beginning of the tale.

I hadn't wanted to go to the sorority party. There were rumors on campus as to how they got new members, since they never participated in rush week. Even so, they had new members every year. They were the only sorority I knew of on campus that even had seniors join it.

I figured that there would be a lot of cute girls there, and being a hot-blooded American male, or so I considered myself, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get with a girl or two at a sorority party.

Yes, I was of two minds on the subject. What convinced me to go was the fact that no one I knew was going.

I know, it seems counter intuitive, but there it is.

I'm not explaining this well. I need to go back a couple of days before the party to really give you a feel for what is going on.

I was just getting out of my morning session in the gym when one of the prettiest girls I'd seen on campus walked up to me and handed me an envelope. My name was embossed in gold leaf and it was sealed with a lipstick kiss on the back.

I looked up to ask the girl what this was for, but she was gone already.

"Brian, you coming?"

"Just a minute, Cody." I put the envelope in my gym bag and promptly forgot about it.

I went to breakfast with my friend, and then to the rest of my day. School was pretty normal for me that day. I flirted with my lab partner, Becky, and played some x-box with my roommates to wind down.

I was engrossed in an intense fire fight when one of my friends who wasn't playing tried to get my attention, "so, what do you think about it, Brian?"

"Huh?" I was killed just as I looked up to try to understand the question. "Dude, Steve, what the ****. You just got me killed."

"Sorry, man."

I set down the controller and looked over at him, "now that you have my undivided attention, what did you want?"

"I was just thinking that the four of us should try for a fraternity next fall."

"Why would we do that?"

"Plasma television for one," Cody chimed in.

"Better parties for another," Steven seconded.

Andy just shrugged at me and turned back to the game.

"Guys, we discussed this earlier this year. Two of you chickened out at the last minute."

"Yeah well," Steve said looking at the threadbare carpeting, "I thought it would be worse than it was. Cody and I spent this year checking out the different fraternities and seeing what they expected of new members."

"And now since you have a little knowledge you're less scared?"

"Exactly!" Cody exulted. "We know we can do this."

"Ok, I'm game if you guys are."

With that settled I went back to my game.

I was awakened at two in the morning by my cell phone going off.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Did you get a chance to look over the invitation?" A sultry voice said over the phone.


"Amber said that she delivered it to you this morning. We thought you would like the time to think it over."

"Crap. . ."

I fumbled through my things trying to find my gym bag. I reached in and found the envelope.

"Look, can I call you back. It slipped my mind and I haven't had the chance to look at it yet."

"Don't take too long, handsome."

Her voice sent chills down my spine where they settled for a moment before shooting out into my extremities.

I opened the letter and looked over the invitation.

Brian Samuel Forsythe
You are cordially invited to attend a soiree at
the Nu Beta Nu chapter house.

New horizons open with Nu Beta Nu.

A party at Nu Beta Nu and I'd been invited. As far as I knew, the Nu Beta Nu girls went to parties, but never held them at their house.

I spent the next couple of days trying to determine who else would be at the party and I got everything from derision to disbelief in the people I questioned.

Well, everyone except for Becky.

"The Nu Beta Nu parties get pretty wild."


"Yeah, they are really exclusive as well. Only members of Nu Beta Nu and a few select invitees are allowed to come to them."

"Come. . ."

"Didn't you know? I'm a member of Nu Beta Nu."

Yeah, that was the moment I went from indecisive to 'hell yeah I'm going.'

Becky wasn't, nor would she ever be in my opinion, gorgeous. She was more of a girl-next-door type. Wholesome and cute, with the right amount of sex appeal to remind you that she was all woman.

So, I called the number of my mystery caller right after the lab ended.

"You certainly took your time responding, Mr. Forsythe."

"Sorry, I wanted to see what I was getting myself into. I'm still not sure, but if someone as nice as Becky is a member of your sorority, then I figure I can't go too far wrong."

"Pleased to hear it. We will be by at eight on Friday to guide you to the event."

I dressed in some of my party clothes and played some video games while I waited. It always seemed that I was waiting for someone when I went out on Friday nights.

There was a soft knock at the door and I opened it.

The redheaded Amber and Becky were at the door.

"Hey, Becky. I'm ready when you are."

"We just need you to put this on." She handed me a black blindfold, which I put on with a little thrill of anticipation.

When I was done, and they were sure I couldn't see anything, they each took me by the hand and led me out into the night.

If you've never been led around a college campus on a Friday night by a couple of beautiful women, then you should try it some time. I was having some difficulty walking by the time we stopped walking, due to the tightness in my jeans.

"Step up here," I heard Becky say, and with only a couple of stumbles I got up a short flight of concrete stairs. Then I smelled perfume and wax and a door closed behind me.

"Step up again," Becky said, and we headed up a much longer set of wooden stairs. One of the girls was pressed to my front, and the other was behind me. I could only assume that it was a narrow staircase.

I was ushered into another room, one that echoed slightly, and brought to a halt. I could hear the rustling of dresses and the shuffling of feet. I had no idea what I was in for, but I would soon find out.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the inner sanctum of Nu Beta Nu." It was the voice from the phone. It was even more sexy now.

"I want to let you know that everything you do from this point forward will have to be your choice. Some of you we know belong here in Nu Beta Nu. Some of you, on the other hand, we're not quite as sure about. Our sisters have scouted each of you out, and we've selected the thirteen students who have the opportunity to join our ranks this year."

"I haven't been a gentleman for quite a while," a feminine voice said from somewhere to my left.

"Samantha, we know. I was mostly saying this for the other guests. And before you ask, no you can't take the blindfold off yet. We have rituals to go through, the same each of us went through in the beginning."

"Um, rituals?" This was asked by another voice, this one definitely male.

"Nothing like you're obviously thinking Robert. We do everything here in a certain order. It protects our sorority, and in turn allows us to protect our sisters."

She paused for a moment as if trying to find her train of thought, and then continued, "As I mentioned before all of this is voluntary and at no point will that change. This is our initiation and pledge all in one. You are being offered a place with us."

"Wait, what?" I think that was me, but a number of the guys spoke up at this.

We quieted down a bit and someone yelled into the silence, "boys don't join sororities!"

There was general giggling at this. It was at that moment that I realized we were surrounded by girls.

"At one point every member of Nu Beta Nu stood where you stand now. We did our weekend trial and then joined the ranks of the sisterhood. We have never had every member of a pledge join us. The most we've had is five, and once we had an entire pledge group fail to complete the weekend."

She paused for effect before continuing, "before you decide, let me explain the nature of this weekend to you all. It is an opportunity for you to see what life is like from a different perspective."

"Does that mean you're all gay?"

"Of course not. Many of us are hetero. Only a few of us like girls."

There was chuckling and giggling at this.

This was a different world than I'd ever thought I'd be in. It scared me shitless.

"You will be spending the entire weekend with the sister, or sisters, that guided you here. They are your sponsors. At some point they may decide that you just don't fit with the precepts of Nu Beta Nu. At some point you may decide that the precepts don't fit you."

"This is a weekend of discovery for all of you, and we hope that you enjoy it while it lasts.

"Girls, if you'll please escort our new ladies to your rooms, we can begin."

I heard a few minor protests, but everyone went peaceably, or at least so it seemed. I was still blindfolded.

I felt when we entered the room. I could just sense the pink. It was strangely comforting, and relaxing. Course it might have just reminded me of my older sisters room, at least by the smell.

"We need for you to remove your clothing and then we'll present you with your name for the weekend." Amber said.


"Every girl needs a name, Brian. For the weekend, you will be a girl," Becky said into my ear.

I was in a room with two women, and they'd just asked me to remove my clothing. Of course I complied.

I wasn't a god, but neither was I ashamed of my physique. I was a little small for a guy at 5'8", but that didn't really matter much to me. I'd always been able to find girls shorter than I was.

They measured me, and I felt myself becoming aroused at the contact. This was the sexiest. . .anything I'd ever been to. Even if I left here this evening before anything else happened, this would be a memory that I carried with me forever. One that would be in my dreams forever.

The door opened and closed. I felt something pressed against my chest and I took hold of it. It was a silky material of some sort.

"Put this on, Chastity. Becky's gone to get you something to wear for the evening after we've finished with you." Her voice didn't quite match her face, but it was still pretty. She sounded as if she'd be an alto if she sang.


"It's your name, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said trying to make my voice sound a little higher pitched. She giggled at me. "What's your name?" I asked.


I mentally face palmed myself for that one. I'd heard her name before.

"Is that the name they gave you when you came here?"

"No, my parents named me Amber."

"Um, but. . ?" My confusion was evident.

"My parents are of the opinion that children don't get the option to pick their names, so when I told them what I was planning on doing, they told me that my name was going to be Amber if I went through with it. I did, and now it is."

My parents. I'd been so aroused that I hadn't been thinking clearly. I take that back. I was thinking clearly, just not about anything other than sex with two beautiful girls.

I had no idea what my parents would think about this. Neither could I believe that I was taking any of this seriously.

"How come you sound so natural?"

"Lots of practice. And voice lessons. I always had a slightly higher pitched voice, so that came in handy when I went through my transition, but learning the way a girl speaks didn't hurt."

"The way a girl speaks?"

"If you haven't noticed, men and women speak differently from each other, for the most part. Learn the mannerisms and you learn the part."

"You sound like my high school drama teacher."

"I am a drama major. I played Juliette last semester."

"No kidding. . ."

"Chastity, Amber, it sounds as though you two hit it off." Becky said as she entered the room.

"When can I take the blindfold off?"

"When we are done with everything but your face."

That didn't really answer my question, but I let it slide for now.

"At each stage of this process, we give you the option to go no further. This has to be your choice, Chastity."

"Ok, Becky. What's first."

"We wax your legs."

"You what?!"

"Oh, don't be a baby. We know you're a swimmer and shave your legs before every meet. This is just a little more than that."

I closed my eyes, even thought they were blindfolded, and nodded. "Go ahead."

I have to admit that I was intrigued. Yes, like she'd said, I was a swimmer, and I shaved my legs before meets. Well, not only that, I shaved every inch of hair on my body before a meet. Head to toes. I'd even considered getting a Brazilian. . .

I felt something being spread on my leg, and enjoyed it for a moment. . .before it was ripped off. I would never suggest a girl get her legs waxed. . .ouch. . .again.

I winced every time that the wax went on my legs, but I was determined not to make a sound. They finished the backs of my thighs and buttocks and moved down to my calves. They then flipped me over and worked their way up. They were completely thorough and removed every scrap of hair, or so I thought, from my neck down. By the time they were done, the room felt a lot colder, and the robe I'd been handed earlier felt a lot better against my skin.

They then sat me in the chair and worked on my hands and feet. I began to get into the chatter, and they began to instruct me in the fine art of sounding like a girl.

It was kind of fun. I could see why some businessmen liked manicures.

I smelled the chemical smell of nail polish, and knew what was coming next, but they asked me anyway.

"Chastity, may we paint your fingernails and toenails?"

"Yes, Becky, you may."

They painted my nails, and let them dry before they went on to the next task.

"May we put underwear and breast forms on you, Chastity?"

"Yes." I tried this time to sound as feminine as I could. I think I did a passable job.

I felt something being slid up my legs, and just before it was pulled into place, one of the two tucked my willie between my legs. The panty was snugged into place, and the growing erection had nowhere to go.
It was a bit uncomfortable for a moment, but then I took a deep breath and relaxed. It slowly went away.

I felt something cool being put on my chest, and then the straps of a bra were put into place.

They removed the blindfold, and I could see the room for the first time. Yep, pink.

My fingers were in a sort of mint green, but I couldn't see my toes in the position I was sitting. They began to work on my face. More waxing. My facial hair and some of my eyebrows went this time. Then they really went to work.

They worked on my makeup, putting it on, and then taking it off, looking for my colors I supposed. Eventually they decided that they had it just right. They stood me up and took off the bathrobe from around my shoulders. They carefully pulled a nightgown over my head, and then touched up my makeup for me. Last, they put a wig on my head and got it situated just so. They pinned it in place with bobby pins, and then turned me to see myself in the mirror.

I was at least as good looking as either of the girls standing next to me. I made a kissing face at the mirror, and the three of us giggled. They helped me to remove the makeup, and the three of us collapsed on the pillows on the floor.

They spent a while telling me their stories, and I told them about my sister.

We were the best of friends while I was growing up, even though she'd been ten years older than me. No, I'd never thought about trying on any of her clothing. That was her stuff, and snot nosed brothers just didn't do that.

I'd had a special relationship with my sister, and it was a really hard think for me when she'd died her first year of college. Her name had been Chastity.

"We can change it if you want. None of us here knew."

"No, it's alright. I don't mind it that much."

We went to sleep cuddled on the floor. I had some very vivid dreams that night, most of which seemed to involve either Becky, Amber, or both. We needed to change my panties the next morning.

The rest of the weekend progressed as more of the same. Time with Becky. Time with Amber. We even went shopping at the mall. While we were there, a guy I'd seen once or twice at the college walked up to us.

"You seem really familiar to me. I've seen you a couple of times in the mall today, and I just can't place where I know you from."

"I'm attending the college. The same one you are."

"You're not going to give me any more than that, are you?"

I just shook my head and smiled at him.

"Well, the least you can do is let me take you on a date tomorrow night."

I was about to say no, but Becky spoke up before I could say anything, "She'd love to."

"Yes, I'll go with you tomorrow night."

"It's a date then."

"What are you doing?" I asked as soon as he'd walked away.

"Not all of us get the opportunity to try dating before the end of our weekend. It's a perfect way to get the whole experience."

"What if I would prefer to be a lesbian?"

"Well, that's just something that you'll have to figure out, but don't shut yourself off to possible experiences."

The look in her eyes, though, told me something different. She had sponsored me because she liked me as a person, and wanted to see if me being a girl would spark a more physical attraction for her. Apparently it did.

"Becky, if you'd prefer. . ."

"Oh no, you go on this date. Please? It is a really special moment for any girl. Her first boy/girl date."

"Okay. I'll do it for you."

We went back to shopping, only this time we had a purpose. We were looking for the perfect outfit for tomorrow. We got heels and a dress, and for a moment I even considered getting my ears pierced. That was just a bit further than even I was willing to go for a girl.

We went back to the chapter house, and I spent the rest of Saturday, and most of Sunday, working on my mannerisms. It was a crash course on girl.

He came to pick me up, and he was a perfect gentleman. He held the door for me, and sat me at the table. It was. . .a very special evening. Becky had been right. I flirted with him, and even held his hand briefly during the movie. When he put his hand on my knee I disengaged. He removed his hand from my knee, but I didn't hold his hand for the rest of the movie. He was still pleasant to be with.

It was like being out with the guys, but with an added zing of sexuality mixed into it. I have to admit I kind of liked it.

When he dropped me off at the Nu Beta Nu chapter house, we talked for a bit, and then he kissed me. I let him, but I didn't reciprocate. I wasn't sure what I wanted from it all.

"So, how was it?" Becky asked as soon as I got back up to the room.

We rehashed the date, and I told her about the kiss.

"Was it anything like this?"

She kissed me full on the lips, and this time I didn't even hesitate to reciprocate.

We kissed for a while before a breathless Becky pushed back. "So, was it?"

"Nothing like that, Becks. Nothing at all." I sighed, and both of us giggled. I changed out of my girly clothes, and back into the clothes I'd worn on Friday when I first arrived. I cleaned off the makeup. I put the blindfold back on. I got a bit of a wedgie from my boxer shorts without the normal friction from the hair. I had to keep picking it out, all the while wondering idly if this is what a thong felt like.

"Gentleman, and lady, you are the only ones who are left with us after the weekend. You now have a decision to make. Join Nu Beta Nu, or go back to the rest of your life. Your escorts will lead you back to your rooms throughout campus. We give you to the end of the week to make your decision."

They led me back to my room, and I went about my normal week, with one minor exception. There were more giggles between Becky and I during our labs. More overt flirting, and some slight touching.

The time of the deadline came upon me before I knew it.

I sat in my room and looked out the window. So many choices lay before me, and I didn't know which one to take.

Edited by the ever patient Julia Phillips.

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