The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 2 Summer Vacation Ch. 31

The Summer Vacation
Chapter 31

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


We walk down the hallway to the dining area. Once we walk inside we see three long rows of tables put together to look like a triangle. It is similar to how I saw it in Antarte Kingdom when I ate there with the other Kings and Queens. I put my satchel on the table with the others.

I sit near the end of a table near a corner. Near my place setting are two smaller stones for Amber and Cobalt to sit on. The kitchen staff has set up a plate with two napkins and two cups of fruit juice for them. Trianna and Renard are sitting next to me.

Sir Trenton and his commanders sit to the left of King Tierion. Duke Traylor and his wife sit to left of Queen Shiranna along with the Governors and their wives.

The rest of the Castle Lords and Ladies, Dwarf ambassadors and their wives sit where they wished and pair up who wants to sit next to each other. I estimate about forty people sitting together for the noon repast.

The children won't be joining them until the evening repast. They are all together eating in another room in the Castle. They reluctantly agreed to give their parents some time alone. Even some of the children were not immune from the fear attack. They wanted to be near their parents as much as possible, especially when they go to sleep at night.

Once we settled in the chairs and get quiet, King Tierion speaks up.

“Trianna and Renard, can you both give the Thanks for the noon repast?”

The look at each other and smile.

“We would be glad to do it.”

Renard and Trianna both stand up together.

Renard speaks first. “We just thank you today, Maker, for your wonderful blessings that we are here today. We are safe and together. We thank you that the damage to your gem in the heavens is still here. We thank you for this food that we are about to eat. Let it restore our strength so that we can continue to rebuild Thryson Kingdom.”

“Thank you, Maker, for this day that the pain we suffered at the hands of the enemy was not complete. We thank you that we can recover and still be with our loved ones each day. We thank you for the song by Amber and Cobalt. It helped lifted our spirits immensely. Keep us safe as we go about to help others to recover. We thank you for our Outside Helper. He has shown us there is still beauty in your creation. Thank you, Maker,” finishes Trianna.

Everyone responds together, “Thank you, Maker.”

Renard and Trianna both sit down. Some servers help them move the chairs in forward.

Then the kitchen staff comes in carrying trays of plates for the first course. They place salads in front of us. Each one has a spoonful of cold vegetables, mushrooms and nuts served on top of several different green leaves. There is also a light spice on top of it. For Amber and Cobalt they deliver an assortment of seeds and nuts removed from the shells.

We talk in groups while we eat. Some of the questions come my way eventually after I take a few bites.

“Richard, I just want to thank you for bringing the flower book. I'm glad to see there are other worlds with such beauty.”

“You're welcome, Lady Clarienelle.”

“Richard, in some of those pictures we saw plenty of gardens on display. There were many different types.”

“Yes there are, Lady Elena.”

“I looked closely at some of the pictures, I saw several kinds of insects flying to each flower. One of them looked short and stocky with a yellow and black striped body. What is that one?”

“That one is the honey bee. They are found in many parts of the world. They are the primary honey gathering insect. Most of the bees look like them. Some do look very different in color depending where they are found.”

“That's nice. So do you have many kinds of flavors with the honey?”

“Yes we do, Lady Elena. We have bee farmers that would travel about with the bee hives in special boxes. Because of the high demand to ensure the fruit trees and vegetables get pollinated, it is a very lucrative business. However, there are some drawbacks.”

“What are some of them, Richard?”

“Bees are very sensitive and susceptible to the environment, Praxor. In past times we would find bee colonies that would die or disappear.”

“In what way, Richard?”

“First they are sensitive to the cold weather. Second they can be poisoned too easily or get an infection.”

“Poisoned? Who would do a thing like that?”

“The farmers would do it without realizing it. When we were forced to live outside the Maker's special garden, we have been battling against weeds and pests who infest and eat our crops before we can harvest them. About two hundred years ago the farmers started to spray chemicals or a special liquid mix to help control the problem.”

“That doesn't sound healthy, Richard.”

“It certainly isn't, Praxor. There are certain insects that will keep the bad insects in check. And there are other insects that are beneficial for the plants.”

The servers come in and take our salad plates away. Then they come back in with the main dish. I see that Beharn prepared fowl for our main dish. There are three different vegetable servings on each plate, one of them is a mixture of different types of mushrooms for the dwarves. The fowl is cooked up several different ways.

“I know of several different problems that are currently happening with that, Praxor. In one country, the farmers collect the pollen from a particular fruit tree grove, then they mix it up thoroughly. Then it is portioned into small bags, and each farm helper with a feather walks up to each flower on the fruit tree to pollinate them.”

“Why, Richard?”

“Because they used a chemical years ago to control a certain pest in that valley, but it also killed the honey insect that pollinated those trees or reduced their numbers.”

“Well, we certainly don't want to do that.”

“You'll have to keep good records on your honey insects and any others to find the trends.”

“Ask the fairies for the help Praxor. I don't know if you know this, there are five different types of insects that pollinate the flowers throughout Thryson Kingdom.”

“I didn't know that, Cobalt.”

“However, there is only one honey producing insect. The others drink the nectar directly to live. One of our duties is to make sure the flowers are pollinated by the various insects besides the honey insects. We even take a sip of the nectar now and then when there are no fruits available. Those flowers can refill themselves with more nectar.”

“You need to be careful in how much honey is taken from their hives. The honey insects eat it during the cold winters for food. We even have some birds that will pollinate the flowers.”

“We can help by determining their health in general as they go about their tasks.”

“Thank you, Cobalt and Amber. I'll ask Avel for the help and ideas how to do it.”

“I'm sure there are some winters that stick around longer than others in some years.”

“That's very true, Richard. Sometimes spring would come late or early. Then another blast of cold weather comes in and freezes the new growth.”

“We encounter the same problem, Lord Hershson. Sometimes we find the farmers wanting to move their groves further and further south.”

“I already have several farmers requesting that, Richard. It takes the profit from those northern fiefdoms and moves it to the southern ones.”

“But at least the crop stays in Thryson Kingdom for all to enjoy, Duke Traylor.”

“Sigh...I will agree with you on that, Praxor.”

“Besides, with Eirecann Kingdom’s northern location, their growing and harvest season is very short. They have specific and hardy vegetables and fruit trees there.”
“Yes, my King. They know what it takes to live there. I'll ask their Land Governor for a tour. It has been some time since I was there last time.”

“I would like to come with you, Praxor, with some of my advisers.”

“Yes, we can figure out what to do together, Lord Hershson.”

It gets quiet again as we eat the main dish. When we get done with it, the servers come in and remove our plates. When they return, they bring out the fruit bowls for us. We see all of the bowls for the ladies are already cut and prepared for them with a spice sprinkled on top. Even the fruit pieces are arranged in a flower pattern in their bowls. Amber and Cobalt receive the same bowl as the ladies. Everyone smiles at the thoughtfulness by the Master Chef. However, for the men the fruits are all whole with a spice stick inserted into the fruit. Everyone sees what is happening. They begin to giggle and laugh at the fruit presentation. The servers also leave a damp cloth at each place setting.

“Well, it seems there is a preference for our ladies and the fairies.”

“Did you suggest this to Master Chef Beharn, my King?”

“I did talk to him yesterday, Lady Elena. We discussed the menu for the next few days. I think he took my words literally when I said to serve up a meal that is not too hard to work for.”

We all laugh and giggle.

“Well, anyway I approve Tierion.”

Again we laugh and giggle while we eat the fruit. The men then cut into the fruits and work for the prize within. The ladies giggle when they see their men struggle to keep as neat as possible. The men are glad to see their wives smiling and laughing again. Amber and Cobalt giggle and chuckle as well when they see me try to be neat as possible.

When we get done with the fruit bowl. We look at each other and see some contentment on our faces, especially with the ladies.

King Tierion looks at a server nearby and nods his head up and down. She turns around and walks into the kitchen. Shortly thereafter, the kitchen staff comes out and stands in a line. “Master Chef Beharn, that was an excellent noon repast. It was very delicious.”

Then the rest of us clap and cheer. The kitchen staff smiles, bows quickly and rises back up.

Beharn steps forward. “Thank you. I would like to thank my Assistant Chef. She arranged the fruit bowls for the ladies and the fairies. It was her idea to do this type of presentation based on your suggestion. Once I saw the first bowl arranged, I let her do the rest of the bowls.”

We clap and cheer for the Assistant Chef.

She steps forward and nods her head quickly and smiles. “Thank you. I hoped the arrangement would lift your spirits. Apparently it has.” She smiles at us while she giggles a bit.

The rest of the ladies giggle and the men chuckle in approval. Then we all clap our hands again.

“This is a reminder, Master Chef, we'll be having the children and the Mystic Order with us this evening.”

“I am planning the meal already my King. It will be ready for all to enjoy.”

The kitchen staff nod their heads again. They turn to the left and walk back to the kitchen.

The King looks at everyone in the dining room and smiles.

“I know it has been planned to have another session this afternoon for the ladies for a few marks, my love. Are there plans to have a session bringing the families back together?”

“We have, Tierion. At the Third Mark we'll be asking the men and the children to come together with the ladies. Hopefully, it will prove to us all that progress is being made.”

“Yes, Queen Shiranna. Then we can return, well rested, to our fiefdoms tomorrow morning. I know we are needed there to continue overseeing the rebuilding projects.”

“How is the Mystic Order doing, Renard and Trianna, in response to this recovery?”

“It is going well, my King. The ones who delivered the Castle Lords and Ladies here are going fine. Some of them are on edge a bit.”

“Yes, some of them were very tense and nervous yesterday. Today was better for them. This afternoon's sessions with them should be fruitful in laying to rest the last fragments of the fear attack that assaulted their minds.”

“One thing to remember, my friends. If any of you get a relapse, don't hesitate to contact others for help. Whether it is a nearby fiefdom or even here at the Castle. We are here for you.”

Everyone looks at each other and smiles. Some squeeze the hand of their mate as they look at each other.

“Richard, I have a question for you,”

“Yes, my Queen.”

“I remember you mentioning the last time you were here that you have seen some terrible things back on Earth. How did you deal with it?”

I look down a bit and give a sad face. Amber and Cobalt fly over and sit on my shoulders. They start to hum a low level soothing melody.

I look up and give a weak smile. “I have seen many things my friends. Some of it happened near me, some of it was viewed on our television units. It allows us to see events elsewhere on Earth.”

“The close ones are accidents that I have witnessed. It would be like a cart rolling down a hill with no control. The cart would not stop until it hit something like a tree, a cart or a building. I remember an accident where there was a loss of life. He was a good friend of mine in college.”

“A car ran a stop light and crashed into his car. I was standing on the sidewalk and saw it happen. I was allowed to ride with him and hold his hand to the hospital. He told me he appreciated that very much to not feel alone. After the surgery, I looked at his face and saw his fear while lying in the hospital bed. He asked me to tell his mom that he loved her very much.”

The expression on most of them change when they hear my story. Some are holding onto their mates tighter. Some shed a tear as well.

“I tried to reassure him there is another life on the other side. I asked him if he ever sought out the Maker and try to hear his voice. He told me he believed. He smiled at me and told me he will be waiting for me to play some games.”

“I told him that I look forward to the challenge. He then closed his eyes and breathed his last breath. I never forgot that image in my mind. Life is too short, we must make the best of it. I was able to record his last words and sent a copy to his parents. They couldn't get there in time.”

I look down and try to regain my breath. Renard and Trianna reach for my hands to squeeze them. We look at each other and smile.

“I remember an explosion while I was walking down the street in a city I was visiting one day. It was a man who felt he had to make a statement against the local government. He committed suicide and killed ten other people. I'll never forget those screams.” A few more tears come down my eyes. I take my napkin and dab the tears to dry my face. “I rushed forward to see if I could help someone. I was able to bind some of the wounds until the medics and emergency vehicles arrived. There were about twenty more people injured as well.”

“Then there are the wars. I would see scenes on the television unit in other places around the world. Innocent people would get killed while battles would take place between two countries. Each nation believes in their determination that they are right.”

“I would pray at night, I would listen to some upbeat and happy music to have the songs repeat in my head to drown out the screams. I would try and listen to the Maker's Voice to make sure I am on the right path. I would be with friends and talking about it. I would read a book or two. One of the books is a historical book that mentions some of the stories I told here. Sometimes I hear the Maker's Words in my mind that it will all work out for the best.”

I breathe in and out slowly, “sigh....”

“Now that I'm the Omega Unicorn, I already know that there will be more bloodshed ahead before true peace finally comes. Only the Maker knows how to stop that. There is only one way to get the people's attention that there is life out here. When I graduate with my current degree and I am established with a good income, I am going to earn a degree in astronomy. That way I can participate in looking at the stars at night and see if I can find the proof.”

“I don't have to worry about interstellar travel. We have many scientists and engineers working hard on that already.”

“I try not to think about the bad things that I saw. I remember my friend's face, his words and the good memories that we shared. I look at previous recordings of my friends to remember those days. I must remember my family and not forget them. I must have hope the Maker will keep his promises and not listen to the lies from others.”

“The lies can be from someone I don't know or imaginary in my mind. I must tell myself that they are lies and they have no control over me. My new hope while I am here for a year is to get a handle on these emotions.”

“Then we'll be here to help you. If you feel a breakdown coming upon you, don't hesitate to speak up.”

“Thank you, my Queen. More than likely Amber and Cobalt will sense it first.” I give a quick glance to Amber and Cobalt on my shoulders. They smile at me widely and touch my ear in return affection.

“There is one dream that I do remember my friends. When I met my mother in the heavens, she told me that my future wife will find me.”

“You see, Richard. There is hope for you after all. Just keep trusting in the Maker each day.”

“That I must do, Renard.”

“From hearing you now, Richard, the best way you found to deal with it is to think of the good times and remember songs that have meaning to you.”

“And to be around friends that you can talk to, my King. Sometimes playing or hearing an musical instrument helps as well. It can express your emotions like a song.”

“I remember you playing our toryli the last time you were here.”

“Yes I remember it, Trianna. The instrument I play has six strings. I find a joy in playing one. I'll try your other instruments one day to see if I can adapt to playing them.”

“You're welcome to try, Richard.”

“Well, are we ready for the next session?”

“We are, King Tierion.”

“My King, am I needed at these sessions?”

“You're welcome to join us, Richard. But I think you need to see Rosella first.”

“Yes, my King. Where will the men gather together?”

“We'll be meeting in my private reading room. You have been there before.”

“I'll be there after I meet Rosella.”

We all get up from our chairs. I pick up my satchel on the way out. I turn left while the others turn right to go up the stairs to the second floor.

Amber and Cobalt sit on my shoulders as I walk to see Rosella. “Thank you, Amber and Cobalt, for the songs. It helped me and the others.”

“You're welcome, Richard.”

I come up to the door and knock on it a few times.

“You may come in.”

I open the door and walk inside. They turn around and see who is visiting. The three of us see the entire tailor staff is here. There are six working on many clothes and outfits.

“Welcome, Richard. We've been waiting for you.”

“Hello, Rosella. I don't know if you have heard. Amber and Cobalt are with me now.”

“I was wondering why they are with you. King Tierion told me you had to visit Avel yesterday.”

“Yes, it seems that Amber and Cobalt sensed my disappearance when I visited the star ship yesterday morning. They are more heart connected to me now.”

“I also see the fairies did some beautiful art work on the ranger outfit. What brought that about?”

“While Lyonair was taking me to meet Avel. The path he took had a lot of close bushes and branches. They slashed and tore the lower part of the pants.”

“That is very good work.”

“I can't tell where the tears are in that flower pattern. I love that pattern on your shirt and jacket as well.”

“I would like to record this. We can do a special line of clothes at the midsummer festival.”

“I think before you do that, Rosella, Thomas and Theresa, you will need to give the honor to the fairies.”

The tailors look at each other with a sad face, then they nod their heads up and down.

“You're right, Richard. They deserve the recognition for their efforts.”

Then Amber speaks up, “They used what they had with them to repair Richard's clothes. It is only fair they should be paid as well.”

“You're right, Amber. They should be paid. If not with silver and gold, what can we give them to say thank you?”

“You can put a box or two together with some of your scrap cloth and threads. That will be more than enough to say thank you. The clothes they make for themselves do get worn over time. Plus, it is needed when Avel gives birth to more fairies.”

“You're right, Cobalt.”

“Also, you can put a label on the dress or jacket that states it is designed by the fairies of Avel.”

“I like that a lot, Richard. I can see most of the women wanting to have a dress in their closet with a design like yours, Richard.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Rosella. When I get back to Earth I will only be wearing this outfit for special occasions. We don't dress like this everyday. In other countries, the people will have several different types of clothes. There are the cultural clothes they wear for special occasions. They are very colorful and describe their heritage. There are work clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Then there are the best clothes when eating or meeting with important people.”

The tailor staff giggles and chuckle while I'm trying to describe the fashions on Earth. I laugh along with them.

“We have no problem visualizing that, Richard. Most people here do, as well. Now that you are here, let's see what we can put together for you. Let's plan for the events first. There will be the festivals coming up and your tour of the kingdoms.”

“I will be only attending ours here and the Grand Gala Sea Festival in the fall.”

“We thought as much. This year's Grand Gala Sea Festival is being held here for the first time. Our orders have been increasing dramatically to meet the demand. Fortunately, we have a year to prepare.”

“Don't worry Richard. We'll fit you into the schedule. When will you be taking the Thryson tour?”

“Probably a few days after the star ship leaves us, Vincent.”

“After the Thryson tour, then we visit Eirecann Kingdom before the Mid-Summer

“Then it will be Ringol and King Thranton's Under Kingdom.”

“That's about seven days from now when you start touring. We'll make two outfits together for right now. One will be for the dinners. The other one will be for the day as normal wear that you don't mind getting dirty.”

“That sounds fine, Rosella.”

“Then after the region tour, we'll evaluate how the clothes are holding up.”

“Should we make room for the breast and back plate, Rosella?”

“Probably, Thomas.”

“Rosella, I was thinking of another chest protector that is different the last few days.”

“What kind is it?”

I demonstrate with my hands. “This is for everyday wear. We have corsets that are worn by both genders.”

They all smile together. The ladies giggle a bit.

“Say no more, Richard, we understand. What style are you thinking? Leather or steel?”

“Steel that covers the lower part of my body and my groin area.”

“Why that low, Richard?”

“I don't know if you have heard the news.”

“What news is that, Richard?”

I turn to Amber and smile, “Amber please tell them.”

“Yes Richard. The Omega Unicorn is pregnant!”

The men yell, “Congratulations!”

The ladies scream in excitement. “Eek!”

Amber and Cobalt fly off my shoulders quickly when they come forward to hug me or put a hand to my shoulder.

“Ooh, I'm jealous you get to have your own fairies!”

“Now, now, Theresa. It is not all sugar and honey. If I live long enough I might give birth to at least sixteen hundred fairies by the time the Maker fulfills His plan.”

They smile at me and giggle again.

“Well, we'll just have to make you comfortable while you are protected.”

“Perhaps, Vincent, but there are some buildings that I will enter that will have metal detectors for weapons.”

“That is a problem, Richard. Having a steel corset won't help there. We can make a leather corset that won't have the steel boning. We have a boning material that we made that will last a long time.”

“It will probably be one of many corsets that I will wear over time. For the steel corset, I'm thinking of making it difficult for someone else who wants it off.”

“Are you expecting an attack?”

“I have to be prepared if an enemy catches me. More than likely they will be arrogant thinking they have won. So I must protect my womb from being raped if they discover I'm dual gender.”

Everyone looks at each other in silence with a thoughtful face.

Rosella looks up at me, “You're right, Richard. You must be very careful who you meet and where you go.”

“We'll come up with three types that you can choose from. You might even like them all.”

“Well, do the best you can. You still have my measurements?”

“We do, Richard. But I will need some more room to make sure of a good fit, since it will be a corset type.”

“Okay, I'll take off the shirt, jacket and the armor.”

I put my satchel on the table, then I take off the jacket and lay it next to the satchel. Then I take off the belt and shirt. Vincent and Thomas unbutton the latches and help me take off the breast and back plate armor. They place it on the table with the shirt and jacket. I then take off my T-shirt and put it on the table.

“You just need to loosen the pants and lower them down. I know you have a pair of shorts on.

“Stand on the box, Richard. We need to make sure of the measurements and to make room for the padding.”

“It's advisable you wear a liner first or a light woven shirt like that white shirt you took off last. That will help with the rubbing.”

“I understand, Theresa.”

Rosella, Thomas and Theresa measure my torso and the distances at the key points on my body. Vincent writes them down on a pad of paper as they are called out. Then I sit down on a chair and they do the same thing. I see Amber and Cobalt standing on a table nearby smiling at me. I smile back at them.

“That should do it, Richard. Come here in two days before your tour. We'll need to do a fit check to make sure we got it right. We'll do the leather and fabric one first. The smiths will need some time to hammer out and shape the steel pieces. It will have about five pieces at least. We also need to check the front groin area to make sure it is comfortable there and you can still relieve yourself.”

“Thank you, Rosella.” I stand back up and re-dress. Vincent and Thomas help me put on the breast and back plate and latch it. They help me put on the shirt, the belt and jacket as well.

“Thank you for coming by, Richard.”

“You're welcome, Rosella. I'll be here in a few days.”

“See you later, Richard, Amber and Cobalt.”

“See you later, friends.”

Amber and Cobalt fly onto my shoulder as I leave the tailor shop. I walk down the hallways, the foyer and the up the stairs to the second floor. I walk down the hallway until I see a knight there guarding a door. The knight sees me.

“They're inside, Richard.”

“Thank you.”

He opens the door for me and walk inside. I see a circle of men sitting in chairs looking at each other. I walk over to the empty chair and sit down on it.

“Welcome back, Richard.”

“Thank you for inviting me, my King.”

We talk about many things until the Third Mark. They realize it is a day by day reassurance. They must go to bed with a clear mind. Try to think about the good things in life as they fall asleep. They are thankful no one is seriously hurt. They must remind themselves the pain lasted no more than a half-mark.

They did thank me for some ideas in replaying some songs they have recorded on the crystals.

“Now here is a good idea if you're hearing it in your head. Imagine you have an on or off button. You push the button in your mind to turn it off and the sound goes away.”

“Or we can imagine we're reducing the volume to make it bearable.”

“That's a very good idea, Renard and Richard.”

“Let's try it. Close your eyes an imagine you are turning it down or off. Don't let the memory of that time rule you. Think about the good times, instead.”

They close their eyes. They imagine in their minds they are reaching out. They recite the words in their mind to reduce the volume or turn it off.

I can see the smile on their faces. Their faces are showing signs of being in a relaxed state of mind. I whisper to Amber and Cobalt, “It's working.”

“It is working in us too, Richard. Thank you.”

I do the same thing in my mind to reduce the sound of the explosion in my head. I know it is always a part of my memory, but at least I won't let it rule my emotions.

We stay in that relaxed state of mind. Then we hear a knock on the door to wake us up. King Tierion gets up and walks to the door and opens it up.

“It's the Third Mark, my King.”

“Thank you for the reminder.”

We hear their conversation clearly. We open our eyes and look at each other. We smile at each other.

“That was good.”

“Are we ready to join our families?”

“I think we are, my King.”

The men get up and walk out of the King's private study room. We walk down the hallway until we come to the room where the ladies are located. King Tierion approaches first. The knight opens the door. The King walks inside first.

“Are you ready to be together again?”

“We are, my love.”

King Tierion turns around. “Come in quietly. They say they are ready.”

The Castle Lords all walk in one by one. The children run quickly to their fathers. They get hugged immediately. They pick them up or walk hand in hand back to their mothers. They have smiles and tears coming down their faces as they are rejoined back together.

I see children of all ages. They range from the child to the young adults.

“We miss you, daddy!”

“I miss you too. Are you feeling better?”

“I'm now that we are back together.”

“I miss you, Hershson.”

“I miss you too, my love.”

“Cobalt and Amber, I think we need a happy reunion song.”

“That's a good idea, Queen Shiranna.”

Cobalt and Amber fly off my shoulder. They sing a duet song of being together. They fly in front of their faces to get a smile, a chuckle or a giggle from them.

Tis' a wonder to be apart,
to love that never parts.
Its always there to see,
to love and to be.

We always belong together,
because our hearts adore.
Let our memories keep us together,
for our hearts always implore.

Amber and Cobalt continue singing the song until everyone is giggling and laughing. When they finish the song, they hug each other tightly and sit on my shoulder again.

Everyone claps their hands for the song. They hug each other as they sit down together as a family.

“Well, now we see everyone with a happy and joyful face. We can talk about how we can keep it that way.”

We talk about the many different ideas that has been discussed between the groups. They agreed all of them are good ideas. This continues until we get another knock on the door. King Tierion opens it.

“It is time for the evening repast, my King.”

“Thank you.”

King Tierion turns around to make the announcement.

“It is time for the evening repast.”

The children all cheer together. “Yeah! It's time to eat!”

“It's almost time for the sunset!”

We all walk together out of the hallway. We see the Mystic Order coming towards us. We greet each other with hugs and smiles.

“Is everyone okay?”

“We are now, my Lord Eralian.”

“We accomplished a lot as well. We have heard and used the ideas in our meetings.”

“So have we, Lady Twylis.”

We all start walking back down the hallways, stairs and front foyer. We enter the dining room. We see the tables arranged in long rows. There are three front rows for the royalty families, Ambassadors, Governors and their wives, the Commanders, Renard, Trianna, Cobalt, Amber and myself. There are eight parallel rows at right angle facing the head table.

Everyone comments on the aroma drifting into the dining room from the kitchen.

“From that smell, I can tell we are having grilled bird and grilled fruits and vegetables.”

“Yes, it’s just the thing we need to chase the sadness away.”

“My thought exactly, my love.”

They all giggle and laugh while everyone takes their seat according to their fiefdom. Once everybody settles in, Renard gives the Thanks for the meal. The servers come out and start placing the first course out. Everyone enjoys the meal prepared by Beharn. The plate consists of several cold vegetables on a plate of greens. There is a hint of spice and dressing that makes it almost grilled.

“If this is the first course, I can imagine what the rest will be.”

Everybody is talking to one another while they eat the first course. They laugh and giggle while they enjoy the meal.

“So what do you think about the fruits and nuts, Amber and Cobalt?”

“These fruit and nut pieces are mouth watering. The suspense is building for the main course, Richard.”

“I think Beharn planned it that way, Cobalt. He is trying to put a good memory in their minds after they leave tomorrow.”

“Yes, it will help them remember the fear is gone and have no need to be afraid of it.”

Once we get done with the first plate. Our mugs and cups get refilled. The servers come out and deliver the main dish. We all see grilled bird. On the side are some grilled fruits, mushrooms and vegetables. There is a mild spice sprinkled on top to help enhance the flavor. Amber and Cobalt now actually receive some grilled fruit pieces and nuts this time. There is even a serving of dipping sauce as well on the plates.

Everyone just drools and enjoy the meal. They laugh and giggle while they enjoy the meal. All of the children eat everything on their plates. The parents are pleased to see them eat an entire meal without any prodding from them.

When we get done with the main dish, the servers come out to get ready for the final fruit dish. When they bring bowls out, each one has the same bowl. One of the fruits is cut up and arranged with several different fruits to look like flower creation. Everyone receives a whole fruit with a spice stick inserted in each one.

We all enjoy the meal very much. When we get done, the Master Chef and the kitchen staff comes out as usual. Everyone laughs, cheers and claps their hands.

The kitchen staff is smiling widely.

King Tierion raises his hand to quiet us down. “Thank you very much to all of you. You have helped us to put a good memory. Hopefully if we have a relapse, the memory of this meal will help chase the bad ones away. It was very delicious from beginning to end. Thank you, Master Chef Beharn.”

Master Chef Beharn steps forward. “Thank you my king. Even us here in the kitchen, the aromas over whelmed our bad memories as well. We know we'll thoroughly enjoy it as well. Thank you Thryson Kingdom. See you in the morning for the encore presentation before you go back to your castles.”

Everyone claps their hands again. Then we all get up to walk outside to the courtyard to witness the sunset and the colorful light display. I see Renard picking up a toryli near the table. He hands it to me to play it again.

“Play another song, Richard, to lift up our hearts.”

“I'll be glad to do it. Are you going to have it recorded?” I smile at Renard.

“Of course, Richard.” He smiles back.

Cobalt and Amber smile widely when I take the toryli from Renard.

We gather in the courtyard. I walk over to a bench and sit down. I think of another song I have created. Renard recites the words to record what I'm playing.

Once my hands rest on the neck of the toryli and in the right positions, I begin to play the song.

Then some one shouts. “Here it comes!”

I play a light and lively song that brings a smile to everyone's faces. They begin to dance and hum along in the courtyard. Some insects start to fly in circles above us. Amber and Cobalt are dancing and humming along as well. The sounds from the toryli appear as golden waves. Amber, Cobalt and I glow a golden color as well.

Some of the children play games with each other. Some of the older children pay attention to what I'm playing. They have smiles on their faces.

I play the song again. We hear the horses in the stables neighing in rhythm with the song. When I get to the end of the song, the wall of colorful lights leaves the courtyard. They travel westward to the mountains. When it reaches the crests, they all flare up along the ridge and disappear a moment later. Then we look up at the night sky as it gets darker. The stars, the moons, the star ship and nebulae shine brightly in the night sky.

We all clap our hands and give thanks to the Maker for another wonderful day. We also hear the knights giving praise as well from the training fields nearby. Renard picks up the crystal and stops the recording.

“You'll have to make some copies of that for us, Renard.”

“I'll be glad to do it, Lord Randson.”

I hand the toryli back to Renard. We all walk back inside into the castle. We make our way to our own rooms to get ready for bed. Amber and Cobalt fly around the room looking for what they need to sleep with.

“Richard, look on the dresser here. There are some small pillows and cloths for our size.”

I look on the dresser and see them. “That was nice of the King and Queen do that for you.”

“Yes it is, Richard.”

“Where do you want to sleep tonight? If you lie near my head on my pillow, I could be waking you up if I move my head.”

“That’s possible. We’ll sleep on the extra pillow. Just put it on the chair, we’ll be fine together there.”

I take the extra pillow on the bed and place it on the chair. They take the pillows and cloths from the dresser and place it on the pillow. I proceed to get undressed and get ready for bed.

“Amber and Cobalt, do you change clothes for the night and have extra sets of clothes?”

“We do, Richard, they are back in the glade. Don’t worry about that for now. We’ll pick them up later.”

“Okay.” I pull down the covers. I walk around and turn off the crystal lights in the room. I crack the window open a bit to let in some fresh air. I leave the curtains open about foot apart.

We get under the covers to get a good night of sleep.

“Good night, Amber and Cobalt. I think we’ll become very good friends over the years.”

“Good night, Richard. Yes we will.”

We soon fall asleep and have dreams that will last a life time to make come true.

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