Rachel's Complicated Life, Final chapter, Book One

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Chapter 20

The end of one tale, the beginning of another!

Barton hugged his granddaughter. "I'll buy lunch today. I'd like to get to know you a little better, Rachel"

Smiling, Rachel looked to her mother. Is this what you meant by us going out to eat?"

Gina looked at Maria for a moment. It wasn't what she meant, but this was better. She was actually trying to get Rachel to dress up a little nicer to impress her grandfather.

Rachel went upstairs to take care of some of her lessons.

Jim, who had been waiting just out of sight listening to the conversation, chose that moment to come in. "I have your coffee, Maria, here you go" She took the mug and thanked him. "And you must be Rachel's grandfather"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"Jim Abrams. I'm keeping an eye on the family for a few weeks to make sure no one else tries anything stupid with Rachel"

"Were you with the team that stopped the assault?"

"Yes I was. They made a right mess of the house. Not one of our finer moments. They got way too close to achieving their objective"

"You sound like a military man. Army?"

"Navy. Seal. Made Commander before I left."

"From what I heard, your team did a damn fine job. Fought some bad odds"

"We measure our success a little differently. They got to Rachel. They shouldn't have. We were too worried about not killing anyone for it to be totally clean. Too many non combatants to pull a first rate defense"

"Well, the op went good enough to keep her safe. What about Garrett? Where is he?"

"He's back in school" answered Gina. "We couldn't keep him out. He insisted that he get back as soon as possible"

"Good kid. Was he there the night of the assault?"

Jim looked down "Yes he was. He was thrust into the bodyguard role when we were about to get overwhelmed. He took out three of them"

"How? Baseball bat or something?"

"9 mil and a flying tackle. He killed three of them. One with his bare hands. He got a broken arm, a concussion and some bruised ribs. They got dead. The boy handled himself like a pro"

The General was silent for a moment. This bit of information was something he didn't expect to hear. "And he's already back in school?"

Shaking his head, Jim replied "He doesn't seem to know that he caused the deaths. He was knocked out during the fight, so he may not remember. I'm keeping an eye on him for signs of PTSD, and so far he's good to go"

The general looked puzzled. "How would you know about this? Shouldn't he be taken to a therapist?"

Jim looked like the cat that ate the canary "I am a board certified psychiatrist. Doctor Jim Abrams. I guess I forgot to mention that. I don't like to stand on ceremony. Johns Hopkins, 99"

The General smiled and shook Jim's hand again. "Ok, I guess that little problem is solved for now"

Bree and Steve came into the pool area Bree was wearing a cover up and a big smile. Steve was in his trunks, ready for a swim with an equally big smile. Bree ran over to Gina and Maria and held up her left hand to show them the big diamond gracing her ring finger, bouncing like a litle girl.

Gina shrieked "Bree! That's wonderful! When is the date?"

Bree hugged Gina and Maria, who returned the hugs. They began to chatter about the events of the day.

Jim walked over to Steve with the General. "Congratulations, old boy. The last of the great Romeos bites the dust. Why there must be one or two women out there that are crying right now" Jim said with a hearty laugh. "By the way Steve, this is Rachel's Grandfather, General Harris"

"I understand congratulations are in order, Mr. Marshall"

Steve laughed "Thank you, General. I wasn't expecting to see you here today! Under good terms, I hope"

"The best, Steve. I was terribly wrong about Rachel. It was too bad Randy didn't live to see what she's become"

"I'm glad to hear it, General, she's something special, and so is Garrett"

"I beginning to realize that, Mr. Marshall"

"Steve, please. My friends call me Steve"

The general thought for a moment. "Say, I seem to recall a football player years ago by that name. Played for the Longhorns. Would that be you?"

"Well, It's not often that people remember me outside the state, but yes, I played in the early 90's"

"I thought so. You were a hell of a ballplayer, Steve. Damn shame about the knee"

"Hell, General, you have done your homework!" said an amazed Steve.

"Didn't get to where I am by not doing it, son" he paused, looking back at Gina. "It's eleven hundred hours Gina, are you ready to go to chow?"

"Yes sir, General!" Gina laughed and gave a salute. "Permission to put my face on!"

The General smiled "Granted"

"Maria, are you coming?" asked Gina.

"And miss a free meal bought by that tight wad? Let's go!"


The next few months passed thankfully without incident. The family was together at last. Gina had a beautiful baby girl. Garrett recovered in time to finish the basketball season. He was soon to encounter challenges of his own.

The spark between Gina and Jim grew into love. They didn't want to get married right away, but it was only a matter of time. Bree and Steve were married the day after Christmas that year.

Rachel grew into a lovely young woman. Her adventures were not nearly over. She finished her middle school years at home. She and her friends remained close. They would need to be. Some of the toughest trials were yet to come.

End book one.

Coming Soon: Rachel's High School Life!

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This is NOT the end!

I am working on another project as well as preparing for Rachel's next story. I'll have Book Two up by next week.



Book Two

Yay! More of Rachel, Gina and Garrett - not to mention Gina and Jim, Bree and Steve, Maria, plus The General :)

I think you mean you'll have the first chapter of Book Two up by next week - and hopefully it'll take a few weeks (at least) to tell that tale. Any chance of seeing more of the other half of Steve's team - and what are their positions in the romance stakes? :)

Oh, and one more question: apart from the rest of the current academic year, how many complete years elapsed before she started High School?


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Something missing?

The second line about Garrett starts out "He was soon to encounter " and stops.

Karen J.

"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Early Surgery Not Posible.

Not being a physician, I used to think that people were dumb in not just going to Thailand to iron it out, because paying a "Shrink" $200 over there will get you a surgery letter; found that out when I was there.

However, after having been educated the hard way, I believe Doctors when they tell me it should not be done until physical maturity. Of course, in the case of definite Intersex, I wonder if it could happen sooner. I may be getting my stories mixed up here.

The best I can hope for in the near future would be to identify us early and at least get to spend those early years socialising in the correct gender. I suspect that the heavily moneyed could help.


Rachel's Complicated Life, Final chapter, Book One

Something tells me that the family will all have interesting times ahead as well as Bree, Steve and the team.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Well done

Looking forward to more, thank you for disappointing the cynic in me, I was afraid the general was going to be a one star a-hole.

Great Story

Renee_Heart2's picture

I loved this story I'm glad the General has accepted Ratchel for who she is now. Its great that Steve & Bree are merried & that Jim "Tank" Abrams & Gena are in love& will be merried probly with in a year or so. The kids couldn't ask for a better step dad.

Look foward to book 2.
Love Samantha Renee Heart

Love Samantha Renee Heart


Very nice, had some action, Love, redemption and best of all there is more to come!
I as well as the others here, applaud your very fine efforts.

I'll not try to guess where the story is going to go, that is up to you. You seem to have a firm grasp of it.


"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."


"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."

Book Two


Looking forward to a continuation of Book 2. Pleased that my questions and concerns about Garrett were addressed somewhat. Though to me it seems that the General showed more concern about Garrett then was shown by the others.

Glad the general turned out to be a good guy.



Hey everybody!

I fixed what was missing! Silly mistake on my part.
Garrett is going to encounter challenges of his own!

I miss my regular computer :(



book two

looking forward to book two. i know it is sure to be equal to this one and this one was great. keep up the good work.


Book one ended so nicely, I

Book one ended so nicely, I am waiting for book 2 to be presented. I hope that Rachel's or her family's new life doesn't get completely messed over as she adapts completely to being female.

What brought the change?

I've reread the first chapter, the prologue, set some time forward. And Rachel was not very happy.

Perhaps you are right, some of the toughest trials are yet to come.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Thank you Cindilee

Pamreed's picture

This was a wonderful story with highs and lows!! I cried I laughed!!
I am so looking forward to Rachel's High School Life!!
I hope you start it soon!!


It's coming.

I'm posting Brianna's story today.



Just waned to say I love this

Just waned to say I love this story, More Please (could you leave me a note and tell me you Posted, I would appreciate it very much. Also I think you are right on, girls don't need to be victims and learning to defend you self is good, I convinced a sister to do Tai Chi and Yoga and she is not depressed any more and feels good about herself, it may not work for all but is good to know what to do if you have to.
Love and Hugs

Love And Hugs Hanna
Blessed Be

I'll be sure to do that!

But i will be awhile, :( Other projects, you know.



Loved it,Loved it,cried loads,MORE OF THE SAME PLEASE.