Rachel's Complicated Life, Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Big trouble for Rachel: Kidnapped!

Steve sat up. He had been sleeping lightly. He glanced at the monitors.

“I see ‘em. How many do you have eyes on?”

“It looks like seven, maybe eight”

“Looks to me like they’ve got us surrounded. What are they waiting for?”

“Here they come. They are moving in all at once. Eight of them”

“Lock and load, Spider” said Steve quietly. If they try to get in, I want you to get the family together upstairs. Get them in one room. Kill whoever gets past me. Don’t play with them”


Steve was getting ready to ambush the first of the intruders. He was armed with an AA-12 automatic shotgun with a 32 round drum magazine, a little piece of ordnance he got from the manufacturer in repayment of a favor. Gia had a M-4 assault rifle and a Glock .40 caliber automatic in reserve. Both had body armor. This would get bloody quick if the intruders were pros.

Suddenly, Steve saw one of the intruders hold his hand to his ear. Several more did the same thing. The intruders them backed off and fled into the night. Steve then noticed a car driving by slowly, shining a searchlight into the yard.

Steve blew out a puff of air. “Damn, that was close. We aren’t ready for those bozos yet”

Gia smiled and whispered “What’s the matter, Hondo? Getting soft in your old age?””¨
“Probably, Gia, but I really don’t want these folks exposed to the violence we were prepared to release on those jagoffs. Do you want Rachel or her Grandmother to see that?”

Gia thought for a moment “You’re right, of course. Sometimes I think I enjoy this too much”

“You’ll get your chance. Either this was a dry run or they were surprised by the police car. Either way, I don’t think they are seasoned pros. More like hired help. They have tipped their hand, my friend. The next time they come, it’s game on”

“Your turn to watch the monitors, boss. I need my beauty sleep”

Early Tuesday morning, a Toyota Prius pulled into the driveway. Out of the driver’s side got “Tank” Abrams, and out of the passenger side came “Ice” Blackwood.

Steve and Gia went out to greet them.

“Still driving your cute Prius, Tank? I thought by now you would have gotten something a little more manly” she teased.

“I’ll leave the planet destroying to you, Spider. My Prius does just fine. I’m guessing you are still driving that road hog Hummer, huh?”

“What do you think, little boy? I need my room”

Steve laughed. Tank was a huge man, that couldn’t care less about cars. He tried to walk or ride his bike wherever he could. Better for the planet, he said. Gia was the only one who ever made fun of him though. They would get into the worst arguments. She was a Limbaugh loving right winger, and he was an “Oprah” watching liberal. But when the fat was in the fire. They operated as one. That was all that mattered to Steve.

“Stow your gear in the living room” Steve said to Ice.

“Check, boss”

Steve, Tank and Gia followed Ice inside. Rachel was in the kitchen, and Garrett was heading out the door. Rachel came into the room.

“Hi, Steve, Gia, new guys! I’m Rachel. Can I get you anything? I do some yummy eggs and toast. Well, It’s all I do really. I just started learning. I just love working in the kitchen”

“Rachel, meet Tank and Ice. They’re here to help Gia and I”

“Cool! Which one is Tank?” Tank and Ice looked at each other. Rachel grinned “I know who Tank is! You guys are slow” Rachel giggled and went back into the kitchen.

“Rachel, Can you make some coffee, please” asked Gia.

“Yes, Ma’am, I’d be glad to” she then went about her chores. She was singing loudly in the kitchen a new Hannah Montana song she had heard.

“We had some excitement last night” said Steve. “Hired guns. Skinheads most likely. Lightly armed, not too tough. I’ve been up against worse”

“So they try again tonight?” Asked Ice.

“My guess is yes. Last night may have been a dry run, maybe to coordinate, more likely, they were scared off by a police drive by” answered Steve.

“Ok” said Tank. “We handle it like Atlanta”

Atlanta was another kidnap attempt they had defended. Witness to a drug gang slaying was going to testify. The gang didn’t want that. Four gang members died trying to get her. Eight more were apprehended. A good DEA agent was killed. She testified.

“Pretty much. There’s at least eight of them. Not nearly as organized as the Atlanta gang. Remember, Rachel is the target. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but anyone who gets close to her, deal with them. Understood?”

“Check, Boss” they replied.

They discussed the strategy for the evening. Ice and Tank would take positions outside the house. Steve would monitor the cameras and direct the attack. Gia would be stationed with Rachel as a last line of defense. Gia didn’t like it. She wanted to be in the line of fire. Steve let her know that she was the only one who could stay in Rachel’s room. When things went down. Steve wanted a woman in with Rachel. Gia couldn’t argue. He was right.

Rachel came into the room with the coffee. “Here you go, guys. I didn’t know how you took it, so all of the stuff is on the tray. I need to get upstairs and get cleaned up and start my schoolwork”

“Okay, Rach, said Steve. We’ve got some more stuff to discuss, so close your door please. We don’t want to disturb you”

“Okay, Steve” she looked at Tank who looked back. Rachel smiled, blushed and ran upstairs, giggling.

“Cute kid” said Tank. “Why is someone after her? She looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly. Witness?”

“Nope” answered Steve. “Here’s her story”

Steve recounted the girl’s story from beginning to end. The team listened with mouths agape as he told them that just two weeks ago, she was a boy named Randall.

“Oh, hell no” said Ice. “THAT girl, a boy? Ohhh, hell, no”

Gia couldn’t believe it. “She’s so pretty! The way she carries herself. Unbelievable”

Tank was thoughtful. “Well, from what you said, she never was a boy. Sounds like classic CAIS to me. XY genetically, XX appearance and features. Not surprising at all. Rare, yes, but not unheard of. What is more surprising to me is the reaction to her. No, there’s another dynamic at work here. There is someone orchestrating this. We’ll probably catch them tonight. I’d be interested to talk to this person. The individual organizing this has issues with Rachel or her condition”

Steve agreed “I was thinking along the same lines, Tank. Your psychology doctorate is paying off, finally’”¨
“Hey can I help it if I find doctor’s offices boring? Even if they are my own?” Tank laughed.

The team proceeded to prepare the yard for the coming attack. They were careful not to attract any undue attention. Ice was the lookout, keeping track of anyone paying too much attention to the place. He caught something out of the corner of his eye. A man, walking down an adjacent cross street in a hooded sweatshirt, turning to look in the direction of the house a little too long. He was ready to go after him, but he walked on and Ice didn’t see him again.

Steve called Brianna. He told her that something was probably going to go down that night or early next morning. He asked her to make sure Maria and Gina stayed away until he gave the all clear. Brianna said she would take care of them, that they would stay at her mansion until it was over.

Gina wasn’t happy to be separated from her daughter, but Brianna explained that they would both be safer where they were for the time being. Maria agreed with Brianna.

“But Rachel has been through so much, Bree. I can’t let her go through this alone”

“I know, Gina, I know. But you have to understand. The people she is with right now are the deadliest team of bodyguards money can buy. Governments have hired them to care for their dignitaries. She couldn’t be any safer if she were in Fort Knox. She has to be there to lure the bad guys in. That’s the only way”
Maria agreed. “She’s right Gina, and you know it. You’ve got another baby to take care of too, you know”

Gina knew they were right. She didn’t like it.

Rachel completed her schoolwork at about three o’clock. She went down to see what her protectors were doing. They were in the yard, stringing lines and burying little devices.

“Hi guys!” she said brightly. “What’cha doin?”

Gia jumped down from the tree she was in, crouched and did three handsprings to Rachel. “I watched Dexter’s Laboratory too, Dee Dee!”

Rachel giggled. “That was so cool, Gia, how did you do that?”

“Years of practice, grasshopper. Start practicing now”

“I was wanting to go to Becca’s house, If it’s okay”

Gia looked to Steve. “What do you think, boss?”

“Ice? Can you shadow her without being too obvious?”

“Do you want me to be seen as following her?”


“Then yes, I can”

“Rachel?” said Steve. “I want you to go straight to Becca’s, and when you are done, come straight back. Ice will be watching you, but don’t make his job any harder. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir” answered Rachel.

“See you no later than seven, okay?”

“Okay, Steve”

Rachel left to go to Becca’s house down the street. She wanted to get some magazines from her that had some makeup tips she wanted to try out.

“Rachel knocked on Becca’s door. Becca answered.

“Hey, girl. Come on in!”

“Hi, Becca. I came to get those magazines you texted me about today”

“Oh, yeah. Come on upstairs. Why no makeup today, Rach?”

Oh, I’ve got a little foundation on, I wanted to go a little light to give my skin a rest. I don’t have to go parading around at school every day like you do. I can take it easy once in awhile” Rachel laughed.

“Don’t I know it. I don’t even know why I waste my time. The boys are more interested in being stupid that looking at me. I guess I do it so I don’t stand out from the other girls”

“Here they are. I don’t need them back. There are like twenty articles in them that you can use”

“Cool! Thanks, Becca. Where’s Angela?””¨”¨“Watching the football team practice. I think she and Garrett are starting to become an item”

“Really? That’s so awesome! She’s perfect for Garrett”

“I’m glad you think so. She’s all Garrett this and Garrett that. It’s nauseating”

“Oh, you’ll do the same thing when you find someone”

“Gosh, I hope not”

Rachel and Becca went through some of the makeup tips in the magazines. They talked until Becca’s mom called her to supper”

“I’ve got to go, Becca. See you tomorrow”

“Okay Rach, good night”

Rachel started walking home. She was looking at an issue of “Teen Vogue” while she was walking. She didn’t hear the car pull up on the street beside her.

“Hey, do you know where 748 Terrace is?”

Rachel looked over and there were two men in an old car. They had shaved heads, and she didn’t like their looks. “No, I don’t, and my mom doesn’t like me talking to people I don’t know.

“Well, honey, come on over here, and look at this map. We really need to get there”

“No, I don’t think so” she said nervously.

The driver slowed the car to a stop. At that instant, his head popped back and blood came pouring down his forehead. “SHIT! Get her!” Rachel took off running, and the passenger got out and immediately hit the ground in agony, clutching his head. He got up and got back in the car, and the rear window exploded.

“Get out of here!” the passenger screamed.

Rachel ran the final block to her house, and Gia met her at the door. “Are you okay, Rachel?”

“I think so, Gia. Who were those creeps?”

“Bad news, Rach. Ice took care of them, though he called and said you were coming. Tank was watching you the whole time”

“Why didn’t you drop those magazines, Rachel?” asked Gia.

“I couldn’t! They had some makeup tips I needed” said Rachel breathlessly.

“Gia started laughing and gave Rachel a hug. “That’s my girl! Always remembering the important things”

Ice was at the house thirty seconds later. “The cue balls are long gone”

“How did you get rid of them?” asked Rachel.

“Three rocks. It’s a knack I have” they don’t have a clue we are here.

“But how did you break the window?”

“Knowing where to hit it” said Ice with a smile.

Gia took Rachel upstairs. “Come on girl, show me those tips. They must be to die for”

Steve came up to Ice. “I thought they’d make a move. They are watching her”

“They aren’t watching her unless she goes away from the house. I saw the car down the block. They know about her two friends”

“Good work. They’re going to hit tonight. I’ll bet my life on it” said Steve.

Steve texted Brianna “2nites the nite”

She texted back “Good luck, let me know”
All was prepared. The team was positioned after dark. Steve was monitoring the perimeter at the command center.

“Comm check. Spider”






“Stay sharp team. we have the edge, let’s not give it away. No guns unless it is absolutely necessary. Tasers only.”


All was quiet until one o’clock. Tank called in at a whisper “Incoming west side”

Ice called in “South side”

Gia was up in Rachel’s room. Rachel was fast asleep. “Rachel is sleeping. Instructions?”

“Keep her that way for now”


Steve had a close eye on the cameras. He counted now 10 assailants. Damn. He’d have to go outside and even the odds a bit. “I have 10, repeat, 10 bad guys. On my way to assist. Take ‘em ”

Ice triggered the first flash bang right in front of a kidnapper. He immediately hit the dirt. All hell began to break loose. Tank sprang the trip wires, and 6 assailants immediately hit the dirt. Tank got up, charging three kidnappers head on. They clearly weren’t expecting any resistance. He crushed the face of one, leg swept the other one and followed with a massive blow to the head. They weren’t getting up. The third one, a fat, bald idiot charged Tank. Tank quickly pummeled him with three massive shots to the body, but the man didn’t seem to be phased. The Taser that followed knocked him down and Tank, laid into him with a big boot to the ribs. Fatty stayed down.

Ice leapt from his position and tasered the first one he came to. He went down. He slapped soft cuffs on him and moved on the next one, a wiry cue ball, was fast and obviously had some training. He caught Ice with a roundhouse kick that caught Ice in the vest. The next kick was caught, Ice twisted and skinny had a dislocated ankle to worry about. Ice cuffed him as well.

Steve headed out the front to be hit by two assailants. They drove him into the front wall of the house, cracking the siding. This rattled the whole house, and Rachel woke up. “Gia! What’s happening?” she cried.

“Some bad people are out there, Rachel. We’re taking care of them.” Just stay in your bed, Okay?”

“Okay” came the answer from under the covers.

“Garrett!” Said Gia. “Stay in your room”

Steve was having a rough go of it he was tied up with three bruisers. He pulled out his taser and shot one down. He blocked the blow of another and countered with a vicious right hook that laid out one of the others. There were more coming. “Spider, we need you down here, now!”

Gia ran out. She opened Garrett’s door and said “Watch Rachel” She tossed him a Glock. “Shoot whoever comes through that door!” She paused. “Unless it’s one of us”

Garrett ran into his sister’s room. She was underneath her covers. “Stay there, sis!” he called.

“Okay” came the small voice.

Two men came though the front door they aimed something at Gia and fired. It was a shotgun. She ducked before they fired and quickly placed two rounds apiece in them.

Garrett was dialing 911. “Get the police here. We’re being attacked. Shots fired!” That was all he could think to say. He threw the phone down without hanging up. The operator heard the commotion, and dispatched all available officers.

Tank and Ice had taken out eight assailants. Steve and Gia another 6. There were still more coming. Suddenly a bomb exploded next to Steve. Gia was blown out of the way Three skinheads and one other man went into the house and up the stairs. They opened Rachel’ door. Garrett opened fire. One dropped after the first shots, the others backed out.

Garrett fired through the door, emptying the clip. He had wounded another one. and then the remaining one ran in. Garrett roared, and charged into the skinhead and blew him out into the hall. The embattled kidnapper took a swing, but Garrett was faster. He ducked and hit the man like a tackling dummy and blasted him down the stairs. He rode with him. The kidnappers back was broken, and Garrett was unconscious. The lone hooded man came into Rachel’s room and went to the bed. He placed a chemical-soaked rag over her mouth and nose, and she quickly went unconscious. He threw her up over his shoulder and went down the stairs and out the back. Another bomb exploded in the front yard. The back was clear. The leader had his prize. He faded into the night.

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