Rachel's Complicated Life, Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Lieutenant General Barton Harris arrived at Fort Hood at ten o'clock in the morning on a military helicopter from Dallas. A car was waiting at the helipad. His aide, Captain Franklin snapped off a salute. "Welcome, sir. Your car is ready"

The General returned the salute. "Thank you, Captain. I'll be returning later this afternoon". Saluting again, The Captain turned and left as the General entered the car.

Brianna was sleeping late. She had an engagement in Austin for a fundraiser that ran well into the morning. She didn't get to bed until 4:00 AM.

She stirred as she felt a fly crawling on her face. She swatted it away. A moment later, it was back. She opened her eyes to the smiling face of Steve Marshall. "Hey, Baby. Ya miss me?"

"Steve!" she sat straight up and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" She burst into tears.

Hugging her back, Steve smiled and said "It's not all that bad, is it?" as he kissed her forehead.

"You jerk! Not only did you leave me in the lurch, you came back and didn't even give me a chance to make myself presentable" she whacked him with a pillow.

He held her, got on one knee and held out a diamond ring in a box."I plan on seeing you in the morning for the rest of my life, if you'll let me. Brianna, will you marry me?"

Bree was stunned. When she had professed her love for Steve, she hadn't thought this would be the outcome. At least so soon! Her mind was racing. Was this what she wanted? Her mind was racing.

"YES!" He put the ring on her finger and gave her a kiss. They hugged again and Bree then said. "Now get out of my room so I can get presentable!"

"Bree, you never looked more presentable!" He laid her down and began kissing her.

"Mom! I'm going for a swim!" Rachel called from her room. "Do you want to come?"

"I'll come watch you, but I'm not going to get in. I don't have a suit"

"Why not, Mom?"

"I never got one for the pregnancy. I really never swam while I was pregnant with you or Garrett"

"We're going to get you a swimsuit, Mom. I don't want to swim alone, and Garrett won't be able to get into the pool for a few weeks yet, and we may be gone by then"

"Well, we'll worry about that then. Get your suit on, girl"

Rachel got her bikini on. She noticed that her top was a little tighter than before. "Mom?"

"Yes dear"

"I think my boobs are getting bigger"

"Yes, dear. They have a habit of doing that at your age"

"Isn't it great?" she said excitedly.

Rolling her eyes, Gina smiled. "Yes dear"

Rachel and Gina went to the pool. Gina settled into a chaise lounge and watched as Rachel swam laps. Jim came into the pool area and sat down next to her. "Good morning, Gina. How are you doing this morning? I brought you some coffee"

"Thank you, Jim! I'm just enjoying watching Rachel enjoy herself" she smiled.

"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Not at all, Jim"

A distant squeal was heard. Gina recognized the feminine expression of passion and flushed. Rachel, who had taken a short break, asked "What was that, Mom?"

"I think Bree might have seen a mouse, honey"

"Gross. Call a bug guy" she replied, wrinkling her nose.

Jim couldn't keep a straight face. "Steve got back this morning"

"I know" replied Gina. "Now everybody else does too"

Maria came into the pool area with a grin on her face. "Bree sounds happy this morning!"

Gina giggled. "She would be so embarrassed if she knew we heard her clear across the house"

"Would you like some coffee, Maria?" asked Jim.

"I'd love some. Thank you, Jim"

"No problem, Maria"

Jim left to get Maria her coffee. There was a ring at the front door. Travis answered it.

"May I help you, sir?" asked Travis.

"I am here to see Gina Harris. I'm her Father in Law"

"I'll see if she's available, please wait here, sir" Travis said coolly.

The general didn't like waiting, but he held his tongue. "Very well, I'll wait"

Travis went to the pool area and went to Gina. "The General is here, Gina. Would you like him to wait?"

"No, Travis, but I appreciate the thought. Please show him to the pool"

Travis left and two minutes later, the general arrived at the pool. He was clearly not at ease in this setting "Hello, Gina, Maria"

"Hello, Dad. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company"

Barton bristled at the greeting. "You know damn well why I'm here, Gina. To try and stop this foolishness you've started here"

"Please, Bart, don't be ridiculous" chided Maria.

"Maria, you know I don't like to be called that" he turned stiffly to her.

"And I don't like my granddaughter called foolish, Bart, so get used to it. I'm not one of your stooges, and I never particularly cared for your attitude" Maria stood and looked him directly in the eyes.

Gina touched her mother's shoulder. "Mom, take it easy. Would you like to meet her?"

His face took on a look of disgust. "Her? Hummph. I suppose."

Gina looked to the pool. "Rachel, honey? Your Grandfather Harris is here. He'd like to see you"

Rachel was snorkeling in the pool and raised her head out of the water. "Grandpa Harris? Ok, mom, let me get dried off"

Rachel stepped up out of the pool. The general couldn't believe what he saw. He saw a lithe, athletic looking young girl in a bikini, her top starting to fill out, and her bottom well on the way to being well shaped. He cleared his throat as she wrapped her head in the towel turban and wrapped her body in another towel. She came over to him and smiled brightly. "Hi Grandpa! I'd give you a hug, but I don't want to get your uniform all wet!"

"Uhhh, hello, Ran...Rachel. I was just in the uhhh, neighborhood and thought I'd drop by"

"Don't you still live in North Carolina?" she asked.

"Yes, but I had to come to Fort Hood for the day, and I thought I'd stop by"

"Cool! Let me get changed and we can talk. I'm sure you have a lot of questions"

The General shifted on his feet and scratched his head "Uhhh, yes, yes I do. Or at least I thought I did"

Gina had to turn away before she laughed at the General's obvious discomfort. "Rachel, go on and put on something nice. We are going out to lunch later"

Rachel went upstairs, leaving the Maria, Gina and the General by the pool. The General seemed to be at a loss for words. "Well?" Gina said. "Still see a boy? I don't know too many boys who can pull of wearing a bikini, do you?"

"What have you been giving her, I mean him? Hormones?"

"The only hormones she gets are produced by her own body. The blood tests indicate a normal level of female hormones for her age"

The General visibly slumped. He was clearly not expecting this. "I don't understand. She was a boy not two months ago"

"What's not to understand? Rachel is a male only as far as her genetics indicate XY, and not XX. She is incapable of processing male hormones. Her body converts them to estrogen, causing her to develop as a female. She has a vagina, for Christ's sake. She can't develop body hair. She is a girl for all intents and purposes. You may as well get used to the fact that your son and I screwed up royally when she was
born. Get used to it. Wait till you see her dressed and made up. She has never been happier, and you need to get over it"

Barton Harris was for once at a loss for words. His shoulders slumped and he looked down. "I need a drink" was all he could say.

Brianna was laying in bed with Steve. She had given herself to him and had loved every moment. She had no idea sex could be like this. She had kept herself ready for the prospect from a medical point of view, but nothing prepared her for the toe-curling orgasms she had had with Steve. He lay beside her, holding her as she laid her head on his chest. She loved this man like no one else.

"You got a little loud there, Bree. I didn't hurt you, did I"

"Oh God no, Steve. You were wonderful. It was wonderful. I never dreamed it could be so good" she cooed.

"You mean you have never done this before?" Steve asked, surprised.

"No. You were my first. I had done things before on dates, but that was before I was assaulted. I haven't even seen a naked male from then until this morning. I guess you could say I was a virgin" she smiled shyly.

Raising up on an elbow, Steve looked at her "I guess? That's about as virgin as you can get, Bree"

"I wanted it to be special, honey. You weren't disappointed, were you?" she gave him a pout.

"I cannot believe that a woman who can dismantle an arrogant judge in a court of law is asking me if I was disappointed in her" he shook his head in disbelief.

"This is a completely differnt thing, Steve. I am very insecure about my sexuality, believe it or not, and I'm probably a little bit submissive in bed. I want very much to please you, and if I do, that means everything to me"

"Bree, you couldn't disappoint me if you tried, and I'm willing to spend the rest of my life proving that to you"

She blushed and smiled wider. She looked up and kissed him passionately. "If you keep that up, big man, we'll never get out of this bed"

Rachel was cleaned up and dressed with her makeup on in 35 minutes. She chose her favorite denim mini with a baby tee top with white sandals. She came downstairs and presented herself to her stunned Grandfather. "Is this ok, Mom?" she asked

"That's just fine, Rachel. What do you think, Dad?"

"Hmmm? Oh, Uhh yes, that's just fine, Gina"

Maria and Gina were smiling behind the General's back. Rachel was pouring on the girl charm, and the General was falling for it.

"I didn't know if this showed too much leg, but I thought it was cute. I'm glad you approve" she smiled.

"So Grandpa, do I pass inspection? I know you weren't too happy with my change,but I simply couldn't go on any longer feeling like I was in the wrong body. Daddy was wrong about me, but he never got to see me like this"

"Rachel, I've got to say I didn't fully understand what was going on here. I guess I didn't want to. I couldn't bear the thought of the grandson who carried my son's name was some sort of, I don't know..." he paused "But you've shown me I was wrong, and I'm man enough to admit it. Well done, Rachel! I know a certain grandmother of yours that will be very pleased to meet you"

Rachel rushed over to her Grandfather and gave him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. leaving a little lip gloss mark on his cheek. She left it there, marking her territory.

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Thank you for reading!

The General was hard hearted, not stupid. His eyes told him everything he needed to know! :)



I'm sure...

...that he'll have plenty of opportunities to put his foot squarely down his throat. The stubborn among us tend to do that. ^^; Still, it's nice to see that he's not a lost cause. There are enough of those out there. They have their place, both in life and in stories, and it isn't, as frustrating and hurtful as they are, always as the "villain" of a given piece. That said, it's good to see a stubborn male relative played as able to change, given a good enough kick. It feels like it doesn't happen enough, sometimes.


Successor to the LToC


Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"

To rise that high in the military you can't be a total fool

You also must have a very strong confidence in yourself. Thus the angry original responce. But a sucessful general or any officer for that matter, must adapt as the battlefield situation changes and Rachel sure threw him a few curves. Pun intended.

Now will the grandmother come around as he says and can they do anything to help make up for his son's arogance in ignoring the doctors and raising her as a boy, something she could never be physically/medically and that she clearly does not want to be?

There would not have been anywhere near the troubles for Rachel if not for her dad's stupidity.

Nice anticlimax, well .... someone DID climax but that was a side story,

-- snicker --


John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Thanks John

I was thinking the same thing. You don't get to be a Lt. Gen. by refusing to face facts. You may not like it, but the evidence is there. And it sounds as if the general is not only facing the facts, he is being very accepting about the outcome.

. . . .

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Not Just Dad's


Gina was as much to blame as the father. Perhaps she was swayed by him to some extent, but even she thought that Randall was a boy. The girl did not begin to emerge in any real form until after the father was dead.





'you did that so well.Congratulations!!



This chapter was fun to write.



Rachel's Complicated Life, Chapter 19

I can see the GENERAL still being just as much of a teddy bear as he was a bull. But I also see him keeping an eye out for Rachel and Garrett, making sure that both are taken care of. Even working with Bree, Steve, Stan and the others.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Humanized Military

littlerocksilver's picture

I held off for a little while before making a comment. First, I am very pleased that you refrained from dehumanizing the general. As a retired Air Force Officer, I have always been put off by the stereotypical portrayals of senior military officers and NCOs. Obviously, there has to be a certain adherence to rules and regulations; however, the commonly portrayed senior officer or NCO in TV and the movies is not that common. There are some, for sure. I've met a number over the years. The Peter Principle is in full force though, many officers are promoted to their level of incompetency. I was probably one of them.



You are quite right

I don't think the General is evil, just misinformed.



It was so nice to see the

It was so nice to see the General, after he had personally seen his new granddaughter, drop his protests regarding her change and offer apologies to her and in a way also to his daughter-in-law. They both needed his love and affection, and now I do believe it will be very forth coming, not only from him, but the grandmother. I also hope the General also realizes he still has a grandson, Garrett, and that grandson will need the General's love and attention also; maybe even more than Rachel will.

Nice Turn-About

Well, the chapters leading up to this one didn't hold out much hope that Bart wasn't a total bastard, but ta-daa! He isn't.

Nicely done, crisp about-face. His old drill sergeant would approve.

He's still a crusty, ignorant old bigot, though. If poor Rachel wasn't intersexed, but was transgendered instead, I don't think he'd have come around so quickly, or maybe at all.

The Burly General gets his

Renee_Heart2's picture

NIce hun I love it when a bit 3 star general get it right between the eyes just like this one did. Ratchel Knew just how to turn on the charm her mother taught her VERY well lol that & her girl friends.

As for Bri & Steve I'm glad he proposed to her & she accepted. Also I'm glad that the sex was great for her & Steve both. Things are going to get intresting with Jim & Genia I think.
Love Samantha Renee Heart

Love Samantha Renee Heart