There is a picture of what i look like on their and im afraid i waited too long because of afraid of peoples (my parents, teachers, students ect) reactions. My mom just made a comment about how I make an ugly girl and i'm really considering it right now. It almost always at the corner of my thoughts but right now Im considering on acting on the impulse for the first time in a while.
Use the Force
It hurts when people we love aren't supportive. It hurts badly. Yet, all of the beautiful people I know, man or woman, are strong because they believe in themselves. It isn't their physical appearance. It's their inner beauty as strong and vibrant individuals.
My friend who did her RLT whilst working in a steel mill in Gary. My friend who was an Airborne artillery commander in the Gulf War. My friend who had to leave her home to protect herself and her children and build a new life.
If you just stop, your pain will stop. But so will everything else. The person that you are yet to be will be killed.
Ask yourself whether the heroes of Star Wars would have given up. Your namesake wouldn't.
You can be even more powerful and beautiful if you use your inner strength to not just survive, but to thrive.
Thanks for reaching out. It's a start to healing.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Family can take it hard. When I told my mom that I was transgendered and that I preferred men, it was easier for her to accept the loving men part. You just have to find out who you are and present for that. I don't like how I look dressed up, but some guys do say I am pretty so that helps. Just be who you are and don't worry if you will be ugly or not, because your personality is more important and there will probably be people who will find you attractive. Play up your good attributes and accept yourself and whatever you do please do not commit suicide. If you need a shoulder to cry on, please use mine.
My parents don't know, I told my Uncle in confidence he is doctor in another state. I would of thought my parents had figured it out by now, but I guess not. Is this a metaphorical shoulder or literal shoulder to cry on.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
It will probably have to be via email, but I want you to know that I am willing to listen and give support. I too, have wanted to end it all but fortunately did not. If you want you can email me at lesleyreneecharles @ yahoo.com. Parents can't always see what is front of them or sometimes they just try to deny it.
Dear Jade
I had an attempt about 15 years ago taking sleeping pills and tranquilizers, I got taken to the hospital. A week later, thinking back on it, it wasn't nearly enough pills to hurt me, but it seemed like it at the time. Pretty feeble attempt.
3 months ago I tried again; my basic problem was taking an ineffective antidepressant and being unable to take the pain of severe depression. I chickened out; didn't really want to kill myself. I'm doing much better on different psych drugs.
If you've been thinking about suicide for more than a month, and nothing else terrible has made you feel bad (that might be a short term mental problem), I really think you should see a psychiatrist, preferably one with experience with TG clients. One place that could direct you to doctors lists might be International Gender Education Foundation/TG Tapestry, but I haven't looked a that site for years.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Another Thing
I can't see that much of your face and can't tell how tall you are, but nothing looks like too big a problem. If you can, try losing a lot of weight along with not eating much protein. That will reduce your fat and muscle, how much depends on you. It will probably also get your parents attention, it will look like something is really bothering you.
When you get on HRT, it will really change how your face and at least some aspects of your body appear; it can make a startling difference!
Finally, the more money you can get a hold of, the more feminization surgery you can have; you can reshape your face, chest (beneath your breasts), waist, hips and butt. Few need to or care to go as far as having a lot of surgery and I guess even fewer can afford it, but if you desire something enough, you can probably satisfy that desire or learn that it is not that important.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Suicide does not hurt you, but think of the others
I remember about 2007, after a particularly shattering event, I stepped onto a busy freeway. I intended to walk into the path of the next car, and did. I distinctly remember my shadow getting darker and longer, and about the time, I thought I would be hit, God asked me incredulously, "you would really ruin the life of the driver of that car?" I felt like he was really disappointed in me, and it made me feel such shame. I stepped out of the way just as the car swerved around me. There has never been another attempt. Now,if I get those feelings, I get really busy doing something else until it leaves me. I never want to feel the shame that God made me feel again.
Much peace
they have noticed, ive lost of my appetite i barely eat at all now just an orange or 2 per day. Someone from this site, got ahold of me and talked me down some. I'm not actively considering it for the immediate future.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I just got her name it is Jengrl. I really want to thank her for talking me down today.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Suicide Help Thank you
I want to thank everyone who either responded or sent my message, it was enough to calm me down enough to stop considering it for the present.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I'm Glad To Help
I'm glad to help in any way I can. Just remember, you are not alone. You have my phone number if you need to talk. I have enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to growing a great friendship. Take care Girlfriend!
I know I'm a little late
I know I'm a little late, but I wanted to offer a little something from my experiences dealing with my mom on these issues. I won't get into it all here (I wrote about a lot of it in my blog entries over the last two years, including the breakthrough moment a couple of months ago).
What I've realized though, is that sometimes parents do stupid things because in their irrational logic, they believe they're helping, and sometimes it's a reaction out of fear. In my case, my mom was (and I think still is) scared of what, exactly, all this means for me. I've had a rough life medically speaking, and this just adds another log to the fire.
It's possible she told you that because she thinks that it'll "snap you out of it", or that she just reacted out of fear. One of the things my mom has said to me that sticks out most in my mind was, "I know I gave birth to a baby boy; it says so on your birth certificate!" So part of it for her is/was not understanding what it means to be TG.
I like to think everyone has the potential to change and grow. The last time I talked to my mom about this, she said something that I never dreamed in a million years she would say.
She told me that when she was getting her teaching degree a few years ago, she saw something in her Biology book about new chromosomal research suggesting that things like gender and sexual preference might be genetic after all.
To hear her, of all people, admit that the closed-minded bigotry I've grown up listening to from my otherwise well-meaning family (I don't think they're bad people at all; I just think they were taught some terrible things), really felt like a massive weight off my shoulders.
Hang in there.
On the thoughts of suicide, for what it's worth, I can empathize. I've had many dark nights where I wished and prayed to God that I could end the pain. The one and only thing that's kept me from going through with it all these years, is the suffering I went through when my childhood friend decided to take her own life. For her, the pain ended, but she gave those of us that loved her so much more. It took me years to come to terms with her death. I could never intentionally and willingly do that to others, no matter my own suffering.
It forced me to find other ways to deal with my depression. One of those is writing, and another is trying to come to terms with who I am. Exercise has, more recently, become a very big part of dealing with that too. One of my perspective therapists advised me that, before I consider psychotherapy, I try to find a support group and start a regular exercise regimen first. I have a pseudo-support group here, and I'm still searching for one offline as well, but I'll pass that same advice along too.
If you can find a support group in your area that you know you can trust, that's the best thing you can do for yourself.
I wish you good luck and Godspeed. Remember that you're never alone.
Contemplating Suicide
Im back to this point again, I just got into an accident and I know it would hurt my friends and family but right now i look around the room and think of all of the ways i could use the stuff in the room to end it. I am also close to stop believing in God. I also really want to cry right now but i just cant get the tears to come out
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Been there
Seen that. Bought the T-shirt. Read some of my stuff to get the idea. It's enticing. The end of pain. The end of shit, tears, all that. Trouble is, it's the end of everything. There is no way to right any wrongs, and there is no way to stand by your grave side and scream "See?"
This is not a snipe, simply recognition. I have looked at the various ways. I have gone out and bought razor blades for the act. But each time I have got to the jump off, I have pulled back, for that reason. It can't sort anything.
There were the two serious attempts,of course, when I got found and had my stomach pumped, but....
I hope you see my point. I really do.
calming down for now
calmed down a little
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Calmed down
I am glad that you are talking about this here. I have contemplated ending it all a few times. The first when I was 14. The last was about 10 years ago, where I would be walking by the side of a busy road and tempted to throw myself in front of a tractor-trailer truck. Luckily I fought those feelings, so I know what you are going through. If you need someone to talk to, please email me here.
im back in this general mindset right now
its not fun, if anyone on here has told your parents I would like to know how you did so and how it went.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Coming out to Parents
if anyone on here has told your parents I would like to know how you did so and how it went.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Rather poorly!
I just flat out told them, they'd caught me a few years before, so it wasn't like a sudden shock. But after some heated exchanges they disowned me.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
did they kick u out
did they kick u out
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Oh, yeah
No family contact except for one brother who said family is thicker than blood. He'd always looked after me anyway as I was a sickly kid, he thought it was kinda fun to have a little sister. I finally was able to bury the hatchet many years later.
Not a step for the faint of heart, sad to say.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
how old were u
how old were u
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Suicide is always a statment
Suicide is always a statment about ones self. Regardless of what others think of you... you have the right (and I give you permission) to frame your own opinion about yourself apart from what others think or state about you. Don't be your own worst enemy... the world has plenty of enemies to throw at you.