While Sleeping, Beautified


Doug is in a horrible accident and finds himself in a coma, where he can hear what's going on around him, but he's unable to see, unable to speak, unable to move to stop the crooked doctor that's turning him into a woman! Will he wake up before it's too late?


While Sleeping, Beautified

by Jennifer Brock

Where am I? It's dark. No, my eyes are closed. Are they? I can't tell. Why can't I tell? What's going on? I can figure this out. The last thing I remember... I went out last night to my usual bar, Pete's, and I met this gorgeous blonde, went back to her place. What was her name - Cindy, Sandy, Sadie, something like that? Woke up this morning and couldn't find my boxers. She made me borrow a pair of her panties - that was weird! They were pink and tight and didn't cover very much, really uncomfortable. Yeah, that's right; I realized I had to get to work and was driving in a hurry, but I kept being distracted by this odd-fitting underwear. I remember being stopped at a red light, and needed to adjust myself, but then I looked up and saw this big black Mercedes coming at me, drifting over the line, and I was wishing my old clunker had an airbag! Holy crap, that's it! I'm dead! That guy crashed into me, killed me, and now I'm in some kind of nowhere Limbo! Well, this sucks! Where's that tunnel of light you're supposed to see? Where are my loving ancestors welcoming me into Heaven? Wait, what if I'm not going to Heaven? What if it's the other place? I didn't think I was such a bad guy - ok, maybe I wasn't planning on calling Whatshername like I told her I would, but that shouldn't get me condemned forever, should it?

Hang on! I can hear something; maybe I'm not dead. What's that? Some kind of mechanical beeping and another noise that could be people's voices. What are they saying? I've got to concentrate, and get my head out of this fog. I can hear, "... severe trauma to the pelvic region. He's lucky to be alive." I must be in a hospital or something - I'm not dead, thank God! But wait a minute. That "severe trauma" thing doesn't sound good. What else are they saying? "The bleeding is under control, but this tissue is just too damaged. Who's the urologist on call? And see if you can get a cosmetic surgeon to come in. I have no experience doing genital reconstruction." No way! Genital reconstruction? Something happened to my junk? That's not good... Hey, why am I getting sleepy all of a sudden? I need to pay attention to this! But I just can't stay awake.


Something's different. I feel numb all over. What's going on now? It's still dark, or maybe my eyes still won't open when I tell them to. Am I still in the hospital? What did they do to me? Can I hear anything? Yes! Something sounds like voices, just beyond the haze. I've got to concentrate. There they are.

A guy with a rough voice, probably an older guy, is speaking, "...a fairly unorthodox decision. It's not going to expose the hospital to legal action, is it?"

The guy replying sounds younger. "No, sir, I signed all the permission forms myself, indicating that I was acting on my own. There was no next of kin that could be contacted. The patient's insurance just listed his company's Human Resources department as who to contact in case of emergency. There's no wife, no family, to be worried about suing us. The patient even seems to be an orphan."

Here's the other guy again. "But why take such an extreme action?"

Now here's the younger doctor again. "Dr. Powell said there was too much damage. At best, there was only enough tissue for a one-inch penis or so, and the testicles were completely ruined." WHAT? I've got no balls, and a one-inch dick! I might as well have died in that crash. Oh, he's not done talking. "I thought that wouldn't be worth trying to save. As I was trying to decide, I looked over at the tray where they'd placed his personal effects and the clothes they had to cut off of him for some clue for what this guy's opinion would be. And there, in bright pink, was the answer." Oh no. "The guy was wearing panties; he was some kind of cross-dresser. Maybe there was another option that the patient would prefer. So I asked Powell that if there wasn't enough tissue to make a decent penis, would be possible to give the patient a vagina instead? He pointed out that he couldn't salvage enough to do a penile inversion but, since we had to do a bowel resection anyway, he could readily do an intestinal vaginoplasty. So I went ahead and made the call." Holy crap! I've got a pussy. All because Cindy/Sandy made me wear her underwear. I want to die.

I think the other guy is saying something else. "Very well then, Dr. Andrews, if there's any fallout from this it's on your head. I'd like you to check in with the boys in Legal anyway." At least now I know the name of the guy to blame for this.

I want to fall asleep and wake up to find out that this was all just a very bad dream. Yes, sleep. That's a good idea. Focusing on hearing those doctors really took a lot out of me. I'm tired. I'll just ease back into the fog and dream about being hung like a racehorse.


Ok, I'm back. Am I awake yet? Well, it's dark. Will my eyes open? Nope. Waking up but not waking up like this is getting too familiar. So, I guess the nightmare continues. Where am I? I'd guess it must still be the hospital. Can I hear anything? Focus, Doug, focus! I hear a door opening, footsteps.

There's a voice! It's Dr. Andrews again. "She's in here, Larry." She?

And now a second voice, it must be Larry. "I thought you were taking me to see Douglas Connors. What do you mean 'She?' You'd better not be trying something, Mike!" Yeah, Larry, you tell him!

"That's the thing. 'She' is Douglas Connors. We had to perform emergency Sexual Reassignment Surgery on the patient, due to extreme trauma to the pelvic area, so Douglas Connors is female now." I'd almost forgotten that - gee thanks, Doc!

The footsteps are getting closer. Larry says, "Still looks like a man to me." That's a relief! "Can you wake him/her/it up? The insurance company has some questions." Good idea, Larry. Wake me up. Get me out of this madhouse! I guess Larry must be my insurance rep.

"No, we can't wake her up. She's in a coma." Cut it out with the 'she' stuff, Doc! "Give me a hand taking this blanket off. Now, you see that dressing there? Underneath it is a brand-new vagina. Come back in a few weeks when we take the stitches out and I'll show it to you if you don't believe me. You should also notice that her hips were broken in the crash, and when we pinned the bones back together we put them at a more female angle. That's why you see an airbag around the joints. If she wasn't comatose, we'd have had to use a body cast." That's almost interesting, but he's still the guy who decided I needed a pussy.

Larry doesn't think it's interesting at all. "Ok, so he's a she now. Whatever. Why did you bring me down here, Mike?"

"You said the driver of the car that hit him admitted responsibility? And his insurance company's settlement says they'll cover all of Douglas Connors' medical costs?" Well, that's good news, I guess. I'd hate to get out of my coma only to be handed a giant bill!

"Yes. He made a deal with the DA to get out of jail time, but it required a guilty plea to reckless driving. The civil case was open-and-shut. But I still don't see why I needed to come down here." Me neither, Larry.

"Well, I think we can make a really sweet deal here. I've got the feeling she's going to run up a LOT of medical costs, and maybe we can arrange for some special subcontractors to come in, that just happen to be owned by us." Great, Dr. Mike is a crook. I'm so glad he's the one my life depends on.

"How much are we talking here? Enough to pay off the six G's you owe the Yugoslavians? I can't imagine that a coma patient needs that much work."

"Well, imagine two options. In Scenario A, you're a guy who's in a car crash and wakes up as this bizarre half man-half woman freak, with female genitalia on a male body, unable to quite fit in anywhere." That's me. It totally sucks. I'd rather die. "In Scenario B, however, you're a guy who's in a car crash and wakes up as a complete woman, with a body that has been remade as female everywhere; ready to start a new life as a new woman. Which do you suppose would have less psychological and emotional trauma on the patient? Obviously, it's Scenario B." I'm not so sure that would be preferable. At least with my real body, all I'd have to do is find a doctor that isn't a crook to make me a fake dick, like they do with chicks that want to be dudes. "So that means she's going to need procedure after procedure to change her from Douglas Connors the man, to Aurora Connors, the woman."

"Aurora?" I wanted to ask the same thing, Larry.

"The nursing staff voted what to call her, since Douglas is a lousy name for a girl, and decided to name her Aurora, after the princess in Sleeping Beauty." I thought 'Sleeping Beauty' was her name. 'Aurora' sounds like a stripper name. "What with the coma and all, they thought it was cute. Anyway, I convinced the chief that because she will need several surgeries, we didn't want to put her in the coma ward where all the visiting loved ones would have to be wondering why the woman in the next bed was always in bandages. With the private room, the hospital will be able to make more off of her, so there's less a chance of management making a fuss. And the special charges have already started. This IV here, besides feeding her, is also the next step in making a woman of her, as it floods her system with a girlish mix of hormones. And the billable hours I spent consulting with the endocrinologist to get that mix right will be the start of paying off my debt. All you have to do is sign off on Scenario B being better for the patient." The crook unleashes his sales pitch. Don't fall for it, Larry!

"We have a deal." I told you not to fall for it. This not being able to talk thing is really frustrating. I just want to cry. I hope that's not the hormones already. This just sucks! I don't want to be a girl. Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll wake up before he's done too much to me.


I don't remember passing out again, but I'm brought back to reality by the sound of a door closing, and I can tell I've been in deep sleep again. Then I hear the voice of Dr. Mike, my least favorite person in the universe.

"Here she is, Don. Let's get this blanket off and take a look. I think you'll find that she's recovered nicely from your vaginoplasty." Oh, so he's got the guy with him who actually made my pussy. "My pussy;" that's a phrase I never thought I'd say.

This must be him. "Yes, all the swelling is down, and you can barely tell where the stitches were. I doubt any casual observers will know she wasn't born female. Have you shown the nurses and orderlies how to dilate her like I showed you? It will need to be done periodically, to keep her open." I don't want to be open! Close that thing up, and keep it shut forever. I have no plan of ever letting some other man's dick inside me!

"Actually, I'll be doing that myself. I felt it would be too intimate for an orderly to do to her." Gee, thanks doc! Of course I know you want to do it yourself just so you can get paid for your time. "Checking in on her every day like this has really made me care about what happens to her. I don't even have the orderlies clean her catheter."

"It's refreshing to see a doctor that still takes the time to get close to the patients." Poor Dr. Don, Mike's got you completely snowed. "So what sort of surgery would you like me to do for her next?" Good question. What am I in for next?

"There are several cosmetic procedures she'll need. You can let me know what order makes the most sense for you. The plan is to completely transform her body into a female one. The insurance company prescribed that course for her gender dysphoria." You're telling it backwards, doc! You convinced the insurance company, not the other way around! "Her hips are nice and wide, and the hormones are making them fill out, but her waist is too thick. We'll want to do a liposuction, and maybe contour the bottom ribs to give her a more feminine shape. Her breasts are small now, but they're still growing. If it turns out they end up too small for her frame, we'll be wanting implants. Her Adam's apple is a little too prominent, so a tracheal shave is in order. But her face is the biggest problem. Can you make her look more like a beautiful princess and less like a lumberjack?" He's not just making me a girl; he's making me a 'beautiful princess?' Great...

"Well, yes, while there are many masculine aspects of her face, the underlying bone structure gives me a good foundation to work from. I'd take this part of the chin off, here, build out the cheekbones here, and here, then go in at the brow line and smooth down the forehead, reduce the nose width about this much, and take the tip back to about here, and turn it up about this much, and I think I'd want to do a little work on the eyes here, and here, and pull back the ears to say, here. Is that what you wanted? By the way, the skin here is so smooth, what did you do to remove the facial hair - electrolysis?" He must have been touching my face, but I couldn't feel a thing. Being in a coma sucks!

"Actually, it was four courses of laser treatment. It takes more treatments than electrolysis, but I was able to find a cosmetologist that could bring her machine here to the patient, so it was worth the extra expense." Which you skimmed off the top of, no doubt! "And since we're using electrical stimulators to maintain her muscle tone, we wouldn't want her skin to be overexposed to shocks. I'm surprised you didn't notice her neatly trimmed Brazilian bikini line when you were looking at your handiwork earlier." So someone's been shooting laser beams at my "bikini area" and it didn't wake me up, either. Like I'm ever going to wear a bikini!

"Now that you mention it, I didn't. Do you mind if I look now? Ah, there's the little 'landing strip.' Usually on a vaginoplasty we just figure pubic hair will grow in to cover any possible scarring, but if you've lased her baby-smooth that isn't an option." Landing strip? Baby smooth? Oh my god! Now I know what 'Brazilian bikini line' means - my crook doctor gave me the pubes of a porn star! Well, I guess it goes with my stripper name - 'Hi, I'm Aurora, and this is my naked snatch.' I wonder how big he wants to make my tits. I really don't like the things he's making me think about. I'm ready to wake up now! No, stupid body, I said wake up, not fall asleep. I refuse to fall asleep again!


Well, that didn't work. I can tell I passed down into the deep coma again, and bounced back up again. What's happening now? I'll run down the checklist: what do I see? Nothing but darkness. Will my eyes open? Nope. Can I feel anything? No, just numb. Can I smell anything? Not a scent. Wait, I've never tried that before. I'll add it to the checklist. Can I hear anything? A door closes, and then the lock clicks. Then I hear Venetian blinds being drawn. My room has blinds? That's good to know.

"Let's get you cleaned up, Princess." Dr. Mike is talking softly. I guess he's talking to me? Are we alone? "Let's roll you over onto this gurney, untie your gown, and give you a nice sponge bath. Scrub your shoulders, your back - the scars seem to be fading nicely, sponge down the backs of your legs, and now we'll get that smelly catheter out of you!" It's weird - that almost sounds like tenderness in his voice. "And now we'll wash your sweet round booty - you're getting to look really sexy, Princess." That doesn't sound very medical. I know he's a crook, but would he molest his patients?

"Now we'll roll back right side up and get that gown off. Oh, very nice! Look how big your boobies are getting! We'll give them a nice sponging, and they'll look real pretty. Ooh! They're nice and soft, and the little nipples have great reflex response." Oh no. Dr. Crooked is getting to second base! Oh crap - I have second base! "And we'll wash your pretty face! It's amazing - Powell has outdone himself! You are a vision! Mmmm, mmm!" What's that sound, is he kissing me? Ugh! Well, at least I can't taste it.

"Let's see, where was I? Have I washed your smooth neck, and your soft arms, and your smooth tummy? Your navel is so cute! Now I'll wash your feet - they're a little too big; I'll have to look into doing something about that. Then we'll do your ankles, and your knees, and work our way up to your smooth, milky thighs. Oh, we haven't taken care of that other nasty catheter! I'll get that out right now." Uh oh, I don't like where this is leading. "There, isn't that better? Now we'll clean off your pretty petals!" Was that another kiss? Well, there goes third base!

"Ok, sweetheart, now I have to dilate you." What was that for again? Something about keeping me open? "I can either use this cold, plastic, dilator that Dr. Powell gave me, or I can use this warm, yielding one that Nature gave me. Which do you want?" Cold plastic, cold plastic, cold plastic! "Oh, I agree completely." Was that the sound of a zipper? "A little squirt of lubricant, and then here we go. Ahhh! Oh, Princess, you're so tight!" And it's a home run, the crowd goes wild! Get your dick out of me, Dr. Asshole! This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening! It's happening; he's grunting and moaning too loudly for me to ignore! Oh crap, I'm being fucked! No, I'm being raped! At least I'm not awake enough to feel it. Why couldn't I have just slept through this? It's my, what do you call it, karma, coming around at me for not giving a damn about all those women like Cindy/Sandy. He's getting louder; I think he's almost done. "Oh! Oh! Ohhhhh.... Ah, baby, you were wonderful, like always." Like always! Like always? He's fucked me before, and I was asleep through it? That sucks - I lost my virginity and I missed it! Wait, why did I think that? I don't want to have sex with men! Why would I care about missing it?

Now what's Dr. Bastard doing? It sounds like he's zipping up. "Ok, now we'll just douche you out, and there won't be any DNA evidence they could pin on me. Now we'll change your sheets and put you back in your beddy-bye." Beddy-bye? This guy is seriously messed up! "And here's a fresh catheter for your front, and a nice new gown. Then we'll roll you over into your bed. Now another fresh catheter and we'll tie your gown up. There you are, Princess! Back in bed, and all tucked in. A nurse will be by in a few hours to turn you over. We don't want any bedsores, do we?" No, we don't, you evil jerk!

OK, there's the sound of the blinds being opened, and then the door, and his footsteps leaving. What the hell was that all about? My doctor's been turning me into some kind of living sex doll. What kind of creep gets off on fucking comatose women? No, not women - men! I'm not a woman! No matter what he does to the outside of me, inside I'm still me. I'm Doug Connors, and I'm a man! I'm a man! I'm a man! You can turn me into some kind of fantasy girl, Dr. Mike Andrews, but I'll never really be a girl! When I finally wake up, I'll give you a piece of my mind, and then I'll sue your ass to kingdom come! Then I'll, um, do some more stuff. This anger is really wearing me out for some reason. I have to slip back into the coma. What will have happened to me the next time I wake up?


"Hey, Larry," there's Dr. Mike again; "I've got to show you the new trick I taught her." This can't be good. I wonder how many times he's raped me since the last time I was out. But at least Larry's here this time; maybe he'll save me.

"I'm here, Mike. What's up? You've been acting real weird lately." You tell him, Larry!

"Hang on, I'll show you, but first we've got to close the blinds so the nurses can't watch." He's going to make Larry watch the raping?

"Ever since you paid off the Yugoslavians, you've been acting a little crazy. Now you're talking about teaching tricks to a coma patient. Did you get them to sell you more drugs?" Oh, so that's why he's a total fuckwad. Dr. Mike is a junkie!

"More drugs? Um, yeah, sure. But come over here and watch this. See, first I hook up these electrodes on her wrist here, and here." My addict rapist doctor is going to shock me. This doesn't look well. "So when I throw the switch, her fingers clench, like this."
I can't feel a thing. At least it didn't kill me. "But wait, here's the best part. If I flip the switch back and forth quickly, she pumps and releases, pumps and releases. It's the best hand job you ever had!" And there's the punchline.

"You're making coma girl give you a hand job. That's sick, Mike." Good old Larry, always the voice of reason.

"I discovered it accidentally. I had Dr. Towne do a carpal shortening surgery to give her smaller, more feminine hands." Hand surgery? That sounds dangerous. "And since she couldn't go to physical therapy for her recovery, we had to use the electrical stimulator to make sure her finger muscles would still work, and I noticed that she had a really tight grip." Thanks for the explanation. "So I tried putting things in her hand to see how tight it truly was, and found out that she can work your dick like a milkmaid. Want to give it a shot?" You are a creep.

"Have you ever wondered what would happen if she woke up while you were doing shit like this to her?" I know I have. I'd kick him in the balls and scratch his eyes out! No, that's how chicks fight! I'd punch him in the face. (With my dainty new hands I guess.)

"She's not going to wake up, ever." What?!?

"How can you be so sure?"

"I've got drugs in her IV that will keep her in a coma, until all the procedures are done. I got the chief to OK it. Inducing coma until treatment is finished isn't new; it's done all the time. It's just usually not for this long." Holy crap! Have I told you lately how much I hate you, Dr. Mike? I hope I rip your cock out the next time you make me jerk you off!

"How many procedures are left?"

"I've got her scheduled to have reduction surgery on her metatarsals so her feet will be cute and girlish, too. Then I've got a tattooist coming in to give her permanent makeup. I'll have to stop bringing in the beautician to do her face, but this way she'll still be pretty after I wash her face, so it will be worth it. And the beautician will still be coming in to do her hair and nails. And I've got Powell coming back to give her bigger breasts, and then to do lip implants. He wanted to do collagen, but that doesn't last as long. I've got a couple months to figure out how to position the electrodes to get her to blow me. Everything I've tried so far ends up making her teeth clench, and I don't want to risk getting bitten." Go on, risk it.

"And after all that, you'll take her off the drugs and wake her up?" Please say yes, I really want to wake up.

"Weren't you paying attention? I said she wasn't going to wake up, ever. Don't tell anyone you heard it from me, but after all the procedures are done and the hospital has gotten as much money as possible from the settlement, she's going to have an accident. There will be an air bubble in her IV line, and she'll have an embolism." No fucking way! When he's done having his fun with me, he's going to kill me! I've got to wake up now! Wake up now! "The chief doesn't want to find out that she wasn't transgender after all, and have her sue the hospital when she wakes up." I had been thinking about doing that; that chief is smart. Wait, what am I saying? "It would be better for all involved if she never woke up." Not for me it wouldn't.

"So why are you going through so much trouble if she's doomed to die anyway?" Because he's a sadistic creep, Larry.

"Well, two reasons. For one, I've been documenting the steps along the way, and it should make a great journal article once she's finished. The only thing I'm tweaking in the paper is the evidence that she was gender dysphoric before the accident. Well, that and the extent to which the coma is induced. And I'll probably have the paper version of her wake up and live happily ever after." This paper version of me sounds like she has a much better reality than mine. Wait, can I call another version of me 'she?' Should it be 'he?' Or if the other version really wanted to be a woman, maybe she'd prefer being called a 'she.' I did it again.

"What's the other reason?" Thanks for reminding me, Larry. I'd sort of lost my train of thought there.

"She's an incredible lay. You want to give her a shot? Let me get her gown off. Look at that, Larry. How could you refuse to fuck something that hot?" Because it's creepy, stupid!

"Wow! You sure she can't wake up?" Larry, no! You were supposed to be the good guy, not just another creep.

"Positive. Besides, you insurance guys screw your customers all the time. You should be grateful that you get to do it literally for a change." Don't laugh at your own joke, you ass! "So which side do you want, front or back?" Speaking of asses... "She's sweet and tight at both holes, but if you go with the front, you get to play with her tits, too." Oh gee, what fun!

"I'll go in at the front, then." Are all men creeps? All other men, I mean. Because I'm one, and I'm not a creep. At least, I don't think so. Would Cindy/Sandy think I was a creep?

"Ok, I'll prep her. Pop the catheters, clean her up a little, and give it a squirt of lube. And she's all set! I'll lower the bed rails to make it easier for you to get in." Sounds like he does that way too often!

"You gonna watch, Mike?" Of course, he's a sick fuck.

"I'll turn around while you're mounting if you want me to, but I'm staying in the room in case anything happens to her. And this way I can swear to what you did if you ever try to double cross me." He's evil, but crafty. Always scheming.

"In that case, I want to see you do her when I'm done, to prove that we're both involved." I thought you were decent, but you're an evil plotter just like him, Larry! I hope he kills you when he's done with you too.

"Agreed, but I'm going in her ass! I'm not taking your sloppy seconds!" Do I get any say in this? No? Just asking. I hate you guys! I'm almost ashamed I used to be a guy myself. No, not used to be. I'm ashamed I am one. Oh hell! What's happening to me? Besides being tag-team raped, that is.

I need to wake up. Please wake up, Doug! Oh what the heck. I don't want to die, even if it means living as a girl. Please wake up, Aurora! Well, I sank to calling myself by the stripper name and it didn't work. I feel so dirty. And now I'm slipping away again. I hope I'm not being raped the next time I wake up.


"Is this really the same patient we admitted two years ago?" It's that rough old man voice. I've been here two years? Two years gone from my life! I wonder what happened to my job, my friends, my apartment. I wonder if Sandy/Cindy ever found my boxers. "I can't believe this person was that man! All the specialists you've brought together have done an excellent job, Andrews!"

"Thank you chief. It was a long journey, and I'm pleased to see it completed. I've taken this project very personally, and I don't know if I'll ever forget this patient." Dr. Rapist doesn't sound so crazy when he's talking to the boss.

"The nurses named her well. She certainly is a Sleeping Beauty!" That's me, Stripper Sex Toy Aurora. Here for your raping pleasure!

I am so incredibly thirsty. Where'd that come from? My mouth is just so dry! Hey, I can feel my mouth. I need water!

"Waah." I haven't heard that hoarse whispery voice before. There's someone new in here.

"Andrews, did you hear something?" The boss man didn't hear that?

"No, chief." Dr. Creep didn't hear it either.

Could that have been me? I wanted water and heard something that could have been "Water," so I say it a little louder, but still little more than a whisper. It was me! I'm waking up! Holy Hallelujah! This is incredible! I'm going to live.

"Did she just say something, Andrews?"

"Water, please," I try to say, but I'm not sure if they can get my words. I'm going to wake up! I'm going to live! But, wait, what if they still kill me anyway? I've got to convince them that I won't sue them if they let me live.

"That definitely was her. What do we do, chief?"

"Hit the alarm. Call the nurse."

I forgot the checklist. I'll try to open my eyes. Hey, it's so bright! It's bright! It's been dark for so, so long, I'd forgotten what light was. It's too bright. I can't focus. I raise my hand to shield my eyes. Is it my hand? When it gets to my face, I can see it. The hand is smaller, and its nails are long and shiny red. It's a woman's hand. I flex the fingers stiffly, trying not to think about where they've been. I'm not supposed to know what happened to me so I look at this hand some more. "Please, water," I try to say again.

"I think she wants water. I'll go get some." That was Dr. Slimeball. Too bad I don't get to see what he looks like yet.

I look at my hand some more and, now that my eyes have adjusted, I look around. There's an older guy in an expensive looking suit here, who must be the chief. A nurse in uniform is coming into the room, carrying a small plastic cup with a straw in it. She looks about forty, a little on the heavy side, sweet and matronly. She comes over to my bed and presses a switch and a motor lifts my back up to a sitting position. "Here, Sweetie. Dr. Andrews said you asked for water. Sip it slowly." She puts the straw in my mouth. As the bed was lifting, I felt things shifting around. I look down at myself and see my enormous chest, as the blanket falls away when I sit up. They've got to be at least a D cup - stripper tits to go with my stripper name, I guess. I grab my womanly breasts in my womanly hands and it is easy for me to look as shocked as I should be. "Boobs?" I ask. "How?"

The chief is on the ball. "We have something very important to tell you, Miss-ter Connors. Please try to stay calm." I turn toward him, and a flowing lock of blonde hair falls in my face. I roll my eyes up to try to look at my hair and take another sip of my water. "Do you remember the car accident?"

I nod, and say "Yes." My voice is less dry, but it's still soft. I guess they did something to my throat, when Dr. Asswipe wasn't busy trying to fuck it.

"There were complications, and it turns out that we had to turn you into a woman. I'll bring in Dr. Andrews to tell you the details."

"I'm a girl?" I let go of my splendid rack with my right hand and slip it between my legs, to feel around for something I know is gone. "All the way?" Then it hits me. I know how to stay alive. "Thank you, Doctor!" I take another sip so my mouth is wet enough for a longer speech. "All my life I've always known I was a woman stuck in an ugly man's body!" If he thinks I wanted it, he'll know I won't sue. "And now I wake up and it's like a dream come true! I'm a girl!" I smile as wide as I can, and hope he buys it! I try to reach out to him, and he comes closer. I throw my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you!" I say again. "Can I see a mirror?"

The nurse offers, "I think I've got one in my purse, Sweetie. I'll go get it." She steps out

The chief calls out, "Andrews, go get the large standing mirror from an exam room."

I try to sit up on my own, but the chief stops me. "Be patient. Take it slow. You've been resting a long time, and your body isn't ready to be up yet. In fact, we've been calling you Sleeping Beauty." I look confused some more. "Yes, like in the fairy tale. Why even when we filed the forms to legally change your sex, we gave you the name Aurora, which was the Sleeping Beauty's real name. I know it sounds corny, but you can always change it again if you want to. Most infants don't get to pick their names anyway, and I suppose in a sense Aurora was born here."

I think he'd been stalling for time, because he stops his rambling when the nurse enters. She holds a hand mirror in front of me, and I cautiously take it. It takes me a little while to get my hands to hold it at the right angle, but then I see her! She is gorgeous! Her eyes are big and sparkling, wider than I'd ever seen mine. Her nose is a pert, cute button. Her lips are pouty and soft, seemingly begging to be kissed. Her ears don't stick out like mine used to, and twinkly little earrings dangle from each one. And wave upon wave of slightly curled blonde hair crown her heart-shaped face perfectly. I can barely believe it! I have to point and touch the mirror several times before I can fully accept that she is me. I am a stone fox! I try to see the rest of me but the mirror is too small. I'll be able to see it all soon enough, when Creeply gets here with the big mirror.

Speak of the devil. A large mirror comes rolling into the room, pushed by a man in a white lab coat. He isn't anything like I pictured him. Dr. Andrews is about mid-thirties, tall, tanned, and ruggedly handsome. Did I just say that? He's a creep, and I could never be attracted to a guy like him! What am I saying now? I could never be attracted to any guy! I look in the mirror and what I can see of my body seems to be just as gorgeous as my face. Despite the chief's warning, I just have to see what all of me looks like, so I swing my legs out of bed and try to stand up. Try is the operative word. I quickly wobble and start to fall, but Dr. Mike catches me and helps me stay upright. I grab tightly to his arm and say "Thanks." Then I get a look in the mirror. A perfect pair of legs rise from dainty little feet that seem to be standing on tiptoe for some reason, to form a stunningly curved set of hips, with the kind of apple-shaped ass you only see on airbrushed centerfolds. An impossibly small waist then rises up. I have to pull my gown tight to get an appreciation of the contour, but I don't dare raise it to peek at my most womanly parts with men in the room. The enormous breasts cap off my figure, but seeing the whole package, they don't seem so out of place. I am a magnificently sexy woman!

I stare at my reflection for a while before Dr. Mike speaks. Did I start calling him by his real name because he's gorgeous, or because he helped me up? "You shouldn't have tried to get up on your own. Your center of gravity is in a whole new place, your feet are a different shape, and your hips are set at a different angle. You'll need several weeks of physical therapy to learn how to walk again."

The chief chimes in. "Yes, it's like I was saying. You're virtually a newborn. You'll have to learn to walk, to talk, even to use the bathroom all over again. It will be rough at the beginning, but soon you'll be setting off on your brand new life!"

I smile again and thank them all, and finally let go of Dr. Mike's arm, as he puts me back in bed. The nurse, whose name I learn in Rose, brings me some more water and gives me some pills. I go to sleep for the first time in a long while without being afraid of what will happen when I wake up.


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