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Chapter 5
I awoke the next morning after having some of the wildest dreams.
I got up and knelt next to my bed. Then I bent down and kissed Allie's shoes before putting them away for the day. I fired up my computer and there was an email from Allie. She couldn’t hang out today because she had to go with her family to her grandmother's house, so I ended up spending the day just lounging in the outfit Allie had bought me and thinking about yesterday. The next day my mom came home and told me they got lucky and found us a house, so we spent the whole day packing. My girlie clothes went is a special box that was going in my car.
Over the next couple of weeks we continued to pack, and I managed to make time for a few dates with my beloved Allie, though none of them were quite like that first one. Finally moving day came and I was filled with excitement and emptiness. Orlando promised to be quite an adventure, but an adventure without my one and only love, is only half an adventure. My step-dad had shown up early that morning with the Uhaul and we got it loaded pretty quick. All of my electronics, and my girl stuff went in my car. As we were making our final checks, Allie pulled up with her parents. She got out of the car, ran over to me, and gave me the biggest hug. She led me over to my car, and kissed me.
“I'm gonna miss you so much Mistress,” I said.
“I'm gonna miss you too,” she replied. “Here, I got you something,” she placed a gift wrapped package in my hand. “Don't open it until you get to your new house, and make sure you're alone.”
“Aww, you didn’t have to get me anything Mistress.”
“Of course I didn’t have to, but I certainly wanted to,” she said as she leaned in and kissed me again.
I hid the package in my car before my parents saw it. “Thank you Mistress.”
“Devin we're leaving,” called my mom.
“Go ahead, I'll catch up with you.”
“You got your directions?”
“Yes, and I have my phone.”
“Alright, we'll see you at the house then.”
My mom got in her car, and I watched it and the Uhaul pull away.
“Alisha, its time for us to go too,” called Allie's mom as she climbed back into her car.
“Mom, can Devin drive me home?”
“I suppose, but to be too long, we've got dinner with your grandmother tonight.”
“Thanks, I wont be late.”
Allie's parents drove off and we were finally alone. I knelt down and kissed her feet.
“Thank you for the gifts Mistress.”
“You're very welcome. I wish I could go with you.”
“Me too,” I said kissing her feet again. “I'm going to miss you so much Mistress,” I whispered as tears began to fill my eyes.
“I'm going to miss you too Jessica, but I think you should get me home, and get on the road now.”
“Yeah you're probably right,” I sighed and opened the door for her. She got in the car, and I drove her home. She gave me a passionate kiss as we said our goodbyes, and she went inside.
I drove to the nearest gas station, parked in a secluded corner and cried. After a few minutes I got a hold of myself, and went inside for a soda. I got back in my car still feeling empty inside. I got on the interstate and headed for Orlando. As I drove past the exit for St. Augustine, I thought about how fun it would be to take Allie there some day. I could take her to my favorite little restaurant on St. George street and enjoy a day of shopping. I was starting to get hungry, so I stopped off in DeLand at the cleanest McDonald’s I’d ever seen. The crew wore spotless white dress shirts, and my food was actually fresh and still fast. Once finished I pointed the car once again for Orlando, and checked my directions. I left I-95 for I-4 and continued on to 192. The house was in a neighborhood just behind Medieval Times in Kissimmee. I was pleasantly surprised as I pulled up to find that the house was pink.
My parents had only arrived a few minutes before me, so after a quick stretch, I setup my computer and blasted my Disney World playlist while we unloaded the Uhaul. After everything was unloaded I headed into my room to start unpacking. I locked my door and sat down in my chair. Thinking about Allie brought tears to my eyes, and I sat there sobbing for a few minutes before I remembered the gift she gave me. I grabbed it and carefully opened it to reveal a box containing a locket, a note, and a Ziploc bag with a pair of her socks in it. I opened the note and began to read.
I'm going to miss you so much, I can't even put it into words. I hope you like the gifts. The locket was specially made just for you. The socks were kind of an afterthought. Most girls would have sprayed something with perfume, but I thought you would enjoy the smell of my dirty socks much more than perfume. You be a good girl while we're apart.
All of my love,
Mistress Alisha
I picked up the locket and looked it over. It was a silver heart with a J inscribed on the front. The back read “Property of Mistress Alisha,” and when I opened it up, there was a picture of her foot on one side, and her face on the other. I put it around my neck, opened the socks, and took a deep breath inhaling the intoxicating scent before beginning to sob again. After a few minutes, I managed to calm down enough to call Allie.
“Hey Jessica! How was your trip?”
“It was okay,” I sniffed into the phone.
“Have you been crying?”
“Yes Mistress. I miss you so much it hurts. I opened your gift. I love it. The locket is so beautiful, and you're right, I do prefer the smell of your feet to perfume.”
“I'm glad you like it. I miss you too. You have to come visit me the first chance you get.”
“You know I will Mistress.”
“Good. Now I'm sure you've got a lot of unpacking to do, so go and get to it missy, and call me tomorrow at our usual time.”
“Yes Mistress,” I sighed.
“Bye,” she said as she hung up the phone.
I sat there feeling awful, and sniffed her socks again, before I managed to suck it up, and start unpacking. I managed to get quite a bit done before I got too tired. I found Allie's shoes and kissed them before climbing into bed for the night.
That night I had a dream that I was a slavegirl, living in Allie's castle, and some brigands busted into the castle and kidnapped me. They took me to a strange town, and sold me at an auction to a strange and cruel woman, who only used me for torture. It was an awful dream and I woke up in the middle of the night crying, expecting to find myself in the strange woman's dungeon, but of course, I was still in my own bed. Realizing I was safe, and not about to be tortured, I managed to roll over and get some sleep.
The next morning I felt a bit better, and was actually able to finish unpacking my stuff by lunch time. Not having anything better to do I went over to Downtown Disney and walked around the shops. The World of Disney shop has a room full of nothing but princess stuff. As I walked around in there I longed to relive my childhood as a little girl. I wanted to be a princess. I watched the little girls with their parents buying costumes of the various Disney princesses, and was so jealous I had to leave the room before I bought one even though they were all way too small for me. I walked around some more and found myself standing in front of a shelf full of dolls. One doll in particular stood out. It was an Ariel doll wearing a beautiful dress. I took it off the shelf and held it in my hands and I knew I had to have it, so I gathered up my courage and went over to the checkout counter.
“Hi!” said the all too perky cashier.
“Hi,” I replied putting the doll on the counter.
“Oh that’s pretty,” she said.
“Yeah, its for my girlfriend,” I lied handing over my debit card.
“Well she'll definitely like it. Here you go,” she said handing me back my debit card and the bag with my new treasure in it. “Have a magical day!”
“Uh, you too,” I replied and took off for my car. I was positive she knew I was buying it for myself. As I was leaving the parking lot, I noticed the Disney casting building was across the street, and I started to think maybe my lifelong dream of working for Disney would finally come true. When I got home I hid the doll with my other girlie stuff and started looking through my wardrobe. I discovered the nicest stuff I owned was all Jessica's, not that I had much in that department either. I dug out my hello kitty shirt from my first date with Allie and found a pair of black slacks to pair it with. I got dressed and looked in my mirror. I thought I looked okay, the only thing that said girly was the hello kitty patch on the otherwise plain black blouse. The only black shoes I had were the mary janes that Allie bought me, and I knew I couldn’t wear those, so I put my boy clothes back on and headed to payless.
In payless I ducked into the womens section, and found my size. They had one pair of black shoes that had a short chunky heel, and laced up. I tried them on and found them to be comfortable, and rather unisex looking, except for the heel. I bought them and took them home. Once home I tried on the whole outfit and put my hair up with a scrunchie, and thought I looked pretty androgynous. I took the outfit off and sat around playing video games in my panties the rest of the day before calling Allie, and then heading to bed.
The next morning I awoke somewhat sleepily and was happy to discover both of my parents were already gone. I took a quick shower and put on the outfit I picked out the night before, threw on my shoes, and grabbed a scrunchie on my way out to the car. I got in the car, put my hair up, and roared off towards Disney.
I pulled into the parking lot of Disney Casting, and almost ran over tire spikes heading for a parking spot, they really don’t like people going the wrong way apparently. I found a spot and felt a pang of fear and excitement as I headed up the ramp towards the two massive doors leading to the entryway to all things magical. Just beyond the doors was a rotunda and a hallway off to the left that was painted to look like an outdoor walkway in a castle, complete with a stone bridge that crossed overhead. There was a bit of a line to get to the reception desk for walk-ins. I stood in line wondering what the hiring process would be like, and imagined myself as a princess taking pictures with families, and the big smiles on everyone’s faces. Finally I got to the top.
“Hello! What can I help you with today?” asked the receptionist, with the same perkiness as the cashier from the day before.
“I'd like to apply for a job.”
“Certainly, here's an application, and a list of open positions. Just find a place to sit, and bring this back up here when you're finished.”
“Thank you,” I said taking the forms from her and heading to a table to fill out my application. There were videos playing all around the room describing what it was like to work at Walt Disney World. I began filling out my application, and a woman cam out of a door I hadn’t noticed before, and asked who had not seen the film yet. Several people, including myself, raised our hands, and were led into a little screening room where we were shown a film about what its like to work for Disney, and benefits and stuff. After the video we went back out where we were, and finished our applications. I took it up to the desk and was told someone would be with me soon, so I found a seat on one of the sofas, and watched the movies that were playing.
“Devin!” called a short somewhat plump woman bringing me out of my daze.
I got up and walked over to her. “Hi,” I said while shaking her extended hand.
“Hi, I’m Debbie,” she said leading me down a hall and to her office. She took a seat behind her desk, and offered me the seat on the other side. “So, why do you want to work for Disney?”
“I've wanted to work here since I was 6. I grew up in Florida, and visited here a lot when I was younger.”
“That’s cool, so what do you want to do here?”
“I'm not really sure. What've you got?”
“What do you want?”
“What've you got?” I asked again, trying not to sound annoyed at being asked the same question in response to my question.
“What do you want?” this woman was starting to sound like a broken record.
“Fine, how about food service?” I finally asked, fed up with her question.
“Excellent! How about the Flame Tree BBQ?”
“That has to be in Animal Kingdom, the only park I’ve never been to.”
“Yep! I think you'll like it there.”
“Alright, I’ll take it.”
“Excellent, welcome to the Disney family,” she said as she stood and shook my hand. She handed me a stack of papers and led me back out into the lobby to wait. Eventually someone else came and collected a group of us that were waiting to fill out our hire packets. We filled out a bunch of paperwork and were given the dates and times of our Traditions class, which is what Disney calls their day one orientation. Mine was set for Saturday. When I was through with my packet I turned it in, and was finally a member of the Disney family. I went back out to my car and sat down looking at the clock. Had I really been in there for five hours? Pulling the scrunchie out of my hair to fix my ponytail, I suddenly realized I had worn my pink one.
To Be Continued...
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The Story of Me...Sort of Chapter 5
Wonder who else he will meet and if there is a chance for him to become a character?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Strict Romance
I like this chapter. I have to be in the mood for detailed erotica---who did what or put what into who---but I'm usually always in the mood for romantic fare. And you've really captured the romance of Allie and Jessica's unconventional relationship. The caring comes first---before the D/s games---and the locket (the socks too I suppose) was such a sweet gift; a totem of being owned by her loving mistress, who I can see why she's enthralled by Alisha. If you're going to give yourself to someone they should be worthy of your submissiveness. Nobody wants to be smacked around by a cretin...
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I actually found this
I actually found this chapter a little awkward to write. I had a hard time balancing their relationship against the move and the job. Getting a job at Disney used to be a rather overwhelming 5 hour process, which I tried to capture. Now the applications are all done online. I do try to avoid detailed erotica in my writings, as I too have to really be in the mood to read it. This chapter is very important though, because it is the launching platform for the rest of the story.
OOH Bondage, someone will complain.
I used to do the exact same self bondage, but I never hurt myself. LOL It was all a Freudian thing.
I've hunted for a Master too, but everyone is too afraid of the FBI now. Yep, I like bondage.
Much peace
It doesnt matter what I
It doesnt matter what I write about, someone will find something to complain about, so I'm trying to write a story based on things that actually happened to me in a way that is less boring than my real life. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it.
Right About The Job, Wrong Character
Well I guessed right as to the position with Disney. But got the job wrong, at least the first one.
Yes the job at Disney was
Yes the job at Disney was inevitable. I was debating weather or not to set the story where I actually worked. In the end I decided to go with it. I swear the "what've you got?/what do you want?" back and forth went on much longer in reality, but you don't need to feel my pain to get the point.