The Story of Me...Sort of Chapter 2

The Story of Me...Sort of

Chapter 2


Sunday morning I woke up after having the weirdest dream that Allie and I were schoolgirls in Japan, only at home I was her slave. Why was I suddenly having romantic dreams about Allie?

I climbed out of bed and changed my playlist to Jimmy Buffet before checking my email. There was one from my parents telling me they weren’t going to be home till tomorrow. Good thing I went grocery shopping. There was another email from Allie.


I'm really glad you came last-night. It wouldn’t have been the same without you. Can we get together without the gang sometime?

Miss you,


Well that was weird. I decided to find out what was going on. I pulled the scrunchy out of my hair an realized it was pink. I took a quick shower and then hid all of my girlie clothes. I got dressed in my normal jeans and an anime tee. I made sure it was my white and blue shoes and a black scrunchy today, and then I resigned myself to call Allie.



Hey it's Devin.”

Oh hey!” She sounded really bubbly all of the sudden.

I got your email. Are you free today?”


When can I pick you up?”

As soon as you can get here.”

See you in a few.”


I grabbed my keys and headed out. I did my best Initial D impression and got to Allie's in record time. She was looking out the window and came running out to the car as I pulled in the driveway. That girl really does have a quirky fashion sense. Today she was dressed in a lavender tank top that had a rainbow on it, pink and white striped arm warmers, a pink pleated miniskirt with a matching pink petticoat, white tights, and lavender converse high tops with the tops folded down at her ankles. Her glasses and the collar from last-night only added to her cuteness. How I had never been interested in her before now was beyond me, but now that these feelings were awake, I definitely had to know if she felt the same way.

You got here fast” she said as she climbed into my car.

Couldn’t wait to see you again,” I replied, “so, what do you have in mind?”

I dunno. I just wanted to spend some time with you without the gang and all their shenanigans.”

Well...if you really want to get me alone, my parents are out of town until tomorrow,” I replied giving her my best Spock eyebrow.

Sounds good to me,” she gave me a shy smile. I really like this side of her.

When we got back to my place, I got us some watermelon soda from the fridge and put on my extensive j-pop playlist before joining Allie on the couch.

So...” I'm such a great conversationalist.

So...” she replied with equal greatness. She took a sip of her soda before continuing, “you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I have to ask you about the shoes you were wearing last-night”

I sighed and took a a sip of my soda, “you want to know why I was wearing girls shoes?”

She nodded.

Looking at the floor I replied, “I'm still wearing girls shoes actually. These are the same shoes, only last night I accidentally grabbed the pink ones.”

Do you wear girls shoes often?”

Not before the other day, at school, but now that I know people don’t really notice, I’ll wear them all the time I suppose.”

What else do you wear?” she asked.

I sighed. This was not how I imagined today going. “Pretty much whatever I can get my hands on, as often as I can.”

So those were girls jeans you had on last-night?”

I nodded as I turned away from her to hide the tears forming in my eyes. “My moms.”

I thought so.”

I was really getting upset now. I thought today was just going to be a fun day with Allie, but this was turning into my worst fears. If I wasn’t careful the whole school would know about me by the end of summer. I started sobbing and Allie noticed.

Are you okay?”

I shook my head. “I'm such a freak.”

She slid closer to me and wrapped me in the most comforting embrace I had ever felt. “You're not a freak. If anything I'm the freak.”

I pulled away and turned to face her. “You are not a freak. You're everything I want to be. You're beautiful, smart, and most of all a girl!” Then it dawned on me why I had never considered being with her, I wanted to BE her.

Allie's response to this was to grab the back of my head and kiss me full on the lips. That was the first moment in my life when there was anything more important to me than becoming a girl. She continued to hold me until I regained my composure.

So uh, does that mean you still want to go out with me?” I asked.

She smiled and nodded, “yep.”

Even though I want to be a girl?”

Even though you want to be a girl.”

Now I was falling head over heels for this girl. Until yesterday she was just my wacky friend, and the only person I had ever met that shared both my love of anime and my insane obsession with Disney World. Growing up in Florida, I had quite the obsession with theme parks, especially the Disney parks. Allie was the only person I know who was impressed instead of annoyed by my ramblings, and who's knowledge actually rivaled my own, and now she was my girlfriend, and I was her, uh, well that was something we needed to sort out.

Hey Dev?”


Can I um, see you dressed up? You know, as a um, girl?” Now I wasn’t the only one blushing for a change.

Only if you promise not to laugh.”

Promise!” she squealed, delighted at getting the response she'd hoped for.

Wait here,” I said as I handed her the TV remote. I headed back into my room and put on the pink top and denim skirt from Friday night, and retrieved the pink sneakers from their hiding place. I spotted the nail polish on my desk and decided to repaint my finger nails before putting on my matching lipstick. I checked myself in the mirror and sighed. Resigned to my fate, I went out to face the girl who had so recently won my affections. Allie's eyes nearly popped out of her head we she saw me, and she failed to stifle a giggle.

You said you wouldn’t laugh!” I said as my eyes filled with tears.

Oh honey,” she soothed as she got up and held my hands. “I'm sorry, its just not what I expected.”

What do you mean?”

Well to be honest, I thought you'd look silly, but you almost look like a girl.”

Really?” I asked hopefully.

Really,” she smiled in reply. “I mean you could use some work, but you could pass for a tall if somewhat awkward girl.”

I'm already tall and awkward,” I replied.

That’s when Allie noticed my nail polish. “Did you do your toes too?”

Yes,” I shyly replied.

Lemme seeeee”

Without thinking I led her into my room, plopped down on my bed, and pulled off my socks and shoes.

what happened to your ankles?”

Nothing,” I said hoping she would drop the subject.

Dev, you don’t get marks like that from nothing, now what happened?”

I spent the next few minutes explaining to her how I liked to be tied up, and how I had gotten myself stuck on Friday night.

Oh my god! You've gotta be more careful girl. Speaking of girl, I cant call you Devin when you're a girl”

Devin is a girls name too you know.”

Yeah but it doesn’t fit you. I know, we'll call you Jessica!”

That'll work I suppose,” I sighed.

We spent the next couple of hours cuddling on the couch as girlfriends before I had to change back to Devin to take her home. We shared a passionate goodbye kiss as she got out of the car and went inside. I waited for her to get in the door before backing out of the driveway. As I pulled a way I looked back and she was waiving at me from her window. I waved back and then sped off for home.

Back home I put my mom's clothes away. I couldn’t afford to get caught now. I finally had a girlfriend who liked me, the real me that is. I made myself a quick bite to eat and watched TV until I decided to go to bed. Stripping down to my panties and socks, I really like girls socks, I climbed into bed. Grabbing a short piece of rope I tied my ankles together before using my leather cuffs to bind my hands in front of me. I pulled my blanket over me and fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke from another dream of being Allie's Japanese slave girl. I undid my cuffs and untied my ankles before climbing out of bed to check my email. I had the usual spam, and a letter from my Japanese pen pal Misaki from Kyoto. As I read about what I assumed to be her typical schoolgirl life, I heard a car pull into the driveway. Looking out the window confirmed that my parents had arrived home.

Devin you here?” I heard my mom call as she entered the house.

In my room,” I replied as I quickly threw on some clothes, and notice my nails were still pink. “Shit,” I said as I scrambled to my desk to get my nail polish remover.

My mother knocked on my door. “Dev?”

I'm getting dressed mom, I'll be out in a minute.” I got my nail polish off as quickly as I could, and went out to find my parents bringing their suitcases in from the car.

There you are,” said my mom.

Have a nice trip?” I asked.

We did.” replied my mom. “Everyone on the couch, its talk time”

Whats going on?” I asked worried that she had somehow found out what I had been up to over the weekend.

My mom and Burt, my stepdad, sat down on the couch and I sat opposite them in the recliner. My mom was first to speak.

We've got some good news and some bad news”

Bad news first,” I replied.

We're moving.”

Thats not so bad. Where and why?”

Orlando, Burt got a new job there, and the pay is real good.”

So what's the good news?”

Burt got a new job.”

To be continued...

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