Rachel's Complicated Life, Chapter 11 & 12

Chapter 11

Clouds on the Horizon

Steve Marshall watched the Harris SUV drive in from the vantage point he had in his favorite stakeout car, an old 1978 Impala 4-door. It still had a solid body, and was made right here in Texas. It didn’t stand out, and that was perfect for his plans. He wanted to be the proverbial fly on the wall for the duration of this stakeout. He had ducked down in the rear seat, and they hadn’t made him. He was set up for a night surveillance, with night vision and infrared video. All he had to do now was wait, which was the worst part of any stakeout. Steve was disciplined, however, and he trained his body and mind for nights like this. Long nights made him cranky, and usually the person he was charged with apprehending felt the brunt of that crankiness.

His shotgun mike was trained on the house, and he could hear the sounds on the girls squealing and running around in the house. He was hoping nothing would happen tonight that would spoil their little get together. He liked the kid, and the way she handled that little bastard at the game was a thing of beauty. He smiled as he remembered the little girl stand up to the boy in her sweater and skirt and lay him out with the knee to the junk. The kid had spunk, no doubt about it.

At 5:30, dawn was breaking and he made the call to Brianna.

“Bree, nothing went down tonight. A little excitement at the game and the dinner afterwards, but the kid and her brother handled themselves”

“Thanks, Steve. I appreciate it. Keep up the good work. Grab a hotel room close by and I’ll cover it. Something is going to happen. I can feel it”

“No problem, boss. I’ve got it covered”

As Steve got off the phone. A Martinsburg black and white pulled up behind Steve’s car. Steve didn’t turn around.

“All right, sir, I’m going to say this just once. Step away from the car.

Steve smiled without turning around. “Stan Harrick, why are you bothering us working men? Did I take you away from your donuts? Is that why you’re going all Barney Fife on me?”

Stan started laughing “Hell yes, you did. A big jelly filled one too. And a nice, hot cup of coffee”

“Thanks for coming by, Stan. I need a favor”

Stan and Steve went back to Steve’s days as a field officer in the Bureau. Stan, through some heads up police work, put Steve on the track of a Mexican drug lord setting up shop in Austin when he was still in training with the Austin PD. Things got a little messy, as the training officer in charge of Stan was hip deep in drug money. Stan was banished to the sticks for the time being to take the heat off him. Steve never forgot Stan, and he was trying to get him to drop the law enforcement gig and partner up with him in his agency. Stan was still thinking about it, but he had a wife and kid that liked the small town life. If this was punishment, Stan sure didn’t show it.

“Sure Steve, what’s up?”

“The Harris girl and her family could be in some trouble with some of the holier than thous in town. Call it a hunch, but that sign in the yard the other day could have been the start of something bigger in the way of harassment for the family. My employer thinks so, and I think so”

“So what do you need from me?” asked Stan.

“Do a little digging for me, Stan. Nothing big, but I need to know if something’s up. You know I always appreciate any help from you boys in blue, and I can make arrangements for your time off the city clock”

“It’s a damn shame Steve. Rachel’s a good kid. I met her the other day. Sweet as can be. But why the interest?”

My employer wants this handled off the books if possible. I stress if possible. I don’t want you getting in trouble with Chief Love Handles or whatever his name is. My employer doesn’t want the girl to know anyone is out to get her. I don’t know why, but she wants her to stay out of the limelight as much as possible”

“I get it, Steve. I’ll do some checking. I’ll get back to you. I’ll also keep the other boys off your back if someone happens to call in a suspicious vehicle in the neighborhood”

“Thanks, Stan. I owe you a big one on this. And the job offer still stands”

“Yeah, and spend all night in a POS car looking at the outside of a house? I’ll get back to you on that, old buddy”

Stan shook Steve’s hand and drove off. Steve left to get some sleep. He thought he was getting too old for this. He was lucky this time to have a trusted friend in town in position to help him.

Rachel and the girls were still sleeping at noon when they finally dragged themselves out of bed. Six girls in a king sized bed seemed like a good idea at the time, and they looked the worse for wear in the morning. They put their robes on and shuffled down the stairs for breakfast.

Garrett was up and sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal as the sextet of tweens walked in to the room. “Look what the cat dragged in! Rough night, party goers?” He started laughing. He couldn’t help it. Rachel’s hair was standing straight up, and the long hair of the other girls looked like 5 haystacks.

“Stop it Garrett” whined Rachel “Leave us alone”

Angela apparently forgot that Garrett lived in the same house as Rachel. She shrieked and ran upstairs to brush her hair to look more presentable for her love interest.

“Don’t leave on my account, Ang!” he called up after her. “You look wonderful!” which was followed by more laughter.

“Garrett! Leave those girls alone and stop teasing your sister!”

“Boys!” hissed Brittany as Garrett left the room.

“Love you too, Scarecrow!” replied Garrett.

“Mommmmmm” cried Rachel.


“I’m going, I’m going!” he laughed as he headed in to play some Halo.

Gina came in to the kitchen. “Can I make you something to eat? Maybe some pancakes?”

“Oooohhh! That sounds delicious!” said Rachel. The girls were all in agreement. Gina made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone and he girls devoured two dozen.

“My goodness!” said Gina “You girls must have the metabolism of a hummingbird!”

“Just hungry, Mom. We’re growing girls!”

“I’ll say! If you grow any more, I won’t be able to keep any food in the house with both you and Garrett. That big oaf eats more than a horse!”

“I heard that, Mom” called Garrett fro the living room.

“Whatever, garbage can”

The girls finished eating and then showered. They called their parents and everyone was gone by two thirty.

“Mom, that was so much fun! All the girls were just so nice! I’m so excited to finally have some friends. Lisa showed me how she did my makeup. I don’t think I can do it as well as she did, but I need more makeup to practice. Can we get some?”

“You bet, Angel. We can go this afternoon” replied Gina.

Then the phone rang. Gina picked up.

“I saw your little freak at the game” It was an electronically modified voice.

“Who is this?” said an alarmed Gina.

“Someone who hates freaks. There are many of us. If you insist on parading ‘it’ around in public then we will have to take matters into our own hands. We are the Sons of Purity, and we will get that freak. There is nothing you can do but leave our town”

“Go to hell, you coward!” screamed Gina into the phone.

“You first, whore” The line fell silent.

Gina slammed the phone down and began crying.

“What is it, Mom?” asked Rachel.

Garrett ran in and echoed the question. Gina couldn’t respond at first. Garrett and Rachel hugged her as she slowly regained her composure.

“It was just a prank call that really upset me. It was about Rachel. These people can be so damn hateful. JUST LEAVE US ALONE!” screamed Gina.

Gina gave Brianna a call right after she composed herself. She explained the phone call and what had been said.

“Gina, don’t worry about that idiot. I have people watching your daughter and your house. Good people. You see, I figured something like this would come up. They sound like they have some tech experience, but a voice alteration like that is cheap and easy. I’d guess it was from a disposable cell phone that can’t be traced”

“You know all this?” asked Gina.

“Call it an educated guess. But I guarantee you I’m not that far off. Let me handle it from here. Don’t worry. Nothing is going to happen to Rachel. On a more positive note, I have the paperwork completed for Rachel’s legal name change, I just need to stop by and get it signed”

“Great! But you don’t have to come all the way out here”

“I want to! I haven’t seen Rachel since Monday and I miss her” Brianna laughed.

“Well I know she’ll be excited to see you. She just loves you so much”

“The feeling is mutual. I’ll see you Monday and we’ll get the legalities out of the way”

“Thank you for all you have done, Brianna. I just wish I knew what we did to deserve your kindness”

Brianna giggled. “Can’t a girl do something nice for wonderful people like you? Byee”

Brianna immediately called Steve Marshall.


“Steve, I need you to upgrade your surveillance”

“What happened now”

“The bastards contacted Gina and threatened Rachel. This was their big mistake. Now we play for keeps”

“Ok. Level 2 then”

“Correct. Make it happen, Steve. Recruit whomever you need”


Steve didn’t like it when Brianna got this way. For a beautiful girl, she could get downright nasty. He also didn’t like operating outside the law like this. Things could get messy in a hurry. But that’s why she paid him the big bucks, he knew. Something bad happened to her in the past, but what? He’d think about that later. Now he had to assemble his team.

At around six, there was a ring at the door. Gina looked and there was a tall, handsome black man at the door. He looked serious. She opened the door.

“Can I help you?” she asked timidly.

“Hi Gina. My name is Steve Marshall, and Brianna sent me”

“Oh, what a relief! Are you here to help us?”

“Yes, ma’am, I am. I work for Brianna from time to time. I’ve been shadowing you and Rachel for the last day, making sure you are safe. Brianna’s original plan was for me to stay in the background if possible. But when the bad guys decided to escalate, then so did we. I wanted to introduce myself to you and your family so you know who I am. I don’t want you to have any surprises if something goes down and I have to act”

“Our Guardian Angel?” Gina said lightly.

“Something like that, only I’m not as cuddly as Clarence” returned Steve with a smile.

“Can I offer you something to drink, angel? Or do angels not drink.” Gina walked to the kitchen.

“Sure. A bottled water would be great.”

Gina called Rachel and Garrett down to the kitchen to meet Steve. After introductions were made, Steve filled them in on why he was there, and what to expect.

“That’s about it, guys. If things go according to plan, we’ll have this wrapped up in no time. We are not dealing with super criminals here, just a few haters. Just live your lives, someone will be watching you at all times. I’ll install a tap on your line, to trace the calls that threaten you...”

“Don’t you need a court order to do that? asked Gina.

“If it goes to court, yes. But I’m not worried about court. I just want to find these guys and give them the ride of their lives or turn them over to the police”

“You’re not going to kill them are you?” Asked a concerned Rachel.

“No, but they may wish we had when we are done with them. My team can be very persuasive when they want to be”

“Your team?” queried Gina.

“Yes. I am bringing in some help on this one, beginning next week” I’ll introduce you to them when we get set up”

“I’ve got equipment coming in on Monday that I’ll have to set up. Try not to worry. Someone is watching over you all the time. I’m very good at what I do, and I’ve never failed a client”

“Thank you, Mr. Marshall” said Rachel as she came over to give him a hug.

Steve was taken aback by the show of affection, but returned the hug. “Don’t you worry, little lady. I always get my man” He added “Don’t tell any of your friends about me, okay? This needs to be our secret for now”

“I won’t” said Rachel as she went back upstairs. “It’s our secret”

Rachel looked at herself in the mirror. She was changing into her pajamas, and hadn’t put her shirt on yet. Her breasts had gotten noticeably bigger in the last week and a half. They still weren’t much, but they were there. She couldn't wait until they were as big as her friend's. She sighed, and put her bra and pajama top on.

The rest of the weekend passed uneventfully. Maria returned on Sunday afternoon to continue her stay with her pregnant daughter. Rachel got plenty of use out of her new cell phone, as her new friends were texting her every 3 minutes.

Steve called his team. they had worked together many times in the past. Jim “Tank” Abrams was some muscle he used occasionally. At 6’5”, 275 pounds he was a Black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu, and was an ex Green Beret. A crack shot, and an expert with a knife, he was an asset in close quarters combat. Gia “Spider” Coretti was an expert in computers and communications, and would be used to trace the communications of the perpetrators. She was also a world class free runner, which gave her the nickname Spider, due to her abilities in climbing walls. She was also a 6th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and deadly in a fight. She was 5’6”, and all of 120 pounds, and built like a stripper, without any surgery. She was handy to have around if distraction was part of the plan. Ben “Ice” Blackwood was an ex Force Recon Marine, who got his nickname by falling through the ice of an Afghan lake on a black op that nearly got him killed. He was a deadly hand to hand combatant, skilled in ninjutsu. Fast, deadly with knives, and an expert in covert ops. He knew how to stay under the radar.

They were all due to arrive on Tuesday, and then the real work would begin.

Eight men were gathered in an old shack west of town. They were a shabby lot, all ex delinquents, criminals and neo nazis They were all known simply by numbers. At the front of the room was a hooded figure, known to the men as simply “The Leader”. He began to speak to the group.

“Sons of Purity. Today we begin the cleansing of this town. Thank you for your commitment to the cause for which many before us have given their lives and souls. The call was made to the family of perverts and homosexuals. They have been given their only warning.

Shaven heads nodded in murmured agreement.

“Today, we renew our war against the Jew, the queer, the nigger. We start our war with the elimination of this abomination before the Lord”

There was more nodding and agreement.

“Hear me! This harlot is not to be harmed. No, it is to be brought to me for cleansing, with the whip and with FIRE!” There was shouted agreement. “Bring the mother of the harlot as well. KILL her other family! Show no mercy! You have your orders. You have the steel of your convictions. You have all lost family to this type of abomination! Purge them ALL!

The room erupted in cheers as the hooded man stood and raised his right hand in the Roman salute made infamous by the Nazis in the Third Reich. The salutes were returned. The men then started in on the crystal meth provided by their “leader”.

Sunday dawned bright and sunny. The town was quiet. Birds were singing as the sleepy village awakened to a new day. Some would say the Lord’s day. The Lord had nothing to do with what was being concocted in that small building in the country. Nothing at all.

Chapter 12

The storm arrives, Part 1

Maria was the first one up. She went down to fix some decaf for Gina and herself. She got the pot started and heard Gina rustling upstairs. She went up to check on her.


“Mom? Come here. I need you!” Gina didn’t sound good.

“What is it, dear?”

When Maria got to the bathroom, she found Gina on the toilet. She had a grayish pallor and dark circles under her eyes.

“Mom, I’m bleeding.....” Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the floor, unconscious.

“GINA!” screamed Maria. “Rachel, Garrett! HELP! It’s your mother!”

Rachel snapped awake. She ran to her mother’s room, and was nearly knocked over by Garrett. She ducked out of the way just in time. She made it to her mother’s room to find Garrett holding his mother’s limp form on the bathroom floor.

“Call 911!” Maria told Rachel. “Get an Ambulance here NOW!”

Rachel dialed 911 and gave the necessary information to the operator. Garrett picked Gina up and carried her to the bed. Gina didn’t look good at all. Maria sat by Gina and Rachel hugged Garrett.

5 minutes later, the sound of the siren got louder. Rachel ran downstairs to let the paramedics in. She led them to Gina’s bedroom.

“What happened, Ma’am?

Maria answered “ She said she was bleeding, and passed out. There was a small amount of blood in her underwear.

“How far along is she”

“6 and a half months”

“B P 140 over 95”

“Pulse 150 and weak”

“Starting O2”

After she was stabilized, the paramedics lifted Gina on to the gurney and prepared to transport her. They took her downstairs and out to the waiting ambulance. Maria got in with them for the ride to the hospital, telling Garrett that she would call when she knew anything. Garrett and Rachel watched as the ambulance drove away, sirens blaring. Rachel was crying into Garrett’s shirt.

“What is happening to mom, Garrett? Is she going to die? Garrett, I can’t lose my mommy! I can’t!”

Garrett looked down at his little sister. “Sis, I don’t know what is going on. But I know this. Mom is not going to die. She’s going to be okay. Do you hear me? Don’t worry”

“Do you really think so, Garrett?”

“Yes I do, Sis” Deep down, he wondered how much his mother could take. He would never show those fears to Rachel. She needed him to be strong. He led her back inside the house.

Rachel texted Becca “Mom very sick. They took her to hospital. Call me!!!!

Rachel buried her head in her pillows and cried and prayed. Fifteen minutes later, Becca called.

“Becca!” cried Rachel. “Mom’s so sick. I had to call the ambulance. Becca, What am I going to do?” She broke down again.

“Rachel, I’m coming over. Angela’s coming too. Mom is going over to the hospital to she if she can help. Don’t panic”

“Hurry, Becca. Hurry!”

Steve Marshall had his portable scanner on in his hotel room. He caught the ambulance call and shot up when he heard the address called. He listened carefully to the cross talk and determined it was Gina. He picked up the phone and called Brianna. He filled her in and got dressed and headed over to the Harris house to see what he could do. Brianna was on her way to the hospital.

Becca and Angela got dressed and ran to Rachel’s house. They ran inside and up to Rachel’s room. They all met in one big hug and cried. Becca and Angela listened to Rachel pour her heart out.

There came a ring at the door. Garrett answered it. Steve Marshall was there.

“How can I help, Garrett?”

“There’s nothing we can do for now. Grams will call us when they know anything. Rachel is upstairs with her friends Becca and Angela doing the girl bonding thing. You know how they are”

“Yeah, I guess I do. How are you holding up?”

“Good” came Garrett’s reply. “I have an outlet for my frustrations. I get to hit people. It keeps me sane”

Steve laughed. “I know exactly what you mean, son. Been there, done that”

Steve and Garrett talked about what was going on. The football season, life, and what Garrett planned to do.

“I don’t think there’s a future in the Army for me. I don’t like what it did to my dad. My Grandad Harris won’t like it, but at this point I don’t really care. My family needs me here”

“I think in your case, right now that’s a good idea. Your how old, 14, 15? You’ve got time to decide those things. I never could understand why some people push kids into making life choices at such a young age”

About four hours later, the phone rang. It was Maria. Garrett answered the phone.

“Grams? What’s going on? We’ve been going crazy here”

“Your mom is okay. She was suffering from exhaustion. Apparently, she hadn’t slept in a week. She was hiding it from us. The bleeding was just some spotting, which happens during pregnancy. She went until she collapsed. They are keeping her for a couple of days of observation. They don’t like her blood pressure readings, and are concerned about complications. She’s sleeping now. I’m staying here for awhile”

“Can we come to see her?”

“You can, but she will be sleeping for some time. Let’s wait until tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay, but I don’t like it. Steve Marshall is here staying with us. He wants to talk to you”

“Mrs. Harris? Steve Marshall. I’ll cover here at the house. Brianna is heading to the hospital now. Don’t worry about what’s happening here. It’s covered”

“Thank you Steve. How did you know where to go?””¨
“That’s a trade secret, Mrs. Harris” he said with a smile.

“Well, I’m glad you’re there. I've got to get back to Gina”

Steve hung up the phone. He was going to stay at the Harris home until Gina got back, and probably after. It was just as well. This made his job a lot easier. He could get to work idiot proofing this place. That is, keeping any idiots out.

Rachel was still talking to Becca and Angela. She had calmed down and they had changed the subject to keep her calm. Angela was brushing Rachel’s hair.

“Rachel, can I ask you a personal question?” asked Angela.


“I know you have a different view of everything than most girls have. I mean you were raised a boy for all your life. Have you given any thought to boys?”

“Ewwww, no!” she cried. “I’m not ready to date yet”

“I’m not talking about dating, just, you know, liking a boy. Do you, or does it seem strange”

“Well, I guess I do. I saw some boys at the mall last week, and I wondered what it would be like to hold their hand and stuff. Most boys have been so mean to me, I just can’t get too excited about them right now”

“What about girls? Do you like them?”

“I’ve never thought about it. I don’t feel any different around you or Becca, just normal. I don’t want to make out with you or anything like that. I just don’t feel anything I guess right now”

“That will change, I’m sure” said Becca

“Am I weird?” asked Rachel. “I know I ask that a lot. I’ve been a girl for a week and a half. I don’t have some of the parts normal girls do. I just don’t know what to feel. I need friends right now. People who don’t want anything from me”

“You’re not weird, Rach. The old hormones will kick in and take care of you!” said Angela with a smile.

“To be honest, I think about boys and girls” said Angela. “Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to kiss a girl, and then again, what it would be like to kiss a guy. So you’re no weirder than any of us”

“Hey, let’s go downstairs and fix something to eat. I’m hungry” announced Rachel.

“Yeah, let’s!” said Becca.

The girls went downstairs after Garrett and Steve got of the phone. Steve passed along the good news and Rachel and her friends went to the kitchen celebrating. They fixed sandwiches and chips, and got some diet Coke to go along with it.

Steve went out to his car and got the equipment he had brought along with him. Motion sensors, IR cameras, and a laptop. He busied himself with preparations to make the house and yard secure from invaders. Garrett pitched in to help.

The Leader made the calls to his group of thugs. Go time was Wednesday night. The harlot’s mother was in the hospital, but that couldn’t be avoided. Too bad. He wanted her to watch as he tortured Rachel. Made her beg to die. Make her mother beg him to kill her. Better yet, break both of them. That would be the ultimate victory. That time was coming, and he was ready. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. The headache he had was beginning to subside. It always did when the plan came closer to fruition.

Maria sat with Gina in her hospital room. Gina slept soundly. She had been given a mild sedative, nothing too powerful, lest the baby be harmed. Then, Gina’s eyes fluttered open and she called out “Rachel!”

“Shhh, dear” Maria got out of her chair and got close to Gina’s face. “Rachel is just fine”

“Mom, I’ve got to get back to her. She needs me!”

“Gina, she needs you whole, not as a sleep deprived zombie. Steve is there right now, watching over her. Go back to sleep”

“Are you sure?”

“I talked to them earlier today. He isn’t leaving till you get back and are rested. Gina, if you keep this up, you are going to harm someone else you love. Right here” Maria touched Gina expanding tummy.

“Okay mom, I’ll sleep. Just let me know if anything happens”

Monday came and a black H2 Hummer pulled into the Harris driveway. Out came a lithe girl in a tactical suit. Gia “Spider” Colletti had arrived, and brought with her an array of surveillance and electronic gear.

“Spider! Glad you could make it early. Do you have the rest of the gear?”

“What do you think, Hondo?” Hondo was Steve’s nickname, based on his favorite basketball player, John “Hondo” Havlicek. He was a natural leader, much like his namesake. “I’m always prepared”

“Let’s get the gear inside, and get your damned eyesore of a vehicle out of here. Why don’t you just put “Spy Car” in big white letters on the side?”

“Maybe I should” she replied.

They got the gear out of the truck and into the house. Gia and Steve moved the H2 to a parking lot down the street. They got back and began assembling the gear, more motion sensors, inside security, cameras, and wire tapping gear. Gia had software to trace calls, and was very good at it.

Rachel brought Steve and Gia a couple of glasses of Dr. Pepper.

“Thank you Rachel” said Steve. “How did you know Gia liked Dr. Pepper?”

“I didn’t, I just guessed. I’m glad I guessed right” she smiled.

“Thank you, Rachel” said Gia.

“You’re welcome. Are you here to protect me too?”

“You bet, sweetie. Nobody picks on girls when the Spider is around!”

“You have a cool nickname, Gia, but I like your real name better. It’s pretty”

“You’re sweet” then Gia added “The boys gave me my nickname. We’ll have to get you one too”

“What will it be? Can I get one now?”

“Nope, we’ll have to watch you. Your nickname has to fit. Before this op is over, we’ll have one for you”

“I can’t wait!” Rachel ran off to her room to work on her studies.

Afternoon came and went. Gia took Rachel and Garrett to see Gina. She was still weak and desperately tired. They visited for two hours then Gia brought them back home.

Steve was just getting off the phone when Gia and the kids came in. Maria was staying in a hotel next to the hospital.

“Gia, we have to talk. Kids, can you excuse us for a minute?”

Garrett, and Rachel left the room.

“What’s up?” asked Gia.

“I talked to my man in the police force. He’s heard from different patrol officers, that a few skinheads have been seen around town. They kind of stick out. My man was going to move on them, but the chief said to leave them alone, as they hadn’t done anything. I think they are tied to the plot somehow”

“So, what’s the play?”

“We wait, for now. The ball is in their court. They can’t get anywhere near the place without us knowing about it. Tank and Ice will be here in the morning. You want first shift?”

“No problem, Hondo”

At two am, Gia was watching the monitors. A motion sensor chirped. Back yard, left rear quadrant. She rotated an IR camera to view. She saw a bald head behind the rear fence. Two more motion sensors chirped.

“Hondo” She whispered. “Company”

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