Rachel's Complicated Life, Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Lack of Sleep-Over, or Mom is going to be tired in the morning.

After the game was over, Brittany, Katie, Jayne and Lisa asked Rachel, Angela and Becca to go to the local post game hangout, a large pizza place called Dino’s.

“Pleeeease, Mom” pleaded Rachel. “You and Grams and Papa can come too! It will be fun! Pleeeease?”

Gina looked to her mother. “Do you and Daddy want to come?”

“No, Gina, I think we will sit this one out. 200 teenagers in a pizza place doesn’t sound like a...well...pleasant place to be for a couple of old timers like us. Besides, we have to get going early in the morning if I want to be back at a decent hour”

Gina looked at Rachel’s shining eyes and she knew that the answer no was not an option. She had picked up a group of friends her first day out, and this seemed to be what the doctor ordered for Rachel’s therapy, so to speak.

“Okay, sweetie, let’s go.”

“YAY! Thank you, Mom!”

Katie had corralled her mother, and was dragging her over to Gina and the girls.

“Mom, this is Rachel, and she is just the coolest girl! Wayne Jackson was bothering us and calling us names and Rachel was all ‘don’t do that’ and ‘leave my friends alone’ and he pinched Becca on the bottom, and Rachel, just, well, put her knee in his privates, and he went down. It was so cool!”

“Hi, I’m Katie’s mother, Susan Brunson. You’re Garrett’s mother, right?”

“Yes I am. Gina Harris. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Rachel is my daughter”

“Katie seems to think quite a bit of Rachel. It’s not often you see a little girl in a skirt take out a bully! Funny, She doesn’t look like the superhero type” she laughed.

“Well, I don’t condone violence, but just between you and me, that little monster had it coming”

“Mom!” said Katie “ We have the big truck, can all the girls ride with us to Dino’s? Daddy is taking Jeff home” Jeff was Katie’s big brother, a starting defensive end on the team and a junior.

“Y’all go ask your parents and meet back here” said Susan in her Texas drawl.

The girls split up to get the requisite permissions and left Gina and Susan standing by themselves.

“Are you sure you have enough room for all the kids?” asked Gina.

“I should hope so. I have a Suburban. Nine people in seat belts. I don’t really need all the room, but It’s nice to pull the horse trailer!”

“I should say so. I’ll go on ahead and get a couple of tables reserved”

“Gina” Susan touched her arm.

“I know about Rachel, and I heard about what happened at that church service. I want you to know that I think it’s terrible what they did to you, Garrett and that sweet girl, and I have no problem with Rachel at all. She’s welcome to come out to our place anytime. We’re proud to know your family. Darrell and I don’t hold to what a lot of other people in this town think” she said somberly. “I just wanted you to know that”

Gina hugged Susan. “You have no idea what your support means. I was beginning to think we were all alone in this town”

“Not by a long shot, girl. Hell, I heard a couple of boys in the cafe the other day say they didn’t care what went on with Rachel, they just didn’t want Garrett to move away!” she laughed again. “It may not be a ringing endorsement, but I’d wager most people in this town don’t care one way or another”

“ I hope you’re right Susan, I really do. I can’t sell the place right now, and I’m hoping time heals any problems” She paused and sighed. “Well, let me get those tables reserved”

Gina left and the girls all came up, laughing and carrying on about everything in the world. Rachel’s dispatch of Wayne was the big topic, as well as what boys would make it to Dino’s.

The short ride to was noisy and laugh filled. Susan was pleased that Rachel was fitting in so well. She smiled.

Everyone got into the crowded restaurant. It was packed to capacity, as it was every Friday night after a home game. The girls got a table and the Gina and Susan got the other.

“I’m surprised that you were able to reserve a table. They don’t usually do that on Fridays” said an amazed Susan.

“They do when you slip the owner twenty bucks” Gina answered.

“Ok, so bribery is alive and well in Texas” said Susan with a laugh.

“It’s too important for Rachel right now. I want her to have this experience”

The girls all sat at the table and asked Rachel what she was doing later.

“Well, Angela and Becca are staying over at my house tonight for a sleep over”

“And you didn’t invite us!” shrieked Brittany “we’re hurt!”

Rachel quickly answered “But I didn’t know you before tonight! Well, I guess I did but I never thought about inviting anyone. Becca and Angela have really been the only ones who have been nice to me since all of this began. Please don’t be mad”

“Oh we’re not mad, girl. You can still invite us!” came the reply from Brittany.

“Oh! That would be so cool” said Katie. “Ask your Mom!”

Rachel walked over to her mother’s table. “Mom, the girls want to know if they can be invited to the sleepover too! Can they! Please!”

Well, That would be wonderful. But, they need to ask their folks, and I need to talk to them. Okay?”

“YESSS” Rachel cried “SHE SAID YES”

By the time all the parents were contacted, Katie, Brittany and Lisa could go. Jayne’s parents didn’t let her. After consoling Jayne, the girls set about the plans for the evening.

“Hey girls!” Two Freshmen boys, Jason Braddock and Julio Sanchez came up to the girls’ table. “What’s up?”

“Nothing” giggled Lisa. “Hi, Julio, Jason”

“Hey, who’s the new girl?” asked Jason.

“Rachel Harris, she’s with us tonight” replied Angela.

Jason looked puzzled. “Rachel Harris....any relation to Garrett?”

“Why, yes she is” giggled Katie.

Jason all of a sudden realized who she was. “Oh I get it! The tranny!”

Julio and Jason started guffawing. They soon realized that they were the only ones laughing, and the laughter petered out. The girls were all staring at them with anger in their eyes.

“What?” said Julio “You chicas aren’t taking the side of this maricon, are you?”

“Yeah, what was it my dad called her? The chick with a dick? She’s cute, though, for a guy” he and Julio snickered some more.

Rachel sat there open mouthed, at the filthy name she had just been called. Her friends were just as shocked. Then Katie broke the silence.

“Apologize to Rachel this instant you jerk! I can’t believe you would call one of our friends such a filthy name”

Brittany, Jayne, Angela and Becca jumped to the defense of Rachel.

Lisa told Julio “ ¡Yo no puedo creer que la llamá³ eso, Julio! Lo que fue usted pensando!  ¡Es una amiga má­a, idiota!” (Translation: “I cannot believe you said that, Julio. What were you thinking! She’s a friend of mine, idiot!)

Julio responded “ ¿Cá³mo puede defender usted ese maricon, Lisa? (Translation: How can you defend this sissy, Lisa?)

Lisa countered “Dios mio, Julio. A veces usted es sá³lo tan estáºpido. Usted dos necesidad de ir ahora. (Translation: My God, Julio, sometimes you can be so stupid. You two need to go now.)

Jason was just about to add something else when two large hands laid on each of the boy’s shoulders.

“Hey girls! Having problems with my two friends, here?” It was Garrett along with two of his buddies from the defensive line, Jack Thomas and Chad Cole. “You two wouldn’t be giving my sister a hard time, would you? That would be most inappropriate”

Jason stammered “Oh h-h-hey, Garrett, uhhh, w-w-we were just talking to the girls here?”

“I see that” came the cool reply. “Rach, what did they say?”

“I won’t repeat it”

“Hmmmm. That bad huh? Now, I can’t believe that these two fine upstanding young men would ever stoop to such gutter language. ESPECIALLY to my wonderful, loving and beautiful sister. Is she mistaken, boys?”

“Yeah, Garrett, w-w-we didn’t say anything bad”

“Oh, so my sister is a liar, is that what you’re saying?”

“Y-y-y-es, I-I-I mean NO!”

“What is it then? I’m confused.”

“I don’t know Garrett” came Julio’s reply.

“You two JV’ers need to say what you really mean! Let me help you. Repeat after me”

“Miss Rachel, I apologize for being so rude to you”

They repeated the words.

“Miss Rachel, someone of your obvious charm and beauty should never be treated so poorly”

“Garrett...stammered Jason”

“Repeat it” said Garrett through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, repeat it” said Cole with an evil smile

They again repeated the words.

“Miss Rachel, please forgive us”

They repeated again.

“Can you forgive these knaves, Miss Rachel?” asked Garrett with a smile.

Rachel smiled her pretty smile and said, “Well, since they asked so nicely and said such nice things to me, I do forgive them”

Garrett then said to the two boys. “Say thank you to the nice lady, boys”

“Thank you, Miss Rachel”

“You are quite welcome, boys”

All the people at the surrounding tables began to applaud. The two offenders were beet red.

Garrett then said to the boys in a whisper “Don’t ever talk to my sister like that again. Go away” They left in an embarrassed hurry.

“There you go ladies,” said Garrett. “You just have to educate the youth of America in the fine art of politeness. Take care. Come, gentlemen! Pizza awaits!” he said with a flourish. They then went to their table.

Rachel and the girls erupted in a fit of giggling. “He’s seen one too many old pirate movies” said Rachel.

Angela whispered to Rachel “Oh. My. Gosh. Rachel, I think I love your brother. That was so sweet”

Rachel agreed. “I know I do, but probably not in the same way you’re talking about”

Rachel was upset by the attitude of the two boys, but having support around her was so much better than having to face the abuse alone. She wouldn’t have missed this for the world.

Garrett and his friends made it back to their table.

“Dude!” exclaimed Jack. “They way you handled those ass clowns back there was awesome. I would have just decked them. I didn’t even understand half of what you were saying, and it was still awesome”

Garrett smiled. “Jack, I wanted to, but not in front of the Rachel, and if I had, it would have been the end of my season”

Cole nodded. “Yeah, I suppose what you did to them was even better than a good butt kicking”

“Exactly. Jack, you need to pay more attention in English class and you too, can be the life of the party like me!”

Jack laughed at this. “Yeah, right, Garrett!”

Cole was quiet for a minute. “You know, Garrett. Your sister is cute”

“Cole, I WILL whip your ass, remember that” He then started laughing and was joined by his friends.

The rest of the evening passed without incident. At around 10:30, Gina paid the bill and collected Garrett and the girls for the ride home. They stopped by the other girls homes to get their things for the evening. Rachel and her new friends were chatting away about the evening’s events, and they let Garrett in on what Rachel had done to the bully.

“Rachel!” said Garrett in mock horror. “How unladylike. I’m shocked!” Gina smiled at that comment. The girls all giggled at Garrett’s comment.

Rachel looked at Angela and grinned evilly. “Angela likes you, Garrett”

“RACHEL!” screamed Angela as she blush a deep crimson. “I do not! Oh my gosh!” All the girls squealed with laughter.

Garrett smiled back at the girls. “So? It’s better than being at the wrong end of the affection scale, especially around the old junk kicker here” He looked at his sister. It was now Rachel’s turn to blush. He then winked at Angela, which caused her to blush even harder. The girls all howled with laughter.

As they reached their home. Gina noticed an old Chevy parked on the street just down from their house. There was no one in it, and she wondered who was visiting the neighbors at this hour.

The girls all ran into the house and up to Rachel’s room.

“Rachel, you have got to do something about this room. It’s too boy” said Brittany. You need new furniture and the bedspread is, ugh”

“I know, I know. I just haven’t had time to take care of it yet. Give me a little time.”

“Well, at least you know it’s yucky. That’s something. If you need any tips, let me know”

“Thanks, Britt, I will” Rachel then added “So girls, what will we do first? I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’m willing to learn!”

“Lets get out of these clothes and into our PJ’s. I need to get comfy” said Lisa.

“Great idea, Lisa!”

The girls all got their bags and started taking off their clothes to get their pajamas on. They didn’t seem to mind getting dressed in front of each other. Rachel got embarrassed and looked down.

Brittany was standing in front of Rachel in nothing but her panties. “What’s the matter Rachel, aren’t you changing?”

Rachel blushed. “I’m just shy, Britt. This is all new to me. It just seems, I don’t know, wrong”

“Rachel, we are all friends here, and we are all girls. You don’t have anything we don’t. We’re not trying to embarrass you, we’re just getting dressed for the party”

“I know, it’s just.....”

“It’s just nothing. I don’t want to pressure you, and if you can’t, we’ll understand. But you are a girl, and you need to adapt like a girl. We won’t make fun of you. Ever. You are our friend and sister. Okay? Besides none of us are getting dressed until you do. Right girls?”

“Right” came the collective reply.

“So, unless you want a topless slumber party. I suggest you get your clothes off and into your pajamas”

“You promise not to laugh?” Rachel said uncertainly.

“Cross our hearts. You didn’t laugh at us”

“How could I, you’re all so...so...developed, much more than I am”

“So? I’m standing here topless” said Brittany “Which is cold. I wouldn’t laugh at you, not only because I would never do that, but I’m freezing and wouldn’t do anything to slow you down from changing. So get those clothes off, girl! I’m cold”

“Rachel undressed, blushing the entire time. She got down to her bra and panties, and Lisa said “See, that wasn’t so bad. And you’ve got a cute body. You just need a couple of years to grow into it”

Rachel thought, “easy for you to say” Lisa was a stunning Hispanic girl who looked, at 15, like she was 18. Rachel couldn’t help thinking that a couple of weeks ago, this would have been so far out of the realm of possibility that the Twilight Zone wouldn’t have thought it possible. Yet here she was, standing in a room full of half naked girls, and it was perfectly natural.

“Ok. You’ve got me in my underwear. Happy?”

“Tickled. Now let’s get dressed. I’m freezing!” said Brittany.

The girls all went downstairs to get something to drink, they all had Diet Coke. Katie announced, let’s give Rachel a makeover! She needs a different look tonight!”

“Okay, let’s go upstairs and glam this girl up” The herd of giggling humanity went back upstairs to begin.

“Okay” said Angela. “What look do we want to give her? She’s got pretty and innocent down. Let’s try glamour!”

“Oooh, yes! With smokey eyes. I’ve got just the right colors for her” said Lisa. “Do you have Hispanic heritage, Rachel? Your coloring is similar to mine”

“Yes. My grandmother is Mexican”

“Cool, hermana mia! This will be fun! Just leave everything to us you’ll be a stark raving Latin beauty when Lisa is done with you”

The girls had Rachel clean her face while they go the makeup ready. She came out of the bathroom as a blank slate on which the girls planned to produce their masterpiece.

“Ok, Lisa, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. My face is in your hands”

Katie volunteered to do Rachel’s nails, and Lisa began on her face. Angela would do her hair, and Becca and Brittany would offer suggestions. Lisa was only fifteen, but she was a prodigy with the makeup brush. It was her hobby, and she spent hours in front of the makeup mirror experimenting with new looks. She had no shortage of suitors, but never dated anyone more than a couple of times. The boys bored her, and older boys were after the one thing she wouldn’t give to anyone but her future husband. She didn’t mind though. She liked looking beautiful, and being a little bit of a tease. “You can look, but don’t touch” was her mantra.

Lisa worked on Rachel’s face for 35 minutes. All the mirrors in the room were off limits to Rachel until she was completely done. Angela then worked on Rachel’s short hair, creating a pixieish style.

“Oh, Rachel. you look beautiful” said Katie when they were done. “We’ve got to show your mother!”

“Absolutely hot! said Brittany. “I’m so jealous! I’m so glad you are home schooled. We’d never get a second look”

Rachel blushed. “Oh come on, girls. I am nowhere near as cute as any of you. You are all so pretty”

Angela replied “What-everrr, Rachel. Let’s see what your Mom says, and no peeking!”

They led Rachel down the stairs to the kitchen where Gina was working Garrett was in the kitchen as well, finshing off a large bowl of ice cream. “Mrs. Harris, can we show you the new and improved Rachel Harris?”

“Well, isn’t this a surprise!” smiled Gina “Let me sit down and see the magic you have wrought”

They brought Rachel around the corner. “Ta Daaaaaa” they all said in unison”

Gina brought her hands up to her mouth and gasped “Oh my goodness” Garrett dropped the spoon into the bowl and gaped open mouthed.

“I look stupid, don’t I” said Rachel. “I told you not to make me look stupid, Lisa”

Gina’s eyes were brimming with tears. What stood before her was a vision of beauty. Her big brown eyes shone through the impeccably done eye makeup, her lips were done in a warm shade of red, the foundation perfect. Atop the skinny little five foot, 95 pound body in the pink pajamas was the face of an angel. All Gina could think of were the wasted years of making this wonderful girl look like a boy.

“Are you mad, Mom” asked Rachel. “Say something!”

“Ohhh, Rachel. You look like a princess!” Gina gushed. “You all did a wonderful job on her, girls” tears were flowing down her cheeks.

“Really, Mom?” she asked “I don’t look stupid?”

“Far from it sweetie. What do you think, Garrett?”

“Guns...We need lots of guns. This girl is going to start a riot”

“Ok, Neo” Rachel laughed getting his obvious “Matrix” reference. “Let me see!”

They gave her a mirror. Oh, my!” she gasped “I do look good. I wish those two buttheads at Dino’s could see me now! I’m hot!

Garrett laughed. “If they have to see you like that to figure out what a great girl you are they aren’t worth having at all. Those to morons will be sorry one day they treated you like that”

“After what you did to them tonight, they are probably already regretting what they said to you” added a smiling Gina.

“Ahhhh, they had it coming” said Garrett. “it’s a lot more fun owning someone without having to get into a fight to do it”

The girls had some snacks while they were down in the kitchen. Gina took what seemed to Rachel like a hundred pictures. To thank them for making her up Rachel did all of their toes in the color of their choice. Brittany did all of their fingers. They didn’t want to ruin Rachel’s beautiful face, so the rest of the girls did a blind makeover on each other. The results were hilarious, and the screeching was deafening. Gina had to remind the girls that Grams and Papa were trying to sleep in the guest room.

The girls then went down to the living room to watch a movie. Rachel picked the latest installation of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” They watched it and swooned over Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp.

Finally, at 4:20, the girls had had enough. They went upstairs and cleaned up and piled into Rachel’s king sized bed to sleep. The evening had been a success, and new friendships were formed. Would these friendships stand the test of time? Who knew. But tonight, all was right with the world.

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There is some Spanish in this story. Mine is a bit rusty, so if I made a mistake, let me know.


Rachel's Complicated Life, Chapter 10

The evening had been a success, and new friendships were formed. Would these friendships stand the test of time? Who knew. But tonight, all was right with the world. says it best.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Even with all the new girl

Even with all the new girl fun Rachel is having, I'm wondering about the empty car done the street from their home. Is this a harbinger of "evil" coming to sneak up on them or perhaps "the angel of retribution" is parked there waiting for "buttheads" like the two at the pizza parlor?

Or, paraphrasing Freud

Sometimes an empty car is just an empty car. ;)

But until we know more, the options you mentioned are still possible.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Stay tuned!

The car may well play a role later!





Garrett is truly the hero of this chapter. He loves his sister, who despite being his brother up until just a few days ago, he is willing to accept completely and without any reservation. He has defended her on more then on occassion. He is smart enough not to get into physical altercations when they are not necessary, and is able to use his brains and a sweet tounge to win battles. I am sure his cut downs of Julio and Jason will stay with them longer then a fist in their faces would have.

Some of those skills need to be learned. I know that Randy, the deceased father, has come off as a jerk and a fool in this story. But I am sure that if Gina loved him at some time, that he was actually a good man. I am sure that he taught his son how to be a man and a gentleman at that.

It was just too bad that both he and Gina did not know how to cope with the situation when Randall was born. Perhaps if they had better counseling, none of the problems with Rachel would have existed.



Old Chevy

I figured the old Chevy was the car that PI was driving, since he is supposed to be sticking close and watching the house in attempt to catch the people who put the sign in their yard.

. . . .

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.