I am troubled tonight, and I don't seem to be able to sort my feelings out very well right now. I have been coming to this site just 2 weeks over 4 years, and I have come to know and have great affection for a number of the Authors here. I really appreciate the patience and understanding that Erin has shown me when my emotions were unmanageable. It is posible that I was the biggest drama queen ever to come here, and in spite of it all, I don't think anyone has ever sent an unkind email or comment to me. I am so thankful for that.
I was so shattered by what happened to me, and no one ever said shut up, or you are an intolerable whiner. This site has been a life line for me.
And, inspite of my own bad self image, I think that my writing has improved a great deal, and I actually like my own work. I realise that I will never be one of the stars but I never wanted to be.
Astonishingly, my latest story has gotten very nice ratings and this pleases me so much.
I think that "Lt Katia" will be finished in the next several chapters. Then I think I may go back and write a decent conclusion to "MS Frankenstein", and revisit "Changed by Aliens".
I have two stories sitting in staisis, and in my heart, I really want to complete them. Neither one of them is TG, but I could easily write that into them. The problem is that I do not wish to.
So, as another author pointed out to me tonight, I can't publish it here. I was never really aware that the line, "A friendly place to read, write and discuss Transgender Fiction."
I have to say that it hurts me deeply to be told that I will not be able to put stories here that are not TG, but then I am aware of the shabby treatment afforded Anastasia Alread. I am crying now, because this is my home and I do not want to leave, and I want you to know that when I do it will hurt me a lot. I've been through the sorts of losses that put me in the psych ward 5 times, but the last year has been the best of my entire life. Now I feel like I am experiencing a loss like that again, and it hurts me so much!
I am sitting here wondering why I feel so broken? I think part of it is that I did all the Transgender stuff, and have emerged out the other side of it. Going through it was so much pain that I do not want to write about it anymore. I can and do have compassion for those just starting the insane journey, and I pray that some day, we can live in normal society without fear or rejection.
I just feel so hurt right now that I do not know what to do.
Much love
I may be wrong .....
Khadijadh, I'm sure we've had posts here that have had the heading "Non TG story by TG Author" or something like that.
So before you just give up on the non-TG stories why not check with Obi-Wan .... Sorry ... check with Erin about it?
It needn't be
Erin established a companion site for non-TG stories, Fictioneer, but as I understand things it is not mandatory that you use it. There is a tag just for stories like you propose, I believe it is "Non-TG" or something like that. If you weren't allowed to post non-TG stories here there would be no need to have such a tag.
I'll add that I intend to post some lesbian non-TG stories in the future. Some time back Erin pointed out to me that BC was originally a lesbian site so I could do so.
Is not the overriding principal of BC a "friendly place"?
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
As Samantha noted, there
As Samantha noted, there have been non-tg stories published here. Khadijah, please reconsider any quick decision. Please look at your own words, okay?
I am sitting here wondering why I feel so broken? I think part of it is that I did all the Transgender stuff, and have emerged out the other side of it. Going through it was so much pain that I do not want to write about it anymore. I can and do have compassion for those just starting the insane journey, and I pray that some day, we can live in normal society without fear or rejection.
In the year plus that I've come here, I've gained a lot of support in my own journey. You've been such a good friend, and I expect to others here as well. You're ahead of me and others on the road, and your writing in blogs and comments have helped some of us see some of the pitfalls, roadblocks and detours we might otherwise miss or fail to anticipate. I value your presence here, and I really do hope you stay.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Non-TG stories on BC
If you have posted TG stories on BC then yes, you can post non-TG stories here, too. It's policy and there are categories to describe such stories.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
non-tg stories
I have a couple of non-tg pieces here, and one of them "The Globe" was very well received. I hope you stick around hon, we need all the friends we can get.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Will this be goodbye?
Gwen, Erin says that you can post your non-TG stories here, and A.A.'s non=TG story Healing A Princess is a eal good story in my estimation. Dorothy says that her non-TG story did well, too. So please post your stories.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It's not a binary situation
Gwen, dear, just because you have non-TG stories to post doesn't mean that you automatically have to depart these sainted web-pages.
Just like the fact that people don't have to be just Male or Female, your writing can be posted in more than one place if it's necessary.
Others have pointed out that as you are respected here (hear, hear!) with a proven track record then you may publish non-TG stories here using the appropriate tag. If, on the other hand you consider BCTS not to be suitable for these tales the why not try Fictioneer or any of the other sites which our friends can suggest?
Either way, there's no need to consider not coming here at the same time. All your friends are here, after all. Whatever you decide you know that we'll support you all the way.
Somehow, I think you missed something. I've read - more than once - that stories about TG, or anything by established TG authors (I think you qualify there).
I had a number of NON-TG short stories posted here. The only reason they're gone is I wanted the option of sharing them with people that don't know I'm TS (yet)... (They're not good enough to publish. *sighs*)
Good Luck,
I don't think I'm biased...
Khadijah, I enjoy reading what you write. So the stories you have in stasis... write them the way you want, and then post them here. Let us, your readers, decide if they are good or not.
To me, it doesn't matter if they are "TG" or not. What matters is if they are stories that I like. To give you an example, I can't stand the "Gor" series. I don't care that they involve gender swapping. What matters is the way they treat females in those stories. To me, it's disgusting. But other people like that kind of story, so I simply shut up and don't read, because I don't like.
One other thing that I think... and this applies to all the authors who post stories here on BC. Many of the stories I've read here are better than half the crap I see for sale in bookstores.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
The Gor Series
I discovered the Gor series around 90' and read the first 10 or so books in spite of his whiny writing style. Can you imagine that this guy was Married? What woman would put up with his bullshit?
At the time, I was still very involved in the church and listening to Pastors tell me that the woman is under the husband and should obey, stay home and do the house and raise children. For my wife at the time it was not only no, but hell no! So, if I believed the pastor I was a failure.
I could understand his frustrations with women because I had the same frustrations. I am a gentle person and could not bring myself to force the issue with my wife and according to the church that made me even more a failure.
I was also in the very early stages of facing my own Transgenderisim, and over the years, I would find that it was much deeper than anyone could imagine. "Natural Slave", and "Suddenly" sort of reflect my trying to work all that out, and my extremely profound lonliness at the time. I was so taken by the ideas, that after I came out, I actually did try to sell myself into 24/7 Total Power Exchange, and it would have worked exept I had SRS, removing my attraction for some men. I was not smart enough to realise that. The other thing that stops these things is the FBI persues TPE folk relentlessly.
Being Muslim, I can say that areas like Northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, and certain sectors of Saudi Arabia see women treated almost as badly as the Gorean women.
New Gor on Riverworld
Ah yes, John Norman...
Phillip Jose Farmer wrote a series of SF books called RIVERWORLD, in which every person who was ever born was resurrected somehow and all had to live together on this big engineered planet that had one long river winding around it. I always thought RIVERWORLD was the perfect vehicle for fanfic, because the possible combinations of types of societies, famous people you could have run into each other was just about infinite...
Somewhere on an old-style floppy disc in some landfill is my Riverworld fanfic that actually has John Norman in it as a character. Along one stretch of the million mile river he tries to set up a misogynist Utopia based on his Gor books. What happened when the coalition of Amazons and 1970's feminists came riding in like Valkyries was comical if not pretty.
Maybe I should try another Riverworld story. There could always be some kind of glitch in the resurrection process that adds a TG twist to it. I could have John Varley reborn as a female, something he'd probably like very much, and falling in love with Cleopatra...
And about non-tg material at BCTS, I don't think there's any reason why not; I had my FLYING BABALOOSKIS here before Erin opened up FICTIONEER, and I may repost it again here too. The worst thing that seems to happen is that the non-tg stuff is generally ignored; but maybe a handful of people will read and enjoy it, which is better than none at all.
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Ah, Cyrano, Richard Burton (no, not that one), Mark Twain, Lothar von Richthofen, W.A. Mozart. Aphra Behn...and the author! I did enjoy the first books.
John Norman, now. I read his first few books and after a while thought "and?"
Give me Vance's Dying Earth instead.
John Varley is an awesome author, and I love his depictions of fluid gender and sexuality. A must read, IMHO!
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
'Phantom of the Kansas'. The ultimate solipsistic romance, unless you count Heinlein's 'All you Zombies'
PLEASE don't stop writing you have a great mind very creative and don't let 1 person put you down their are way more of us that love you HUGS & KISSES RICHIE2