Perhaps this shall be "The Vagina Chronicles 1.0".

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I am sharing these following details so that those who have not completed this journey will either be too frightened to continue or go into SRS with a more realistic view. Had I realized how significantly different my experience would be from what others had described, perhaps I would have thought things out more thouroghly, though I doubt that it would have changed my ultimate destination.

Since I stopped taking all the Psychotropic drugs, I first stopped getting fat, then stabilized. In the last 6 weeks, I have lost 17lbs and feel that I am well on the way to being the Hot Little Number I once envisioned.

Last night, rather than go to the local pub to discuss the Bible over a pint, I had to go fix a hot water tank where someone had bungled the installation. I was already in my red and white tenny heels, black tights, sexy mini and cute top, so I simply changed to runners and struck out on the bus.

Once the problem with the Hot water tank was solved, the gentleman gave me a ride home. I had worn a mini that I had not been able to get fastened in over a year. I had difficulty getting it fastened but by using extraordinary means managed the job. I got a saucy view of my future figure.

Well, said garment was so tight that while sitting in his car, I suddenly felt something break loose inside my vaginal area, and then the area of my artfully constructed clitty began to spasim quite distractingly. I had been finding the man quite arousing but I was astonished to think that he could posibly be pushing my button that much. For a moment, I thought that I had wet myself. giggle.

I quickly got into my apartment and striped thinking that perhaps my expensive innards were going to fall out onto the carpet. Much to my relief, when I removed my pantys there was no blood or body parts hanging there. I quickly used one of my smaller dialators to determine that the depth had not changed and there was only one hole there. In the mean time, my clitty has become so distracting that I am wondering if I should lie down and let nature pleasantly over whelm me.

Well, I can't see down there so I took a high resolution digital picture and upon studying it I realized that what had happened was some internal adhesions or old stitching or who knows what had come loose and now the area around said distracting body feature looked much different now. The delightful little bud was now winking at me pleasantly rather than remaining coyly concealed as in the past. The whole area just seemed looser now and actually felt much more pleasant.

It is an old wives tale that a girl who'd had her hymen broken walked much more "loosely" than a Virgin. I wonder if my little "Hymen" broke herself. : )

At any rate, I went to see my women's Urologist today, and after checking me out, she surmised that though she could not establish exactly what did happen, it was an improvement. She also said that the SRS I'd had was the most beautiful job she'd ever seen.

I sit here with a good load of codene in my blood so that I can relay this highly important information onto you all and you can share in my joy and future glee.

Sexy thang, Gwen

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