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Truth or Dare
© Nick B May 2007
Alex is taken to his mum's friend's house and while they go out, Ronnie's daughter Sharon is charged with 'babysitting'.
Sharon suggests a game of Truth or Dare and that's where this all begins...
This is a story taken from the Alex's Adventures in a World of Wonder universe that I created. I must confess, it's a lot more steamy than my posts here usually are so be warned.
Thanks again to Kristina LS, my trusty proof-reader and generally all-round good egg. I don't think I'd still be writing this stuff without her input. She knows what I mean....
I would never have thought that my mother would have taken me with her. I was fifteen for God’s sake and I had better things to do. Actually, I didn’t, but I could have found something and anything would have been better than going there.
I’d got into trouble at school (not for the first time) earlier. It wasn’t my fault, but the teachers… well you know how teachers are and Mum had gone ballistic. I was in deep shit and she told me she wasn’t letting me out of her sight over the holiday, so gone were any neat things I could have got into. Even mooching around was out now.
So there I was with a face as long as a wet weekend sat there while mum and Ronnie (short for Veronica) were chatting. I don’t even know what they were chatting about. It didn’t seem to me to be about anything. They were doing all those “Oh he never did” and “get away…” kinds of things and I thought it was funny, but evidently, mum didn’t.
I was bored and I couldn’t help it. What really annoyed me was the fact that they thought it was funny too. I was mimicking them with the “oh go on with you” comments, but mum was determined not to let me have any fun at all — punishment.
Ronnie could see that just the fact that I was there was getting on mum’s nerves and decided to step in before things got embarrassing and I guess I should be grateful, because Ronnie’s “boy’s will be boys” attitude probably saved me from even more crap from mum.
Coincidentally, Ronnie’s daughter Sharon came in at that very moment and Ronnie decided it would be a good idea if she let me join in with her and her friends.
Well that went down well — NOT!
Both Sharon and I looked at our respective parents with looks of “do I have to” and once it was affirmed that yes, we did have to, our expressions turned to looks of “this isn’t fair”. Both of us stomped off like teenagers do whenever they’re told to do something they don’t want to in the direction of her room.
“You’d better not get in the way.” said Sharon with a look that I have to admit, I found just a teensy bit intimaidating (pretty scary) before we went into her room and I wasn’t about to argue.
Inside Sharon’s rooms, three of her friends were already looking through comics and teen magazines and I just thought “yuck!” I wasn’t looking forward to this at all.
It didn’t seem as though Becky, Colleen or Judy were particularly impressed by the intrusion either, but that was fine by me. All I wanted to do, was stay out of trouble long enough to get home without mum yelling at me again.
What was probably worst of all was the fact that all four of these girls were older than me. They were all sixteen and looked it. To them I wasn’t worthy of being stepped on; just a skinny little boy with about as much right to be in their sanctum as a dog turd.
“Just sit over there and don’t, don’t make a sound.” said Sharon with another one of those looks. Funny, if another boy had said that to me, I’d have ended up scrapping with him, but for some reason, Sharon’s tone just struck the right chord in me and I went over to the chair she’d pointed to and sat down — quietly.
They started back on with their conversations that seemed to centre around shoes, fashions, shopping, soaps, oh and music. I got bored again and started looking around. On the dresser next to me was one of those Rubik’s cubes and started twisting it this way and that.
It only took about five minutes, which was no record, but it was complete by the time I had finished it.
“Who said you could touch… Hey!” said Sharon.
“How long have you had that for, Shaz?” asked Becky. “He’s here for five minutes and already finished it.” Sharon was not best pleased.
“It was nearly finished already.” she snipped. She took the cube from me and stared at it, turning it over in her hands.
“How did you do this?”
“Pretty simple really…” I said and told her how.
It’s one thing to know how it’s done but something else entirely to do it and I watched as Sharon (who was obviously the leader of this small bunch of girls) gave the cube to Becky and told her to jumble it then pass it on. By the time Colleen who was last, had twisted it this way and that, it was pretty well messed up.
“Now let’s see how clever you are.” said Sharon with a smirk.
I didn’t want to tell her that it was a technique, not what you started with and this time it took me no more than three or four minutes before I handed back the cube with all sides complete.
“How the fuck?” she asked.
I was feeling pretty smug now, being able to confound Sharon so easily, but she wasn’t convinced I hadn’t watched the girls and just reversed their actions.
“Turn round so you can’t see.” she said and I dutifully did as I was told. Several minutes later, I was handed the cube again and with a very smug look, Sharon asked me to get out of that one.
I did.
Finally, I was starting to get through and after about half a dozen times of messing it up and putting it back, they got the message.
Mum called me at this point and I left them to it. I went into the kitchen where mum and Ronnie were chatting and drinking coffee.
“Ronnie and I are going out for a couple of drinks. Can I trust you not to screw this up?” she asked and I just shrugged, but this didn’t go down at all well.
"…because if you can’t…” There was one of mum’s raised eyebrows again and I knew that should I put just a toenail out of line, I was going to be in the brown smelly stuff until I was old and grey.
“Yes mum.” I said resignedly.
Ronnie called Sharon in.
“Oh what now?” she whined.
“I’m taking Aunty May for a drink. Alex will be staying here.”
“Oh muuuuuum.”
“What?” asked Ronnie with just a hint of bad things to come if this attitude was maintained.
“Well,” said Sharon, oblivious to the danger signs. Now I wouldn’t say I was more grown up than her, but when you’ve been in trouble as often as I have, you tend to spot those little signals that scream not to go there.
This didn’t seem to register with Sharon and on she went; the metaphoric hole she was digging becoming a gaping maw in seconds.
“For a start, May is not my aunty or your sister and secondly you knew that my friends were coming round tonight and I don’t see why I should…” Her protest was choked into silence when she was issued with a chilling ultimatum to either keep an eye on me or her friends were leaving.
“Do I have to baby-sit?” she whinged.
“Hey! Just a minute…” I started, but my mouth clamped shut like a vice when I saw the look on mum’s face and thought better of it, which needless to say, meant that the adults won — not that that’s any big surprise and once again Sharon and I went off towards Sharon’s room. I detoured to the toilet first, which was probably a good thing, hearing Ronnie and mum shout “goodbye we won’t be long” from where I was sitting.
I washed up and headed for Sharon’s room.
“I can’t believe our evening’s going to be completely ruined by that twerp.” she said. I felt about as welcome as a fart in a space suit and held back going in.
“Come on, he’s not that bad.”
“That’s not the point. It was just supposed to be us and now it’s ruined; ruined!”
“Give him a chance, Shaz. Anyway, I think he’s cute.”
“You would.”
I opened the door and I could see in each of their faces that they thought maybe I’d heard what they’d been saying. I could see who thought I was cute — Becky — as she was beet red and trying desperately to hide behind her little hands.
I didn’t say whether I had heard or not. I just felt a little less alone knowing that at least one of them didn’t think I was that bad, but I still wished that the ground would open up and swallow me whole.
I was acutely aware that apart from Becky, who appeared to be happy just chilling out, the rest were pretty hacked off about having to share their precious time with a boy. I decided to head them off at the pass.
“Look, it’s no good giving me the ice treatment. I don’t like this any more than any of you do. If I hadn’t been dropped in it at school today, I wouldn’t even be here.”
“What happened?” asked Judy.
“Someone took my pencil rubber off my desk and chucked it at one of the girls. The teacher assumed it was me and I got sent home. Well that went down like a sack of shit as far as mum was concerned and here I am.”
“That seems a bit of an overreaction to send you home.” said Sharon.
“It’s not the first time I’ve ended up in trouble for something like this.”
“Ah. Do you know who it was?”
“Oh yes. I know who it was alright, but what do I do? If I tell the teacher who did do it, I spend the rest of my life being beaten up and this seemed like a better alternative. Not that I had a choice.” The atmosphere got noticeably less frosty at that point and a truce was called, which instantly made me feel better.
Sharon raised the atmosphere a bit more by suggesting that we all play a game. I thought Monopoly or Cluedo, perhaps even Scrabble at a pinch, but then she gave me the severe heebie-jeebies by suggesting truth or dare.
I knew how this went and the thought of playing it with four girls scared the pants off me.
The beginning wasn’t too bad, I answered my questions as did the others, but then they were pretty tame anyway; favourite actors, actresses, singer, that sort of thing, but then Sharon threw a spanner in the works by asking which boys they had kissed.
I of course couldn’t answer. I hadn’t even kissed a girl and I don’t need to tell you that the idea of kissing another boy was just about up there with the idea of shoving wasps up my arse.
Becky, Judy and Colleen immediately started giggling and covered their mouths and Sharon looked at me. She was shocked.
“Oh!” she said. “I forgot.” I think that for the briefest time, she forgot that I was a boy, not that I was there and her expression suddenly changed.
“I think we need to make Alex a little more at home, don’t we?” The girls looked as gobsmacked as me. I mean I had no idea what she was talking about. I already felt more at home than I had imagined I would. They seemed to have accepted me as part of the crowd pretty readily, so what could she possibly mean?
I think Colleen was the first to catch on, followed swiftly by Judy, which just left Becky and me. I must be slow or something, but then as Sharon began rooting through drawers in an almost frenzy, I started to get the picture.
Becky started giggling and the colour started to drain from my face. I tried to get out, but Judy got to the door and locked it, taking the key and putting it down her top.
“Oh no.” she said, wagging her finger at me. “You’re not going anywhere, buster.”
I think I’d rather have faced Bill Johnson, the school bully than these three, who were fast becoming four as Becky joined in.
Within no time, I was being undressed and dressed in a flurry of hands and giggles.
I did struggle. I struggled like a man possessed, but it didn’t make any difference. I think I caught Judy on the thigh and all that did, was make her redouble her efforts. In the end, I was pinned down, tears running down my face as my jeans, boxers and t-shirt were all replaced by other items, the first of which being a pair of yellow cotton panties, then black tights, a tartan kilt, training bra and a white blouse.
“That’s better!” said Sharon, getting up flushed, but satisfied. “Didn’t hurt, did it?”
“What have you done for Christ’s sake?”
“Wasn’t just me.”
“And your point is? Look at me, I look stupid and I feel worse.”
“You look cute.” said Becky in a small voice.
“She’s right. You look just perfect, or you will when we’ve put some makeup on you.”
“Oh come on Sharon.”
“Well you did have a forfeit, a dare. This is it.”
“I wish I’d have known before we started.”
“What and ruin all the fun?” said Judy and all four girls collapsed in gales of laughter.
I wasn’t happy.
“My mum’s going to be back soon, You gotta let me get my own clothes back on.” I said in my best pleading voice.
“He even sounds like one of us!” said Sharon.
“I mean it.” I said trying to be assertive. “Look, I’ve done my forfeit, my dare, now let me get my own stuff back on.”
“Oh no; our mother’s are not going to be back until closing time, if I know my mum anyway. We’ve got loads of time and I think we were playing a game weren’t we?”
I sat back on the bed, looking at my legs poking out of the skirt, well kilt anyway, feeling the strange constriction around my chest and seeing the odd lumps sticking out of it.
The tights were tight, in a curiously reassuring way and I was a bit confused as none of it seemed out of place. Perhaps it was because I was sitting in amongst others who were all dressed in a similar fashion; skirts, blouses and so forth.
I was a bit half-hearted about playing the game now. For a start, I was constantly distracted by the feelings of these new clothes that wrapped, encased and draped in places that kept catching me off guard — especially the tights, which rubbed every time I moved and reminded me how I was dressed - as if I needed a reminder.
Distracted or not, the game progressed and it wasn’t long before I had to pay another forfeit and I already knew what this meant.
I couldn’t be bothered to struggle this time and I think that this caused Colleen and Becky at least to lose a lot of the enthusiasm they had in the beginning, but Sharon and Judy more than made up for that and within about ten minutes, I was fully made up and even had some shoes to wear (although they were a bit big for me).
Should I have put up more of a fight? I suppose so, but there was the chance of coming out the other end looking like Coco the Clown and I admit that I was actually curious to see what the end result would be.
I wished I hadn’t.
I looked to all intents and purposes like I was a real girl.
My small frame didn’t look at all out of place dressed as it was. I had small but noticeable breast bumps on my chest and the makeup just made the whole thing even more realistic; like a fourteen year-old, trying to look older.
“Omigosh!” said Sharon.
“Bloody-hell!” I added which was repeated by all of us when we heard the front door open.
“I just popped back to tell you that we’re staying on. We’ll be back about eleven-thirty.” said my mum and the door closed again.
“See? I told you. That’s what you get when the pub’s almost at the front door.”
I was sunk. I was well and truly at the mercy of these young women.
Truth is it wasn’t that bad. After a while I stopped thinking about the makeup and was just conscious of the clothing. As I said, the tights were the main thing as some times my legs wouldn’t look like mine then I’d move and they would rub together reminding me of the fact that I wasn’t dressed as a boy.
The truth or dare game fizzled out shortly after. I don’t think there was anything that could top changing a boy into a girl and Judy and Sharon went to get some drinks, while Colleen went to the toilet.
Becky appeared to be engrossed in some teen magazine and I sat on the bed wondering what horrors lay in store for me as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
“Oh Jesus. What have they done?” I mumbled.
“I think you look lovely.” said Becky.
I smiled, but it wasn’t heartfelt. The idea of looking ‘lovely’ didn’t really ring right. I was a boy and boys look ‘handsome’ or ‘dashing’ or better still, ‘buff’, but I knew that the last one wasn’t me; I was so skinny, I had to walk around in the shower to stay wet.
I felt the bed move and Becky shuffled round, kneeling behind me starting to fuss with my hair.
“You just need to relax. It’s only a game after all.”
“That’s easy for you to say. If you wear jeans and t-shirt or skirts or dresses, it doesn’t matter, you still look like you. Look at what happens to me.”
She didn’t appear to be listening, she just let out a dreamy kind of “hmmm” as she continued to fuss and fiddle with my hair, running her fingers through it this way and that, curling bits forward and others back and I have to say, I found it quite relaxing. I closed my eyes and started to lose myself in the feeling.
Suddenly, she grabbed my face and pulled it up and when I opened my eyes, had her face not been right there, I would have been staring at the ceiling. She bent forward and kissed me full on the lips.
It was my first kiss and I was quite shocked. It was a lot nicer than I expected and when she pulled away, I think I was still there, head back, eyes closed and lips puckered.
She shuffled round again and pushed me back onto the bed, straddling me, which meant that her skirt — which was pretty short anyway — rode up still further and gave me a nice view of her underwear before she almost pounced, covering my mouth with hers.
I felt her tongue pushing at my lips and let mine part, tasting a mixture of my lips and hers finding that alone quite intoxicating, but before I could get used to it, her tongue was snaking around my mouth and whether it was reflex or not, I started to copy, fencing, snaking and generally getting well into this game of tonsil-hockey.
I could feel my member getting involved too as she ground herself into me, sliding back and forth over my hips, the kilt now round my waist and the heat she was generating obvious against my hardening flesh even through the tights and panties.
“Holy cow!” said a voice from the doorway. “That’s sooo fucking hot.”
Who said it, I don’t know, but Becky wasn’t in any mood to stop what she was doing and I was getting much too far into what we were both doing as not to care much either. Seconds later I felt the bed move and I assume that it must have been Sharon and Judy that got on.
I could only imagine what they were doing and while I didn’t really dwell on it, just that initial thought made my thingy twitch and get so hard it started to hurt. I think Becky noticed, because she ground herself onto it even harder and I don’t know what was happening to me, but I didn’t want it to stop.
“For Christ sake, you lot. Couldn’t you wait?” said another voice from the doorway. This time, I assume it was Colleen who had previously been in the smallest room, but seconds later, there was a bounce on the bed and she I think must have joined in the fun.
Becky sat up momentarily, breathing hard and scooted backwards, grabbing the top of my tights, yanking them down towards my knees and collecting the panties on the way. My little soldier was stood rigidly to attention, twitching with each heartbeat now and I was too far gone to care that we were not alone in the room.
She slid back and encircled my hardness with her fingers, sliding her hand up and down whilst grinning and I think it was more luck than anything that prevented me from going ‘pop’ right there and then.
I could hear mumbling and muffled noises from around us, but I was concentrating on Becky as she let me go, stood up and shucked off her panties, stepping out of them before getting back onto the bed astride me.
I knew what was coming, but in my wildest dreams I couldn’t have pictured it this way as she smiled and holding my rigid tool, lowered herself onto me, running the tip back and forth along the length of her sex before slowly — agonisingly slowly, lowering herself down the rest of the way.
I could feel everything inside her as my turgid tool slipped further and further in and I reached up to put my hands on her breasts, feeling the hardened nipples as I gently slid my palms over them through her blouse and bra.
I stopped fondling when she started to move up and down on my tool, going to the buttons of her blouse, releasing each one with extreme difficulty as I tried to get to grips with using my hands at the same time that she was bouncing up and down on me, filling me with feelings I had never felt before, my mind a whirl of wonder.
She had to help and stopped bouncing, but she didn’t stop altogether, she just settled for grinding herself as far down as she could as she undid her blouse and bra, freeing her generous-sized breasts.
Once free, she shook, jiggling them and giggling at the same time as she put her hands on my chest. Grinning broadly she lifted herself up until I was nearly out of her then rammed herself down. Both of us gasped and I for one nearly went through the roof.
I can’t say I lasted too much longer after that. This was my first time after all and I could feel it welling up from about fifty miles away as it headed full steam towards its conclusion at about mach 2 and still accelerating.
When it hit, I was completely overwhelmed. I must have cried out or thrashed about or both as she continued to bounce, the sensations I was getting almost too much to take, but she wasn't finished and with her fingers a blur, she managed to bring herself off before I lost all rigidity. With a long gasp or several, she slumped forward onto my chest and snuggled into my neck.
My eyes were like saucers, my body shaking as she slipped off me and snuggled in still further, I thought she was going to climb into my skin, which at that point in time, I would have been quite happy to have happen.
I think it was the round of applause that brought both of us back to reality. Becky blushed and hid in my neck and I don’t think I was far behind, trying to look round at the other three girls who were all in varying stages of undress.
I’d have been more than happy to call it a day there and then, but there were three other girls there all of whom had other ideas.
Colleen made the first move, almost diving down, pushing Becky’s legs apart and instantly making loud slurping noises. My eyes were already like saucers and I couldn’t open them any wider, but Sharon and Judy with predatory looks both came for me.
Judy knelt astride my head, lowering her pussy onto my face, while Sharon did something I would have never imagined, taking my now shrivelled tool into her mouth. By Christ that felt good as she licked and sucked with the power of a vacuum cleaner and pretty soon, my tool was as hard as it had been, but it was difficult to concentrate on one thing with both ends occupied.
Sharon moved forward and straddled me, lowering onto my now well lubricated tool and it wasn’t until Judy got off me for better access to Sharon, that I realised that I was in Sharon’s rear and she leaned back, my tool clearly visible before Judy went to town on her pussy.
I could go on and on about what else happened, but it was all just variations on a theme.
By the time the parents returned, everything was back to normal, well, as normal as could be. I was back in jeans and t-shirt, but the difference was, I was now wearing Becky’s panties — at her request and we were all sat watching something on the TV in the lounge, with Becky snuggled in beside me. I still had ‘punishment’ to face when I got home, but I was sure if it was anything like tonight had been, I’d survive.
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Wow, makes my life look like I've lived on Pluto --- by myself
Hey Nick,
I think IF something like this had EVER happened to me my eyes would have popped out of my head and I would have peed my pants.
Some people just have other types of lives than I do.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
It's appalling - almost 400 reads and I am the first commenter
What is the difficulty people????? Read a story - leave a short message!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!
with love and compassion,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
very interesting
Very interesting. My baby sitter was nothing like that!
You haven't stopped laughing yet have you?
Nick B,
Shame on you, posting a teenage "carrot waxer" here on BC, the home of great literature! Shame upon you. It is a tastless, no, shameless, but well told frolick that I really enjoyed. You enjoyed typing every word are so naughty! Personally, I have been disturbed ever since I was molested by a pack of viscious teenage girls, I feel your pain. They pulled my panties down and Muffy sat on my face..... to this day we own hairless dogs.
A curtsy to you hon,
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
Truth or Dare
I must admit I'm suprised I liked this story. I'm usually not one for explicit sex in TG stories, I'm more prone to read the sweet/sentimental type. However, like I said I did enjoy reading this so please don't make it the end, k?
Nothing in Life is Free, if the cost is not monitary it will be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Rachel Anne
Nothing in Life is Free; if the cost is not monetary it will be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Rachel Anne
I was around in the 60s ...
... and even the 50s, in the UK and nothing like this ever happened to me. The whole thing is a tissue of lies - it never happened. Go on, admit it, you made it up didn't you? If you didn't, I hate you even more for having a more exciting youth than I did. Kristina LS should be ashamed too, for encouraging should dreadful behaviour.
I'm not really into explicit sex either, except in context, and I reluctantly accept that this is in context if I accept it's the whole story. A rite of passage story,too.
Hmmm I liked it ;)
Truth or Dare
Well you've done it now haven't you?
So much for me worrying about the kind of reception this would get...
I'm going to have to keep this going aren't I?
Peep two is on its way Rachel so no need to worry.
My thanks to all of you for your comments and as long as Hope keeps up the badgering I should be fine with any further peeping into Alex's world! As long as she doesn't start using threatening behaviour... Then I'm afraid I might just have to put her over my knee... Hehehe!
Smiles, giggles and back to the keyboard,
Nick B