The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 2 Summer Vacation Ch. 13

The Summer Vacation
Chapter 13

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


As we are flying back to our own kingdoms, we see the kingdoms fly in different directions toward their regions.

Thryson, Ringol and Eirecann fly together for a while. Once we cross the ocean we split apart. Some of us wave to each other with our free hand when we break apart.

Renard and Trianna make the descent when we see Thryson Castle appearing. We land in the courtyard near their great sundial. We appear in a flash of light. We break apart and disconnect from one another.

“Well, we are home again. Sir Trenton, take Richard to begin his training. You know what needs to be done.”

“Yes, my Lord. Come follow me, Richard.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

We leave together and walk toward another part of the castle and enter a door.

“Renard and Trianna, please take King Thranton and Queen Rosina and their representatives back to their Under Kingdom.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Until the next time we meet, King Tierion and Queen Shiranna. Be safe.”

“Until next time, be safe, my friends.”

They smile at each other. The men nod their heads while the ladies hug each other.

King Thranton and Queen Rosina, Telgon and Durlond with their mates put hand to shoulder to them. Including their dwarf escorts of Banner Bearer, Sword Bearer and three dwarf warrior guards.

Renard and Trianna recite the transport spell. They disappear in a blink of an eye.

“Well Avel, fairies, Caltron and Serena that leaves us.”

“Yes, we'll let you know if we sense anything new.”

“We'll be on the lookout. Now we know who is the real enemy.”

“We will win and preserve life here on Twainor.”

“Yes, we will. Take care, First Ones.”

“Take care, King Tierion and Queen Shiranna.”

Avel, Caltron and Serena turn around to trot out of the courtyard through the castle front gates. The fairies fly along with them. They find a forest trail to report back to their kin folk.

King Tierion and Queen Shiranna walk back to the castle arm in arm.

“Let's see, Beharn and what else is happening inside.”

“My dear husband, Richard will need a change of clothes before this is over.”

“You're right. Thank you for reminding me. We'll stop by Rosella's shop first.”

They walk up the steps to the double stone doors. The two knights at guard there, snap to attention. They open the doors for them.

“Welcome home, my King and Queen.”

“Yes, it is good to be home.”

“Thank you, sir knights.”

“You're welcome, my Lady.”

They walk inside and turn right. The knights close the doors and resume their positions. King Tierion and Queen Shiranna walk down the foyer and turn left at the intersection. They walk down the hallway and pass several doors on the right-hand side. They stop at a door that shows the sign for the Castle Tailor Shop. King Tierion opens the door and they both walk inside.

Once they're inside, Rosella and her staff stop what they are doing. They bow quickly.

“Welcome back home, my King and Queen.”

King Tierion and Queen Shiranna bow their heads in response.

“Yes, it is good to be back home. We have a request for you.”

“What do you wish to have us to make?”

“Do you still have Richard's measurements when he was here last time?”

“We do, my King.”

“Good. I would like another change of clothes for him. It won't be like his ranger set or the ceremonial. It should be designed for fighting with his new breast and back plate that is being made at this moment. He will also have arm and leg armor as well with wrist bow gauntlets.”

“I see. How long do I have?”

“Richard is here now with Sir Trenton. Richard will be here for the next two nights at least.”

“That's plenty of time, my Lord. What weapons will be hidden?”

“Hmm... if I remember, he has practiced with knives, stars, arrows, clubs and swords.”

“I didn't realize he was versed in that many, my Lord.”

“He has, Thomas. Do you remember the demonstration match he did last year in Evenshard Kingdom?”

“Yes, now I remember.”

The others in the room nod their heads up and down as they remember it as well.

“His match caused all of Twainor's Legions to be retrained.”

“That's right, Vincent. He does know how to defend himself.”

“Do you want the clothes to fit over his armor like last time?”

“Yes, it is to give him an advantage as much as possible.”

“I think the cloth should be light as possible and not restricting in movement. If it gets damaged, it will be easy to take off or repair.”

“Yes, that sounds good, Rosella. Have it like his ranger set, but this time the color design will be for stealth and shadows in the hallways.”

“That means it will be muted with gray shades that don't stand out. We know which garments will work.”

“That's all for now. Is there something else, my dear wife?”

“He does have a satchel on his shoulder, my love.”

“We'll make one up to match the outfit, my Lord and Lady. Will he have a cloak?”

“No, I think that will be too much. Sir Halgren will have his. Oh and Richard will be wearing that new helmet we designed and built from his suggestions earlier.”

“Very good, my Lord.”

“Yes, he will need to practice in it and get used to it in two days.”

“It will be done, my Lord and Lady.”

“Don't worry about being paid. It will be a bonus for everyone here.” King Tierion and Queen Shiranna smile at them.

They all smile in the shop on hearing the good news.

“Thank you for your generosity, my King and Queen.”

“You're welcome. With the up and coming defense of Twainor, you'll be very busy in the days ahead. We'll plan for a first fitting at the Fourth Mark after the noon repast today.”

“Yes, my Lord. That still gives us plenty of time to have it done. It is the Fourth Mark in the morning now.”

“Until then, Rosella. See you all later. Keep up the good work.”

“Thank you. Until then, my Lord and Lady.”

Everyone bows their heads to the King and Queen. They respond as well. They turn around and open the doors. They exit the Castle Tailor Shop and close the doors.

They can hear Rosella calling out what needs to be done in the room.

“All right, let's get busy. Thomas, Vincent and Theresa, get the stealth fabrics from storage. Rough it out and do the main seams. We have some time to do this. So let's get the stitches done right and the seams marked out.”

“Yes, Rosella.”

“The rest of us have plenty to do with our current projects. These training sessions on the field are keeping our field tailors very busy.”


King Tierion and Queen Shiranna walk down the hallway back to the intersection and turn right. Then they open the doors to the main dining room on the right-hand side. They see servers and attendees getting the noon repast ready by arranging the tables, setting out table cloths, glass goblets, silver utensils, etc.

King Tierion gets the attention of one of the servers. “Is the Master Chef here, Claxton?”

“He is in the kitchen, my Lord. I'll go and let him know you're here.”

“Please do, Claxton.” They bow their heads together and rise up.

Claxton turns around and walks into the kitchen. In a few moments Master Chef Beharn comes walking into the dining room. All three bow their heads to each other.

“Greetings, my Lord and Lady. Welcome home. How long are you here now?”

“We are here for the duration now. All of the traveling and meetings in the other kingdoms are done. We have interviewed all four captured crewmen.”

“That's good, my Lord. Is Richard here as well?”

“He is, Beharn. He is with Sir Trenton right now. Wizard Renard and Sorceress Trianna should be back soon from delivering King Thranton and Queen Rosina and their group back to their Under Kingdom. Richard will be here for the next two nights at least.”

“Thank you, my Lord. At least I know what to plan for at each repast. See you at the noon repast.”

“Until then, Beharn. We'll be in our private study room if you need us.”

“Take your rest, my Lord and Lady, until then.”

They bow their heads again to each other and rise up. King Tierion and Queen Shiranna walk out of the dining room arm in arm. They walk together to the private study room on the second floor.


I follow Sir Trenton down the hallways to exit the castle side door. We walk down a covered walkway. We turn left and face a large one story building with six smoke stacks attached to the building.

I see a symbol on the door that shows an anvil with tongs and a hammer.

Sir Trenton opens the door and we walk inside. I close the door behind me. We see two coal/lava stone fired forges attached to each smoke stack. There are a dozen black smiths working at each one with their assistants working on their current projects.

One of them sees Sir Trenton and me. One of them yells out loud, “Sir Trenton and Outside Helper Richard are present!”

They pause for a moment.

“Keep working smiths, until you come to a stopping point for the noon repast, then we'll talk later.”

They all shout together, “Yes, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Trenton looks at me, “Follow me as I make the rounds.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Trenton and I walk over to the first forge on the right-hand side. We see them working on a new sword. It's in its final stage. The smith is hammering the bevels that will taper to the blade on both sides. The assistant has a pair of tongs that is clamped onto the handle stub. The smith hammers the bevel up to the point, he pauses.

“What do you think, Sir Trenton?”

“It looks good, Sir Brandt. You can work on the lettering, the filigree and handle ornamentation after the noon repast.”

“Thank you, Sir Trenton. I'll start prepping the next stock pieces to start binding them together afterwards.”

“That sounds good, Sir Brandt.”

Sir Trenton and I walk over to the next station. We see the smith is folding a long piece of steel. The assistant clamps the two ends together. The assistant pushes the doubled over piece into the fire. The smith pumps the bellows a few times to add air to the forge. The coals glow from red to white hot. The assistant then pulls out the piece and sets it on the anvil. The smith hammers it quickly to fuse them together. After ten hits, the assistant thrusts the piece back into the forge. The two are in rhythm. It is a sight to see. After a quarter-mark or so, the fused piece has now lengthened again back to its original length. They both pause and look to Sir Trenton.

“What do you think, Sir Trenton?”

“How many folds is that, Sir Dalton, since the last stub cut?”

“That is twenty folds since the last cut, sir. I have not reached the half way point to our fold number. It is still soft as you can see.”

“That’s very good Sir Dalton. Go and cut the slag stub. Cool it down to temper it and set it in the hot box to keep it warm for the next cycle after the noon repast.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Trenton and I walk over to the center of the room. We see four knights burnishing and putting the final edge on several blades. I see a group of swords finished with their hilts. That includes the pommel, the guard and grip. Two other knights are making scabbards for the swords.

I point to a sword, “Can I pick one up, Sir Trenton?”

“Sure, you can pick one up.”

“Thank you, Sir Trenton.”

I pick up a sword. It has a very good balance. It is not too heavy. I look for room around me. I swing the blade in several different directions. It knifes through the air with ease. Then I point it to a window opening and look down the edge of the blade. It has a very good profile. I see a very straight and thin black line on both edges of the blade.

By this time some of the men smile when they see me handle the sword.

I smile at them as I put the sword back where it was on the rack. “That's very good craft work. It has an excellent feel and the blade edges are very straight and thin the way it should be.”

“Thank you, Richard. Have you made any blades on your world?”

“Be careful, Sir Landston, with your question. You might get a surprise answer.”

“Well, Richard?” He smiles at me.

“I have not made any swords or knives from scratch. I did take some existing steel stock and made a small knife set. But, I know what is happening during the process. One of my classes earlier this year was in materials. We studied metal combinations for different situations.”

“That's just book knowledge. My hands on experience came in the youth camping organization I was in. We learned how to take care of knives, axes and one-sided short swords. I learned how to file and hone them to give them that edge that I just saw.” I smile at them.

They all laugh back.

“The other hands on experience I have is in school. There is a requirement for fourteen to fifteen year-old students to take a year in basic metal and wood shop. There are some pieces I made that I'm proud of.”

Sir Trenton walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and laughs. The other smiths and assistants got done a little awhile ago. They gather around and hear the conversation were having.

“So, do you have any insights for us here?”

“You might want to record this.”

One of the smiths takes out a crystal and recites the spell to record the conversation.

“There is not much to add. Where is the ore kept and identified?”

“It is over here in these bins, Richard. We get the ore from the dwarves already prepared. It is up to us what the combinations are for what we're making.”

I nod my head up and down. “Sir Trenton, did the dwarves we met last year give you a chart of the elements they found so far?”

“Yes they did, Richard. The chart is over here in this box to keep this copy clean as possible.” Sir Trenton unlocks the hasp and opens it up. He takes it out and hands it to me.

I take it and look at it. I see it organized somewhat like our periodic table. It has spaces for elements that are yet to be discovered.

“This is a good beginning. I may not recognize your names, but I know the position that compares to Earth's table. I see some hand written in. Are these ones you've found since then?”

“Yes, Richard. They were exposed near the surface. We send them down to the dwarves where they analyze it with their equipment to verify it.”

“That's good, very good. There are going to be some that are going to be difficult to get samples of. These are the gasses. You'll need to capture them in glass bottles or metal containers. They need to be sealed tight.”

They nod their heads up and down in agreement.

“There are a couple of gasses and elements you will need to be very careful around. The only way you know is to be observant of the surrounding area. If you have a lush green field, but in the middle of the field it is brown or dead. Or you might see dead animals lying in a low area of the ground. Be very careful, you might have to use gloves and full body armor to protect yourselves.”

“I don't think we have a problem like that here in Thryson. Do we, Sir Trenton?”

“No, Sir Brandt. It might be in another kingdom or in another dwarf under kingdom.”

“There is another symptom to take notice of. If you see a group of people or a village for example that seems to be dying young, the hair falling out too early in life. They look old and wrinkled for their young age. That is a big sign something is going on with the ground or water. The source has to be found. The area has to be posted with signs to avoid contact with the area. Erect a fence or solid wall if you have to.”

“In time, as it is identified and where it fits on the chart, you're learning more about Twainor. You'll need to find or make new medicine for this illness. Evrat, Ariella and the rest of the Outside Helpers gave the dwarf designer enclave a few hints on how to make a new detector for this type of element when I was here last time. Also, some safety measures.”

“Thank you, Richard.”

“You're welcome, Sir Trenton. Didn't you say I will be getting a new breast and back plate?”

“Yes you are, Richard.” Sir Trenton puts the chart back in the box and locks the hasp. “It's over here, Richard.” Sir Trenton looks around to the men, “Go and get cleaned up men for the noon repast.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.” They all respond at the same time. The smith ends the recording on the crystal and puts it into his pocket.

They all walk over to a wash area to get themselves clean as much as possible. They talk between themselves and have a few laughs while doing it.

Sir Trenton and I walk over to a table. I see a brightly polished breast and back plate, including some arm and leg pieces and two forearm shields.

“When we get done with the noon repast, you'll be doing the Forest Run. After that, we'll back here to switch your armor. As you can see, there are arm and leg pieces as well.”

“Yes, I see that. I’m guessing that I will be going through the gauntlet of training for the next two days?” I smile at him.

“That's right, Richard. I'm just adding a little more protection. Just in case.”

“That's okay. I'll get used to the additional weight and its movement.”

“King Tierion, Queen Shiranna and I discussed this for quite some time. They agreed that it is necessary.”

“I understand the caution. I'll have to do some endurance runs to get my fitness up for this.”

“Yes, Richard. Then we'll have you and Sir Halgren work together. You'll need to learn how to communicate and be aware of your surroundings. We'll see how you perform under pressure.”

“Okay. Oh, before I forget. Here is my satchel. Let's see what is needed or not that I brought.” I open the satchel and empty the contents onto the table. The smiths and the assistants gather around to see what I brought.

“As you can see, I came prepared.”

“Yes you did. Tear off your hand written notes. Keep the pad blank. I wrote down your passwords and gave them to Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen.”

“Yes, Sir.” I tear them off and give them to Sir Trenton. The passwords I created are simple to remember. I chose words from their own vocabulary. Also, I no longer need the notes I wrote for the program on the scout ship.

Sir Trenton crumples them up and tosses them onto the hot lava rocks and coals. They immediately go up in flames.

“What's in this bag?”

“It is a basic first aid kit. Pads, bandages and some ointment. This folded up sheet is big enough for an arm sling.”

“Keep that. This is a knife?” He picks it up and looks at it.

“Yes it is. I'll show you.” I take it and open it up. I display the main blade, the awl, the screwdriver and another short blade.

“I like this, Richard, keep it.”

“Sir Trenton, we can do something like that. It will take some designing and some trial and error.”

“This is just one style of many on Earth. You might find some different tools for different situations. I know one design has a small file rasp that comes out. There is one that has a hidden compartment. It just takes some imagination.”

“You have my permission, smiths. But we need to focus on the current projects. Work up some drawings first and create some wooden models for starters in your spare time.”

“Thank you, Sir Trenton.” They all smile that they have a chance to do something new.

“How good is this rope, Richard?”

“It's strong enough to hold four average people hanging on it safely. It breaks on the fifth man. But for knights it will probably hold three because of the added weight.”

“Excellent, keep that as well. When we find the dry river stones Richard, I want you to carry five or six with a sling.”

“Yes, Sir. I will need some practice with it.”

“Sir Trenton, a sling and river stone? That's an old weapon.”

“Yes it is, but it's for the General and the Supreme.”

“Now I remember. It's the dream from Richard's world that we had the other night is it?”

“Yes, Sir Brandt.” Sir Trenton picks up my money pouch. “You won't be needing this up there.”

“No, I don't think so. It might cause some problems. I could be declared a hostage if they get greedy.”

“Yes, that's a possibility. I see you have a small mirror with a handle. Keep that plus this needle and thread bag. You never know when it might be needed.”

“This water skin is filled with water from my family's cabin. We have a fresh water cold stream near the cabin. It comes from a mountain nearby.”

“Very good. Well, that should do it, Richard. Your selection is very good.”

“Thank you Sir Trenton.” We put the items back inside the satchel. I then put it on my shoulder. “Sir Trenton, there are four more things I brought with me. Two are in the room where I sleep here. Really they are gifts. I brought a book that describes the flowers the ladies received last year.”

“I remember that. Queen Shiranna will like that. What are the other three?”

“I remembered to bring a book for you, Sir Trenton.”

“Thank you Richard. I look forward to reading it.”

“It also has images recorded like you do with your crystals. I have an idea how we can retrieve those images.”

“Yes, that will be interesting to see. What are the other items?”

“It is the time piece on my wrist. It is truly mechanical.” I show my left wrist to him.

The men gather around to look at it.

“Those parts have to be really small Richard.”

“Yes they are. We've had watches like this for at least three hundred years. Large public clocks were first built about seven hundred years ago. This watch is brand new. I was thinking of giving it to King Thranton.”

I see their faces sag and hear them groan when they heard that.

“But, I just remembered what we discovered among their Builders and Designers. They already have time pieces down there and other advanced equipment. Besides I brought a better gift for him.”

“Yes, I remember that Richard. It made all of the Upper Kingdoms and some Under Kingdoms very upset and mad. At the time Draknor didn't want to share the knowledge, he kept it a secret for his own plots.”

“So, for you, Sir Trenton. I give this time piece to say 'Thank You'.”

The men cheer when I make that announcement.

I take the watch off my wrist and hand it to him. “As you can see the divisions are almost the same on Twainor.”

“Thank you, Richard. What are these other moving pieces?”

“These three arms allow you to see the time progress. This one sweeping the fastest is the second hand. It takes 60 seconds to equal one minute. That long arm is the minute hand. It takes 60 minutes to equal one hour or about one mark on your sundial.”

“I see now. I can judge the time between quarter marks with more accuracy. It's similar to the time devices that the dwarves have.”

“That's right, Sir Trenton. For example you can time how fast a wizard is flying to get to the Twin Moons and back with the knights.”

“Yes, Richard. We can synchronize our forces with better accuracy. Thank you, Richard.”

“You're welcome. Oh and one more thing. Let me unwrap this arm sling bandage.” I smile while I take it out and unwrap it. I reveal a larger time piece.

The smiths begin to drool over it. I smile when I see that.

“For your smiths to play with and learn instead of King Thranton and his Builders and Designers.”

The men cheer and slap me on the back.

“All right, way to go, Richard!”

“Thank you, Richard.”

“You're welcome. I must give some advice on the parts inside. You'll have no problem in making the metal pieces. There are some pieces that are unique and built with precision. There are several small gems inside as well to reduce friction.”

“You'll need to build large models to understand how it works. It is going to be trial and error. Don't break this watch in frustration or you will be using the reassemble spells a lot.”

“I understand that all too well. Thank you, Richard.” Sir Trenton looks at the smiths. “Men, I know you would love to conquer this, but we have more important things to do for the days ahead.”

The men all respond as one, “Yes, Sir Trenton.”

“We'll save this project for our spare time. The sundials in our courtyard are still useful, but they don't break down. These time pieces can. Isn't that right, Richard?”

“That's right, Sir Trenton. Now if you pull that little knob out on the side. You can adjust the time to where you want it to start. You can have it match with your sundial. Then you can see if my watch speed matches the sundial. If not, then you know the watch needs a speed adjustment behind the back plate.”

“If I remember right from the dwarf time pieces, they put a wound spring in theirs.”

“Yes they did. It is the same here. When that knob is pushed in, you can turn it a few times in a clockwise rotation. Do it five turns only. If you over wind it and make the spring too tight, something could break inside it.”

“Of course, I need to be careful how or where I use it. I can't be wearing this if I'm working near a forge for example.”

“No, you can't.”

“Well, thank you for the gifts.”

“You're welcome.” I fold the arm sling bandage and put it in my satchel. I then look a little sad.

“Why the sad face, Richard?”

“It's the gift giving. It reminds me of the times I had with my family. Since the death of my family and finishing school . . . ”

The smiths put a hand on my shoulder.

I smile back at them.

“That's all right, Richard. I would be remiss to remember everything if I lost my family that way.”

“Thank you.”

“All right men, Richard is going to start training with our knights. Today after the noon repast it is the Forest Run. We'll stop at the Fourth Mark to get him fitted with armor and new clothes from Rosella.”

“Yes, sir!” They all respond in one voice.

“I noticed the breast plate here that the weapons are not finished. I want Sir Brighton and Sir Carnell with their assistants to work on that. The rest of you will continue with your current projects. Is that clear everyone?”

“Yes, Sir Trenton!” They all respond as one again.

“Very good, now let's have our noon repast. Richard and I will be with the King and Queen today. He will be sleeping with the Legion tonight and tomorrow night.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.” They all laugh and put a hand onto my shoulder. They thank me again for the gifts.

“You better put those time pieces in a safe place and lock them away.”

“That's a good idea, Richard.” He puts the time pieces into his pockets for now.

We all walk out of the forge building together. We walk down the covered walkway back to the castle. Then the smiths and assistants turn right and walk down a sidewalk toward several buildings near the castle and training fields.

“See you later, Richard!” Some of them yell out.

“See you later, men.” I yell back. I look at them for a moment. Then I turn back and continue to follow Sir Trenton.

Sir Trenton and I walk up the stairs to the side door and enter in the main castle. I close the door when I get inside.

“Have you eaten in a large food service building on Earth?”

“I have, Sir Trenton. We have schools that teach by different age groups. It depends on the numbers and who attend. It’s usually done in shifts. There are not enough seats to accommodate everyone at once. It also depends on the size of the building and the kitchens.”

“It's the same here, Richard. There are two shifts for the knights here.”

“I take it you had to make some serious and quick decisions who the one hundred are.”

“Yes, they realized it is good competition. The commanders made sure there are at least forty knights from the eight Castle Lords and twenty Dwarf warriors. That had to be done besides choosing the forty from the King's own forces.”

“That's good. It helps with the morale that everyone has a part.”

“Yes, it does.”

As we walk down the foyer to the main dining room, we see the King and Queen being escorted by Sir Drexton.

“Ah . . . just in time. We thought we might have to send some guards after you, Sir Trenton. We know how you like being in the forge.” They all smile at him.

Sir Trenton laughs, “There was no need my Lord. I had a look at Richard's time piece. It reminded me that it is time to eat.”

“That's good. Come let's enjoy the noon repast.”

The King, the Queen, Sir Drexton, Sir Trenton and I walk into the main dining room. We see Sir Valmar, Sir Leland, Renard and Trianna there already.

We all sit down together. We sit in the same seats as before. Renard remains standing waiting for the signal from the King.

“Thank you for all coming, my friends. It has been awhile since we have been together. The last time we were together, was before the arrival of the star ship. Renard, if you please, give the Thanks to the Maker.”

“Yes, my Lord. Maker, we just want to thank you that we have another day together. We thank you for this food that you have provided. All the plans are being laid with a sure foundation in you. Thank you, Maker.”

Everyone responds in one voice, “Thank you, Maker.”

Renard sits down. The servers come out and serve the first course. It is a salad plate with a slice of fruit and cold vegetables. It is lightly spiced. The attendees come out and fill our glasses with cold mountain water or fruit juices. No ale or wine until the end of the day.

“So, Richard, are you ready for this afternoon fitness and endurance test?”

“Well, I have kept up with the exercises before I received the call, Sir Valmar. I did some long distance jogging and hikes. I did go to the school gym and did some weight lifting and a few sparring sessions.”

“That's good, Richard. We'll see how you handle yourself with the armor on.”

“Will I have to carry any weight in my arms or on my back?”

“Not at first, Richard, we'll see how you do.”

“I have a feeling my joints and muscles might need some medicine. I wished I brought some of my own.”

“Don't worry about it. I'm sure the healers will have something for that.”

“I hope so, but usually I only need it at the end of the day. It helps me sleep and recover. The next day I will be fine.”

We get done eating our salad. The servers come out come and take our plates. When they return with the main dish, we see it is cooked fowl. This time it is not seasoned with spices and herbs. It has a smoked fruit flavor. I can smell it from the plate. I take a bite, it also a wonderful spice to go with it.

“Mmm . . . King Tierion. This dish is delicious.”

“We were wondering how long it would take for you to notice.”

“It is definitely not boring and tasteless, Richard.”

We all laugh together.

“It’s definitely not, my Queen. This is great.”

We all laugh and giggle while we continue eating the delicious meal.

I pause after eating another bite, “My Lord, has Beharn served this type of dish to the other kingdoms who visit here?”

“Yes he has, Richard. All of the Kings, Queens, and honored guests have tasted it. They have taken the news of the experience back to their own kingdoms.”

“Their Master Chefs have tried to duplicate it. Most of them get different results. Some of the recipes worked. Some did not. However, it turned out each region has two or three fruit trees that work.”

“That's interesting, my Lord and Lady.”

We continue eating, when we get done the servers come out and take our plates. Then they come back out with the fruit bowls next. I look in the bowl, I see the fruit cut up for us in large pieces. The seeds and rinds have been removed for us. However, I see the fruit pieces grilled.

I take a bite. I moan as my taste buds enjoy the intense flavor. “Oh my, my taste buds are among the stars. This is great again.”

“Yes, Beharn felt emboldened after you left. He tried grilling the fruits with different spices. Each fruit has a different spice.”

I try a different fruit as suggested. “This is great again, King Tierion. Thank you.”

“Thank you, Richard.” Everyone responds with laughter.

I open my mouth, then I close it. I smile, “You're welcome.”

The ladies giggle and the men chuckle in response

We continue eating the delicious dessert. We laugh and giggle while eating it.

When we get done, the King looks to a server nearby. “Please have the Master Chef and the kitchen staff come out.”

“Yes, my Lord.” She gives a quick bow. She turns and walks into the kitchen.

After a few moments, the entire kitchen staff comes out and lines up. We all clap and cheer for a wonderful meal. They all smile.

After a while the Master Chef steps forward. He raises his hand to quiet us down.

“Thank you, thank you and thank you, Richard, for this wonderful idea. It has become the rage among the other kingdoms. Even the other kingdoms can grill their own fruits and put their own spices on their dishes. It appears our combination is unique for our kingdom and region.”

“You're welcome, Beharn.”

“If you have any more ideas, I would greatly appreciate hearing them.”

We all laugh together on that statement.

“Thank you for serving a very delicious meal, Chef Beharn.”

“It has been our pleasure, my King. Just do your best in defeating the enemy. We would love to serve again.”

“If I do think of anything new, I'll make sure they're not boring and tasteless.”

We all laugh again. We begin to clap and cheer again. The kitchen staff and Beharn bow again and rise up. They turn and walk into the kitchen.

“My King, do you serve this dish for special occasions here?”

“Yes we do, Richard. We make sure it is not served too often. Commanders, it is time for Richard to get in shape. Make sure he recovers and makes it through the day. Have him in Rosella's shop by the Fourth Mark for the fitting.”

“We will, my Lord. Come, Richard, it is time.”

“Yes Commanders.” I look to Renard and Trianna.

“Don't worry about us Richard. We have plenty to do ourselves. We must help the rest of the Mystic Order here to get ready.”

“All right, Renard and Trianna. See you later.”

All three Commanders and I walk out of the dining room together. We turn left and walk down the hallway and exit the castle. We walk toward their training fields. I see a raised platform. It is built similarly to the one I saw in Angathorn Kingdom. We walk up the stairs to get a view of the layout.

I see a floor level from the star ship laid out. It is in a long circular, almost an oval pattern with many hallways and rooms. There are no ceilings anywhere. It is all built with simple wooden walls. They must keep a stash of these wall partitions somewhere or make some of them. In another part of the training field I see obstacle courses and different stations to test and train different aspects and strategies. I see a large group of men walking out of the main cafeteria and joining the others out there already.

“Well, as you can see there is a lot to cover, Richard. We'll begin with the Forest Run. There are various obstacles to overcome, streams, getting pass boulders that are in key locations for you to get around. There will be some other surprises as well.”

“It takes about a half-mark to get through it. We will be watching nearby to make sure you're all right. There are crystals set up in key locations for us to see. You shouldn't get hurt at all, except for your muscles and joints.”

“That sounds fine, Sir Leland.”

“Then you'll take a quarter-mark rest. We'll discuss the results. Then it's on the course again and we see if you get any better.”

“After another quarter-mark rest then we'll weigh you down with a back pack and do it again.”

“We'll see how you adapt to the change. We'll evaluate you again.”

“Right, then run it again.”

“That's right Richard. Then we'll take off the back pack and put the armor on and run it again like before.”

“That should put me close to seeing Rosella, Sir Valmar.”

“Yes it will be. It just means you need to make an improvement so you won't be late.” He smiles at me.

“Ah . . . incentives, very well, let's begin.”

We walk down from the platform. We walk across the field. Some of the men stop and cheer as I go by. I wave back in return.

“Thank you, Richard.”
“Way to go, Richard. Thank you for the ideas.”

“You're welcome. It looks like it is my turn to get in shape with you.”

A lot of them laugh at that remark.

“After what we've been through when you were here last time, you better be, for your sake.”

“Thank you for that vote of confidence. I just might have to show another demonstration match.”

“Ah, a challenge. We'll take you up on that.”

“All right, all right men. Get back to work. He's doing the Forest Run for starters. We'll see about that match later if we have time.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The men clap their hands and cheer again. They turn around and resume their training. We walk up to the starting point for the Forest Run at the edge of the training field. I see some benches and two stone pillars nearby. Then I get a surprise when I see a familiar face standing there.

“Sir Halgren! It's good to see you again.”

“Richard! It is good to see you as well.”

We laugh together and give each other a quick hug and slap each other on the back. We break apart. The other Commanders walk up and stand near us.

“Are you ready, Richard?”

“I am, Sir Trenton. Where is the exit?”

“It is over there, Richard, to the right.” He points to it.

I look over there and see an opening in the forest. There is also well worn path from it to the stone pillar. “I see, Sir Trenton.”

“You're on your own. We'll be watching at key locations with the crystals.”

“Are you timing me with the watch I gave you?”

“That's a good idea Richard. It will help me start getting used to it. Thanks.”

“You're welcome.”

“You gave Sir Trenton a watch from your home world?”

“Yes I did, Sir Halgren and Commanders. I decided to give Sir Trenton a present for 'Thanks'. They were meant for King Thranton. But, then I remembered what we found in that secret room.”

“Yes, now I remember it, Richard. We couldn't believe it either. Thank you, Richard.”

“You're welcome.”

Sir Trenton takes out the watch. The others gather around to look at it. “Richard also gave me a bigger time piece for our smiths to figure out to make one.”

“That's great, Richard. Thank you.”

“It will take trial and error in understanding how the gears, pinion and the other parts work together, Sirs. Make the pieces large first so you can see it work. Once it is understood, then you can make them smaller.”

“We know how to use those parts, Richard. We have them in our draw bridges, and water powered mills and so on.”

“All right, men. We're wasting Richard's time. Let me adjust this watch and we can get started.” Sir Trenton adjusts the watch.

“Put your hand on that stone pillar there, Richard. When I say 'go' take off running down the path. When you exit the forest over there, run here and touch that second shorter stone pillar.”

“Yes Sir.” I walk over to first stone pillar. I put my hand on it. I get in my start stance for running. “I'm ready, Sir Trenton.” I breathe in and out a few times.

Sir Trenton looks at the second hand when it reaches the twelfth mark. “Get ready . . . get set . . . go!”

I run down the path at a good pace. Since I never did this path before, I become very aware of my surroundings. The path weaves through the forest. I see the first obstacle, a small log that is easy to jump over in a stride.


“He's doing good so far.” They keep looking at the images above their crystals.

“Yes, he is. We'll have to wait and see how he conquers the bigger ones.”


I continue down the path. Then the path goes up a steep incline. I see the path rutted from wear and tear and from the rains. I see a rope strung along the side for balance.

I choose my steps carefully. I make it up half way before I have to grab the rope to steady myself. I make head way up the incline. Then I see a bunch of large roots exposed across the trail while climbing upward. The roots are crossing the path in many directions and angles.

I smile when I see that. I jump and climb from root to root at angles instead of going straight at it. I make it up fairly quick. I make the clearing and continue running down the path while I catch my breath from that climb.


“Did you see that, Sir Trenton? If I don't know any better, he must have done this before.”

“I remember now. He said he was part of a youth camping group. They probably did this to keep in shape and to be aware of the surroundings.”

“I’m sure you're right, Sir Halgren. But at least this course is a different layout.”

“Yes, it is. Look, he is approaching the first major obstacle.”


I run down the path. I see a large tree lying on the ground. It is blocking the path. The tree is about chest high. I stop for a moment. I see what I have to do. I run forward and dive for it to get over it. I put my hands on top of the tree. I put my chest on the top of the tree for a pivot point, then I swing both my legs over to the right. I land on the other side in a smooth motion. I continue running along the path. Then I pick up speed when the path slopes downward. I smile from that obstacle win.


“Well done, Richard. Excellent, he figured it out.”

“Yes, he is doing well.”


I see my next obstacle ahead. It is a stream crossing. That stream appears to be about two feet deep. I see two choices to help cross over. One is a simple rope swing. The other is a large flat boulder in the middle of the stream. That distance appears to be about ten to twelve feet across. I stop to take a look. I look back up the hill and back at the crossing choices. I look around for something. There has to be something here to help me. I don't see a long branch. Wait, I see something that will work.


“What's he doing?”

“I don't know.”


I look around and see a foot high small boulder near the edge of the trail. I roll it over and put the flattest side on the bottom near the apex of the embankment between the two original choices. I then take a large branch. I break off the smaller pieces easily. I then jam the branch pieces on the sides of the boulder. I check it and jump on it. It doesn't move.


“I think he is trying a third approach.”

“If he jumps it, I'll be surprised if he makes it.”

“He probably won't when he has the weight on him.”

“Probably not, Sir Valmar. Look, he's going back up the trail.”


I run up the path some distance. I look down at the small boulder and the stream. I breathe in and out a few times. I then take off running down the path at full speed. I plant my left foot on the boulder and jump through the air. I adjust myself as I see the embankment. I land on the other side with ease on two feet. I continue running down the path while laughing. “Hah, hah, hah . . . that was fun!”


The Commanders and Sir Halgren laugh when they see that.

“He made it! The additional height on the boulder was what did it.”

“Yes it did. We'll leave it there for a third choice.”

“Yes, Sir Leland. Look, he is approaching the last obstacle with the boulders.”


I run down the path as it serpentines through the forest. Then I see a field of very large boulders, at least twice my height. I do see a gap between each pair of boulders. I run quickly, when I get close I turn sideways in one move. I quickly side shuffle with my feet through the opening. There is a total of six pairs of boulders for this obstacle.

I make through them all cleanly. I run down the path at full speed again. I see the edge of the forest approaching. I exit the forest and turn right. I run as fast as I can to the second stone pillar. I touch it and come to a stop. I pant really hard to catch my breath. “Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

They come up walking up to me.

“Well done, Richard. You did really well.”

“That's not too bad for your first time here.”

“Pant . . . pant . . . Thank you . . . ”

“Come over and sit on the bench for a breather.”

Sir Halgren hands me a cup of water.

“Thanks . . . pant . . . pant . . . ” I take the cup and drink it slowly and sit down.

“We saw what you did to jump across the stream.”

“I hope I didn't change the objective, sirs.”

“No, you didn't. You just added one more choice. However, it probably won't work when you're weighted down or have your armor on.”

“No, but it does say something about leg strength and speed to jump across it.”

“Yes, it does. What were you looking for at the time?”

“I was thinking of a long stout branch to vault over the stream. I didn't see one.”

“Some men tried that, they ended up landing wrong or get wet when the branch breaks. So we cleared those long branches out of there or make them shorter.”

“It is going take a better spring in the legs with the weight on. Have the dwarves been able to conquer the tree?”

“There is another way over it, Richard. You probably didn't see it right away.”

“All right, I'll look for it next time, Sir Trenton.”

“When you do see it. You'll have to make a decision to use it or not. It does add some time to the run.”

“I understand Sir Valmar. What was the time?”

“That took about 22 minutes if I'm looking at this right.”

I look at the watch. He points to where it stopped. “You read it right.”

“You conquered the tree as expected.”

“Thank you. I was thinking of diving over it and spring off my hands on the other side on the ground. But, I thought about my legs getting caught on the way up.”

“Some knights tried to do that. They ended up landing on their heads most of the time.”

“So, are you ready to do it again?”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.” My breathing is easier. I stand up and finish off the cup of water. I hand the empty cup to Sir Halgren. I walk over to the first stone pillar and get into position like before.

Sir Trenton readjusts the watch again. He looks at the second hand get closer to the twelfth mark. “Get set... go!”

I run down the path again with more confidence. I weave down the trail at good speed. I jump over the small log with ease. I continue running down the path.

Then I see the steep incline ahead. I run up halfway again like before. I grab the rope to steady myself until I get to the tree roots.

I step from root to root as I climb upward at angles like before. I get past the tree roots with not too much trouble. I am not panting as hard as I was before.


“He did that a faster pace, Sir Leland.”

“Yes, he did. He has more confidence in the path ahead. Let's how he handles the rest of it.”


I run down the path, then I see the large tree again blocking the path. I look to the left and right of the path quickly. Then I see it on the right-hand side. Two large stone steps built up next to the tree near the path. The steps end about half way up the diameter of the tree. I nod my head. I then look ahead.

I run forward and time my jump. I do the same thing as the last time. But this time the chest does not touch the tree. I get over it in a smooth motion.


“He did that section at a faster pace again, Sir Trenton.”

“Yes, he did. He has more confidence in the path ahead.”

“He did notice the other choice for the tree.”


I continue running, then the path slopes down hill to the stream. I keep in full strides. This time I try the jump from the embankment itself. Once I take off, I aim for a slightly higher arc. I make it across. However, my left boot touches the water's edge. I scramble to the top of the embankment and continue running down the path with a smile.


“Did you see that, Sir Trenton?”

“Yes, I did. He's testing himself to know if he can make it. He's learning what he
can do or not.”

“Yes, he would make an excellent knight if he stays.”

“Perhaps, but he would lose the education potential if he does Sir Valmar.”

“I see. You’re right, Sir Trenton.”


I run down the path and see the boulder obstacles ahead. I side step quickly and shuffle through them at a faster pace. I make it through with ease. I run down the path at full speed and exit the forest. I turn right and run toward the second stone pillar. I touch it and come to a stop. I lean against it and bend over while I catch my breath.

“Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . “

They all walk up to me. “We expected a faster time. You did really well.”

“Thanks . . . pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . What was the time?”

“You did that in one-quarter mark exactly.”

“That's fifteen minutes. I shaved off seven minutes.”

“You showed a lot more confidence on the trail.”

“Yes, but I'm sure it will change with the extra weight.”

“Yes, it will. Come over and sit down for a rest.”

We walk over to the benches and sit down on them. Sir Halgren picks up a back pack and shows it to me. I look at it as he places it near me. He hands me another cup of water. I drink it slowly as I get my breath back.

“We saw that you didn't use the boulder to jump over the stream.”

“I wanted to try it from the embankment. I have an idea for the back pack. I launch off the boulder like the first time. The weight helps carry me over. When I land, I put my hands down and do a side roll as I ease into it.”

“That can work, Richard. You might think differently by then.”

“I'm sure you're right after the climb.”

“That's right, Richard.”

“Are you ready to do it again, Richard?”

“I'm ready.” I put the empty cup on the bench. I stand up. I pick up the back pack. I estimate the weight to be about ten to twenty pounds. I've worn heavier packs on hikes. But this will feel heavier as time goes on.

I cinch the waist and shoulder straps to keep it close to my back. “Let me do some practice motions, Commanders.”

“Please do, Richard.”

I do some knee bends. I bend over and try to touch my toes. I find it a struggle to get back up. I bend the knees to get back up.

“That's a change in the center of gravity, sirs. I have worn heavier back packs before. But that was on long hikes with a week long camping trip. We hiked about three to six marks per day.”

“Now you're going to be running it. If you lose your balance, be careful how or where you fall. Are you ready, Richard?”

“Yes, Sir.” I walk up to the stone pillar and put my left hand on it. I get into the running position stance. “I'm ready, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Trenton resets the watch. He sees the second hand approach the twelfth mark. “Get set . . . go!”

I run down the trail at a good pace. I jump over the small log with ease. I continue running down the trail. I see the steep incline ahead. I lean forward as I climb upwards. I end up grabbing the rope sooner. I make my way up without stumbling too much.

I keep to the same tactic when I climb the tree roots. I keep my hands in front of me for balance. I make it through okay.


“He did that really well, Sir Valmar.”

“Yes he did, Sir Halgren. He kept his weight forward and kept his balance.”

“But it will be different with the armor on. His time is slower up the slope.”

“That's very true, Sir Trenton.”


I run down the path at a slower pace to get my breath back. I stop when I see the large tree ahead. I take a big breath and run toward it. I jump up like last time. I hug the tree and let my chest rest on top of the tree as I pivot the legs around like before. I continue running down the trail getting ready for the jump.


“He did a good job getting over the tree this time.”

“Yes, he might not make it the next time.”

“We'll see.”


I look down the slope toward the stream and see my launching point. I run at full speed as I keep my body erect down the hill. Then I lean forward slightly when I level out. I plant my left foot on the boulder and jump in the air leaning forward. As my foot leaves the boulder, I feel it move slightly underneath me. I dive forward and sail over the stream at a slightly higher arc.

I come down and see my shoulder approaching the ground. I put my right hand out and ease into a shoulder roll. I roll two times. I get up and stand up. I quickly catch my breath for a moment. I look at the boulder and shake my head from side to side. I turn and continue running down the path.


“He did pretty well there. That was a good landing.”

“Yes, but he looked back at the boulder. What did he see that he didn't like?”

“I don't know. We'll ask him when he gets here.”


I run down the trail and see the boulder obstacles. I turn sideways and side shuffles like before. This time the space is narrower because of the back pack. It is a lot more tighter. I have to slowdown and squirm my way through by jumping up and down while I try to shuffle sideways.

I try a longer side jump on the next pair of boulders. I just make it through. That time it took only two jumps to make it through. When I get past the last pair of boulders I look back quickly and look under the boulders. It is not wide enough for me. Perhaps for a dwarf to get underneath them.

I turn around and run as fast as I can down the path and out of the forest. I turn right and run as fast as I can. I touch the second stone pillar. I bend over and lean against the pillar like last time. “Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

They walk up to me. I stand up as they approach.

“That was very good Richard. It was slower as expected. You did that in twenty minutes.”

I shake my head up and down. We walk over to the benches and sit down.

“You did really well going up the incline.”

“Yes, I knew I had to keep my weight forward. Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

Sir Halgren hands me a cup of water. He smiles while I take it. “Thank you.” I smile back at him.

“You're welcome.”

I drink it slowly.

“What happened after you jumped over the stream?”

“The boulder moved underneath me and dislodged the branch pieces. I won't be able to use it next time.”

“Ah, a new decision has to be made, Richard.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton. However, it was tighter going through the boulder obstacle. It is just wide enough for me.”

“I'm sure it was. Why did you look down at the bottom of the last pair?”

“I wanted to see if I could go under them. But, I'm too big. Then I thought it might be okay for a dwarf warrior.”

I finish the cup of water and put the empty cup on the bench. I stand up and walk around and twist my torso.

They laugh, “You guessed right, Richard.”

“Are you ready Richard? How are you doing health wise?”

“Let me look at the watch Sir Trenton. I need to check my pulse.”

“Sure Richard.” He extends his left arm to me so that I can look at it.

I put my right index finger on the side of my neck. I count the beats for five seconds. I count about one hard beat per second. That's not too bad.

“The pulse is fine Sir Trenton. For my resting pulse is about sixty beats per minute.”

“That's good Richard. We have ourselves checked by the healers from time to time. Ours is a bit lower on average than the dwarves.”

“Well, I'm ready, Sir Trenton.” I walk up to the stone pillar and put my left hand on it. I get into my running stance.

Sir Trenton readjusts the watch again. He looks at the second hand approaching the twelfth mark. “Get set . . . go!”

I run down the path and at an easier pace. I jump over the small log with no problem. I keep running forward.

I climb up the steep incline. I have to use the rope about one-third the way up like last time. I keep leaning forward while I go up. I get pass the tree roots with not too much trouble. My feet slip twice on the roots. I get past it and come to a stop to catch my breath.

I run forward and see the large tree ahead. I feel my legs being a little heavier. I decide to try the second choice on the right-hand side. I run up to it. I plan it to have my right foot on the top step. I keep the right hand on the trunk. I give a push with my right leg to swing both legs over to the left in one motion. I make it over just barely without touching the tree with my derriere.


“He is doing excellent, Sir Trenton.”

“Yes he is, Sir Leland. I suspect he will slide down on the back side when he has the armor on.”

“I'm sure he will.”


I run along until I see the stream down the hill. As I approach the embankment, I plant my left foot on the embankment and jump for the boulder in the stream. I land on the boulder with my right foot. Then I swing the left leg forward, keeping my momentum forward. I leap to the embankment. Again I feel the boulder move underneath my foot.

My left foot hits the water's edge. I keep leaning forward. When I land, I grab the grass and scramble up the embankment crawling forward. I look back at the boulder and see it turned a little. I turn and continue running down the trail.


“Why did he look at that boulder?”

“I don't know. It may have moved underneath him.”

“That's possible.”


I approach the boulder field again. I turn sideways and try to jump as high as I can to move through the gap. I make the first one easily.

I do the same thing for the second pair. However, the next pairs are more difficult. I jump up and down like before. I work my way through. For the last pair I'm able to pass it sideways in one jump.

I'm panting as I run forward. I get a little off balance as I make the turn. I recover and make a straight run for the second stone pillar. I touch and come to a stop.

I bend over to catch my breath. “Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

I stand up as they approach. I walk over to the benches and sit down with their help.

“That was harder, sir.”

“Yes it was, Richard. Your decisions are good, especially for the fallen tree, the stream and the boulder field.”

Sir Halgren hands me a cup of water. “Thank you.” I sip it slowly while I recover.

“We've had other knights do the same thing you did.”

“That's good.”

“Your time was about the same. That was two minutes faster. We expect it to be slower with the armor.”

“Don't I know it. The weight will be on the legs and arms this time.”

“Yes, it will be. Let's get that back pack off.”

I undo the straps and remove the back pack. They take it from me and set it on the ground near the bench. It feels good to get that weight off. “Sir Trenton, I'm guessing, is that back pack the weight of a shield?”

“It is, Richard.”

“I thought so.”

“Why did you look at the boulder in the stream?”

“It moved underneath me.”

“Yes it is not solid. Sometimes it will get slick when it gets wet on top.”

“I thought that too.”

“You haven't tried the rope swing. It is strong enough to support you and the armor.”

“It is? I don't know if I will make it across. I have tried it before many times. The rope slips through my hands all the time. We had knots in the rope to prevent that.”

“I see. You'll have to improve your hand grip to do that. We have some exercises for that.”

“I've done some in my self-defense classes as well.”

“Well, let's get the arm and leg pieces on. Stand up, Richard.”

I stand up and make a stance with legs further apart. They put the legging pieces on and attach the straps onto the breast and back plate that I'm wearing. Then they put the arm pieces on and attach the straps to the plates at the shoulder.

I do some arm and leg movements to see how it feels like. “How much time do we have left before the Fourth Mark commanders?”

They get out their crystal sphere and recite the spell. They check with the sundial in the courtyard.

“You have at least a full mark to go. You're doing well overall. This will be your biggest test. We understand if the time is slower. Do your best in crossing the stream. Don't try to hurt yourself anywhere on the trail.”

“Yes, Sir.” I swing my arms as I twist my torso. I lift them up and feel the extra weight in the arms. I finish drinking the cup of water and put the empty cup on the bench. I walk over to the stone pillar and put my left hand on it. I get into my running position stance. “I'm ready Sir Trenton.”

Sir Trenton adjusts the watch again and sets it. When the second hand reaches the twelfth mark, he yells, “Get set . . . go!”

“Come on, Richard! You can do it!” yells Sir Halgren.

I run down the path at a slower pace. I feel the weight in my legs right away. I see the small log ahead. I put my left foot on the log and step over it. I continue running at an easy pace.

I see the steep incline ahead. I lean forward and begin the climb. I immediately grab the rope to help me up. My feet slip a few times. I make it to the roots and grab them. I keep moving forward. My foot slips off one more time. Fortunately I'm grabbing a root with both hands when that happens. I make it through safely.


“He's definitely pacing himself.”

“Yes, he knows he needs to save his energy for later.”


I catch my breath while running at an easy pace. I see the tree ahead. I run toward the steps. I step up like last time. I put my right hand on the trunk. I then swing my legs over to the left. I sit on the trunk and slide down. I keep running forward and downward the path toward the stream.

When I get to the embankment, I do the same leap motion to the boulder in the stream. I land with my right foot and swing my left leg forward. I leap forward and land on the embankment. Both my feet hit the water's edge. I grab the grass and crawl up the embankment. I get up and keep running forward down the curving trail.

I come to the boulder obstacles again. I do the same technique. I side jump and shuffle through the gap. I make it through each in turn. I run down the path as fast as I can. The legs and arms feel heavy. I make the turn and run toward the second stone pillar. I touch it. Then I lean against it and start breathing hard. “Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

The commanders and Sir Halgren walk toward me. “Are you all right, Richard?”

I stand erect, “I will be. That really took a lot out of me.”

They guide me over to the bench. I sit down still trying to get my breath back. Sir Halgren hands me a cup of water. “Thank you. How long did that take?”

“That took about 25 minutes Richard.”

“Can you do it one more time? It will be the last time.”

“I think I can, Sir Trenton.”

“When you're done, we'll take off the arm and leg pieces.”

“That sounds like a very good incentive to me. Hopefully, it will be easier tomorrow.”

“It should be. Stand up and walk around.”

“Yes, I don't want the legs to cramp up.” I get up and walk around. I empty the cup. He fills it again and hands it back to me. I drink it slowly as I talk with them.

“You'll get some fruit juice afterwards.”

“Thank you. I'll definitely need it after this run.”

I drink some more water. “I don't know if the time will be more or less next time.”

“Don't worry about it. Just do your best.”

“I don't put this breast and back plate on me when I'm working or running back home. There is a difference with the added weight.”

“Yes there is, Richard. How do the soldiers protect themselves in battle?”

“Usually it is a very strong type of vest. It would be like the padding underneath this chest and back plate. It is also fire proof as well.”

“Can it stop a light weapon?”

“It will burn the outer fabric first. Then the metal mesh with other materials stops it from penetrating. It does not reflect off.”

“That's interesting. They are trying to save weight as much as possible.”

“Yes they are, Sir Valmar.” I take another sip of water from the cup.

“We are not taking any chances with our situation, you know that Richard.”

“I would think not, Sirs.”

“Are you ready to do it one more time, Richard?”

I breathe in and out calmly. “I am, sir.” I finish off the cup of water and put it on the bench. I get into the same position as before.

“If you get this done in a half-mark you will have time to cool down and get fitted.”

“That sounds good to me. I'm ready, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Trenton resets the watch. He looks at it and sees the second hand approaching the twelfth mark again. “Get set . . . go!”

I run down the trail at a good pace. I weave the trail and keep jogging forward at slightly a faster pace. Yes, I'm starting to feel that bliss when everything is in sync. I step on the small log and keep jogging forward.

Then I see the steep incline ahead. Come on, do it one more time. I start climbing upward as far as I can until I need the rope. I grab the rope and lean forward as I pull up. When I get to the tree roots, I try the angle movement that I did the first time.

I find it easier to do it that way. When I get to the top, I find myself not as winded the last time. Yes, it is coming to me like in my defense classes. I run to the fallen tree. I aim for the steps. I leap up quickly in two steps. I easily get my legs over to the left. I slide down on the back side. I smile when I do that. I run forward and get ready to jump the stream one more time.


“I think he found his rhythm and breath, Sir Trenton. His face shows it.”

“Yes, he's at a faster pace as well, Sir Halgren. He's at ease with his body.”

“Go Richard! You can do it!”

The commanders look behind them and see a gathering of knights and dwarf warriors nearby.

“Are you done with the afternoon sessions knights and warriors, except for the final one?”

“Yes, we are, sirs!”

“All right, you can stay and watch.”

“Thank you, sirs.”

“Go, Richard, go!”


I run down the slope to the stream crossing. I time it right to jump from the embankment to the boulder in the stream. I continue in one fluid motion and lead with my left leg swinging forward from the boulder. I land on the embankment with my hands and knees. My feet just miss the water. I grab the grass and crawl to get up the embankment. Once I'm on level ground, I get up and run forward on the curving path.


“Has he used the rope swing yet?”

“No, he hasn't. He knows he'll get wet if he tries it.”

“He knows he has to improve his hand strength, men. Some of you know what I'm talking about.”

“Yes, sir!” They know not to push that subject on Richard.

“You're doing great, Richard!”


I make the single side leap through the boulders on three of them. The others take additional side steps to do it. By this time my legs start to feel like lead after the last pair of boulders. I make it through. I run down the path and exit the forest. I turn right, then I see a bunch of knights and dwarf warriors there cheering me on. I run as I fast as I can to the second stone pillar.

“Go, Richard, go!”

“Run hard, Richard!”

I touch the pillar and come to a stop. I lean against it to catch my breath. “Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

“Yeah! Way to go, Richard!”

“Well done!”

Sir Trenton and the others come over. I stand up as they come near.

“That was incredible, Richard. You shaved off five minutes, congratulations.”

“Thank you . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

“Bring him over to the bench, men. We need to get his armor off. He's done for the day.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The knights and dwarves help me over to the bench and ease me down on it. They take off all of the armor. It feels good to get the weight off. Sir Halgren pours some fruit juice into the cup and hands it to me.

“Thanks, the body needs this.” I smile at him.

“I know, Richard. You're welcome.” He smiles at me.

A knight speaks up, “How did he do, Sir Trenton?”

“Richard did very well, despite the heavier armor.”

“Heavier armor? What are you talking about Sir Trenton?”

I take another sip of fruit juice while I stare at Sir Trenton.

“This armor is for training. Your own armor will be a bit lighter than this.” He smiles at me.

Then everyone laughs at the joke.

I look around and get the joke. I smile back at them. “Fine, then let's see if they can break my times, Sir Trenton.”

“What was his time, Sir Trenton?”

“He did the first run twice with only his chest and back plate. The fastest time is one-quarter mark.”

“What? That is flying. Did he cheat?”

“No, he didn't cheat. He came up with some unique solutions on some of the obstacles.”

“That I have to see.”

“You will later. Just for your information men, he did the last run in full armor in one-third of a mark.”

“That's incredible. Now I'm impressed Richard.”

“Thank you and you're welcome to try and break it.”

“We won't do that today men. Go and get ready for the final exercise men.”

“Yes, sir! They all respond at once. They turn around and walk back to the training field.

I stand up and walk around. I finish drinking the fruit juice.

Sir Halgren carries the arm and leg pieces. I put the breast and back plate back on and latch them. I pick up the back pack on and put that on my shoulders. I don't cinch the straps tight.

“What is the final exercise, Sir Halgren?”

“Come up on the platform, you'll see.”

We walk across the field to the platform. I put the back pack near an upright support. Sir Halgren puts the arm and leg pieces next to it. We step up the stairs to the top level. We see the commanders already there watching as they look over the field.

We see the men in the star ship layout, but I see only half the men there. Unless . . . I know what is going to happen next.

Then I see Sir Trenton look at Sir Valmar on the ground next to the bell. Then he looks at the watch, he raises his hand and brings it down. Sir Valmar strikes the bell once with the mallet. “Bong!”

Then all of the sudden the other half of the men show up with wizards from the Ethereal Space. They begin to fight among themselves. I also see flames coming from up above as well in some areas. Many are being put to sleep with either sleep darts or sleep spells. They slowly take control of the level. Then I see wizards remove pebbles that are held in place by a cloth on the knights necks. They move very fast among them. They don't even scan the neck ahead of time.

Sir Trenton sees that the wing leaders are communicating with the Lieutenant Commanders from the hallways. Then they relay the information to Sir Valmar and Sir Leland. He looks at them for the all clear sign. It eventually comes in a few moments. They signal to Sir Trenton.

“Time! Stop!”

Then Sir Valmar uses the mallet and hits the bell once. “Bong!” He then walks up to the top of the platform.

Everyone stops what they are doing and looks toward to the platform.

“That’s very good, Legion. Go and wake them up. Gather here by the platform by brigades.”

The knights and wizards wake up their fellow knights. Once they're all awake, they jog up to the platform and get organized by brigades in neat rows and columns behind their banner. I see a dwarf warrior brigade as well with four dwarf dragons.

Sir Trenton looks at Sir Valmar and nods his head.

“Thryson Legion, Attention!”

Everyone snaps to attention, except for the dragons.

“Parade rest, Thryson Legion!”

Everyone goes into a relaxed stance.

“That's very good ,Thryson Legion. You shaved off the time by one-third to a half-mark. That is very good. The one hundred will be chosen right now. That includes the ten wizards who will be going with them. We will be fully represented from each Castle Lord, Dwarf Warrior Brigade and the King's Knights. Those that are chosen will receive a special patch for their left shoulder while they wear the Thryson Legion patch on the right shoulder.”

“Dwarf Dragons, I and the rest of the Legion want to give you thanks for helping us at this time. You deserve the honor and respect from us.”

Then everybody begins to cheer and clap their hands.

The dwarf dragons look at each other and smile. Then they roar and shoot flames into the air knowing they have done a great service for their dragon clan.

“Then the one hundred and ten will then pack up and fly to Angathorn Kingdom right after they have an evening repast here. They will arrive at their southern port where Twainor has docked about six of our largest ships. They will be there for the next two days to get further training there.”

“While they are there, we will be here to do some more training. Tomorrow is one more day of training with the floor level. Then the next day we will focus on the defense of Thryson. Dwarf dragons, this is where we need your help again. Do you remember what we discussed yesterday?”

“Yes, we'll be ready to help again.”

“Good. When that half-day is over, then everyone can go back to their Castle Lord and help with their defense. The King's Knights and the Dwarf Warriors will need to be here.”

“Now I need to give you an update. The bait has been sent and received on the star ship. We will soon know if they take the bait. We'll be watching with our Seeing Stones. Richard did really well on the Forest Run this afternoon. Richard and Sir Halgren will start working together tomorrow. That is all, Thryson Legion. Enjoy the Evening Repast.”

Then Sir Trenton shouts out loud, “For Victory!”

Everybody responds, “For Victory!”

Sir Trenton shouts out loud, “For Twainor!”

Everybody responds, “For Twainor!”

Sir Trenton shouts out loud, “For the Maker!”

Everybody responds, “For the Maker!”

Everyone quiets down after that. Sir Trenton looks at Sir Valmar and nods his head.

“Thryson Legion, attention!”

Everyone snaps to attention.

“Thryson Legion, dismissed!”

Then they all break apart and go their ways.

I follow the Commanders down from the platform. “Come, Richard, it is time to get you fitted.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Halgren and I follow Sir Trenton. Sir Valmar and Sir Leland follow us as well. We stop by the forge first. He opens the door and we all walk inside. We walk over to the left side of the forge. We see the set of armor brightly polished like a mirror. There is a set of weapons displayed near them. The smiths turn around when they us.

“At ease men. Come to a stopping point men and get cleaned up for the evening repast.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

The men come to a stopping point and put their projects aside. They go to the wash basins and get cleaned up. Two of the smiths walk over to us by the table.

“I see you got them done, Sir Brighton and Sir Carnell.”

“Yes we did, Sir. As you can see, Richard, they fit behind the breast plate in those slots. They're easy to reach for.”

“Can I try throwing some of them sirs?”

“By all means do so, Richard. We have some targets over here for just that.”

I pick up some stars and short knives. I stand about fifteen feet from a target. I take a star and side throw it in my right hand from left to right about chest high. It spins in a straight line. It sticks into the target chest high. I then take the short knife and throw it over hand and aim for the right shoulder target. It misses it just barely.

“That's good Richard. Step back further and aim lower.”

I step back about ten feet and do it again. The stars have an excellent flight path to where I aim it on the left thigh. The short knife hits the right thigh.

“Very good, Richard, now try the wrist bow gauntlets.”

“Okay.” I pick up the wrist bow gauntlets and put them on my hands.

The smiths help and show me how it works.

“There are ten darts on each forearm. This latch over here is for the forearm shield.” Sir Brighton shows me the latch. “This button here in the palm releases the dart. You just need to make a fist to reach it.”

“I see,” I pull the lever back to lock the string in place. I do the same thing to the left gauntlet. I take a dart and load one in each gauntlet. “Have you tried a mechanism that when you pull the lever back for the string, the dart gets loaded as well?”

“We have, Richard. It is still on the drawing board and some gauntlets we have worked on here.”

“At least you're trying. It will come to you as you figure it out.”

“Thank you, Richard.”

“You're welcome, Sir Carnell.”

“You will also have extra darts on your lower leg armor. Both forearm shields are brightly polished if you need them to reflect a light weapon.”

“Thanks , I greatly appreciate that.” I take aim at a target and aim for the left upper thigh with my right gauntlet. I squeeze my hand and make a fist. I touch the button with my index finger. The dart flies to the target and hits it on the mark.

“That’s very good, Richard. Now try the left gauntlet.”

I take aim at the left shoulder. I make a fist and touch the button with my left index finger. The dart flies to the mark right on target.

“Very good, Richard.”

“Thank you, sirs. I have a question about this button. This button won't get damaged if I'm hanging onto a rope or pole?”

“No, it won’t be Richard. We've tested that as well. That button is actually connected by a small metal wire that is under tension to the release latch. We picked up the button idea from the dwarf designers about twenty years ago from the Eastern Region before you came here. The lever when pulled back puts the wire under tension along with the string for the bow.”

“Now, that’s impressive. Thank you, smiths, you did excellent craft work.”

“You're welcome, Richard.”

We gather up the weapons and put them where they belong on the breast plate. We take the darts and put them where they belong on the gauntlets. Sir Halgren and I share the load and carry the items. We follow the commanders to Rosella's shop.

We exit the forge and turn right. They open doors for us and we enter in the castle. We walk down the hallway until we come to the intersection where we need to turn left. We walk down the hallway until we see the symbol for the Castle Tailor Shop. Sir Trenton gives a quick double knock on the door. He opens it and we all walk inside. We see everyone there including the King and Queen.

“You've made it on time. How did Richard do on the Forest Run?”

“He did really well, my King. He created some unique solutions to conquer the obstacles. His fitness improved as well as his time.”

He looks at me, “That's good, Richard.”

“Thank you, my King.”

“Are you ready to be fitted, Richard?”

“I am, Rosella.”

“Put the new armor pieces on the table here. Richard, take off your ranger outfit and the breast and back plate.”

“Yes, Rosella.”

Sir Halgren helps me undress. They're glad to see that I'm wearing a pair of working shorts and my T-shirt underneath the armor.

Rosella and the other tailor assistants start attaching the new metal mesh padding on the armored pieces and tie them in place.

“Put the breast and back plate armor on first, Richard. It will be easier.”

“Yes, Rosella.”

I put on the breast and back plate with Sir Halgren's help. We latch it in place. Then I put on the metal mesh leggings with the legging armor. We take the straps from those pieces and attach it to the breast and back plate. I see they put some metal armor on the seat portion and in the front. The legging fits around the boots as expected.

Then we put on the arm pieces and use the straps there and attach it to the shoulder portion on the breast and back plate.

“How does that feel, Richard?”

“It is a lot lighter than the armor I ran in earlier.”

“See, you're ready, Richard.” Sir Trenton smiles at me.

I smile back at him.

“Now put on the new ranger outfit. We're doing it reverse first. I want to check the stitching before we finish the final seams.”

Taking off the boots with the leggings on is not too bad. They show how me to do it. There are slit openings at strategic points in the padding that allows you to do it.

Then they help me put on the pants and tie it tight with the pull cord. Then we put the shirt on. Then we put the waist cord on to draw it in. Then comes the jacket. I see it has a hood.

“Now do some movements like you did last time, slowly.”

I stand on the small platform. I slowly go through the movements and make some poses. The tailors look closely at the stitching to see where it could be tight, especially on the chest area.

“You don't feel any tightness, Richard?”

“No, Rosella, not in the chest, the arms or the legs. You got it right the first time, since I have not grown in two months my time.”

They all laugh together.

“Good, let's mark the seams for the lengths to be sure.”

The tailors each take a marker and put some marks on the ends of the arms, the collars, and the end of the pant legs.

“All right let's take it off and finish the seams.”

The tailors help me take off the clothes as quickly as possible. They put them on the tables and finish the seams with the sewing spell. They cut the loose threads to make it appear neat. Then they take the clothes and invert them so that they appear as a finish product.

Then they redress me with the new stealth ranger outfit. I put the boots back on and slip them under the leggings. I retie them so that they will stay up. I stand up and look at them.

“So, how do I look now, my friends?”

“You're almost there, Richard. Put on the gauntlet gloves and the helmet.”

I put on the helmet and gauntlet gloves.

“Now you look like a knight for a stealth and recon-mission, Richard.”
I look in the mirror, I see an image that brings a smile to my face. “Yes, it does look good. Thank you, my friends.”

“Richard, that helmet has the improvements you suggested Plus a few more.”

“All right, Sir Trenton.”

“Push this button to lower and raise your visor.” He shows me in the mirror reflection.

I push it, the vision has a golden hue. I look at a window and see the glare is reduced greatly. I push it again, the visor moves up.

“Push this button to close the front.”

I push the button, then two small doors slide into place. “That's very good. I like it.” I push it again, the two small doors slide back.

“There is one more aide. It is for your ears. You twist the side pieces here of the helmet. It moves the ear protection into place.”

I twist the pieces. The ear protection moves into place. I can't hear anyone speaking. I twist them in the opposite direction to move them back.

“Wow, talk about silence. That is very good.”

“Yes it is, Richard. The helmet will stay in place when you push this button. Push it again to release it.”

I push the button. Then I feel some padding move in on my head from several directions. I try to take off the helmet. It stays in place. I push the button again, the cushions move back. Now I'm able to remove the helmet.

“That's a lot better than a chin strap, sir.”

“Yes it is, Richard.”

“If you look carefully on the shirt, you see two side openings. You can reach for the stars and knives behind your breast plate. Also, you can reach for your forearm shields. Try it.”

I move the jacket and put my left hand into the shirt opening and take a star. With my right hand I retrieve a forearm shield from the back breast plate. I hear a click when I do that.

“There is a slit opening in the arm of the jacket. It will allow you to attach the forearm shield to the gauntlet.”

I look for it. I find it with my left hand. I find it easy to attach the forearm shield. I take it off and put it back on the back plate with no problem with one hand. I hear it click in place.

“Here is a new satchel, Richard. It matches with the stealth clothes.”

Sir Trenton, Sir Halgren and I quickly transfer the items from the original satchel to the new one. I put it on my shoulder.

“That is it, Richard. You're fully armed and ready for battle.”

“Thank you, my King. Thank you for providing this protection.”

“You're welcome Richard. Now let's put the medallion back on again.”

I take off the helmet. I hold it in my right arm. I bow deeply before him.

Both the King and Queen put the medallion on my neck. I rise up before them. They smile at me. I smile back at them.

Then whole room erupts into applause and cheering.

“Come, let us partake of the evening repast with us. Rosella, you and your staff are invited to sit with us. I also invited the smiths and their assistants as well. You all have been working hard this past week. We figure it was time to show you our gratitude in providing your talents to Thryson Kingdom.”

“Thank you, my Lord and Lady. It will be an honor to sit with you this evening.”

We all exit the tailor shop together. When we enter the dining room, we see a larger table setting for everyone there. I also see the smiths and their assistants all clean and in their good clothes.

“Richard, you can put your gauntlets and helmet on this table by the wall.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Halgren and I walk over there. We put our gauntlets and my helmet on the table. We then turn around and join the others. I take an open seat next to Sir Halgren. Renard remains standing. The King and Queen look at each of us in turn and smile. We all smile back and nod our heads in acknowledgment.

“Please give the Thanks, Renard.”

“Yes my Lord. Maker, we thank you for another day here on Twainor. We thank you that we have a chance to fight for your creation. We thank you for the food that you provided for us. May it renew our strength to do great things. Thank you, Maker.”

Everyone responds, “Thank you, Maker.”

Renard sits down. The servers come out and serve the first dish. The attendees come around and fill our glasses with the beverage of our choice. Most of the men request ale, some request wine and fruit juice. Some request cold mountain water like I did.

I see that it is another salad with an assortment of cold vegetables and nuts. It is lightly spiced with a different oil dressing.

“Rosella, how good is this fabric that I'm wearing? It is very light.”

“It is designed to blend in the shadows of hallways. It can take a beating, but it can be torn and catch on fire.”

“That's good.”

“It is meant to hide your armor like last time.”

“I see. Thank you, Rosella and to your staff.”

“You're welcome, Richard.”

I take a few more bites, then I remember something. “My Queen. I have a gift for you. I remembered to bring it. It is the flower book from Earth.”

“You did? Thank you, we'll make copies of it and share it with the other kingdoms.”

“You're welcome, my Queen. It's in the room here where I sleep.”

“We'll wait for it until the time is right.”

When we get done eating the first dish, the servers come out to take our plates. They come out and bring the main dish. When they put it down in front of me, I see and smell a fish dish that is grilled and smoked with a different fruit flavor.

I take a few bites like everyone else. Then I taste a different spice for this combination. This is very good. Beharn out did himself. He found another combination.

I hear everybody enjoying the meal. We are laughing and giggling. I try the vegetables, it too has a great spice that complements the fish portion. My mouth waters with each bite. This sure reminds of a good home cooked meal.

Home cooked meal . . . sighs . . . I look at the dish again. A tear goes down my face. I take a napkin and dab my face.

“What's wrong, Richard?”

Everybody gets quiet.

“Huh . . . I'm sorry, my Queen. I just had a home reminder.”

“What was it?”

“This dish reminded me of a home cooked meal. Something like this was served up by mother and father in our mountain cabin one summer.”

They smile at me. Sir Halgren puts his hand on my shoulder, “Then that's a good memory. Keep it always. I heard you lost your family.”

“Thank you. I will always think that Thryson is my second home.”

“Yes it is, Richard. You have friends that care about you. Just be encouraged that you have provided hope for us. When you return home, use that encouragement to help others.”

“Thank you, my Lord.”

Everybody claps their hands. They smile at me again.

I smile back at them and nod my head up and down. “It is good to have friends.”

“Yes it is, Richard.”

We continue eating the main dish in silence. When we get done, the servers come out to take our plates away. They return with the fruit bowls for each of us. I see grilled fruit again like he did earlier.

I take a bite of some of the fruit. Then I get a big surprise. I taste a different spice that is seared on each fruit. This is great. He experimented again. One of the spices changed the color on the surface of one of the fruits. Thank you, Maker it made my soul glad. I chuckle as I enjoy the fruit bowl. Some of the fruit squirts in my mouth. I have to use the napkin to keep my chin clean.

I hear everyone else enjoy the fruit dish as well. We laugh and giggle while we eat this creation served to us. When we get done, the servers take our bowls and leave a damp cloth for us to help clean up.

King Tierion looks at a server, “Please have the Master Chef and the kitchen staff come out please.”

“Yes, my Lord.” She turns around and walks into the kitchen. In a few moments, Beharn with the kitchen staff, servers and attendees come out. They line up in two rows.

We all begin clap and cheer. They smile and bow up and down quickly. Then Mater Chef Beharn steps forward.

“Thank you. Thank you for those accolades. It was a pleasure to serve you again.”

“King Tierion, may I give an accolade?”

“Yes, you may, Richard.” He smiles at me.

“Master Chef Beharn. I just want to thank you personally. This fish dish reminded me of my family. The fish was freshly caught in a stream near our mountain cabin one summer. Thank you. Then I had a wonderful surprise with the fruit and spice combination you created. You found a second spice that changed the surface color when grilled. It brought joy to my taste buds and chased away the potential sadness. Thank you.” I clap my hands.

Then the others clap their hands and join me.

“Thank you, Richard. It is greatly appreciated. I hear you will be with our forces in the training fields starting tomorrow morning. Don't worry, but they eat really well.”

Everybody laughs at the joke.

“Yes, they do, Chef Beharn. Thank you again. See you in the morning.”

“See you in the morning, my Lord and Lady.”

We clap our hands again. They bow quickly and rise back up with smiles. They turn and enter in the kitchen. Some of the servers and attendees stay in the dining room waiting to start cleaning up when we leave.

We get up and exit the dining room. I come near Trianna.

“Trianna, I need your help.”

“Yes, what is it Richard?”

“This flower book I brought is written in two languages. The main language is mine and the country where I live. The other is for scientific identification. So, when I get to my room here, I want to share my language with you.”

“I see, then we can translate it into ours. All right, we'll do it after the sun set.”
“Thank you.”

“You're welcome, Richard.”

Sir Halgren and I stop back at the table and pick up our gauntlets and my helmet.

We follow everyone else outside the castle and onto the courtyard. We wait for the sunset and the colorful display.

We see the sky change in color and how the light plays with the clouds. We look eastward. Soon we see the colorful wall of lights.

“Here it comes, everyone!”

Soon the colorful lights are in the courtyard. It intermingles among us. Some of the smiths ask the ladies from the tailor shop for a dance. They accept. We see people dance with each other including the King, Queen, Renard and Trianna.

The men themselves start interacting with each other as they play some games. They display a different color combination as well. I look at my hands and see the lights emanate from them. I shake hands with Sir Halgren. We too display a different combination as well. We laugh at what we see. We see insects and birds flying in the air with a different display as well.

Soon the wall of colorful lights moves westward and toward the Thryson Mountains. We stop what we are doing as we see it moves away. In time, the lights travel up the mountain slopes. When it gets to the mountain peaks, they shoot up like a crown and then disappear. Then more stars appear in the night sky along with the Twin Moons and the Nebulae.

We all clap our hands and give Thanks to the Maker.

When we get done with that, I look at the Twin Moons one more time. Then I see a small white dot move toward one of them, then it disappears.

Oh, oh . . . I think that is the second scout ship.

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