For Girls Only

For girls only

Just thought we could chat. To get the ball rolling. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I'm 35, single, 5'8", 122lbs, Long Dark Brown hair with a slight reddish tint, live alone just North of Santa Fe on a small Ranch, about 350 acres,
small for New Mexico. Along with the house and barn, I have a horse and two dogs.

I don't work, and I'm not looking for job, I do some from home via the internet, went to school and became a graphic artist. I got into bondage about 6 years ago, my boyfriend at the time was big time into it, and through his obsession he managed to totally turn be off on men. They are great to go to dinner with, but not to bed with.

So now I prefer sex and bondage with myself or other women, and because of lack of people in the alt. lifestyle in Santa Fe, I have learn a lot about doing it myself, and have found it to be quite a thrill, have total control over my body and mind.

I have a very dear friend (Lori who now lives in Yuma Az. use to be a TS but now totally a girl) but she hasn’t had much experience as a girl, but a lot in bondage, and doing it yourself, taught me a lot.

I'm still learning a lot about myself, and loving every minute of it. I know that there is so much more to learn that I wake up every morning with a smile on my face wondering what new experience the day will bring.

About 3 years ago I got my first corset, and now I don't seem
to be able to live without it, but I don't seem to be able to get tight enough anymore, about 1 year ago I got my chastity belt, boy was that a thrill!!!! At times I wish I would lose the keys. Now it's like American Express, I don't leave home without them. I guess that’s enough rambling for how.

In the spring I enjoy riding my horse while totally nude, I love the feel of air blowing over my body. The house it about  ¾ of a mile from the nearest road, and 5 mile from the nearest house, so no one will ever see me, and if they do so-what.

My next scenario will be riding my horse with a modified saddle. I’m trying to install an inflatable penis gag on the front part of the saddle seat, so when I get on the horse and impale my self on the gag and get it inflated it basically lock me in the saddle. I don’t think I need a vibrating one, the canter of the horse should keep me turned on.

My second idea is to take a pair of jeans and split the seam just below the button line, then when I stuff myself with gag on my modified saddle I can go riding down by the road and nobody will ever know. And even if I have to get off of the horse the split will be so small and far down on my jeans no one will able to see it.

The locals haves seen me ride alone road before so, it would seem normal for them see me, but what they don’t know is why I’m smiling so much, and that under my bulky oversize sweatshirt my boobs are bound quit tight and the trotting of the horse really gets them flopping around, I can hardly wait to give this a try with my new intruder installed. Plus my new jewelry. (you’ll see it later)

Scenario 1
I have been into self-bondage for quite some time, about five years, will I have always wanted a chastity belt, so about three years ago I bought one, a very expensive one.

Over the years I have use it, but for short periods, my maximum time has grown from an hour to two days. So I decided it was time to go for three days, the first step was to find a way to keep the key out of reach so I couldn’t change my mind. The way I was going to use was to mail the key to myself, to see if this would work I mailed myself four different letters on four different dates, all four letters arrived in three days, I was set. So Monday morning I mailed the key, (should arrive on Thursday) and proceeded to get started. First was the corset, I got it as tight as I could.

Then, my first mistake, as an after thought I decided to use one my nubby dildos, didn’t think it would all that bad, next came the stocks, and the belt, will when the lock clicked shut I got quit a rush, my whole body seemed to tremble, but now. I was stuck…. At this time I started with some of other bondage stuff to secure my fate for the day, cuffs, rope, spreader bar, ball gag, and a few other items, after about an hour I had myself in a very tight hog-tie. It took me almost four hour and two naps or maybe I passed out from exhaustion, and I lost count of the orgasms the dildo caused, before I made it to living room where the keys to cuffs were, but finally got myself out of the hog-tie. Cleaner myself up sat down and watch some TV knowing I now had only two and a half days left in the belt.

Things went sort of normal, for the next two days except when I walk more than a few steps; the dildo would set things off and really make my knees go limp. So I learned real fast to plan all of my trips around the house, so I could the most done per trip, cutting the number of trips I would have to make. Thursday I drove to the mailbox to get the key, it was NOT there…. One more day in this damn belt, acutely it wasn’t the belt as much as the dildo restricting my movements. On Friday I again drove to the mailbox to get the key, it wasn’t there…panic… My only option was to go into town and get the spare key out of the safety deposit box at the bank, so off to town.

Walking into bank was quit an experience, I felt like I was wobbling with each step, and everybody seemed to be staring at me with a very strange look on their face (maybe I was just a little paranoid). Got the key and headed home, got home and to my surprise, and want a surprise the key didn’t work…. I forgot that I had changed to a better lock. Saturday no key, and that’s when my problems really started, my period started one week early, I think the dildo may have caused this to happen, I don’t know, but it did HAPPEN and I couldn’t stop it…. I spent the weekend ether in the shower or sitting on a plastic sheet crying. And with the blotting that comes with my period the belt and corset increased the pressure on my abdomen going from tight to extreme discomfort. I was able to loosen the corset a little but I couldn’t get it off.

Monday the key arrived, and once I got myself free and cleaned up I decide to become a virgin again and never try that again, these thought only lasted a few days. Now things really start going bad. A few days later I started have extreme pain I my belly. Went to the doctor and found out that I had a MAJOR infection, spent two weeks in the hospital. Now I try ALL of the keys before I try anything new. The belt by it’s self is very comfortable, and easy to wear for extended periods of time. In fact I still wear it almost all of the time when I out of the house, under a sundress, jumper, or skirts it is totally undetectable, under jeans you can see the outline of the belt and the lock.

WARNING: If you ever try any self-bondage always make sure everything works…. No one should ever have to experience the pain, discomfort and embarrassment I went through. You may think that I’m a little obsessed with bondage, well I’m not into it 24/7, maybe 16/6. But through bondage I have been able to come into complete understanding of my body, mind, and soul, it’s a total feeling of well-being. I love myself; therefore I can love others.

Scenario 2
Today was going to be an “AMNADA DAY”. I had planned to go to the beauty parlor and get my nail, hair and the works done. Will it never happened, I’ve been planning a self-bondage scenario for about two weeks, so I decided to change it to NIKE day, and JUST DO IT.

About two weeks ago I took a five gallon paint bucket, filled about half full of water, then placed A 30 inch wooden dowel in the center, and also placed one of the keys to my cuff with a heave piece of cord tied to it, and place it in the water, letting the cord hang out. Next I placed the bucket dowel and key in the freezer I have in the barn. A few days ago I took the bucket out of the freezer and drilled four,  ½ inch hole around the base, then I attached an old dildo onto the end of the dowel, and put everything back in the freezer.

I had a few more cups of coffee, and during this time is when my plans changed. I decided to try out my plan, I gathered up what I would need for the scenario, and then got dress, garter belt, stockings, heels, and my full upper torso harness, and processed to the barn. In the barn there is an electric winch that I use to lift bail of hay up to the loft. I took out the frozen bucket and placed under the winch and just in front of the winch controller. Then I locked my two-foot spreader bar to my ankles, knelt down straddling the bucket and connected the center of the bar to a “D” ring on the back of the harness, putting me into a semi- hog-tie. Then I connected the hooks from the winch cable to the “D” rings on the shoulder of the harness, next I placed new batteries in the dildo and turn it to low (last Longer). Next I placed my nipple clamps with a one-ounce weight, one on each nipple. Now I put my cuffs on the left wrist only. Then I took the winch controller and slowly started to raise my self up about three feet off of the ground placing myself directly over the dildo. Then the fun part, I then started lowering my self until the dildo had impaled me with its entire length. At this time I almost stopped. As the hummer was buzzing in me I started to flinch and this caused the nipple clamps and weights to (it felt like) rip my nipples off, and I started to feel something building with in me.

I released the winch controller and it swung out about a foot in front of me, still time to change my mind, but NO, I reach behind myself an snapped the of other cuff on my right wrist, sealing my fate. There I was hog-tied, suspended, and my hummer lifting me to several orgasms, (a lot running down my inner thighs). Every time I moved I felt both pain (form the clamps) and pleasure (from the dildo), talk about mixed emotions. But the good part is, and I didn’t plan it, the bucket was in such a position that that the sun would shine on it and the coffee that I drank causing me to have to pee a lot, melting the ice a little faster than I thought. After about two hours the two of them two gather melted the ice enough that the cuff key to come lose from the ice. I got out of the cuffs, reach for the controller, lifted my self of my intruder. Now the sun is starting to go down and I’m inside freshly shower and by the fireplace with a glass of wine, and dreaming of my next scenario.

Scenario 3
Sometime back I tried and experiment with boobs bondage.
Well, that day started off kinda yucky, but really turned out nice after all. So I decide to try an experiment with being inverted. Got my self-ready, put on my bra-less corset and
tighten it until I could hardly breath, god it felt good, stockings and boots, needed boots for this one. Gathered my tools for the day and headed for the barn.

Once in the barn I screwed an “I” bolt into the floor just under my winch. Now all I had to do was the bondage part, first
I secured the 2-foot spreader bar to my ankles, and then I knelt down over the “I” bolt and attached the cable from the winch to the center hook on the spreader bar behind me. Next I took one of the 10 foot pieces of rope and started tightly wrapping it round my left boob about 6 or 7 time and pull it tight and the tied the ends in secure knot.

Next came the right boob, now it looked like I had a pair of grapefruits (not really that big, maybe oranges) attached to, and throbbing on my chest. At this point I took the 6-foot piece of rope and slipped it through all of the loops of my boob ropes and let both ends hang down about three feet, now I tied the two ends to the “I” bolt in the floor.

Beings this was a test I cuffed myself with my hands in front, just in case. Glad I did. Turned vibrator on, slowly inserted it, then reaches up and got the controller for the winch, and pushes the up button. As my legs started up I fell forward landing hard on my oranges; it really knotted the wind out of me. But I continued, now here I’m suspended and the rope holding my boobs to the floor was starting to get tight and pulling them up, or down depending on which way you were looking.

Now (I think my boobs were near my shoulders, and really starting to throb), is when I noticed that with all of the blood rushing to my head I starting to get a severe headache. With my boobs throbbing and the headache the vibrator wasn’t doing anything for me. In fact with all of the discomfort I almost forgot about it being in me and running on high.

After about 2 or 3 minutes inverted, Experiment over!!!!! But forgetting that I was upside down,I pushed the wrong button on the controller, and I went up about two more inches before I could stop. Ouch.. With all of the screaming I guess I should have had a gag. Immediately I got the other button and started down. I learned several things, I don’t like inverted, and the world really looks different when you’re upside down. Plus with extra two inches of “up”, (I maybe a “D” cup now) I could have almost suck my own nipples. After this I went back into the house and took a long hot bath and massaged my very sore boobs. On my list of “things to do” inverted has been schatched off.

Scenario 4
I had a very bad experience. Let me back up some, as you
probably remember Last Oct. Linda and I where going to Yuma to visit Lori. Trip started out fine; we spent the first night in Phoenix AZ and on to Yuma the next day. That night we just sat around and did girl-talk, and a bottle of wine (as you remember Linda is, or should I now say WAS, straight and vanilla). As Lori and I talked the word “Bondage” crept in to the conversation, Linda didn’t say anything, but later she started asking questions, and so your week started. The next
morning after breakfast Lori said she had something new for us to try, and as you know I’m willing to try almost anything. I said OK, Linda said nothing, I guess she was a little apprehensive about all of this.

Shortly after this Lori came back into the kitchen with a small bag, she told me to strip, and without a thought or question, I did. As she opened the bag we saw that there
were two wooden plugs, both about 1  ½ inch in diameter, one about 6 inches long the other about 8 inches, at the base of the plugs there was a bolt sticking out about 2 inches. Lori told me to bend over,at this time she slid the well lubricated 6 inch plug into my rectum, then I was to stand up as she then push the vaginal plug in.

Then Lori told me to sit down in my chair (it was a very heavy wooden captain’s chair). What I didn’t seen before was in the seat of the chair there were two hole drilled through the seat area of the chair, as I sat the two bolts were positioned so they went though the two holes. I was told to sit very still, while Lori reached under the chair and slid a washer onto both of the bolts, and then put a nut on them. As she started to
tighten the nuts I could feel the tips of the plugs moving closer and closer.

When she finished tightening the nuts if felt like the tips of the plug were almost touching, needless to say I was impaled and NOT getting out of this chair, until Lori undid the nuts. All I could do was wiggle and complain; (the gag stopped the complaining). Next Lori asked Linda help her; they both took
some leather straps and secured my wrist to the arms of the captain's chair. Then my legs were spread apart and the ankles were strapped to legs of the chair.

Now totally immobile all I could do was glare at them. Linda was really starting to get into this now, she could see me trying to move, but all in vain, I wasn’t going anywhere. Linda noticed something, and asked Lori to go into the living room with her for a minute, when they came back Linda had a piece of rope about 8 feet long. Linda then tied the ends of the rope to my breast binding. Then she stood up on a chair
and hooked the center part of the rope over a plant-hanging hook that was just above the chair I was sitting in. This pulled my boobs up until my nipples seemed like they were even with my shoulders. Not knowing what was next, I was very surprised when they rolled a TV in front of me,They then placed a video tape in the VCR under the TV, and told me that they were to go to the Mall and would be back in a couple of hours.

Then they started the tape and left, the tape had FOUR 30 minute bandage scenarios on it, my the time they got back home I had drool running out of my mouth and I was sitting in a large pool of my own juices. At this time I was starting to get real HORNY, I need my vibrator bad and NOW, but that was not to happen yet. They untied my boobs, and lifted the chair and me out onto the patio, and then they removed the gag, and gave me some wine.

After a few of glasses of wine I asked how much longer I had to stay this way? The gag went back in… By now I have been impaled in the chair and unable to move for about four hours and I really had to pee. Then it happened I couldn’t hold it any longer, (messy). As they were laughing Lori went and got a hose, and went to work trying to clean me off. Having enough fun by now they released me from the chair, and sent me to the bathroom to clean myself up. After dinner Lori came in and said that I was not going to be allowed to play with myself, showing me one of the chastity belts I had brought with me. Linda then pulled my arms behind me and put on a pair of cuffs on me.

Then Lori crammed one of the largest vibrators I had ever seen in to my, and immediately locked the chastity belt on me, and turned it ON. I was then taken to the bedroom, placed on the bed and had my ankles tied the bed posts at the foot of the bed, Lori and Linda then left the room turning off the light, leaving my in total darkness. I don’t know how many orgasms I had before batteries ran out or I passed out.

In the morning they came in and released be from the bed and the belt and I was allowed to clean up and join they for breakfast. After breakfast, we decided since I was such a good sport yesterday, that I could choose who would get all of the fun today. Linda won.. Lori and I started on Linda, securing her to the chair, plugs and all. I don’t think she was having as much fun as I had had the day before, but such is life.
Linda doesn’t have nipple rings so to help her sit still we put a head harness on her and tied it to the ceiling.

In order to give her nipple some stimulation Lori brought out a pair of vibrating nipple clamps. (Linda really started to winch and complain when they were put on) The gag stopped a lot of that noise. Being she hadn’t seen the video yesterday, I thought it would a good start for Linda. Lori and I didn’t go to the Mall, we just sat there laughing and watching
Linda squirm and try to look away from the TV.

After about 45 minutes she stopped squirming, and her whole body got tense, as she was trying to push the plugs deeper into herself, after two or three orgasms she went total limp, and tears started to run down her cheeks. Lori and I thought
that might be enough for the first time, so we started to untie her, but as we removed the gag, the only word out of her mouth was NO NO. We turn the video back on and she immediately started thrashing around as much as she could on the plugs.

In order to keep her stimulated we attached a large vibrator to the end of the bolt of the vaginal plug, what caused her to sit up and take notice. After dinner Linda was allowed to clean up, then Lori and I tied her spread eagle on the
bed for a good night’s sleep. Lori’s day, after breakfast, Linda and tried to dream up something special for Lori. Lori had designed the chair, but had never been able to use it that was our starting point.

After impaling Lori to the chair, we put on a full head hood
with mouth plug and a headset. Through the headset we played and tape of a woman moaning as she had one orgasm after another. And with small feathers we tickled her nipple until they were so hard they could burst. The way she was moaning I think she liked her chair. But by now the CHAIR was starting to get old. Linda and I took Lori out f the chair, and with her hands stretched above her head I rapped several loops of rope around each of her boobs making look like a pair grapefruit. We then placed a corset on Lori, pulling it until Lori could hardly breath and her boobs were so big that they almost popped out.

Then I put the large vibration dildo in her and locked with the chastity belt, now her legs were starting to get rubbery. Linda and I how dressed Lori, stocking, skirt, blouse, and A nice pair of high heels. Cuffing her hands behind her we loaded into the car, and off to the Mall. At the Mall we removed the hood and the cuffs, brushed her hair and fixed
the make-up. As I helped her out of the car I turned the vibrator ON, and in the three of us walked. Lori was walking sort of funny, the vibrator was doing a great job, and we had to stop several times so she could compose herself.

During one our many stops I noticed something running down Lori’s legs. So our next stop was at the drugstore were we bought Lori some Kotex and a pair of panties. After a couple of orgasms Lori started to squish when she walked but now
there wasn’t any dripping. Linda and I smiled. We ate dinner at Chili’s in the Mall and then went home. After we got home we untied her boobs, hey were starting to turn a little blue, changed her pad.

Bedtime, we cuffed Lori hands behind her back, I remove the chastity belt, and dildo, put in one that plugs into the wall, and replaced the belt. Then Linda and I tied her ankles
together, and with the lose ends of the rope, looped around the cuffs, pulling her into a hog-tie. Put her on the Bed plugged the dildo in, turned it on, and said GOOD NIGHT, turned off the lights and closed the door. The next morning Linda went in to get Lori, unplugging the vibrator and releasing the hog-tie, Lori was so spent she couldn’t
walk, it took both of us to get her out of bed and into the kitchen.

For the next few days we experimented with new ideas, and some self-bondage, which I’m good at. All in all it was a fantastic time. Before we left for Santa Fe Linda said she had a
good friend in Las Vegas, and we should go see her. So off to Vegas, after arriving at her Tracy’s house, we settled for a nights sleep and so rest after the past week.Now for the bad part, What we didn’t know was that Tracy’s boyfriend had a meth-lab in the basement,and that night the place was raided by the police. Guilt by association. After the hearing Linda
and I spent 120 days in the Clark county jail. But we’re home now.
Scenario 5
The day started off good, and got better. After breakfast I got dress, corset with  ½ cups, really makes my boobs stand up straight and tall, they seem to say “here I am, look at me”. Then my C-belt, stockings and heels. For outerwear I decide on a very professional looking gray suit with sort of pink blouse. Went into town for a meeting at the bank, had a lot on my mind so I don’t even know what the meeting was about. Went to lunch at “Vanessie of Santa Fe” all during lunch my thoughts were on my nipples, strange thing for lunch thoughts. But for sometime I have been thinking about getting my nipples pierced. After lunch I went to a piercing parlor that had been recommended. While there I told the owner what I wanted but that I was a little apperceive about having it done, he told me that there and alternative to piercing, and that is nipple rings. He show me several that he had in stock, and I found one that really look great, but I wanted them with little bells on the end instead of tassel’s, He said he would order the bells and install them later when they came in. Guess what, I DID IT. If you haven’t ever had it done, it’s very simple and basically pain free, the two glasses of wine at lunch might have helped. What they do is attach a small suction tube over the nipple and suck it into the tube, making it very slim but long, then he slide the ring down the tube to the base of the nipple. At this time he releases the suction, and the nipple goes back to its normal size trapping the ring on at the base. I don’t know how long it last, but mine are still as hard as a rock, and the sensitivity and sensation is about twice as high as it was before, hope this feeling doesn’t go away. It’s a great alternative to piercing, no blood, no pain, and a great feeling. Got home and striped down, now I find I can’t stop looking at them. Touching, and playing with them put me in another world… WOW…. The chain will be a great place to add weight, next time when I tie my boobs-up.

That’s enough for now, going to go play, my mind is really somewhere else, typing is not number one on list of things to do. But I couldn’t wait to tell and show my new toy.

Here’s scenario a friend sent me, it sounds great but HE will never see this happen, would you like to try this on me??
Stairway to Ecstasy

It is about 8AM on Sunday as we begin our journey. The air feels cool and crisp. We drive to my warehouse, which is closed for the day. The streets are deserted. As we enter the driveway you notice that there are woods on both sides of the warehouse. I unlock the gate, and drive to the back. The woods wrap behind the large paved lot at the rear of the warehouse. Two large steel rollup doors face the back lot, one with a loading dock, and the other with a drive-in ramp.

We walk around the side of the building, lock the gate behind us, and enter the warehouse through the side door. With the car parked out back, no one will realize we are there.
Once in the warehouse we can see the long rows of appliances stacked high, the ceiling about 23 feet over us. The skylights let plenty of light in. It is then that you first spot the moveable stairway. It is painted bright orange, has 2 small wheels at the base of the stairs to allow quick turning. Two large wheels at the back support the weight. About 40 stairs lead you up between two side rails to a platform at the top.

You approach the stairs and touch the cold steel of the side rails. You notice that the platform is about 15 feet above you, and from the top you could easily reach up and touch the light fixtures hanging from the ceiling.

You begin to feel the chill of the air inside the metal building, on top of a smooth cold concrete floor. Under your long coat, you wear only a black garter belt, sheer black nylons, black pumps, and a gold chain, which hangs between the clamps attached to your erect nipples.I remove the camera from my bag, and take a few pictures of you. You elegance and erotic beauty in the cold, stark surroundings of the warehouse, is breathtaking.

I remove your coat. My admiration of you beauty is witnessed by the way I run my hands over your body, kiss your lips, and pull on your nipple chain. You pose in various positions around the warehouse, on the ladder, and on the forklift. Your eyes, expressions, and movements tease me. It is now time for me to tease you.

From my bag I pull leather wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, collar, thigh cuffs, a waist belt, a leather leash, more clamps, weights, rope, a butt plug, a curved G-spot vibrator, a riding crop, elastic bands, a spray bottle, and a blindfold. I take off your pumps, your nylons, and your garter belt.

You must be completely naked so that I may adorn your body in other ways. You are not completely naked however, as the gold chain is still suspended from your lovely breasts. I take a few pictures of your nakedness in all its beauty before we proceed. I then begin to adorn you. The leather collar
around your neck, wrist and ankle cuffs secured thigh cuffs, waist belt, and a weight hung from the chain between your breasts. I squeeze, kneed, and pet your flesh as I do this. Also an occasional pull on the nipple chain for good measure.

I photographed you in various stages of your adornment. I secure your cuffed wrists to your waist belt. The last thing you see me pull from the bag, before I blindfold you, as chrome cock ring. I attach the leash to your collar, and lead you up the metal stairs slowly. The steps are full of holes so that you don’t slip. You take each upward step with caution, your feet becoming tender and somewhat painful.

I have grasped the leash right at your collar to help steady you during your ascent. You seem to be counting in your mind, realizing that the 40 steps to the platform may take awhile. We reach the top, and I hold your waist firmly, as I turn you around. I detach your wrist cuffs from the waist belt, and with rope then secure your wrist cuffs to the top of the ladder’s side rails.

I then have you sit on the top step. I carefully tie rope to the side rings on your waist belt, thigh cuffs, and ankle cuffs. In then run the other ends of each rope over the side rails. Vertical supports on the rails prevent the rope from sliding, and allow me to gradually suspend your body parallel to the rails. You are glad to be off your feet at least, and you feel weightlessness as your body is suspended at a 45-degree angle, between the rails.

I then detach the weight from the chain between your nipples. I then run an elastic band through the center link in the chain. Placing a hook on each end of the band, I then place the hooks over the side rails. This pulls your breasts upwards and outwards towards the rails. Other clamps are placed on your labia, with similar bands hooked to your thigh cuffs. I insert the butt plug and the curved G-spot vibrator into you, after lubricating you first with the spray bottle filled
with a mixture of baby oil and water.

I then spray down your entire body, spreading the oil and water with my hands, kneading your flesh, tweaking your nipples between my fingertips, and moving the vibrator in and out of you. In your exposed condition, every slight movement you make sends an electric- like shock through your body, combining pain and pleasure.

I then walk down the stairs, release the brake on the ladder, and wheel you around the warehouse for a while. I am sure that in your blindfolded condition, you mind is visualizing your tour, and what an erotic presence you have brought to this normally boring environment.

As your mind starts to drift, you are occasionally brought back to reality when we hit a bump in the road, and your
nipple and labia clamps remind you of your situation. I then set the brake on the ladder, and walk back up to you. You had almost forgotten about the riding crop! You suddenly remember it when you feel it’s first sharp touch on your stomach. What seems like an hour passes as the smacks from the crop came both light and sharp.

I remind you not to flinch too hard, or you might expel your
butt plug or vibrator. You are also becoming aware of the sound of the shutter opening and closing on my camera. Your mind begins to create a mental image of what the pictures will look like. I sense a smile from your lips, and I smile myself in realizing that you really do know how beautiful and erotic you look. I am so tempted to put down my camera, strip, put on the cock ring, and masturbate myself until I come all over your beautiful suspended body. But then the rest of my plans for you might not unfold. And we wouldn’t want that, would we?

I decide to walk down the stairs and leave you to your thoughts for a while. After a time I hear the sound of the vibrator tumbling down the stairs. You had obviously slipped off into a dreamlike state, and forgot your obligation to keep a grasp on things. I walked up the stairs, spray bottle in hand. After spraying you down until your skin glistened and beaded water dripped off your suspended body, I walked down the stairs and headed to the back rollup door with the ramp. You could hear the chain clanking over the pulley as the door was raised.

I then released the brake on the stairs, and wheeled you out the back door into the sunlight. Your mind was filled with
excitement as you felt the warmth of the afternoon sun hit your oiled body. Was this lot as private as it seemed, or could others view your helplessness? I set the brake, and then walked up the stairs. I replaced the vibrator that you had so carelessly misplaced. Turned it on slow speed, misted your
body again with the spray bottle, and reminded you that you must keep things intact.

I then hopped in my car and drove off, leaving you to wonder if I was returning with refreshment, or leaving you for the morning crew when they opened the warehouse. The afternoon heat caused you to drift into a deep sleep. Exposed as you were, the threat of being spotted by others now excited you. After all, you were not from this area, and any strangers
that saw you would just be added to the many you had graced with your beauty, sensuality, and eroticism.

Your dreams were filled with thoughts of how many men and women had masturbated to orgasm with you on their minds. You were then gradually awakened from your dreams as you felt a cool spray on your body. Blindfolded, you could only react. I had returned and turned on the hose that we used to wash our trucks behind the warehouse. At first I sprayed you gently,
as if rain droplets were falling on your beautiful outstretched body.

I then walked up the stairs with the hose in hand, increasing the spray to what must have felt like a fire hose being turned
on you. I pulled the clamps from your labia and nipples, and you began to swing side to side as if escaping the torrent of water that was upon you. I removed your blindfold, and gazed into eyes that were filled with excitement, anger, and perhaps hatred. I was naked, and held one hand up with the cock ring on my index finger. I dropped the hose, placed the ring over my cock, and began to masturbate myself to an erection. I then rubbed the head of my cock against your wet and oiled pussy, using a free hand to grasp you, fondle you, and tweak your nipples. I leaned over you, kissing you deeply. I then stood erect, grasping your buttocks, and plunged myself deep into you. Your body swayed suspended from the ropes.

I could feel you pressing against me as you pulled on the ropes attached to your ankles and wrists. We both exploded into a wonderful orgasm. After holding on to you for what in my opinion was not long enough, I reluctantly walked down the stairs and wheeled you back into the warehouse. I then took a few more pictures of you suspended, wet, and dripping. An erotic contrast to your elegance in our first pictures.

But pictures that would definitely excite me, and I trust would excite you. Next time we would also have to run a video camera. I then released you. You took a few pictures of me, and I’m sure the smile on my face and the look in my eyes expressed my satisfaction. We then took a few pictures of us together, hugging, and kissing. Both totally satisfied, spent, and waiting or our next adventure.

I seemed to see a glimmer in your eye that made me realize, and desire, a turnabout! And to say the least, we had a lot of pictures to view together, as you were left to your own imagination being blindfolded the entire time.

THESE STORIES ARE VERY VERY TRUE. There arre many more scenario’s that I can tell you about. If you want to learn more about me you can go to the web site and enter as a guest,it’s free, then do search a for “AMANDA69”,I’ll be waiting for you. There are more photo's on my site at, hope you enjoy them.

Also if you want to see more of Lori, you find her at the same site, search for “thenewlori” . If you want to tell me about your self leave a message in the review, with a method to contact you, and I get back to you SOON.

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