Might I Ask A Favor?

Most of you know me as Gwen, but recently I realize that when someone uses that name on me it is particulary jarring. Gwen (Gwinn) was my male name, and my ear does not hear a difference between the two. In real life, everyone knows me as Khadijah. I won't bother you with the correct pronunciation as my throat can not form the sounds either. I heard a woman say it properly the other day. NOPE, ain't happening! LOL

Those of you who talk to me on skype, and in person, and there seem to be more and more, could I prevail upon you to call me Khadijah (KA DEE Ja)? I would consider it a great favor, and it's use will help me to heal from the trauma associated with my old name.

I am not even going to bother ADMIN with the idea of changing it everywhere, as I would like to be able to sit down tonight.

Thank you Very Much. :)


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