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Other Keywords:
The Care and Feeding of Your Dragon
The Chronicles of the Dragons of Yoth
by Leigh Richards
Chapter one:
The Tomb
The man stood in complete darkness. A second ago a massive lightning bolt had hit the roof, which was now aflame, and all power had flickered and died. Standing in indecision for all of two heartbeats he moved to the window. He was on the main floor and all that had held him before was the electrified mesh. He threw a glass of water at the window and nothing but wetting the glass happened. He grabbed the mesh and with all his remaining strength ripped it out. The window itself was easy to open. He jumped out and ran as fast as he could for the forest beyond.
He was free!
Now he had to put some distance between himself and those insane people behind him. It took ten minutes at his fastest run to get to the outskirts of the forest and once hidden by a few yards of trees he collapsed gasping for air. Those insane people had whittled his body down by 50% at least. If he had to go any further he would not have made it. He rolled over from all fours to his back and could still see darkness from where he had come. Good. That meant the power was still out. He wouldn't be missed yet.
Several minutes had passed and the dark spots pounding in the corners of his eyes had faded and his breathing wasn't quite as ragged. He stumbled to his feet and continued into the forest. The more trees he could put between him and them would make him feel better.
His old wood lore came to the fore as he almost silently moved through the underbrush. It not for the ridiculous puffed out crinolines under his little girl dress he could have been a lot quieter. The pain from his back and legs, where he had recently received another canning, kept him awake. That house, that mad house he had just escaped from was run by lunatics. Sadistic lunatics. A day had not gone by when they had not deluged him with physical or mental pain. He had thought, at first, that he had died and gone to hell. In some of the tidbits he heard from his tormentors it was apparent that his Wife and her Sister had sent him here to either kill him or change him into a she-male maid for their household. He was livid.
Suddenly he came to a halt. What was that noise? Sounded like a wounded animal up ahead. That could be dangerous on two levels. One: The noise could bring the guards from the house. Two: The animal in that much pain could be willing to take a chunk out of him.
He even more quietly moved forward to see and almost burst out laughing. There in a small clearing in front of a cabin was an old man in a bathrobe hopping on one foot with the other trapped in what seemed to be a bear trap. The expletives coming from the older fellow were impressive. Even as a retired naval officer he had never heard most of them. Some even sounded to be from languages he had never heard before. That was impressive as well as he had been around the world.
Now what to do? Help the old fellow and lose his time advantage over the guards or continue and put as much distance between them as he could? A small war broke out in his head. Priorities over ethics. Priorities never had a chance as he was without doubt one of the last boy-scouts. He carefully approached the old guy making enough noise so as to not startle him and made a show of holding out his hands palms up to show he was unarmed.
The old man cocked his head to one side, smiled in a fatherly way, and asked, as if nothing was wrong. “Yes my dear, how may I help you?”
“Actually I was going to help you, sir.”
“Ah! Now that would be most appreciated.”
Bending over, knowing how ridiculous he looked, he attempted to open the huge jaws of the trap. He was just not up to the task. “I am so sorry sir but I do not have the strength to do this alone. We will have to work together. I know this will hurt you but you need to stand on the injured leg and use your good leg to help me open the trap. Feel free to lean on me to take as much weight off your bad foot. Okay?”
The old man nodded at the logic and grimacing with pain did as he was instructed. With a grunt he managed to put one foot on one side of the trap jaws and the rescuer did the same with the other side. Slowly the trap opened and as soon as possible the old fellow yanked his foot out. Promptly he fell to the ground with a grunt right next to his erstwhile rescuer.
Laughing, they helped each other up and he helped the old guy into his cabin. “If you have any first aid supplies I will try to do what I can for your foot.”
“Ah! Lass, that would be very nice. You can find them over there by the towels and such. Ahhh! Not to seem rude, especially after your heroic rescue but what on earth are you wearing young lady?”
While wrapping the old man's food in gauze, his face scarlet from embarrassment, he tried to explain his predicament.
“So you're an escaped felon are ye?
“No sir. I have never done any thing illegal in my life. My wife and her sister had me placed in that place to either die or become their brainwashed maid. I would rather die than return there!”
“Well then what do I call ye?”
“My name is, please do not laugh, Zochan (pronounced Zo Can.) Delacourt.”
“THE Zochan Delacourt. The self made multi-millionaire?”
With his head down he whispered. “Not any more. Not after what that beast did to me. I am a women now. That crazy thing did something to me yesterday and this morning when I woke up my male parts were gone. It will be hard for me to prove who I am and those two bitches that sent me here will get the lot.” Much to his and the old man's discomfort Zochan started to cry.
Zochan suddenly stopped crying. “You and I have to get out of here. That place had guards and I am sure that the power is back on. They can probably track me. They implanted enough crap into me.” He got up and grabbed the old man and put one arm on his shoulder to help him bear the weight off his wounded foot when the old man pulled back. “Not necessary lass, no one will hurt either of us here.”
“Oh! My! GOD!” Cried Zochan. “You're not with them are you?” He berated himself. How stupid! Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
The fear evident on 'her' face Zochan looked for another escape other than the way they had come in. The old man saw the fear and tried to calm his rescuer down. “Nay lass. No one is going to harm you. Yes I am the benefactor of Lady Ruby but we have a contract that only tried and convicted felons are send here. Someone has been stirring my pot and I am not pleased. Please come with me and I will determine if you are telling me the truth or not.”
Looking around at the small two room cabin Zochan was justifiably confused as to where they would go. The old man went to spot about center room and using a broom stick he had brought hit a spot on the floor. With a subterranean grumble a hole appeared and an elevator cab rose up into the room. Turning to his startled guest with a grin he bowed her in first. Cautiously she advanced closely enough to see that it was indeed a normal elevator on the inside. She entered reluctantly, as she still was unsure as to the motives of the old guy but for some unknown reason trusted him. You didn't make 60 million dollars in any business by not being able to read people. The old guy got in behind her and pushed the button marked 'LAB'. Down they went.
After what seemed to be an hour, (only ten minutes.) they arrived at their destination. Zochan rubbernecked around. She had never seen such an extensive laboratory in her life. Her perusal of the huge room was cut short when the old guy took her arm and guided her over to a plate that had extended out from a machine. “Just put you're hand on that Lass, and try not to move until it has scanned you completely. When it beeps you can take your hand off. Okay?” He smiled reassuringly at her as she followed his instructions. A thin line of light traveled across her palm and she could feel a tingle.
“Why does it tingle?”
“Sorry Lass, I should ha' told ye. This is one of my greatest inventions. Not only does it scan your finger and palm print but it also does blood analysis without taking a drop of blood. Quite painless, yes?” The old man seemed quite pleased with himself. He turned from Zochan and stared at a computer readout for a few minutes. “By the Stars!” He exclaimed. The plate had beeped and Zochan had removed her hand only to be grabbed by the old man from the back.
Thinking she was being attacked she screamed and tried to fight back. “Ach! I'm sorry Lassie, I dinna mean to frighten you.” His Scottish brogue was very apparent when he got excited. “You are indeed who you say you are and you have no criminal record, not even a parking ticket, but the most important thing is you are what I have been searching for the last thirty years! And you just dropped into my lap so to speak.”
“Sir, please, you are hurting me. What have you been looking for for so long?”
The old fellow released Zochan as if she had burst into flame. “Sorry again Lass. Give me a few minutes to take care of a few things and I will tell you a fascinating story about your Ancestors.” He turned to a flat bed that looked like a tanning bed and making a few adjustments beckoned her over.
She came over to him muttering, “My ancestors? How would you know my ancestors?”
“All in good time Lass, now lay down.... wait let's get that ridiculous garb off'n ye first. I have a lab coat you can wear after but I need you nude on this scanner. Now don't worry! I've seen my share of winsome lasses in my time so don't be shy. We have to get those nasty implants out of you now don't we?”
Zochan wasted no time in removing what to her was a hated uniform. Not even caring if she ripped anything she had divested herself in two minutes flat. She stood there panting from the effort but very glad to be rid of it. Turning to the bed she lay down on her back as directed by the old fellow and watched as he pulled a top down over her. Again a line of light, a little wider this time, scanned her from her feet to her head. She could feel little popping sensations in her buttocks and lower back then her shoulders and finally her lower neck. The scan went back down her body the opposite way but she felt nothing. The cover lifted and she looked up into the beaming face of the old man.
“Well Lass, you'll be happy to know that I have removed all those wee nasties from ye. I am ashamed to say that they were of my design but they were never meant to be used on the innocent. Here get covered up.” He handed her a Lab coat and she put it on as she got up and off the scanner. Looking down at her new body as she covered it with the Lab coat she had to admit it was very good looking just not his, well her, body.
“So to whom do I have honor to thank for freeing me of all those things in my body?”
“Ach! Sorry Lass. My manners have fell by the wayside. I don't entertain lovely young Lassies like yourself anymore. As to your question I am The Professor Emile Moriarty The Third!”
He bowed toward Zochan. “But I would be pleased if you would call me Emile. We can't very well be calling such a winsome lass as yourself Zochan either so what if I just call you Zo?”
“Zo? Well sure. That seems to fit me for some reason. I like it. Yes Zo it is.” She turned and smiled to Emile. “Now Emile, you were about to explain how you know my ancestors.”
“Yes, of course my dear, but first a few important details to sort out. We do not wish to be disturbed do we?” He turned to a panel on the wall, pushed a button, and waited.
A voice came from the speaker. “Yes Sir.”
“Ah! Barnes is it?”
“Yes Sir it is. Is there a problem there. We had a little problem up here and one of the inmates has escaped. Please be careful if you run into any strangers. Especially young ladies. Our inmate has yet to go through the reconditioning process yet and so could be quite volatile.”
“Thank you Barnes. I must ask you though. How much do you know of your escaped felon?”
“Well nothing personal Sir. You know we only operate on a need to know basis up here.”
“Good. I am glad Barnes, then you will be excused from any disciplinary action.”
“Are you sitting down Mr. Barnes?” To be called Mr. by the great Professor himself did not bode well.
“I am now Sir.”
“Good. This escapee you refer to is my guest at this moment. Now before you say or do anything please listen to what I have to say!”
“Very good Sir. Is all okay down there?”
“Yes quite thank you. I have determined this person's Identification and have found that not only was he a pillar of the community but had never gotten so much as a parking ticket. In short Mr. Barnes, an innocent. I am not pleased. This is what I want you to do. Without causing undo pain or death stop any procedures now running on other felons, Make sure all is secure and take two of your best men with you and get Lady Ruby and bring her to the transportation site. Notify me when ready and I'll bring you here. Do not let her talk you out of anything. As of now she is a public person and does not work for me any more. Is that understood?”
“Yes Sir. I know who signs my pay cheque sir. We will be at the transport point in ten minutes. Out!” There was a clink sound and the professor turned to me.
“Now we can get to the bottom of all this sordid affair. I must apologize for how you have been treated. I am sorry to say that even with all my technology I will not be able to change you back to what you once were. Not completely at any rate. I do have another possibility though and we shall discuss it over dinner tonight after I take care of this upcoming distasteful chore.
Another beep sounded and the Professor sighed. “Well then, here we go.”
He moved to the center of the lab where there was a round circle of gold surrounding a marble slab and pushed a floor button. A podium rose up and another panel lit up on top. He pushed a series of buttons far too fast for Zo to follow. A beam of light rose up from the golden circle and met the ceiling, A whine of a generator under immense load sounded and slowly four people faded into view in the circle. Their voices could be heard as if from a distance.
“What is the meaning of this of this outrage Barnes? I'll have you down in one of my labs in the morning if you do not release me right now.” Their voices now matched their bodies as they had fully materialized in the room.
“You would, of course, be referring to My labs Lady Ruby?”
“Ah, Professor. Pray tell me what ever is going on.” Her voice had Zo cringing behind the Professor. That hateful voice had Zo terrified. Emile noticed her and gently took her by the hand and helped her up.
“You have nothing to fear my child. Never again will you ever fear anything.” He had almost a reverent tone that completely confused Zo and made it easy for Emile to get her standing and to his side.
“That is the bitch who just escaped. Be careful Emile, She has not been modified!”
“I am fully cognizant of who she is Lady, or should I say who He was. I am sure you already know but allow me to introduce to you your latest victim. Mr. Zochan Delacourt, who, if you took the time to check, is a complete innocent and as such should not be in your hands. How do you explain this...... this travesty?”
“Innocent? Professor I can assure you that she is not who you may think she is.” While talking Lady Ruby had taken out what looked like a T.V. Remote. Pointing it at Zo she pushed some buttons. Zo shrieked and fell to the floor but nothing happened. Zo sat up with her hands to her chest in fear and looked around for a reason why she wasn't dead.
“Och! Lass. Dinna forget I took those wee nasties oot of you?”
Smiling sheepishly Zo allowed Emile to help her back up. “Sorry Emile, but I did forget. That woman there has been the bane of my existence for the last eight months. She just got the better of me for a moment.”
“Never again Lass, never again.” Turning to Lady Ruby he started in on her. “Well Lady Ruby. We have a problem. According to my sources you have been offered a considerable sum to do what you do so well to Zo here from her ex-wife and ex-sister-in-law. If not for an opportune stroke or shall I say strike of fortune I would never had known. At least until the fiscal year end. Did you hope to keep me from finding out or were you going to disappear one evening?”
The Lady Ruby started to sputter but before she could get up a full head of steam the Professor interrupted her. “ We have an agreement my lady, a contract, that these facilities will be used for the modification of incorrigible criminals either Male or Female. You have broken that contract and I dismiss you from your post. I will leave it to the authorities as to whether you are charged with multiple crimes with your two friends or not. I have notified them and they are on their way. Perhaps we will see you on the other end of the equation next time. I am sure you would make a lovely maid. Good bye.” He nodded to Mr. Barnes who nodded back and pushed another button on the pedestal. The four faded from sight with one of them screeching in fear. Turning to Zo he smiled, took her by the hand, and urged her to follow him into the circle as well. There was a blast of light, a tingly sensation, and they were suddenly elsewhere.
Chapter two:
Some clothes, some dinner, and some explanations
Zo found herself in an opulent living room with a cheerful fire in a walk in fireplace, Emile at her side, sighed softly, “Be it ever so humble...” Turning to Zo he took her by the hand and guided her down the hall to a beautiful room. This room was definitely for a younger lady but not overdone in feminine motif. Zo was comfortable in the room. “This used to be my granddaughter's room. I hope you find it comfortable for as long as you are my guest. You will find clothing in the cupboards and under things in the dresser drawers. There is a vanity in the corner. It should still be stocked in various cosmetics and if you so desire to use them do so by all means. The separate bath for this suite is through those doors. Please make yourself at home. I'll send in Marie to help you with dressing. I'll go see to dinner.” He gave a little bow and backed out of the room.
Zo looked around at the, to her, extravagance. She opened the closet doors and was astounded at the variety of clothing, shoes, handbags, et al. She pulled back from the mini mall that was within the closet and went to the bathroom. Again everything was on such a grand scale as to take her aback. She was far from a stranger from the good life as she had the money and her house showed it. It had no comparison to this opulence.
The four head shower stall held her most attention. When was the last time she bathed? She couldn't remember. Checking her armpit she jerked her head back in surprise. What an awful acrid smell. It was a wonder people didn't just keel over in her presence. Yes, a shower was a must. She stripped of the Lab coat as she set up the water stream to her favorite heat and force. Stepping under the streams she yelped in shock. That had hurt! Lowering the heat by half and the force to a gentle mist she once again stepped in. Heaven! She had been transported to heaven. How long she just stood there with her hands on the wall soaking up the warmth she had no idea. With a scream she realized she was no longer alone in the shower.
Twisting in surprise she saw a young girl, maybe twenty-two, naked, with a loofah in one hand and some shower gel in the other. “Does Madam desire to shower alone?”
The total abject fear at her possible dismissal all over her face was all it took for Zo to have pity. “No that is alright. You just frightened me. Please go ahead. Thank you.”
“Oh! No, thank you madam. I take great pleasure in keeping our guests happy.” She had a big smile back on her face and Zo realized that she was very attractive.
“You must be Marie that Emile told me of. Please call me Zo. I am much too young to be a madam. If you are not allowed to call me by name then Miss will suffice. Okay?”
“Yes Miss Zo. The Professor said you were very nice.”
Marie had gently turned Zo and had started to clean her from neck to toes. All the while she chatted on and on about how long she had worked for 'the Professor' and about some of the most incredible places she and 'the Professor' had gone to.
She turned Zo around again and started to clean her front. When she got to the breasts Marie didn't even hesitate. It was as if she had done this all the time. For Zo it was a new experience. She didn't want to get Marie in trouble for refusing this wonderful shower, but she found herself getting really sexually excited. Her groin was pulsing with a gentle growing heat. Her nipples had stood to attention and Marie had seen her reaction and with out a pause in her cleaning started to lick and play with Zo's nipples and breasts.
Zo's head went back against the wall as Marie played her like an instrument. Her first orgasm as a woman was earth shattering. She screamed she was sure. It was the most intense sexual feeling she had ever had. My God! It wasn't over. Marie had just reached her vagina and the feeling was multiplied by a factor of a thousand. When the next three orgasms came she thought she had died and gone to heaven.
Not to be out done and in the sense of fair play Zo grabbed Marie and returned the favors. Soon they were on the shower floor moaning and writhing as the gentle warm mist fell on them from above.
Literally hours later the girls helped each other to stand on rubbery legs. Both smiled sheepishly at each other. Zo was the first to break the silence and in a husky voice made sure that Marie was not going to get in any trouble. “Marie, that was by far the most enjoyable time I have ever had and I can never thank you enough. I do not wish for you to get into any trouble though so we can just keep this between us if you wish?”
“Oh no Miss Zo. What we did was very enjoyable for me as well and 'the Professor' would never mind that we give pleasure to each other. I look forward to many 'showers' with you.” Marie had a cheeky smile on her face and Zo could not resist. Softly she stroked her face and gave Marie a light tender kiss. “As do I Marie, as do I.”
Moments later, dried and powdered, Marie was blow drying Zo's hair. They both chattered on like sisters, or best girlfriends. Soon Marie had Zo dressed in satin undergarments with shear stockings attached to the garter tabs of the waist cincher. It was only taken in an inch but made a world of difference on Zo's figure. Soon dressed in a silk Shantung style dress that truly flattered Zo's body and coloring. A quick trip to the vanity and with just the barest minimum of cosmetics Zo looked like a million dollars. Her hair cascaded down to the middle of her back in gentle natural curves. Finally seeing herself complete for the first time since she was kidnapped she was astounded. She was, all modesty aside, simply gorgeous!
A quick kiss on Marie's cheek and a whispered thanks and Zo headed to the dining room. Again the opulence of this place was mind blowing. It was more in tune for a Czars' palace than someone's home. Once seated by a butler in full livery no less, and receiving rave reviews from Emile, Zo would have happily eaten Macdonald's Hamburgers. The meal, fortunately, was much better than that. A wonderful veal dish with a mushroom sauce, carrots and corn niblets and a baked potato with sour cream and real bacon bits. Where oh where did Zo put all that food?
After the last course of a nice lime sherbet they both got up and headed for what seemed to be a library. Just as they were leaving Zo leaned in to the butler's ear and whispered thanks for the great meal. His ear to ear grin spoke volumes.
Entering the library Zo was struck by the size. There were American towns that had smaller libraries. Also there was a section just for research. Two tables were covered in ancient scrolls and parchments. The computer screens all held pictures of artifacts or text from ancient books and scrolls. It was apparent that Emile was very seriously looking for something very specific. Looking at where she was looking Emile told her, “Yes Zo. I have been searching for decades for the information of my species. I thought I was the last but all these text and prophecies speak of another. A female. You Zo. Are that female. We together represent the hope of our very species.”
“Emile, you are speaking as if we are not human but just look at us. What is it you think we are?” Zo amazed even herself by how calm she was. She should have been screaming and running from this mad man's home. She just knew, deep down in her soul, that Emile was not delusional. Further proof would be her dreams for the last twenty years. Flying on great leathery wings so high the air had an icy bight yet able to see a mouse on the ground below. The feeling of total freedom, invincibility, and power were not hopes but reality. There were no superior species on this planet. “You feel we are Dragons, don't you?”
It was priceless to see Emile's jaw drop in complete surprise. She had stolen his thunder for sure. Giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek she whispered to him, “I have been dreaming that for over two decades my friend. The how I don't know, but the absolute knowledge of being is there.” She smiled at Emile and asked him to explain how he had found out. Emile, knowing the face saving technique, smiled at Zo lovingly and started to explain.
“While your memory is obviously stored in your R.N.A. I had to do it the hard way with blood analysis and many years of study. You women always get it easy.” That earned him a playful smack on the arm. He carried on with a cheeky grin about this papyrus scroll and this rice paper text. He had stone tablets with pictographs that depicted dragons flying the skies without any cares. Just like my dreams Zo had told Emile. Such freedom.
The story slowly unfolded to tell the tale of a great race of dragons that ate themselves to extinction. Their voracious appetites and sexual proclivities soon had themselves running out of food. Some of the older and less stable Dragons had turned on younger Dragons. The great Dragon wars that followed lasted for a thousand years. At the end of all the slaughter there was just one tribe left.
This clan of Dragons had the most powerful sages and they worked themselves to a frenzy trying to find a way out of extinction. Mankind was just coming out of the caves and would never be enough to keep the great clan alive but the sages stumbled on a plan. Many humans were stolen and experimented on. Finally they were able to create a hybrid. This hybrid would carry the Dragon genes and memories to the future where they once again could be the supreme species.
The story complete Emile turned to Zo. “Well my fellow Dragon shall we complete the prophecy and take our rightful places in the skies again?”
“Excuse me? I remember the dragons and I have the most wonderful vivid dreams of flying, feasting, and love making in the skies, but that, my dear Emile, does not make me a Dragon.” Zo smiled sadly as she was secretly hoping that what she had said was not true and she COULD turn into a dragon and rule the sky.
“Ah, my ZO, perhaps that is true but this could.” He held up a vial of an amber fluid. “According to my research this elixir I have concocted should trigger latent D.N.A. Sequences that only we carry. Imagine Zo, in a world of teaming billions we are the only two Dragons left. Would you attempt to become a Queen even if you die in the process? I know I will try to become your King regardless the risks.”
Zo stood in thought. Her bitch of a greedy Wife and her equally greedy pig of a Sister had removed any life she might had had as Zochan. What did she have to lose? She turned to Emile, held out her arm and smiled. “I am ready my Lord King!”
Emile was so happy he was crying. “You have validated my very existence. I will be in your debt forever.” As he spoke he had readied a hypo half filled with the elixir. “I could not find any reference to dosage but the recipe was specific for two people so I have to assume that we take half each. He swabbed Zo's inner elbow and without any hesitation plunged the hypo home and dispensed the elixir.
Zo noticed a slight burning sensation then a numbness spread over her body. She could feel strange tugging and stretching sensations but like getting a tooth pulled with freezing there was no pain. She glanced over at Emile and saw with some surprise that she was laying on the floor. Emile was injecting himself with the remainder of the elixir. He had a large smile on his face. He glanced over at Zo and smiled even more. “Soon my Queen, soon. You are turning into a beauty.”
Zo smiled back. Yes, she knew something wonderful was happening.
To be continued......
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A different take
A different take on some much used themes. I want to see the next chapter. It should be fun.
You're dragon this comment out of me
Hi Leigh,
Very nice, I like it when the evil people get what they deserve. Although then I suppose the dragons who experimented on early humans weren't very nice either.
Please post more soon?
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Hoping to keep Dragon nice comments
Leigh Richards
Thank you both for such nice comments. I am inspired to write even better.
Luv Ya.
Leigh Richards
Very Nice
Very nice and very different. I look forward to seeing where this journey will lead. I do wonder though if the Professor found away around the voracious appetites that ate them into extinction the last time.
Cheers, talonx
Interesting Dragon Take
on survival's point of view. The story itself seemed rather unique and interesting to me. The slight character flaw I noticed, which may not be much of one, was Zo's sex change. I was not able to connect with the fears and frustrations of adapting to a new form, nor see the mannerisms of the old sticking through. The adjustment of the change from that was something I was looking for.
Please continue this excellent tale as it did interest me a lot and I hope to see your fantasy flesh itself out into some much more.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
Good Points
Leigh Richards
I thought long and hard on how to allow Zo to accept the feminization of self so I brought in the dream that Zochan had for all that time. With Zochan's life destroyed by his greedy relatives the new window into what was a fantasy suddenly makes sense of Zo's exsistance. She now can live a much more satisfying life. Throw in a cute male Dragon and well......
Thanks for reading the story and for the inciteful comments.
Leigh Richards
But she didn't know ...
... the dreams were anything but dreams till at the dinner table. All she knew till then was that she had been a rich, powerful male and had been vindictively tortured/feminized and finally turned into a complete woman. There was nothing to indicate that he was at all transgendered as a man, and nothing to indicate that he knew he was a female dragon in his dreams. I would think he would be extremely angry and not want anything to do with the clothes etc. of a woman after escaping. Instead there was just calm acceptance. I can see pragmatic acceptance, but no anger, no dislike of things feminine ??
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Leigh Richards
Thanks for your comments Jezzi. Lest we forget that Zochan saw the professor deal a very telling blow to his tormentors. That in itself wouldn't be enough for an average person, male or female, but Zochan was far from ordinary. It takes a very special quality to hoist oneself up by their own bootstraps in this business world. Zochan would be, by necessity. a pragmatist. You take your losses when they come and move on. When a winning opportunity comes along you seize it.
Well, that's my take on it anyway. I hope it offers some explanation for your concerns.
Thanks again for reading my story.
Leigh Richards