I am concerned about the portrayal of TG in the media recently. For example, a Canadian Colonel has recently pled guilty of a escalating series of crimes that ended with the rape and murder of two women. But the image that has made the rounds is the man dressed in woman's underwear that he had stolen from women and girls, and his cross-dressing has been played up. Even my mother wondered if he was like me.... It would be wonderful if we could get someone from our community who does something wonderful, that we can show as positive role models. Ah well.
Sadly people always selectively want to believe more of the bad things about us than the good things. It would take a lot of positive things to overcome those bad ones and I for one am not coming forward to out myself to prove trans people are good folks. Sadly it is due to my own selfish needs that people will never know what a person of integrity I am. A lot of trans, me included of course, do not want to be that 'out there' trans who loses any hope at a private life.
There are!
Many %G people do volunteer work, help in the hospitals, make charitable contributions and live their daily lives in an admirable, honorable way. They are willing to serve and defend our country, and many other good things. Sadly, as is the truth with many groupa, the excertins seem to be the only ones you hear about. Funny thing, sdo many serial murderers seem to be white, middle class Americans, but it works in the reverse in this case. Stupid.
'Twas ever thus
Good news is rarely newsworthy. We hear much of the bad in society, but how often do we hear that the prompt action of a passer-by saved a life today?
I applaud those who have the courage to be 'out' in their community. I don't have that kind of courage. I just want to live out my life in peace and quiet, not as the neighbourhood tranny who perhaps has to look over his or her shoulder all the time, and perhaps whose house isn't safe from media-fuelled vandalism and bigotry.
If I don't manage to attract the attention of the media, I shall be delighted.