Well, after my encounter with the woman at the wiener roast on Sunday, I found myself really struggling with anger with God. Fortunately, I was working Monday with a woman who I have shared my story with, and I was able to vent, and I feel better for it.
you, again....
...I had already written a message to you when I saw your blog. It's good to have someone to vent with; I'm fairly sure God can handle any emotion you throw out there, but it's the folks with flesh and blood that help us with listening and nodding and just smiling. Here's hoping and praying for those folks to continue to cross your path!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Is there a God?
If there is, why doesn't this God suffer little children? (And bigger children for that matter?)
64 and still wondering but I'll not let the question interfere with my life. If this god thinks I'm wrong then this god can call me.
Beverly, Anywhere, anyhow, anytime.
Growing old disgracefully.
Anger at God
Hi Dorothy:
I am sorry that "believers" are such asses to us, and well, anyone different than they. Looking back, I am not conscious of ever being angry with God; actually believing in my early childhood that I somehow deserved what I got; didn't know any different. I can remember times of crying in bed at night, or out in the field where he'd dropped me after the beatings; saying, "Bad Daddy, bad daddy, bad daddy, I hate you, I hate you. God was only practiced on Easter. So, I suppose that it did not occur to me that he could actually be real.
When I was older and the sanctimonious started on me, I usually just told them to take their self righteouness and stick it ... Yes, well ... I actually sent a Jehovas Witness girl off crying once. These many years later, I am sorry I was so mean to her, and feel sorry for her for getting kidnapped into such a belief system.
For some reason, I sort of skipped the fear/hate thing. I surely have no idea why he has such a non-interference policy in human affairs, and lets so much suffering go on. At that point, I allow myself to "stand down", realizing that I am NOT "God", and I do not know why things occur. I am with Bev, Much of what I see seems so frightfully unfair; why does He/She/It allow it all?
I suppose that one reason I am not mad at God, is: Who would I punch? And,having never won or even broken even on a physical confrontation, am I willing to risk yet another defeat?
Personally, I think that God can take anything that you dish out, and he understands our discomfiture far better than we do. He probably does not even see it as a sin. Oy, you should listen to how the Jewish talk to G_d? You have no worries my friend! :)
Much Peace
PS: In some old theology that I used to hear; I think it was old school Baptist/Dispensationalist/Navigator material, sin came into the world by the act of man(woman) ((The Apple Thing)) (((It's why many religions treat women (US), like shit))). Then, of course Jesus (Isa PBUH (Islamic)) came to pay back our debt. Now, according to the old dead guys, God can not act in ourbehalf until Satin declairs himself to be God. And when he does, then that will loose the proverbial _________. And afterward, things will be just ducky.
Sorry, I felt sort of talkative to day and could not shut up. :)
Don't blame God
Blame the messenger. An ass is an ass whether they believe in God or not. It's easy to blame anyone other than yourself for bad behavior but as the saying goes, the nickle stops here. Arecee
That Was God
God put his son on earth to show us how to live. When that woman at work made you feel better she was emulating Christ. She was being a Christian.
The confusion and anger comes in when people use the guise of church for their own ends. Many politicians are manipulating the faithful for power. It has been done as long as there has been organized religions. Christ showed us what he thought of those activities when he blew a gasket running the money changers and the dove sellers from the temple. He said "You shall not make my father's house a house of trade." Funny how the bible thumpers miss that one.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Don't forget, God had nothing to do with the encounter..
It's the people who profess to love God, but break all the teachings of God and Christ in their 'righteousness, who cause so much of the hate and discontent in the US and elsewhere.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.