I am offering this titbit up for sacrifice. I have some idea where it would go, but a comment or two would help me decide whether to push it further. Now on Kindle
I don’t drive. I have a licence, but I have never felt the need to own a car. This has brought all sorts of odd questions into my life, from friends, relatives, employers, passing drivers keen to share their wisdom and advice as to the desirability of my using the cycle path.
It seems I am a freak of some kind because the only engine I employ is my heart. Of course, I am a freak, but that’s simply a matter of viewpoint. I like to think of a point of view as deriving from a metaphorical viewpoint, the sort of thing marked on maps.
Where you are standing defines what you can see.
My life has changed often, and each change has led to that new viewpoint, that altered field of vision. Three years ago it was the physical fact of being somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, at a particular time, which brought new sights. The sight in question was my wife’s heels locked behind the arse of a police liaison officer she knew through her work. He was obviously very effective with his liaising, he was liaising in and out like a good’un.
“I’ll be in the living room when you finish” brought a certain number of gasps and swear words, but as that was what they had been doing when I arrived I couldn’t really be sure if it was aimed at me.
Jane was alone when she joined me. I hadn’t heard the front door, so I assumed he was still in the bedroom. Our bedroom. My bedroom. This was not the way things were supposed to go. In the ordinary script, he grabbed his clothes, dressed hurriedly, and rushed off red-faced. He didn’t lie there, still naked, smelling of her and...I sniffed.
Having a cigarette. In my house.
“So, Jane, how long?”
“As long as I have known about your lady friend. I tried, you know, but you were so careless I couldn’t keep it up. I couldn’t keep pretending I didn’t see things, or smell her on you. It’s me that does the laundry, you know…”
Oh shit.
“Every time I visited my mother, there would be traces left when I got back. I tried, you know, I really tried, but the more you continued the more I realised how little you cared for me. Mark was there, and I just decided to have some sauce of my own.
“Who is she, John? One of your students?”
Oh double shit. The viewpoint now was of a deep, deep hole, and Jane waiting with a shovel at the top. I went into literary analysis mode, finding refuge in my academic life. There were schemata being played out here, but the one I thought I had walked into was rapidly being replaced by another. Which is a complicated way of saying that the person in deep shit was not who I had assumed it to be when I walked in on their little pair-bonding session.
Schemata are the literary equivalent of a kata in karate, little set-pieces that everyone knows that feature in every piece of literature, even the weirdest. I had walked in on “cheating wife”, and she had turned it into “cheating husband” and “wife’s revenge”
Unfortunately for me, her analysis was rather wide of the mark. I was now faced with a truly lovely choice, which of two hells to open up for my private use. Do I invent some smooth-thighed nymph who hoped to shag some good marks out of me for her BA, take the divorce and the nastiness, and keep my life otherwise intact, or do I tell her the truth and watch my whole world end? I needed time.
You have to try hard to visualise this. I am sitting on my own sofa in lycra, drinking tea. My wife is standing at the door in another man’s shirt and holding a tissue she had clearly used to wipe her privates clean of his semen as he lay naked on my bed smoking. I didn’t need my eyes for that, I could smell most of it. And there i am, trying to come to some sort of decision. Do I invent some girl, promise it is all over, and try to rebuild my marriage, or tell the truth and definitely see everything go. Job, wife, reputation… I couldn’t do it. Not just like that. I had been planning on bringing it up at some point, as it was hardly something I could continue to hide indefinitely, but not without preparation and a choice of ground.
If I told her now, I would have two people to laugh at me. My courage failed me, as it always does, and I simply rose, put my gloves back on and rode off to my mother’s. What a big man I was.
She was not surprised in the least.
“I told you not to marry her, but would you listen? Too strong-willed, says I, but no, you knew better, and now there she is in the house with him and probably changing the locks as we speak. You need to get a solicitor ASAP, and make sure you get what you put n that house.
“So what was it in the end, John? Did she find your clothes? Don’t look at me like that, I’m your mother, of course I knew.”
My mother had the shovel now. This really was the end of everything.
“Oh for God’s sake, John, nobody’s dead. Not yet, anyway. Put the kettle on and stop crying”
I slept in my old room that night, smells as familiar as my skin, and of course “slept” is not a good description. I really, really did not know which lie to choose. The rest of the conversation with my mother had revealed that no, she did not know, despite her maternal standpoint. She knew something, and because of where and who she was she assumed the answer. I suppose that as it had taken me 31 years to come to some sort of understanding in my own right, I shouldn’t expect others to do any better.
The clothes in question lived in the attic, of course, in an old suitcase tucked out of sight behind the cold water header tank. We are back in schema territory here, the private vice only indulged in when the wife s away, the guilt, the alternating binge buying and clearing out, the sneaky indulgence and hasty climaxes.
Wrong again.
Good literature has to surprise. There s a market for the predictable, even n the weird stuff I mentioned earlier. Boy meets zzssxx from Planet Z, boy falls for zzssxx, boy loses zzssxx, and gets him/her/it/them back. Reader is happy, all preconceptions and patterns happily reinforced, which is another little literary analysis term. Well, here’s another one, pattern reformation, where a bum note drops in as in Beethoven’s 8th, and then turns out to have been the right one all along.
Yes, I am a culture nerd, I see everything in terms of literary or other forms of artistic pattern, and that is me. A pattern about to be reformed. And I witter on and on. Rather useful as a lecturer, I suppose, but stupefyingly useless as a husband or any other type of social human being. My psychiatrist (yes, it goes with the territory) suggested I was borderline Asperger’s in my behaviour, but then she would, she has her own schemata to work to and things must fit neatly or her world will end.
Well, mine was making a pretty fair attempt at doing so. I mean, how do you tell your wife that you are your very own “other woman”?
Yes, I know you have all worked that one out, probably from line one, just like my mother. The sneaky indulgence and hasty climaxes thing.
No, not me. No arousal, no sweatiness. Just peace. And an acceptance that at some point I would have to foreground it. More literary terms, no wonder she got bored.
I would have to come out into the light and actually talk to somebody about what my problem was in all its simple complexity, and I supposed I would have to do it in English.
I’m a whizz at analysing it. I just can’t speak it that well when there are others involved.
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Directions, a sign post with many arrows
. her friend, the police liaison officer starts to have him hassled just for GPs
. the neighborhood watch mother, when talking to his wife mentions that no one has been seen coming or going to their house
except her new lover.
. it all comes out in the mail, or at least some piece of clothing or appliance comes in the mail, engendering more
questions as ex. decorative gaff?
. wife decides to do a good house cleaning?
Viewpoints 1
The fact that he is a cross-dresser, possibly transvestite or trans-woman needs to be explored as well as her reactions to the truth.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Too many directions to go.
The fact that the main issue is the narrator being a cross dresser or transvestite or transexual simply opens up too many options at this early stage. If you write a second chapter and introduce some other quirky circumstances or charecteristics it gives commentators the opportunity to offer ideas.
So far on the Basis that the narrator is simply 'cross-dressing' it's difficult to offer a clear direction for the story to go.
All the usual directions are open to you, humiliation, sissification, feminisation, ostracism, assimilation and a dozen others. So far the direction to take it is in your hands. Perhaps a few more life-style indications might enable us to give constructive, materially useful suggestions.
For the moment I'm at a bit of a loss to suggest where this story goes. It can go every which way but loose but please, please, no cross-dressed simians.
Primatist! What's orang with apes?
There are a few clues in here as to John's particular dilemma....suppose I better buckle down and write.
Sorry, it's not easy. It's deeply scary and embarrassing. It's an absolute fact that others like us have been beaten, even killed. Would John's wife have married him if she had known about his dressing. How can we know?
He lied to her, and in a way, was unfaithful to her. Can he expect faithfulness?
Did John ever really have a marriage? Seems to me, at least, that he was being selfish and dishonest. Maybe it isn't too late, maybe it is, I don't know. What I do know is that it is way to late for more dishonesty.
I have sent you a PM to explan further. You have hit so many of the nails squarely. Thank you.
Difficult situation,
Difficult situation, Cyclist. You created a situation that is going to cause the characters pain, however you resolve it. Most women do find cross dressing by male partners a turn off. There may be various reasons for that. They feel they have failed their man is one reason - that she has not been enough sexual stimulus for him herself, so he has sought it in bizarre ways like dressing up. Another reason - she feels let down because she never knew about this side of him and is upset that he never told her. (Advice from one who has experienced the disappointment of finding out later: Be open and frank about it before getting wed! There are girls who get a kick out of a man dressing up, even out of helping one to do it.) Even today, I think most women just do not know much or anything about TS TG or Auto-eroticism. We see dressing in somewhat male atire as normal and not kinky, but the other way round is not seen the same way, i don't know why. Especially "NICE GIRLS" from god fearing families dont understand it. (Advice, avoid such girls like a plague! On the other had, dont go for a loose woman - she may be very sexy and fun, but she will not change, she will always be interested in having fun, with other men too. Leopards and spots ring a bell? )
This wife seems to have decided pretty quickly to seek love elsewhere, so probably she was not getting satisfaction from hubby anyway. Once that happens it is in my experience best to break up and seek a new partner elsewhere. Strangely enough, if you both agree to doing that, you can often stay friends - both of my Exs stay is touch and we help each other out. have even gone on holidays together, but as friends, not lovers.
Marriage is a frightful responsibility - it is asking a lot, too much, of a couple, that they remain true to each other only and forsake all others till death they does part. Loving hurts people. When you love someone you have to open yourself to them, expose all of your self, good and bad bits. Our instinct is to protect and hide our weak bits, to avoid getting hurt. Anyone who really loves will get hurt. Most marriages end in divorce or at least go through patches of infidelity. Some strong and confident people these days sometimes agree on an Open Marriage, where they agree that they do not have to be exclusive partners to each other. But most find that they are not really strong and confdent enough to not feel hurt when the inevitable happens. For many women, the discovery of their man being a secret cross dresser or TS is worse than to find he has been unfaithful with another woman to them.
People change as they grow up and start to get older. They can grow apart very easily. Twice this has happened in my own life. Typical pattern is to start with wives that are anxious and need the man to protect them, because raising a child alone is really hard. But then the man, who probably works in some hierarchical organisation, hits the point where he realises he is never going to go any higher in the hierarchy, he starts to lose confidence, just as he starts to lose his hair and grow a beer gut. Exactly at this time wifey gets past the childbearing stage, feels free to experiment without risk, kids are grown up and she grows in confidence. Classic situation for a reshuffle of roles or even partners.
Honestly, I dont know how any humans survive all this. We are so bad at living, loving, and relationships.
This probably has not been any help at all, Cyclist. I tried, but i'm not good at this.
All are helpng me to focus, thank you. I am writng this as an exercise in standing outsde myself and doing first person on someone VERY different. "Write what you know"...stuff that in this case!
Being old and old fashioned
'I will just let you write your story,your way and then I will make up my mind one way or another,but going on your previous
commendable efforts,especially Uniform,I don't think that I will be disappointed.
Viewpoints, many directions to go
First have the husband and wife talk it out with just the two of them.
Then, choose which way to go. Offer a no fault divorse with no eplaination. Offer again no fault while asking her if she's been told of any strange visitors by the neighbors. Then go into detail of his history. with the provision of nondiscloser. Any way I look at it, it
looks to get messy and very unpleasant. Maybe with luck she will come around to accept it. Another idea I just had was grab a digital camera and get proof of her deed before her lover leaves.
I hope this was of some help. I do like how you began with it.
Thank you for all the suggestions. I have always had a general direction here, was just unsure as to how well could write such an odd person into life. I am afraid, as is unavoidable in my writing,that nastiness lurks, but the direction is well-signposted and the ride should be without risk.
Physical rsk.