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by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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Raoul is a boy who came to Britain from Brazil in 1984.
The first thing everyone noticed about Raoul was how delicate he was as a boy, with very fine features verging on pretty. He’d come to live with his aunt after his mother had died from some horrible disease.
His aunt Rita had lived over here for many years having married and then divorced a London taxi driver. She was a beautiful woman and the resemblance to her nephew was striking.
How do I feature in this tale? I’m her GP and of course accepted her nephew on to my list when he came to live with her. Other than a cursory exam when he was registered there wasn’t a lot to be said about the boy other than his prettiness and I hoped he wouldn’t get into too many fights over it.
His previous medical history, which was somewhat fragmentary was he had an old post operative scar on his abdomen which was supposedly an emergency operation to remove a ruptured spleen. If that was the case it was done by a blind surgeon, because it ran all the way to his groin from his belly button and is nowhere near the spleen, which is under the ribs on the left side.
The boy seemed to have no ill effects so we never did anything about investigating it. The aunt suggested peritonitis, but this was again unlikely and incisions for gangrenous appendix aren’t long running scars but short horizontal ones. He had no problems with bladder or anything so, with the NHS motto of, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, we left well alone.
Raoul seemed to settle in with his aunt and I didn’t see him again for another year, when he seemed to be disturbed by strange dreams. His English was very good for a ten year old and he was still stunningly beautiful–looks which were wasted on a boy.
On talking to his aunt, she explained that Raoul had been one of twins, obviously heterozygous, because the other had been a sister. She’d been killed in the same accident which had caused his operation to be done. They were about seven at the time.
The dreams were related to the crash and the loss of his sister and possibly the death of his mother. I referred them to the paediatric psychotherapist who apparently cleared things up.
When Raoul was coming up eleven he was brought to see me again. This time it was more confusing. He was growing breasts. Lots of boys have gynaecomastia, where they have one or both their breasts start to grow like girls do, and may even start to lactate, it usually sorts itself out and in any case nothing is done for several months other than reassurance.
His looks and shape were still more girl than boy and I began to look a bit harder. He had a penis, a very small one, his scrotum was tiny and I could feel no sign of testes and it wasn’t just breasts, this boy had a girl’s hips.
I did some bloods, and the results were a little worrying, he had the hormonal profile of a premenstrual female. I did a chromosome test, he was definitely XY. I sent him off to the local paediatrician.
The resulting phone call I had back was interesting to say the least.
“Hi, Anne, it’s Peter Swain.”
“Hello, Pete, how are you?”
“Well, and yourself?”
“Yeah, now the divorce is over–pity we had to sell the house, but I’ve got a nice cottage now down by the river–you must come and see it, bring Mollie of course.”
“She’s off on one of her save the world trips, can’t remember where now–somewhere in bloody Africa, I expect, be back in three months. You know what she’s like.”
“I do indeed, Pete, look come for dinner one evening say Saturday or Sunday?”
“Sunday would be good, I’m on call Saturday.”
“Good, see you then.”
“About this young Brazilian lad you sent me?”
“Oh Raoul Da Silver, what about him?”
“Somebody did something very clever and equally nasty to him.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know he’s turning into a female?”
“I know he’s very feminine, but he’s definitely XY.”
“Did you find any testes?”
“No, you know that, I put that in the referral.”
“I suspect he had some.”
“Had some, what are you saying?”
“Somebody took them.”
“Eh?” this was getting more and more bizarre.
“Yes, someone removed them.”
“When?” Then I remembered the scar down his belly.
“That’s not all.”
“What else did they take?”
“It isn’t what they took, it’s what they left behind–we did an ultrasound and then I managed to grab a free space with the MRI.”
“C’mon, Pete, cut the crap, tell me what you found?”
“He’s got a perfectly functioning pair of ovaries and womb.”
“What he’s intersexed–but he can’t be, his chromosomes are male.”
“These bits have been implanted, but they’re part of him.”
“So what are you saying, some person or persons unknown implanted girl’s bits in him after removing his male bits?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“But I have no record of immune-suppressants being prescribed, which would surely be necessary?”
“You’d have thought so.”
“Hang on, he had a twin sister who died.”
“I don’t have exact dates–you don’t think–oh my God.”
“What they took bits from the sister and popped them into–a bit death camp stuff isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but he’s from Brazil didn’t some of the Nazis end up there?”
“Yeah, didn’t Mengele or whatever his name was, end up there or in Paraguay.”
“Anne, the boy or should that be girl now?, mentioned something about a doctor, let me see my notes.” I waited while Peter flicked through sheets of paper. “Ah here we are, Dr Mengally, I thought he said–oh shit–what do we do now?”
“What indeed?” I said and felt a cold shiver run down my spine.
“Dr Weisenthal, are you busy?” called my receptionist through the door.
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Talk about Getting Your Attention
I have always believed a title box should be catch the eye of potential readers.
I must say, you have succeeded here.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Death camps.
Hi Angharad.
This one seems a bit dark for you. Are you entering a new phase? Hope you're not getting cabin fever or summat!
Is it a series or just a 'one off - food for thought' story.
Hmmm. This could get interesting but very disturbing. The sci-fi aspect is what sparks my curiosity.
Is it a one off or a series.
Wouldn't be the weirdest thing he did to a set of twins. A lot of sadistic monsters at Auschwitz etc; But someone who's supposed to be a doctor, for pure evil it puts him head and shoulders above the rest of them...
Kind of makes you hope there's a hell.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Slap In The Face - Attention Getter - Very disturbing
With a title like this, it would take a slap in the face to get any more attention from me.
I am always leery of any story on this site or elsewhere that makes use of the Shoah/Holocaust in any but a serious way.
I am not sure where you are headed with this, but hopefully you will tread carefully.
I am unsure about what you intended by the last line of the story. Does "Anne", apparently a GP in Britain have a relationship of some kind with Dr. Simon Wiesenthal, the Austrian Nazi hunter (perhaps a daughter or niece) or was something else meant, perhaps just a name coincidence.
You did not use either a forced femme or horror tag for this story. I think both would apply. Regarding forced femme, the actions described in this story would qualify as the worst forced femme possible.
I guess a swastika and the
I guess a swastika and the title "mengele" wasn't a big enough give away...
In The Shadow Of Mengele.
Angharad, a geat start on a story. Will you continue it?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I absolutely loved it.
I find people too often follow WW2 about anything they do with the nazi regimes or the survivors of them that fled. I found this a nice change to what you usually put out which is also excellent but sometimes different is good.
Bailey Summers
IMHO it just goes to show
how versatile our Angharad is. To be able to produce something like this, alongside such as last night's EAFOAB, shows what a rare talent we have here. A lesson from history; a pity that humankind will not learn from it.
Altho it is said that there
Altho it is said that there are 9 levels of Hell, Mengele should by everything he did or had done to others be placed in level 20! Jan
Where to start?
A family friend I knew as my "Aunty" was a Belsen survivor. For two years, I lived just up the road from one of the circles of hell just mentioned.
Last year, I rode through Mauthausen. Some days further on, I stopped at a Hungarian bar, where I ended up in a three-way conversation with a lovely old man, me speaking German, him in Magyar, and the barman as intermediary. When he waved his arm,I saw the tattoo, the line of numbers, and I was so happy at that point, that at least one old man got to dance on the bastards' graves.
Lovely Punchline
Always leave 'em wanting more. Well, Ang, you've surely done that.
I'm already having visions of marathon runners and dentistry without anaesthetics and breeding clones of Hitler.
You could leave this alone as a little shudder-maker but of course you have us all firmly hooked and I can hear the echo of your sinister cackling laughter as we beg you to continue,
Not Quite Horror
I wouldn't label this as horror. The boy's past sounds horrific, but the present has the potential to be much better. It sounds like the boy will get the support he (or she) needs. He might even like what's happening to him. You never know.
Thanks for the story. I thought the last line provided enough closure.
- Terry
very interesting
i will definitely be looking for more.
Thanks for that, Angharad
Thanks for that, Angharad. It was hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and somewhat disturbing. Certainly different from your usual, which I love, and from the mainstream here. But different is good.
I can see how it could be the start of a serial, but it does well as a solo.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
This is a one off.
It's an idea which has been running around my head for ages. I wrote it as a first draft and posted it, it's punchy and leaves the reader to decide what happens. It also shows I can write about darker themes.
suitably creepy
I almost didn't as anything with a swastika or nazis is an instant turn off, but the name of the author made me consider... The blend of TG and inhuman if highly skilled malpractice, along with a few little clues and refs and voila it's almost believable.
I do wonder what prompted this little vignette though, weird dreams or what...
...but is it safe?
Think you Got our attention
and then some
1 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 8 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Ghastly Monster.
Pity they never got to find him like Eichman!
Darker than your normal fare Angie.
Fascinating hypothosis but an inhumane act of cruelty that makes my skin crawl despite the medical fantasy aspect that often intrigues T-Girls.
All in all a mixed reaction siding somewhat with the feeling I would want to find the beast then expose it. Possibly doing unto it as it did to others.
What am I thinking, that would make as bad as or worse than him!
Can't say I loved this one but the fantasy of being able to wholly change sex if only temprarily has always intrigued me.
Growing old disgracefully.