The Black Dog - Reprise

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This follows directly from the main story. If you haven't read that this will mean very little. If you have It will answer a few questions but probably not all. Sometimes they write themselves. This one did.

Relationships are tricky. Motivations not always obvious. You just have to go with your best guess and hope things work out. Sometimes...


This follows directly from the main story. If you haven't read that this will mean very little. If you have It will answer a few questions but probably not all. Sometimes they write themselves. This one did.

Relationships are tricky. Motivations not always obvious. You just have to go with your best guess and hope things work out. Sometimes...

This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected.
Copyright KLS 2006.

The Black Dog - Reprise

By Kristina.L.S.


Gazing blankly out the bus window as it twisted its way across town. Trying to orient herself Sam caught a few landmarks that she recognised. Another two or three stops. Then a few blocks walk. Figuring she could get a room at this place until she decided what to do.

'Fifteen dollars a night in advance. No smoking in the rooms.' Paid up for a week, got a key. Fortunately the credit card read S.L.Keough. Small motel type layout. Single bed, wardrobe, bar fridge, kitchenette, bathroom with shower, basin and toilet.

Unpacked her bag on the bed. Not counting what she had on she had 4 changes of clothes and underwear, 3 pair of shoes, 2 dressy and a pair of runners. A makeup bag, toiletries bag with her tablets in it and a mini disc player with a dozen discs. Put the discs and player on the bed head and put everything else on the sideboard. Sitting on the edge of the bed she rummaged through trying to find something to bring her feelings back. Sarah McLachlan started through the headphones. The first 3 barely registered then number 4, '...hold yourself...this is gonna hurt like hell...' With a gut wrenching cry of anguish Sam slid to the floor sobbing.


Kara drew her gaze back from the closed door and lifted herself from the floor where she'd been kneeling for, how long, half an hour? She stood and turning wiped her face with her open hands. Her gaze travelled across the 2 large yellow envelopes sitting on the table and the single gold key on top. No it wasn't a dream, maybe a nightmare. What the hell had just happened? What had she done? Wanting it all she had lost everything. Tears began again as she rang work and arranged a cover for the day. She tried to replay what Sam had just accused her of. Setting him up to get fucked, no, not that exactly, but he'.. she'd obviously had some sort of sexual experience. Just as obviously, not pleasant and she Kara the loving spouse was blamed. It had to be the other night when she got so drunk. How...what had happened?

She could picture Sam dancing and then very uncharacteristically accusing her of being jealous. The hurt and shock on Sam's face to see her kissing Brian. That thought caused another burst of guilty tears. Then her own shock to see Sam pressed against the wall and kissing Terry. They had disappeared for about 20 minutes. When they came back Sam was on another planet. Almost incoherent, drunk she'd thought. But after her own obvious and cold hearted slap in the face display with Brian she had almost expected that. At the thought of Brian a throb of sexual desire washed over her spiking her nipples under her shirt. With a grunt of self loathing she shook her head. Why had she never just talked to Sam, probably the most thoughtful and least self absorbed person she had ever known.

With another sob she acknowledged her own weakness. No one had ever touched that part of her that Brian did. Turned her from a strong independent woman into a pliable young girl afraid to feel so soft yet loving the very thought of his touch. Fourteen months later she still felt that tingle in her belly at the thought of him. Yet she knew it was self destructive and ultimately superficial. But god ... that feeling.

And what of Sam. The one soul that had wrapped its wings around her own and melded into a part of her. Something she very much doubted could ever happen again, with anyone. Samuel or as she had always privately thought, Samantha, was a part of her like no other ever could or would be.

How had she got here. She remembered the night she met Brian in that bar near work. Sam was sliding into a grey self absorbed swamp and she couldn't seem to reach him. He wouldn't go anywhere and conversation was almost non existent. After putting down 2 old dogs and advising an elderly lady that her precious persian had cancer and would be better off... The pain on the old woman's face as she just shook her head continuously back and forth and walked out carrying the doomed animal. She remembered paying all the household bills on the work computer and feeling lost and alone heading into the bar for a quick drink to fortify herself before facing the cold impersonal fog that washed about the home she shared with Sam. She'd ordered what, a long vodka tonic. One would not push her over the legal limit.

She was sitting at a table and tears were running down her face. Then a soft brogue put a tall glass mug of 'Irish' coffee in front of her.
"Here ya go lassie. You look as though a wee dram of this is just what ya need. Helps fight the chill of whatever you're thinkin' on. Suck on tha' cream and let the old drambui warm ya cockles. Do ya th' world a good. Has no one ere' told ya tha' drinkin' alone is a no no? Bad for the soul." He had passed her a cotton handkerchief, which had got a laugh. Who the hell carried a handkerchief these days? Well this lunatic obviously did.

"What the hell sort of accent is that?"

"Ah well therein lies a tale. Was born in Ireland some 32 year ago but at the ripe old age of 7 mam and pap up'd and off ta Edinburgh. So ya see the old head is a might perplexed as ta whether tis Irish or Scottish. Either way no one can understand a word. Can be awful useful in chattin' up the lassies. Needs must lean close ta figure ma speech. An' then ya be mine, or I be yours dependin' how ya' view these things."

She had laughed and looked up to see 2 deep brown eyes regarding her with an amused and gentle gaze. Then as his hand gently grazed her cheek to push back her hair a flutter she hadn't felt in...months...ever... had tumbled about her heart. She left an hour later, feeling light and happy.

Of course the accent was somewhat put on. His voice was a soft burr but not nearly as rough as that first meeting. After 2 weeks of meeting several times a week in the bar and gradually opening up about Sam and the darkness at home they had slept together. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. To be totally submissive and attentive to a man that while gentle gave no hint of weakness or fear. She was like a 15 year old infatuated with her English teacher and even knowing it was wrong gave herself up willingly and totally.

Several weeks later the contrast between the 2 men in her life had forced a confrontation. Poor Sam had not compared well in the masculinity stakes. So as he tried to understand her recent distance she had dumped her feelings about his true nature over his head and let him deal with it as best he could. Looking back she had probably been quite bitchy and just a touch callous at that moment. She had shattered her husbands self image, albeit one she didn't share, and in the process she pushed him over the edge.

The pain and fear as she'd read the suicide note had hit hard. If she hadn't been trying to figure out where she would have collapsed and sobbed with fear and self loathing.


The pain and guilt she felt after Sam's attempted suicide was almost more than she could bear. The belief that by allowing her feelings of Sam's true nature to slide she had almost caused his death. At first she thought she had pushed too hard. But Sam was an intelligent and sensitive human being and had settled into Samantha so quickly that it was obvious she had been right. Even so the fear and anxiety accompanying that time had made the occasional evening with Brian even more necessary. As Sam became more feminine and apart from an occasional burst of fear over what was happening, accepted his true nature, she felt more pressure to either give up her affair with Brian or let Sam in on what she felt.

If you had suggested a few months ago that she would be like a young girl with the crush of a lifetime and getting balled like she was some Bangkok hooker she would have laughed in your face before punching it. But here she was submitting to a dominance that while gentle was powerful and seductive. Meanwhile her husband and life partner was battling with his, her, own fears and doubts as the feminine in her took over. Caught in the middle she tried to help the one with gentle support and kneel to the other in blissful release.

As she accepted the duality of her own nature and tried to sort out her feelings for both of her lovers the difference in approach to fidelity and love became starkly obvious. She, while torn between the person she pledged to and the one that fulfilled her sexually in ways she had never dreamed possible, was wracked with indecision. Sam had practically asked if she was having an affair and using her increasing femininity to step outside the marriage. Brian had listened to everything she told him about her relationship with Sam and smiling as he pushed a finger inside her suggested she let nature take it's course and as she shivered and slowly erupted with pleasure again pushed aside the fear and need for a decision or even a reasoned discussion.


Slowly as she watched Sam began to recoup the naturally cheerful and gentle nature Kara had fallen for years ago. Began to anticipate her needs and do whatever to ease her way. Even when the pain and guilt of her current situation caused a near breakdown Kara couldn't bring herself to confront it. How could she endanger Sam's recovery and maybe destroy the fragile acceptance of her new persona. Or on the other hand say goodbye to that blissful release she felt in Brian's bed. She began to ring him late at night and play up the joy and abandon she felt with him while, even as she noted her own disgust at doing so, she exaggerated the latent desire to push Sam into a secondary, girlfriend role.

As she wrestled with the choices that weren't choices she had Brian subtly pushing for a decision, a more open relationship. Choose. But she couldn't. So the pressure increased as she tried to be strong for Sam at home and the wanton slut for Brian wherever he wanted to meet. A restaurant, the beach, a nightclub or the benches in front of Town Hall. The lies became almost a reflex. Several times she was sure Sam knew and wanted to fight or leave her. But each time she was able to diffuse things and as her heart gradually returned to her chest she would grab the phone and tell 'him' that 'Sam' was almost gone. Soon, just be patient a little longer. The self disgust grew as her dependence on Brian's touch increased and she clung to Sam to keep her there.


Kara recalled that night as Sam had announced she had betrayed her. The terror that everything was over. Then as it was gently coaxed that she had been seeing Dr Silverman.

The very psychiatrist that Kara had spoken to regarding Sam's feminine nature. The Doctor had listened sympathetically but made it clear that unless Sam was open to treatment little could be done. Kara had never known how Sam had come to see her, unless Jenny at the salon had given her the name.

Then as Sam admitted she had been seeing her for a couple of months and that morning had commenced hormone treatment for gender dysphoria the fear subsided and relief washed over her. She thought that just maybe she could have it both ways. A loving and gentle wife come girlfriend and the man very much in charge whenever they could. But Brian was not happy. He pushed for at the least an open acknowledgment of the relationship. She stalled and played the subservient sex slave whenever they got together.

It was another six months before Brian demanded that she either get Sam to leave or at least become a party to things or it was over. Sam was almost completely a woman now. Seemingly comfortable and happy. The bleak grey cloud had gradually dispersed as the sun came out. Eventually she relented and pushed Sam for a night out. With a good deal of luck a guy Sam worked with was there and gently took Sam out for a spin on the dance floor. The mixed pleasure and a dash of fear that she should not enjoy this despite what her body said had Sam confused and uncertain about the future. But rolled through it over the weekend. Kara started to believe that everything would work out just fine.

Then. That night. Brian had said he had a friend for Sam who liked he-she's. Had lived in Thailand and knew all about it. Despite her reluctance she had agreed and set things in motion. The look on Sam's face as she caught a glimpse across Brian's shoulder almost made her abandon it and take her home.

If Sam would go with her. Like an icy breeze Kara was suddenly struck with the thought of what might happen as she flaunted her infidelity so brazenly. Then Sam was dancing and seemingly enjoying it. The pang of jealousy she felt as she spied Sam and Terry pressed against the wall and kissing hard struck her right in her guilty heart. Brian had kept her dancing and it seemed like forever before Sam and Terry returned. Sam was drunker than she had ever seen her. The guilt hit again, 'what the hell do you expect you selfish bitch. Poor, sweet Sam'.

When Sam fell on the dance floor and then ran to the bathroom Kara was more embarrassed than angry. Both for herself at her treachery and for Sam as she finally came to know the truth of her loving wife's betrayal. Brian and Terry seemed to be more amused than anything and waved goodnight as she tried to get Sam stable enough to leave.

Again the thought that she had 'never' seen Sam that drunk, on what, 5 or 6 drinks. Unless ... God no. Could that be what pushed Sam over the edge that night?

Was it something else? Had they drugged her? Was it just Terry or was Brian part of it? She had told him everything about Sam. Quite apart from the sexual relationship that was a betrayal in itself. What did that say for her so called love? Hell no wonder she'd walked out. So heartbroken and defeated she'd just surrendered everything and left. Kara coughed on bile as the self loathing pushed up her gullet.

Would Sam try to kill herself again? 'Cut her wrists in a cheap motel' Oh Christ what could she do? Grabbing the car keys and her bag she headed out the door glancing again at the envelopes on the table and refusing to contemplate the contents.

Kara clipped in the little ear thingy and called the salon as she drove. Jenny told her the name and where it was. Only a few blocks down. So that's how Sam came across it. It struck her as sad that she had never even asked Sam about the café. She was just happy to have her back from the dumps. Plus it gave a little more leeway with Brian.

Phoned his direct line, "Hello, Brian, it's Kara. Can we get together later? ... ... 1 at the motel, um, yes alright. I'll see you there. ... ... Mmmm yes."


Sam raised her eyes blearily and tried to focus on her surroundings. How long had she been here, the disc had run through so at least an hour and a half. She looked at her watch a slim, feminine but mans Tissot, large enough to actually be useful. Kara had given it to her for their second anniversary. 10.45 she was due at work in 45 minutes. Crap. Another day missed, couldn't face it anyway. Put her clothes away and the makeup and toiletries in the bathroom. Splashed her face with water and decided to go for a walk and seek a phone.

Taking the key and her wallet she opened the door and almost walked straight into a small Chinese woman. She was standing uncertainly right in front of the door and glanced back to the right where in the doorway of the next unit stood a small but strong looking man and 2 mop top kids of 4 or 5.

As Sam returned her gaze the lady gave a small bow and explained, "We hear noise like pain and not sure what to do. Then was silent for long time. Just about to knock and if no answer would get manager."

Sam blinked back tears and returning the bow first to the woman and then her, presumably husband and children, thanked them for their thoughtfulness.

" I was upset and crying I apologise if I worried you. I'll be ok now. Do you know where I could find a phone?" The small woman pointed to the corner of the building where a glass booth stood, she was shaking her head, 'broken' then signalling 2 jumps with her hand Sam guessed 2 blocks over. She nodded and smiled the little woman bowed again and returned to her family. Sam turned and with a thank you and a wave began walking.


Kara parked across and a few spaces down from the café. She could see people moving about. No one she recognised and certainly no Sam. A guy standing behind the counter might be, what was it, Bill that's right. He might know something. 'Nearly 11. I'll ask after Sam and have a coffee or two. If I'm lucky she'll show and maybe be willing to talk.' She locked the car and headed across the street.

"Excuse me. Do you remember me from a few weeks ago? You had a dance with Sam. I was hoping she'd be here."

"Sure I remember you little lady. Your Samantha's friend, you were together that night. Sam's alright, I like her." He frowned slightly " She wasn't in yesterday and she's usually here by now if she's coming. Due in half an hour, so maybe. ... You look worried is she in trouble of some sort. Maybe Jan knows something they're friends." He pointed to one of the waitresses across the room.

'Jan. Had Sam ever mentioned a Jan.' Resignedly acknowledged to herself that she hadn't really cared to listen if she had. Too caught up in her own affairs. 'Ugh, nice choice of words you selfish bitch.'

"Could I get a strong cappuccino and some raisin toast please?"

"Sure. Sit over that side somewhere and I'll get Jan to bring it across shortly."

She sat at a table against the wall and facing the door. Hoping Sam would walk in and they could talk. If she was lucky Sam wouldn't spit in her face. With a sigh she knew no matter what, Sam would never do that. Even if it was deserved.

"Cappuccino and raisin toast. You were asking after Sam?"

With an effort she focused on the woman standing next to her. Attractive about 30 she guessed. Had she and Sam... No, Sam wouldn't do that. Raisin toast cut into fingers. She hadn't had toast like that since she was 4.

"Yes. Thank you. Have you spoken to Sam in the last couple of days. I. Um, I'm worried about her and ..." Tears started slowly down her face as she sat staring at the table.

The other woman stood for a moment in indecision then slid onto the other chair.
"Your Kara aren't you. Sam has spoken of you. He, sorry she loves you a great deal and was worried how the current situation would affect your relationship."

At the he she slip Kara's head snapped up and stared into Jan's eyes. "You know? About her, about us?"

"Yes. But only in general terms. She made a few gestures that were dead ringers for my ex and well. It just clicked. I don't think anyone else here knows and I won't tell. As for you, Sam told me about what happened at the school and how you pushed 'him' to realise the potential of the person that he had hidden away through fear. Although she was at first very uneasy and more than a little afraid she made it clear that you were right and was grateful for you being there."

At that last remark Kara started crying in earnest. "Oh god. I've probably destroyed any goodwill I may have had. I hurt her in the worst way I possibly could. And if what I think happened did happen she will never want to see me again and I couldn't blame her in the slightest."

Jan looked at the other woman and judged her distress as deep and heartfelt. She didn't understand what might have happened and could only go with her instinct. She liked Sam and by extension from what she had said of Kara thought she would like her as well.

"You asked if I had heard from her. She wasn't in yesterday and she should be here by now so I guess not today either. I um..." She noticed a table of four sitting waiting and started to rise. A gentle hand on her shoulder stopped the movement.

Bill leant over and whispered," Stay. I'll get them. Mind you I'll probably be blackballed in a demarcation dispute by the International Federation of Waitpersons. Don't tell anyone. Okay." With a half smile and a nod he was gone.

" Thanks Bill. I won't breath a word." She drew an imaginary cross over her chest and smiling turned back to Kara who she guessed had totally missed the byplay. Yep she's hurting alright. I hope Sam is ok.


Sam reached the small group of shops and waited for the phone booth to become available. As she leant against the wall waiting for the woman shrouded in black cloth to finish the feelings of grief and fear took hold again and she slid down the wall to rest her bum on her calves and cried quietly. A few minutes later the woman in black rattled off a burst of some unintelligible language and slamming the phone in its cradle stomped off up the street. Stumbling into the now empty booth Sam rang the work number and waited to find out if she still had a job.

"Oh, um, hi Lucy, it's Samantha......yes I know. I'm really sorry. Yes you could say that.........I can be there tomorrow if you still want me. ......Yes. I'm staying in a small boarding place across town. Yes......I'll be there. Thank you. ...... yes, ... yes I should have left months ago ......all men are ...... . I know ......yes thanks again, I'll be there."

Slumping with relief that for the moment one problem was pushed aside Sam began to shake as visions of a solitary and bleak future washed through her head. With a mental shake she stood straight and barked a brief laugh.

"You pathetic self pitying cow. Walk a hundred yards and you'll probably find someone 20 times worse off than you'll ever be. Shit, talking to yourself again you mad bitch. Get a grip." As she began the walk back to her small room the thought drifted gently in, 'Mad as a hatter. Ah well. Never claimed sanity anyhow. Maybe she should get one of those pre paid phones to carry. Shit what for, who the hell are you going to ring. Your broker. Jesus.'


Jan tried to console by simply being there. She patted Kara's hand gently,
" Come on eat your toast and drink up before it all gets cold."

With an effort Kara straightened, took a big sip and chewed a finger of toast. It dripped butter and tasted wonderful. The 2 slices were gone in moments and she sipped some more trying to gather her thoughts. Jan sat quietly waiting.

Just then a large woman bustled in and spoke to Bill. She glanced at Jan and Kara but said nothing as she headed back to the office.

"Hey you two. Whatever else is going on Sam's ok. She just rang in and spoke to Lucy. She'll be here tomorrow as usual. So relax a little Sam's friend. She may not be fine, but she is more or less ok. I have the impression that she had a major relationship bust up. You two probably know more about that. I don't know any details and I don't think she said much to Lucy either. But she is ok. Ok."

The relief that washed over Kara was evident. She was really worried thought Jan. 'What the hell had happened between these two? From what Sam had said they were so close. It couldn't be easy watching the man you love become a woman right in front of you. Even if she had to some extent brought the issue to a head.' "Just relax here for a while Kara. I'll bring you another coffee."

"Oh. Um, thanks Jan. Is there a bathroom I could use for a minute. I, ah, need a slight freshen up."

"Sure just through there past the kitchen and office." She ordered the second cappuccino and went back to work. Kara was back a few minutes later looking more or less human. She sat and sipped quietly then just sat after finishing. Jan cleaned up the plates and cups. She was pretty sure Kara didn't even know where she was at the moment. Whatever had happened had caused a lot of pain. She hoped Sam was really ok. She had said how important Kara was to her more than once. For both their sakes she hoped things weren't fatally damaged. Looking at Kara and knowing Sam a little she thought not. But who knows. Small things can destroy a relationship and by the look of this it wasn't a small thing. With a sigh she concentrated on working and left Kara to her thoughts.

With a slight shake Kara roused herself and glanced at her watch, a mid size waterproof, shockproof Tag Heuer that Sam had given her for Christmas shortly after they married. A little after 12.30, she'd been sitting here for over an hour. Time to go meet Brian and see if she could find out what happened the other night. She slipped a twenty under the small vase on the table. She suspected they might refuse to charge her. She thanked Bill and Jan for their kindness and as she suspected they refused to take any money. With a smile and a wave she thanked them again and headed to the car.

She was a few minutes late at the motel. Brian's car was there already as she pulled in beside it. Grabbed her bag and locking the car headed to the door. Brian opened at her knock. He stood there, tie off, shirt unbuttoned and she felt a familiar flutter in her stomach. He frowned at her brusque manner as she pushed through the door past him without saying a word.

"Well hullo to you too darlin'. Are we not in a jolly mood then? And here's me thinking you couldna' wait to see me again. How's your wee sissy boy after the other night? Bit too much for the poor dear eh. Can'na hold 'her' grog tha's fur sure. Terry was a bit put out. He was afta' a night with a nice pretty boy. And I know what you wanted. Somethin' of a letdown if ya know wha' ah mean."

"Just what did you do to Sam the other night. I have never seen her that drunk, ever." She glared at him and waited.

With a smirk he laughed at her, " Oh come look ah this. You playin' the innocent. Your pathetic little sissy boy wus settup tah have a big one with Terry, by you. He rather fancies that type. Don' see tha attraction meself when the real thing is righ' there on tap. But each ta their own eh. Yon 'Samantha' got a wee bit more tha 'she' bargained fuh. Life's a bitch eh. ...Poor love, ya look a might peeked. Not quite wha ya had in mind eh. Well ahm sick ah playin' in tha background. You set the rules darlin'. We jus upped tha ante a wee bit. Serves the fucker right. Fuckin' pathetic." With a bigger smirk and a leer he leant over and right in her face, "Come on then Kara darlin' give us a kiss. Forget tha piece ah crap yah married to. Time is a waistin'"

The anger bubbled up and reflexively she slapped him hard across the face, "You bastard. How could you do that? If you think..."

She saw almost in slow motion the shock cross his face, then the anger and watched as like a kids cartoon a huge fist floated toward her and with a burst of light slammed her left cheek and knocked her to the floor.

Her hand was shaking as she reached gingerly to her cheek. Swollen already. 'Hope the bone's not fractured'. Felt moisture below her nose, touched a small trickle of blood. She shook her head and stopped immediately as a vicious throbbing assaulted her nerves. Gingerly she got to her knees and tried to focus. Brian was straightening his shirt, tucked and buttoned. Then carefully retied his tie and brushed his hair with his fingers. Looking like something in a macho version of GQ he turned toward her.

"Well darlin' tha did na go quite as planned. The room is payed through till tha mornin'. You might want a bit ah ice on tha cheek. Really should be more careful around doors. Don' call me ah'll call you eh." With that he left and she heard his car start and pull out. She sat numbly for a while as tears rolled down her face. ' Oh Sam what did I do to you?' She crawled up onto the bed and curling up sobbed in pain and regret. Sometime after dark she washed her face and headed home.


Sam lay back on the thin mattress and stared at the ceiling but all she saw was Kara's face as it crumpled in realisation that Sam was leaving. The anguish on that lovely face was real. How could she have done what she did? It was more than obvious that Brian was a little more than a passing acquaintance. As for Terry, her throat tightened as acid began to push up the wrong way.

All the clues had been there to see. Sam just did not want to. So she hadn't. Until finally the blatant next chair, here you go lover girl, watch how it's done.

Tears began again. How could Kara do that? Not talk to her... what, husband. Shit. Still some explanation was called for. But no, just an in your face display of this is womanhood on the make. Get used to it. Then... ... there was a gentle tap on the door. Glancing at her watch, 5.29, where had the day gone? Checking that the key was still in her jeans pocket she walked to the door. Nobody knew she was here, who would knock? She opened to find the small Chinese woman.

"Come. It no good to be alone. We have food before husband go to work. You come and eat. Soup and noodle help with sad. Come. Children." The two small moppets took a hand each and led her next door, helped her to sit on the cushions and passed a steaming bowl of vegetables and noodle soup. Suddenly with a rumble her stomach made itself heard. The kids giggled and covered their mouths. Mama nodded with a big smile and nodded to her husband who gruffly returned the nod as he tucked in with a spoon. Forty minutes later dad left with a gentle bow to each child and a deeper one to his guest and then his wife. Refusing any assistance the children cleared and straightened the dinner things and then rearranged everything into a sort of pallet for sleeping. Realising that she needed to leave Sam bowed deeply to each of them and thanking them for their hospitality took her leave. Mama smiled widely and ushered her out.

It was perhaps 20 minutes later that another soft knock was heard at her door. She opened to find mama with another small Chinese woman standing outside her door. With a lot of bowing and wringing of hands Sam gradually realised that mama had the chance to make a little money in a local restaurant but could not leave the children. With a smile she said she would watch them. Back 1 o'clock. No problem. She settled in the large pillows and watched them lying there with big eyes, mama rattled of some Mandarin and bowing several times left.

She must have nodded off and woke to find the little girl curled in her lap. With a very gentle stretch she eased a kink in her leg as the child resettled. Gently pushing the hair back from the round little face Sam wondered at innocence and how fleeting it could be. 'I hope life is kind little one'.

She was awoken by mama gently shaking her shoulder and easing the little girl back to her pallet. With much thanks and bowing and a proffered 10 dollars which Sam refused, she left.

Crept into her bed and slept through till 4am. Tossed and turned for an hour before dozing off and waking again at 9.40. After a quick shower she made herself presentable and putting on her runners and carrying her 'real' shoes and bag decided to walk to work. About an hour she guessed. Maybe her head would be clear by then.


The first thing Kara had done when she got home was ring and arrange cover for another 2 days. She needed to at least see Sam before she gave up. With a few dabs of cream and a cold compress she lay on the lounge in the dark and drifting in and out of sleep realized with the lightening of the air it was tomorrow.

She sipped a coffee and determined to go and wait for Sam. If she never wanted to see her again she would deal with it somehow. Hopefully they could at least talk. If there was any chance at all she had to take it. Then it was up to Sam. After what had happened she held little hope. But a little wasn't none.

She parked opposite again and sat staring up and down the street and across at the café. At least 2 hours but she didn't want to miss her by running late and she couldn't cause a scene where Sam worked if it went badly.

She snapped erect at 10.40. Must have dozed off she thought. Then she spotted a slender figure strolling toward her down the footpath. It was Sam alright. She looked tired and drawn but not grey as she had been. The recent happiness was muted but what could you expect. At least she didn't look broken. 'I probably look worse'.

As Sam got closer she must have recognised the car. She stopped dead and almost turned back. Kara jumped from the car and cried "SAM please!" She stood there sobbing and with tears streaming down her face. She could see the blurry figure stop and take in the bedraggled thing wearing yesterdays clothes and sobbing piteously. She saw the slight wince as Sam noticed her cheek. Then with tears of her own starting she took the 10 paces to wrap Kara in a gentle hug. They stood oblivious as other pedestrians flowed around and tried to ignore this strange apparition on their footpath.

Jan was just rounding the corner and took in the strange sight. She stopped and tried to read what was happening. Then with a smile continued on her way.

The End.

Any thoughts or comments I can be contacted - [email protected] Anything short of abuse welcome.


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