The Way Things Happen - Part 4

Continuing the Story of Jenny Holland

The Way Things Happen

Part 4
Jennifer Christine
Copyright © 2010 Jennifer Christine

The changeover to girls’ school was drawing ever closer and I felt my nervousness increase almost daily, even though Wendy was with me almost on a daily basis once she got over her holiday with her family in Marbella — she ended up with Spanish Tummy or something and was looking very pasty when she first got home. Carol also joined in and we set about doing some shopping for autumn clothes that had hit the shops. I didn’t buy a lot since I had no idea what it would be like in my new country.

I told them about moving to Brisbane and we went to Wendy’s house and she dug out a huge atlas with loads of information about the weather and geography — the clothes I had just bought were only going to last one season — the winter weather in Brisbane was equivalent to late spring in UK and it was a dry winter (monsoon) so I would never wear a raincoat as heavy as the one I had just bought for UK.

“Never mind kiddo, I’ll have it,” Carol volunteered with a big smile. Well I’d wear it til I left, that was for sure.

I didn’t tell them yet about my operation date — they seldom mentioned my ex-boy status so I left it in the air — no one else seemed to bring up the matter so no one had leaked any secrets — it made me feel a lot of trust for my two friends.

We occasionally joined up into a bigger group and went and hung out in the ‘Grounds’ but I hung back from relationships with the boys, though I did watch the way they interacted and put the information away for future use.

One day towards the end of the holidays I was hanging out at the pool with Wendy. She was rubbing oil on my back and had undone my bikini top to make sure she covered the area properly and I was holding it onto my front for modesty.

A shout of “look out!” made me look up just in time to see a basketball heading towards my head — I instinctively put my hands up to shield myself and my top fell onto my legs revealing ‘all’ to everyone who was watching the ball hit my head.

I put my hands back onto my breasts realising that I had flashed the world — I went lobster red and closed my eyes — Wendy draped the towel over me — while I recovered my dignity. I started to shudder as tears came to my eyes. I looked over at the guys who had now retrieved their ball — they looked like they’d been caught shoplifting.

One came over, “I’m SO sorry — it was my fault. I threw it too hard and it was way off target.”

I looked up at him, he looked so contrite — “It’s ok — it was just a bit embarrassing, I’m not in the habit of baring all to the world.”

“Can I buy you a Coke to make up for it?” he pleaded, tying to make me look at him. I nodded and smiled shyly.
“Why you flirt,” Wendy whispered in my ear, “he’s gorgeous.”

I hadn’t noticed — I was too shaken to even take in how old he was.

I didn’t have to wait long to find out, he returned with a Coke and a straw. And a big smile. I shaded my eyes and looked up at him — he was quite dishy and had a sort of happy smile on his face…. Suddenly it occurred to me that he’d done this on purpose. I looked across to find his mates who were all fooling about at the edge of the pool near us. They were looking across rather too often for it to be an ‘accident’, I accepted the Coke gracefully.

“My name is Mark by the way,” he said as an opener.

I smiled at him and said “well you’d better be off then Mark, your friends are waiting”

He looked quite downtrodden and left to rejoin his mates. He looked back and smiled and waved at me as he reached the edge of the pool. I pulled a faint smile and turned away.

“What on Earth was all that about?” gasped Wendy, “I thought you were well in there and he was really dishy looking.” Her look of amazement told me more than one thing.

“I realised that he threw the ball on purpose which actually amounts to sexual harassment. Not only that, he was arrogant enough to think I was his for the taking, neither of which endeared me to him in the least. I can see he’s nice looking and for all I know he may be really nice as well, but I think if a guy is going to go to those lengths to break the ice, he’s too much of a schemer.”

Wendy sat there with her mouth opened a little way and her brows raised as if to say, “well you sure picked up the traces ok”.

“I know you’re right Jen, but I didn’t realise you had such principles.”

“I mean to start as I intend to carry on. I didn’t reckon I was going to be this girl at all a few months ago — now that I am and I find I’m ‘acceptable’ as far as dating material goes, I’m not going to waste it by being an easy target”

“Aw Jen, you’re being awful hard on the guy, I don’t expect he really meant you to ‘bare all’ just hit you with the ball.” Wendy seemed to be taking the side of Mark and Jenny was surprised to realise that maybe she’d been too harsh.

She took another slug of the Coke and passed it to Wendy, “Well to be honest, I’m scared of getting into a relationship at this stage and guys still frighten me a lot.” She frowned and then smiled. “I expect my reputation didn’t take much of a knock, he’ll be dreaming about my boobs for the rest of the week.” They both started giggling and soon forgot the incident.

As they were leaving the pool area later the boys that had done the dastardly deed had by chance exited behind the girls and were teasing Mark. “Some smoothy you turned out to be, couldn’t even get off with a bird, not only after a fantastic setup but also after buying her a Coke — what a sucker.”

The girls heard it and looked back at them. Mark was suitably rosy cheeked, but it looked like it may have been the afternoon in the sun as they were all a bit pink — teach them not to use sunscreen. The girls giggled and picked up the pace a bit to out distance them. They got on the bus just as it arrived and went upstairs — Mark and one of his mates got on downstairs — unbeknownst to the girls.

When the bus arrived at the stop nearest Wendy’s house the girls were climbing down the stairs when they realised that the two boys were also waiting to get off. With no other options they descended and waited behind the boys. Jenny watched the boys tense up and eyeball each other.

Jenny restarted the conversation — Wendy started and gaped at Jen. “I didn’t know you lived round here, I’ve never seen you before.”
Mark turned as the bus ground to a halt with a squeal, “I don’t actually, I’m visiting for a couple of days,” the door swooshed open and the boys stepped down and waited for the girls to alight. Mark continued, “I’m staying in Radnor Drive, where do you live?” Wendy replied, “just down here, number 17 Hill St” without any hesitation. Jenny gaped this time, “and Jenny lives round the corner in Pope St.” Wendy added letting Jenny see that she’d done it on purpose.

The girls set off and the boys suddenly matched them stride for stride, “We’ll see you home if that’s ok? Oh by the way I’m Steve.” Mark’s friend chimed in offering his hand, “I’m Mark’s cousin, we’re all staying at our auntie’s. We got out of the way this arvo as it’s crowded with three families together.”

Wendy whispered to Jenny, “that’s only two doors down from Carol’s place — she never mentioned these guys.” Jenny raised her brow without answering. They stopped outside Wendy’s and the girls put the gate between them and the guys and turned to go inside.

“Any chance of getting a phone number?” Steve piped up hopefully.

“Not today, maybe not ever,” Wendy replied with a flick of her hair as they walked up the path. The boys turned away perplexed.

“What did we do wrong?”

“Buggered if I know, but we’ll see them again if they’re round here — we’re here for a week. Nice tits on the brunette — I’ve not seen too many in daylight — but those are something.” He smiled emphasising the ‘something’ Steve grinned back at Mark — “Jeez that was a nice shot with the basketball, I didn’t expect her to drop her bikini!”

Mark guffawed and cracked his mate on the arm, “I’m going to get me a feel of those before I go home”.

The girls closed the door and Jenny leaned her back against it and burst out laughing, “You are something else, you big flirt. Fancy, telling them your address, and then letting them walk us home.”

“They’d have found out anyway. Hey, let’s ring Carol and see if she knows them.”

They rushed over to the phone and within seconds the phone was ringing — “Hello?” “CAROL, guy alert, guy alert — there’s two boys staying at number 17 have you seen them?

“What are you on about?”

“Did you notice a couple of guys two doors down from you at number17?” repeated Wendy slightly exasperated.

“No, I’ve been too busy, but there’s a caravan on the front drive and a lot of noise coming from their back yard. They’re playing rounders by the sound of it”

“Well look out for them, one of them tried to get off with Jenny, she’s here with me — we just got back from the pool.” She related the incident with the basketball.

Carol’s screeching laugh could be heard almost without the phone. “Hang on I’m coming over, I have to hear this first hand”. She put the phone down and headed for the door.

“Carol’s on her way over,” Wendy relayed as she replaced the handset on the hook.

“Great, let’s get a drink” they sauntered through to the kitchen knowing that Carol would enter that way in a couple of minutes. She arrived breathless two minutes later.

They all hugged and cracked some tabs on some lemonade cans and sat at the table.

“I just passed number 17 and the two guys were in the garden, one tall with curly hair and the other heavier with glasses — that them?”

“Yeah Mark’s the taller one, I wonder if there’s another guy there for you” Wendy joked.

Jenny was making a large O with her mouth “you little vixen, you want to go out with them.”

“Of course I do — what better way to end the school hols. Not long enough to get involved and just enough time to get some pashing in”. Wendy tugged a the hem of her top and looked down at her neat breasts, “just enough time to get to second base I reckon.” Carol squealed and Jenny giggled like a drain.

“My God, you hussy. What would your mum say if she heard you?” Jenny stifled a full blown laugh and spluttered lemonade on the counter.

“She’d say, I think you need more work to do around the house to take your mind off boys” came a remote voice from the study.

Wendy’s face went redder than the Ruby Slippers in the Wizard of Oz. She covered it with her hands, “Oh my God! I didn’t realise mum was home”.

The sound of footfalls in the hall made the girls look towards the door awaiting the doom that surely would come.

Denise popped her head round the door “Er hi Mrs Somerset,” Jenny broke the silence. The head was followed by the body as she pushed the door wider. The look on her face was a picture of stifled laughter, like she was about to implode.

“I have to say, that’s the most fun I ever had delivering a line”. Denise grinned and leaned on the table looking into the fish eyes that Wendy had adopted as her own.

“M-u-um, you have to be the cruellest person in the universe, I was so scared then. I thought you were going to kill me!” Wendy’s eyes rolled up and she continued, “Lord preserve me from ‘oldies’ trying to be funny”.

They all burst into assorted chuckles and Denise held out her hands for silence, “That doesn’t mean I’m in favour of boys groping my little girl — not now not ever. But your scheme to make sure that it doesn’t go too far is admirable and a good idea — even if it is a bit hard on the boys.” She grinned. “My only proviso is that you don’t tell your father and you don’t go out on your own with them — keep together, there’s safety in numbers. It’s far too easy to get carried away. I think it’s time for the talk, and I’m going to ring your mums too young ladies and make sure the rules of engagement are set.” She looked in turn at each of the girls knowing that her rules would be in place no matter what rules the other parent gave.

The tension relaxed and “Aw mum, you have to set rules even for boys, it’s ridiculous, it’s not like we’re going to do anything …”
“I know at least four girls from my school who said that, they all ended up leaving early if you know what I mean.” She raised one eyebrow for emphasis. The girls coloured up again, this was not the sort of conversation that they were used to.

“You’re turning into young women and it’s time you understood that the young men are now catching up to you physically, where you were ahead of them for the last couple of years. Some of them will be fully grown by the end of this year and they’ll be far stronger than you are and may not understand the meaning of the word No when they’re full of surging hormones. And believe it or not, your hormones will be raging too and it’s way too easy for you to make a big mistake. Before that happens, I want you all to promise me that if you get into that position where you think it may go too far that you tell us if you can and make sure you go equipped if you catch my drift.” The girls nodded and coloured up again — this is not the type of conversation they were used to for sure!

Mum turned and retired gracefully, leaving the girls silent for a minute or two.

“Sheesh, where did that come from?” Carol was aware that she’d been pushed over the waterfall in the same barrel as the two others and Jenny had for the first time been included in a VERY female conversation and included completely as a fecund and normal woman. It felt a bit strange and she was hyperventilating a bit.

“I don’t feel too well after that, I never considered that the guys were anything more than I was a few months ago — just people… I didn’t expect that they’d be after jumping my bones and stuff. It just didn’t enter my mind.

Jenny looked over at her friends, “I’m getting my operation.”

The girls looked over at Jenny with expectation written on their faces, “When, when?” Carol pleaded.

“20th December if everything goes Ok, I found out the other day, I wasn’t sure how to break the news.” Jenny looked a bit stricken.

Carol and Wendy rushed to Jenny and held her tightly, “Wowowowowow. That is such a shock, how do you feel about it?” Carol asked the obvious.

“That’s precisely what the shrink asked when my mum told her. Dad had it all organised ages ago — but I had to get the shrink’s permission before mum let me know.”

I got simultaneous kisses on my cheek from both girls and they said almost in unison, “welcome to womanhood” then giggled.

“Do you think I should tell your mum Wendy? Since I’m here and stuff — it might be polite to let her know.” I wasn’t sure of the protocols on this one — I mused for a minute. “I’d better leave it for now, I don’t want to mess with anyone’s head”.

“Hey I’d better get going, it’s nearly tea time.” I jumped to my feet after looking at the clock over the sideboard.

“Me too.” Carol agreed.

We had another big hug and I raised my voice to say bye to Wendy’s mum.

A muffled cry was returned, “bye girls”.

We made our way home.

“Mum? What do you reckon about dating?”

“In what context dear?”

“ Well in the context of going out with boys I guess.”

Mum sat across from me, suspending operations in the kitchen for a moment. “It’s only what I expect a girl to do why? Have you found someone that you’d like to go out with?”

“Well I think it’s likely to happen in the foreseeable next two days,” I enlightened her.

“There’s a couple of guys staying over in Radnor Drive for the week — and I know Wendy wants to date one, and the other guy wants to date me — I think.” I stared at a tiny crumb on the table tying to imagine what it would be like to go out with a guy for real. Mum was silent for a moment.

“I think it would be nice for you dear, I’m glad you know who you are. I was worried in case you decided you were still liking girls as it were.”

“I never did really mum, I just liked them because they’re enviable. I don’t need to envy them any more, I am one!” Mum grinned and reinforced my opinion, “You sure are.”
“Do you think I’ll ever be pretty mum?” I asked somewhat whiningly, “I’d like to be pretty.”

“Come here darling,” she said with a snag in her voice, I went over to her and she turned me round — “look in the mirror on the sideboard dear” I could see my upper body — very slim with twin mounds that were a nice size — not big, but definitely there — I looked up to my face and hair — my hair was a little sunstreaked and flyaway after a day on the poolside but was quite Ok I guess. My face was tanned and smooth and my eyes unblemished and open. A completely normal and quite nice looking young lady.

“If there’s a prettier girl in the area, I’ve yet to meet her.” Mum hugged me from behind, her arms completely encircling me — She kissed my neck and whispered, “you will enchant any boy you wish sweetheart — even your dad. Just keep your head and don’t let them take you where you don’t want to go yet.”

She released me - “right go get your shower and I’ll set the table — salad tonight, so dead easy — do you want to cook some steaks on the BBQ?”
“When I get changed, won’t be long.” I dashed for the shower.

Supper was lovely and dad even gave me a glass of red wine — after he’d given me a huge hug hello. Did I say that I loved my folks. Oh, Nigel didn’t show, he was still working at the Restaurant. I’m beginning to miss him.

I awoke to realise that today, Tuesday, was the last Tuesday of freedom. Next Tuesday was the first day of my new life so to speak in my new school, meeting new friends and learning perhaps a different way of doing things. New friends meant that possibly there may be people who weren’t friends too. Maybe even some bullying and bitchiness to contend with.

One thing I did know, Carol and Wendy were in my new class and that made me feel a whole lot better. But I still had a week and I was going to make the best of it. Unless I had to — well I may like it, mightn’t I? —

“Jenny!!! Breakfast, front and centre, five minutes…” I staggered to my feet disentangling the nightie from my bedding and feeling under the bed with my toes for my slippers.

Five minutes later I was at the table — OK I had showered and washed my hair but I was still in my bathrobe and with a towel turbaned onto my locks. I felt a whole lot better.

Simple breakfast — scrambled eggs and toast. Yum. Nigel was there, he’d flooded his plate with what looked like a sea of red gore but was (I hope) only a rather large quantity of tomato ketchup. “Have you got shares in Heinz 57 Varieties Nige?” I smiled at him as I applied a little salt and pepper.

“oomph glumph,” was all I could make out, but he swallowed and repeated himself. “Controlling Interest, one more breakfast and I’ll own them outright.” He grinned back and made a big play for the final dripping mess entering his mouth. I winced as he shovelled it into his mouth. “No one is going to steal it if you only take smaller bites you know.”

“Yeah, but I like it to be hot and I get a huge assault of flavour on my palate with a bigger mouthful”

“If you like it hot, you should warm the ketchup…” I sipped a mouthful of tea, realising the gulf between my brother and myself was widening daily. He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread and looked up at me.

“You know, I rather like having a sister to chide me into better manners.” He grinned swigged the rest of his coffee and rose leaving me to take my third mouthful of food. Mum joined me.

“Don’t think it has gone unnoticed Jen, I’m not sure if you do it on purpose, but I can’t see Jerry anywhere, I’m missing him a bit, but I really do like the girl I got.”

She cuddled her cup in her two hands and smiled over it at me.

“No, I’m not doing it on purpose, I think that I had to eat like Nigel on purpose, it always seemed to be such a waste to eat it so fast. You spent so long cooking it and it’s gone in two mouthfuls with Nigel.” I mused.

“Oh it’s not just the eating petal, it’s the whole box and dice, you’re sitting there all fresh and soft with the morning dew on your cheeks, your smile is warm, there’s an air of calm about you I have never seen in this house before. Not with the three guys I used to have anyway. Now I have something to remind me how beautiful the day can be.” She sipped, savouring the hot tea. “And I do love this Darjeeling tea.”

I put my knife and fork together on my empty plate, “You know mum, I can barely remember what it was like, before if you know what I mean. It’s like I’ve woken from a nightmare and it’s already forgotten.”

Beth sat for a minute, “how long did you feel like that?” she looked at me and searched for a sign as if a number of years was written on my face. “I mean like you were trapped in a strange place with nowhere to go?”

I picked up my cup, mirroring the attitude of my mother. “How long is a piece of string? I think I always felt that way. I’ve tried to look back and see where it started, but there wasn’t a beginning, it just was.” I sounded a bit sad, but it was only retrospective. “Anyway that’s all over now.” Brightening.

Mum grinned back — “I should say so, you don’t seem to be harbouring any shadows now. Before, you never seemed really to have the really big highs that most kids have — you were subdued like there was a cloud over you. It’s only an impression, but I feel you have a spark now, like there’s a point to it all.”

“I think you hit the nail on the head mum, I see life in my eyes when I look in the mirror, I see a happy face rather than the callow youth of before. So instead of getting maudlin over my past, I’m going to finish my tea and go do my hair and face and go see Carol since there’s a couple of things I have to sort out — names of Mark and Steve.” I grinned at mum as her eyes went from sleepy to round and her mouth pursed with shocked surprise but only the fun sort of surprise, since she grinned and shook her head as if to dismiss the thought.

I rang Wendy as soon as my hair was dry — “Sorry dear,” I got from Denise, “she’s gone round to Carol’s. I guess the magnets have been switched on.” I could hear her grin down the phone.

“Yeah I guess I’d better get over there before my chances are reduced to zero.” I quipped and hung up the phone. Knowing boys as I do, I don’t think they would even have stirred, it’s was still before 9.30am.

I was wrong. As I walked past number 17 towards Carol’s, the boys were washing down the caravan with buckets of soapy water and two of the largest sponges I have ever seen.

“Morning Jenny,” Mark put down his sponge and dried his hands by wiping them down his jeans, leaving a soapy wet area on his thighs, “I trust you spent a wonderful night and are well rested this lovely morning?” His joviality and insincerity were in direct proportion and it came out daft enough sounding to make me laugh out loud.

“Do you sleep in the van or in the house?” I replied. “or is that kennel I can see under the tree over there where you are destined to rest your head?” I tried to replicate his vocal swagger. They both laughed and Mark said, “close, we were going to put a tent up while we were here right next to the kennel, but my uncle managed to borrow this van from a friend, so Steve and I are in the lap of luxury while we’re here.” He smirked, “oh and we get to have a little privacy too.” Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I hadn’t stopped walking and I wiggled my fingers as I passed and said, “oh how nice for you, may I knock on your door later and inspect the said accommodations to make sure it’s appointments are sufficiently attractive to induce me to dally awhile within?”
“Sounds like a good plan to me, why not now if your heart can stand the stress of being so close to one so handsome as I?” He bowed and flourished his arms in supplication.

“Later serf, I must away and visit my companions.” We were almost laughing by this time. “Are there any more at home like you? I have another companion that wishes company, who live but two doors away. I directed my arm to Carol’s house and glanced that way, realising that Carol and Wendy were both looking out of the window. Mark hadn’t noticed the extra interest from number 21.

“Actually yes, Steve’s brother is here too but he’s a year older and may not fall so easily for the attractions of nubile young maidens, wishing perhaps a more worldly encounter.” Mark kept up the patter, Steve was looking decidedly chirpy at the prospect of spending time with Wendy.
“See you later then, you may carry on with your duties.” I dismissed them with a wave.

One minute later I was retelling the whole encounter as we squealed and giggled behind Wendy’s front door. I glanced through the glass next to the door and Mark and Steve were looking expectantly across to us though there was no doubt they could not see us from outside.

I said, “come on Carol, show yourself and then Steve’s brother will see what he’s up for… if you are…” expecting her to baulk completely — she immediately opened the door and walked outside to check the brother out, except he wasn’t there so she had to pretend to be inspecting the flowers so that her appearance could be relayed to said brother…. I’d never seen Carol and Wendy like that before, they were both on the hunt, and seemed to be a lot braver than I could ever be where boys were concerned.

“My God Carol, you hussy, showing yourself off like that,” I whispered shrilly, “you’ll have him thinking you’re easy.”
“Hey, let the fox see the rabbit is what I say, or we’ll never even get to first base, never mind second, I’ll bet they’re going by the weekend. We have much work to do grasshopper.” She turned to me and said “anyway you can talk after that show you just put on by their front gate.” She grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

“I can see him looking out the front window, he looks dishy and even taller than Mark.”

“We should go over and offer ourselves up as sacrifices straight away or all will be lost.” Wendy joined the attack — “We have limited time ladies and the mission must be accomplished.” She stood ramrod straight and whipped off a salute to the framed picture of a man on the hall wall — a soldier from the first world war I guessed from the sepia tone of the photo. “Let’s go get ‘em babes.”

She ushered us both out of the front door and we were totally unable to resist since we all wanted it to happen. So we pretended to be just sauntering and walked across to number 17, reaching their gate just as the three guys came out of the front door. Wendy said under her breath, “Fix…….bayonets, no prisoners.” We giggled and stopped by the gate.

Marks brother came over and opened the gate before we had formed our attack flank and ushered us in, “Walk this way ladies, if you please.” He turned and led the way to the caravan which the other two had reached and opened the door to. We baulked at being led to the slaughter so easily.

“I’m Martin, Steve’s older and wiser brother, the one with the panache and charm, intelligence and wit.” He introduced himself, these two are presently my slaves and will be making the coffee very shortly if that is your desire…. Amongst other things.” he added with a smarmy smile. I tried to hold in the giggle that would give me up as a hopeless virgin. The other two succeeded as well and we just smiled at the obvious repartee.

The spell was broken and Wendy went over and peered inside the caravan which looked quite new. “Hey this is really nice, come and look,” she beckoned us, I noticed Mark rub his hands gleefully in what I hoped was jest…

“Would you like a cuppa or would you prefer some pop?” Mark asked me to open the dialogue.

“A cup of coffee would be really nice, thanks.” I took the plunge and stepped up into the van — it seemed huge inside with a double bed at one end and a single made up at the other there was seating to each side of the single bed which I slid into as more of us entered the confines. It did preserve a semblance of personal space, though I realised that after I had moved round the table that the seating surrounded that I was sat on the bed. “Who sleeps in this one?” I asked innocently, “whichever of you likes,” was the instant reply, almost as if there had been some discussion of likely questions and answers to give. I flushed a bit but managed to pass it off. “Well, don’t you fancy your chances then boys?” Carol piped up.

“Well actually I do.” Martin volunteered, “since I usually get up first in the morning — I’m in training, so I go for a run first thing.” He expanded.

“Training for what?” Carol ventured, trying to gain his attention. It seemed that Martin was more interested in me and that wasn’t the way we had planned it, I wondered if it mattered. He flexed his arm with his fingers interlocked, “I’m on the first fifteen for my school this year — I’m in the upper 6th ,” he supplied proudly.

Carol smiled at him now that she had his attention, and showed him she was interested. Mark had sat down next to me and Steve was putting the kettle on trying to light the stove with a match — there was a pop and an ouch to show that he had succeeded in doing that and burning his fingers. Martin went over and opened the cupboard door and pulled out some biscuits which he promptly put on the table. Mark grabbed them and gave them back to his brother. “try putting them on a plate, we have company.”

Martins face reddened slightly, “Sheesh, Mr Etiquette himself, who’d have thought I would have to take such stick from a young ‘un such as him?” His glance at Mark was possibly a little harsh, and I know I’ve done it to Nigel before so it was bound to crop up later when we were safely out of earshot. I got a thick ear more than once.

“So do you two boys sleep together then?” Wendy was teasing. Mark and Steve looked a bit uncomfortable — “You’re not kissing cousins are you?” she added with a saccharin smile. Mark cracked first. We all gagged and spluttered.

“I’d rather have the single bed, but Martin got that. He should sleep with his brother really — it’s more … proper.” He excused himself.

“It’s not the best arrangement I admit, but there’s only three bedrooms in the house and our folks are in those already so we got the short straw. My niece has to sleep in her mum and dad’s room and he snores loud enough for us to hear it out here,” he grinned. “She looks like death warmed over in the mornings.”

The kettle whistled and soon we were dunking and chomping biscuits and nattering away like we’d known each other for ever. We settled into the format we expected Wendy got Steve and I got Mark — Martin was nicely interested in Carol too. It was an education for me — as they guys were so sweet and kind. Something I’d never experienced as a guy.

I’d only ever had derogatory comments or put downs from guys in groups. Here, they were putting us in the centre and being so nice. Eventually we managed to get back into the sunlight when Steve’s dad came out and reminded the guys that they were all going into the town that afternoon. The ladies were going to shop and the guys were going down to the river to fish for a while. I had a think about that and realised that the only fishing they would probably do is fishing in their pockets for beer change. Since they all looked over 18 (though I knew that mark and Steve were only a few months older than I). and fathers always took their sons into pubs when on holiday.

So we arranged to meet them later at about 4pm and turned to go. As I turned, Mark touched my arm and I turned back to see what he wanted, before I had a chance to stop him, he’d stepped up to me and planted a kiss on my lips. Only a peck really but it was a surprise and to be honest it was a nice one. I smiled at him and suddenly he’d put his hand behind my head and given me another firmer one. My knees nearly buckled, my God — it was like getting hit by a runaway cricket ball. I saw stars, my tummy went in knots and my eyes were fixed and dilated. I could smell his skin, soft and musky, feel the warmth of his face and the firmness of his hand behind my head, his lips were soft and dry, he tasted of biscuits. I could hardly breathe for a second.

Mark smiled at me — “was it that bad?” I smiled and shook my head, “no it was a surprise, that’s all.”

He turned to go with his brother. The girls were staring at me like I’d just done a striptease.

When we got back to Carol’s, Wendy grabbed me looking into my still dilated pupils, “are you ok? You look like you got hit by a train, he’s a bit fast isn’t he? I nodded a bit incoherently.

Wendy offered, “If you’re going to go at it like that, you’re going to be at second base by 4.30 this afternoon.” She grinned and snorted down her nose.
Carol turned for the kitchen, “let’s get some lunch.”

I was still tingling 20 minutes later.

By the time lunch came round my insides were in a fit state to receive it — just.

I had no idea what emotional content was included in something so simple as a kiss — sure kissing a girl last year had been really nice and I’d gotten a kick out of it, but the reality of kissing a guy was overwhelming — I could well understand the compulsion to keep lunging forward as the libido forced you to take each step. My libido was apparently alive and well and living a little south of my ribs…. Carol and Wendy had ceased teasing me but were regarding me with seriously concerned eyes for most of the time up to lunchtime when I seemed to come out of my ‘rapture’.

Wendy said quietly, “welcome back kid,” and smiled at me affectionately. I realised that I had spaced for most of two hours.

“S-sorry about that, I had no idea that it could be like that, that’s the first time I’ve been kissed by a guy I liked. It’s very different.” I felt myself colouring up again, though the tears I thought I was due to release stayed inside my face for a change. I grinned and glanced at my two friends. They were sat regarding me with their chins on their hands and their elbows on the table like two of the monkeys in the ‘see no hear no’ series. Except that they were seeing of course and watching like crazy.

We decided to have a wander down towards the river which was well within reason — if we encountered the boys, we could be allowed to say we did walk for the fun of it. We actually didn’t see them at all, but passed a nice afternoon in the slightly cooler end of summer holidays sort of warmth.

The family didn’t get back while we were there, so we left Carol to keep watch and went home for tea. Wendy left me at my door with one of those looks on her face that spoke of conspiracy and the near future.

“Hey, no doubling back to Radnor Drive you,” I admonished, Wendy snapped her fingers and grinned — “Damn sprung again by body language, you’re getting good kid!”

I waggled a finger and grinned back “see you later missy”.

Carol phoned later and said that they still hadn’t returned so I settled down for the evening. No point in trying to break any records — there’s always time. I realised that I have the rest of my life now.

I didn’t realise at the time that my acceptance of the mating ritual was superficial and that there was more to it than that. I was playing a dangerous game and didn’t even know the rules

“Jenny, phone!” penetrated my soft slumbers — I looked at my watch — 7.30am.

“It’s Carol, do you want to ring back?”

“Yes please, I’m still trying to open my eyes”. That’ll teach me to watch videos til midnight.

“You’ve got 10 mins, she’s going out in 15 minutes.” Came from outside the door.

“It’s not locked, come in mum,” I managed from the safety of my duvet.

The door opened and mum popped her head in, “Carol said she’s going to the shops in quarter of an hour. She said the guys came back at 10.30 last night and it’s obvious they won’t surface any time soon — they were carousing worse than cats on heat, and I quote that directly, so don’t look at me like it’s my language.”

I sat up slowly and grinned — she’s pretty good for a wrinkly…

“Why is she going to the shops at this time in the morning?”

“I’m not privy to the machinations of a 15 year old mind, but she said she’d meet you at Grounds at 9.30 if you’re not up to making it in ten minutes… which I guess you’re not.”

I sank slowly back to the pillow. “Close it quietly mum.” But it was too late, I was awake. After a rehabilitating shower and scrub, I appeared at the breakfast table just as dad got up to go to work, he gave me a peck as he passed and did the same to mum. “See you later ladies.” Nice way to get the warm fuzzies at 8 am.

“ It’s Wednesday, and you start school in 6 days — we haven’t even got your new uniforms yet. We’re going to have to go to town today or tomorrow, so get yourself organised.”

I realised that was what Carol was doing — taking the opportunity to get her new school stuff before the crowds got in there — damn she’s a smart cookie. I snagged a bowl and poured some sunshine into my bowl, followed by the lovely cold milk and a drizzle of sugar. Quickest breakfast I know.
“Could we go straight away after I finish these corn flakes?” I was already filling my mouth — I had stacks of training in this mode of nourishment, 15 years of it.

“Slow down, I need ten minutes to get myself straightened out and we can be there in less than  ½ an hour — gives us an hour to get the essentials.

You won’t be needing gym or sports kit, so it’s just the skirt and jacket, a couple of jumpers and a few blouses - oh and the tie.”

I suddenly realised that I would be defined by my uniform in a very short time. One of a crowd of girls getting off the school bus and heading into my new school. I felt a bit giddy — I knew a total of five girls from the group I was in and the school held about 550 students — I would be going into the upper fifth form — one of 120 students in that year. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 500 girls in one group — which I would in assembly on Tuesday.

“Earth to Jenny, are you receiving me?” I resurfaced.

“Sorry, I was just thinking how different it will be for me next week. I’ve got the wobbles inside about it.”

Mum smiled at me and ruffled my slightly damp hair. “I’ll just go and change, don’t go out with your hair damp — it’s go all flat in this weather”.

By 8.30 we were parked in the main street and heading for the school uniform shop — there were already quite a few in the shop as we entered and I turned automatically towards the boy’s section. I came to a halt in about two steps — like there was a physical barrier in front of me. There was, the manager of the boys’ section. “I think you need that section over there miss” he pointed out the girls’ department. Mum stood looking at me and shaking her head gently — “You’ve been coming in here for how many years?” I looked suitably embarrassed and turned towards the racks of uniforms that delineated the boundary of my new attire. The colours were much brighter than the male section and seemed more inviting — I smiled and looked at mum. “Come on then, I haven’t got all day, I’m meeting Carol in an hour.”

“She’s over there,” mum pointed to the changing room where Carol had just emerged in the green skirt and jacket of my new school. She looked weird, I’d never seen her in a senior school uniform and she looked sort of grown up — I realised in a few minutes, so would I. I waved but she was just going back into the change room and didn’t see me. We raked along the rows and I picked out a skirt and jacket in my size — easy when you have to have the one style isn’t it. “I’ll just go and try these, could you get me some size 12 blouses?”

I stepped into the changing room area and realised there were no cubicles — just an open room with about a dozen girls in different states of undress… yowser!

I tried to look nonchalant and hung up the jacket and skirt — Carol spotted me and came over, “You’re bright red, are you ok?” she grinned at me — she knew why I was pink to my stocking tops!

“Sshh — don’t be mean” I gave her a hug and she sat on the seat next to me and watched as I disrobed.

She’d seen me in bikinis all summer so it was nothing new.

“I suddenly realised at breakfast where you’d be, so I thought I’d steal a march on you and get my stuff too since the boys are bound to sleep in if they were out on the beer last night.” I thought about it as I tried on the skirt, “I’m not sure I want a boyfriend who drinks like a fish.” I felt a certain distaste for the type of behaviour that alcohol seems to define.

“Does this skirt look big on me or is it just my arse is so small?”

Carol stood up and pulled at the waistband — the skirt’s too big — they’re cut huge in this place. Get a size ten.” I slipped the jacket on — that was huge too… and the sleeves were so long I couldn’t see my hands.

Mum came in with a blouse, “I think you’d better try one of these, they look a bit big” — then she looked at me, “Oh my, don’t you look a sight. Reminds me of how we used to get stuff when I was at school. You started off the year with something too big and it was too small by the end of the year. I don’t think we’ll do that this time — you’re too old for that, let’s start again in size ten eh?”

Carol was finished with the clothes and just needed shoes, “I’ll see you outside in a few minutes.”

“Please stay Carol, I need support here, I feel a bit naked — I’ve never been around so many underclad females.”

Carol looked around and sat back down, “sorry, I didn’t realise it was all so new, you seem to have been a girl forever, I can’t remember you as Jerry.” She spoke quietly and made sure no one was listening so I felt OK about her dialogue, but it was unnerving talking about it in front of so many ‘spies’.

Except for stockings and shoes I was all done, size ten fitted me perfectly and I even looked a little smart — I felt really good — sort of normal and no different from the rest of the crowd. It was a new feeling for me. Something I’d never ever felt in my life. The shoes were the usual tuff brogue type or a sort of modified court shoe depending on whether you wore tights or socks. I ended up with courts and tights — winter was not a time for knee socks — I remember that from being a 12 year old boy in shorts….

“Has Wendy got her school stuff then? I didn’t hear her mention it.”

“I think the stuff from last year is still ok, she hasn’t grown much in the last year and she’s a neat freak anyway so her uniform is probably in better nick than ours,” Carol grinned — and the skirt is probably a bit shorter and more eye appealing than ours. Most people take them up — but not too far — it does get drafty waiting for the bus and you don’t want to be too vulnerable to the boys — they’re always trying to get a glimpse of knickers — opportunistic brats — especially the 12 year olds.”

I was a bit surprised until I thought back. The guys in my class used to drop stuff on the bus to get a glimpse of someone’s panties if they thought they could get away with it. Then brag that they had seen so and so’s knickers. I shuddered a bit at the memory.

Our mum’s had been chattering away all this time outside the change rooms and we all headed off for a coffee before they departed for the sanctity of their respective homes. Carol and I ventured down the main street for a while and window shopped. I bought some cheap bangles I saw in the gift shop and got matching ones for Carol and Wendy — sort of sisterhood presents. Carol was quite misty about it and gave me a hug, “You’re really sweet Jenny, I wouldn’t have thought of that, and you’ve only been at it for a few months.”

About 3 months is all it has taken to get me to there. I’ve had a total life makeover in three months. We headed back to Carol’s and called Wendy, we hadn’t passed the caravan so we didn’t know if the boys were up and about as we’d come from the other direction. But it was plenty late — we looked out of the window towards the van, but it seemed quiet — when Wendy got here she looked a bit stricken. “There’s no one about at the boys’ place, I wonder what’s going on?” We realised then that there wasn’t even a car outside or on the drive — did that mean they’d gone?

Wendy asked Carol’s mum if she’d seen anything when she got home. “No, I think they must have gone out when we were in town. Didn’t they say anything about being here? That’s a bit mean.”

“We didn’t think they’d be so rude, I’m sure they thought more of us than that.” Wendy turned from the window and looked disappointed and near to tears. I put my arm round her, “they’re only boys, they don’t know any better and besides we can have much more fun without them.”

Wendy looked at me with soft eyes and smiled slightly. “You know you really are a sweet girl Jenny. Always thinking of our feelings and not your own. I think you’re more female than we are.”

“Let’s call it a draw,” I said smiling. These two people were just about the most important in my life and they’d accepted me into their hearts, I felt overwhelmed.

“Hey look, they’re there.” Carol pointed out the window and passing the gate was Mark’s dad’s car closely followed (really close) by Steve’s dad’s blue Ford.

“Hey, I think the blue car is being towed,” sure enough they were going really slowly and you could see the towrope between the slats of the picket fence.
“Wonder what happened — they don’t look damaged — perhaps the engine is duff.” I surmised.

The front car was full of bodies the back one had only the driver. When we opened the door the only sound we heard was one engine — “ Well it’s not the gearbox,” I said confidently, “they would run it if they could so the brakes would work properly.”

The guys spotted us and waved. The hands that waved were several shades of disgusting. They must have been messing under the bonnet. They were oily up to their elbows. Once the cars were parked we decided it would be ok to wander over and see what the problem was. The guys greeted us like old buddies — we shied away from their hugs — yuck oil!

“We couldn’t start it last night so we all piled into dad’s car” Steve offered “and this morning we went back to fix it, but it seems there’s a broken belt or something inside the engine and we haven’t any tools here.”

“Dad’s got a load if you need some, I don’t think he’d mind if you borrowed them as long as they don’t end up like your hands,” I smile at Mark who grinned back. “Offer accepted.” The girls winked at me with a smile.

“You’d better come with me and get them then I’m not carrying icky spanners for you.” I realised the great divide I’d crossed really was crossed at that point, I wasn’t even tempted to touch the tools even for Mark. And I wasn’t going to offer the snippet that the timing belt to the overhead cam had probably slipped either. The tensioners had a habit of coming loose on that model I seemed to remember…….oh my.Mark followed me down the road like a puppy and I showed him the toolbox in the shed. “They’re all in there, but I think you’ll only need the 10 mil and the 12 mil sockets and the open ended 14 mil for the alternator.” I said without thinking.

Mark looked at me with eyes that reminded me of Marty Feldman — bugged out of his head.

“Say that again,” he was looking at me like I was some kind of alien.

“Oh shut up, dad used to have the same problem with his, I had to help him and I have a good memory,” I blustered, slapping him across the arm then inspecting my palm to make sure I hadn’t slapped an oily bit.

“If I thought you knew what you were talking about, I’d ask you to marry me right now,” he gushed. “I’ve never heard of a girl who even knew what a spanner was,” he shook his head as if disbelieving his ears or more likely just accentuating the sarcasm.

“Well you’re welcome to take the lot.” I shrugged to indicate my indifference to his attitude, though I could feel my face burning up. His grin showed me he knew I knew what I said.

“You show me which ones I’ll need, then I won’t have to carry 40 lbs of tools.”

I grabbed a plastic glove off the bench and flipped the lid on the box. Passing Mark the spanners he needed.

“There, satisfied now?” I didn’t know what to do with my face. I looked past him into the garden. Slowly his face came into line with mine. It was huge, meaning it was close too. I went into shock and didn’t move. His lips approached and I felt like a rabbit in the headlights of a car.

His lips touched mine and my heart leapt into high gear. The kiss firmed and I felt his tongue against my lips, I responded not by backing off as I should, but by parting my lips. I could feel my heart slamming in my chest and I felt tingles all over my body, my arms felt so heavy. I couldn’t move. Slowly my free hand came up to cradle his head as his tongue searched my mouth and played tag with mine.

“Ach,hmm,” I suddenly came back to earth with a bump. “You want a hand with the tools son?” Mark’s father stood in the door to the shed. “I wondered if you were trying to borrow them from the next county.”

Mark looked like he’d been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. But being as how they were holding the tools and I wasn’t covered in oily paw marks, there was no reason to believe he’d been on the rampage with them.

“Sorry dad I was just thanking Jenny for showing me which tools we needed.”
“I can see that lad.”

My head was still swimming in adrenalin, hormones and excess blood from the blush that made me look like Hiawatha. Had I actually done that? Kissed Mark like he was my husband?

I stepped out of the shed with Mark and there was mum right behind Mark’s dad. I didn’t know what to do with my face. I peeled off the glove and tugged at my top. Realising that was absolutely the wrong message to send, I let them fall to my sides and just hung my head. Mum lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, I saw in her eyes the softest most caring love I think I’ve ever seen in my life. Mum also knew I had crossed the great divide.

“Don’t be late back. Supper is at 6.30.” She looked sternly at Mark and winked at me and grinned at Mark’s dad.

“Ok Mrs Holland, I’ll make sure she’s back in time.” Mark assured her. Mum looked at Mark again, this time with almost a look of astonishment. I realised that Mark had basically taken responsibility for me — as my boyfriend.

I gulped and looked away. My God this is moving fast… Carol was right — the way this was going I wouldn’t even be a virgin by 4.30 never mind second base. I suddenly felt sick. I needed air. I couldn’t lose my virginity to Mark. Not until about March next year anyway. And I think at that moment I really wanted to. We moved towards the gate and mum went back inside. Mark and his dad led the way with the handful of tools we needed. “I reckon these are exactly what we’ll need,” Mark senior assessed as he inspected the array. “How did you know son?”

“Oh, Jenny here said her dad had the same problem and she helped him, so she knew what tools to find.”

I got the fish eyes from them both this time. “This one’s a keeper son — look after her.” Was all I heard. Though I could sense the grin as he said it.

I told the girls what had happened as we waited for the boys to finish messing. It took them far longer than it took dad and me. But I wasn’t going to tell them that.

“You WHAT? You picked out exactly the right tools — and ended up with a snogging match?”

“He said he wanted to marry me because I was so astute and knowledgeable about boy things…I guess there’s two sides to having a boy background. However my dear friends,” I added carefully, “if I ever do something so stupid again, you have my permission to poke me with a sharp stick.”.

“I reckon your mum is ace for not making a fuss.”

I coloured a little as I remembered her face. “Yeah, I wonder how dad will feel when he hears.”

The sound of a cranking engine then a cough and a roar proved that they could finish the job in only three times what the average apprentice might do. They looked mighty pleased as they closed the bonnet and wiped the oil off their hands.

It wasn’t long before they were testing it out and they all piled in for a trip for a coffee and a sandwich in town. Six in one car wasn’t a problem — even in a compact — as long as you took it steady, no one made a fuss.

The car ran like a dream — or at least I was in a dream, as I was squashed onto Mark’s lap the whole way. I don’t remember much about the coffee or the pastry we ate — though I found out later we’d all eaten at least one piece — and all paid for by the boys. There are stacks of advantages to being a girl. What I did remember was all the stares we got while Mark made sure my lips didn’t dry out.

“What have you done to your face?” mum held me by the chin. “Oh, I see, beard rash.” She hrmpph’ed, rolled her eyes and carried on peeling the spuds.

My eyes widened when she said that, “What, I’m growing a beard?”

“No dear, Mark appears to have rubbed your face raw with his.” She was grinning and trying to stop her shoulders shaking, as I went redder and redder (never mind the beard rash) as I realised that what I’d been doing was so obvious.

“Go put some cold cream on or it’ll be very sore later.” Mum consoled me with her wisdom. “It’ll look less red by the time dad gets home too — which if he’s true to form will be in about 30 minutes, so scoot.”

Thursday dawned clear and cool, and I rose early hoping to get down to Carol’s to aid in the comfort zone fabrication round one caravan nearby. Carol and Wendy had caught up and Carol being under the tutelage of a slightly older beau had achieved second base — and was trying to avoid being subject to further advancement. However it was not to be as when I arrived all powdered and preened at Carol’s, the cars with the boys in were just pulling out of the gate.

The guys looked crestfallen and I felt similarly downtrodden. I walked on to Carol’s and she told me the guys had to go to the final county cricket match of the season as they had booked and paid for tickets and their father had insisted that they be used. They were apparently mixed in their loss of girlfriends for the day as beer and cricket were to be the order of the day and they were all too pleased at THAT prospect.

We decided to do the pool for the last time as we needed to top up our tans for the duration of a long cold winter. When we got to the pool it was actually quite chilly due to the onshore breeze, so we stayed pretty much clothed and in the café area soaking up coffee and hot chocolate. We discussed what we’d be doing is school this year and I started to get excited about going to the high school and more than a little hyper about my future as a green clad school girl (they were looked up to in the area as the elite of the academic females).

“Do you think anyone is going to give me a hard time?” I asked holding my mug of chocolate between my hands for warmth. “ I’m going to be the newbie and in the upper fifth it won’t be easy to integrate without edging out someone else.”

“Well you won’t be in danger of messing up the sports teams as you’ve never really been in that league and you won’t be doing any real stuff anyway due to your *weak heart*.” Carol giggled at that one. “Your doctor needs his head examined, you look like you could run a marathon — weak heart indeed.”

“What do you reckon you’ll be picked on for? I don’t really understand, it’s not as if you’re ugly or fat or spotty — you have nice hair, dress well and you have a nice manner. You’re really quite pretty, but not the most beautiful girl in the school, you have friends already. What’s the problem?”
“I have a willy. I spent most of the last 15 years as a boy and I’m spastic when it comes to coordination since I’m not used to the body mapping thing — I’ve caught my breasts on the car doors so often, I wince before I even get out.” We all guffawed at that one.

“Carol and I were like that last term, so it’s not any different — there’s still plenty of girls going through the same thing at the moment and the boys are the same too — Steve’s always tripping over himself. Or me,” she grinned as she finished.

I felt better having discussed it, but I still felt edgy about it. I’d have to wait and see I suppose, but the wait is what was making me anxious. I suppose there was no real reason to worry, unless someone I knew was likely to recognise me, but I don’t think that was likely as there was little reason to link me to the previous person. I didn’t look like Jerry any more — even though I looked more like Karen Carpenter than ever.

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