Amy's Story
By SaraUK
Part 22
Amy woke to find herself sandwiched between Ann and Amber, as they both still slept. She managed to slip out from under Amber’s arm without waking her. Then she went to the bathroom to splash some water on her face, and use the toilet before heading down to see if anyone else was awake yet. Amy saw there was no paper at the front door, so she guessed that Mandy must be up already, she made her way to the kitchen to find out.
"Morning Amy." Mandy said with a smile, as she saw Amy enter the kitchen.
"Morning Mandy." Amy said, as she walked over and sat at the table looking worn out still.
"How you feeling today baby sister?" Mandy asked looking a little sad that Amy never gave her a hug.
"I don’t feel like I had any sleep at all last night, or this morning." Amy said with a puzzled look, as she tried to work out just what time she did get to sleep.
"I know what you mean Amy. I feel the same way." Mandy said. "We’ll be heading into the shop a little later today, so don’t feel like you need to rush with sorting out breakfast." Mandy added with a smile.
"Thanks Mandy. I really don’t feel like rushing around today." Amy said, as she stood up to pour herself a cup of tea out, and then she walked around the table to give Mandy a hug. "Sorry Sis, for not giving you a hug when I came down." Amy added as she hugged Mandy from behind.
"MMM, thanks Amy. I was a little worried that you were still feeling bad about last night for a minute." Mandy said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy’s as she hugged her.
"No, Chrissy set me straight on all that, and with what Frank said as well, I know that I was just being silly now." Amy smiled, as she sat down again and took a sip of her tea.
"I was thinking this morning while I was waiting for the kettle to boil, that I might ask the guys to come round for a barbecue on Sunday to say thanks for all the help last night. What do you think?" Mandy asked just before taking another sip of her tea.
"That sounds like a great idea Sis!" Amy shouted as she suddenly looked more awake and really excited.
"I do have the odd one here and there." Mandy giggled.
"You have a lot of them sis. I can only hope to be half as smart and a third as pretty as you one day." Amy said with a grin.
"Keep talking like that, and you’ll get a hug and a pay rise." Mandy said with an even bigger grin than Amy’s.
"Not bothered about the money Sis, but I will take all the hugs you can spare." Amy smiled.
"You can have all the hugs you want baby sister, and then some." Mandy said. "I have a feeling it will be the last time we get a barbecue before the weather changes." Mandy added, as she thought about how quick the year had gone by.
Amy finished her cup of tea, then she went back up to see if Amber was awake yet. She found Amber sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her good hand while her hand with the cast on it was rested on her lap.
"Morning baby!" Amy shouted, as she ran over to the bed and jumped on it next to Amber.
"Morning lover." Amber said with a smile. "I thought you’d forgotten about me." Amber added with a pout.
"I could never do that Amber. I was just awake early, so thought I would let you sleep a little longer." Amy said just before she leaned over and gave Amber a kiss. "I’m here now though, so do you feel like taking a bath, or do you want to head down and get some breakfast?" Amy asked.
"I guess it will have to be food, as I don’t think we have time to take a bath." Amber said, as she looked at the time on the clock at the side of the bed.
"We got time to take a bath if you really want to lover. I’ve just seen Mandy down in the kitchen, and she said that we won’t be going in as early today." Amy said with a grin, as she already knew that Amber would say yes to the bath once she found out they had the time.
"We better go and take a bath then baby. I need to make sure you’re nice and clean." Amber purred, just before she pulled Amy in for another kiss.
Once they finished kissing, Amy ran off to grab the pallet wrap and then got to work getting Amber ready for her bath. Ann got roped in to helping out when she woke up, but she wasn’t happy when Amber pulled her into the bath with them. She was soon laughing again though, as she splashed Amber and Amy with water.
Ann was just happy to see Amy laughing again and having fun. She had been really worried after her little speech in the hospital the night before.
Chrissy was sat at the kitchen table with Mandy, when the girls got down stairs, while Becky was making a start on breakfast for everyone. Amy gave Amber a hug, and a quick kiss, after walking over to the table with her. Then she went to help Becky with breakfast.
Mandy filled the others in on her plan to have all the bouncers over on Sunday for a barbecue to thank them all for their help the night before. All the girls loved the idea, and then spent the rest of breakfast working out what they needed to get, and what they could make to go with it.
Ann was just about to leave the house to head off to work when the doorbell sounded, so she opened the door to see who it was. She got a large grin on her face when she saw it was Brad.
"Morning princess." Brad said with a grin when he saw Ann stood there. "I thought you would have left already." He added, as he pulled her into a hug.
"No. Carl told me to just head in when I felt up to it." Ann smiled, as she let Brad hug her. She soon broke the hug when she heard some one speaking behind Brad.
"That’s very cute, but sick person here needing a sit down." Frank said with a chuckle, as he looked over Brad’s shoulder. "Morning Ann, hope you’re feeling better now you’ve had some sleep?" He asked.
"Morning Frank. What are you doing here?" Ann asked looking shocked, but happy to see him up and around.
"I’d normally be at the gym working out at this time, but that’s out of the question for a couple of weeks, so I asked Brad if I could tag along and help him ferry the girls around." Frank said, as he took the hug Ann was offering him. "That and I don’t think Brad trusts me to not go to the gym anyway." Frank added with another chuckle.
"Can you blame me old man." Brad said with a knowing look at Frank. "They told you at the hospital, you really need to take it easy, or you could rip the stitches open, and do even more damage to your chest." Brad added looking a little worried at how Frank was just shrugging the stabbing off.
"Did he really to that much damage when he stabbed you Frank?" Ann asked sounding worried.
"Not when he stabbed me Ann, but when I punched him." Frank said with a grin. "The blade moved sideways in my chest, and sliced through some more muscle as it did so." Frank added with a shrug.
"I’m sorry you got dragged into all this Frank, and then got hurt doing so." Ann said looking sad.
"Don’t be sorry Ann. I got hurt saving the boss, so I’m pretty sure my jobs safe." Frank said with a grin as he looked over the top of Ann and saw Becky and the others all coming to see whom Ann was talking to.
"Your job was safe well before what you did last night Frank." Becky said with a grin. "How you feeling today?" Becky asked, as she got to Frank and gave him a hug.
"I know that boss. I was just kidding around with Ann." Frank said with a smile. "I’m a little sore, but doing okay. What about all you?" Frank asked, as he looked at Mandy, Chrissy, Amber and Amy all stood behind Becky waiting to give him a hug.
"Thanks for saving my wife Frank." Chrissy said as she gave Frank a hug.
"You’re welcome Chrissy. I don’t think I could live in a world that had to see you live with out each other." Frank said, as he looked at the way Chrissy was looking at Becky.
All the girl’s looked at Frank as being like the perfect father, and they couldn’t understand why he was still single. Ann had asked Brad once, all he said was that Frank had been in the army for a big chunk of his life, and just never really found the right girl to settle down with, and now he thought he was just to old for any one to want him.
"Hello Frank, I’m glad to see you doing so well." Mandy said, as she hugged him. "The girls and I are thinking of having a barbecue on Sunday for you and the guys at the club, as a way of saying thank you for what you all did last night. Do you think any of them would come?" Mandy asked once she broke the hug.
"Are you kidding Mandy? They would all jump at the chance to taste some of the amazing cooking that Brad, Carl and Vic are always talking about." Frank said with a big grin on his face.
"It’s a date then Frank. I trust that you can sort out directions for them all, and the best time to tell them to be here?" Mandy asked.
"Brad and I will sort out making sure they all get here okay, and shall we say two thirty as a good time to ask them to be here?" Frank asked.
"That would be perfect Frank. Just tell them all to bring a good appetite with them." Mandy said with a grin.
"I’m sure they’ll bring that anyway Mandy." Frank chuckled.
Mandy led Frank to the kitchen with the other girls, while Brad got to see Ann off and get a couple of minutes alone.
Frank was just drinking a glass of milk when Brad got to the kitchen, so Becky poured him one out as well, and then she sat at the table and waited with them along with Amber and Chrissy, while Amy and Mandy finished getting ready to leave for work. They had all got Amber and Chrissy ready first, and got them back down stairs before they went up to finish getting ready themselves.
They were soon all ready to leave and then Brad got Amber and Chrissy in the minibus while Mandy said she would see them at the shop before she left in her car. Amy was going in with Amber and Chrissy, like she always did.
Brad got them all to the shop, and they all had a laugh when Chrissy tried to talk Frank into trying the finer things in life, when she wanted to give him some panties to take home with him.
Once Brad and Frank had left, saying they would be back just before four to pick Chrissy and Amber back up, they got stuck into the orders for the hotel and then Ebay. Carl called in at dinner time to drop off the food, and then take the hotel orders away, but all the girls knew that he really just wanted to make sure they were all okay.
It was mid afternoon and Amy was just getting an item down off a shelf to send out to an Ebay customer, when she saw Ann and Vic enter the shop.
"Hi Sis, is everything okay?" Amy asked looking worried to see her sister in the shop, as she’d never been there before.
"Hi baby sister." Ann said, as she walked over to where Amy was stood looking at her. "I had a phone call just after lunch time at work Amy, from the hospital." Ann added looking a little sad.
"He’s not escaped again has he?" Amy asked looking really scared all of a sudden.
"No, no Amy, he’s not escaped." Ann said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy to stop her shaking. "He died at just after eleven this morning." Ann added, as she hugged Amy a little tighter.
"Good!" Was all Amy said, as she hugged Ann.
"I wasn’t sure how you would take it Amy, that’s why I wanted to come and tell you, and not do it over the phone. He was our father after all." Ann said, as she hugged Amy.
"You may have seen him as your father still sis, but he disowned me some time back." Amy said, as she broke the hug with her sister, so she could look her in the eyes. "I’m sorry sis, but I hope he has a nice warm spot in hell for what he did to all my friends." Amy added.
"I feel the same way Amy, but part of me just wished it had all been very different, and they could have come to at least let you back in their life in some way." Ann said with a sigh.
"The only way they would have let me back in their life would have been to maybe visit my grave on my birthday with you, after you had gone back to live with them after I was dead." Amy said with a sick sounding laugh.
Ann wanted to say something, but she already knew that her dad would have been thinking that way even after he tried to kill Amy the first time. Ann knew that in his sick little mind, her dad would have thought that killing Amy would have got his wife back, and his daughter. No, Amy was right, he was better off dead.
"You’re right baby sister, he was beyond help of any kind." Ann said with a smile, as she pulled Amy in for another hug.
Amber, Chrissy and Mandy had all just stood over near the counter waiting to see what Amy’s reaction would be like when she heard the news about her father being dead. Not one of them were shocked with what she said. They were all just happy that she could now get on with her life and not be looking over her shoulder all the time worrying if, or when he would try again to kill one of her friends or even her.
Ann was soon side-tracked from talking about her father when she saw a really nice bra and panty set she liked, and then she was off to try it on. She left the shop an hour later with over ten new sets of bra’s and panties. Mandy was going to put them in the trunk of her car to save her having to swap them from Vic car to hers when she got back to work.
Amy was worried that Frank and Vic would be in trouble when she found out he was dead, but Vic said that the police were calling it self
defense, and weren’t looking into it beyond that, which made Amy feel a lot happier.
The next couple of days where pretty quiet in terms of them just getting on with life at the shop, and then seeing Becky off in the evening to go to work at the club. Ann and the others were shocked when Amy asked about how he was going to put to rest for want of a better word.
"I’m not sure what’s going to happen Amy, I haven’t had anything to do with it." Ann said, sounding shocked that Amy would even care. "Why do you ask?" Ann added.
"I was just wondering if you might have been sorting it out behind my back, that’s all sis." Amy said as they were all sat around the kitchen table Sunday morning. "If you were sis, I was just going to offer you a couple of idea’s I’ve had." Amy added with a smile.
"No Amy, I’ve got nothing to do with what will happen to him, or whether or not they have already sorted it all out." Ann said, as she sat drinking her second cup of tea. "What idea’s did you have then sis?" Ann asked, just before taking a large swallow from her tea.
"I was just wondering if I could get him buried dressed as a French maid." Amy said in a matter of fact way.
All the girls burst out laughing. Partly at what Amy just said, and partly because Ann spat her tea out all over them when she heard what Amy said.
"I’m sorry sis, I didn’t mean to make you spill your drink." Amy said, when she finally stopped laughing.
"I’m not sure what you would call that baby sister, but it wasn’t a spill." Mandy said; as she got some kitchen roll and handed it around the table so everyone could get dry.
"Do you have any more little idea’s like that one you would like to share with us before we have a drink?" Ann asked with a grin.
"Only one sis." Amy said with a grin.
"And what would that be then young lady?" Ann asked with a funny look.
"I was wondering if we could have his ashes put in a pink urn and then placed on a shelf in pride of place at the club, but I’m not to sure Carl would go for it." Amy said, sounding disappointed, just before she started grinning.
"I’m not saying that it’s the right thing to be doing, but I must say that I like the idea’s." Amber said with a giggle, as she sat cuddling with Amy who was sat on her knee.
"I must admit that I feel the same way baby sister, but I think it’s best that we just leave it, as we don’t have anymore to do with him." Ann said with a smile, as she took another sip from her cup.
"I know you’re right sis. I don’t really want to look at any part of him, or spend any money on him." Amy said, with a smile. "And I really don’t want any reminder that he was ever on the planet." Amy added just before kissing Amber.
The girls all finished their drinks, and then set about making a start on the food for the barbecue later in the day. Chrissy and Amber were both looking forward to Wednesday, as they were both having their cast’s removed, and they were both keeping their fingers crossed that they wouldn’t be having another one put back on. They really wanted to help, but were stuck with watching from the kitchen table while Amy, Ann, Becky and Mandy ran around doing all the work. Ann and Mandy did do what Chrissy and Amber told them, which did make them both feel useful, and Ann and Mandy were learning something about cooking as they did it.
"What time will Carl be here with the meat sis?" Chrissy asked, as she watched Mandy making the coleslaw.
"He should be here any minute now." Mandy said, as she looked at the clock on the wall, and saw it was nearly one o’clock already. "Brad should be here soon as well." Mandy added with a smile, as she looked at Ann on the other side of the table as she was putting the lid on a tub of pasta salad she’d just finished making with Amber’s help.
Ann and Mandy both ran to the front door when they heard the bell. They both stood grinning when they saw Brad and Carl stood there. They let them enter the house before they ran into their arms to get a hug and a kiss.
"Hi princess, have you missed me?" Carl asked Mandy, as they broke the kiss.
"Do I really need to answer that question baby?" Mandy asked, just before getting another kiss.
"Hi baby." Ann said, as she looked up at Brad, as he towered above her.
"Hi lovely." Brad said, as he picked Ann up and wrapped her in his arms, and then kissed her.
"MMM, who needs a barbecue. I think I will just nibble on you instead." Ann purred, as she looked in to Brad’s eyes.
"I really hate to be the one to break up this little love fest, but we better get the meat in out the trunk of my car, or we will never be ready when everyone arrives." Carl said to Brad and Ann, as they stood hugging each other.
"Good point boss. I would hate to be the one to tell the lads that there is no food when they get here." Brad said with a chuckle, as he put Ann back on the ground, just before he headed out to Carl’s car to bring the first batch of boxes in.
"Is there anything we can do to help?" Mandy asked, as she watched Brad and Carl head out to his car.
"I’ve got bread rolls and some other bits and bobs on the back seat of the car, you can grab them for me babe." Carl said, as he was taking a box off Brad, as he took it out the trunk.
Ann and Mandy grabbed the rolls, and other bits that Carl had thought to get, and then followed the boys into the kitchen. They then started to unpack all the meat while Brad and Carl went back to the car to get the rest.
"I think he got even more meat than last time." Ann said, as she took the lid of one of the boxes.
"Well we have got a lot more mouths to feed this time Ann." Mandy said, as she started to sort the meat into groups. "We’ve got everyone we had around last time, and all the guys from the club, and their girlfriends as well." Mandy added with some worry in her voice. She was worried that she might have taken on more than they could cope with.
"Don’t look so worried sis, we’ll be fine." Ann said, as she pulled Mandy in to a hug. "Failing all else, we can always run away, and leave Chrissy and Amber to take the blame." Ann added with a giggle.
"Hey! That’s not fair!" Chrissy and Amber said at the same time. "Why should we get the blame?" Chrissy asked.
"Don’t worry you two, I’m sure that Becky and Amy wouldn’t leave you behind." Mandy said as she started to giggle again.
"It’s times like this you really find out who your friends are." Amber said with a knowing look at Chrissy, just before they too started giggling.
"Ann is right though sis, we will do just fine. It may just take a little longer to get them all fed." Chrissy said, as she wheeled herself over to where Mandy was stood with Ann.
It was just before two when Vic arrived at Mandy and Chrissy’s house with Jenna, Cathleen and Frank in tow. Vic went to help Carl and Brad at the barbecue while Frank was led over to take a seat with the girls, so he couldn’t try doing too much.
"This isn’t going to do my image as a hard man much good, being sat with all you ladies." Frank said, as Ann forced him to sit.
"I’m sure you’ll cope Frank." Ann said with a smile. "I know for a fact, if we leave you stood with Brad and the others, you will be lifting stuff in no time, and doing more damage to your chest." Ann added in a firm voice, as she pushed Frank down into the seat.
"Okay, I know when I’m beat." Frank said with a chuckle, as he put his hands up as a sigh of surrender.
Frank started feeling better when the other guys from the club started to turn up just after two thirty. Some of them had girlfriends to bring, but most were happy being single, so they could play the field. Frank moved to one of the other tables that had been set up, so he could chat to the guys about guy stuff. As much as he loved being around the girls, he soon ran out of stuff to chat about with them.
Mandy had told Amy to give Hope a call to see if she wanted to come to another barbecue, and to ask Faith if she wanted to come as well. Mandy knew that Hope would bring Kat, if she could make it herself anyway, so she never bothered telling Amy to invite Kat as well.
Chrissy and Mandy were greeting everyone at the side of the house as they arrived. Faith and Hope were shocked to see Chrissy in her wheelchair. Amy had told them about it when they had spoken on the phone just after it happened, but they never
realized just how badly she had been hurt. They had the same reaction when they saw Amber in the same state. They were happy to hear that they were going to be having the casts off on Wednesday, and hoped that it all went okay.
Kat ran off to play with Cathleen as soon as she saw her sat on the grass playing with some dolls that Chrissy and Amy had got for them. Amy had even brought a kid’s tea set, so they could have a little tea party. Everyone had to laugh later in the day, when Kat and Cathleen had Brad, Paul, Mark and Frank all sat with a doll on their knees while they had a tea party with them.
"This is quite a group of friends you have now dear." Prue said to Mandy, as they sat watching the kids show the guys how to hold a teacup in the right way.
"I know mum, and I love it." Mandy said, as she leaned against her mother as she hugged her arm. "I’m glad you could make it over here, I wasn’t sure what you’d be doing." Mandy added as she looked up at her mum.
"I wouldn’t miss something like this dear." Prue said with a smile. "If I hadn’t been coming her, I would have just been sat at home reading some medical journal, or some other book of some type." Prue added.
"I wish you’d think about getting out a bit more mum. I worry about you. All you seem to do is work." Mandy said sounding a little worried.
"You’re a fine one to talk dear." Prue said with a chuckle. "I seem to remember that you were just the same until Chrissy entered your life." Prue added, as she looked over and Chrissy as she sat in her wheelchair playing tea parties with Kat, Cathleen and some of the guy’s from the club.
"I know mum, that’s what makes me say it." Mandy said, as she also looked at Chrissy, and tried to think back to the time before she had Chrissy in her life. "Besides, you love having Chrissy in your life just as much as I do." Mandy added with a grin.
"I love all my daughters, but I do have a special place in my heart for Chrissy." Prue said, as she rested her head on Mandy’s, as she had it resting on Prue’s shoulder.
Amy was sat on Amber’s knee at one of the tables when Hope and Faith came and sat down. "Do you mind if we join you for a bit?" Hope asked with a smile.
"Please do Hope." Amy said with a smile back.
"Thanks Amy." Hope said, as she sat down. "It’s nice to see you two looking so happy." She added, as she looked at Amy sat on Amber’s knee as she sat in her wheelchair.
"I’ve never been happier than I am right now Hope." Amy said with a grin, as she turned to look at Amber.
Hope and Faith just looked at each other, and smiled, as they really did think that Amy and Amber looked so in love, just like Chrissy and Becky did. They looked over and saw Becky sat on Chrissy’s knee doing the same thing as Amy and Amber were.
"Well I hope you have many happy years together Amy, I think it’s about time you did. I was sorry to hear about what happened with your.." Hope didn’t know what to call him, so she never finished her Sentence.
"He was nothing to do with me Hope. He was just some psycho, hell bent on seeing me dead, and he was willing to kill my friends to do it. I’m sorry if you think bad of me for saying this Hope, but I’m glad that he’s dead." Amy said.
"Looking at poor Amber here, and Chrissy sat over there, and what nearly happened to Becky Wednesday night, I must say that I am also glad that he wont be trying to hurt you any more Amy." Hope said with a smile, as she reached out to hold Amy’s hand to show her that she still liked her.
"Thanks Hope. Can we talk about something else please?" Amy asked with a pained look to say that she really just wanted to forget that man. "How are things with your family?" Amy asked, as she looked at Hope, and then Faith.
"Things have been better to be honest with you Amy." Hope said with a sigh.
"Why? What’s wrong Hope?" Amy asked looking worried for her friend.
"I’ve been having some trouble getting paid for some of the company’s I do the accounts for, and I’ve been late paying some of my bill’s, so they have added interest to it." Hope said sounding really upset. "I just wonder if I will ever get on top of it all." Hope added.
"I can help you out Hope. How much do you need to get yourself straightened out?" Amy asked.
"Oh god Amy, no I didn’t tell you for that reason." Hope said looking shocked. "I couldn’t take your money." Hope added in a firm voice.
"I didn’t think for one minute that you told me hoping that I would give you some money Hope. I just want to help out a friend." Amy said looking worried that she might have upset Hope.
"Thanks for the offer Amy, but I need to sort this out myself." Hope said, as she seemed to relax again. "I’ve got a couple of job interview’s lined up for next week, so with luck I will get one of them." Hope added with a smile.
"Will you be doing the accounting, and working a job as well?" Amy asked.
"Yes I will. Joys of being a single mum." Hope said with a sad look.
"What about you spending time with Kat?" Amy asked.
"I’m more worried about putting cloths on her back, and a roof over her head at the minute Amy." Hope said with worry in her voice.
"Are you sure you won’t let me help you out Hope? I really don’t mind." Amy asked again.
"I’m sorry Amy, but I want to find a job and work this out on my own." Hope said in a proud voice.
Amy let the subject drop after that, but she was going to have a word with Carl, Mandy and Ann later, she wanted to see if they could think of any way to help Hope out, that didn’t involve them just giving her money.
Prue was just making her way back outside after powdering her nose, when she saw Frank sat at the kitchen table. "Hello, It’s Frank right?" Prue asked with a smile, as she looked at this large man sat at the kitchen table.
"Good afternoon Mrs. Walker. Yes it’s Frank." Frank said, as he slowly stood up.
"Please call me Prue. Are you feeling okay?" Prue asked, as she stopped him trying to stand up.
"I’m fine, just my chest hurting a little." Frank said, as he relaxed again.
"Do you mind if I take a quick look at it Frank?" Prue asked, as she went to open Frank’s shirt.
Frank was glad he’d worn a button up shirt, so it would be less painful letting Prue look at it now. "Please feel free, but there is not much to look at." Frank said, as he let her unbutton his shirt and then remove the dressing.
Prue was shocked to see the size of Frank’s muscles, but she found herself really liking the man, and not just because he looked good with his shirt off. "I can see you spend a lot off time at the gym, have you been since you had this happen to you?" Prue asked, as she looked at it.
"Nope, been doing like the doc said, and been resting it as much as I can." Frank said.
"What pain relief did they give you at the hospital Frank?" Prue asked.
"They didn’t give me anything for it, but I was in a rush to get out the place." Frank said looking a little sheepish now, that he might have not got the best care he should have by being pushy with them.
"So they never gave you any pain relief, or a tetanus shot, or antibiotics?" Prue asked looking shocked.
"I want you to come and see me first thing tomorrow, and I will take a proper look at you, and get you on a course of antibiotics." Prue said in such a way as it was more him being told what he would be doing, more than asking. "Do you know how to get to my surgery?" Prue asked.
"No, but I know that Brad’s been there a bunch of times, I’ll be going with him to drop the girls off at the shop anyway. So I’ll get him to drive me round to see you." Frank said, as he tried to button up his shirt again.
Prue could see him having trouble buttoning up his shirt, so she slapped his hand away in a playful way and did it for him. "That arm should be in a sling to stop you using it Frank, that is one of the reasons your chest is hurting so much." Prue said, as she did up his shirt buttons.
"Thanks Prue. Sorry for making you work on your day off." Frank said with a sad look.
"Don’t worry about it Frank, I’m just glad I found out before things got to bad." Prue said, as she smiled at him.
Frank could see where Mandy and Chrissy got their looks from now. "I can see where Mandy and Chrissy get their kindness and good looks from now." Frank said before he
realized what he was saying. "I’m sorry Prue, I don’t know where that came from." Frank added suddenly looking a little red in the face.
"Don’t be sorry Frank. That is quite the complement really, but you do
realize that Chrissy is only a form of adopted daughter, even though I do wish she was really mine." Prue said with a proud look on her face.
"I’d forgot all about that Prue. I just think that Mandy and Chrissy look so much like sister’s." Frank said with a chuckle.
"I’ve never really taken much notice of how they act together, but I will look out for it now." Prue said with a smile.
Chrissy entered the kitchen in her wheelchair at that point, with Mandy walking in just behind her. They both saw their mum stood over near Frank, so they both said at the same time. "What’s wrong mum? Is Frank okay?"
Prue looked at them both, as they stood just inside the kitchen with the same look of worry on their faces, and then had to put her hand over her mouth as she started to giggle. "Oh god Frank, you’re right." Prue said between giggles.
"I told you. Scary isn’t it?" Frank said with a chuckle, as he stood there watching the puzzled looks on Mandy and Chrissy’s faces change at the same time.
"What are you both talking about mum? What is Frank right about?" Mandy asked with a puzzled look.
"I’m sorry you two, but Frank was just saying that you to really do act like sister’s, even down to the way you act like each other, and you both just proved him right." Prue said, as she walked over and hugged them both to say sorry for laughing at them.
"I’ll take that as a complement." Both Mandy and Chrissy said at the same time, which set Prue off again in a fit of giggles, but this time Mandy and Chrissy joined in with her.
Once they stopped giggling, Prue filled them in on what Brad would be doing tomorrow after he dropped them all at the shop, and then they all went back out to the back yard to rejoin the others.
It was just after eight when Vic decided to see about heading off, as Cathleen was falling asleep. He said he’d drop Hope, Kat and Faith off on his way round to dropping Jenna and Cathleen off at Mable’s. David and Kim were going to drop Mable off at home, so he didn’t have to worry about trying to fit them all in his car.
All the others decided to call it a day at the same time, so Mandy and the others all saw them off at the front door, and then headed back out to tidy everything up and then relax in the living room for a bit.
"That all went really well I think." Mandy said, as she sat on a sofa and cuddled up to Carl.
"Yes it did princess. It was nice to see all the guys relaxing, and having a laugh." Carl said, just before kissing Mandy.
"Was everything okay with Hope this afternoon Amy?" Mandy asked, as she sat watching Amy sat on Amber’s knee. "She seemed a little down." Mandy added with a worried look.
"Not really sis, she’s got some money trouble." Amy said with a sigh. "She’s had a couple of people she does accounts for not pay her, and now she’s going to get a second job to help get her through it all." Amy said looking sad.
"If it’s just money worries she’s got Amy, then I can soon sort that out for her." Carl said with a smile.
"I already offered to help her Carl, but she said that she wants to find a job and sort it that way. She said she wouldn’t feel right taking money from anyone." Amy said looking even sadder. "I was hoping that you two might have some idea’s as to how we can help her, but without it looking like we’re just doing something to help her. Amy added with an odd look, as she tried to work out if anything she just said, made any sense.
"Well it’s funny you should say that Amy. Chrissy and I were only talking the other day about finding someone to take over doing the accounts for the shop, so we have more time to do other stuff." Mandy said with a smile. "I’d forgot all about Hope being an accountant." Mandy added with a chuckle.
"I’m always looking for trustworthy people to work in the accounts department, and I’m sure that Ann could use another member on her team." Carl said, as he looked at Ann to see what she thought to the idea.
"I have chatted with Hope about accounting, and she does seem to be really switched on about it all, so I think she would fit in really well with my team, if you wanted to offer her a job Carl." Ann said with a smile, as she sat cuddling with brad on one of the other sofas.
"I’ll let Mandy give her a call first, and see if she will be happy with just doing the accounts for the shop, or if she wants’ to earn a little extra and do a couple of days helping Ann out." Carl said, as he looked at the sad look on Mandy’s face when she thought she might loose her new accountant before she even got time to give her a call about the job.
"Thanks baby." Mandy said with a smile, just before she kissed him again.
"Thanks for doing this you two." Amy said feeling better now. "Just let me know tomorrow sis, and I’ll give you her mobile number." Amy added, as she sat on Amber’s knee hugging her while she sat in her wheelchair.
They were all tired so they called it a night, early and head off to bed after they all said goodnight to Brad, as Ann was going to see him off at the door, and then head up herself.
Mandy went to help Becky get Chrissy ready for bed in their room before heading back to help Carl get ready for bed.
Ann helped Amy get Amber ready for bed, then they all got in and fell asleep worn out, but happy with how the day went.
The girls all had that Monday morning feeling the next day, even Carl had it, but they all knew that they had a lot to get done, as it was the first day of the week. They were all sat eating breakfast when they heard the doorbell sound.
"That must be Brad and Frank." Mandy said, as she looked at the clock on the wall. She got up and went to let them in.
"Hi Brad, Frank." Mandy said with a smile, as she let them enter the house. "We were just eating breakfast, Sorry." Mandy said, as she was still chewing on a peace of bacon.
"Morning Mandy. I’m sorry Mandy. Do you want us to wait in the living room?" Brad asked.
"You could, but I don’t think Ann would be very happy if you did." Mandy said grinning. "Have either of you had any breakfast?" Mandy asked, as she led the way to the kitchen.
"Morning Mandy. I’ve not had anything for breakfast yet, I was going to grab a bite later." Frank said from just behind Brad, as they followed her.
"We’re only having bacon sandwiches, but you’re welcome to join us for some." Mandy said.
"Only if it’s not going to be any trouble for any of you." Frank said with a smile, as he thought about having a bacon sandwich.
"No trouble at all Frank, just take a seat and help yourself." Mandy said, as she pointed at a large plate of bacon sandwiches sat in the middle of the table.
With Brad and Frank’s help, they soon emptied the plate in the middle of the table, and then had another cup of tea before they all went to finish getting ready for work. Brad went with Ann when she came back down after brushing her teeth, then he saw her off at the front door.
Brad made Frank go and sit in the minibus, so he wouldn’t try and help him get Amber and Chrissy sorted out. Frank just grunted, as he
realized just how well Brad really knew him, but he went and got in anyway. Once he had them all locked in place, he waited for Mandy to say goodbye to Carl, and Becky to do the same to Chrissy.
"I’m sorry to sound pushy boss, but if you don’t get out soon, I’ll have to take you with me." Brad said with a grin, as he turned in his seat to look at Becky, who was still sat on Chrissy’s knee saying goodbye.
"Okay, I’m going." Becky said sounding sad. "I’ll see you tonight lover." Becky purred, as she kissed Chrissy once more.
"You can count on it baby." Chrissy said, as she licked her lips to taste Becky one last time.
Mandy had already left in her car, so Brad pulled out the driveway, Chrissy, Amy and Amber all waved to Becky as they drove away.
Brad soon had the girls dropped off at the shop, and they all told Frank that he was going to be in safe hands with their mum, before they all stood and waved to them as they drove away again.
Amy made a start on the Ebay orders with Amber’s help, while Chrissy got to work on sorting out the orders for the changing service with Mandy. The changing service was always a little quiet on a Monday, so they soon had it done, and then Mandy got Hope’s mobile number of Amy, while Chrissy went to help Amy and Amber.
Mandy walked back to the counter and took seat while she made her phone call. She punched in the number, and waited for Hope to answer. It didn’t take long for Mandy to hear a woman’s voice answer at the other end.
"Hello?" Hope said, when she saw an unknown number come up on her phone.
"Hi Hope, its Mandy." Mandy said sounding happy.
"Hi Mandy, is everything okay?" Hope asked sounding a little puzzled, as to why Mandy would be calling her.
"Everything’s fine Hope, I just wanted to have a quick chat about something that Amy told us last night." Mandy said.
"Why, what did Amy say?" Hope said sounding a little upset now.
"Please don’t be mad at her, she told us about you looking for a part time job, and I might be able to help you out." Mandy said, hoping that she hadn’t caused trouble between Amy and Hope.
"Thanks for the offer Mandy, but I don’t know the first thing about working in a shop like yours." Hope said sounding a little sad about it.
"I don’t need someone to work in the shop silly, but I do need someone to help with the book keeping." Mandy said. "Do you think you could do that job for me?" Mandy added.
"Really Mandy?" Hope sounded happier now. "You’re not just trying to help me out?" Hope asked in a
skeptical sounding voice.
"Trust me Hope, when you see the state they’re in, you will know that I’m not just trying to give you a job to help you out." Mandy giggled down the phone. "With Chrissy getting hurt, I’ve kind of got all in a mess with them, so you will have your work cut out to start with Hope." Mandy was worried that Hope might decide to say no, now she knew that she would have a lot of work on her hands.
"I’d love to come and help you out Mandy. When do you want me to start?" Hope said sounding really happy.
"We need to sort out how much to pay you yet Hope." Mandy said giggling. "Carl wants to have a word with you as well, he might have some part time work for you working with Ann." Mandy added.
"You do all realize that I’ll have to fit in working for you around Kat?" Hope wanted to make sure they all
realize that she was still a single mum.
"Yes we understand all that, and will work out a time table that let’s you still spend lots of time with little Kat." Mandy said. "Carl also has a great child care service at the hotel, so Kat may even make a couple of new friends as well." Mandy added.
Mandy was waiting for Hope to say something, but all she heard was an, "Ouch!" from the other end of the phone.
"Hope, is everything okay?" Mandy asked sounding worried.
"Yes, I was just pinching myself, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming." Hope said with a giggle.
"I trust you realized you aren’t?" Mandy giggled.
"Yes." Hope said in a pained voice, just before she started to giggle again.
"Why don’t you come to the shop for twelve tomorrow, and you can have a spot of lunch with us, and we can sort out pay, I’ll see if Carl and make it, so he can talk to you about working for him." Mandy said.
"That sounds great Mandy. I’ll call my mum and see if she can look after Kat for me while I come." Hope said sounding to be thinking about something as she spoke.
"No need to do that Hope. I’m sure that Amy, Amber and Chrissy will keep her entertained while we chat." Mandy said.
"Okay Mandy, I’ll see you at lunch time tomorrow then."
"Okay Hope, until tomorrow. Bye."
"Bye Mandy, and thanks for doing this."
"Trust me Hope, when you see the books, you may change your mind." Mandy giggled.
"I doubt that Mandy." Hope also giggled.
They both said bye again before ending the call. Mandy went to find the others and fill them in on what would be happening tomorrow, then she went to call Carl, and see if he could get round tomorrow lunchtime to have a chat with Hope. Carl was fine with it, and said he’d see her later, as he would be dropping the food off today as well. Mandy was happy to hear that she would be seeing Carl later as well.
Carl turned up just before midday with a basket of food. They all sat and ate, then Amy got all the tubs washed and put back in the basket ready for when Carl left again.
Once Carl had left again, and taken the clothing orders for the changing service with him, the girls all got back to work. Mandy was just about to speak to a couple of women that had entered the shop, and had been looking around for five minutes when she heard Amy shout at one of them.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Amy shouted at one of the women. Both women jumped, but soon looked to see who had just shouted at them.
"Amy, what do you think you’re doing?" Mandy asked, as she ran over to find out why Amy was shouting at them. "I’m sorry miss. I don’t know what got into her." Mandy added, as she got between Amy and the two women.
"That’s quite alright. I guess I had that coming." One of the women said, as she clung onto the other one.
Mandy thought they made a very odd looking couple. One was smartly dressed, and the other one looked like she’d just left a biker bar, as she was wearing leather jacket, and dirty looking jeans. She also had her nose pierced, and looked like she’d put her makeup on in the dark. Mandy had to turn to face Amy again, when she asked the same question.
"Well? What the hell do you want?" Amy shouted again with real anger in her voice.
"Amy! Will you please be quiet, and tell me what is going on here?" Mandy asked in a stern tone of voice.
"I think she’s a little shocked to see me." The smartly dressed of the two women said, as she went to step around Mandy to touch Amy’s arm. "You see I’m her mother." She added with a week smile.
Amy slapped the woman’s hand away as she spoke. "You’re not my mother. You’re just the woman that gave birth to me." Amy spat out at her.
Mandy had moved to the side, and stopped this woman claiming to be Amy’s mother from being able to touch her again, which left room for the other woman to step forward, and grab Amy’s wrist. "Hey darling, you should have more respect for your mother." The woman said in a tough sounding voice. Amy went to pull her arm away, but the woman’s grip was to tough to break free.
"Hey darling, why don’t you take your hand off my baby sister, before I make you." Mandy said in such a way as to mock the other woman.
The woman just looked Mandy up and down before letting out a sick chuckle that said she wasn’t scared of Mandy. She soon changed her mind though, when Mandy grabbed the woman’s other hand, and bent it back. "Please take your hand off my baby sister." Mandy asked again in a really nice voice, as she bent the woman’s hand back even more.
"You bitch! Let me go now!" The woman shouted at Mandy.
"Calling me a bitch is not the smartest thing to do when I have your hand like this." Mandy said with a smile, as she bent it a little more.
The woman let out a scream of pain, as Mandy did it. "Okay, okay. I’m sorry." The woman said through gritted teeth. "Now will you let me go?" She asked.
"Yes, just as soon as you’re out of my shop." Mandy said, as she started walking the woman to the shop door.
"Please may I just have a quick chat with my son, I mean my.." The woman couldn’t find the right words, so she just stopped speaking.
"You don’t have a son, or that is what you told the hospital when they called you." Mandy said with venom in her voice. Mandy had only just met this woman, and already she didn’t like her very much, and she really didn’t trust her.
"Well can you at least give me an address for Ann then?" The woman asked in a cold tone, as she looked over at where Amy was now sat on Amber’s knee in her wheelchair.
"If you like, you can wait outside, and I will call Ann, and see if she wants to come and talk to you. But I am not about to give you any of her contact details." Mandy said, as she let the shop door close in her face.
Mandy looked over at Amy, and saw she was safe in Amber’s arms, so she went and got her mobile, and called Ann, then she called Carl, and Brad as well.
"Way to go sis." Chrissy said, when Mandy got off the phone. "Where did you learn to do that?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"Mum made me take a self defense classes when Gran gave me the shop." Mandy said in a matter of fact way. "Remind me to give her a hug when I see her again." Mandy added with a grin.
"Is Ann on her way here then Mandy?" Amy asked looking worried.
"I couldn’t get hold of Ann, but I did get through to Carl, and he said he’d track her down and then get her over here right away." Mandy said, as she went over to Amy, and pulled her into a hug. "Don’t worry Amy, we won’t let her hurt you." Mandy added, as she hugged her.
Mandy had told Amy and Amber to stay in the back of the shop out the way until Ann and the others got there. Brad and Frank were the first to arrive out of them all, which made Mandy feel a little better.
"Hi Mandy. Where’s Amy? Is she okay?" Brad asked, as he burst into the shop with Frank close behind with his arm in a sling.
"She’s fine, just a little shocked." Mandy said, as she gave Brad a hug. "I told her to keep to the back room, so they can’t look in and see her." Mandy added, as she looked towards the two women stood just outside the shop.
"Do you mind if I go and say hi to her, and let her know that I won’t let anyone hurt her." Brad asked, when he broke the hug with Mandy.
"Please do Brad. I think the one that looks like a biker really scared her." Mandy said looking angry.
"What did she do?" Brad asked in a firm voice.
"She grabbed Amy’s wrist when she snapped at her. I mean that other woman." Mandy didn’t really know what to call the woman.
"She did what! I’ll give her something to think about." Brad said, as he went to go out side, but Frank stopped him.
"Go and check on Amy Brad, let Ann sort out everything else." Frank said with a grin. "I have a feeling that she will feel better once she’s told that woman what she really thinks about her." Frank added.
Brad just let out a sigh, as he knew that Frank was right. Ann should get to sort out how she feels with her mum. He turned and made his way through to the back room to make sure Amy was doing okay.
"Hi Amy, how you doing kiddo?" Brad asked, as he sat down in a seat next to where Amy was sat on Amber’s knee cuddling.
"Hi Brad, thanks for coming to help me again." Amy said with a week smile.
"Hey! Don’t be sorry. What do you think big brothers are for." Brad said with a grin, as he stroked the side of Amy’s face. "Mandy said that one of them grabbed your wrist, is it okay?" Brad asked, as he picked up each of Amy’s wrists to check them for damage.
"I’m fine Brad, Mandy made her let go before she could hurt me." Amy said with a smile. "You should have seen her Brad, she was amazing." Amy added with a grin.
"Who was, Mandy?" Brad asked looking puzzled.
"Yes Mandy. She grabbed the woman’s hand, then she twisted it around and then led her out of the shop. The woman didn’t know what to do or say." Amy said with a grin. "She called Mandy a bitch, which just made Mandy twist her hand around even more." Amy added with an even bigger grin.
"Doesn’t sound like you really need me then." Brad said looking a little sad.
"I’ll always need my big brother." Amy said with a pout, as she wrapped her arms around Brad and hugged him.
"That’s okay then baby sister." Brad said, as he hugged her back.
Ann was soon bursting into the shop through the back door with Carl and Vic close behind her. She looked around the room until she saw Amy sat with Amber, with Chrissy one side, and Brad the other.
"Hey sis, are you okay?" Ann asked looking worried.
"Yes, I’m fine." Amy said, as she stood up and hugged her sister. "Do you have any idea how she found me Ann?" Amy added in a worried voice.
"No, but I plan to go and find out." Ann said sounding angry. "Wait here why I go and see what she has to say for herself. Ann added, as she broke the hug with Amy.
"I want to be there when you speak to her sis." Amy said in a firm voice. "I want her to know that it will be the last time I ever want to see her." Amy added sounding angry.
"That makes two of us then baby sister." Ann stroked the side of Amy’s face and smiled as she said it.
Amy Smiled back at Ann, as she took the hand that Ann was offering her. She took Ann’s hand, and then let her lead the way through to the shop where the two women could see them, then Ann waved for them to enter the shop. Amy looked behind her, to see if Amber and the others had come into the shop, or stayed in the back room, she was glad to see them all stood there, or sat in Amber and Chrissy’s case.
"Hello Ann. It’s really good to see you, you’re looking really nice." Ann’s mother said with a smile, as she entered the shop.
"I wish I could say the same, but I was hoping to never set eyes on you ever again." Ann snapped at her. "How did you find Amy? If you don’t mind me asking." Ann added in a harsh tone.
"The police tracked me down, as I was listed as your fathers next of kin. They told me where he was when he got hurt, so we went to the club on Saturday night and asked a couple of the club goers if they new you."
"You went to The Closet?" Ann asked in a shocked voice. "I bet that was fun for you." Ann added in a sarcastic tone.
"Not really, but I needed to see you." Ann’s mother said. "I want to be a family again." She added with some hope in her voice.
"A family again, we were never a family." Ann said with a sick little chuckle. "After the way you treated poor Amy here, I never want to see you again after today." Ann added with anger now showing in her voice.
"You can’t mean that Ann, I’m your mother." She said with pleading in her voice.
Amy had just been stood very quiet until now, but she gripped Ann’s hand a little tighter just before she spoke. "I’ve already told you, you’re not a mother, and you never were. You were just the woman that gave birth to us."
"Well said sis." Ann said with a smile. "Yes, like she just said." Ann made sure to
emphasize the she as she said it.
"No matter what you think, I am still you mother, and only family now." Ann’s mother said sounding upset.
"We’ve got a new family, and a real mum now, one that really does care about us." Amy shouted at the two women stood facing her and Ann. "We have a whole group of sister’s, brother’s and really good friends now, so why don’t you take that bitch and just get out of our lives." Amy added with anger in her voice.
The woman stood with their mum made a move towards Amy when she called her a bitch, but she soon stopped when Brad stepped forward. Ann looked over her shoulder, and smiled when she saw why the woman had stopped.
"Smart move." Ann smiled. "Have you met my boyfriend, and Amy’s big brother?" Ann asked the two women.
"You can pretend all you want Ann, but I am still your only family now." Her mother said.
"You really are that thick aren’t you? When will you see that you don’t have any family left any more." Ann was getting angry at the fact this woman still wasn’t listening to what she was saying, even after all this time.
"Hey! Don’t you call her thick. I’ll show you." The other woman said, as she made a move towards Ann.
Brad moved forward to stop the woman, but before he could, Ann had punched the woman right in the nose, and sent her backwards. The woman ended up sat on the floor holding her nose, as blood started to pour from it. Brad and everyone else just stood looking at the woman, and then Ann. They all had shocked looks on their faces, but were glad to see someone put her in her place.
Ann bent forward until she was looking the woman in the eyes, then she spoke. "I think we’ve finished here, so you better leave while you still can." Ann said with a smile. "Oh, and if you ever lay a finger on my baby sister again, I’ll let him have a go at you." Ann turned her head, and looked at Brad.
"Ann, how could you do something like this?" Ann’s mother said, as she helped her friend to stand up again.
"With great satisfaction." Ann said with a smile. "So if I ever see you again, I will do a lot more than that. Now get out of my sight before I have Brad remove you from the shop." Ann said, as she went and stood with Amy.
Ann and Amy went and stood with the others, as they all watched the women leave the shop, then they all looked at Ann with grins on their faces.
"Sorry guys, but I lost my temper." Ann said looking a little upset with herself.
"Don’t be sorry sis. I think we all wanted to give her a punch in the face." Amy said, as she hugged her.
All the others gave Ann, then Amy, a hug, but they all stopped when they heard a mobile ringing. They all looked at Carl when they
realized it was his. He answered the call and spoke very cryptically for a couple of minutes before ending it.
"Is everything okay Carl?" Ann asked.
"Yes, just fine. I’ve got a group of people keeping an eye on them." Carl said looking a little worried that he might have done the wrong thing. "I just want to make sure they don’t try to come near you and Amy again, or the rest of the family." Carl added with a smile.
"Thanks Carl, I will feel better if we know where they are. I don’t think she’d do anything, but you never know." Ann said, as she walked over and gave Carl a hug and then a kiss on the cheek.
It was never a problem though, as the two women left the city, and never tried to contact either of the girls again.
Carl and Vic waited for Ann to finish saying goodbye to Brad, then they left to head back to the hotel. Brad and Frank were still worried about Amy, so they found reasons to hang around until it was time to take Chrissy and Amber home again.
Chrissy and Amber filled Becky in on what happened at the shop, and how Mandy and Ann had both put some nasty looking woman in her place for trying to hurt Amy. Becky was sad she missed it, but glad that everyone was okay still.
Becky attacked Amy as soon as she walked into the kitchen when she and Mandy got home after dropping the parcels off at the post office.
"How you doing baby sister? Chrissy and Amber told me what happened at the shop." Becky asked, as she pulled Amy into a hug.
"I’m fine big sister Becky. I had Mandy and Ann to protect me." Amy said with a grin, as she hugged Becky back.
"They told me what you said to her. Did it feel good being able to get that all off your chest?" Becky asked with a grin, as she broke the hug.
"Yes it really did." Amy said grinning even more. "I think she was shocked when she
realized it was me." Amy added with a giggle.
"She did look a little shocked Amy." Mandy said with a giggle.
"I hear that you’ve got some secret moves sis as well?" Becky asked, as she gave Mandy a hug to thank her for keeping Amy safe.
"It was nothing special. Her bark was worse than her bite." Mandy said with a shrug.
Becky just shook her head from side to side, when she saw Mandy act the same way as Chrissy always did when someone tried to pay her a complement for something. "It’s really scary just how much like sisters you and Chrissy really are." Becky said with a giggle, as she hugged Mandy again.
"Thanks Becky, I can’t think of anyone I would rather be like." Mandy said with a smile, as she looked over at Chrissy, as she sat next to Amber at the kitchen table.
"I’m the one that’s luck sis." Chrissy said with a grin. "I can’t think of anyone in the world, I would want to be like, more than you." Chrissy added, as a tear ran down her cheek.
"Hey, don’t cry sis." Mandy said, as she ran over to hug Chrissy.
"Sorry, must be the hormones playing up again." Chrissy said with a giggle, as she let Mandy wipe away the tears, then she stepped back to let Becky sit on her knee and hug her better.
Ann walked over and hugged Amy when she got home, and then got a little ‘stick’ from Becky about her punching some woman in the face, but they were all laughing about it. They soon started talking about other stuff, and everything got back to normal for the rest of the night.
It was just before lunchtime the next day when Hope entered the shop with Kat holding her hand.
"Hi Hope. Hello Kat." Mandy said, as she bent down to look at Kat, as she stood next to her mummy with a teddy bear under her arm. "Is that for me?" Mandy asked with a grin, as she tried to take the bear away from Kat.
"No! My teddy." Kat said with a pout, as she hugged the bear to her even tighter. "But I let you look at her." Kat added, as she held out the bear for Mandy to take a better look.
"I know she’s your teddy, Kat." Mandy said with a giggle. "She’s a pretty little thing, just like you." Mandy added, as she stroked the side of Kat’s face.
"Thank you Mandy." Kat giggled. "Are Amy and Chrissy here?" Kat asked, as she looked around the shop, or what she could see of the shop from her height.
"Yes, they’re in the back room. Do you want to go and see if you can scare them?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"Yes please." Kat whispered.
"Okay then, just go to the back of the shop there, and bust through the curtain, and you will make them jump." Mandy said with a grin.
Mandy and Hope watched Kat disappear through the curtain, and then they both heard the girls scream, just before they heard Kat’s little giggle.
"Hello again Hope. Sorry for that, but I really do love spending time with Kat." Mandy said, as she gave Hope a hug to welcome her properly.
"That’s okay Mandy. Kat loves spending time with all you as well." Hope said, as she hugged her back.
"I think we better go and make sure Kat and the others are still okay." Mandy said, as she led the way to the back of the shop.
"Well they all sound okay." Hope said with a smile, as she could here them all giggling.
Amy was just sorting out some plates at the sink when Kat burst into the room roaring at them all. Amy jumped, and screamed just like Chrissy and Amber did. They were all soon smiling again though, when they saw Kat giggling at them.
"I’ll teach you to make me jump missy." Amy said, as she ran over and picked Kat up, then she started to tickle her.
Mandy and Hope stepped into the back room to find Amy with a giggling three year old trying to escape her grip. They both laughed, then Mandy offered Hope a seat while she went back to keep an eye on the shop, and to wait for Carl to turn up with lunch.
"Hi Hope." Chrissy and Amber said, as they sat smiling at Amy playing with Kat.
"Hi girls, how are you all doing?" Hope asked.
"We’re doing okay, but will be even better after tomorrow." Amber said with a grin.
"Why is that?" Hope asked.
"We’ll be rid of these things." Both Chrissy and Amber said together, as they tapped the casts on their legs.
"That’s great news. So will you both be out partying then on Saturday?" Hope asked with a smile.
"I’m not sure about the partying part, but we will be going to the club." Chrissy said with a giggle. "I think it will take a couple of weeks before I feel up to dancing again." Chrissy added.
Amy had been keeping herself busy playing with Kat, so she didn’t have to face Hope. She was worried how Hope was going to be with her, for telling Mandy and the others, about her money problems. Kat was soon out of breath though, and she had no choice but to take a seat at the table, after she got Kat seated on Chrissy’s knee, so she could go and sit on Amber’s knee.
Hope could see that Amy was worried about something, because she wouldn’t look at her, and she hadn’t said a word since Hope came and sat down.
"Hello Amy. Is everything okay?" Hope asked with worry in her voice.
"Hello Hope. I’m not sure, are you upset with me?" Amy asked, as she looked down at her own lap.
"Why would I be upset with you Amy?" Hope asked with a puzzled look. "I think Kat was just having a great time playing with you." She added, as she thought that was the reason Amy thought she might be upset with her.
"I mean about me telling the others about your money troubles." Amy said, still not making eye contact. "I’m sorry Hope, but I just wanted to help." Amy added, as she cuddled up to Amber a little more, and rested her head on Amber’s shoulder.
"Don’t be silly Amy. How could I be upset with a friend for helping me out?" Hope said with a sad look. "I’m sorry if I seemed a little upset on Sunday at the barbecue, but I was embarrassed that you thought I was asking to borrow money off you." Hope added, as she stood up and walked around the table, so she could pull Amy to her feet, and give her a hug.
Amy felt a lot better when Hope hugged her, and she was soon giggling at Chrissy and Kat trying to play patter cake, which was hard to do when you hand and wrist is in a cast. Kat would tell Chrissy off when she got it wrong, and Chrissy would stick her tong out at Kat when she did. Amy, Hope and Amber had to wonder which one the child really was.
They all sat back down again when Mandy and Carl came through the curtain, with Carl carrying a basket of food.
"Anyone would think you were all hungry." Carl said with a grin, as he looked at them all sat waiting to be fed. "Hello Hope, I’m glad you could make it. I hope you brought your appetite with you?" Carl asked, as he handed the basket to Amy, so she could get it all dished out.
"I’m just grateful that you’re all willing to help me out." Hope said with a nervous smile.
"Don’t look so worried Hope. You already have the job, or jobs." Mandy said with a puzzled look, as she thought about Hope having a job with her, and the one that Carl had for her working with Ann at the hotel. "This meeting is just to sort out pay and hours." Mandy added with a smile, as she sat down next to Carl at the table.
Amy had got all the food dished out with Mandy’s help, and now they were all sat eating. Chrissy was getting some help from Kat, which had the others all giggling, as they watched a three-year-old helping a grown woman to eat her lunch. Once they finished eating, Amy and Amber left the others to chat, while she and Amber kept Kat entertained.
Mandy asked Hope what she needed to be getting each week to keep on top of her bills. Hope was shocked when Mandy offered her nearly three times as much.
"That’s way to much money Mandy, I can’t let you do that." Hope said in a firm voice.
"That is the going rate for the type of work you will be doing Hope. I talked it over with Carl to make sure you’d be getting paid the right amount." Mandy said with a smile.
"That is what a fully qualified person would be getting Mandy, but I’m not." Hope said with a sad look.
"You will be when you finish your course Hope." Carl said with a grin.
"What course?" Hope asked with a puzzled look at Mandy, Carl and Chrissy.
"I spoke with Ann, and she told me that you couldn’t afford to do the full accounting course that you wanted to, so I am going to pay for you to finish it." Carl said with a smile. "Before you try to say no, I’ve already got you enrolled." Carl added.
"I don’t know what to say to you all, other than thank you." Hope said with a shocked look on her face. "What about Kat? I’m not sure I’ll be able to sort out someone to have her why I am at the course." Hope suddenly
"I think we have that covered Hope." Mandy said with a grin, as she looked at Kat sat playing with Amy and Amber.
"I can’t let you do that." Hope said.
"Why not? Do you not think you can trust us Hope." Chrissy asked looking a little sad.
"No, it’s not that Chrissy. I can’t think of a better group of people I could trust Kat with. I just don’t want to pull you all away from getting your work done here at the shop." Hope said looking shocked that Chrissy could even think such a thing, never mind saying it.
"We all love spending time with Kat, and you can focus on the course knowing that Kat is being well looked after." Mandy said with a smile, as she took hold of Hope’s hand. "So do we have a deal then Hope?" Mandy asked, as she looked her in the eyes.
Hope just smiled, as she let it all sink in. "I’d be a fool to say no, so when do I start?" she asked with a grin.
"You started a month ago." Mandy said, as she handed Hope a
"I don’t understand Mandy." Hope asked with a puzzled look, as she looked down at the amount on the
"We don’t want you to spend any more time worrying about money Hope, so Chrissy and I decided to help you out by starting you from last month." Mandy said with a smile.
"My pride is telling me to give this back to you, but I could really use it Mandy, so thank you so much." Hope said with a tear in her eye.
"Trust me Hope, when you see the state of my accounts, you may be asking me for a pay rise." Mandy said with a giggle.
Hope had to giggle at the funny look on Mandy’s face. "I think this will more than cover it Mandy." Hope said, as she waved the
check back and forth. "Thanks Mandy, Chrissy." Hope added.
Carl handed Hope a folder with all the info about the course in it, and then said goodbye to them all before he left with the orders for the changing service, and the empty basket.
Hope stopped for a little longer, so Chrissy could spend a little more time playing with Kat. She then left so she could get to the bank. She wished Amber and Chrissy good luck for tomorrow before she left.
The girls all got stuck in again and soon had everything ready for the post office. Brad turned up with Frank in tow just before four.
"Hi Brad, Frank." Mandy said when she saw them enter the shop. "How’s the chest Frank?" Mandy asked.
"It feels a lot better since your mother took a look at it." Frank said with a smile. "She’s really good at her job." Frank added.
"You’re not too bad at yours." Mandy said with a grin, as she pointed at Frank’s chest and arm, which was in a sling now to stop him using it to much.
"Doesn’t take any skill to step in front of a psycho with a knife Mandy." Frank said with a chuckle. "Any fool can do that." He added with a shrug.
"I really need to stop you spending time with Chrissy." Mandy said, as she threw her hands in the air, and shook her head from side to side.
"Face it old man, you did a brave thing that night." Brad said with a grin. "I know at least one little lady that will never be able to thank you enough for what you did that night." Brad added, as he looked at Chrissy sat in her wheelchair next to Mandy.
"Like I said before, I couldn’t bear to see Chrissy in a world without Becky." Frank said with a pained look, as he thought about such a thing. He was pulled from his thinking when he felt someone take hold of his hand, he looked down, and saw Chrissy sat there smiling up at him with a tear in her eye.
"Thanks Frank. I don’t think I could live in a world without my Becky." Chrissy added with a shudder at even thinking such a thing.
"Hey, don’t start crying on me Chrissy. You’ll get me started, and I have a macho image to uphold." Frank said with a worried look, just before he started to grin.
Chrissy had to giggle when she saw the look on Frank’s face. "There is nothing wrong with having a good cry, Frank." Chrissy said.
"I know Chrissy, but not in front of the kids though." Frank said with a grin, as he looked up towards Brad.
Chrissy loved the way Brad called Frank, old man, and how Frank always called Brad, kid. "Okay Frank, not in front of the kids." Chrissy said with a giggle.
"Hey old man, don’t you have something to ask Chrissy and Mandy?" Brad said with a smile.
Frank winced, just before turning to look at Brad. "I was just about to ask them." Frank said in a firm voice.
"What do you need to ask us Frank? Is everything okay?" Mandy asked when she heard the way Frank just spoke to Brad.
Frank looked to be nervous, which Mandy and Chrissy found to be really worrying with someone like Frank. "Frank, you’re worrying us now." Chrissy said, as she looked up at him.
"I was just wondering if. I mean do you know if your." Frank was having trouble finding the right way to word his question.
"Come on old man, just take a deep breath, and ask the damn question." Brad said, as he pattered Frank on the back.
Frank took a deep breath, and then said. "Do you know if you mother is seeing anyone at the minute, and if not, do you think she’d mind me asking her out for a spot of dinner?" Frank asked in one long breath.
Mandy and Chrissy just sat there looking at Frank, and then at each other, as they let what Frank asked them sink in.
"Let me get this straight, you want to ask my mother out on a date?" Mandy asked with a puzzled look.
"Yes I guess I am, but I will leave well alone if you and Chrissy don’t want me to." Frank said with a worried look. "I would never do anything to hurt any of you." Frank added.
"We know you wouldn’t Frank, and I would be happy to see you take my mother out on a date." Mandy said with a smile, as she stepped forward to give Frank a hug.
"You’ve got my okay Frank." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Thanks you two." Frank said with a sigh.
"So when do you plan to ask her Frank?" Mandy asked.
Frank suddenly looked worried again now. "I was that worried about asking you and Chrissy about it, that I never gave any thought to asking Prue out." Frank said sounding panicked.
"Don’t look so worried Frank, you’ve got us on your side now." Chrissy said with a grin.
Frank wasn’t sure how to feel about that when he saw the grin on Chrissy, and then Mandy’s face. He just looked even more worried, which made Mandy and Chrissy giggle.
"Don’t worry Frank. Chrissy and I will help you ask our mum out." Mandy said, as she took hold of Frank’s hand. "I already know that she’s not seeing anyone, and I’m sure she’ll say yes when you ask her out." Mandy added with a smile.
"She’ll be coming to the hospital with us tomorrow sis." Chrissy said with a smile, as she saw Mandy thinking about something.
"Yes she will, so you can ask her while we’re waiting for Chrissy and Amber to have their casts removed." Mandy said with a smile.
"I’ve got no idea how to ask someone like your mother out on a date." Frank said in a defeated sounding voice. "Who am I fooling, even trying." He added with a sigh.
"Hey! What’s wrong with my mother?" Mandy asked, sounding hurt by Frank’s comment.
Frank looked shocked when he realized how what he just said sounded. "I didn’t mean it like that Mandy. I mean that your mother would never have any time for someone like me." Frank said, as he looked down at himself.
Mandy suddenly felt sorry for Frank, when she
realized that he was putting himself down, and not her mother. "Frank, any woman would be a fool to turn you down, and that goes for my mother as well." Mandy said in a soft caring voice, as she looked up at him.
"Mandy’s right Frank, just tell her how you feel, and then see what happens." Chrissy said. "If you never ask, you will never know." Chrissy added, as she held his other hand.
Frank could see that Mandy and Chrissy were rooting for him, so he took a deep breath and decided to give it a shot tomorrow at the hospital.
Chrissy and Mandy filled the others in on what Frank had asked them, and how he’d be asking mum out on a date the next day at the hospital. They were all really happy that Frank wanted to take Mum out on a date, and were all rooting for him just like Chrissy and Mandy were.
Mandy and the others were having trouble keeping Chrissy and Amber under control the next morning, as they were really excited about getting their casts removed, and seeing if mum would go out on a date with Frank or not.
They were all sat waiting in the kitchen when Brad and Frank turned up at ten o’clock, So Brad helped get Chrissy and Amber into the back of the minibus, while the other girls all got in. Once they were all strapped in, Brad set off for the hospital. The girls all wished Frank luck as they got out the minibus once they got to the hospital. Frank was happy to see all the girls rooting for him, he just hoped that Prue would want to go out on a date with him now.
Prue was stood talking to a couple of doctors when she saw the girls enter the waiting room. "Hello daughters." Prue said with a smile, as she gave each of them a hug. "I bet you two will be happy to get those casts removed?" Prue asked with a grin.
"I don’t know about them being glad, but I know the rest of us will be." Mandy said with a grin before Chrissy or Amber could speak.
"I’m sure they’ve not been that much trouble to look after dear." Prue asked looking a little shocked that Mandy could say such a thing.
"They’ve been no trouble at all mum, not until this morning." Mandy said with a giggle. "They’ve both been driving us nuts since they first woke up." Mandy added.
"Oh I see." Prue said giggling as well now she knew what Mandy was getting at. "Well they are all ready for the two of you." Prue added, as she looked at the two doctors she’d been talking to.
Chrissy went with one doctor while Amber went with the other. Both girls looked worried, but were a little excited to be getting the casts removed.
Prue led the others over to a seating area, so they could all sit and wait, then she left to go and check up on Chrissy and Amber.
It seemed to be taking a long time for them to remove the casts, so Brad dragged Becky and Amy off to help him find them all a drink to kill some time. They were all sat having a drink when they saw Chrissy, Amber and Prue walk out into the waiting room again. Becky and Amy were soon up and running over to greet their lovers.
Chrissy and Amber both started grinning when they saw Becky and Amy jump up as they screamed their lover’s name.
"How does it feel to be walking again then you two?" Becky asked, as she let Chrissy lean on her.
"It feels really good." Both Chrissy and Amber said with a grin, as they looked down at their legs, and then their hands.
"Don’t let them over do it you two." Prue said in a stern voice, and she pointed her finger at them all, like only a caring mum could do.
"Yes mum." Both Becky and Amy said together with a smile.
"You’re going to feel stiff for a couple of days, but just keep working the muscles, and you will soon start to loosen them up again." Prue said with a smile.
Chrissy and Amber stood nodding at their mum while she spoke, then Becky and Amy led them over to the seat, so they could rest while they got their bits together. They all looked at Frank now, as they had Prue sat next to him, but before Frank could speak, Prue spoke to him.
"How’s the chest now Frank?" Prue asked with a smile.
Frank just wanted to get lost in Prue’s eyes and stair at her smile until the end of time. So lost in thought was he, that he never answered her.
"Frank, Frank! Is everything okay." Prue asked looking a little worried.
"Oh, sorry Prue. I was miles away there for a second." Frank said, as he
realized that Prue was waiting for an answer to her question. "I’ve been feeling much better since you looked at my injury." Frank added with a smile.
The girls were all trying not to laugh when Frank said that, as they all knew that Frank was feeling better, but not for the reason Prue was thinking of.
"Are you sure Frank? You look a little flushed." Prue asked, as she put the back of her hand to Frank’s forehead.
In his whole life, Frank had never known a woman make him feel like Prue did, just by touching him. So with that in mind, he took a deep breath. "I’m feeling fine Prue. Infarct I feel better than fine." Frank said with a nervous smile. "I think you’re an amazing woman, and have six amazing daughters, and I was wondering if you would let me treat you to dinner sometime?" Frank asked, as he looked deep into Prue’s eyes.
Prue was sat looking at Frank, as she took in what he just asked her. "You want to take me out for dinner Frank?" Prue asked, just to make sure she heard him right.
"Yes, but I’ll understand if you think me nothing but a barbarian." Frank said, as he sat waiting for Prue to turn him down. He soon looked shocked when she gave him her answer.
"I’d love to have dinner with you Frank." Prue said with a smile. "And for the record Frank, I don’t think of you as a barbarian. I think you’re a brave caring person." Prue added, as she kissed him on the cheek.
Frank just sat looking at Prue with a silly grin on his face, while the others all sat clapping and cheering for them both. Frank was soon looking worried again though when Prue spoke again.
"So when do you want to take me out, and where will we be going? I need to know what to wear." Prue asked.
"Didn’t you say Sunday, Frank?" Chrissy said, to try and help Frank out. "He told us about a really posh restaurant that Carl owns in the city." Chrissy added with a grin.
"Okay then, Sunday it is." Prue said with a grin. "Will you be picking me up, or shall I just meet you there?" Prue asked.
"He told us that he would be picking you up from home if you said yes to the dinner date." Mandy said. "I’ll give him your address, and tell him the best way to get there later." Mandy added with a smile.
Frank had just sat with his mouth open while Chrissy and Mandy planned out his dinner date with their mum. He was just hoping that Chrissy could talk Carl in to letting him eat at the restaurant she was on about. He also hoped that Prue didn’t have a large appetite, as it was a very expensive place to eat.
Prue needed to get back to her surgery, so she gave all the girls a hug, and then hugged Frank, and gave him a peck on the cheek before saying. "I look forward to seeing you on Sunday then Frank." And she waved, as she walked away.
"Well old man, it looks like you’ve got a date on Sunday." Brad said, as he pattered Frank on the back.
"It does look that way." Frank said with a grin. "Not that I’m not grateful for the help Chrissy, Mandy, but couldn’t you have thought of a cheaper place I stood a chance of getting into for a first date." Frank asked looking worried.
"Don’t worry about the details Frank. I know the owner really well." Mandy said with a grin. "All you need to worry about, is making sure my mother has a really good time." Mandy added in her best bossy sounding voice.
"I’ll do my best Mandy." Frank said with pride.
"That’s all we can ask of you Frank. We already know she’s in very safe hands." Chrissy said with a smile, as she sat cuddling with Becky.
Frank just looked at the way Chrissy was smiling, as she looked at Becky, and knew what she was talking about, so he never bothered answering her. Frank was soon answering a list of questions that Mandy had for him, he was soon lost, as to what Mandy had planned for Sunday.
"Leave it with me Frank, and we will have you looking amazing when you take our mum out on Sunday." Mandy said with a smile, as they were all heading back home again.
Brad parked the minibus on the drive in front of the house for the last time, as the girls would all be able to go places in the cars again now. Brad knew that Chrissy was looking forward to being able to get out in the car with Becky now she could drive.
Frank and Brad were about to leave when Chrissy dragged them both into the house, so she could cook them some lunch. She wanted to get back to looking after people again, now she was back on her feet.
Becky, Amy and Amber just fell in, and did whatever Chrissy told them too. They were all just happy to see Chrissy doing stuff again.
"It’s really great to have the old Chrissy back again." Amy said, as she stopped Chrissy long enough to give her a hug.
"It feels nice to be out of those casts baby sister, but I would still do it all again this minute, if it would keep you safe." Chrissy said, as she hugged Amy back.
"Thanks big sister." Amy said with a smile, as they broke the hug. "I just hope you never have to." Amy added with a worried look.
Chrissy had just broken the hug with Amy, when Amber wrapped her arms around Chrissy, and hugged her really tightly. "Thank you so much Chrissy for keeping my baby alive." Amber said, as she hugged her.
Chrissy went to speak when Amber broke the hug, but found in hard to do, as Amber had pinched her lips together. "I know what you’re about to say Chrissy, and I won’t let you say it. You saved her life sis, so deal with it." Amber said.
Amber thought she heard Chrissy say a very mumbled okay, so she let go of her lips, and then gave her a quick peck on the lips to say sorry for doing it. Then she ran over to hug and kiss Amy. Chrissy just giggled, then thought it was a good idea, so she did the same, but ran over to Becky instead.
Mandy just sat at the table with Brad and Frank, as they watched the girls run around sorting out making sandwiches for them all. Mandy was happy to see Chrissy and Amber back on their feet again.
They were soon all sat eating sandwiches, and chatting about all the things they would be doing again now that Chrissy and Amber were up and about again. They were all looking forward to getting to the club again on Saturday. They all waved Brad and Frank off once they finished eating, and Mandy said she’d be in touch with him about the final plans for Sunday.
Frank thanked them all for the help with the date on Sunday, then they all waved, as they watched Frank get in Brad’s 4x4 with him, and then drive away.
Becky was at work later, so she decided to head back to bed, and Chrissy was going to have a lie down with her.
Mandy was off to the living room, so she could give Carl a call, and see what she could sort out for Frank and her mum on Sunday.
Amy was just walking back to the kitchen with her arm around Amber’s waist. She’d wanted to do this for so long, that she had a big grin on her face.
"What you so happy about baby?" Amber asked.
"I’ve got you up and about again." Amy said, as she stopped walking, and wrapped her arms around Amber’s waist, then she kissed her.
"Just as I have you." Amber purred back between kisses. "So what do you feel like doing then baby?" Amber asked when they finally stopped kissing.
"We could go for a walk? I don’t think you’d want to just sit in the garden, would you?" Amy asked with a funny look.
"All I’ve done for the past eight weeks is sit and lie down, so it would be really nice to just take a walk around the block." Amber said with a grin.
"I’ll just go and let Mandy know what we’re doing, then we can get off." Amy said with a smile, as she skipped off to find Mandy.
Mandy was chatting to Carl when she saw Amy poke her head around the door. "Can you just hold on for a second Carl? Amy’s just come in wanting to tell me something." Mandy put her hand over the phone, and looked at Amy.
"Sorry to bother you sis, but I just wanted to let you know that Amber and I are going to take a walk." Amy said with a smile.
"Okay sis, but don’t let Amber over do it. Give me a call if she gets tied, and I’ll come and pick you up." Mandy said in a big sister kind of way. "Don’t let her walk home. Do you understand Amy?" Mandy asked.
"Yes sis, I understand, and I’ll keep an eye on her to make sure." Amy said with a grin, as she thought of how much like Ann, Mandy could be when it came to playing the big sister.
"Okay then Amy, have fun." Mandy said with a smile.
"We will sis, and say hi to Carl for me." Amy said, just before leaving the room.
Amy went and got her purse, and then made sure she had her mobile in it before heading back to Amber, who was stood waiting just inside the front door.
"You ready to leave then now?" Amber asked, as she held out her hand to take Amy’s.
Amy took hold of Amber’ left hand in her right, and nearly let go of it again. If felt so rough, and Amy could feel how dry and flaky the skin was. She ended up lifting it up to get a better look at it. It looked very grey in
color, and was covered in dead skin.
"Will it get better in time baby?" Amy asked in a sad voice.
"Yes, the doctor told Chrissy and I to put plenty of E45 cream on it before we go to bed. "I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have tried to hold your hand." Amber said, as she tried to let go, but Amy wouldn’t let her.
"I don’t mind, it was just a little bit of a shock at first." Amy said with a smile, as she let their hands drop, and she then led Amber out the house.
"I’m still really sorry he did that to you, trying to find me." Amy said, as they were walking up the road.
"I told you Amy, none of this was your fault." Amber said, as she tried to squeeze Amy’s hand a little tighter. "So please stop thinking that way baby." Amber added with some pleading in her voice.
"Do you think you’ll ever get full use of your hand back?" Amy asked, as she held onto it.
"The doctor said it was looking good when he looked at it this morning, but he did say I had to exercise it a couple of times a day, just like I’ll be doing with my leg." Amber said, as she rolled her eyes. She really wasn’t looking forward to Amy helping her exercise.
"It won’t be that bad, I had to do it everyday for a month after I got out of my casts." Amy said with a grin.
"At least I’ll have you there helping me get better." Amber said with a smile, as she rested her head on Amy’s shoulder while they walked.
They soon found themselves near Mable’s, so they decided to call in and see how she was doing, and also say hi to Cathleen, as is was half term, and Jenna would be at work. They had a feeling that Mable would be happy to see them, if only to give her a break from running around after Cathleen. Amy rang the doorbell, and then waited for Mable to answer it.
"Hello Amy, Amber." Mable said with a big smile. "And look at you! Back on your feet again." Mable added with a grin.
"Hi Mable. I hope you don’t mind us popping round, but we wanted to take a walk and ended up here." Amy said.
"Hi Mable. Yep, I’m fully mobile again." Amber said with a grin, as she did a little dance. "I’m still really stiff though, so it will be a little while before I’m running any marathons." Amber added with a giggle.
"I’m just glad to see you up and about again dear." Mable smiled. "Please come in. I know that Cathleen will be happy to see you." Mable added, as she stepped aside to let the two girls enter the house.
Mable led them through to the dinning room, where they found Cathleen sat at the table
coloring. She was soon up on her feet when she heard Amy and Amber enter the room.
"Amy, Amber!" Cathleen shouted, as she ran over to them. "You’re walking again Amber. Does this mean you’re all better?" Cathleen added with a grin.
"Hello Cathleen." Amber said, as she hugged the little girl. "I’m not all better, but well on the way now." Amber added.
"Hi Cathleen. What you been doing with yourself then this week?" Amy asked, as she also gave the little girl a hug.
"Did you both come to play with me?" Cathleen asked with a pleading look.
"Yes we did, so what do you want to play?" Amy asked with a grin, as she let Cathleen lead her and Amber over to the table. Then she went and got a board game from her toy chest up the other end of the room. "Can we play this?" Cathleen asked, as she put the game on the table.
"Sure we can Cathleen." Amber said, as she started to help Cathleen set the game up.
"Would you all like a glass of juice?" Mable asked, as she walked towards the kitchen.
"That would be great Mable. Do you need any help?" Amy asked.
"I’ll be fine dear, you just start your game." Mable said.
Mable was soon heading back to the table with a tray of drinks for them all. She then gave them all a glass, just before taking a seat, so she could watch them play the board game. Mable was glad to see Cathleen having so much fun, and she found it nice to just relax for a little while.
Amy and Amber stopped for a couple of hours, then they decided it was time to head back. They both helped Cathleen put the board game away, and then took the empty glasses into the kitchen for Mable. Cathleen and Mable both went to wave the girls off at the front door, and thank them for coming over to spend some time with them.
Chrissy and Mandy were sat in the kitchen when Amy and Amber got back. Mandy was just filling Chrissy in on what she’d got sorted with Carl.
"Did you have a nice walk? You’ve been gone long enough." Mandy asked with a smile, as she looked at the clock on the wall.
"Yes we did, thanks." Amber said with a grin. "We ended up near Mable’s, so we called in and ended up playing a board game with Cathleen." Amber added, as she led Amy over to the table, so they could take a seat.
"I think Mable was glad to see us." Amy said with a giggle. "Cathleen can be a little demanding sometimes." Amy added.
"I don’t think Mable is that into playing with dolls, and board games, but she does love Cathleen with all her heart." Chrissy said, as she got up to fetch Amber and Amy a glass of juice each.
"Thanks Chrissy, but I could have done that." Amy said with a smile.
"I really didn’t mind baby sister. It’s nice to be able to get up and do stuff again." Chrissy said with a grin, just before she bent down and gave Amy a hug.
"It’s nice to have you both back on your feet again." Amy said as she let Chrissy hug her.
"Do you two want to help me sort out dinner?" Chrissy asked, as she walked over to the fridge.
"I’d like to see you try and stop us." Amber said, as she jumped up, and then pulled Amy to her feet.
Mandy just sat watching them play around, as they worked on dinner. She was happy to see the old Chrissy back again, and Amber had given them that same energy boost they all had when she first came to stop. Mandy found herself sat smiling at them.
Chrissy went to get Becky half an hour before dinner was ready, so she’d have some time to wake up before they ate.
Ann was happy to see Amber and Chrissy up and about again, when she got home from work. She was soon sat at the kitchen table with Mandy, giggling at the girls as they finished sorting out dinner.
Once they’d had dinner, Chrissy ran off to help Becky get ready for work. Becky didn’t really need Chrissy to help her, but she loved spending time with her wife.
They all went to see Becky off at the front door, when Vicky came to pick her up. They were all looking forward to Saturday, so they could all get back to the club again themselves.
Other than Chrissy and Amber needing to put cream on the dry skin, and the stair lifts at the house, and the shop, it was soon forgot that they were ever in the wheelchairs. Life got back to normal, or as normal as it could get in a house full of women.
Amy was a little sad to find out that Amber would be starting work with Sara on Monday. Amy knew that Amber missed doing her designs, so she soon snapped out of it, she knew that Amber had only helped out at the shop so she could nurse her back to health.
By the time Saturday came around, the girls were all bouncing off the walls ready for a night out. Amy and Chrissy had their hands full doing the makeup for the others, and then getting ready themselves. Amber helped Amy get ready. Amy had to wonder if she could have got ready quicker on her own, by the time she was finished.
Vicky turned up at her normal time, and the girls all ran out to the car, which left Vicky stood at the front door giggling at them.
"I take it they are really anxious to get to the club?" Vicky asked Mandy, as she armed the alarm, and then locked the front door.
"Yes they are." Mandy giggled. "If I hadn’t had to lock up, I would have been running too." Mandy added with a grin.
"I know you’ll put a smile on Carla’s face. She’s been missing you at the club." Vicky said, as she opened the passenger door for Mandy to get in. "Becky’s looking a lot happier tonight as well." Vicky added, as she looked over at Becky, as she sat cuddled up to Chrissy in the very back of the people carrier.
"I’ve got no idea why that would be." Mandy said with a silly grin on her face, as she turned to look at her baby sister.
Vicky just chuckled as she closed the door and walked around to get in the driver’s seat. She started the car, and was soon heading to the club, and having a laugh at the girls singing to some song playing on the radio. Vicky had missed having the girls around, she’d forgotten how much fun they could be.
The girls all got out the car when Vicky pulled up outside the club. Amy and Chrissy still looked across the road to see if any other poor soul was stood watching the life they so wanted pass by without them, but there was no one ever standing there.
Chrissy and Amy soon found themselves being dragged into the club by Becky and Amber. Amy had to grin, as she was led into the club on Amber’s arm. Amy knew that Amber was letting everyone know that she belonged to her. Becky was doing the same thing with Chrissy, as they walked just in front of them.
Ann and Mandy had ran off to find Brad and Carla, so they weren’t shocked to find Brad holding Ann in his arms when they got to the entrance to the VIP section. Brad tried to put Ann back down when he saw Becky come into view, but Ann wasn’t about to let him.
"Don’t look so worried Brad, and show Ann how much you’ve missed seeing her here at the club." Becky said with a smile, as she walked past with Chrissy on her arm.
Amy and Amber followed close behind, and watched as Brad lifted Ann up like a small child, then kissed her full on the lips, as Ann wrapped her arms around Brad’s neck to let him wrap his arms around her waist.
"I didn’t realize he’d missed her that much." Amber said grinning at Amy.
Amy just giggled, as she looked over her should, while they kept walking towards the VIP section. Amy soon snapped her head around to look at Amber when she heard what she said next.
"I hope you don’t wish that was you kissing Brad." Amber said, when she saw how Amy was watching them kiss.
"No I don’t!" Amy said looking shocked at what Amber had just said. "I have no interest in kissing, or doing anything else with a man." Amy added looking a little flustered.
"Hey, calm down Amy, I was only joking with you." Amber said, as she tried to help Amy relax again. "I don’t want anyone kissing you like that, not unless it’s me doing it." Amber added with a sly grin.
"Well I’m not sure I want you to kiss me like that Amber." Amy said, as she lifted her head up and to the side, to make it look like she was trying to play hard to get.
"Who said anything about you having a choice in it baby?" Amber said, as she stopped walking, and turned to face Amy, just before wrapping her arms around her and kissing her where they stood at the entrance to the VIP section.
Amy let the world fade away, as she let Amber kiss her. She was having trouble getting her breath back when they broke the kiss. "Okay then, I’ll let you kiss me then, if I must." Amy said, as she rolled her eyes, just before she started grinning.
Amber just stood grinning at Amy, then she giggled when Amy got a shocked look on her face, due to Amber just pinching her bottom.
Amy stepped back and started rubbing the spot Amber just pinched, as she playfully slapped her on the arm. "Ouch! That hurt." Amy said as she kept rubbing it.
"I’m sorry baby." Amber said with a pout, as she replaced Amy’s hand with her own, and kept rubbing it for her.
Amy watched Amber’s face get closer and closer until their noses were touching, then Amber tilled her head to the side, and planted another kiss on Amy’s lips. The moment was lost when they both heard Ann speak to them.
"Okay, enough with the floor show you two." Ann said, as she looked over her shoulder after Amy and Amber both looked at her.
Amy and Amber just went a deep shade of red, as they
realized that most the club was now stood watching them kiss at the entrance to the VIP section. Amy looked shocked, and Amber was just stood there with a big grin on her face, that was until Amy ran off into the VIP section dragging Amber along with her.
Ann just stood and giggled, as she watched Amy run off. She had to wonder if Amy would survive life with Amber, but she knew that Amber would never let any harm come to her. Ann turned to smile at Brad again, and then followed Amy and Amber into the VIP section to find the others.
"Are you trying to put me back in a cast baby?" Amber asked Amy, as they came to a stop in the VIP section.
"I’m sorry, but I just got scared when I saw everybody looking at us." Amy said looking worried. "I didn’t hurt you did I?" Amy asked.
"No, you didn’t hurt me Amy, and I’m sorry if I embarrassed you down there." Amber said, as she led Amy over to the sofas where Chrissy and Becky had gone to sit down. "I just wanted to let everyone know you belong to me." Amber added with a grin.
"I think they all got that message." Amy said with a giggle, as she sat down between Amber and Chrissy.
"You have no idea how hard it was for me not to do that when I was here for those two weeks." Amber said with a pained look on her face, as she looked into Amy’s eyes.
"I think I have some idea." Amy said with a grin, as she remembered how she felt when they danced while holding each other close.
"Well, we have nothing to hide anymore baby, and I plan to make up for lost time." Amber turned to face Amy, and pulled her head to hers, so she could kiss her again.
Amy looked around when they broke the kiss, she was still feeling embarrassed kissing Amber in such a public place. She soon gave up though when she saw the way Chrissy and Becky were kissing next to them, and Mandy had her lips locked to Carla’s on the sofa across from them.
"Well you know what they say." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at Amber again.
"No, what do they say baby?" Amber asked looking a little puzzled.
"When in Rome, do like the Romans do." Amy said with an even bigger grin, as she pulled Amber in for another kiss.
"You’ve got to just love those Romans." Amber purred when they finally broke the kiss.
It wasn’t long before the girls were bored with sitting down, so they decided to take a walk. Amy had Amber on her arm, Chrissy had Becky, and Mandy had dragged Carla along. Ann felt a little lost not having anyone to walk around with, but she was soon smiling when Brad wrapped his arm around her waist.
"Brad! What are you doing? Won’t you get in trouble?" Ann asked looking worried, as she looked at Brad, and them Carla.
"Who do you think told him to come along." Carla said with a smile. "I didn’t think it fair that you had to miss out on spending time with him, while we had a good time." Carla added.
"Thanks Carla." Ann was grinning as she said it. She soon had her arm around Brad’s waist enjoying the club a little more.
Chrissy and Amber had already told Amy they wouldn’t be doing any dancing for a couple of weeks. They wanted to make sure they were well on the way to being back to normal first. They still found themselves being dragged to the dance floor though, when a slow song started playing. Chrissy looked at Becky, as the song started to play, and she saw that Becky had planned this whole thing out when she saw Becky’s hand waving at the DJ.
Amber saw Amy grinning at Becky, and Becky grinning back. "Why do I get the feeling that you two planned this whole thing out before we even got to the club." Amber asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Becky and I thought that you and Chrissy would be fine with a couple of slow dances, and you can always lean on me baby." Amy said with a grin, as she let Amber wrap her arms around her.
"Where have you been all my life lover?" Amber asked with a grin, just before she kissed Amy. "Just when I think I couldn’t love you any more, you go and do something like this." Amber added when they broke the kiss.
"I was locked away by an icky boy." Amy said in a little girl voice. "But I escaped, and will never see him again." Amy added with a grin.
Amber had to giggle when Amy spoke, she sounded so cute when she spoke like a little girl. "No icky boy will ever lock you away again baby." Amber said with a smile.
Amy looked deep in to Amber’s eyes, and just smiled at her before kissing her again. Amy then pulled Amber a little closer and rested her head on Amber’s shoulder as they slowly danced.
They had a couple of slow dances before they gave the dance floor back to the other club goers. Amber and Chrissy were ready for a sit down, as their legs were beginning to ache a little bit.
Becky hadn’t been sat down very long when Beth came over to ask if she could help with a problem at one of the bars in the main club. Becky gave Chrissy a quick kiss, and then walked away with Beth. Chrissy looked a little sad, but knew that she’d be back just as soon as the problem was sorted out, so she decided to asked Carla what she managed to get sorted out for Frank and their mother for tomorrow night.
"Carla, did you manage to help Frank out with his date tomorrow night?" Chrissy asked.
"After all this time Chrissy, do you really think I’d let you down?" Carla asked with a hurt look.
"No, I just wondered what you managed to get sorted for him?" Chrissy said looking a little worried she might have just upset Carla. "I’m sorry Carla, I should have worded it a little better." Chrissy added, as she looked down at her lap.
"Hey, don’t look so sad Chrissy. I was just playing with you." Carl said with a smile. "But to answer your question. Yes I did get it all sorted out."
Chrissy slowly looked up at Carla, to make sure she wasn’t upset with her, and was glad to see her smiling. "Do you mind me asking what you got sorted Carla? I just love the way you think of everything when you plan this sort of thing." Chrissy asked with a smile.
"I don’t mind at all Chrissy, I was planning to fill you all in on the details anyway." Carla said, as she sat forward on the sofa. "Do you want me to wait for Becky getting back?" Carla asked.
"We’d better, or I’d never hear the last of it." Chrissy said with a giggle.
They didn’t have to wait long before they saw Becky walk back into the VIP section with Beth following close behind. Beth made her way over to a group of girls near the bar, while Becky came and sat back down next to Chrissy, and pulled her into a hug, then she kissed her.
"Did you get everything sorted out baby?" Chrissy asked when they broke the kiss.
"Yes, it was just a couple of queens getting into a argument. I made them kiss and make up, so to speak," Becky said with a silly grin on her face. "Is everything okay up here?" Becky asked, as she saw everyone looking at her, and then Carla.
"Yes, we’ve just been waiting for you to get back, so Carla could tell us what she got sorted for Frank and mum, for their big date tomorrow night." Chrissy said with grin.
"Thanks for waiting, you know how I hate to be the last to find things out." Becky said, as she waited for Carla to tell them all the details she’d sorted out for the big date.
"Right, where to start." Carla said, as she looked to be deep in thought. "Well I took Frank to get a new suit yesterday, so he’ll look the part tomorrow night, and I must say he cleans up pretty good." Carla said with a grin. "I’ve also sorted out a car and driver to drive him around for the night, so he can have a drink and not worry about being over the limit. They’ll have the best table at the restaurant, and I also told Frank not to worry about the cost of anything, as I will be covering the bill for the whole date." Carla said with a smile.
"That all sounds really great Carla, but are you sure about covering the cost of the meal?" Mandy asked. "Chrissy and I were going to do that, as it was our idea for him to go there." Mandy added.
"Don’t be silly princess. I wouldn’t hear of you paying for anything at any of the places I own." Carla said in a firm voice. "I feel that I owe Frank far more than I could ever hope to repay him for." Carla said, as she looked at Becky and Chrissy sat cuddling.
"Thank you babe." Mandy said, as she wrapped her arms around Carla and kissed her.
"It was all worth it, just to get that kiss." Carla said with a grin, when they stopped kissing. "Oh, I also sorted out a dozen red roses for him to take with him when he goes to pick your mum up." Carla added.
"You really did think of everything baby." Mandy said, as she kissed her again.
They all sat at the sofas for a little longer, then Amy and Chrissy wanted to take a walk around, and chat to some of the girls down in the main club, so they dragged Amber and Becky to their feet, and went for a walk around. Brad had just gone on his break, so Ann was going to sit this one out. Mandy was happy to just sit and cuddle with Carla. So Amy, Amber, Becky and Chrissy wandered off hand in hand.
The girls were all happy to be back at the club, and having a good time again. They were soon heading to the dance floor again for another slow dance, then they walked around a little more before heading back to sit on the sofas in the VIP section again. That’s how the girls spent the first night back at the club. They all looked worn out by the time the club closed, but they were all really happy as well.
Vicky took them all home and dropped them off. Carla was going to be stopping the night, so Carl could take Mandy out the next day. Ann had made plans to spend the day with Brad, so Becky had offered to take Amy and Amber out with them to do some shopping, and then go and see a movie.
They all headed off to bed when they got in the house, and were soon saying good night to each other at Mandy’s bedroom door.
Amy was a little jealous of what Becky and Chrissy would be getting up to. She’d be glad when the SRS was out the way, so she could play around with Amber the same way. Amy was snapped out of her dreaming when she heard Amber speaking to her.
"It won’t be long now baby." Amber said with a weak smile, as she saw the way Amy was looking at Chrissy and Becky as they went into their bedroom.
"I find it really scary how you can read my mind Amber." Amy said with a funny look.
"That wasn’t hard to work out Amy." Amber said with a sad look, as she pulled Amy into a hug. "You’ll be able to sort out with mum now, and get your date booked for the surgery." Amber added, as she led Amy into their bedroom.
"It can’t come soon enough. I’m sick of being stuck in this limbo that I’m stuck in right now." Amy said, as she waved her hand up and down herself.
"I think you look cute in that limbo." Amber said with a grin, as she helped Amy slip out of her dress.
"I know you do baby, but I’m sick of not being able to feel anything." Amy said with a pained look. "I just feel so numb all the time." She added with a sigh.
"I can only imagine how you must be feeling Amy, but it will all be over soon enough, and you will have the body you should have been born with." Amber said, as she sat on the bed next to where Amy had just sat, and pulled her into a hug.
Amber helped Amy get ready for bed, and then Amy helped Amber get ready for bed. Amy rubbed some cream on Amber’s hand and leg that had the casts on, then they both got into bed and settled down cuddled up to each other. Ann cuddled up to Amy, and they all fell asleep happy to have each other.
No one was bothering with breakfast the next day, as it was close to midday when they all started to get up. Brad was coming to pick Ann up, so they could head out for lunch. Carl and Mandy were just going to see where they ended up, but lunch was planned in there somewhere. Becky had already made plans to grab something when they got into town, so they all had a cup of tea, then headed off to get ready.
Chrissy found it strange to be sat in the front of a car with Becky behind the wheel, but she did love the idea of being able to just head out when they felt like it. Amy was sat in the back holding Amber’s hand, as they let Becky drive them into town.
Becky parked the car, and then they all made their way to find something to eat before they hit the shops. Chrissy wanted to pay for lunch, but Amy beat her to it, so Chrissy said she’d cover the cost of the movie tickets later in the day.
The girls spent the rest of the afternoon shopping, and headed back to the car laden down with shopping bags by the time the shops were all closing. They headed to the cinema and Chrissy got the tickets for the movie, while Amber covered the cost of the drinks and sweets.
Becky wanted to help pay for the tickets, and the drinks. But she was told that as she was driving, they would cover it all. So Becky just took the drink that Amber handed her for Chrissy and herself, and then they headed in to watch the film. They really enjoyed the movie, and then called in at a Chinese takeaway on the way home, so they could grab some food and take it home with them.
Ann and Mandy were still out with Brad and Carl, so the girls all headed to the kitchen and set out four plates, and then Becky got a bottle of wine out and four glasses.
"MMM, wine. What a great idea Becky." Amber said with a grin, as she helped Chrissy and Amy dish up all the food.
"I thought it would be a perfect way to end a perfect day." Becky said, as she smiled at Chrissy.
"It was a really great day Becky, Chrissy. Thanks for letting Amber and I tag along." Amy said.
"I don’t think it would have been any fun without you two there with us." Chrissy said with a smile. "I hope you’ll come out with us again?" Chrissy asked, as she sat at the table next to Becky.
"We’d love to if you’d let us Chrissy." Amy said, as she helped Amber take a seat, just before she sat down herself.
"You’ll always be welcome Amy, Amber." Becky said with a smile, as she popped a prawn cracker with some fried rice on it into Chrissy’s mouth.
From that day on, the four of them pretty much did everything together. Mandy and Ann were happy to see them going out as a group, they knew that there would be less chance of them getting attacked in a large group.
Ann and Mandy were still out when Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber decided to call it a night, so they locked the front door and then headed off to bed. Chrissy and Becky went to their own room, just in case Mandy brought Carl home with her. Amber and Amy walked down to their bedroom, after giving Chrissy and Becky a hug goodnight, and thanking them again for a really great day.
Amy woke the next morning, and was worried when she
realized that Ann never came home last night. She grabbed her mobile to give Ann a call, when she saw a text message from her, so she selected it, and read it.
Hi sis. Was having great time with brad, and lost track of time, so will be stopping the night. Love you. Ann. The text message read.
"Is everything okay baby?" A sleepy sounding Amber asked from the side of her.
"Yes, it is now. Ann never came home last night, and I was worried, but I just found a text message from her telling me it was getting late, so she stopped the night with Brad." Amy said, as she lay down again and looked at Amber with a silly grin.
"That dirty little stop out." Amber said grinning back at Amy. "I wonder what interesting story’s she’ll have for us later?" Amber added, as she made her eyebrows move up and down.
"I’m not sure I really want to know Amber. She is my sister after all." Amy said with a funny look.
"You’ve still got a lot to learn about what us girls talk about baby." Amber said with a sad look.
"I did miss out on nearly nineteen years Amber." Amy snapped, as she rolled onto her back and went to get off the bed.
Amber knew from the way Amy snapped at her, that she’d said the wrong thing. She was soon jumping on Amy and pinning her to the bed. "Don’t be like that with me Amy." Amber said with a worried look.
"Sorry, was I not being girlie enough for you?" Amy asked, as she looked away from Amber.
"Amy, I would hope you knew me better than that." Amber said looking hurt, that Amy could think her mean enough to poke fun at her. "I’m going to sit here all day if I have to Amy, but you will look at me." Amber added in a firm voice.
Amy tried to get from under Amber, but she was just too strong for her to move. "Amber! Get off me, I need to get ready for work." Amy said, as she tried to shift Amber again, but she still wouldn’t move.
"No Amy! I’m not letting you up until you look at me." Amber repeated again, as she looked down at Amy.
Amy finally looked up at Amber, and saw the tears in her eyes as she spoke. "I love you Amy, I would never do anything to hurt, or upset you. Please forgive me, I didn’t mean it like that." Amber said, as she finally broke down and slid off Amy to let her get up.
Amber knew she’d screwed up just after she spoke, but she didn’t know how to fix it now she’d said it. So she just turned her back on Amy, and left her to go and get ready for work. Amber was a little shocked when she felt Amy cuddle up to her back.
"I’m sorry Amber, please stop crying." Amy said in a whisper.
"I was just trying to say that I’d have to teach you how to be a better girl, not that you aren’t one already." Amber said with a sob. "Maybe I should just stop speaking." Amber added.
"Now you’re just being silly Amber." Amy said, as she sat up and looked down at her. "You could never stop speaking, not even if your life depended on it." Amy added with a giggle.
"Hey! Here I am being all sensitive, and you just want to poke fun at me." Amber said with a pout, just before she started to tickle Amy.
Amy soon found herself giggling, and screaming, as she tried to stop Amber from tickling her. "I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please stop." Amy screamed, as she tried to get away.
Amber and Amy were both giggling, as they lay on the bed trying to get their breath back after Amber finally stopped her attack.
"Are we okay again now then Amy?" Amber asked, as she turned to look Amy in the eyes. "I hope you
realize that I would never say anything to upset you baby." Amber added with pleading in her voice.
"Yes we’re fine again lover. I’m sorry for reacting like I did." Amy said, as she leaned forward to give Amber a kiss.
"Don’t worry about it." Amber said when they broke the kiss.
"Do you want to take a shower with me? I could do with some help doing my back." Amy added with a grin.
"I better come and make sure my baby is all clean then hadn’t I?" Amber said with a grin, as she helped Amy get off the bed.
Things got a little steamy in the shower, and it wasn’t from the hot water. Amy said sorry to Amber a couple of times while they were in there.
"Thanks baby, I really needed that." Amber said, as she let Amy dry her off, after they got out the shower. "I wish I could return the
favor though." She added with a pout.
"It’s the least I could do after making you cry." Amy said, as she finished drying her off. "I’m sure you’ll more than make up for it when you’re able to." Amy added with a grin, as she turned to let Amber start drying her back for her.
"You can count on it baby." Amber said with an even bigger grin back at her.
They both returned to the bedroom once they were dry, and sorted out some underwear before putting on their bathrobes, and heading down to get some breakfast.
Chrissy and Becky were already sorting out breakfast when they got down stairs. Mandy was sat at the kitchen table with Carl sat next to her.
"Morning everyone." Amber said as she entered the kitchen with her arm wrapped around Amy’s waist.
Amy soon broke away from Amber, and ran over to give Mandy and Carl a good morning hug. "Morning big sister Mandy." Amy said, as she hugged her.
"Good morning baby sister." Mandy said, as she hugged Amy back.
"Morning big brother Carl." Amy said, as she moved on to give Carl a hug.
"Good morning baby Sister Amy." Carl said with a smile, as he hugged her back. "You seem happy this morning." Carl added with a raised eyebrow.
"I’m just happy to have things back to normal." Amy said with a grin, as she made her way over to give Chrissy and Becky a hug. "Well normal with a little something extra in my life." Amy added with a grin, as she looked at Amber as she gave Mandy a morning hug.
Carl knew what Amy was getting at, and he wouldn’t want to see Amy without Amber at her side now they had finally come clean with how they really feel about each other.
Amy gave Chrissy and Becky a hug, and then filled them in on Ann not coming home last night, so they would have one less mouth to feed for breakfast. The others all said pretty much the same thing Amber had said up stairs, which made Amy giggle, as she
realized that girls could be just as bad as guys when it came to talking about things like this. The girls soon had breakfast on the table, and they all sat down to eat, and chat about their Sunday.
Mandy told the girls about Carl taking her to see a ballet, and the great meal they had after it, then she asked the girls about their day shopping, and the movie they went to see. The girls told Mandy about some of the clothes they tried on, and what they ended up buying, and then said that the film was really funny.
"So Amber, are you ready to get back to designing stunning dresses then?" Carl asked, once the girls seemed to run out of stuff to say about their Sunday.
"Yes I am. It was great helping out at the shop, and it really helped me pass the time, but I have a head full of idea’s to show Sara." Amber said with a grin. "It was really nice having Amy to help nurse me back to health again as well." Amber added, as she wrapped an arm around Amy’s waist.
"I’m going to miss you at the shop baby." Amy said with a pout, as she rested her head on Amber’s shoulder, and looked up at her.
"I know you will lover, but with me not there to pick up your slack, you’ll be really busy now anyway." Amber said with a grin.
"Hey! I use to cope just fine before you came along." Amy said, as she sat up and started poking Amber in the side.
Amy realized a little to late, that she shouldn’t have poked Amber. She was soon giggling and screaming again, as Amber tickled her. "I’ll teach you to poke me young lady." Amber said, as she kept tickling her.
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry." Amy squealed, as she squirmed around in her seat.
Amber had to stop tickling Amy, and stop her falling off her seat when she squirmed around a little too much. They just sat hugging each other, as they got their breath back.
"I’ll get you a car sorted out in a week or so Amber. I just want to give your hand and leg a little longer to fully get back to normal again first." Carl said, when they finally got their breath back.
"You really don’t need to Carl, you’ve already done so much to help me out." Amber said, as she shook her head from side to side.
"You do realize that he’ll do it anyway, right?" Amy said with a giggle.
"I’ve guessed as much, but I’m just not use to having people do things for me." Amber said, as she looked at Amy, then Carl again. "Thanks Carl, thanks for everything." Amber added with a smile.
"Do you want another mini, or would you like something a little more up market?" Carl asked.
"I loved my little mini Carl, so another one like that would be just fine." Amber said with a smile.
"Okay then, I’ll get some spec sheets sent over, so you can choose the
color and other bits and bobs. I know I just picked the last one, but I want you to have more say in this one." Carl said with a smile, as he looked at his watch, and
realized that he needed to see about making a move. "Thank you for a lovely breakfast, and even better company to eat it with, but I really need to be going now."
The girls all got up and gave him a hug, then they let Mandy walk him to the front door, so they could say a proper goodbye to each other. Carl had followed Mandy home last night in his car after they’d had dinner, and Mandy had dropped him off at the hotel, so he could pick it up.
Mandy stood and watched Carl drive away before she headed in to finish getting ready for work herself. She was going to drop Amber off at Sara’s on the way to the shop, so she only had to worry about breaking Becky and Chrissy apart when it was time to leave.
"You’ll be seeing her tonight when you get home from work sis, now get in the car." Mandy said, as she led Chrissy over to the car and helped her to get in.
Mandy pulled into Sara’s driveway, and parked the car, so they could all go and say hello to Sara before Amy, Chrissy and herself left to go and open the shop.
Amber knocked on the door, and then waited for Sara to answer it. "Hi Sara. Reporting for work as ordered." Amber said, as she snapped Sara a salute. "I hope I’m not late." Amber added with a smile.
""Hi Amber, Amy, Chrissy, Mandy. It’s hard to be late when I don’t have a start time for you to work to Amber." Sara said with a giggle, when she saw Amber salute her. "Do you have time to stop for a drink before you shoot off?" Sara asked, as she looked at Mandy, Chrissy, and Amy.
"I think we can make time for a quick drink, but only if it’s no trouble Sara." Mandy said with a smile, as she let Chrissy and Amy follow Amber into the house.
"It’s no trouble Mandy. I don’t get to see nearly enough of you all, and I have a feeling that I will have some help making the drinks anyway." Sara said with a smile, as she watched Chrissy heading for the kitchen, while Amy and Amber headed for the dinning room, which also doubled as Sara’s viewing room.
"I see what you mean Sara." Mandy said with a giggle, as she let Sara run off to catch up with Chrissy.
Mandy found Amber and Amy looking at some of the latest designs Sara was working on, and they were both really impressed with them. The three of them were talking about one of the designs when Sara and Chrissy came into the room through the door that led to the kitchen. Sara and Chrissy had a tray each, that they placed on the table. Sara then let Chrissy sort out drinks for everyone, as she knew how they all had their tea. Then they sat and talked while they drank their drinks.
Amber stood with Sara, and watched as Mandy and Chrissy led Amy to the car, then helped her to get in. Amber then waved, as she watched Amy drive away. Amy was waving back, and mouthing the words "I love you." To Amber as they left the driveway.
Sara wrapped her arm around Amber’s waist, and then led her back into the house so they could make a start on some design work, and take Amber’s mind off just watching Amy drive away. They were soon talking about some of the designs on the dinning room table, then they moved through to where Sara’s studio was. Amber was shocked to see that Sara had had a second computer system set up for her right next to hers.
"Did you do all this for me Sara?" Amber asked, as she walked over to the new system.
"Yep. I thought it best that you had your own place to work on your designs. That way we can get twice as much done in a day." Sara said with a grin.
"Thanks Sara, I was a little worried that we were going to be looking over each others shoulder, as we each waited for the other to finish with the computer." Amber said with a smile, as she sat at her computer, and ran her hands across the keyboard.
"I got you this as well, so you can work on deigns while you’re at Mandy’s, if you get the time that is." Sara said with a grin, as she pointed at a laptop sat on a table next to a large laptop case.
"You got me a laptop!" Amber shouted, as she jumped up and ran over to it.
"Yes I did." Sara smiled. "I’ve got all the design software set up on it, and I’ve also got you an art tablet to use with it, plus a digital camera. I also ordered a printer scanner, but that hasn’t arrived yet." Sara said, as she looked to be thinking whether or not she might have forgot anything.
"I don’t know what to say Sara, do you treat all your staff this way?" Amber asked, as she walked over to where Sara was stood.
"I’ve never had anyone working with me before, to treat them in any way Amber." Sara said with a giggle. "Do you like it all?" Sara asked.
"Like it? I love it Sara! Thank you so much for doing all this for me." Amber said, as she wrapped her arms around Sara and hugged the stuffing out of her. "I won’t let you down Sara, and you won’t be sorry you gave me a job." Amber added, as she broke the hug.
"Amber, we will be working together as a team. If you don’t like one of my ideas, then you tell me so." Sara said with a firm look. "I’m hoping we can both learn from each other." Sara added with a smile, as she pulled Amber in for another hug.
Sara was soon showing Amber some designs on her computer system, and pointing out some bits she wasn’t too keen on. Amber took a look, and then gave her some idea’s she thought would look nice, and that is how the day went on from there for the two of them.
Amy and Chrissy were quiet for the rest of the trip to the shop, but they soon started to play around and have some fun, once they got stuck into sorting out the orders for the changing service. It was just after eleven o’clock when Mandy heard the bell sound at the front of the shop. When she looked to see who it was, she saw her mother walk in.
"Hi mum. What brings you here at this time of the day?" Mandy asked looking a little worried.
"Hello dear, and don’t look so worried." Prue said with a smile, as she reached the counter where Mandy was stood. "I’ve come to have a word with you, Chrissy and Amy." Prue added.
"Sure mum, just let me call them through." Mandy said. "Chrissy! Amy! Have you got a minute?" Mandy shouted, as she looked towards the back of the shop.
"We never did it sis." Chrissy said with a grin, as she walked into the shop with Amy holding her hand. "Hi mum!" Chrissy shouted, as she ran to where Prue was stood, and gave her a hug.
Amy had been dragged along with Chrissy when she ran off down the shop, so she ended up hugging Prue from behind, as she was thrown around Prue when Chrissy hugged her. "Hi mum." Amy said with a giggle.
"How was the date last night with Frank?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"That’s the reason I’ve come here to see you all." Prue said with a worried look on her face.
"Did he try something with you mum? Was he not the perfect gentlemen to you?" Mandy asked with anger in her voice. "Just let me know, I’ll get Carl to fire him." Mandy added with even more anger in her voice.
"You’ll do nothing of the sort young lady!" Prue snapped at Mandy. "Frank was the perfect gentlemen last night, and I had a really nice time." Prue added with a smile.
"I don’t understand then mum. Why do you look so worried about it?" Mandy asked with a puzzled look on her face, as did Chrissy and Amy.
"I’d like to see him again, but I said I’d have to make sure that all my daughters were okay with it first." Prue said with a smirk. "I won’t date him, if it’s going to weird any of you out." Prue added.
"I think I can speak for all your daughters when I say, go for it mum." Mandy said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy and Amy, who were also stood grinning and nodding their heads.
"I don’t want to hear anymore talk about him being fired. If Frank or I find it’s not working, I want to know that he’ll keep his job." Prue said with a stern look at Mandy.
"I’m sorry I said that mum. I’d never do anything to hurt Frank, I was just trying to be protective of you." Mandy said, looking a little upset with herself.
"I’m a big girl dear, and I can take care of myself." Prue said, as she stroked the side of Mandy’s face. "Will you give Carl a hug when you next see him, and thank him for planning a great evening out." Prue said with a smile. "Oh, and thank him for the dozen red roses as well." Prue was grinning by now.
Mandy thought about denying that Carl had anything to do with it, but mum had seen how Carl planned things out, and last night had his name all over it. "I will mum, but he just wanted Frank to make a good first impression on you." Mandy said with a smile.
"He made an amazing first impression on me dear. I’m planning to invite him round for dinner later this week." Prue said with a grin.
"You plan to cook?" Mandy asked with a worried look. "I thought you said you liked Frank?" Mandy added with an even more worried look on her face.
Prue look hurt, and Chrissy and Amy were trying not to laugh. They both knew that Mum wasn’t the world’s best cook, and mainly stuck to ready meals at home.
"Hey! I’m not that bad." Prue said with a pout. "I was going to call one of those catering
companies up and get them to sort out the meal for me." Prue added, as she stuck her tongue out at Mandy.
"Amy and I would be happy to help you sort out the meal mum." Chrissy said with a smile, as she looked at Amy to make sure she was up for helping out.
"I’d love to help cook a meal for you and Frank mum." Amy added with a grin.
"Thank you for the offer, but I don’t want to bother either of you." Prue said with a smile, as she hugged both girls.
"Don’t be silly mum, it’s no bother." Chrissy said with a smile, as she hugged Prue back. "If you plan it for Wednesday, Amy and I can come round in the afternoon, and you can help us cook it. That way you would have done some of it, so you can take the credit." Chrissy added with a grin as she broke the hug.
"I get the feeling that I’ve not really got a choice in any of this, so do you want me to pick you up, or will you get Mandy to drop you off?" Prue asked with a smile.
"I have a feeling that Becky will want to help, so I think she’ll be bringing us over." Chrissy said with a grin. "This will give sis a break from Amy and I for a couple of hours as well." Chrissy said with a giggle, as she looked over at Mandy.
"I love spending time with you sis." Mandy said with a hurt look. "But I might see if Carl wants to play hooky from work for the afternoon, and go do something now I know I have the afternoon to myself." Mandy added with a grin.
"Okay then, now we’ve got that sorted out, I need to sort out the other matter I came to see you about." Prue said looking all business again.
"What would that be mum?" Mandy asked.
"Getting Amy booked in for her surgery. She said she was going to wait until Chrissy and Amber were back on their feet. Well it looks like they are, so when do you want me to get it sorted out for?" Prue asked, as she looked at Chrissy and then Amy again.
"I’ll have it when ever you can get me in for it mum." Amy said with a grin.
"I need to work out the best time for you to go in Amy, as you will be off work for a couple of weeks after you’ve had it done." Prue said, as she held Amy’s hand.
"Just sort out the earliest date you can find mum, and Chrissy and I will keep the shop running while Amy is getting better." Mandy said with a smile. "She’s waited long enough for this to be done, and I’m not going to let her wait any longer than is needed to fix her problem." Mandy added, as she held her arms out for Amy to run into.
"Thanks sis." Amy said, as she ran into Mandy’s arms and started to cry. "You too Chrissy. Thank you for everything." Amy added, as she pulled Chrissy in to the hug with Mandy and herself.
"I know just how you’re feeling right now baby sister, and I’m glad you will soon be fixed." Chrissy said, as she hugged Amy close to her.
Prue stopped and had a look around the shop for a bit, but she soon decided to leave when the girls started asking if she was looking for something special for her date with Frank on Wednesday. Mandy, Chrissy and Amy all giggled when they saw Prue look at her wrist, and then say she needed to be some place else.
The girls all waved her off at the shop door, then they went back to finish off the orders for the changing service before someone turned up from the hotel to collect it.
Mandy was just putting the last order together for the changing service, when she saw Carl enter the shop with a basket of food, so she ran down to meet him half way.
"Hello lover." Mandy said, as she wrapped her arms around him, and then kissed him. "I didn’t think I’d see you again today." She added as she broke the kiss.
"I have such a great team working for me, that they kind of take care of everything for me, so I was left with very little to do, so here I am." Carl said with a grin.
"I’ll always be able to find something for you to do for me baby." Mandy purred, as she kissed him again. "Just let me lock the door, and we can go and eat." Mandy added as she let go of Carl, then went to lock the door, and turn the sign that said they were closed for lunch.
Chrissy and Amy had heard Mandy shout when Carl entered the shop, so they were just setting up the plates on the table when they entered the back room.
"Good afternoon ladies." Carl said, with a smile, as he looked at Chrissy and Amy.
Hi Carl." Chrissy and Amy said at the same time.
Chrissy took the basket off Carl, and then started handing tubs to Amy, so she could start and dish it up. Once they all had what they wanted on their plates, Chrissy and Amy sat down and made a start on eating their lunch.
"Mum called in earlier Carl. She told me to give you a hug for her, as a thank you for what you did for Frank." Mandy said with a smile. "I did think about denying it all for you, but I could tell by the look on her face, that she already knew you had a lot to do with it baby." Mandy added with a pout.
"As long as she had a nice time." Carl said with a grin. "Do you think they might hit it off?" Carl asked looking hopeful.
"It’s looking hopeful so far, she’s going to invite him round for dinner on Wednesday." Mandy smiled. "Chrissy and Amy are going to go round and help her cook the meal." Mandy added. "Oh, speaking of that, I was wondering if you could get the afternoon off work, so we can go out and do something?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"I’m sure I can talk someone into covering for me." Carl said with a thoughtful look, just before he started grinning. "How will Chrissy and Amy get to you mums house?" Carl asked.
"They seem to think that Becky will want to help, so she’ll be able to drive them." Mandy said with a smile.
"It’s a date then princess. I’ll pick you up at lunchtime on Wednesday, and take you out for lunch, then we’ll see where we end up." Carl said with a grin.
They finished eating, then Chrissy and Amy got all the tubs washed, and put back in the basket, so Carl could take it back to the hotel when he left. Amy then took the keys for Carl’s car off him, so they could get it loaded up, while he spent some extra time with Mandy.
Mandy gave both girls a hug when Carl had gone, to thank them for giving her some extra time with him. They were soon back to work, and sorting out the Ebay orders, ready for when they headed home later.
Amy called Amber from her mobile, as they got back in the car after dropping the parcels off at the post office, to see if she was ready to be picked up yet.
"Hi baby. How was your first day back at work without me under foot?" Amy heard Amber say down the phone to her.
"Hi babe. I really missed you." Amy said with a pout. "We’re just leaving the post office, and wondered if you were ready to head home yet?" Amy asked with hope in her voice that she would soon be back with her lover.
"I’m having so much fun here with Sara, that I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave." Amber said sounding really excited.
"Oh, I see." Amy said sounding really sad. "I’ll see you sometime later then back at home. Bye." Amy said, just before ending the call, and not giving Amber time to say anymore.
"Will Amber be making her own way home later then Amy?" Mandy asked.
"Yes, she’s busy helping Sara with something." Amy said, as she tried to fight back the tears.
"I’m sure she’ll be home when she gets hungry, or Cathy gets home and kicks her out." Mandy said with a giggle.
"I guess you’re right Mandy." Amy said, as she looked out the window, at the world passing by as they drove home.
Mandy and Chrissy could see that something was very wrong with Amy by the time they got home. "Are you okay Amy?" Mandy asked, as they got out the car.
"I’m fine Mandy, just ready to take a shower, and have some dinner." Amy said with a very fake smile. "If you don’t mind, I’ll go straight up and take a shower before dinner." Amy added, as she headed for the stairs once they got in the house.
"Okay baby sister. We’ll see you later then." Chrissy said, as she gave Amy a hug. She felt Amy hug her a little tighter, as she let out a sigh. "Are you sure you’re okay Amy?" Chrissy asked with worry in her voice as they broke the hug.
"Yes I’m fine, just a little tied." Amy said with a week smile, that wasn’t fooling anyone, but Chrissy and Mandy let it go for now, and let Amy head up stairs.
"I don’t know what Amber said to Amy, but it’s really got her upset about something." Chrissy said looking worried, as she let Mandy wrap her arm around her waist, as they walked to the kitchen, in search of Becky, and to find out what she had planned to make for dinner.
Becky had just finished checking on dinner when she heard Chrissy and Mandy enter the kitchen. Becky let a grin appear on her face when she saw Chrissy running over to her.
"Hello dear, I’m home!" Chrissy said with a giggle, as she ran into Becky’s arms, and started kissing her.
"I think somebody missed me today." Becky said with a grin, as she broke the kiss with Chrissy.
"You know that I always miss you baby when we’re apart." Chrissy said with a pout.
"Did Amy not come home with you?" Becky asked, as she
realized that Amy hadn’t come into the kitchen with them.
"She’s gone up to take a show before dinner." Chrissy said, as she led Becky over to the table, so they could sit down together and cuddle. "I think she had words with Amber as well, when she called her to see if she was ready to be picked up on the way home." Chrissy added with a sad look.
"I’m sure she’ll feel better once she’s had a shower and got changed out of her work cloths." Mandy said. "Speaking of that, I think I’ll go and take a shower before dinner as well." She added, as she made her way over to the kitchen door.
"Okay sis, I’ll see you later." Chrissy said, as she cuddled with Becky some more.
Amy had started the shower, then gone back to the bedroom to take her cloths off. She knew she’d done all she could to show Amber how much she loved her, but she still loved designing dresses more than she did spending time with her, so Amy went and got under the spray of warm water, hoping it would wash away the feelings she had. Before she knew it Amy was sat on the floor in the shower with her knees pulled up under her chin, as she sat crying under the jets of water hitting the top of her head.
Ann got home from work looking worn out. She found Chrissy and Becky sat at the kitchen table hugging each other, and stealing the odd kiss.
"Hi Ann, did you have fun last night?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"Yes I did." Ann said looking a little sheepish over stopping out all night with Brad. "I’m paying the price for it now though. I’m dead on my feet now." Ann added with a sigh, as she sat down at the kitchen table facing Chrissy and Becky.
"Dinner won’t be ready for another thirty minutes yet Ann, if you want to go and take a shower and get changed." Becky said with a smile.
"I think I will." Ann smiled back. "Are Amy and Amber up there at the minute?" Ann asked, as she stood up.
"Amy went up some time back, but Amber is still round at Sara’s." Chrissy said. "I’m not to sure what happened, but Amy looked a little sad when she got off the phone with Amber after we dropped the parcels off at the post office." Chrissy added looking worried.
"They didn’t have an argument did they?" Ann asked looking worried now.
"No, they didn’t say much at all really. That’s what threw me and Mandy." Chrissy said with a puzzled look. "Amy asked if she was ready to be picked up, then Amber said something to Amy, and she hung up and was really quiet for the rest of the trip home." Chrissy added.
"I’ll go and see if she’s okay then, and find out what’s wrong." Ann said, as she made her way out the kitchen, and up stairs to find Amy.
Ann got to the bedroom and couldn’t see Amy anywhere, but she could hear the shower running, so she thought that Amy was still in there. Ann entered the bathroom, but couldn’t see Amy stood in the shower, but she did hear her crying and snuffling, so Ann looked down to where she heard the sound coming from, and saw a lump sat on the floor in the shower.
"Amy, Amy! What’s wrong sis?" Ann said, as she opened the shower door and crouched down to put her hand on her sister’s shoulder.
Amy was so lost in her own little world, that she never heard Ann speak, and she couldn’t see Ann due to her having her head in her hands. She jumped and let out a scream when she felt someone touch her.
"Amy! Calm down, it’s only me." Ann said, as she jumped back. "What’s wrong sis?" Ann asked, as she moved forward again, and wrapped her arms around Amy.
Ann was getting wet from the shower, and her wet sister, but she didn’t care about any of that. She just wanted to hug Amy until she stopped crying, so she could tell her what happened when she spoke to Amber.
"Amber doesn’t want me any more sis. She just wants to be with Sara, so they can design dresses." Amy sobbed on her sister’s shoulder, as they hugged.
"What’s got you thinking a silly thing like that baby sister?" Ann asked. "Amber loves you Amy, and you know it." Ann added.
"She told me on the phone earlier sis. She just wants to stop with Sara forever." Amy sobbed some more.
"I’m sure she’s just glad to be able to work with Sara again sis. She’s been stuck not being able to do anything for the last nine weeks." Ann said, as she lifted Amy to her feet. "Just give her a couple of days to get it out her system, then you will be the most important thing in her life again." Ann added, as she grabbed a towel, and started to dry Amy off with it.
"I don’t think so sis." Amy said looking defeated. "I’ve got nothing to offer Amber really, not when there are people like Sara out there." Amy added, as she took the towel from Ann, and wrapped it around herself, and headed to the bedroom.
"Now you really are just being silly Amy. Sara has Cathy for one thing, and Amber is head over heals in love with you for another." Ann said in a firm voice, as she followed Amy through to the bedroom.
Ann wanted to stand talking to Amy until she made her see sense, but she was soaked through, and really needed to get changed, so she left Amy sorting out some clean underwear, and went back to the bathroom to finish taking her shower, but without any clothes this time.
Amy was sat on the bed in her bathrobe when Ann got back to the bedroom. She didn’t look to be in any rush to get down stairs.
"I’m sorry your clothes got wet sis." Amy said with a sad look.
"Don’t worry about it, I wanted to take a shower anyway." Ann said with a smile, as she tried to lighten the mood a little. "It may catch on, you never know. Taking a shower, and washing your clothes at the same time." Ann added with a grin.
"I think we better stick to doing the two things separately." Amy said with a little smile. "I may not be able to design stuff, but I can do the washing." Amy added.
"I wish you’d stop putting yourself down sis" Ann said, as she sat on the bed next to Amy, and pulled her closer for a hug. "Amber doesn’t want another Sara as a lover, she wants you." Ann added, as she started tickling Amy. Ann soon had Amy giggling and screaming for her to stop tickling her.
"I surrender, I surrender." Amy said between giggling fits.
"Okay then, but stop feeling sorry for yourself, and stop talking silly about Amber." Ann said, as she pulled Amy back for another hug.
"I hope you’re right sis, I really do." Amy said, as she let Ann hug her. "Mum came into the shop today." Amy added.
"Did she have a good time with Frank last night?" Ann asked with a grin.
"Yes she really loved it. She’s going to ask Frank around to her place for dinner on Wednesday, so Chrissy and I will be going to help her sort out a really nice dinner for him." Amy added.
"That’s great sis. I’m really glad they like each other." Ann said with a smile.
"She’s also going to get me booked in for my SRS as well." Amy said with some worry in her voice. "Mandy told her to get me booked in ASAP." Amy added looking even more worried.
"That’s great sis, but why do you look so worried? I thought this is what you wanted." Ann asked.
"I do sis, but I’m still really scarred about it all." Amy said with a giggle.
Ann was beginning to understand why Amy was acting so odd now about Amber. She was worried about the SRS. Add to that the hormones, and you get one very stressed out young lady.
"You’ll be fine baby sister, and I’m sure there will be a line of people wanting to help you get well again after you’ve had it." Ann said with a smile, as she helped Amy to stand up. "We better go and see about getting some dinner. Becky must be dishing it up by now." Ann added, as she headed to the door with Amy being towed behind by the hand.
Ann was right. Becky was dishing up dinner, with Chrissy helping her to get it all sorted out. Ann led Amy over to the table, and helped her to take a seat. She wanted to go and help Becky and Chrissy, but decided against it when she saw the way Ann was looking at her.
"Is Amber still not back yet?" Ann asked sounding a little upset with her for it. "I better go and see how long she’s going to be, and whether or not we should save her any of it." Ann added, as she got up, and went to the living room to make the call.
Ann grabbed the phone, then she scrolled down the numbers until she found Amber’s mobile number. She hit the dial button, and waited for Amber to pick up. She didn’t have to wait long before she heard Amber on the other end. "Hello, Amber speaking." Ann heard her say.
"Hi Amber. I was just wondering if you were going to be coming home at some point tonight?" Ann asked with a sarcastic tone to her voice. "And whether or not you wanted any dinner saving." Ann added.
"What time is it anyway?" Amber asked, but before Ann could answer, Amber spoke again. "Crap, is that really the time? I’m really sorry Annie. I didn’t
realize. I’ll get my things together, and see about heading back now." Amber said.
"So do you want any dinner saving, or not?" Ann asked.
"Yes please. I’ll call for a taxi now, and be home as soon as I can. I am really sorry Annie, but I’ve been having such a great time with Sara today, that I could stop here forever." Amber said sounding really excited about it.
"Okay then Amber, I’ll go and tell Becky to plate you some dinner up, and keep it warm in the oven for you." Ann said, not sounding to pleased with Amber over it all. "I’ll see you soon Amber. Bye."
"Bye Annie. See you soon." Amber said, just before the line went dead.
Ann was beginning to see where Amy was getting the idea that Amber wanted to spend all her time with Sara from now. She just hoped that Amber showed Amy how much she really loved her when she got home. Ann went back to the kitchen, and told Becky that Amber was just about to head back, and she did want some dinner saved for her.
It was nearly an hour later when they heard Amber shout she was home. They watched her enter the kitchen pulling what looked like a small suitcase with a trolley handle attached to it.
"I’m really sorry everyone, but I just lost track of the time." Amber said, as she parked the suitcase over near the wall out the way of where anyone would be walking.
"Are you planning on moving out or something?" Becky asked, as she looked at the case Amber brought in with her.
"Oh no, that’s a gift from Sara." Amber said with a grin. "She’s got me a laptop and art tablet, so I can work on my designs here at home, when I’m not with her." Amber added with an even bigger grin.
Becky and Chrissy sorted out Amber’s dinner for her, and then she sat and ate it, and told them all about her day with Sara.
Amy was getting more and more depressed as she sat listening to Amber go on. It was Sara this, Sara that. Amy was feeling pretty useless and dumb by the time Amber had done eating. Amy helped Ann clear the table, while Amber went and got her knew laptop out to show them all. Amy had about hit rock bottom by this time, as Amber hadn’t even said hello to her, or even gave her a peck on the cheek, so she finished washing the pots, and let Ann wipe them.
Ann could see Amy looking over at Amber with a hurt look on her face, then she watched Amy leave the kitchen without Amber even noticing she had left the room. Ann let out a sigh, as she finished drying the dishes.
Becky was soon being dragged to her feet by Chrissy, so she could go and help her get ready for work. Mandy was still sat watching Amber play around with some dress designs, as they left the room. That was when Amber looked around and saw that Amy wasn’t in the room any more.
"What happened to Amy?" Amber asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"Oh, so you do remember her then." Ann said in a sharp tone of voice, which made Amber jump.
"I said I was sorry for being late for dinner Annie, so there is no need to snap at me." Amber said looking a little hurt.
"It’s not you being late for dinner that has me upset Amber." Ann snapped at her. "It’s how you treated my baby sister since you got home, or lack of how you treated her." Ann snapped at her again.
"I wasn’t ignoring her Ann, I just wanted to have my dinner before it was ruined." Amber said in her own
defense. "I don’t understand why she’s upset with me." Amber added with a puzzled look.
"It has something to do with what ever you said to her on the phone when she called you to ask if you were ready to come home earlier." Ann said in a much calmer voice, as she sat down at the table next to Amber.
"We didn’t say much at all really. She asked if I was ready to come home, and I said I was having way to much fun with Sara, and I could stop there forever, but I was only joking." Amber said in a matter of fact way.
"I don’t think Amy realized that you were only joking Amber. She thinks she needs to be like Sara to keep you as her girl, and she knows she can never be anything like that." Ann said looking hurt.
"Oh god Annie, I don’t want Amy to be anyone but who she is right now. I love her with all my heart." Amber said with a tear in her eye. "How could she even think such a thing?" Amber asked.
"I think it’s just her hormones playing up again, and she had a chat with Prue today about her SRS." Ann said, as she pulled Amber into a hug.
"I thought Prue said that everything was okay, and she could have the surgery." Amber asked.
"She can, and Prue is sorting out the earliest date she can find for her to have it done." Ann said with a smile. "Amy’s just scared, and I think she was hoping to tell you just how scared she really is, but you never came home till late, and then you seemed more interested in Sara than you did her." Ann added with a sad look.
"I am so sorry, I never wanted to hurt Amy." Amber said as she broke the hug, and dried her eyes. "I was just happy to be doing something again, and working with Sara is a dream, but I still want to spend all my time with Amy as well." Amber said, as she stood up.
"I better let you go and tell Amy all that then Amber." Ann said with a smile, as she let Amber run off to find her baby sister.
Amy had gone up to her room to lie down. She hoped that this was all just a bad dream, and she would wake up to find Amber smiling at her. Amy was just starting to nod off when she heard someone call her name.
"Amy, Amy, are you sleeping?" Amber asked in a quiet voice, as she walked over to the bed, and sat on it where she could look at Amy’s face for any sign that she was still awake.
"I’m sorry." Amy said, just before she turned over to look away from Amber.
"Sorry? Sorry for what baby?" Amber asked in a puzzled sounding voice.
"I’m sorry for not being more like Sara. I’m sorry for being so dumb." Amy said in a whisper, as she was trying to fight back the tears again. "I’m sorry for not being good enough for you Amber." Amy finally broke down in a sob of tears as she said the last bit.
"I don’t want you to be like Sara, and I don’t think you’re dumb, baby." Amber said, as she stroked Amy’s back. "Why ever would you think I want you to be like Sara?" Amber asked.
"You said that you loved being with her, and you could stop there forever." Amy said as she sobbed.
"I was only joking when I said that babe." Amber lay down behind Amy as she spoke, so she could cuddle up behind her. "I do love spending time with Sara, but it’s only because she’s such an amazing designer, and I could sit and work with her all day long. But I would still want to come back to you at the end of the day." Amber added, as she started to cry again.
Amy turned herself over, so she was facing Amber now. "Do you really mean that Amber? You’re not going to leave me for someone like Sara?" Amy asked with some hope in her voice.
"I wouldn’t leave you for anyone baby." Amber said, just before she leaned in to kiss Amy on the lips. "I’m sorry for not giving you a proper welcome when I got home. I was just so excited about the new laptop Sara brought me." Amber added, as she cuddled up to Amy some more.
"I should have known better than to not trust you Amber, but I just felt really jealous, and scared that I would lose you to someone better." Amy said looking a little ashamed of what she had been thinking.
"What had you got to be jealous about baby?" Amber asked looking a little puzzled.
"I was jealous of you having so much fun with Sara, and not me." Amy said with a pout.
"Amy, I’ve loved you since I saw you that first time with Ann when I saw you both shopping. Don’t ask me why, but I just knew that one day, I was going to make you all mine." Amber said with a grin. "And now I have you. So do you really think I’m going to look for anyone else?" Amber asked with a giggle.
"I hope not Amber, but I still worry about it." Amy said, as she hugged Amber a little tighter.
"Annie told me about Prue booking you in for you surgery, and she said you were really scared about it all, so how are you feeling?" Amber asked.
"I am a little freaked out about it all Amber, but I know that I will be complete once it’s been done." Amy said with a nervous smile. "I think that’s one of the reasons I was being a little silly earlier. Sorry about that Amber." Amy added with a sad look.
"Don’t worry about it baby, I’m just happy to have you smiling again, and I’m sorry for what I said on the phone. I should have thought before saying what I did." Amber smiled, just before kissing her again.
Amy and Amber lay on the bed cuddling for a little longer, then they headed back down stairs to see Becky Leave for work when Vicky turned up for her. Ann and Mandy were both still sat in the kitchen when Amy and Amber got down there.
"I take it you got it all sorted out?" Ann asked with a smile, when she saw them enter the kitchen holding hands.
"Yes we got it all sorted." Amber smiled. "I’m really sorry for upsetting her Annie. I hope you know that’s the last thing I would ever want to do." Amber added with her hand on her heart.
"I know that Amber, and I’m sorry for snapping at you about it all." Ann said, as she held her arms open so Amber could give her a hug.
Amber was soon getting a hug off Ann, which left Amy feeling a little left out of it, that was until Ann and Amber let her join the hug as well. They broke the hug when the doorbell rang, so they all went to say hi to Vicky, as they knew it would be her. They all stood chatting until Becky came down with Chrissy holding her hand, then they gave Chrissy a couple of minutes to say a proper goodbye before waving them off at the door.
They all returned to the living room to watch some telly, but they were all looking forward to tomorrow night, as they would be heading to the club with Becky and Vicky. They all called it a night just after ten o’clock, and headed up to bed.
To Be Continued.
Edited by Hope
Final edit by ChrisW
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Amy's Story by SaraUK correted posting
This is the FINAL Corrected posting of this chapter!
Don't know why but my edit link was disabled and I had to wait until Erin re-enabled it last night so I could get to it today (R/L made the correction late)
Here is Chapter 22 for your enjoyment. Hoped edited it this time and I just did a final edit. I think I've gotten all the there, their, they're, typos fixed "BUT" I don't count on it :) last week when I got chapter 21 from Sara I wasn't thinking all too clearly I was doped to the gills, I'd had a mild heart attack. I was in the ER with my wife she had another problem when it hit me so I laid in bed there with a friends notebook and had to edit it with windows note it didn't have MSword in it. :( So I missed a lot.
Well I'm better now and at home and on my desktop with all the bells and whistles "yeah" and this time between hope and myself I believe we've gotten them (I hope).
Sara sends me the story in RTF I do a quick spell check and send it to Hope. Hope edits it then sends it back to me and I do another quick check. I then reformat the story to .html using NoteTab Pro, keeping a copy for myself and copy and paste to this website.
Try saying that really fast 5 times.
If you 1st can't get them to agree, then cut them to bits...
As you can see I messed up on posting Chapter 22 I guess I'm not all the way up to speed
I screwed up "AGAIN"
You Have it all Wrong - Amy's Story Part 22
Is this part 22 or 23?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Chapter 22 corrected sort of
This is chapter 22 I screwed up and sent in 21 as 22 the 1st time and then re posted it correctly "BUT" I DIDN'T Post the final edited version :( I just sent that to
Puddintane in hopes that she'll sneak it in in place of the uncorrected chapter 22 with all the there, their, and they're typos and a "bye" instead of "by" blooper.
The maker only knows what else I've missed... :(
If you 1st can't get them to agree, then cut them to bits...
I'm just having one of those months where nothing goes as planed. Now I'm 800.00 in the red so I don't know how much longer I'll have phone TV and internet if I lose that then I'll have to bootleg wifi to connect to the internet. but food and rent and power comes 1st.
I'm just glad to see another chapter
OK so you're all human; but so lovable with it.
Thanks Sara et al for more of 'Amy's Story'; I always look forward to further adventures of this extended family.
I think it's Part 22, Stan; the real one this time!
Every time I read a new chapter, I'm convinced the cast list grows. This definitely qualifies as a story with Lots and Lots of Characters (that's the most obvious trope about this tale!). So, let's see:
The house (in order of arrival): Mandy, Chrissy, Becky, Amy, Ann, Amber.
Surgeries: Prue, Kim, Sarah, Maggie.
The hotel / club: Carl(a), Vic(ky), Frank, Brad, Beth, Sara, Cathy.
Mable's house: Mable, David, Jenna, Cathleen.
Others: Hope, Faith, Kat, Holly (Chrissy's mum), Greg (Chrissy's dad - minor character but hasn't turned psychopathic), Mark, Paul (the pilot/co-pilot of Carl's jet).
So that's 28, excluding Ann and Amy's parents. Unless I've missed anyone... :)
And with all the matchmaking going on, it wouldn't surprise me if you find partners for Faith and Hope before the story's finished...
...and of course, it will end with a huge BBQ to which everyone, including the new significant others, plus Beth, Mark, and Paul, as well as Mable's household, are invited - or one heck of a joint wedding / civil partnership ceremony! :)
[EDIT] Hmm...I thought I'd only got half way through when I posted this, but a large chunk appears to have disappeared.
Where I'd got up to (which I assume forms part of the next chapter):
{Highlight to read} The Wednesday after the Mum incident, Chrissy and Amber had their casts removed, Frank asked Prue out, Amy and Amber went for a walk around to Mable's and played with Cathleen.
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Thanks Sara for another
Thanks Sara for another enjoyable chapter I'm so looking forward to more, thanks Chris and Hope for the editing you do.
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
You Have it all Wrong - Amy's Story Part 22 By SaraUK
I am glad that the Art Angel is still writing stories. I read about her in Maggie The Kitten's Sara's Magic Crayon's and wished that story had come true.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine