Something Feels Strange - 40

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Feels Strange

So, what do I do? Make the most of the summer as a girl or take the dream vacation?

I just don’t know. I guess I’ll just sleep on it for now.

It feels strange to have a choice.

Chapter 40: Data Collection

The coffee shop on 1st Street is pretty busy, but I’m able find a table in the back where I can sit with my back to the wall. I don’t want anyone watching over my shoulder. Ordering a coffee and a half sandwich I boot up my old laptop. I’m not the only one in the shop with their computer going. Doing so, reconnects me with my male past. I’ve spent many hours with this computer and it is an old friend. Looking at some images stored on the computer from my prior life and reflecting on the last few weeks, I’m starting to realize that–in many small ways–I miss of my old life. There are some great things about both lives. I’ve been so immersed in adapting to girlhood that I’ve almost forgotten about being Christopher. What will it be like to transition back? Do I want to do it now or press on for a few more weeks? I have the choice.

I made a quick call to the Major this morning before going to work. I mentioned to him about the option to bail out and asked him what he thought about the idea.  He suggested that it is often better to be safe than sorry and that I should give some serious thought about taking the option. On the other hand, he could see where my further participation in the project will really help bring it to a close more quickly.  He pointed out that this kind of assignment is inherently dangerous so I should be cautious.  He is apparently using his own resources to check on Mr. Rana and what he’s found so far doesn’t look good.  He should know more in the next day or so. He obliquely mentioned that he was doing something to reduce the threat but wouldn’t elaborate. He asked to be kept abreast of my activities so I filled him in on my plans for the week but I didn’t tell him about my cyber sleuthing.  I want to keep that to myself for a while

I don’t have a lot of time, so I shake off the distracting thoughts as I push a loose strand of blonde hair over my ear to keep it out of my face. I’m still sporting the French nails from Saturday and find typing on the laptop keyboard to be a little awkward. In many ways it’ll be good to get back to the simplicity of being a guy.

Within minutes I’m into the spyware archive on Andy’s server. I feel a bit like a traitor to my boyfriend to be looking through his activity logs. It seems that my favorite young man did not get back on the computer after dropping me off last night. However, both adults appear to have their own computers on the network and were using them while Andy and I were working on our project. Neither of the computers are currently turned on. For now I focus on the log for the one that the good doctor was apparently on.  I discovered that he uses two different email accounts and I’m easily able to get the addresses and login passwords for both courtesy of the keystroke capture program Steve installed. I also download the captured emails and remove them from the server.

Looking through the captured email, I see an exchange with our lawyer friend. Opening the first one, I find that Dr. Lang is still complaining about me being around and he’s demanding that Mr. Rana do something about it. He also makes a vague reference to being almost done with a project which will be forwarded shortly. He’s concerned that I might screw things up somehow. I certainly hope so, I think to myself.

A return email from Mr. Rana cautions Dr. Lang to remain calm.  He has a hard time seeing a sixteen-year-old girl as a real threat though he’s not convinced that I am who I say I am. He’s still looking into the matter of my true identity. So maybe he doesn’t know about my change. He writes that it should be easy to keep the girl from finding anything of value. He points out that making a scene will only draw unwanted attention to his work. There is a demand for Dr. Lang to complete his work as soon as possible. People are getting impatient.

“Who does this guy think he is?” I mutter to myself. I’ll show him what a sixteen-year-old girl can do. The guy’s an arrogant sexist bastard just like Dr. Lang. I can take advantage of their attitudes. The emails make it pretty clear to me that Dr. Lang is about to deliver something special to Mr. Rana and that he’s not just simply worried about a harassment HR investigation.. Somebody has to stop him. I need to find of a way to do that.

Mrs. Lang’s email is also interesting. It’s personal and I shouldn’t be reading it, but hey, I’m a nosey girl, right? She apparently has a sister somewhere who she corresponds with regularly. In her email is a detailed description of the bright and kind girl that her son has brought home. She has high hopes that this relationship will bring Andy out of his shell. She even put in a link to her son’s website which has my picture plastered all over it. Yep, I’ve scored points with Andy’s mother. She thinks we make a cute couple. The only downside she sees is that I’ll be gone at the end of the summer. The highest compliment to me is when she bemoans the fact that she doesn’t have a daughter. She’d like have one like me. I could get bigheaded reading these emails.

On the downside she expresses frustration with her husband. If I’m reading this correctly, she may be actually thinking of either leaving him or kicking him out in the very near future. Life with the man is becoming unbearable. The only thing holding her back appears to be Andy. She doesn’t want to make the poor boy choose between his two parents. Things don’t look so good on the marriage front.

This email was sent late last night–after I left the house–and there’s no reply yet.

After clearing the access logs and copying all the spyware captures on to my computer I shut it down. I need to find time to get on when Dr. Lang’s computer is up to see what he has on there. I bet I’ll have to do it in the evening sometime; but the question is when?


Instead of running with the boys this afternoon, I hang back with the handful of girls who’ve joined our little team. I’m just not feeling competitive and neither are most of them. Part of the reason is the heat–it’s just short of 100 degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon. We run at an easy pace and chat about a million different things. It is interesting how a group of girls can carry on three or four simultaneous discussions without missing hardly a detail.

The girls all want to know how my relationship with Andy is going. I try deflecting the comments by asking a couple of other girls who’d been at the dance about their dates. A couple of them scored kisses, but no return engagements yet. One of them had had an experience similar to Tiffs and–after she shared the details–it was pretty much decided by the group to avoid any advances from that particular boy. The word is out–he’ll never get a date from any girl in this group. I continue to be amazed at the detail shared by the girls.

Regardless of my efforts to distract them, the girls are determined to wheedle every little detail out of me. More than once I was tempted to run ahead of the group to get away from the scrutiny. Eventually they get what they want. The jury decides that Andy is quite the gentlemen and very romantic. The verdict also concludes that I’m one lucky girl. There’s a lot of discussion with the girls wondering how Andy could have avoided their radar so long. I get the feeling that there’ll be an open season on Andy once Tina leaves town. May the best girl win. I feel a little sorry for Andy–I hope he can handle the onslaught.

Caitlin invites the girls to go to the reservoir on Saturday for waterskiing and just hanging out. This kicks off another round of excited planning and everyone agrees we should invite the boys too–making it a team party.

We girls have taken a shorter route than the boys, but still the guys beat us back to the school. By the time we arrive, the girls have pretty much planned the details for Saturday’s beach party and fill in the guys on the general plan. The family of one of the boys also has a ski boat and he promises to ask his parents to let him use it.

“Hey, Tina,” Dan asks as the planning runs down, “you didn’t hardly even break a sweat tonight. What’s up with that?”

I guess he’s right. That’s a big change from this time last week. While it feels good to be out running again, it wasn’t as satisfying as an intense run. I did, however, enjoy my visit with the girls.

“Just saving my strength for tomorrow,” I inform him with a grin, “when I’ll be beating your ass on the intervals, dude.”

He looks at me strangely. My comment was a typical Chris comment and it just doesn’t sound the same coming from a girl.

“Whatever,” he replies as he tries to figure this out.


Caitlin’s family is preparing for a game night when we arrive. It’s great to get out of the heat and into the air conditioned splendor of their home. They have a couple of board games out and are debating which to try first.  The boys are arguing for Risk, the parents want to play Ticket to Ride. Apparently Caitlin and I are to break the tie but it’s a split decision for us.  A flip of the coin breaks the tie and we set up the board for Risk. The boys are pretty happy with their victory. Since I sided with them on the vote, I’ve become more acceptable in their eyes.

Mrs. Sommers has put together a mini-buffet for everyone to graze on as the game progresses. The boys gain the early lead, but then Caitlin and I coordinate our efforts to wipe them off the board. In the end, however, it’s Dr. Sommers who ends up ruling the world. It was fun, even though the two boys grumble a bit about being double teamed by the girls. My new found cool reputation is somewhat tarnished by the end of the evening. What really feels good, however, is how welcome I feel in their home. You’d think I was just another daughter. I really like this family.

At one point after the game, Dr. Sommers and I end up alone out on the patio while everyone else is otherwise engaged in some task.

“So,” he innocently asks me, “how do you like being a spy?”

My heart rate accelerates a bit at this and my delayed sweat begins. I’m sure that I have the deer-in-the-headlights look on my face. Just what did Aunt Jen tell him yesterday?

He must see the panic in my expression as he continues, “Your Aunt told me that there’s someone out there trying to find a security leak at the Lab. You’re the perfect choice. You’re a fresh face from out of town. You’re young which would cause many people to discount you. You’re extraordinarily bright which you’re not good at hiding–you don’t do dumb blonde very well, you know.  Also you live with Jen. Not to mention that you’ve worked your way into the hearts of the families of two of our leading scientists. I’d say you’ve earned an A-minus in the spy department.”

I just stare at him.

Looking me in the eye he seriously asks, “Is your friendship with my daughter genuine?”

“Dr. Sommers,” I finally reply with a hurt look, “I love Caitlin to pieces. Really I do. Yes, it was an assignment to learn about you and Caitlin seemed like the key to doing that. I was led to believe that she’s a troubled teen girl who was hard to deal with but I find her to be great fun and a good friend. I’m so happy that I’ve become her friend.”

“She was getting difficult,” he admits, “but you’ve worked wonders in her life. I can’t say that I like being spied on, but I have to admit that I’m indebted to you for bringing back the happy girl we used to have in our house.”

“I don’t know that I’ve done anything,” I admit to him, “She’s just a wonderful girl that was struggling a little. I think her slavery at McDonalds has done more for her than I have. I’m a better person as a result of having her for a friend. In a lot of ways, I think I’ve gained a lot more than she has. Anyway, as far as the spying goes, believe me, I know the feeling.  It happened to me too and I’m still not sure how I feel about it.”

“You know,” he says gravely, “that she’ll be deeply hurt if she learns that you’re just using her to get at me.”

“Yes, Sir,” I reply contritely. “I realize that. But really, I do like her. She is one of the best friends that I’ve ever had and I won’t do anything to hurt her intentionally.”

“I know you won’t,” he says giving me a fatherly hug, “You’re a wonderful young lady. Just promise me you won’t betray my daughter’s trust in you. Now let’s go catch the bad guys. I really don’t like the idea that my work is finding its way into the wrong hands.”

“I promise,” I respond with all the sincerity I can muster. “I really do love Caitlin.”

Back in the house, I find Caitlin and we adjourn to her room for a while where I get all the details about the boy who’s asked her out Friday night. As we talk she models a number of potential outfits for the date. Apparently he’s not the ideal guy, but at least he’s a date. The boy, Al–short for Albert–is our age but more than a bit full of himself. He attends the other high school in town which is why I don’t know who he is. He’s been working up to asking Caitlin out for the past couple of weeks and finally got the nerve. She wants to double date because it’ll make her feel safer.

Andy had called me earlier and we’d chatted for just a little. Not nearly as long as I’d have liked, but I’ve been pretty busy. Anyway, I’d asked him if he’d help me do Caitlin a big favor and go to the movies Friday night. He seemed more than okay with that and with going to the beach party on Saturday–that is if he can find someone to cover for him at work.

It’s getting late so I ask Caitlin for a ride home. Two long nights in a row are tough.


I’m trying another downtown coffee shop today.  This one doesn’t seem quite so crowded as the one I visited yesterday. On checking the Lang’s system I find only one email from Mr. Rana in the log. It simply reminds Dr. Lang to keep his computer ‘clean’ and that there are people really anxious to receive his next report.  I’m assuming the reminder to keep the computer clean means to delete all the emails between them. It’s good to have the capture program in place.

The reply email from Mrs. Lang’s sister expresses happiness over Andy’s ‘new love’ and suggests it’s about time for long telephone chat about the marriage issues.

Andy spent quite a bit of time working on the database program last night and again today. He has Wednesdays and Thursdays off from the work. It appears that he made good progress. He made quite a few searches for information on the web to help him. He ended the evening on some websites I’m not familiar with. He appears to have been reading some stories. Checking out the websites, they all contain stories about boys who become girls either by force or by choice. I never would have imagined there’d be anything like this. I don’t have time to read any of the stories, but the titles and teasers are enough to give me an idea of what they’re all about. Thinking about my circumstances, I’m sure my own story would fit in well with this genre.

Andy also went into one of his protected directories and the spyware captured the password. Using his password–the password is ‘kristina’ by the way–I peruse the directory. The one I’m looking through is an archive of stories he’s downloaded. I bet they’re from the sites he was visiting. I download a couple of the recent ones to look at later.

Things are starting to fit together now. I wonder if Andy has a desire to experience life as a girl and his parents suspect or know it. This could explain a lot in regards with comments I’ve heard.  Dr. Lang must have mentioned it to Mr. Rana and hence the comment Saturday night about Andy being more interested in being a girl than dating one.  It also fits with Andy’s comments about me turning his world upside down and with how he watches us girls. I suspect that he’s feeling envious as opposed to lustful. It also explains his gentle nature and cutting himself off from other people.

It had never dawned on me that any boy would ever actually want to be a girl or vice versa. He would have been a better candidate for my job than me.

Anyway, right now he seems to be happy to be a boy around his girlfriend. I don’t know what to do with this information. I guess I’ll just sit on it for now and see where it all goes.


Intervals. God, I hate intervals. Especially since it is just over 100 degrees out. Fortunately we keep it short because of the heat. We all drink lots of sports drink throughout the workout. The silver lining, however, is that you feel satisfied when they’re over. 

Of course, Caitlin has to work tonight. It’s funny how she has to work every Wednesday night.  I wonder if she has to bribe the manager to get that assignment.

Dan beat me–again. To add insult to injury, Ben beat me too. That’s a first in either body. All the extra training must be doing him some good or–heaven forbid–I’m slacking off.

Don’t get used to it boys, I think to myself. Chris is coming back and he’ll kick your butts even if Tina can’t.


It’s late evening and I find a remote carrel in the public library where I set up my laptop in privacy again. Andy’s helping his mom at the store and Laurie is off with Amy.

I’m one lucky girl tonight. Dr. Lang has his computer up and running. He’s actually watching a movie over the net. It’s not a movie that my parents would approve of. Sex videos just aren’t our cup of tea. I’ll bet his wife wouldn’t approve either. While he’s obviously distracted, I spend some time exploring his hard drive. One feature of the spyware is that it replicates on all systems on the local intranet. I find the hidden directory on Dr. Lang’s computer which contains the locally captured information and am successful at obtaining passwords to a number of programs and accounts he’s been on. Some of them are bank accounts. I can see where it’d be tempting to be a thief.

I find several other directories which look as if they contain technical information and copy those too.

I download and clean the spyware data files from his computer. His computer is pretty cluttered with years of files and many programs. I use the file explorer utility to find out which are most recently used and one program which makes the top twenty list has a cryptic name. I find the program on the computer and copy its files to my computer.  Running the program is an enlightening experience: it’s an encryption program. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that it’s the same encryption that Aunt Jen’s experts are working on.  I copy this program to a memory stick which I brought long for this purpose. Aunt Jen will get it as soon as I get home along with the email traffic between Dr. Lang and Mr. Rana.

I make sure that I leave no traces in the network log files before exiting their systems.


Aunt Jen is impressed. “Where’d you get this?” she asks after I tell her that the memory stick I just handed her has an encryption program which probably matches the files found on Mr. Rana’s computer and some emails between Dr. Lang and Mr. Rana.

“Do you really want to know?” I ask in return. “I’ve probably broken a dozen laws getting it, so maybe I should keep my methods to myself. Just check it out and let me know if it works.”

She disappears into her den and closes the door. I’m sure someone important will have the program within minutes.

I wander back to my room and send a text to Dr. Quinn using my non-company cell phone.

Need to go for a relaxed jog in am. C U @ 6? - ur grl

I’m in a pink chemise night gown brushing my hair and idling flipping through a teen magazine reading makeup tips when the reply finally comes.

OK 6 @ tree :(

I smile as I imagine him rolling his eyes at the early morning start.

Andy calls when he gets home and we talk for over half an hour. I get a warm feeling just talking with him. It’s not as good as being held by him, but it’s nice. I hate to hang up. I think he feels the same way.

I finish the night by completing my weekly questionnaire.  There’s no indication that whoever is writing these knows that we’re on to something.  I make sure to give responses which would lead the reader to believe that I’m getting nowhere fast.


Six o’clock seems a bit earlier than it used to. I guess all these late nights have messed up my routine. It’s also bordering on being cold out here standing under the tree waiting for Dad to appear. I’m glad I decided to wear a sweat shirt this morning. It’s not the sexiest outfit around, but then again I don’t need to impress my Dad.

“There you are,” a voice catches me by surprise and results in a squeal.

“Don’t scare me like that,” I scold him.

“It was too tempting to pass up,” he grins in the early morning semi darkness. “So what’s up, sweetheart?”

“Let’s run,” I suggest, “I’m getting cold.”  It’s actually a balmy sixty degrees out but the recent run of hot weather has made even that feel cold.

Once we get going we start talking.

“Whose phone did you use to text me last night?” he asks.

“I picked up one that the lab doesn’t know about for use on special occasions,” I reply.

“Great idea,” he compliments me. “Just use it sparingly. So, what is on the agenda this morning?”

“Is there some big project coming to a head in the Ignition Facility?” I ask him.

“Why do you want to know?” he asks in reply.

“Well,” I respond, “I think I’ve found the spy in the Ignition group and they’re promising to deliver some kind of report in the near future to someone who I think is passing this information on to terrorist groups. If there is something big happening, we need to find a way to prevent the information for getting in the wrong hands.”

“How’d you find this out?” he questions me.

“I don’t think you really want to know the answer to that question,” I tell him. “Let’s just say that I’ve probably broken way too many laws this week.”

“Can you tell me who your suspect is?” he asks.

“Dr. Lang,” I reply.

“Horace, eh?” He says thoughtfully. “He’s a pretty bright fellow. He’s made some pretty big strides in his small laser weapons research lately but there are some outstanding problems which he and his team are still working on. I get the feeling that he’s not getting a lot of support from his team since he’s hard to work for.  His attitude towards his team is slowing things down.  Heck, every female member of his team has left to other assignments. We’d have replaced him by now if he wasn’t so dang bright. The guy is a technical genius. Even still, I can’t begin to think why he’d sell out.”

“I don’t know the reason either,” I inform him, “but something has to be done to stop him. Right now there’s not enough evidence to do so legally. I don’t think anything I’ve gathered so far would be admissible in court.” I also tell him a little about my lawyer friend, Mr. Rana.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart,” he points out. “You’re not supposed to be getting in harm’s way, you know.”

“Yeah,” I agree, “it’s just that we’ve pretty much established that there is a problem in the security team–thanks to your planted reports.  By the way, can you get me another one of those reports?  There’re more people working on this now and they want to attempt tracking where these reports go.”

“Is today good enough for you?” he asks

“That’d be perfect,” I smile at him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes,” he says, “Horace is getting close to completing a big project which promises some real breakthroughs. This is why the security team is anxious to wrap this up soon. If what he says is happening, it promises to be a major step for both the Ignition project as well as a small arms project which is top secret. In the wrong hands, the technology will make life incredibly difficult for our troops or anyone else the opposition wishes to target. I suspect that a lot of people will get hurt or be killed. This really can’t get out. That’s why they brought you in.”

“We’ve got to stop him,” I mention the obvious.

“I agree but we need some real evidence to do that,” he points out.  “I take it that there are people who are working on that?”

“Yes,” I proceed to give him a condensed version of our little group being lead by Aunt Jen and Mrs. Harrison and about what I’ve found on Dr. Lang’s computer. I don’t mention the Major.

“There might be some things I can do to slow Horace down while the team tries to get evidence against him,” he says after thinking about what I’ve told him. “Don’t be too surprised if he takes a trip out of town for a few days. He’s overdue to report on his project to the funding agency so maybe we’ll have him go do that in person. Also, in addition to giving you some data to send today, I’ll drop a hint to Horace about another report which I will make sure is flawed and we’ll see if he picks it up and sends it on. Keep an eye on his email, Tina.”

Changing subjects, he asks, “How are you holding up? You seem pretty comfortable as girl now. If what your mother tells me is true you’ve even found a boyfriend. Horace’s son I believe.”

“I have,” I blush. “It’s also part of the mission.”

“A fringe benefit, I suppose,” he sadly smiles.

“Daddy, don’t worry,” I tell him, “I’ll be back as Chris again soon, I promise. It’s just that this female body comes with a physically female brain and is loaded with female hormones. I’m just going with the flow. It’ll all change when I get my old body back.”

“Just remember all those things I told you about hormones as you started becoming a young man,” he says, “It’s more critical now as a girl. You can really screw up your life if you don’t keep things under control.”

“I know, Daddy,” I smile at him. “I remember everything you said and I’m being good a good girl–honest.”

“I just hope your boyfriend treats you well,” he says with some intensity. “If he doesn’t then I’ll personally make life difficult for him.”

“Don’t worry, Daddy,” I reassure him. “Andy’s nothing like his father. He’s a real gentleman.”

We continue talking as we jog. It’s so good to be with my dad again.

We part company as we get back into town. As I watch him leave I get to feeling a little melancholy. I miss our father/son time. That’ll be something I’ll be glad to see again when this is over.

I have to hurry to get ready for work on time. It’s worth it, though, to get a morning run in. I like running in the cool morning as opposed to the hot afternoon.


I look up from my computer screen at the reception desk to see Dr. Lang passing through the office to the conference room.  I put on my biggest smile and say as sweetly as possible, “Well, good morning, Dr. Lang.”

He just scowls at me and insincerely replies, “Good morning, Miss Jeffers.” As he disappears into the conference room, I decide that Dr. Lang is definitely not one for small talk.

I’m somewhat surprised to see my dad show up a few minutes later. “Good Morning, Dr. Quinn,” I greet him with a real smile, “How are you on this fine day?”

He stops for a minute to say hello and he asks about my day. I think I can learn a lot from Dad about how to work with people. He takes a genuine concern about the people around him. He disappears into the same meeting that Dr. Lang is in.


Later in the morning I have more questions about network programming for my library project, so I go to see Steve the programmer.

“So,” he asks, “have you been checking up on your boyfriend?”

“A little,” I admit.

“No other girlfriends in the closet, or anything like that?” he asks.

“Nothing earthshaking,” I tell him.

After he spends some time helping me solve my programming problem, I ask, “Hypothetically speaking, if you wanted to divert someone’s email from their personal computer so that it doesn’t reach the intended receiver but ends up somewhere it could be reviewed and modified before being sent on can it be done?”

“You mean,” he asks, “like a censor program? You know, like what they used to do in World War Two with soldier’s mail?”

“Yeah,” I say, “something like that.”

“Is this hypothetical person using a local mail client?” he asks.

I tell him what mail client Dr. Lang is using on his home computer.

“You can get in a lot of trouble messing with people’s email, you know,” he tells me.

“You mean, like uploading spyware onto someone’s computer?” I ask innocently.

“Yeah,” he grimaces as he recalls helping me do just that. “Okay, I can write a program to do that fairly easily. I’ll let you know when I get something done. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in going on a date with me in exchange?”

“Sorry, Steve,” I smile at him. “I’m too young for you, but I’ll tell you what I can do. I can introduce you to a wonderful young lady who is currently between boyfriends.”

“Oh,” his interest peaks, “Is she as cute as you?”

“Cuter,” I assure him with a smile.

“When can I meet her?” he asks with interest.

“How about at lunch?” I grin.

“Like, as in today?” he asks with surprise.

“Yeah, like as in right now,” I say looking at my watch. “If you’re ready.”

“Okay,” he starts to sweat.  I don’t think he’s had a lot of success with girls. “Give me five minutes to save things here.”

While waiting for Steve to wrap up his work, I duck down the hall and give Tiff a quick call on my cell.

“Hey, Tiff,” I tell her, “I need a big favor from you.”

“What’s that, Tina,” she says with suspicion.

“I need to you to have lunch with a programmer from whom I need a personal favor,” I tell her. “He asked me out in exchange for the favor. But I’m too young for him and have a boyfriend right now. I counter offered to introduce to him to a really cute girl his age. Just meet us in the cafeteria for lunch in fifteen minutes.”

“I’m not seeing guys right now,” she informs me.

“You don’t have to go out with him,” I tell her, “just have lunch with him. I’ll owe you big time if you do. You won’t even have to pay for lunch. Please?”

She sighs, “Okay, I’ll do it. But just lunch. That’s all he gets.”

“Great, Tiff,” I thank her, happily, “You’re the greatest.”

On the walk to the cafeteria, Steve is as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

“Settle down,” I coach him. “It’s just lunch. Her name is Tiff and she’s a really sweet girl. I should tell you that she just dumped the guy she was dating because he was a lecherous bastard and she’s leery of guys right now. He couldn’t keep his hands where they belong. You will have to take things really slow with her. Be patient. Just be a perfect gentleman and everything will go alright. By the way, lunch is on me,” I tell him as I hand him a twenty dollar bill. I also give him a few tips on what I mean about being a gentleman, just to make sure he doesn’t screw things up.

Tiff is waiting for us at the door where I do the introductions.

“Look, kids,” I joke playfully with them, “I’ve got an errand to run for the Director’s office. You two are both wonderful people so just relax and enjoy lunch.”

Tiff gives me a look that says this had better be good or the payback will be bitch as I leave them.

I just hope she gives him a chance.


Gabi has worked her magic again. Thanks!

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