Milestones & Kitties

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One of my stories (Boys Will Be Boys, Chapter 1), has reached 100 votes! SQUEEE!!! *happy dance* Thanks to everyone who voted on it, and all of my other stories! Chapter 2 isn't even close to that high, but I'm too happy about getting a hundred to worry about it!

As for my other stories, my writing has been going pretty slowly still, so I have no idea when I'll be able to pick up the pace again. Especially if I have a lot of weekends like this last one. I love 'em to bits, but my niece and nephew are very distracting to have around! And next weekend I have to go shopping again with my sister and her other bridesmaids (As in, I'm one of them! *more happy dancing*) for bridesmaids dresses, and then I've got my cousin's wedding the weekend after that. I keep waiting for things to settle down and it doesn't seem to be happening. Whatever happened to my weekends being wide open? ;)

It doesn't help my efforts to get back to my older stories that my muse keeps throwing new ideas at me (not that it's an entirely bad thing). This time it was through a dream; which is very unusual for me since I rarely remember dreaming at all! It's a mutant high kind of story with a few twists. I don't know if anything will come of it or not, but it could make an interesting story, I think. We'll see.

Oh, you're probably wondering about the kitties part of the title, right? Well, as I've mentioned before, there's an anime convention in Sacramento that I go to, called SacAnime. The next one is in September. Pre-registration opened today and I thought I'd mention it again for anybody who is interested. There are always cat girls at anime conventions, and this time there will be one more, me! I've got the ears, tail and collar already. ^_^

So if anyone's interested in the convention, maybe we'll meet up there and you can see how silly I look with cat ears and tail. *meow* :)


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