One of my stories (Boys Will Be Boys, Chapter 1), has reached 100 votes! SQUEEE!!! *happy dance* Thanks to everyone who voted on it, and all of my other stories! Chapter 2 isn't even close to that high, but I'm too happy about getting a hundred to worry about it!
As for my other stories, my writing has been going pretty slowly still, so I have no idea when I'll be able to pick up the pace again. Especially if I have a lot of weekends like this last one. I love 'em to bits, but my niece and nephew are very distracting to have around! And next weekend I have to go shopping again with my sister and her other bridesmaids (As in, I'm one of them! *more happy dancing*) for bridesmaids dresses, and then I've got my cousin's wedding the weekend after that. I keep waiting for things to settle down and it doesn't seem to be happening. Whatever happened to my weekends being wide open? ;)
It doesn't help my efforts to get back to my older stories that my muse keeps throwing new ideas at me (not that it's an entirely bad thing). This time it was through a dream; which is very unusual for me since I rarely remember dreaming at all! It's a mutant high kind of story with a few twists. I don't know if anything will come of it or not, but it could make an interesting story, I think. We'll see.
Oh, you're probably wondering about the kitties part of the title, right? Well, as I've mentioned before, there's an anime convention in Sacramento that I go to, called SacAnime. The next one is in September. Pre-registration opened today and I thought I'd mention it again for anybody who is interested. There are always cat girls at anime conventions, and this time there will be one more, me! I've got the ears, tail and collar already. ^_^
So if anyone's interested in the convention, maybe we'll meet up there and you can see how silly I look with cat ears and tail. *meow* :)
Wot no wings?
I would have thought you'd have tried to get hold of a pair of wings as well...
...and go as Kittyhawk :)
(Tee hee hee!)
Two weddings - lucky you! Who cares if it slows down your writing - get out there and have fun, fun, fun!
Mutant high story - Whateleyverse or something completely different?
After all, although we've heard of Whateley and the Yama Dojo in Japan, it's possible there are other mutant schools in other pockets of the globe - although not with the prestige of those two.
Or it could be set a few years into the future in the Kittyhawk universe - overall mutant numbers would still be relatively small, but there would be enough to consider educating the younger ones somewhere...
But given the surprising directions muses often take, it will probably be something completely different to either of those two universes...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Wings are a bit of a pain.
Wings are a bit of a pain. They get in the way a lot, and they're delicate and expensive. Still, it has crossed my mind... ;)
The mutant high story I have in mind definitely doesn't take place in any of my other universes, or Whateley Academy. I do have a Whateley story I've been playing around with, but I'm not sure if it's going to stay in the Whateleyverse or become another separate story or not.
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Wings - Awesome but (sadly) Impractical
Especially if you can't move them voluntarily. ;)
As for the stories:
Possible Whateley story? Yay!
Another Mutant High story? Do you mean it's completely separate from the other stories, or that it's in the same Multiverse but it won't have crossovers?
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Well, all of my stories take
Well, all of my stories take place in the same multiverse, so it's always possible Sarah and friends will visit at some point, or even Mana. But I don't have any plans on that. And the more I think about it (I've actually written a bit on it already), the more I think that mutant high isn't a very good description. It's sort of accurate in some ways, but totally off base in others. Still, it's pretty much the starting point of the idea, which morphed from there as they often do. I think it's safe to say that I will be posting this story at some point, probably getting the first chapter out soon. Possibly this week unless I get Kitthawk 11 done in time (Unlikely, alas).
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Milestones & Kitties
Go and have fun, the stories will wait.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It's great to read ...
... that it's neither low self-esteem, nor the adversities of real life, nor a muse on strike that keeps you from writing, but happy events for a change!
Have fun! Enjoy your life! Write if and when it's right for you.
A writer isn't a slave of her readers.
--- Martin
I'm not quite sure how much I'd enjoy attending
...being torn between being a sire and a dam, but I know I'm not the only one who'd relish a nice group of photos of your trip...pretty please with Little Friskies on it?
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Dio benedica la mia bella amici
Love, Andrea Lena