What Mother Didn't Know - Chapter 22 - Mommy Sue

What Mother Didn't Know - Chapter XXII - Mommy Sue

Part I - Taking care of Angela.

I went back upstairs when I heard Angie crying. I went in the bedroom, and saw she had fallen off of the bed. I picked her up and held her and told her everything was fine because her big sithy was here. She put her head against my breast and just sobbed and sniffled. I kissed her on the forehead, and asked her if she was hungry. She said yes, but she needed changing first. I changed her, and put the wet diaper in the diaper pail, and took her downstairs.

"Did she just need a change?" Mom had asked.

"Yes, mom, but she had fallen off of the bed. That is why she was crying. I kissed her and told her that everything is okay. She's hungry, so I'm going to give her a donut and put her in her high chair."

"Okay dear, but you remember what I told you. What you are doing now, is being a caring mother. What you did shows how much you care, and she is in good hands."

"Thank you, mom," I said smiling, and giving her a big hug.

I moved Angie's high chair in to the dining room, and gave her a donut. Not a chocolate one or a jelly one, but just a plain donut. If she wanted something later, I would get it for her. She is my baby sister, and I am going to help as much as I can to care for her. Mom takes care of her while we are at school, or with our friends. You know it is funny in a way though. I had always called Mrs. Granger mom for as long as I can remember. Bobbie and Cindy were talking when I put Angie in her high chair.

"So sis, do we get to help take care of her too? I mean, after all, she is our sister too."

"Yes sis, I think we all will take care of her." I wanted another slice of pizza before it was all gone, but I decided on a slice of cake instead.

"There is one thing for sure though, at least she will know she is loved, and can be safe with us."

"Yes Cindy, she already knows that, I think. I mean, when I picked her up and held her, she just put her head on my breast and just sobbed and sniffled. She knew she was being loved, and I was there to protect her. But look at how she eats her donut. She looks at each piece before she eats it, like she is inspecting it for something. She is so cute."

"Yes she is," they both said in unison. "You two are the luckiest girls in the world. You actually have somebody that cares for the both of you, and you have me and Cindy for sisters. You have been our sister for longer than you know, Sue, and I am proud to call you my sister."

"Thanks Bobbie." I gave her and Cindy each a hug. I felt safe here too, and I was going to make sure Angie was safe too.

After Angela was finished eating her donut, I gave her a little soda, and she was full, for now. I cleaned her up, and set her on the floor. The little imp went straight for the pizza. I giggled, and showed Bobbie and Cindy what she was doing and they giggled too. Mom, ever vigilant, went over by Angela and asked her if she wanted a slice of pizza. She shook her head, and wandered off. I followed her to make sure she didn't get into mischief. This two year old girl can climb stairs really good, and I made sure she didn't stumble or fall.

When we got upstairs, she went right to our room, and climbed up on the bed. I asked her if she needed a change, and she nodded. I changed her, and then she laid down and closed her eyes. I only wish I had a super 8 movie camera. Oh well, at least I got to see her do something on her own. My little sister is getting big. I put one pillow on each side of her, because of her falling off of the bed. I went back downstairs.

"Bobbie, Cindy, mom, Angie climbed up on the bed by herself. She's getting big."

"Yes dear, she certainly is. I'm glad you could be there when she did that. I saw how you watched her climbing the stairs. You are going to make a wonderful mother, Susie."

"Thank you, mom," I added, giving her a hug.

"Sis, when is Angela's birthday?"

"Not until March, Cindy. She was born March 11."

"Okay, because I want to get her a few outfits. What is she wearing?"

"I think she is going to need a three "T". She is getting bigger and bigger, so she will need the next size up."

"Okay. Bobbie and I talked about wanting to get her a nice dress, and a few pant outfits. We want you to come with us, and then maybe you have a few ideas too. She is such an angel it will be nice buying for her."

"Thank you, Bobbie. I'm sure the first time she wears that pretty dress, she will make sure it is baptised properly." We all giggled. Mom wanted to know what was so funny, and we told her. She giggled too.

"But you know, girls, babies and toddlers play more with their food, and spill their drinks quite a lot. But the trick is knowing how to get the stains out. If you use a wet cloth, and wipe where she messed up the dress or her other clothes, and then put a stain remover on it right away, the stain remover has a chance to soak in, so that when you do the laundry, the stain comes out."

"Thank you, mom. I'll do that when I do laundry. I think if everybody is finished with the welcome home party treats we should put the leftovers away."

"Not just yet, sweetie. Mr. Marks may want something. He was in court today and he will be here shortly. He just called to say he is on his way. Besides Sue, he said he has some good news for all of us."

"I bet he didn't say what kind of good news. Did he?"

"No dear, he didn't"

"Mom, do you think it may have something to do with adopting Susie and Angela?"

"I don't know, Bobbie. But we will find out when he gets here."

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Marks came in. I offered him something to eat, and he said he would have a slice of pizza to start. Then he said he had something really nice to tell us.

Part II - Mr. Marks

"Well, I was in court most of the day today, and I filed the adoption papers with the clerk. I had another case going so I went there. By the time that case was almost finished, I got a message from the clerk's office. The judge wanted to see me about my petition. It usually doesn't happen that fast, most of the time we need to wait at least two weeks, maybe even three. But this went right to judge Reynolds. I have no idea why, because normally adoption petitions are heard in family court, and judge Reynolds is a criminal court judge. It could be that the judge can hear this because she has jurisdiction over the original case. I will find out. Anyway, we have a hearing in three weeks before judge Reynolds. So we will see if your mother will sign away her rights over you and Angela.

"Mmmm I'll have more pizza. I also talked to the district attorney, and he said that he has no objection to Mr. and Mrs. Granger adopting you and Angela." I heard Angie crying and made my excuses to go and look after her.

I went in our room, and saw she was sitting up. I changed her and asked her if she wanted me to carry her or did she want to walk. She said she wanted to walk. So I went down the stairs in front of her, keeping my eye on her all the time. When we got to the bottom, Angie scooted over to her high chair, and all she said was hungwy. I put her in her high chair, and got her a slice of pizza that I broke up in smaller pieces for her.

"Susie, I'm sure that with what Mrs. Granger tells the court, you and Angela will be adopted into this family. What I just saw tells me that you are very responsible. You look after Angela just as though you were her mother instead of her sister. It is nice to see that in a young person. When will you be thirteen?"

"Not until August, Mr. Marks. Angie will be three years old on March 11."

"Okay, I know everything will work out. You have a caring family here, and you are like a daughter to me and Mrs. Marks too. Cindy has always considered you a sister, even when everybody thought you were a boy."

"Thank you, Mr. Marks."

"So, I understand that this is a party. So, let's party." Mr. Marks started dancing around to the records we were playing. I didn't know an adult could dance to "our" music. I told Bobbie and Cindy what I was thinking and we all giggled.

Mr. Marks had no shame as he danced around the room. He even danced a couple of dances with mom, and then with me, Bobbie and Cindy. Then we played a song by Frank Sinatra and Mr. Marks sang along. Mom, Bobbie, Cindy and I just stared in awe that not only could Mr. Marks dance, but he had a very good singing voice too. After the song was over, Angie was trying to sing too. It was so cute. I went over and sang off key with her. She was so happy that her sithy would sing with her.

Mr. Marks decided that he wanted to hear a song by somebody other than rock and rollers. So I put on The Wayward Wind by Gogi Grant. This song was made almost eight years ago, but it was still popular.

Part III - Susan returns to school.

When everybody said they were finished eating, Bobbie, Cindy and I put the leftovers away. We still had a lot of donuts left, and I know mom would give us one in our lunches tomorrow. She put them back in the box, and set the box in the fridge. I cleaned up the dining room, the living room and the kitchen. Then because everybody had been nibbling since I got home, nobody was hungry, except Angela who was nibbling here and there. Tomorrow was school, so I waited to see if Angela had stopped eating, before I cleaned her up and put her to bed. It was almost time for Bobbie, Cindy and me to go to bed too, because we had school tomorrow. Only six more weeks til Christmas, but we had Thanksgiving to go yet.

Mr. Marks and Cindy said good night and left after hugs. I said I was going to bed too, and went upstairs. Bobbie came with. I went in mine and Angie's room and got my bath caddy, panties, robe and slippers. I decided on a nice bubble bath before bed. I knocked on Bobbie's door and she said come in.

"Sis, do you need to use the bathroom before I get in there? Because I want to take a bubble bath."

"Yes sis, I do. Thank you."

When she came back, we hugged and said our good nights, and I went to take my bubble bath. After making sure there was no hair on my legs and underarms, I drained the tub and rinsed off with the shower head. I got into my panties, robe and slippers and we to my room to get my nightie on. I chose my burgundy baby doll, and after getting it on I climbed in bed.

I must have been really tired because the next thing I knew, it was time to get up. I shut off my alarm clock, and swung my feet out from under the covers. I stepped in to my slippers and grabbed my robe, a clean pair of panties, and took my bath caddy to take my bubble bath. Bobbie came out of her room at the same time.

"Good morning, sis. I think you better take a shower this morning and use your perfumed soap. Because I am taking my bubble bath." Then she ran in the bathroom and closed the door and locked it. I stood there thinking of ways to get back at her. So she wants to play these games, does she. Hmmm I'll fix her.

Since she was going to be in there for about a good ten minutes, I decided to go to the kitchen and have my usual breakfast of a slice of jelly toast, milk and juice. After I was finished, I rinsed my glasses and went upstairs. Bobbie was done, so I grabbed my things and went to take my shower. I had to use a shower cap because I didn't want my hair to get wet. I decided to use my lavender perfumed soap. I showered and rinsed off, and then patted myself down. I took the shower cap off and shook my head so the hair would fall into place. It needed a little brushing though, but it wasn't bad even from sleeping.

Since it was cold outside, I decided that skirts and dresses were not going to make it, so I put on a pair of jeans under my cream colored dress. My underthings were just simple white today, and my shoes matched my dress. I brushed my hair and put it in a high pony tail. I grabbed my book bag and headed down the stairs. I gave mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and said, "I love you", and grabbed my coat and purse as Bobbie and I went to school.

After we put away the books we didn't need, and took our morning class books, we went to homeroom. The teacher came by taking attendance, and then the announcements. The bell rang for first period and we all went to geography. Mr. Fook was surprised to see me, but he didn't dwell on it. He said that he wanted to see me after class, and he started the lesson. I listened to what he said and I took notes, and then it was time for second period. I stopped at his desk.

"Susan, I just want to say that you are getting a passing grade. You have done your homeowrk well even in the hospital. Smart wearing pants under your dress. It was freezing cold when I came to the school. Okay, here is a note for both of you, so Miss Hamilton doesn't mark you tardy." After saying thank you, we left for Miss Hamilton's class. We just made it as the bell rang.

"Well ladies, I am glad you could make it." I handed her the note Mr. Fook gave us. "Alright, you are excused. Now class, today we are just going to talk. But we are going to talk history. For those who want to take notes, can. I will start, and then one of you will have their say without being interrrupted, and so on. Now, does anybody know who the premier of the Soviet Union is?"

Colleen raised her hand and was called on. "Nikita Kruschev is the premier of the Soviet Union and the leader of the Russian communist party."

"Very good, Colleen. When Mr. Kruschev is sitting in the United Nations Security Council meetings, he has a favorite antic he likes to do. What is his favorite antic?"

Dennis raised his hand and was called on. "He likes to pound his shoe on the table in front of him and yell Nyet. That is the Soviet word for no."

"Yes Dennis. Nikita Kruschev should have been a comedian because he is very funny when he does that. Alright class, since we know pretty much about what is what in history, let's talk about us. Dennis would you like to start?"

"There isn't really much to tell, except I go to the show on Saturdays and watch the matinees and then the movie. I play games that are from the movies. Like sometimes I like to be Rodan the firebird, and then I help my mother with the shopping when we need food. That's all I do."

"Well that was very good, Dennis. Colleen."

"Well, there isn't much to tell about me, either. I do my homework during the week, and then watch a little television. I go to bed about nine o'clock. I babysit for my mother's friend, and she gives me a few dollars for it. My mom puts it away for me. She says it's for a rainy day. Thank you." She sat down.

"Well for not having much to tell, you said a lot. Thank you, Colleen. David, you're next."

"I like to hang with my friends and play games after my homework is done. I go to the White Castle on the weekends to be with my other friends and have a good time."

"Well that is good that you have friends David. We can never have too many friends." After she had called on the whole class, she got to me. " Susan, will you tell us a little about yourself?"

"Well, I will be thirteen this year, in August, and I like to take care of my baby sister, go to the White Castle with Bobbie and Cindy. I like to go to movies too. I also have something else. I am trying to get my birth mother," I heard gasps from the class, "to see that she had done wrong to me. I know she isn't a bad person, but it will take time before she can see what she really did. Thank you." I sat down and started crying. Bobbie and Cindy were right there. Miss Hamilton told them to go with me to the girls restroom. When we got there, Bobbie started on me right away.

"Girlfriend, why do you torture yourself like this? I'm your sister, and so is Cindy. The three of us have been sisters for a long, long time. You aren't the same. You are more melancholy and you take things so seriously. You were never like that before this thing with your mother happened. You need to get back to the Sue we knew before all this happened. Now come on, dry those tears, and fix yourself up, and let's get back to class."

I couldn't argue with what she said, but I was really sad that my own birth mother decided I was more of an inconvenience than anyting else. She always made sure that she would tell me that I was a boy every time she could. I wonder what she is thinking now? I mean, I am glad these things were found out now, rather than when I am older. When I went to see her, she said I was always a good boy. Doesn't she know how much that really hurts? I guess I have been kind of a little ... well, not a very good person to be around.

Miss Hamilton asked me if I was able to continue in school, and I shook my head. She said I should go home for the day, and Bobbie and Cindy would bring my homework. Bobbie and Cindy were still watching me, and they nodded that I should go. I took the dismissal note from Miss Hamilton, and went to get my books, and go home. I stopped at the office and showed Janey my slip, and said I needed her to call mom and tell her that I was having a sad day, and that I was on the way home. She said okay, and I left.

I took my time walking home, because I was thinking about what I had said in class and that made me cry. Will I ever be able to get past this? Maybe. But I have to talk to mom and dad and see if I can go and see her. The last time didn't go so well, but maybe this time things will be different. I hope. I got to the house, but I sat on the porch steps, even though they were cold. Mom must have been watching, because she came out and told me to get in the house before I caught my death of pneumonia. We went inside, and mom said that Angie was sleeping. So we went in the kitchen to talk.

"Honey, tell me what happened?"

"We were talking in Miss Hamilton's class, and when it came my turn I told them what I like to do, and then mentioned mother. The class gasped that I even mentioned her, and when I was through talking, I started crying. Mom, will I ever be able to get past this?"

"Well, they say that time heals all wounds, but you have to be the one to make sure it does. There are many families in this world that don't know what love really is, and they have no idea how to find it. That is why I have a foster license. Children who are from families that have no love, have to know that somebody cares about them. Like we have cared for you all these years when you were at odds with your birth mother. Sue, honey, you are my child just like Bobbie is, and I really care about how you are feeling and doing. I'll get you a cup of tea, and then we can talk a little more." She put on the kettle to heat the water, and then got out two cups and the tea bags. She had the flame on the stove up as high as it would go, so the water would heat faster. When the kettle started to whistle, she turned off the stove, and poured the water in the cups. "Here you go, sweetie, I'll have a cup with you."

"Mom, I was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea if I went to see her again. I mean, the last time I was not ready to hear that she still thinks of me as a boy. But I am ready for it now. Besides, I have to find out if she really knows what she did." I thought I heard Angela and I strained to hear. "Did you just hear Angie, mom?"

"No, honey, I didn't."

"Excuse me, mom, but I need to check on her." I went upstairs and looked in our room. Angela was sitting in the middle of the bed. "Hi sweetie," I smiled to reassure her that everything was okay. I cleaned her up, and changed her, then took her downstairs. One thing about two year olds is, that when they wake up, they're hungry. So I sat her in her high chair, and gave her a cut up apple. Then I sat back down to talk to mom.

"You know Sue, you make me proud the way you have your mommy radar tuned to hear Angie when she is awake, or when she needs something. You are going to make a wonderful mother." I gave her a hug, and sat down and thought why couldn't my birth mother be proud of me like Mrs. Granger is. "But as for seeing your mother, I think you should talk to Mr. Marks about that. I don't think it is a good idea."

Bobbie came in followed by Cindy, and they sat down with us at the kitchen table. "Hey," I said, as they sat down.

"Hey, yourself. Are you feeling any better, sis?"

"A little, Bobbie. I had a good talk with mom. Bobbie, do you think I should go and see my mother again? I mean, the first time didn't go so well because I wasn't expecting it. But this time I will know how she thinks of me. I just need to find out if she knows what she did."

"Well, sis, what did mom say? You know she has the final word, and you can't play daddy against mom. But you already know that."

"Yes, sis, I know that."

"Miss Hamilton didn't have any homework, and her aunt said just get better. You only have two classes that gave out homework."

"Thank you, sis," I gave her a hug and after asking everybody if they would watch Angie, while I did my homework, I went up to mine and Angie's room.

I dove right into doing my homework, and was surprised that I could get it done so quickly. Well, not so quickly, a couple of hours had passed by while I did what assignments I had. I put my notebooks and school books away, and laid down on the bed. When I woke up it was morning, and I was in my powder blue baby doll. I looked over to where Angie slept, and found she wasn't there. I got up and put my robe on and stepped in to my slippers. I went to use the bathroom, and when I was coming out, Bobbie was coming out of her room.

"Oh! You're awake," she whispered. "Angie slept in my room last night so you could rest. Cindy and I got you undressed and into your baby doll. How did you sleep?"

"Like a silently clear night. I must have been really tired."

"You were drained, sis. What you went through yesterday took all your strength. How are you feeling, though?"

"I do feel drained. Like all I want to do is go back to sleep."

"Well, you go back to sleep sis, Cindy, mom, and I will take care of Angie. Just get some rest."

"Thank you, Bobbie, you're such a wonderful sister." I gave her a hug, and I went back to my room and was out like a light bulb.

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