Alright, since I made too many mistakes in my Tail of Two Bloods story, I'm going to revise it to make the chapters longer, and more understanding. I didn't get too many suggestions, or any...really...for my story so I'm going in blind for a second try. ^^; Wish me luck BCTS.
Don't be afraid to revise stuff posted here
BC is a writer friendly site.
Though quality proofing is much appreciated we don't mind *works in progress* or else how would I ever have gotten posted here?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
By Accident?
You meant to submit to the Wawatosa Times
Angharad :)
Ang, you have it wrong ...
it's the Wauwatosa News Times, published by The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Co.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I was close
Does anything ever happen in Wauwawhatever to make news? If it wasn't for the song, i'd never have heard of Milwaukee let alone Ow-ma-toses.
Yeah. I was planning to for
Yeah. I was planning to for a while, but I don't get enough input to do so. Alot of what I do puts me in the dark. which is why I jumped alot the first time around. Untill I catch up with Revision, the first Seven Chapters aren't going to be apart of the story. I may not even go the same way I did.
I used to be broken, I used to be lost. Unsure of what I was, until he found me...
Never be afraid to push yourself to new limits. While you might not see the path, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.