
All of us have our calling. For a while, I thought my calling was to be a monk. That passed.

Currently I feel my calling is to express a qualified opinion regarding hits, votes, and comments at least once a month.

There appears to be a number of people who think the number of votes a story or part of a story receives has a correlation with the quality of the writing. In my experience this just isn't remotely so.

In order for the law of large numbers to come into play -- which makes statistics creditable - there obviously has to be LARGE numbers.

It has been suggested that one hundred votes equates to success for a story. Let's say for sake of argument it does. Each author gets two votes. Actually I'm sure that others have found as I have, that it's possible to have three votes for each story if we are artful about whether or not we sign in. Given that -- it's very possible for a story to get 100 votes with just thirty-four people voting. Thirty-four is NOT a large number.

Football Girl Chapter One received 119 votes, which is more than any of my stories has received. Does that mean 119 is a LARGE number. Given the fact that Football Girl Chapter One has has over 8,500 hits one would have to ask why thousands and thousands of people HAVE NOT voted for it. It is a marvelous story and if votes actually meant quality it would have over 10,000 votes by now.

What does a vote mean? When I read a story and think it is something other than total garbage - I vote for it. Over the last few months I can think of only four or five stories I've read that I DIDN'T vote for. I'm harder on authors I think just throw something out there. I won't mention names but just recently a very good writer posted a story on BC that was utter, implausible trash; I didn't vote for it though I noticed it received quite a few votes. Since it was so pitifully rancid I assume those votes were from fans of other stories/series the author posted.

I believe most votes mean the reader felt something when they read the story -- something other than the desire to puke. As such, a vote probably is more likely for one genre over another. I assume most stories written about TS rather than CD will garner more votes as that seems to be in the current of the BC stream. Also, SciFi and Magical stories seem to have lost a bit of their BC fanbase.

My guess is there are less than two hundred people on this site who do all the voting. . .maybe even less. Given that it is more truthful to say that out of the of outspoken people on this site a vote of fifty probably means you've struck a chord with thirty or so.

People rarely vote for a story after the third or fourth day it is posted. A vote than also seems to be akin to a star rating for a movie. Maybe it means -- I read this and found it acceptable for others. Maybe.

It does not denote quality of writing and shouldn't be used by anyone serious about improving their skills as a meter in that regard.


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