The Girls Confess their Love for Aki - Part 2

The rest of the story

Billy helps his group and Sharon's group produce their next manga. There are more costumes for him and the girls have some more good natured fun with him.

The Girls Confess their Love for Aki


Paula Dillon

It was two weeks before the group met again. They had seen each other in passing at school of course and Billy and Janice spent a lot of time together, but not as a group to discuss the manga.

“I E-mailed Sharon and the girls a PDF of our manga. It wasn’t two hours later that I heard from them. They really loved it,” Amanda said.

“I loved their story too. Cara and I took the liberty to draw whatthink their characters should look like,” Sara said, showing the group her portfolio.

“These pictures are great,” Billy said. “But they may be a little sexy for 13 year olds.”

“Yeah, but they are cute,” Della said. “Almost all of the Japanese mangas are that way. The characters are all rather plain or overly sexy. Even those for kids.”

The group then got down to planning their next manga. First they talked story, the three writers pitched ideas back and forth, as the artists took notes on their ideas. Amanda then began to flesh out a script on her laptop. Sara began to draw a cover in pencil and Cara began to list scenes and what she thought the characters should look like. Bettie took the scenes and began to work on the backgrounds, while Janice began to plan the frames.

They had roughed out a plan in three hours. There would be many more hours of give and take, editing, drawing and redrawing. Billy blushed a bit, at the role his character played. It wasn’t much worse than the first manga, but now he knew it was modeled after him.

Aki had five girls constantly flirting with him. Shizuyo kept whispering into Chi’s, Hana’s, Hama’s, Midori’s and Kazuko’s ears, suggesting that they confess their love to Aki.

There were a lot of scene’s of this girl, or another bending over, with the wind catching her skirt, or the girl intentionally, unintentionally exposing a bit of her panties to poor Aki, who became embarrassed and flustered by the exhibition.

Yoshi would do things like slipping a pair of panties into Aki’s locker through the air vents, writing anonymous love letters to the girls and sending flowers to Aki, all from in the background.

The worst scene, or best scene form the girls’ point of view, was in the last third of the manga. Aki had to hide, after witnessing a terrible crime. He saw a gangland murder of a public official. The girls that were after Aki, get together and decide to hide him. There were thugs everywhere looking for him, to eliminate the witness. The girls decided that the best way to hide him was in plain sight, dressed as a girl. They also decided that they could have some fun with Aki dressed this way. They weren’t malevolent about it, but they liked seeing him squirm.

Billy thought about how his situation, was a little like the manga. Although he didn’t see a murder, he really didn’t need to go into hiding, but the girls seemed to love putting him in girls’ clothes. He knew that they weren’t doing it to be mean to him, but they were having their fun with it and seemed to like seeing him squirm.

Cara’s drawing of Aki, was of a very pretty sexy girl. The manga ended with him walking past a thug looking for him. Aki was dressed as a sexy girl, in a short skirt and high heels. Aki wondered to himself, about just how long he would have to stay this way.

Billy liked the story line, even better than the first issue, but he began to picture what his next costume would look like. He was sure the girls would have him in a skirt and heels. He argued with himself about what he would do, but inside his heart, he knew that he would do whatever the girls wanted him to do. Janice was his sweet heart and the love of his life, but he really loved all of the girls.


When Billy and Janice were alone later that day, he turned to her and asked, “They are going to have me in skirts next time, aren’t they?”

“They have talked about it. They think you will look good.”

“What do you think? Will you still love and respect me, if I go along with this?”

“Of course I will love you. Nothing will ever change that, Billy.”

“But is seems so weird, almost perverted.”

“It is only perverted if you make it so. I don’t care what you wear. No, I take that back, I like to see you looking nice. This will be just another way of you looking nice for me.”

“So, I should go along with them. Is that what you are saying?”

“I am saying no such thing. You will have to decide that for yourself. I will still love you either way.”

“Could we maybe … ah … try … ah … it without letting the other … ah … girls know about it?”

Janice wrapped her arms around Billy’s neck and drew him into a kiss. “I think we could arrange that, Billy.”


Three days later, on a Saturday, Billy was over at Janice’s home. ,Her parents were visiting friends back in their home town.

Janice helped Billy undress. There were some things lying on the bed, from the time from before and a couple of things that were new to Billy.

“The first thing you need to put on is a gaff.”

“A what?”

“A gaff. It is made to hide things that are there,” Janice said, holding it up. “It’s good to see you’ve kept your pits and legs hairless.”

“I had to, the growing hair itches and scratches like hell.”

“I know about that,” Janice said, giggling. “It is all a male conspiracy, getting women to shave their legs and armpits the first time. They have to keep doing it thereafter, but you do love my silky smooth legs don’t you?”

“I love everything about you, babe.”

Janice got everything arranged and had Billy practice a time or two. “You need to be able to do this yourself. I can’t be going into a stall with you all the time.”

She also had him put on a pair of panties, over the gaff.

Billy wasn’t comfortable, but it was better than the girdle had been.

Next, she took a corset. “Most girls have a waist that is smaller than their hips Billy. While you don’t have a thick waist, a girl with your hips would have a real small waist. This will help. Otherwise, no girls’ clothing that fits your hips will fit your waist.”

Janice opened the front of the corset and wrapped it around Billy, before hooking it up the front. She then took the breastforms and placed them into the cups of the corset.

“Things are going to get a little tight now. If you feel like you can’t breathe, take shorter breaths and relax. You will get use to it in a few minutes.”

Janice began to work from the top to the middle and from the bottom to the middle. After the second pass, things were really tight.

“You’re doing good sweetie, two more passes this time. I am trying to work you down slowly.”

“Slowly, you mean it is going to get tighter?”

“Yes sweetie, I have only taken off about an inch, we went way smaller with the girdle. You feel different because there is a lot of the pressure on your rib cage this time. The corset will taper your figure better.”

Janice measured Billy’s waist after she finished. She had taken off two and a half inches and Billy was down to twenty-eight inches at the waist now. “Just relax for a bit. That will have to do for now. The corset will stretch a bit and I will tighten it again in about a half an hour.”

Janice attached some garter tabs to the corset and ran them through the panty and the gaff. “We are going to put big girl stockings on you, you need to run these through the panty so you can go we-we and pooh-pooh without undressing.”

The pantyhose he had worn had felt incredible, but these stockings felt so much better. She rolled the stockings up his legs and attached the garter tabs to them.

Be careful not to run these. Stockings are generally more expensive than pantyhose. She followed these up with a pair of black pumps, with about a three-inch heel.

Billy needed the help, because of the change in balance, caused by the heels and the boobs made standing difficult. He nearly fell a half dozen times, as he tried to walk in the heels. Janice then got him to not concentrate so much on his feet and to not take such a long stride.

“Don’t over think it Billy; try walking normally, keep your head up and a shorter stride. You won’t be able to see your feet beyond your breasts, without leaning forward.”

After a half hour, he was walking better, but he still needed a lot of work. Janice tightened the corset one more time and measured Billy. He was now a 36C-27-35. Janice selected a skirt and blouse for him. The blouse was a forest green, long sleeve charmeuse blouse and the skirt was a short black, tropical wool, slim skirt. The skirt was just long enough to cover the tops of the stockings.

She sat him down, covered his blouse with a towel, gave him a very dramatic daytime makeup job and crowned him with a medium length curly blonde wig.

When Billy finally saw himself in Janice’s full-length mirror, he was dumbfounded. It wasn’t that he was beautiful, but he looked very good. What startled him most was that he looked totally feminine.

“Damn, I could probably walk into the girls’ locker room at school and not be noticed.”

“Don’t even think about it Billy, but you are right. Your looks wouldn’t give you away. Your mannerisms might. So what do you think of the clothes.”

“Well, I don’t like the way the corset feels, or how unstable the heels are, and I wouldn’t want to dress this way all the time, but the way the clothes feel is so incredible.”

Janice led Billy into the living room and began teaching him how to sit in a skirt and stand wearing heels. Then she sat next to him, as he pulled out the mangas from his portfolio case. Together they began to look at the mangas.

Janice began giggling, as they went through all the mangas he bought; besides the ones he got from Sharon’s group.

“Billy, these are all Shoujo, Shoujo-ai, Josie, Yuri or Fujoshi. I can’t believe you bought a Fujoshi manga.”

“I bought them because they looked good. These were some of the best looking mangas at the show, and what do those terms mean.”

“Shoujo is for girls up to about sixteen or seventeen. They can be romance, mystery, and adventure, written in a way to appeal to girls. Shounen is for boys. Josie is written for women twenty or so. Seinen is for adult males. Yuri is for adult lesbians and can be hardcore, whereas Shoujo-ai would be for younger girls and isn’t as graphic. Yaoi is gay adult material and Shounen-ai is the same for boys. Now how do I describe Fujoshi? You know what is one of most males biggest fantasies?”

“You mean going out with this hot babe or another?”

“Close, but no banana. A lot of guys dream about being in a threesome with two hot girls or lesbians. Am I right?”

“I guess. I wouldn’t want that. I understand that most lesbians would rather be tortured, than to have to be with a male.”

“You may be right but, there is a small minority of women that get their kicks by dreaming about two guys getting together. Only for them, they might have very specific ideas that are part of that fantasy. Pretty boys, eyeglasses, butlers, waiters, servants, the type of guys who is the aggressor or on top and the type of guy who is the submissive and on the bottom can all be parts of the fantasy. That is just a small portion of their many fantasies. Let’s look at that Fujoshi you bought.”

“My costume incorporated many of those ideas. Is that what the girls think of me?”

“Yes and no. Our group has a lot of respect for both you and our relationship. They don’t want to break us up. It’s that you are so darn pretty as a boy and so polite to boot. Politeness is a big point to the fujoshi.”

Together they read the manga and looked at the artwork. The people who did the manga were really good at what they did. They were surprised at the story content and artwork. The female characters sometimes got a little goofy, when they saw males leads with people. The female main characters sometimes tried to make unlikely matches between guys.

“The females in these stories see themselves as matchmakers or voyeurs,” Billy said.

“That is just a small part of the Fujoshi. That word loosely means spoiled rotten girl, by the way.”

“I see what you mean by the stereotypical males they like. I don’t think I would like being one of their playthings, but then I wouldn’t want a lesbian couple to be my plaything either. I love you too much.”

“Sharon’s Group would be Shoujo-ai then. I still like their story and this Fujoshi isn’t really too bad. Does that make me strange?”

“Not any stranger than girls, who like shoot-em-ups. It shows that you like a good story. Girls are the same way.”

“So how do you like dressing like this?”

“For you, anytime, for the rest of the group let them beg me. Don’t tell them I said that.”

“I won’t. I kinda like this you and the way you are dressed has some advantages too,” Janice said, as she ran her hand softly up Billy’s thigh, her nails lightly stroking his stocking tops and up his skirt.

Billy almost came unglued by that sensation.


The next meeting of the group took place at Billy’s home. All of the girls were there except Amanda, she was running a little late. Janice placed storyboards with a crude layout and the text for that page bellow the manga, where everyone could see it. The twins, Bettie and Della, had better copies of all the artwork, setup beneath the storyboards.

They first began hashing out the story, refining the dialogue, thoughts and other printed material. Next, they checked the artwork and scenery that would accompany each grouping of text. They made comments and made notes as they went along.

They were on page 5, when Amanda came in with Sharon, Cindy and Kelly.

“Here is where we do most of our work,” Amanda said, leading the girls in. “This is Billy’s home.”

“Billy has to be Aki. I recognize everyone else here. In FACT, I am sure Billy is Aki,” Cindy said.

Kelly and Sharon reached into their purse and each took out a dollar to hand to Cindy who was smiling.

Amanda froze and was speechless, as she realized what she had done.

“What, did you girls have a bet on Aki?” Rhiannon asked.

“Yes, after we met you guys, Cindy bet us that Aki was a guy. We said she couldn’t be. Don’t worry, we won’t tell. I just have to say that Billy is as cute as Aki.”

Cindy and Kelly began looking at the storyboards.

“Is this going to be your next manga,” Kelly asked

“Yes, we are in the early stages of development. It still needs a lot of work,” Janice said.

“It looks pretty good right now.” Cindy said. “Ooh you have a shootout and Aki is there.”

“Yes and the girls help Aki get out of there and disguise him as a girl,” Kelly said, reading ahead.

“Are you going to Cosplay as a girl at the next show?” Sharon asked Billy, giggling.

“We haven’t talked about it yet,” Billy said, “You girls can’t say anything about ‘who I am’, if we do.”

Billy was very nervous about these new girls knowing this.

“Yeah, it could really hurt our friend if you let out that he was a guy and who he really was,” Amanda said.

“We won’t say a thing, will we girls,” Cindy said, holding her fist under Sharon’s nose.

“No, we won’t,” Sharon said nervously, as she eyed Cindy’s fist.

“Ok girls, why don’t you show us your next manga,” Amanda said.

Sharon then laid out their work.

Billy looked it over and said, “Janice, scan it into my computer and let’s look it over in the living room.”

“Good Idea,” She said, “You don’t mind girls, do you?”

“No problem,” Sharon said.

Billy got his laptop and led the troupe into the living room where the big screen LCD TV was.

After the manga had been scanned, Billy began to project them on the TV. He left each page on display long enough for everyone to read it and to look at the crude artwork. Nobody said anything until they had page one back up on the screen.

“It is a pretty good story. The dialogue needs to be edited a bit. I would give the conception an A, the dialogue and text a B and the artwork is a C+,” Billy said. “Who are your artists?” Billy asked.

Cindy and Kelly held their hands up.

“You girls need to get with our artists, while Amanda, Rhiannon and I talk to you, Sharon,” Billy said.

Janice, Sara, Cara, Della and Bettie took Cindy and Kelly into the kitchen. Bettie and Della worked with Kelly on scenery, as Cindy and the rest began to work on drawing characters and layouts.

Billy and the rest began to talk to Sharon about her story and what could be done to make it better.

They worked together for about two hours before Billy called it quits. He took all their work, scanned it and created pdf and doc files of the girls work. They sat around for a few minutes and talked.

“I hope our next manga does well. We sold enough that my Dad will let us make one more effort,” Sharon said.

“Maybe with a little work, you might have a hit,” Billy said.

“We hope so, although it isn’t about the money. It is about the fun we have telling a story.”

Everyone got hugs as they prepared to leave. Sharon took a little more liberty and planted a kiss on Billy’s lips.

“Sharon, that is the last kiss you will give Billy on the lips,” Janice said sternly. “He is almost three years older and besides, he is my boyfriend. If you want our help, that is one of my rules.”

“Sorry Janice, I won’t kiss him anymore. I just had an itch that needed scratching.”

“Just don’t go scratching it with my boyfriend, okay.”

“I won’t.”


The two groups worked together three more times this quarter. Sharon, Cindy and Kelly were quick learners and their new manga showed a lot of improvement. Even the manga Billy’s group was putting out showed much improvement over their first.

Aki was given a completely new name after Billy said, “Aki will need a completely new name, won’t he? I mean if the girls call him Aki and they are known to hang around the boy Aki, the bad guys might put 2 and 2 together.”

“Good point Billy, We hadn’t thought about that yet.”

The girls put their heads together and checked Japanese baby names and surnames lists. It was decided that Chi would rename Aki, Kajiwara Fujiko. Billy helped edit the dialogue on one of the last few pages to reflect the new name.

Billy sat with his group in his kitchen and talked about the next show that was coming up in a little over a month. They had a list of things to discuss this day and checked them off one by one, till they got toward the end of the list.

It was decided that Billy would go to the local print shop his teacher had recommended, and get a price. They knew the cost of production would be higher, but decided not to increase the price from four dollars.

Billy would also negotiate with the printer, for a shorter run of Sharon’s group.

They were finally at the last item. Billy knew what that item was going to be, but the girls were awfully nervous to bring it up. They just fidgeted in their seats.

“Okay girls, I already know what the last item on your list is, Costumes. Go ahead and show me the picture of the costume you girls want me to wear.”

He already had an inkling as to which costume from the manga they would select, but not even Janice had given him a clue. Sara opened her portfolio and took out a large sheet and set it on an easel. It was just as he thought and worse. The larger drawings showed front and back and had more detail than could be put on a 6 5/8” by 10 1/4” inch page. There were also notes on fabrics, detailing, underwear, shoes and accessories.

The dress was a short, deep blue, velvet dress, with a white lace bib. It had long sleeves, which were poofed at the shoulder, and fitted at the mid bicep to the wrist. The skirt flared out to the sides and was supported by petticoats. Billy was glad at least it didn’t stand out as much as a tutu, but there was a lot of lace and ruffles visible beneath the skirt. It also had a high fitted neck, with a ribbon bow and a cameo. The bodice was fitted to the waist and had a tie in the back. The skirt would only be three, maybe four inches below the crotch, well above the white lace stocking tops. The last feature of the costume were the heels, they were matching blue pumps with three inch heels, according to the notes.

The underwear included a below the bust corset, according to the notes, to get his waist down to twenty five inches, a 36 C bra, a gaff, a padded brief for hips, white lace patterned stay-up stockings and a white satin and lace pettie-pants, which had blue ribbons laced around the legs. He would be well hidden.
The picture also showed the elaborate makeup, blonde hair, instead of black, and a very curly hairstyle, that went along with the outfit. He thought the drawing looked a lot like the actress Amanda Seyfried. The overall picture was very beautiful and Billy had no doubt the girls could pull it off as pictured. He just didn’t know if he should let them.
His first costume had been feminine enough, but still left doubts as to the wearer’s gender. This costume was made to look very girly and meant to leave no doubts. A boy wearing this outfit and looking like the picture, could hide in the middle of a room full of skinheads and survive, if he could keep from being sexually assaulted.

He wanted to say no, the girls had gone out of their way to make it look provocative, but at the same time he realized that he could definitely hide from bad guys dressed like this.

“Would a girl actually wear something like this?”

“Some would, not for everyday wear, but without a doubt at a Cosplay event,” Amanda said.

“You guys really out did yourselves this time.”

“It is a bit extreme, but we like it. We do have a second, less girly, option if you reject this one, but this is our preferred choice.”

“I really want to say no, but I know this is your best drawn costume in the manga, Sara. But…”

It was Billy’s turn to fidget, but the girls knew that they had probably won.

“As long as it doesn’t get worse than this, I guess I will have to say, ok. That is as long as I can pull it off and I don’t look like a clown. Also, I want a normal outfit to change into after the show.”

“Good, we’ve already given Janice both costumes and everything else that is needed. You two can try them on at your convenience this time, or we can help you. We would like to see how you look though, before the show.”

“Can’t do it today, my parents will be home soon and I really don’t want them to see me in this getup, how is Saturday.”

“Saturday is great, at my house,” Amanda said. “My parents won’t get home till after six. Mom has about five estate sales to go to.”

“Okay then, Saturday at nine, at Amanda’s house. Oh and no Sharon and company.”

“Understood,” “You’re right about that,” “Sure, no problem,” The girls said.


Thursday, after school, Billy drove over to the print shop and talked to Samuel Dresden, the manager. He handed the man a flash drive with all the work ready and a .doc file outlining the order. Together they went over everything. Billy, on his own, decided to also print 500 of the first manga and carried the plates with him.

“Gee, you made my job easy,” Sam said, seeing all the layout work had been done. “All I got to do is shoot the plates, print and finish the job.”

“Mr. Briggs taught me well. I printed the first manga we did myself, at school.”

“I know, John already talked to me and showed me your work. It’s a little strange for my taste, but you did a good job. If you need a job after you turn eighteen, talk to me. I can use a good hand. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) says I can’t have anyone younger than that, working in the back.”

“Minimum run for something like this is two thousand for the manga and I will throw in at least fifty uncut color plates. If I get your big order, I will do the two short orders and include at least fifty uncut color plates for each of the short runs.”

Sam turned his calculator on and started crunching numbers and mumbled to himself a bit, before crunching numbers again.

“As long as you don’t disclose to any parties not involved in the two mangas what I charged you. I will do the job for $1.50 each for the long run and $1.70 each for the short runs. That will be $3000, for the long run and $850 each, for the short runs. I retain the plates.”

“What are your terms?”

“I am giving you a break kid. I want to see if you are as good as your word, as John says you are. Half up front, the balance in thirty days, no discount. Normally on first orders, it would be cash on delivery.”

“I am as good as my word, Mr. Dresden. We will need them before the end of the month. I will bring you a cashier’s check tomorrow for twenty three hundred and fifty dollars.” Billy would have to dip into his college fund, but he knew he would get his money back.

“Call me Sam, kid.”

“Then call me Billy.”

Sam drew up the agreement and gave it to Billy.


Billy had both groups of girls over at his place that night and laid out the costs. Sharon, Cindy and Kelly were shocked to see they would owe eight hundred and fifty dollars. Sharon had four hundred that her father gave her.

“I will make up the other twenty five and you will owe me four fifty when you sell your mangas. I really think you will sell them all and make seven fifty above costs. At three dollars, you only need to sell two hundred and eighty four mangas to break even. The last two hundred and sixteen are your profit. Also, your color plates are icing on the cake. You can sell them for ten to twenty five a page, like we did. We made a killing on the color plates.”

“Color plates?” Cindy asked.

Billy took out a color plate of their first manga, to show the girls.

“These sold for twenty five dollars?” Sharon asked.

“Yes ma’am. Collectors like these kind of things, Sharon. Start yours at twenty or twenty-five and drop the price if necessary. You will get them for free, basically, and any sales of them will help you.”

“I will have to talk to my dad. I can’t make this kind of decision.”

Sharon called her Dad at home. He asked to speak to Billy, as Sharon was confusing the hell out of him. Billy concisely and clearly laid out the deal. Mr. Moore asked him one question, “Do you think the girls will break even?”

“Oh, I have no doubt the girls will more than break even. I believe they will sell out and make at least seven hundred and fifty dollars. They have a great manga.”

“I believe you. I know you guys did a lot to help the girls. I have seen their manga. If they sell out, I want them to pay you a hundred dollars for all of your work. Let me talk to my daughter.”

Billy handed the phone back to Sharon. All everybody heard her say was yes sir, yes sir, yes sir, and thank you Daddy.


Saturday, Billy and Janice arrived at the Fullers’ home at nine. Amanda and her parents were in the kitchen having breakfast. Amanda got the door and let them in.

“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller,” Billy said, as they came into the kitchen.

“Morning Billy, morning Janice,” Jackie Fuller, Amanda’s mom said. “Are you here to work on the manga today?”

“Yes, we are here to talk over the details of the next show. What are you two up to today?”

“We got to run,” Jackie said, as she got her purse and husband ready to go. “We are headed out to some estate sales, hunting for antiques for my antique shop.”

The rest of the girls arrived, as the Fullers were headed out the door. As soon as Amanda’s parents left, the girls got to work on Billy. Billy had kept his legs and armpits hairless, with a little encouragement from Janice.

“We have some new things this time, Billy. Lay down on the table without your briefs,” Amanda said. “We have some silicone pads for your derriere and hips.”

The girls carefully placed and adhered the pads to Billy’s backside. After they had a chance to set, they had him put on his gaff and the white lace pettie-pants.

“You don’t have to wear that padded panty brief, with those pads on. You should be a lot more comfortable like this.”

“You guys had this planned since before we printed our first manga, didn’t you.”

“Sort of. We had our story planned. Then we researched how to do a transformation. There are a lot of transgendered sights, which had tons of information on them. We just needed to know how a guy would react to everything.” Amanda said, as she tightened the corset around Billy’s waist. “You know, we all really care for you.”

This corset was different, it was a below the bust model and Billy needed a bra to go with it. They helped him into beautifully embroidered balconette bra.

“I know. It’s the only reason you got this far with me. Well, except for Janice. I would have done it for her anyway.”

Janice smiled at her friends, “Told you so.”

“We have been dressed as girls all our lives, we can only imagine how you would react, or feel, but we wouldn’t be sure. We weren’t going to tell you, till after the show. Would you tell us everything you feel that is important to you, dressed as a girl?” Amanda asked.

Rhiannon helped Billy with the voluminous clouds of white petticoats that would make the skirt flare out wide.

Billy found the garment interesting. He swiveled his hips back and forth, just to watch the petticoats move.

“I was scared silly the first time you dressed me as Aki, but I knew how important the manga was to you girls, so I agreed to do it. Where possible, I try to keep all my promises. Everything fascinated, thrilled and scared the putty out of me. I was afraid that you guys would think less about me, for doing it. Like I was a pansy or a sissy. I hate those two words.”

“We could never say that about you, Billy,” Della said. “We think you are pretty brave to do this.”

“Brave? Me? You’re kidding!”

“No, they aren’t kidding, Billy,” Janice said. “There are many guys that tell everyone how brave they are. How many of them would do this, to help their girlfriends be successful.”

“The biggest fright I had though was going into the ladies room. I was afraid that some girl would start shouting that there was a guy in the ladies restroom and that I would be arrested. It helped a little that I was with you guys, in there.”

“Really?” Bettie asked.

“Yeah, I don’t know if I would have made it in there without you, at least till I would have almost pissed on myself. The girls rest room is like no mans land. I was glad you guys had me go light on my fluids.”

Billy had to sit, as the girls rolled the white lace patterned, stay up stockings up his legs and put his shoes on his feet. The shoes were three-inch pumps, with a T strap.

“I have to admit that it has been fun. It’s like we have a grown up Barbie Doll,” Rhiannon admitted. “Don’t hate me for this, but I have always wanted to dress a boy up in girl’s clothes.”

“I always knew you were a little twisted Rhiannon, but I don’t hate you,” Billy said giggling.

Janice then showed him the dress. The picture Sara had drawn didn’t do the dress justice. It was a blue velvet dress, with a white velvet bib that had gold ric-rack and lace around the edges. The sleeves were poofed at the shoulder and fitted to the gold embroidered wrists and tipped with white lace. At the hem, there was gold embroidering and lace full circle around the hem.

“Della, did you make this dress?”

“Yes, I did. I made all our costumes.”

“This is wonderful. You should become a dress designer.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere. I may have to kidnap you and ravish your lovely body.”

“Over his dead body,” Janice said.

She helped him with his dress. It zipped up and had a little room to spare. The girls had been pretty over zealous, much to Billy’s dismay, in tightening up the corset.

Billy then was led to the vanity. It took him a bit to figure out what to do about the skirt as he sat. Finally he just on the edge of the chair on his pettie pants and let the skirt and pettie coats just form a circle around him. The girls had to giggle as he sat.

Rhiannon wrapped him in a makeup cape and began her magic on his face. She used a lot more makeup than she had the time before.

“I am going to try to change your appearance more this time, remember, Aki is going into hiding and this is his disguise. We need to see how completely we can hide Billy.”

It took Rhiannon about an hour of work, doing one thing and then changing her mind and trying another, before she was satisfied. She had shaped the brow, just using makeup, added false eyelashes, used blush, to make his cheeks appear higher. She did some kind of trick to give him an oriental fold to his eyelids. Then she used a lip plumper, lip liner, lipstick and a frosty gloss on top. To Billy’s fingers, she added some press on nails, which were already painted red. The last thing she did was to add a beauty spot to his left cheek. She was surprised by just how much that one spot did to alter his appearance.

Sara then crowned him with a curly blonde wig, which came to between his shoulders. She messed with it a bit, till she had it in place and the curls hung naturally.

When she finished, the girls inspected Billy.

“He still has a family resemblance, like a distant cousin.” Janice said.

“We could give him an airbrush tan, to make his complexion a little darker. That could hide him a little more.” Rhiannon added.

“Well, can I see what I look like now?” Billy asked, a little impatiently.

“Oh sure, let us fiddle with your appearance a bit first.”

They had Billy stand, as they fussed a bit with his dress and his hair.
They helped him walk to the full-length mirror, not suspecting that he didn’t need the help.

As he looked at himself, he was amazed. He might not win a beauty contest, but then again, he might. He looked better than a lot of girls he knew.

“Oh my gosh, girls, you have outdone yourselves. I look better than some girls I know, present company excepted of course.”

“You look better than a lot of girls, Billy,” Amanda said. “And as good as we can look.”

“We just brought out what was there. Just think, no amount of clothing or makeup, could make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like a girl. It wasn’t that hard to make you look good,” Rhiannon said.

“So you don’t think I can be manly.”

“She didn’t say that, Billy. You are very manly, when you want to be,” Janice said. “It’s just that you can be made to be very feminine too. To some, it might be seen as a bad trait, but we don’t think so.”

“I think this dress is simply beautiful, I also think it is shorter than I expected.”

“It maybe shorter than you expected, but it is longer than in the picture, Billy,” Janice said. “I made them add another inch and a half. What makes it seem shorter is the way the petticoats make it stand out. Those are some really nice petticoats. It also doesn’t stand out as much as the picture.”

“You can see the ruffles of the petticoat and the legs of the panty.”

“You are supposed to be able to see those. That is part of what makes this dress so cute and sexy,” Amanda said.

“I think this is way beyond pretty. I would love to see Janice wear this dress.”

“I would have to wear a corset to fit that dress, Billy.”

“And your point is?”

“Alright, I will wear it for you.”

“I can’t believe what you did to may face, Rhiannon. I don’t look anything like me.”

“Walk around for us,” Sara asked.

The petticoats had a sensual rustle, as Billy began to walk around. It became obvious that he had been practicing in high heels, as he looked as comfortable as any girl in heels. He smiled as he shook his hips to generate noise and friction.

“How am I doing girls?” Billy asked.

“Remarkably well, Billy. You have been practicing in heels haven’t you?”

“Yes, I figured that this would be the next step and Janice confirmed it for me. So, I dressed at her place and practiced acting like a girl for her.”

“What else did you two do?” Rhiannon asked, with a sneer.

“A girl doesn’t kiss and tell.”

“She does to her girl friends.”

“You will have to ask Janice, then.”

Janice smiled like a Cheshire cat, “I’ll never tell, but don’t you dare get rid of these clothes, Billy. Rhiannon, maybe you can teach Billy to do his own makeup.”

That broke up all the girls and turned Billy a deep crimson from embarrassment.

“We have two more outfits for you to try on, Billy,” Della said.

Janice helped Billy get out of the dress and Della undid the drawstring on the petticoats. He stepped out of the petticoats and into a short, pleated, school skirt, which Cara held out. Sara helped Billy into a blouse that Amanda buttoned, Bettie tied a ribbon around the collar and Janice helped Billy into a jacket. This outfit was a classic girls sailor, school uniform.

The jacket was white with a lot of navy piping. The flaps of the jacket came down to points in front and curved around the back, on top of the hips. The skirt was a dark blue plaid, short, pleated skirt, came down a little lower than the blue dress, and a white, ruffled, school blouse completed the outfit.

Billy found this skirt easier to live with, than the blue dress. Rhiannon did her touch ups to complete the look.

Billy found a pretty schoolgirl staring back at him in the mirror. He smiled, but inside he shook, worrying about what was happening to him. He liked being a boy, but he liked looking like this for the girls.

“This is an everyday girls school uniform, Billy. They are popular in Japanese schools and at many private US girls schools,” Amanda said.

“Yeah, I know, I’ve watched Innuyasha, and a lot of other animes. All schoolgirls wear them some form of the sailor uniform in animes. The idea is to promote unity and conformity at schools and to eliminate factions and social differences between students.”

“Very good grasshopper,” Janice said.

“The blue dress was gorgeous, but this costume is pretty and cute.”

“The last outfit is a deep pink, short skirted suit, with a white, ruffled blouse. This is for after the show. You said you wanted something normal to wear home,” Della said.

The outfit was sexy, but conservative in appearance. It screamed girly girl, but Billy liked it. He couldn’t believe how nice his legs looked in that skirt.

“This is something a girl would wear to church, or to a function, or work isn’t it?”

“Yes, sort of, maybe with a little longer skirt, for church or business, but it is good for some functions. It looks very good on you.”

As he took these clothes off, they changed him into a skirt and blouse more inline with what they were wearing.

“Billy, we want you to go to the mall with us. We won’t desert you or pull any tricks on you, but we want you to go into the stores and try on different clothing. It is something a girl would do, and most guys wouldn’t. We want you to tell us what you felt like, afterwards,” Amanda said.

“Ok, what time will your parents be back home?”

“They won’t be home till six or seven. One of the auctions they are going to is in Houston. In fact they may stay the night there, for the second day of the auction, if they like what they see.”

“Lay on MacDuff, and damn’d be he that first cries ‘Hold, enough!’,” Billy said.

“Just like Aki’s name change, we can’t go on calling you Billy, when you are dressed like this,” Janice said. “Have you considered a girls name when you are dressed?”

“I figured this was coming too, Evelyn Jackson.”

“Ok, Evelyn Jackson it is,” Amanda said.

“We have a purse for you. You can put your wallet in it.”


Janice drove Billy’s van, so they could all fit in one vehicle, while Amanda rode shotgun. Billy/Evelyn, sat in the first row of Captains chairs. They talked about where they were going.

“There is a nice mall on the far side of town. Nobody there will know any of us. So you should feel somewhat safe Evelyn,” Debbie said. “Also, I think that you being with us will provide you with some camouflage.”

“I know what you say is true, and I imagine being with a troop of girls won’t hurt either, but there is still a certain level of anxiety, at least till I am comfortable in my role. I was very nervous at the show, till I got too busy to worry. I imagine that Aki would feel the same way.”

“How about when you dressed for Janice?”

“I was nervous then too, even though the probability of discovery was small. I guess I worried about why I was doing it. Did it make me some kind of perv? Was I going to be discovered by her parents or mine? Was Janice going to hate me, because I let her do this to me? Am I ruining my life? Those kind of feelings are what hit me.”

“One question came to me while I was thinking about all of this.”

“What was that?” Janice asked.

“How long is Aki going to be in hiding, a week, a month, or half a year to a year?”

The girls looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Amanda then said, “We hadn’t thought about that yet. It is more likely half a year or longer. You know the mob have long memories, and even if the ones he saw are no longer in the picture, they might certainly still come after Aki for revenge.”

“Well, I can see one problem that I have thought of then. The longer that Aki plays a girl, the greater the likely hood that he will remain a girl, especially if he becomes comfortable in his role and begins to like being Fujiko, or at least enjoys the way he is dressed.”

“We hadn’t thought about that, Billy. Is that going to be a problem with you?” Bettie asked.

“No, I don’t think so. I like being with Janice too much.”

“You could become a lesbian,” Rhiannon inserted.

“I don’t think so,” Janice said. “Although I like Evelyn a whole bunch, I like what makes Billy a boy more.”

“She loves his dick, Rhiannon,” Cara said.

“You mean you would leave him if he became a girl, Janice?” Sara said giggling.”

“No, I wouldn’t leave him, just like Cara wouldn’t leave you, if you became a girl,” Janice said.

“Low blow, girls. Keep it above the belt,” Amanda said, refereeing.


Billy/Evelyn closed her eyes as Janice hit the parking lot. She had the heart of a Samurai, when it came to finding a good parking spot. It was the only flaw Janice’s driving had. The Van had a nice custom airbrush paint job on it and Billy/Evelyn just prayed that it would remain pristine.

Janice found a spot facing the wrong way. She blocked the drive and backed into the parking space, causing a woman to honk her horn and swear like a sailor.

Billy/Evelyn just mimicked the other girls, as they headed to the entrance of the mall. All eight of them were good lookers and caught the eyes of those around them. The girls took Billy’s words to heart and did everything they could to keep him from thinking about his situation.

Billy’s/Evelyn’s voice, while deeper than most girls, didn’t out him. He had a rather androgynous voice and having spent so much time around his friends, he even talked in the vocabulary the girls commonly used around him.

Inside the mall, the girls did a short round of just window-shopping. Looking at the displays and commenting on what they liked. They went about halfway down one wing and then cut back across the wide courtyard to the other side and into one shop.

Billy/Evelyn was talking with Sara about something and didn’t notice that they were in Victoria’s Secret. Janice soon had him going through the racks and displays of panties and bras. Billy was hesitant for a couple of seconds, but seeing the other girls, he thought it would look out of place if he didn’t act like them.

He was amazed at all of the styles, colors and materials ladies underwear could use. Girls were certainly lucky there, he thought. Some of the things here were plain. He knew Janice wore a T-shirt bra under her T-shirts, those were almost all plain white and no adornments that would spoil the smooth look. He liked the way the bra he was wearing was embroidered. He liked it when Janice wore pretty frilly things. He didn’t care too much for the cheap slutty stuff he had seen in some lingerie catalogues, but he liked the sexy sophisticated look, that Janice also favored.

Janice had him go through several catalogues with her, pointing out the things he liked and the things that turned him off. She also took the time to show him what her favorite things were. She was surprised that they were so alike. This happened many months before the manga project came up.

He found a bra he really liked and held it up.

“Oh that is so pretty,” Sara said. “Hey Cara, come look at this.”

“That is one of the new lines of bras they came out with this season,” a sales lady stated.

Soon all the girls were looking through the various colors the bra came in.

“What we need for our group is a uniform. We would all wear the same clothes from the skin out,” Della said.

“That is a great idea, Della,” Janice said. “Evelyn, since you are new to our group, we will let you pick out the color for the underwear.”

“I don’t know I like this bra, what color would you call it.”

“That is a fuchsia pink,” the sales lady said. “That is one of our more popular colors, besides white, black and red.”

The girls each selected a bra in their size and headed to the dressing room. Evelyn had remembered what size Janice had told her she was and selected a bra. She was herded into the dressing room by her friends. Janice helped Evelyn with her bra, adjusting the straps. Janice then had Evelyn adjust the straps for her bra.

“New bras need to have their straps adjusted to be comfortable and to provide support, Evelyn. When most bras come off the hanger they are generally too short for most women.”

The girls came out of their changing rooms and showed off to each other. They all came to a consensus that they liked these bras. Even Della, with her small frame and massive chest, liked the feel and support the bra provided. The sales clerk, who had come into the changing room, also pointed out that they had a matching panty, garter belt and stockings for that bra. Each of them bought a set of lingerie.

They all tried on other things, and some of girls made other purchases, before they headed out of the store.

“Well, now we need to find a dress or skirt, which goes with our new lingerie,” Amanda said.

Evelyn found out this was easier said than done. They had to go to four stores and try on dozens of outfits, before they found enough of the same dress, for the eight of them. The dresses they bought were long sleeve chiffon dresses in a color that complimented their hosiery. They also bought heels that were a close match.

After they got everything they would need for their outfit, they headed back to the van.

“Girls, I have a question. When am I going to wear these things? I spent nearly three hundred dollars on these clothes. I don’t mind it, because I have enjoyed spending time with all of you, but really, I don’t see me doing this that much.”

“You could wear the panties, garter belt and stockings when we get together, but yeah I see what you mean. It was so easy to forget about you,” Rhiannon said.

“We could take your things back, if you want,” Sara said.

“No, I don’t think so, I’ll keep them as a it will be a memento to our time together, and maybe there will be a time we can all dress up.”

“We could wear our outfits away from the show,” Janice said.

They headed back to Amanda’s, to change Evelyn back to Billy, in case her parents came home early.

“Well, how did you enjoy a day shopping with us Evelyn,” Janice asked.

“I liked it a lot; you girls are so different when there are no guys with you.”

“You are right. Girls tend to relax more in the absence of males and in a pack they can be crazier too. How did you feel out in public?” Bettie asked.

“I was nervous at first, but you didn’t give me much time to think about what we were doing. I enjoyed it so much, that I forgot to be afraid. That could be a key for Aki in the manga, when out in the public, keep him distracted from his fears, by doing things with him and giving him an overdose of femininity.”

“We could also bribe him like Janice bribes you,” Rhiannon said.

“This isn’t an adult porn story, girls,” Evelyn said.

“In manga, that would be Ecchi, unless it is hard core, then it would be Hentai. No, but we could allude to things. Like when Janice says she is going to take care of your problems,” Amanda said. “As long as we aren’t too graphic in art, or description, we should be ok. I would like a little more sexiness in our story.”

“That might be out of character for Aki, at this point,” Janice said.

“I think you are right, the girls might try those things, but they might push Fujiko/Aki away,” Evelyn said. “They need to keep him comfortable, till he begins to accept his role and the girls’ assistance.”

“Then they shouldn’t try to seduce him, but treat him like any other girl,” Rhiannon said.

“You girls hug and kiss cheeks all the time. You might get him used to something like that, before they try anything else. Fujiko/Aki has been a bit of an actor all his life. He just has a case of stage fright when it comes to girls.”

All of the girls looked at Evelyn as she said that. You could hear the gears meshing in their minds.

“Is Aki gay, lesbian, straight, bi-sexual or transgendered?” Janice asked.

“He could be any one of those things. He might not know… more than likely he really doesn’t know. He needs to get comfortable enough with himself to drop the roles he has been hiding behind and to get to his core self they reluctantly turned Evelyn back into Billy. The girls loved Billy, but they really liked Evelyn, she was so much like them.


The Friday the week before the show, both groups met at Billy’s home. Billy showed Sharon’s group their manga first.

“Sharon, Cindy and Kelly, this is your manga.”

The girls handled them almost reverently.

“Wow, they look so good. It was one thing seeing it on your computer Billy, but to actually hold one in our hands is outstanding,” Sharon said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I want to thank all of you so much,” she cried.

Janice handed the girl a tissue to dry her eyes.

The three girls each hugged Billy and the girls.

“How about you girls number and autograph say fifty of them and sell them for about ten dollars each,” Amanda said. Billy will then slab and bag them.”

“Ok,” the three girls said.

Billy passed out cotton gloves and numbered the first fifty manga, X of 50. “Sign with the character in the manga you most Identify with.”

Cindy chose to sign with the name Tina Brant. Kelly chose to sign as Kathy Prentice and Sharon signed as William Carter.

In their manga, Tina and William were both after the affections of Kathy. Kathy for her part couldn’t decide between the two of them, in her heart she wanted to be with both of them.

Cindy gave a signed manga to each of Billy’s group.

“Are you girls going to Cosplay as these characters?” Della asked.

“We hadn’t planned on it.”

“Do it if you can. It should help your sales greatly and you will have more fun, I think. Sharon can you get a hold of some boys clothes your size?”

“I have a little brother, who is a year and a half younger, but he is about my size.”

Della looked at the pictures in the manga. “Does he have any nice clothes like these?” She said pointing at one of the pictures of William.

“Oh, yes. William was actually styled after my brother. One good thing about the brat is that he ain’t a slob. In fact he spends more time in front of the bathroom mirror preening, than I do.”

Della began to think. You could almost see the steam pouring out of her ears.

“Cindy, Kelly do you have anything that could look like sailor school uniforms.”

“I do, I went to a catholic school,” Cindy said.

“I have a nice skirt and jacket, which is somewhat like what you are thinking about. I think.”

Kelly then described the clothes to Della.

“That is good enough. I can make some bits that won’t hurt your clothes but will make them look like a school uniform.”

She then went on to describe what she was thinking.

“I see Kathy as a shy, age appropriate, sexy girl, she is almost too cute for her own good, naive, scholastic type girl, who is prettier than she gives herself credit for. William is a suave, handsome and articulate. Tina is atheletic, gregarious and outgoing.

“Wow, you outlined all our characters in just a few sentences,” Sharon said.

“You have the hardest role Sharon. Pick up a three-inch wide Ace bandage this week to strap down your breasts. I will help you with that task.”

“And bring your makeup,” Rhiannon added.

“Makeup on a boy?” Sharon asked.

Rhiannon just smiled.

They then discussed what the girls needed to do to pull this off.

After a short while, Billy then gave Sharon’s group a copy of their first manga, second printing.

“This is the first manga that we sold out of. I had five hundred more printed. We have already autographed them for you.”

“Thank you,” each of the girls said, as they were handed a copy.

“Now for the big moment. I am the only one who has seen the completed new manga. I have bagged, boarded and numbered fifty copies.”

Billy and his group then began a production line. Each of them autographed one of their pictures in the mangas, in their character name. Billy signed his as Fujiko/Aki on the first drawing of Fujiko in the blue dress.

Billy and his group took the same number manga that they had before and presented Sharon, Cindy and Kelly with numbers nine, ten and eleven.

They all took a bit of time to look over their mangas. They had all seen the mock-ups on the story boards and on the computer, but actually holding something in their hands that they had actually worked on, felt good to them.

“Billy you have done a wonderful job on these manga, both ours and Sharon’s group looks so good,” Amanda said.

“Yeah Billy, I… no we cannot say enough. Thank you so very much,” Sharon said, a sentiment that was echoed by all the girls.

Billy blushed a bit, “You girls did all the hard work. I just helped with your stories and set up the print jobs.”

“Don’t discount what you did, Billy,” Janice said. “Without you we would have had no clue about how to produce printed mangas. I am sure the cost would have been prohibitive without you doing the extra work for the printer. We would still be doing photocopy mangas without you.”

“If you want Sharon, I will bring your manga to the show,” Billy offered.

“Ok, just leave us three color plates and we will see you at the show,” she said, winking at Billy.

“Be good,” Janice said.

“Don’t worry, I promise not to do anything with Billy that would hurt you guys.”


The night before the show, they all met at Rhiannon’s home. She had talked her parents into spending the weekend together away from home. She was a good kid, so their parents agreed and drove to Corpus Christi for a four-day weekend.

As soon as Billy got to her home, he and Janice were rushed into the bathroom and Evelyn made her appearance. She came out of the bathroom dress in a short sleeved, white, cotton blouse, camisole, bra, panties, diamond patterned, off black, stay up stockings, navy mini skirt, that didn’t cover the stocking tops and navy tassel flats. He also wore the corset, only moderately tightened so that they could more easily get his waist down for tomorrow.

Billy had done his own makeup, under Janice’s tutelage. He had done a very simple job that almost every girl does on a daily basis, except for the wig and false eyelashes, which Janice helped him with. They weren’t too radical, but his lashes were just too thin and short for most women.

“Let’s go out to eat,” Amanda said. “It will give Evelyn more practice at being a girl.”

“Ok, I guess,” Evelyn said. She was nervous, but not as much as when she first played Aki.

The girls had to take two cars because Billy’s van was full of mangas manga. They fooled around and joked between themselves at a local diner. Evelyn fit right in with the other girls. They talked about the show and what they hoped for their manga.

After diner they went to a theater that was having an anime weekend. They got to see three shows for the price of one. They watched Americanized versions of Princess Mononoko, Initial D and Love Hina.


The girl’s were up at about five the next morning. Evelyn dressed in a robe, after a bath, before she was allowed to have a small breakfast. After they all had something to eat things began to get serious around the house.

Rhiannon got out her airbrush air brush and gave Evelyn a rich golden tan from head to toe. “This will wash off completely after a good long soak in the warm tub, using a good body wash, in case you are wondering, Evelyn. I think this will complete your disguise. I think you will look pretty good and completely natural.”

When Rhiannon finished, Evelyn looked like she had lived in Southern California all her life. After the spray tan had a chance to dry, Evelyn dressed in her bra, gaff, pettie-pants and corset. Rhiannon then did Evelyn’s makeup in a dramatic daytime look, including the Oriental fold of the eyelids and crowned her with a curly blonde wig, using spirit gum at the scalp line and bobby bins to hold it down.

Evelyn’s corset was tightened to twenty-four inches. She had had Janice’s help wearing a corset several times a week, for several hours. She wasn’t as uncomfortable as the first time she was tightened into a corset and she could still engage in moderate activity, she found. She just couldn’t run very far in one, not that she tried.

Evelyn sat straight in a chair, brought her knee to her chest and one leg at a time drew her stockings on. She then was assisted into the rest of her getup. They let her wear her flats and put her heels in her purse, so she could let her feet rest at times throughout the day.

The rest of the girls dressed in costumes that were more like what Evelyn wore, except they didn’t wear the voluminous petticoats. They wore standard girly anime clothing. Short skirts and pretty frilly blouses, with lots of ribbons and lace, was the standard fare, except for Midori/Amanda and Hana/Cara.

The costume Midori wore wasn’t as dowdy as her first outfit. In fact, she was very pretty but conservative. She wore a plain white blouse, ribbon tie, a fitted black Jacket, knee length black skirt that hit just below the knee, with lace at the hem, Mary Jane shoes, with an inch and a half heel and her horn rim glasses. Her hair was up in a bun of course and a plain looking makeup job. She was positively scandalous and loved it, for a librarian.

Hana wore a blouse, rear zip black leather pants, black leather vest, bolo tie and heels with her hair slicked back. Hana didn’t strap her boobs down, but wore a minimizer bra with the tight vest. Her boobs were just a little more prominent than before. She had rolled up socks as padding in the front of her panties, for a more ambiguous appearance and heels with trouser socks that really muddied the issue. She wore makeup to hide the natural feminine qualities of her face and gave her a slight 5’o clock shadow.

Hama and Rhiannon took their cars, while Janice and Evelyn took the van. They headed over to Cindy’s house, where their group had a sleep over.

Rhiannon and Della went to the girls’ room to help them get ready, while the rest talked with Dorothy and David Williams.

“We can’t thank you enough for helping the girls with their manga,” Dorothy said. “The girls’ grades have improved, because they study harder and they have been acting more like humans lately.”

“I think they are afraid that we will pull the plug on the manga if they didn’t change their ways,” David said. “Where is this Billy they keep talking about?”

“He couldn’t make it this time. I think he went with his parents to visit a college,” Amanda said.

“Well it is good that he is looking forward, with his education. You must thank him for us,”

Dorothy then gave Evelyn a closer than cursory inspection, “What a wonderful dress that is… Evelyn… is that right. You all look so nice really”

Dorothy’s smile didn’t give anything away, but Evelyn was a little uncomfortable. In her heart she believed that Dorothy had figured it out. Evelyn kept her poker face on and smiled

“Yes it is, Mrs. Williams. I just love my dress. I think it is just incredible, although the petticoats are a bit much to handle. Della is our group’s seamstress,” Evelyn said, without missing a beat.

“She did a really good job,” Dorothy said, as she reached down and turned the hem over so she could look at it. “A really good job of sewing, I must say. Those petticoats are just scrumptious.”

Dorothy’s inspection was cut short as the girls came out in all their anime glory. Cindy and Kelly were just so cute in their schoolgirl school girl outfits. Rhiannon gave both girls large anime eyes, with makeup and false eyelashes. Kelly’s jacket and skirt looked just as good as any school uniform. Della had pinned a crest on her left breast pocket just like many private or parochial schools use. She also had a white bib with piping that made the blouse look like the sailor image.

“Oh my, I may just have to get more uniforms like that to send Cindy to school in. She would just need a longer skirt. Kelly you look so good too.”

Sharon then came out of the room. She looked like a fourteen year old Tom Felton of Draco Malfoy fame. Her hair was slicked back. If anything was wrong, it was just that her face was too soft. She wore a white shirt, coat, vest, dark slacks and a pair of black oxfords.

“William, you look so nice. If you were a real guy and a few years older, I could go for a bloke like you,” Sara said.

Cindy, Kelly and Sharon then checked out Billy’s group. “Fujiko you look so cute,” Cindy said, as she rushed over to her.

“Fujiko?” Dorothy asked.

“Yes, we go by our character names, when we are dressed,” Evelyn said. “Like Sharon is William, Cindy is Tina Brant and Kelly is Kathy Prentice. My character is Kajiwara Fujiko.”

“The boy that is dressed as a girl, because he is hiding from the bad guys,” she said.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Ok, you girls have fun, I hope you sell a lot of mangas.”

The young girls kissed Dorothy on her cheek and followed the rest out the door.


On the way to the convention center, Billy talked with Janice, “I think Dorothy knows I am not a girl.”

“I think you are right, but you handled things very well. If she was going to rain on your parade, I believe she would have already done it.”

“Yes, she seemed like a really nice lady. I don’t think I have anything to worry about.”


At the convention center, Janice parked at the loading docks. All the girls helped unload the van. Amanda had arranged to have tables side by side with Sharon’s group.

They set up their displays, dressed the tables, erected their banners and stocked the tables. It is amazing what eleven people can do, when they put their minds to it. The table, that Billy’s group was at, looked much nicer, but the greatest improvement was at Sharon’s table. It looked a thousand percent better.

Everyone donned their nametags and then went about looking. Evelyn’s first stop, with Janice, was the ladies room. The restroom was full of girls changing into their costumes, and using the restroom before the opening rush.

There was one girl in the restroom that was having a lot of trouble with her costume. The girl was playing a cat girl and wore a tightly fitting furry suit with a cat like tail. The suit looked to be way too small for her. The girl admitted that her chest and breasts had really grown since she last wore the suit. It took three girls to get the suit zipped up. Janice and another girl, struggled to pull the zipper straight and Evelyn was called upon to pull up the zipper. Without the gaff Billy might have had problems, as he looked the girl over. The girl looked to be about seventeen and was more voluptuous than Michelle Pfeiffer or Halle Berry when they played catwoman. The girl wore a crop top, ammo belt and a micro mini on top of the suit.

It was much easier for Evelyn to use the restroom this time, once she figured out what to do with the petticoats, that is. She washed her hands and fixed her face after leaving the stall.

They then checked out the mangas they had bought the last time, especially the Fujoshi. At their table, they had an older looking male head waiter and a younger male waiter in costume, both of whom were cosplayed by girls. They also found a couple of other manga that looked very nice.

All the girls had changed into their heels. Fujiko found her three-inch heels had been switched to a pair of higher heels. When the doors opened there were more people to check out Aki’s table. Their sales for the first hour were a lot higher. Many of the customers, who left Aki’s table, hit Sharon’s table next. The improvements that they had made that quarter excited the customers’ interest. By the third hour Sharon’s group had sold out and Aki’s group had sold all their first edition second printing, all their specialty stuff and about half of their mangas.

Sharon, Cindy and Kelly then began helping at Aki’s table. That allowed the girls to have their picture taken with Fujiko. Fujiko had to pose for a lot more pictures this time. Other cosplayers wanted their picture taken with her. The girl she helped with her costume and another girl similarly dressed, came over and posed seductively with Fujiko in the middle. Janice’s claws nearly came out, as she looked evilly at the girls.

A second flood of customers came over after one. Word had spread in the dinning area, as the customers took time to look over the mangas they had bought and told their friends. Amanda/Midori sold their last manga at two twenty-three. They hung around for pictures and autographs for an hour. Most of the tables had closed by then.

The girls cleaned up their tables and hauled the stuff to the van. They got their garment bags and headed back in to change. Aki’s group found Sharon’s group already changed into their normal clothes. Sharon had brushed out the setting gel, wet her hair and was using a curling iron on it.

Evelyn/ Fujiko went all the way to the back to change. She had help with her dress and petticoats. Sharon tried to peek once, but mostly she was good. The group shielded her a bit, as she changed her bra and panties. Janice loosened her corset a bit, much to Evelyn’s delight. When the girls began pulling out their dresses, they attracted a lot of attention. Eight girls wearing the same dress will do that. Many of girls liked the idea of having everyone in the group dressed alike. Rhiannon did her makeup magic on many of her group, changing to a more dramatic evening look.

Outside, Sharon, Cindy and Kelly hugged all the girls and thanked them for their help. Sharon paid off what she owed and an extra hundred for Billy’s work.

“I can’t take this.”

“You have too, my dad insists.”

“Alright, but I am taking all of you out to eat.”

They all went back to their rides and headed to a nice restaurant. The eleven of them were shoehorned into a table for eight. They had just ordered drinks when Evelyn heard.

“Barbra, you go on by yourself I see some people I need to talk too.”

Many eyes turned to the voice they heard and Evelyn could feel her spine freeze into ice and turned to the voice.

“Hello girls,” Elizabeth Connors said. “Do you mind if I sit down with you and talk?”

“No ma’am, please have a seat,” Janice said. “Della please let Mrs. Connors sit next to Evelyn and get another chair.”

“Evelyn, that is such a pretty name. I have a sister that is named Evelyn,” Elizabeth said, as she sat next to Evelyn.

“Yes Mom, I know that you know who I am. Mom, you know everyone here except for Sharon Moore, Cindy Williams and Kelly Green, and yes they know.”

“Those are the kids that you and the girls were helping with their manga right.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I have to admit that you are a very pretty girl, Evelyn.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

“Now would someone care to explain about all of this.”

“You know that Billy agreed to help us sell our Manga,” Janice said.

“Yes, of course,”

“When we dress up in costume, we and our customers and us get a feel about who our characters really are. Well, Billy’s character, Saitou Akimitsu, is a boy that witnessed a gangland slaying of a public official, and we girls decided, or rather the girls Aki knew, that the best way to hide him was in plain sight as a girl. We recruited Evelyn to play the girl, Kajiwara Fujiko, who is really Akimitsu.”

“Ok, I see. I have been wondering about things for a while. I have seen some changes in Billy over the last few months. I really love all of your dresses by the way. You all look so nice.”

“Thank you Mrs. Connors, we decided to buy sort of a uniform, from the skin out, to wear, to identify us as a group,” Amanda said. “We changed out of out costumes before coming here.”

Billy really wished that Amanda hadn’t said from skin out, but what could he say now.

“Oh really, I hope that you have pictures. I would really like to see all of you in costume.”

“We have hundreds of pictures,” Della said.

“Good, we will head over to my place after you eat and look at them.”

“What about Dad?” Evelyn asked.

“Don’t worry about him, he has gone fishing with Fred and left me all alone. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“You’re not mad about this?”

“Why should I be mad? You didn’t do this for some perverted reason did you?”

“No Mom, it was just to have fun with my friends?”

“Did you enjoy doing this?”

“All in all, I would have to say that I did. There are some things I could do without, like these darn heels and this dang corset.”

“Welcome to our world, Evelyn. I have to admit it though, I wouldn’t have known you, if you weren’t with the girls and I expected you to be with them. You handle yourself really well, and you’re so good looking. Still, I had to look at you for a long time to be sure.”

“It was also research for our manga, Mrs. Connors. We needed to know, if it could be done, what would be needed and what issues that Aki would face living as a girl,” Amanda said.

“And what were your conclusions?”

“Yes, first, for some guys it would be possible, second, there are resources available that helped us a lot, and lastly, that there were many issues we had not originally considered. Many of them could be long term issues.”

“How did your manga sales go, Ladies?”

“Both groups sold out, we made over eleven hundred after expenses,” Sharon said.

“And we made almost ten thousand after expenses. Make that eight thousand, after we set aside two thousand for our next manga.”

“Oh my, that much? And why the disparity between the two groups?”

“Yes Mom, we made that much money. The reasons we made more money is, that they only had some five hundred mangas and fifty color plates. Their manga had fewer pages and only had a three dollar cover price. We had two thousand five hundred mangas and one hundred color plates to sell. Our cover price was four dollars. We both had autographed, bagged and boarded mangas that sold for twenty dollars each, for us and fifteen for them.”

“For the collectors right.”

“Yes Mom,”

“You are going to replace the money you took out of your college fund, aren’t you Evelyn?”

“That was included in the expenses,” Amanda said.

“You knew about that?” Evelyn asked.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, Evelyn. I made a deposit and checked the balance. When they didn’t jive with my figures, I checked the activity. Next time check with me first, ok.”

“You’re not mad about it?”

“Why on earth would I be mad about that? It is your money, you didn’t blow it away and you WILL redeposit it with interest won’t you.”

“Yes Mom, with a hefty tip.

“Girls, let’s go to my place,” Elizabeth said. “You too, Sharon, Cindy and Kelly. I just love your name Kelly Green, a nice shade of green. Call your parents and see if you can come over for a couple of hours.”

The girls called their parents, who were satisfied that they would be with a parents supervision.


At Elizabeth’s home the girls all went to the living room. Della, with Evelyn’s assistance, showed the pictures that they had taken on the big screen TV. Evelyn was embarrassed to see some pictures of her in her lingerie and petticoats. At least there weren’t any nude pictures. Sharon, Cindy and Kelly were mesmerized by the transformation process and asked some questions. Some of the questions were answered.

Everyone loved the pictures of Evelyn in her blue dress. Elizabeth’s eyes nearly came out of her head, as she saw the lovely Evelyn.

Afterwards Elizabeth asked, “Sharon, Cindy and Kelly, I must ask you to protect Billy’s identity. You know you could really hurt him don’t you?”

“Yes ma’am, we have already talked it over,” Sharon said.

“Billy didn’t do anything untoward to any of you girls did he?”

“No ma’am, Billy was a real nice guy to us. He didn’t touch us, flaunt himself before us or say anything inappropriate to any of us. We don’t want to hurt him.”

“Good, now it is time for you to go home. Amanda if you would take them home and come back, we have some big girl things to talk about.”

While Amanda was away everyone pitched in and made some snacks. Elizabeth and Janice worked closely by Evelyn’s side.

Amanda was only gone about thirty minutes. They all retired to the living room when she got back.

Elizabeth had Evelyn show her the mangas. She used her laptop and TV again, paging through them slow enough for her Mom to read and look at the pages. Evelyn had to tell her what direction to read them; she didn’t understand that the pages were written right to left.

Elizabeth asked questions about things, when she didn’t understand. It took her about forty- five minutes to get through them both.

“Ok, I like your manga. It is different, but good. I have some questions, I have seen all the photographs, how did Billy hide his penis.”

“I used what they called a gaff. It keeps part of me up in my body cavity and keeps my penis stretched back between my legs.”

“Really. The boobs and hips I suppose are silicone right.”

“Yes ma’am,” Amanda said. “We found them at some of the resources that we were talking about.”

“Rhiannon, you are the makeup wizard aren’t you.”

“Yes ma’am, Billy was really easy to work with. He has also picked up a bit from us too.”

“Yes, I have seen that. What were the issues that you discovered.”

“Well, Akimitsu would need a lot of support. At first, he would need to be with other girls to help camouflage him, so to speak. He should be kept busy to keep him from worrying about his situation. If sat down, in skirts alone, he would worry about too many things that could break his confidence. He needed a lot of instruction on how to act naturally like a girl. We have had all our lives to learn how to be a girl, Aki needed to know as much as he could without overloading him. He needed to become comfortable in his role to be successful, which has its own problems,” Amanda said.

“And what were those problems?”

“Well, Billy pointed out that if Aki became too comfortable, he might begin to like the role he was playing and might not want to go back to being Aki after a while.”

“Is that going to be a problem for you Evelyn?”

“No Mom, I like being a boy and more importantly, Janice’s boyfriend.”

“So what do you think about all of this.”

“I have liked doing this for the girls, and to be honest, for myself too. I knew girls put a lot of work into their appearance, but I just didn’t realize just how much. I knew that my looking like this took even more time. I also learned what girls were like when they are on their own. They of course knew what I was, they made me this way, but our group dynamics were still different than from when I was Billy. They were more relaxed with Evelyn. They were also more protective of me.”

“Where did you go as Evelyn?”

“Out to eat, like tonight, to the movies and to the mall.”

“Evelyn helped us pick out these dresses, our bras, panties and such,” Della said. “We love Evelyn as much as we love Billy.”

“I can see that girls. So what does the future hold for Evelyn and Fujiko is it?”

“Yes, Fujiko is right. Well as long as it is ok with you Mom, Evelyn and Fujiko might be making some future appearances at other shows. As long as I can do it right.”

“It’s ok with me, I like having a daughter at times, as long as I can get to know this Evelyn. It might be hard, but I believe we can make some time to get acquainted.”

“You said, you saw some things that made you wonder. Where did I go wrong?”

“I wouldn’t call it going wrong, but I noticed your hairless body and that your eyebrows were cleaned up a bit. I also noticed that at times you smelled different, and sometimes there were traces of makeup that I couldn’t attribute to Janice. Some Mom’s might have been clueless, but not all of them. Now, how about a fashion show? I want to see all of your costumes, girls.”

Evelyn and her friends got all of their costumes and put on a show for Elizabeth. She wasn’t a bit shocked when the girls changed in front of Evelyn. She figured that was part of the rope that hung her. Evelyn did Fujiko before she did Aki, because of the change in breast forms. The bigger breasts Evelyn had, wouldn’t fit in Aki’s costume.”

After the show Elizabeth said, “Ok girls, go to where ever you planned to go, after the show. Just be good. At least as good as you can be, you too Billy, I believe you need to change back into Evelyn for your party.”


Over the next year, Evelyn and Fujiko came out at times. They sold over twenty five thousand mangas and they sold their story to a regular distributor. It was getting to be too much for them to manage with their studies. The older girls had college and the younger group had college to look forward too.

Sharon’s group kept doing their story. The girls were getting better at the artwork and story writing. They got a few more girls into it also. Their story also took on a gender bending slant. They included a boy, named Tommy Davis in their group, who longed to be a girl in real life, but they didn’t draw a character too much like him to protect the boy. The boy in the manga looked more like Sharon. She cosplayed the boy in the manga, while Tommy cosplayed a girl.

Tommy helped in both the artwork art work and in writing the story. The girls loved working with him.

Sharon’s group taught Tommy a lot of things that he wanted to know, about clothing, makeup and acting like a girl, while helping him to keep his cover. They also helped him talk to his Mom about his feelings.

She was upset about loosing her son, but realized that he wasn’t happy pretending to be a boy. She would rather have a happy daughter than a miserable or dead son.

He eventually transitioned and had a ready-made support group. He returned to High School as her true self. Tommy didn’t have many friends to contend with, and the rest of the students just ignored the strange kid. Tammy looked and acted so differently, that nobody made the connection. Sharon and the girls made sure he always had friends around. She was one of them after all.

Janice and Billy/Evelyn did get married after college. He went to work for Sam, and eventually became a partner and then the owner. Billy bulked up a bit and it became harder for Evelyn to go out in public, but she was always a part of their lives. They had four children two and two. One of the boys, the youngest, was transgendered. Janice and Billy made sure the siblings accepted her.

Cara and Rhiannon live together with Sara. The twins are into high fashion design. Rhiannon went to work for L'Oréal makeup, as one of their premiere makeup artists. Della went into costuming, cosplay and theater costuming. Bettie got into professional women’s sports and then into women’s athletic wear. Amanda went to work as a professional mangaka and as an editor for several other manga’s.

The end

Please forgive any major faults in the story. My edited version got corrupted somehow in the compare and merge process I believe I got if fixed and have reread it twice, but mistakes may still exist.

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