A Splintered Life - Chapter 6

Megan is nervous and unsure what to do. She has had a lot of dating fail lately and she really wants Deirdre to like her favorite restaurant. She is nervous and worried and hoping the night ends well.

A Splintered Life
Chapter 6 -

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather


Megan looked into her closet and tried to decide what to wear. She was having some trouble trying to decide what to wear. Since Deirdre was not like other lesbians, she wanted to do something nice for her. And something that she couldn’t accessorize with her field jacket. That did make the choices rather slim.

She looked everything and decided that her LBD would be just the thing. She was taking Deirdre to a fairly nice restaurant and the little black dress would be appropriate. It was a nice seafood place where they served lots of tasty things. Megan loved eating there.

None of her other dates had really liked it, but when Deirdre had mentioned liking sushi and other fish, Megan knew she would like it. It would be a nice place to go and hopefully build some good memories there with someone other than herself. Maybe they would then do coffee. Hopefully they would end the night making out. Megan certainly hoped so. She had shaved special for it.

Megan wiggled into her LBD and dug out a nice pair of heels. If Deirdre wore flats, like usual, then they would be eye to eye if she wore her two inch heels. That would be good. Deirdre had pretty eyes. Once she slipped them on and buckled the thin strap she walked into the bathroom and did her makeup. Just a little to emphasize. Nothing too over board.

She walked out into the living room and Jill looked away from the TV. “Wow, you look hot. What’s the occasion?”

“Going out with Deirdre.”

“The Tranny? Let me guess you’re going to that fish place you like and be all nice and sweet. I probably don’t need to wait up for you. It’s so cute when Lipsticks date.”

“Watch it, butchie. I’ve seen you in a dress and have both the pictures and the negatives to prove it.” Megan had been sure to do that when Jill had dressed up nicely for a party her parents were taking her to. She had grumbled about it for weeks.

“That was under duress.” shot back Jill.

“No, you were under the dress.” Jill groaned at that and mimed throwing something at her. They both laughed. “Gotta go. I need to pick her up and make it to the place in time for the reservation.”

“Take care, Megan. Have fun and be safe!” Jill called after her. Jill headed out to her car and slid in. She drove as usual to the apartment, weaving through traffic through holes only she could see.

Megan liked Deirdre despite her handicap of being born a man, and despite being properly equipped genetically to Megan’s tastes. But she was cute, in a bewildered nearly deer in the headlights sort of way. She found that oddly endearing. Better than some of the butches that she had dated. Besides, Deirdre was a little les with training wheels on. If she did this right, she would get to help her be the les Megan would prefer. Helping someone find themselves for her own pleasure. She grinned.

She pulled up to the apartment complex where Deirdre lived and entered the security code. The gate rolled slowly open. She pulled up to the apartment and headed up the stairs. She knocked twice.

Deirdre opened the door shortly wearing this really nice, flowered dress. It fit her well and Deirdre looked very soft and feminine in it. Megan’s heart fluttered at the sight. “Hey there, good looking. Ready to go out and eat?”

“Yes. I’m hungry. I can’t wait. Fish sounds great.” She turned and locked the apartment. The two headed towards Megan’s car, their heels slowly beginning to click in time. Megan chuckled at that. “What?”

“Ever since I was in the military I always seem to match time with who ever I am walking with. That habit became ingrained in me and I guess I still do it. Sounds funny the first few times.” Megan chuckled. “The first time I did that with Jill she thought I was making fun of her.”

Deirdre giggled a little. “I guess she gets a little jumpy about that.”

“You have no idea. She takes herself seriously most of the time, especially with the GLBT group. She wants it to go well and have very few problems. Jack is a bit of a party boy and so most of the work falls on Jill. She isn’t very keen on that. She also works to keep everyone from bitching too much. I don’t envy her. But she does a fairly good job.”

They drove through a different section of town than Deirdre had ever seen. It was a bit ritzier and not geared to catering to the tastes of college students. There were nicer houses and more upscale businesses.

Megan had cleaned her car and washed it, to try and subtly impress Deirdre. As she looked over, Deirdre seemed to be smiling. “Penny for your thoughts?”

“Just thinking about how different this is from when I was seeing Rashem a few weeks ago. He was nice, kissed great, but high dating was a chain restaurant a step or two higher than Denny’s. He made me feel special and I felt more like a girl than I ever had before, but I was so worried about him finding out that I didn’t have a good time. I still play at his table, but it feels a little awkward.”

“And there is the whole fact that while I liked him and liked being kissed, it didn’t really set fire to me. So far, he has been the only guy I found hot and it didn’t do anything for me.” complained Deirdre.

“Now that sounds like a bad lead in for a confession of lesbian-hood.” quipped Megan.


“Come on. I have had sex with men. It was fun and I did enjoy both sucking and getting fucked. But that is not all there is to anything. My problem wasn’t the sex. My problem was everything else. If sex were the only thing I would probably still be het. But I’m not. I found both men and women sexy, but men were willing to ask me out. I liked that. Most of the women I know are a little shy when it comes to that. Some aren’t but some are. I like getting swept off my feet. Guys were good for that. But girls were something I could cuddle with and enjoy it. They seemed to have the padding where I wanted it. In relationships, I prefer them to men. But in a lot of ways there is nothing inherently superior about either.”

“So Rasheem didn’t do it for you, and you haven’t found anyone else hot. That doesn’t automatically make you a lesbian. You might want to sit the fence for a while. If your still skittish about being caught then you need to wait and calm down about that before you choose. Be yourself and date who you want. Why play the naming game?”

Deirdre sat there quietly and Megan mentally kicked her own ass. This was supposed to be a date not a lecture. She sighed. “I’m sorry Deirdre. I just want you to be happy. I like you and would really enjoy spending time with you. But I want you to be happy more than that.”

Deirdre sighed. “That’s okay. You’re probably right you know. Just when I think the hard stuff is over with transition something else crops up. My shrink said the biggest problem is in having to relearn a lifetimes worth of social conditioning in a crash course.”

Megan reached over, ran her hand down her cheek, and rested her hand on Deirdre’s thigh. “Then relax. I’ll help you. I know everyone else in the club will help you if they are able. But from what you said no one knows you are anything other than what you appear to be. So just relax and be. One thing the Army taught me, is that if there is no way to change a thing than deal with it.”

Deirdre was quiet again. “I guess you’re right. Again.”

Megan beamed at her, “It’s what I’m good at.”

The rest of the drive was in comfortable silence, with Megan’s had still on Deirdre’s thigh. Megan thought it felt good there. She wanted to know how other parts felt as well.

The Fishery was a small elegant restaurant that sat on its own lot, separated from neighbors. There was a small parking lot that was fairly well filled with cars. Megan pulled into an open spot and got around to open Deirdre’s door. Both of them shared a smile. It was comfortable.

The doorman seemed to know Megan. “Hey there Megan. Coming back for more? And who is this?”

“Sam, this is Deirdre. I’m hoping to give her a taste of culture.”

Sam laughed at this. “Right this way then ladies. I have the best seat in the house waiting for you.”

Megan took Deirdre’s arm and followed Sam. The table was small and intimate, with a candle on it enclosed in a red glass jar. Sam held the chair for each of them as they sat. He produced menus out of nowhere. “Today’s special is the Grilled Swordfish and Sea Scallops. It is served with a medley of steamed vegetables on a bed of couscous. Today’s soup is seafood chowder. Michael will be your server.”

Sam smiled and bowed slightly and headed back to the front of the restaurant. Megan opened her menu and scanned it quickly. Nothing on it sounded better than the special, but that was going to be a lot of food. She could keep some of it for lunch tomorrow, maybe. Deirdre was scanning the menu, looking for something. Megan smiled, “I’m having the special. Want to join me?”

After another quick scan of the menu, she nodded. “There is so much that looks good I can’t decide. Is there anything else I want?”

“Sure. Get the Caesar salad and we’ll split a bowl of the chowder.”

“I’ve never really liked Caesar before.”

“Have you had real Caesar or what comes out of a bottle?”

“Uh...probably only bottle. I’ll give it a try.”

“That’s my girl.”

They both smiled at each other. Megan felt her heart start to beat faster. She was having fun, and Deirdre hadn’t made any jokes about the place looking like a bad shark movie set. Sure, there were nets and lobster cages on the wall. But Megan knew they were old ones that the owners family never used anymore. They really fished. That was the secret of their success. That and a really good chef.

Michael, a dark haired Hispanic boy came up and got their order. Megan ordered wine for both of them and their meal. He only smiled and took everything down. Megan thought he was cute, but not quite her type. If only he had been a girl. Deirdre seemed to like his looks as well. “Hey Deirdre. Are you flirting with the staff on our date?”

Deirdre blushed heavily. “Uh... no. Why do you ask?”

Megan chuckled. “That’s okay. Michael is really cute. He’s the owners youngest.”

“You know the owners?”

“I was one of the first people to make it through their doors. This place is so good that I came back all the time. That got me noticed. I helped them stay in business the first few weeks, until word of mouth spread. That’s why I know everyone here.”

“Cool. I wondered about the wine thing.”

“Shh. No need to advertise. Others might get jealous. This place is wonderful.”

Michael showed up with the salads. He smiled coyly at Deirdre when he sat down her salad. Megan mock glowered at him. They both laughed as he walked away. Deirdre smiled. It looked to Megan as if she was enjoying herself.

The food arrived promptly after their salads. The food, chowder, and wine were excellent and complemented everything nicely. Deirdre rolled her eyes blissfully several times. Megan smiled. So far things were going better than other dates she had brought here. Deirdre was enjoying the food and the atmosphere. She didn’t seem to mind the familiarity with the owners or anything. This helped her enjoy her own meal. She had been worried that Deirdre wouldn’t have liked the place. No one else had so far. She never knew why. The food was good and so was the atmosphere. Maybe they hadn’t liked seafood?

The small talk was nice and casual and Megan had gotten Deirdre to blush several times with the flirting. The night seemed to be progressing well. Megan wondered if it would continue to do so. She really wanted to spend the night with Deirdre. Hopefully tonight it would happen. She did want their relationship to move beyond friends. She was frustrated with just friends. Something about Deirdre made her feel more protective and butch. Which was weird. Even practicing her martial forms didn’t make her feel that way. It was probably the shy smile. She was a sucker for that smile.

Deirdre gave her another one of those smiles, which Megan took to be from being nervous, happy, and unsure what to do. She reached out her hand and gave Deirdre a reassuring squeeze. Her smile brightened some.

Megan paid the bill and escorted Deirdre back to the car. “Shall we go for coffee before we head home?”

Deirdre just nodded and turned to look at the few stars that made it through the light pollution. Megan followed her gaze. They certainly were bright tonight. More of them made it through the light haze the city gave off.

Megan opened the car door for Deirdre and held it for her. She got around and climbed in herself, smoothing her dress out before she sat. She didn’t want a wrinkled butt at the Last Drop.

She put her hand on Deirdre’s leg again as they drove off. Deirdre covered her hand with her own and for a moment Megan was afraid she would move her hand off. But Deirdre just rested it there, trying to intertwine her fingers. She smiled as she concentrated on the roads. Things were looking up.

They pulled into the fairly full parking lot at the Last Drop. As they walked in holding hands, Megan turned to Deirdre. “You look so cute when you’re blushing.”

“You know, you certainly aren’t helping any.” chided Deirdre.

“Me?” Megan stopped and had one hand pointing to herself, eyes wide in disbelief.

“Yes, you. Stop playing innocent.” Deirdre playfully swatted Megan’s arm.

“I am so deeply sorry, what should I do for penance?”

“Get me a mocha, with extra chocolate sprinkles you cad.” said Deirdre imperially.

“Certainly my lady. I shall return anon.” Deirdre was giggling as Megan headed for the counter. She ordered quickly and brought the drinks back to the table. Deirdre happily licked apart the whipped cream. Megan just watched her transfixed.

A voice called out from the doorway, disturbing them. “Megan?”

They both turned to face the young woman who was addressing them. She was tall thin blond whose shoulder length hair drifted across her right eye. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt proudly proclaiming her to be a ‘Naughty Faerie’. “Who’s this, a new girlfriend? I thought you were seeing Melissa?”

“Alice, I haven’t been seeing Melissa for about a month. She went home to her parents and I haven’t heard from her since. Deirdre, Alice.”

Alice put out her hand and Deirdre took it. The shake was friendly but formal. The girl pulled up a seat and joined them. Megan rolled her eyes. “So De, are you a student?”

“Yes, I am. Please call me Deirdre, I don’t like De.” Deirdre’s voice was a bit sharp, Megan figured that she was about as irritated as Megan was getting.

‘Whatever. So Megan, have you heard anything about Sarah’s Homecoming party? I heard she rented some big party room at one of those hotels. That is so cool. I’m sure they’ll have a pay bar as well. Do you think she’ll do that keg thing again? That was really good beer.”

Megan sighed. “I don’t know Alice. Sarah and I don’t talk anymore. We got into a fight at the end of last semester. She drew a knife on me. I don’t really plan on going to her party.”

“But it’s going to be one of the best parties of the year?” Alice said plaintively.

“And this is important to me why?” asked Megan, sipping her coffee.

“It’s going to be one of the biggest social events of the year, and you Don’t want to be there?”

“Alice, I don’t really enjoy large parties. I never have and I doubt I ever will. I prefer small intimate gatherings to crowds. What about you Deirdre?”

“Small groups are best.” Deirdre shifted nervously in her seat. Megan noted that Alice was looking at her kind of funny.

“Alice, if you don’t mind. I’m on a date. So could you go elsewhere.”

Alice cocked her head quizzically at Megan and Megan could almost hear the gears slowly click through her brain. “Oh. Oh...! Sorry. I guess I’ll talk to you later then. Bye.”

Both Megan and Deirdre sighed when she left. “I’m sorry Deirdre. I wasn’t expecting anything like that at all.”

“It’s not your fault that she’s pushy and an airhead.” humphed Deirdre.

“Well, no...but I brought us here. I just didn’t think we would be mugged.”

“I wasn’t expecting that either. Shall we head to my place to finish our coffee with out being disturbed?”

Megan mentally cheered. This could end up with hot sweaty sex if she was lucky. “That would be fine.”

They returned to the car and drove the short way to the apartment. Megan followed her up the stairs, watching the movement of Deirdre’s ass the whole time. She was enjoying the view. She followed Deirdre in and they both headed towards the couch.

When they sat, Megan took a chance and put her arm around Deirdre. There was a slight moment of hesitation and then Deirdre relaxed into her embrace. They both sat there sipping their coffee in the silence.

Megan kissed the top of her head softly. Her hair smelled faintly of flowery shampoo. It suited Deirdre. The girl snuggled in closer to Megan.

Megan moved forward and put her cup down on the coffee table. She turned and raised Deirdre’s head into her kiss. The taste of coffee, chocolate, and lipstick mingled in the kiss, as Deirdre opened her mouth to the kiss. The silence was filled with the sounds of their kissing and breathing.

After an indeterminate time Deirdre broke off the kiss and stood. Megan watched her rise, her heart racing, wondering what was going on. Deirdre stretched out her hand to Megan. She took it and allowed Deirdre to help her stand. Deirdre walked backwards, pulling Megan after her. She even opened the door still looking at Megan. Megan recognized what was in Deirdre’s eyes, because it matched what was in hers.

The door closed with a slight snap. They moved into each other’s arms again. Their kisses were less tentative and more frantic, as the urge grew inside. Megan lifted Deirdre’s dress free. It fell in a puddle of flowery material on the floor.

Deirdre was wearing a cute flower print underwear set. Megan smiled at that. She also looked down at the only part of Deirdre that could bother her. She saw nothing but a smooth mound. She blinked in surprise.

Deirdre undressed her as well, the LBD falling next to her dress. Megan had on a matching set on as well. They both kept kissing and fondling each other. Their hearts were racing and they forgot most everything around them. Once their bras were off and their breasts were freed, they both fell onto the bed laughing. Megan took control, feasting on the very feminine looking nipples. Deirdre moaned appreciatively.

They took turns feasting on each other. Finally, after what seemed like hours of play, nibbling, and fingering they collapsed in each other’s sweaty arms with only the sheet covering them.

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