erin's blog

Six Days

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I don't know if anyone noticed but the front page now holds only six days worth of stories instead of seven. Since multi-chapter stories are allowed only one entry in the upper part of the page and the lower ten or so spots are taken up by blogs, this means that in six days there are about 40 different stories going on at BCTS. Whew!

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Fifteen stories/chapters posted yesterday! 5605 visitors yesterday and 5698 on Thursday! Over 22,000 page hits both of those days.

BC/TS is alive and ding well. :)

Thanks everyone for making this such a neat place.


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Cold Mutations

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My cold has mutated into bronchitis, combined with my chronic sinusitis and now I'm having asthma attacks. I've got medication for this so I'll be okay, just miserable and a little short-tempered for a bit--one of the asthma meds is a steroid.

I've spent most of my time since Saturday in bed while Mom's situation has moved only to stable. Still no prognosis for when she might get out of ICU.

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Four days with a cold that's not getting better

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I'm subject to COPD so I've got orders from my doctor to come in with a bad cold for prophylaxis against opportunistic bronchitis. So I'm going to the doctor today myself.

My mom is not stable with her breathing problems so they are concentrating on getting her stable so they can do more tests. My brother is working at home today so he can be on the phones and catch a plane if needed.

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Mom back in the hospital

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They sent her over from the rest home with a temp they couldn't get down but the doctors at the hospital don't seem too worried and Mom is in good spirits and actually a little less confused than she's been being. I've got a cold so I don't dare get too close and I'm running a temp myself, a mild one. They're giving her antibiotics and intravenous liquids and will keep her for at least a couple of days. I'll go over in the morning to check on her but I think she's going to be fine and back in the convalescent hospital soon.

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Heavy Traffic

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Lots of visitors lately, so that's why the front page sometimes changes to a simpler layout; it's a way of getting a little more speed for those on dial-up when the site is busy. Interestingly, it's not so much that more people are visiting lately as, although that's up, too, but the larger part of the traffic increase is due to more people looking at more pages each visit.

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I think we just went through a massive storm of people accessing the site, for about half an hour we had huge numbers of visitors. Perhaps it was a misbehaving crawler or something the site went down twice in half an hour. If it was a crawler, whoever owns it must have fixed the problem. Hope, hope. :)

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I'm spending most of each day at the hospital or running around doing errands. Not a lot of juice left for doing stuff.

While on the way to the hospital today, I got rear-ended at a stop sign. Second time in a month.

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Mom goes to rehab center...

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...tomorrow morning. It's about a mile from where we live and I'll be able to get over there frequently. She's doing pretty good, she stood up and took a few steps today and ate a decent size meal for the first time in days. My brother is going home on a 9 p.m. flight and left for the airport.

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Update on My Mom

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She fell at the hospital and broke her hip.

My brother and I are looking into long term care and the doctors are running around with their hands over their mouths for fear of saying something we might sue them over, I guess.

It's a good hospital, shit happens.

Joyce (Erin)

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Happy Thanksgiving

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I realize that it's only a USA holiday but Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Canada and Mexico had their Thanksgivings earlier but this is the big US family feast day, in some ways, bigger than Christmas which is so much about shopping now that people forget to be happy to have what they've got.

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I know there have been other stories on BC or elsewhere on this theme but this is the only one I can think of at 1230 in the morning. If you can think of others, please add them in comments on this thread. I'll turn them into links as I get the time and attention.

...And Never Brought to Mind by Adonna


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Diagnosis: Limerick

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With the doctor jokes around now, this little limerick came to mind:

When she got arrested for leading a riot
Her friends said, "We don't understand, she's so quiet."
Still it's not hard to figure
Her radical new vigor
Since she started her gunpowder diet!

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Alarms in the night

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It's five in the morning and here I am awake. My mom got confused in the night, she thought she was in the hospital and used her medical alert button to try to call a nurse. When they asked her who could they call to help her, she apparently forgot I live in the other end of the mobile home and had them call the neighbors.

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I'm going to breakfast...

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...then I have to take my Mom to the doctor. If the site burns down while I'm gone, Sephrena or Bob will surely call me. :)

Sometime today, I'm going to try to do some writing myself. I need some time to move stuff off the two servers that are being closed, too.

Hugs to all,

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Fiction Rules

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I turned off commenting on blogs yesterday just to let tempers cool off a little. I left the blogs on so people could have a say but there wouldn't be the sort of escalation that happened earlier. That didn't work perfectly, either.

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I'm disappointed

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No one has commented on the insanely cute picture of a kitty in a jack-o'lantern I decorated the hatbox donation side panel with. I can't understand that. Don't you guys know how hard it is to find a picture like that? A public domain one that I can just use without worrying about it?

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A hijack attempt apparently took the Classic BC server (Classic BC, Tuckerspawn, Original BC, Eros Calendar, NaughtyWords, BeastlyThoughts, Ms. Midnite, Qnez mail server, et al.) down sometime this morning. A simple reboot seems to have fixed things with no real damage.

- Erin

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