Amethyst's blog


Hey everyone.

I'm afraid that I probably won't be putting out chapers of Twice Removed or Syryn's Song this week. I have the toothache from hell right now, it's been going for the past few days and it's causing so much pain that I can hardly see straight, so concentrating on writing had been problematic at best. I already have chapters of I Wish and MSPD ready to go, so they won't be affected, but this has really cut into my concentration for working on much of anything at the moment.


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Just not my week

Sorry about my lack of posting this week and the fact that I likely will have to put off posting new chapters of both Twice Removed and Syryn's Song until next week. This week has just been extremely busy and I'm just sooo exhausted right now and lack of sleep due to nightmares and insomnia hasn't been helping. I haven't had time to write anything, and I barely even had time to post the latest chapter of I Wish. Then on top of my laptop dying earlier this week, my mouse died yesterday for the desktop and I had to find a replacement, killing what time I did have for writing. :(

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Trouble again... and a poll

Okay, so despite the Halloween wind storm causing us a power outage that lasted a day and a half, I was trying really hard to finish the new chapter of Syryn's Song for today, but unfortunately events conspired against me. We had anouther short outage today while I was trying to work that resulted in both lost progress and the final death of the laptop I use for back ups, writing while not chained to the desktop, and various other purposes.

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So I've been having a bit of trouble this week getting the new chapter of Twice Removed to feel right. The words just didn't want to come to me, as sometimes happens when I'm not on my meds and writing. So some of the girls in chat suggested that I try taking my mind off it by writing something short and silly. Since Dottie is the queen of short and silly I naturally took my inspiration from her. I don't think I'll have Twice Removed ready for this week, altough it is coming easier now that I got my mind off it for a bit. So instead I'm posting a little halloween treat.

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Feeling better

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm finally starting to feel better, I'm merely down to sniffling, coughing and a bit of sinus congestion. So still a bit under the weather, but a far cry better than I was doing at the beginning of the week. I'm hoping that I can be somewhat back on schedule by Wednesday now that my head is somewhat clearer and I can think again, or at the very least manage a chapter of I Wish.

Anyway thanks to everyone for your warm thoughts and patience and I hope to be back in full swing soon.

*big hugs*


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Sorry about this

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting Syryn's Song ths week. I was already behind on writing this week due to RL issues and general busy-ness, but now I've also caught Martin's cold. That would make it hard enough to focus on the very long chapters that I write for SS, but I also read something recently that has made me turn very introspective and now it's damn near impossible to focus on finishing it before tomorrow.

Sorry again to everyone who was looking forward to it, but I'm just not in the state to finish it :(

*big hugs*


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Twice Removed will be a bit late

Hi everyone,

I had really hoped that I would have Twice Removed finished on time his week, but a thunderstorm and power outage kind of slowed my progress. It's almost ready though and will definitely be posted sometime Friday. I was trying to stay up to finish it, but I'm just too tired, so I'm going to go to bed and get some rest so I can finish it properly in the morning.

*big hugs*


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No Twice Removed this week

Hi everyone,

I'm afraid that there will be no Twice Removed posted tomorrow. I've been trying to get it finished today, but the whole chapter just doesn't feel right to me. So I'm going to let it percolate in the back of my mind while I work on something else for a few days. I didn't want to delay it, but I would much rather that the new chapter be up to my usual standards and wait a week than put out something that I'm not happy with. Hopefully I'll have something else to treat my readers to later this week if things go well though.

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Syryn's Song chapter 5 delay

Just to let people know, Syryn's Song chapter 5 probably won't be posted today. I have it roughly half done and I was hoping to edit and post today, and chapter 6 is 90% finished, but Martin and I are both feeling terrible today and I think we may have the flu or something. I just can't focus well enough right now to do a proper job of finishing and editing it today, so I'll probably have to hold off until next Sunday so I know it's going to be of the quality I prefer.

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The plan

Okay folks,

Since I've been back I've been working on some story chapters, but given that I don't have the time I once did I can't guarantee continuing all of my ongoing story-lines at the same time. The decision I've come to is that I will focus on Twice Removed, Syryn's Song, and I Wish first, on a weekly schedule, with the occassional chapters of other stories, Hyperverse stories, or other writing whenever my muse decides to push me in those areas. As I finish up story lines I will start to add Alex in Wonderland, Raven's Blood, and Winter's Child into the schedule.

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I would like to offer my most heartfelt apologize to all my friends and readers on big closet.

I dropped off the map and I feel bad about having worried so many of you by doing so.

Things were bad for me for a long while, and my anxiety and depression spiraled out of control after my ex cut me off from contacting my kids, while our grim financial situation and not being able to afford my meds was making things worse. I withdrew from everyone and everything but my boyfriend Martin.

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Hi folks,

Easter weekend and the week following it were far busier than I had anticipated so I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on all the Hyperverse stuff i was doing. Add to that the fact that part 2 of Shocking Developments is turning out way longer than I anticipated and yeah not as much has been done as I would like.

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Hey again

Greetings all!

I have returned after a string of bad incidents which started with a concussion and ended with a cold or flu. I am back and will shortly resume my works after catching up rereading them again for plot information and to rekindle my creative energy.
I know a lot of my fans were worried about me and I am here to say that I am now okay (for the most part) and will get to all of your pm's as soon as possible and will be back to posting shortly as I resume work on projects I was working on before Christmas.

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Feeling better

Hi folks,

Just a note to let you all know that I am feeling much better now and I'm trying to get back into the writing swing. There will be no regular updates of I Wish, Twice Removed or Raven's Blood on their regular schedules until next week though. With me feeling better now Martin and I have a busy week this week, getting things done I couldn't while sick and with it being the last week of dance classes for a month over the holidays.

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I wanted to get Twice Removed done by the end of the month but I have ben having the worst case of writers block on it the past week. So I'm going to do what I usually do and take a bit of time away to let it percolate in the back of my mind while I work on other things this week. Hopefully I'll have it going strong again by next week.

*hugs to all*



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Not sure when or if I will be posting new chapters

The past two days I've been a little down. I'd been trying to keep in touch with my kids since I left Vancouver and was getting a bit depressed after my last email to them on Halloween got no replies. I was in chat talking with Erica Jane when I decided to check again. I got a response fro my 17 year old pretty much telling me to stay the fuck out of their lives and stop trying to stay in contact with them after "what I did leaving to be with your boyfriend so you could be happy".


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No Twice Removed after all

I was really hoping that I would be able to get Twice Removed done by tonight so I'd still have a chapter this week, but with trying to finish Pirouette and other projects, having a really busy day today, and a bit of an emotional breakdown tonight over some personal stuff, I just won't be able to do it.



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No Twice Removed today

Hi folks, just letting you all know that I probably won't be posting Twice Removed this week until Saturday. I'm busy with a few rl things at the moment and trying to finish up a story I've been working on for the Back to School contest. There will be a chapter this week it'll just be delayed a few days.

*big hugs to you all*


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weird few days

I have had a lot of ups and downs the past few days. Unfortunately I've been suffering from major dehydration and had dance classes on Thursday and Friday. I also had to attend a dinner and dance last night so I've been resting and trying to keep myself hydrated when not doing those two things. It hasn't left any time to finish the chapter of Twice Removed, since I've been sleeping a lot.

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No Twice removed this week

Hey everyone,

I had hoped that I would have Twice Removed out Thursday or yesterday, but I decided that I just am not happy with the way the chapter turned out and I've decided to rewrite it rather than sacrifice the quality i usually try to put into my stories.It should update again on Thursday, as per my new schedule as I am working on it again now.



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Where things go from here

Well I did it, just like I promised: one chapter of I Wish everyday until it was complete... or at least book one of it. Now a lot of you are not really happy with Sarah's sacrifice at the end and are uncertain where it will go from here. You've all stuck with me through the first book though and I ask that you continue to stick with me for at least the first chapter of book two, just to see where I'm going with this as it has been planned this way from the start.

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So, here's the deal

I feel horrible, not physically horrible but just bad for disappearing and not being able to post anything for so long.Granted, circumstances were beyond my control but I want to try to make it up to my readers. To that end I worked hard the past week on getting Going Green ready to post and the new chapter of Twice Removed.I'm currently working on the next chapter of that too as well as Alex in Wonderland, Syryn's Song, and Winters Child.

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Slowly but surely

So yeah, since my last blog about how much things suck right now things haven't gotten much better. Since then things have been crap-tastic. We're still barely scraping by and being off my meds is bad enough without the extra stress of our living situation right now. I also had a bit of a medical scare. It turned out to be nothing, but it scared the living crap out of me So my mind and moods have been all over the place and not conductive to writing at all.

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Writers block

I've been having a bit of a block getting the words to come to me for Twice Removed the last few days so I'm working on something different for a few days while I let the ideas percolate in the back of my mind. What I'm working on is the new Hyperverse story which will introduce the last two young Hypers who have a part in the main storyline.These two will be a step in a different direction from what I've shown thus far, but I'm hoping you'll find them interesting.

What to do?

First of all, I'm sorry but the chapters of Winter's Child and Twice Removed that I was hoping to have done today will be a bit delayed since my weekend was a bit crazy. First on Saturday I had to do some gardening and Martin's three year old niece wanted me to play with her pretty much all day long, so I was too tired to do much when we got home late. Then yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown. Ever since I moved to Quebec I've had nothing but problems with finding any sort of work, getting financial assistance, getting consistent medical coverage, a doctor and my prescriptions.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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