I've been thinking about making a will. I have a pretty good idea what I want - my furniture should go to good will, my books to the local library, my clothes to the pride center to be given to any trans person who needs a wardrobe, my pictures and papers and any money I have go to my daughter, and my stories go to my best friend Kylie, except the ones i made with Jaci, she should have those.
For the right reasons
it is always a good idea. Don't forget the little knick knacks though, planning now can save hard feelings later.
A will is always a good idea
and since you aren't being too specific, what you wrote in your blog entry is probably specific enough. HOWEVER!!! IDO hope that this decision doesn't mean that you are either planning something silly, or have received bad news about your health!
I have a will, a Power Of Attorney, and a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) as well as a Health Proxy. With my COPD and a few other exotic and esoteric things going wrong as I age, I decided to have all that done as soon as my name change became official. Now I certainly don't anticipate going anywhere or departing this vale of tears anytime soon, but it's comforting to know that all the legal flapdoodle is signed, sealed and delivered.
The will is self explanatory.
The Power Of Attorney enables my executor or person of my choosing has the authority to pay bills and other necessities from my bank accounts should I become unable to do so health-wise.
The DNR is to make certain that if I am truly gone, they won't try to bring me back with no hope for a recovery.
The Health Proxy is so my executor or person named in the document can make health decisions for me should become unable to and it also details my desire to NOT be kept alive on any machines if there is no reasonable hope for a recovery. It gives my chosen person the legal right to refuse the use of any artificial means of prolonging my life if there's no hope.
All good ideas for just about everyone to have, even young persons. If you die, (God forbid) without a will, depending on which state you live in, the distribution of your entire estate can be seized or delayed. As for the other documents, I just wanted to cover all the bases.
My explanations of the documents might be flawed, but the gist is more or less correct... I think.
Hugs and love and the hope that you, Dorothy are going to be with us for a long, long time,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
its mostly the surgery that has me worried
I'm fat, and I'm going to be close to or even past 50 by the time I get it, so there are serious risks, and I'd like to be prepared.
Always best
Everyone no matter how old needs a Will, a power of attorney, a healthcare surrogate, and a living will.
You need to plan for all possibilities. Big question, if your daughter's mother. (your x) dies before you. Do you get sole custody. If you do what happens if you die before she turns 18? I think that I remember that she has some development problems, have u planned for that?
You need the health care surrogate so that some one can make medical decision for uif u can't.
to the best of my knowledge, Rami
as her father, I would get custody if she dies before me. the money would go to a trust fund, if she was unable to take care of her own finances for any reason or until she turned 18.