disturbed by a dream

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So last night, I had a rough dream, and I'm still struggling to shake it.

In the dream, I was at university, and I was being bullied by this guy. So I followed him to his home, and coldly threatened his family if he didn't leave me alone.

Now if I had just lost my temper and maybe hit him, it would be bad, but somehow this calculated anger was much worse.

And like I said, I haven't been able to shake the dream all day, maybe in part because I'm in the depressed end of my bipolar cycle.

Anyway, I'm looking for huggles, if anybody has some to spare.


Huggles you got!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Dreams carry all sorts of messages. But hey . . . you absolutely shouldn’t feel bad for something you only did while sleeping. What happens in Tyr Na Nog stays in Tyr Na Nog!


Huggles??? You got 'em

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Multiple Hugs Dot


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Ouch. Ick. - Huggles on the way via the 'Aether' ...

First, check out this guy - https://youtu.be/NnDnZwM8dfU
Don't take this the wrong way ... but, heck, I do that kind of stuff (but >only< in my head) - while I'm >awake<.

My sometimes-fantasy is the victim-no-more high school student who goes to the principle and tells them: "Get (insert name of bully) in here now. I'll wait." And then parks their butt inside the Principal's office. When bully shows up, our hero/ine turns to bully and announces "All your stuff (litany of offences goes here) stops today. Right now. If I even suspect you, or your buddies have bothered me, in >any< way" (hero/ine turns to Principal and points at them) "I will >hurt< you. So you and your staff make sure I have no more problems." And then goes back to class.
--- ---
Just now on the radio, a comedian says:

"I was a substitute teacher ... I get woken up to be told what school and class to go teach. And I'm always having a sex dream. Or at least it's hot dogs chasing donuts through the Lincoln Tunnel. And the donuts are wearing garter belts..."

I'm not making this one up. I can tell you how to get their on-
demand replay ...

So next time we have have a weird dream ... you and I are just >so< out-classed ...

when I was in high school

after getting suspended for punching a guy in the nose for stealing my calculator, when I came back I told the principal I would be in his office every day with the latest bullying report, until I either drove him crazy or he made the bullying stop.

Believe it or not, it kind of worked.
