I just finished reading a Wiki piece on the Eroticism of Islamic thought. The gist of it is that men are sexually attracted to a covered woman. And, generally women like being sexually attractive. In my years attempting to be a practicing Muslim woman, I liked being covered and really felt secure in the full face covering. The article strips the mystery away for me, not that I think there is anything wrong with being modestly covered. I think that being Muslim or not, generally men like to be in power over women. The Quran and Bible reinforce this. It's a funny funny world isn't it? Actually perhaps all of humanity is bound to the idea of male dominance.
Male dominance, sigh….
Male dominated social groups are more violent and more prone to using that violence in enforcing dominance both within and without their group. Female dominated social groups also use male violence in dominance enforcement similarly. What is common to humanity is the need to enforce dominance with violence.
BAK 0.25tspgirl
Dominance has no reward
I equate this to raising children. When you dominate, you have no control over the outcome.
Slide this over to raising a pup where it’s more easily visible. Beat a dog, dominate it, and the dog you get is insecure, paranoid, frightened, and worse. While you’re at it, get a shock collar.