Just Saying.

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It's been really rough for the last year or two, depending. Am I the only one feeling weak? I know that lots of us struggle and I have the least right to complain of anyone I know. Can't even say that I am on the Spectrum, ADHD, or anything. There really is no excuse for the way I am feeling and I feel guilty about it. I'm not suicidal or even depressed at all, not one bit.

Just wishing that there was someone to hold me, and if the price was physical intimacy, so be it. For me, being an INFP talk and kindness are better. Called a Help line but in this time, they are more overloaded than you can imagine. Gonna Pray in a few minutes. Why do we always leave that for last. To those who are offended, I am sorry.

I wish you all the best.



COVID - seems to be never ending

I think that is what is making a lot of people feel down. Just when we think that the end might be in sight... bang, it comes back.
With the seasons, we know that the dark sad, grey days of winter will be over and the world will feel good again. Not the case with the virus.

We just have to keep going and hope that the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train carrying another even more deadly variant.


Never ending...

tmf's picture

The Spanish flu was active form March 1918 till July of 1921. That's a little more than three years. So, maybe still a year of Covid.?
Sorry if that is pessimist and depressing. Just looking into the past to see what can happen for our future.

Peace and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happines
Health & Hope

Every Several Decades

Archeological folk have said that around every 100 years or so serious disease occurs. I suppose it happens to animals too.

Animals TOO?

laika's picture

To a bacterium or virus a host is a host. To them we're just another animal & we don't get a pass because of our slightly larger brains and delusions of primacy. Welcome to the food chain, meat sacks.

It's been said that Man is the Crown of Creation + our maker has a special purpose for each + every one of us. Unfortunately He seems to use most of us for fertilizer...
~hugs, Veronica

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.