Okay so yesterday Mike and Carol bought a new dining room set, and in order to get it in the house, we used a device called a "forearm forklift" you put these straps under the table, and then the other end around your forearms, and lift it in.
I was less helpful than I wish I could have been, a consequence of my non-athletic lifestyle, but we did manage to get it in,
But last night, I noticed I had a line of bruises across my forearms and for a second couldn't figure out how I had gotten them until I remembered the forearm forklift.
hopefully, the bruises will heal quickly and I wont have any long term issues . . .
I'm sure you'll be fine. Best wishes.
-- Daphne Xu
I don't know you age but will say it this way, welcome to older age. I have found over the last few years that I bruise much easier than I once did and seemingly the least little scratch draws blood. Sometimes I look down and wonder where that bruise came from, not remembering hitting anything to cause it. And the same with looking down at some spot somewhere that is bloody and wondering what I had hit hard enough or scratched enough to draw blood.
Two strong men
We live in a hundred year old house with narrow twisty stairways and tight doorways. A few weeks back we had a new washing machine delivered. The two delivery men used one of those forearm forklifts to negotiate the washer up the stairs down a hall and into the laundry room on the second floor. They did it without causing any damage to the house or to the washer. I was impressed and tipped them well. Shush you. This is real life, not some story posted to BC. It was a cash tip.
Dorothy. I'm sorry to hear about your injury, soft tissue hematoma can be painful. First aid treatment of bruising is to use RICE: (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) . I'm sure it'll be better in a few days. As always if bruising persists or spreads you need to see a doctor. But you probably know that already.
I'm sure Mike and Carol appreciated the help. Sharing a meal around the new table sounds like a great way to show some gratitude.
Your friend
unless they got a slab table
There should have been no need for this forearm forklift. not sure why you have bruising.
My Dad spotted a black spot under his big toenail ..
... and instantly 'panicked'. Of course he was thinking about melanoma/skin cancers.
I said "Uhm... Dad, didn't you jam your toe under the rocker of a chair bad enough to cuss about it?" (He very rarely cursed.)
(You have your diagnose, pressure (like impact) injury/damage.)
With my 'instant' diagnosis, I set his mind at ease, and I don't think he did anything further than glance at his toe over next few days.
Others have given good advice. Other than keeping an eye on the bruising for worsening, don't worry. You might get the 'standard rainbow' of colors as your body breaks down the well, dead blood.
PS: It's either your 'Red Badge of Courage' for helping, and/or wear long sleeves.... :)