Sorry about yesterday

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Sorry about yesterday everybody.

I let Mr. Nasty pin me for a bit, but like Rocky I've gotten off the mat, and feel much better.

Like Superman, I'm in a "never-ending battle" against the bad bits in my brain, but as of today, as the old song says, I'm still standing;


Please be kind to yourself, you're worth it

laika's picture

This probably won't be the last time Mr. Nasty gets into your head and clouds the distinction between fucking up (like everybody does) and your being a fuck-up; which by any standard short of some impossible perfectness you're not. Like most of us you're somewhere in that wide acceptable range between being an irredeemable fuck-up and a faultless paragon, sometimes closer to one end of the scale, sometimes to the other.

I know about being in that absurdly self-critical place and how any + all objectivity goes right out the window. Times when I've found myself muttering, "I'm STUPID; I should be shot at sunrise..." and as absurd as it sounds to me now I believed it. (And I don't blog about it because I don't WANT anyone to try to talk me out of that self-loathing space. I kind of envy your willingness to share where youre at...)

But when you can't trust your own self-evaluation skills look back at your blog yesterday and then at all the comments below it telling you that you're only human, are NOT a fuck up, are a valued member of this little virtual community here etc, etc, etc... These BCTS folks are pretty smart, and statistically speaking I doubt they can all be wrong or deluded or are just being insincerely nice.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


I think most of us can say we've been there at one time or another, and those that can't are probably lying.
