Last night's dream was … interesting. It started with me in a crowed building, that seemed a combination of a school and recreation center complete with a wave pool. I wanted to get to the water, which I could see behind glass, But I was unable to do so, and asking the crowd of people didn't help. Finally Ieft frustrated, and instead of just asking, I began swearing at people.
Still fuming, I found a way outside, which was just as crowded as inside had been, and my attitude changed. Finally, I gathered the people, with the ones I had sworn at in front, and told them they didn't have to be afraid of me anymore. That my anger had been out of desperation to find something that I believed would save them, which had been my true goal. Then I told them I had failed them, and I sank to my knees before them, pressed my head against the ground, and waited for them to enact whatever punishment they wanted.
Dont ask me, folks.
I think a lot of people are 'getting frayed around the edges' ..
... by this whole COVID lock-down thing.
I know I'm having some odd (for me) dreams of finding myself in some sort of resistance movement, or trapped in some evil totalitarian regime...
Probably way better that it's only in our dreams, than acting-out in our waking lives. Example: long-running protests and actions across USA, some violent.
My home town (Chicago) saw just plain rioting and looting in the central business district ("Loop"), shots fired by both rioters and police, well over 100 arrests, some charged with felonies ... fortunately, no deaths yet from riots (as far as I know), we just have our steady background of gun & gang violence, drive-by shootings, "domestic" stuff and such. Sigh.
We should go back to the Land of Morpheus (sleep) - it's safer there!