No Update

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Nothing new. Sorry. This blog was written a bit differently before, I apologize for that too. Today has kinda sucked for me to be honest. It started out a lot later than I wanted and it just sorta slid down hill from there. Some personal shit of mine came crashing at me earlier this evening. Stuff that had been building to a head over the week and it finally got to me. I wrote the blog after that. First rule of writing---at least to me---Never Write Angry.

That doesn't explain why there's not going to be an update tomorrow though :(

You see I wrote Ch.7. I really loved Ch.7. Or I thought I did. I went on to write Ch.8 and I got stuck. Something was really bothering me about it and I couldn't figure out what. I talked to some people about it, had them take a look even but all of them were stumped too. Then it occurred to me what was was ch.7. There was something in there that was so uncharacteristically wrong that it didn't settle well with me. It was on a subconscious level with me first. Then I reread over what I wrote and I realized that I hated it. So the other day I deleted it then sat down to write it the "proper" way. The only thing is, the proper way never came. I just drew a blank. I'm still drawing a blank to be honest. At this point I have no idea what I want to do or where I want to take it.

So no Ch.7 anymore. No update tomorrow. Probably not going to be an update for several weeks to be honest. Well hopefully not but at this point I have no damn clue.



tmf's picture

Take the time you need.
I'm sending good thought you way.

Big Sweet Hugs tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness


sorry to hear that i was enjoying your story emmensely

Completely Understand

I'm hung up on my main story (and have been for years!) because the main plot requires one of my characters to act in a uncharacteristic manner. She doesn't want to do it and is fighting me.

I hope your own situation works out to your satisfaction. Soon. ;-)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Characters making decisions

If even your character objects to what you want to write they are probably correct. I have seen this a few times in my own stories and generally it means that I am looking at something the wrong way.

Why not write it the way that your character suggests and find out what happens? You might discover that you have ended up in a better position or that something completely different happens that works just as well as your original idea.

You have nothing to lose. Your story is stalled; if you don't like what your character suggests you can just bin it, nothing will have been lost.


Perhaps a fresh set of eyes

Perhaps a fresh set of eyes to see to look at the story from another angle can help, ones that aren't as close to you? Suggestions from readers even if they don't help fully can get you going on the right path....

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I am always looking for my own clues

It sucks I know! I am repainting my car trying to get the right shades and tint flecks to make a candy apple red (more candy apple) at the moment it is todark ! My point is this is my trade I usually stop pick up magazines or Internet for ideas ! Your trade is writing stories maybe if you step bhack read mills &boone "yuk" it might dislodge your book . Love you all! TASH

Being blocked is no fun.

Being blocked is no fun.

You hinted earlier that the story was going to be Shakespearian, which makes me think of continued mistaken identity and lightheartedness -- twelfth night or comedy of errors.

On the other hand, you have a lot of elements gearing up towards something heavy -- Dad doesn't seem so accepting of his kids actual gender expressions, and whatever is going on with the hormones and/or intersex conditions could easily be big dramatic tragedies.

I think it might help to focus on one or the other directions, maybe?


Its strange

sometimes life imitates art or is it the other way. Atalanta (my character ) has a mind of her own and really didn't want to be at Whateley and after the 2nd book I started the third book with her back at home. After about 50 pages I realized that her whole story needed telling and I started writing her right after the Christmas break at Whateley and I really got stuck after about 25 pages into it.

I don't know how it is for the you all but me and Atalanta are real close and we neither wanted to be at Whateley and just like her I had things to do that I'd rather not do. We both needed to push through it though. I went months without writing and when I did it was just a 100 words or so a week until I got inspired by a you tube video on an unrelated subject. So I wrote a stand-a-lone-scene in the future at Whatley while the creative juices were flowing and am now in the process of tying them together. So you never know when or how inspiration will strike.

For me writing is an organic process taking unexpected turns and it sometimes become delayed.