Perhaps a few of you are following the latest bit of news with some measure of glee. So, we've had numerous SCOTUS rulings on SSM confirming the right to marry. I just wish to hell that religions would stay the damn hell out of consensual couplings.
What does the Mormon church do but do something quite stupid and hateful that seems mainly aimed at hurting the children of SSM marriages. I must say that there are many higher echelon Mormons that are frothing at the mouth over this. And to me, I just can't figure out what they did that for. Perhaps a couple dozen old guys need to retire? Or die?
At any rate I finally feel like they have stuffed my ass with enough lit cigars. I've been studying college level psychology for some time and it has finally sunk into my ditzy blonde head that if someone hurts me, I have a right to tell them so and expect them to stop. For years I thought that if they explained their hurting me away, then I was wrong to feel hurt. Well, that is over! The Mormons and I are done, and I will either return to Shia Islam, or maybe not be religious? What do you think?
Not hate ...
... and frothing at the mouth? Really? More likely they are saddened that matters have reached such a point.
Look up "custodial interference" in your legal encyclopedia.
Once again, we have the LAWYERS - and those who are quick to pull them into the fray - to thank . It's just another example of an organization trying to lawyer-proof their operations. No church can afford to have its donors funds thrown away defending nuisance lawsuits.
Once they reach legal majority, anyone is free to join the Latter Day Saints.
Only You Can Decide, Gwen
I respect anyone who believes in a higher power, as long as they've reached that decision themselves after considering all the available evidence.
I have little time for people who stubbornly adhere to sacred texts - or worse, to the pronouncements of self-appointed authority figures whose interpretations of those writings often betray questionable motives.
There are enough constraints on our freedom to enjoy life as it is. Why allow men in silly hats or with ridiculous beards to add to them?
And they invariably are men, which should tell you something.
Instead of either or, why not NONE
Of the three choices, I would say none. You don't need religion to find God .
I saw religion for what it was when I was out in sandbox, a way of justifying murder and abuse, a method of controlling people. The fake smiles, the "buy your way to Paradise" hucksters, don't need their mess in your life.
None of the above
Mormons can be jerks, but unfortunately a lot of Islamic believers are worse.
Find a non-denominational church that is more open minded and see if they fit your ideas. There are options out there.