I have talked before about being primed for trauma - how even small things can end up being re-lived as nightmares, so I am happy to report whenever I make any progress on any of these lesser traumas.
The one I am making progress on at the moment is the end of my relationship with Kylie. For months after our breakup, I found myself reliving the last conversation we had over and over again, bruising my heart every time I did so.
Well, now, while I still think about her a lot, I am able to focus on the good parts. And while I still feel sad, Its no longer at a heartbreak level.
Its not a big step forward, maybe, but I will take it.
Stages of grief
So glad to hear you are moving on Dorothy. We all lose things real and imagined that we hold dear and it can seem the pain will never ease. Your mention of an improvement in your life is just the reminder we all need sometimes that time heals.
Rhona McCloud
Big huggles! I wish I had the words to say something profound and meaningful. Having your heart broken is horrible. It gets better though. :) Huggles help.
~And so it goes...
Baby steps
is how we get there. Giant leaps sound appealing, but remember the tortoise and the hare.