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I'm confused.
I went to the SAAQ (or the DMV if you prefer), look like that Canada Post lost my new driver license :(
So every body is nice, very good service and fast !!!
What bugs me is the person that took my new picture called for Miss. !!! but I don't present as a women, to mush baldness to mush beard. There is the M for sex and my first name is not what you can call feminine.

Life is pretty strange some time.
Hug for all tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness

SAAQ, Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, or Québec Automobile insurance Society.
Not to be confused with SAQ witch stand for Société des Alcooles du Québec, Québec Alcohol Commission.


Be glad that they called for you.

You would be surprised at how many people are left over in our local DMV when the doors close and are told to come back the next day because the central computer hasn't completed the processing and sent their new license to the printer.

DMV issues

MadTech01's picture

The local DMV here in Texas is a little different, there are several locations per county, and if you call ahead you can find out witch one is usually busy and when, so you can time your arrival when they are not swamped. But all you get from them when you go is a TEMP license printed on paper untill your new license arrives by USPS. Then for me it is a craps shoot whether they deliver to the right address for my area. My local post office for my ZIP Code delivers mail to the wrong address half the time because the Postal workers do not really pay attention to what they are doing. So we get others mail regularly, and if someone else gets our mail we have to hope they put it in the mail box to be picked up and redelivered to the right address like we do.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Close to the same thing here

tmf's picture

Paper print temp, then by the post for the real one. Real on no. 1 got lost.
By phone, they can tell you where is the closest offices, but not the less busy.
I got lucky on this time, 10 minutes max. On the first try more like 45 min.

Hug tmf

License probs

Our local tag agency (one stop for all your needs, license plates, specialty plates, DL, etc.) now allows us to call ahead and make an appointment! For the DL, you walk in the door with the right paperwork and about 15 minutes later you walk out with your new DL in hand. New photo if needed, address changes, all that stuff all done. Its all in a data base the state maintains. Even the insurance verification, no more finding where you left it, the state and the insurance companies have done all heavy lifting. (Okla. doesn't require us to carry the vehicle registration.) So in about 15 minutes or so, longer in the bigger cities (worth making that appointment!), you walk out the door 15 with your goodies in hand. No 'temp' licenses or any of that nonsence, no returning for anything. The only drawback is that our DLs are not compatible with the new "Real ID" the feds want, so you can't use it as an ID to board a plane. The state feels the feds are getting to damn nosey snd refused to comply with the fed's requirments. But all in all the state system is working well, and we've had only a few glitchs in several years into using it. People used to take a half day off work to go to the tag agency, now you only need about an hour and you're all done.

The only problem is the State police/Highway Patrol are getting new computers in their cars. Swipe the DL, enter a few bits of data, and their printers in the car print out your citation! Some things just shouldn't be that easy!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.