Hello every body.
In several stories, there is a mention of a procedure to pass as a woman before having the go to have THE surgery.
It goes something like this:
-1- Testicles back up into abdomen.
-2- Empty scrotal sacks pulled around penis to simulate labial lips.
-3- Penis straight back.
-4- Surgical glue holding the penis against the perineum.
Is there any reality to it?
Is there any name for it?
Any way to search it on the web without so many other stuff that are no related in any way ?
Thanks for your time.
Have a good night T.M.F.
PS. Thank Erin and the gang for the sublime work you do with the closet, it's a light into the life.
PPS. Thanks Karin for your part of the answer.
Same Question
I asked the same question towards the end of Karin's story. I think most of us agree that it is not medically feasible.
I've seen it
done on the internet, it looks very authentic. Also looks like it could be painful, but that is a different issue.
There is reality to it
Before 1996 I was able to do it. Then I had hernia surgery, where nylon net was used to strengthen the area, and incidentally, covered to openings which can sometimes be used. Of course, the openings were the weak point that created the need for the surgery in my case.
But I know that for someone with less weakness there, it can be done.
The testes are pushed up into the opening through which they descended, or should have, by the end of puberty, so there is a place for them to go.
I can still do that with the testes still outside my body, but haven't bothered for several years.
I've even seen the results.
As far as the rest, your step 4, use tape! FORGET ABOUT USING GLUES!!! The only glues strong and fast enough setting have strong volatile elements to cure fast, which can burn. That includes super glues, which give off a lot of chlorine as they cures. BTDT.
Surgical adhesives hold breast forms in place quite well, but lack the strength for the procedure you described. BTDT, too.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Sort of maybe plausible
I do something very similar, but with 3M Transpore surgical tape (INFINITELY preferable to duct tape, ouch!) rather than glue, so I don't frighten any children or their parents when I go for a swim with my daughter at the public pool. I can easily "pass" in a Speedo one-piece or a bikini this way, though not completely nude because the tape would be obvious; I have to use the showers with my suit on and change behind a privacy curtain. (Keep in mind, I've been taking hormones and blockers for a few years now so I have the curves and skin for it.) It works, but after a few hours at best things start to get uncomfortable and then hurt, from the pinching and pulling and irritation of sensitive skin by the adhesive. This would be somewhat less of a problem if I hadn't been circumcised, leaving the most sensitive part unprotected.
I can almost see it working, temporarily, as described using surgical glue, IF you are blessed with an unusually petite, uncircumcised appendage. Mine is of average size (for a male, or horrendously oversized for a female, depending how you look at it) and there's no way I could make it work without unsightly bulges without running a strip of 3" wide Transpore over it from front to back to squash it into place. I've tried Sauer skin adhesive to stick it to the perineum and it isn't enough--and in no way would I be able to pass in the nude.
Having done the first part, the pushing the testicles back up, I just folded the penis under and used some tight panties or a panty girdle. Tape can burn you and glue is just something stupid. It will burn you, too, and your body sheds skin cells fast enough that it wouldn't hold for long, really. Also, it's painful after awhile.
Surgical tape/glue won't
...burn you, that is.
I use 3M Transpore every day for my tuck, as I don't find panties secure enough and a panty girdle won't work with the low cut form fitting jeans I prefer. I've been doing this for a few years now without problems. I don't do the full "bikini tuck" I described above for everyday wear, but I do use the tape to hold the "labia" in place.
Sauer skin adhesive is a mastic-based rubber-cement-like medical compound specifically designed for continual daily use on the shaft of the penis, to hold condom catheters in place with a good waterproof seal. Unless you're sensitive to the latex in the formula, it shouldn't cause any problems with long-term use. It comes in various strengths, the strongest of which might be strong enough for this job, but I'm not sure the skin you stick together with it would be since unlike with tape, the strain wouldn't be spread out and would be concentrated right where the "bits" come together.
Surgical glue is a cyanoacrylate related to Super Glue but specifically formulated not to burn so it can be safely used to close wounds, as an alternative to sutures. Strong enough, probably, but again, would the skin be?
Costume and fx makeup supply stores carry spirit gum and prosthetic adhesive, which are safe for the skin and fine for sticking on elf ears and fake scars but not nearly strong enough for what we're discussing here.
Oh yeah, that's me.
I have an allergy to a lot of tapes and glues.
I agree, Maggie
I never tried to use either tape or glue for more than a short while.
Changing the subject slightly, I have to giggle when I see a story wherein someone glues on breast forms for a long time, say a month or more.
Again, from experience, I can say that the shedding of epidermal skin cells will usually release a form in far less than a month. And that is in addition to the fact that the body is going to 'glow' under the form, which may also reduce adhesion. But worse, it will not be long before the skin under the form both prunes and smells.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Strongly recommend against gluing breast forms on long-term
Especially during the summer, there will be moisture build up under the form as there will always be gaps there between the skin and the form no matter how well stuck on it is initially as it is hard for the form to follow ever contour on your chest.
For a heavy form, especially, there will be strain on the skin and once skin gets moist, say on a hot summer day, or vigorous exercising, it will tear more easily from mechanical stress.
I would suggest it not be left on any more than 2 days at a time and then only under generally cool conditions.
The reality is...
Tucking the testicles is not something that everyone can do. The sizes can be wrong, and
some people can't really do so. Also, size does matter here, obviously.
I'd like to say, that many cyanoacrylates do not contain solvent stabilizers, which are
more often than not the cause of the irritations. Surgical grade cyanoacrylates are very
strong and also relatively safe and nontoxic... until you try to take them off of your
genitalia. I can't speak from experience, but I'd assume that if you were not careful
you'd wind up doing a rain dance that could leave some pretty major flooding in your neck of
the country.
I'd also like to point out, from an anatomical standpoint, this is a procedure that can
carry significant risks. Strangulated testicles are intensely painful, and if anyone is
thinking about manipulating themselves in this way, you can wind up twisting some things
you don't ever want twisted. Not only that, if you do this a lot, even safely and successfully,
you need to remember that spermatogenisis is dependent on a much lower temperature than body
temperature. So, if you are just having fun, then be aware that you may risk issues with
sperm count and motility, which can be long term and/or permanent, if you do this a lot.
People need to be very careful, either doing or advising this, as it is not without medical
risks. That said, it can be done very successfully, as in thin swimsuit material, and even
lingerie like material, if you are talking about the appearance and shape below the pelvic arch.
However, it still can have unfortunate consequences.
Mondor's Phlebitis
Another risk is that of irritating the surface veins of the penis, by folding them in a way that stresses or crimps them. Mondor's Phlebitis (a.k.a thrombophlebitis) is both painful and scary, although it generally resolves itself in a month or so if you give it a chance.
I've been around the block, dearie!
I remember this "Procedure" from Crystal's story…
Three or four years ago, I read a chapter or two in a story by Crystal Sprite where this had been done to the protagonist so he could pass for a girl in an acting career. If I recall correctly, though, his surgeon applied sutures instead. This was an older story & surgical glue might not yet have been indicated for the current medical technology then.
This was described as a temporary measure so he could appear as a naked girl for a nude scene in a film, somewhat like the scene in the girls' dressing room in one of D.L.'s recent stories. The surgeon also prescribed drugs to prevent erections. Again this was a temporary measure & the surgeon emphasized that it was only good for about two years. After that, he'd need to have it reversed or proceed to SRS.
Also, I seem to recall that the story was not finished. Can anyone else out there remember it, or know if it's finished yet?
Anam Chara
The story is - I Can't go
The story is - I Can't go Home like This.
And yes it is incomplete.
http://www.bevsbalcony.org/crystal0.htm or http://www2.storysite.org/a_crystal01.html.
Bev's site has some Illustrations. Though I would really like to see this complete...
I, personally, have not read this in a while, but I need to create an ePub to read it now.... hmmm, not a bad idea. :)
I've used it in one or two stories
which I have to remind people are fiction, theoretically it's possible but there is a danger where you have skin surfaces held together for any length of time that fusion might occur as well as infection risk. This would be especially true of suturing and possibly gluing things.
Wow, thanks all
Many thanks to all of you that answer the question.
So sticking to tape would probably be the safest way to go.
That or some prosthesis and double sided tape.
The average value of breast
The average value of breast swelling and skin discoloration may be for several weeks. The final shape of the new levee will take some time - up to a year - before it becomes established. Some women experience augmentation mammaire mild discomfort for a few days, which, as a rule, exempt from the anesthetic. Typically, the day can quickly repair mode (three weeks) for sports, work or home for heavier prothèse mammaire activity exception.